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DJ Visage albums
Past-Present-Future | 2001 | BUY
DJ Visage singles
Formula | 1997 |
Formula '98 | Jul 1998 |
Geil! (Let Me Be Your Sexual Healing...) | Nov 1998 |
The Return (Time To Say Goodbye) | May 1999 |
Der Totale Beat | 2000 |
Schumacher | 2000 |
Dance (The Chemist Remixes) Promo only | 2000 |
Thunder | 2001 |
Rock That Sound! | 2001 |
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DJ Visage biography
Danish DJ Martin Sig was born in Copenhagen on June 13th 1973. He attended Elementary School in Copenhagen, then a technical college. Martin had been DJing since the age of 16, then embarked for a European tour as he was only 19. At the same time he recorded some demo tapes in several studios, but they were never released. He chose stage name DJ Visage.
In June 1997 he met music producer Norbert Reichart (Imperio, Decadance) in Monza, (Italy) during Formula 1 racing. Together, they had the idea of producing a club hymn about this racing : Formula was born. Released in 80 countries, it became a hit world-wide in no time, topping major charts all over the world. To catch attention of the German market in July 1998 remix was released as Formula '98. Similar to original version, including a collaboration with Einstein Dr Deejay team, it immediately climbed into Top Charts in Germany. A videoclip was also recorded.
In November 1998 came follow-up single Geil!, accompanied by heavy promotional campaign involving T-shirts, GEIL! condoms, and stickers. Videoclip was shot in between 14th and 16th of October in Las Vegas, USA.
In May 1999, The Return was released. It was a cover version of Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman's classic. Norbert and Martin found the voice to sing the refrain of The Return in Copenhagen : Clarissa, a singer, choreographer and dancer born in Denmark who lived in Münich, Germany. It came along with a videoclip.
2000 : they turned to a harder style and released single Der Totale Beat.
2001 : 2 singles were released : Rock That Sound (reminding a little bit of Brooklyn Bounce style) and Thunder, along with an album : Past - Present - Future.
DJ Visage at Eurodance Hits
DJ Visage biography was last updated Sat, June 16th 2018
Links to DJ Visage
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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