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Einstein Doctor Deejay

Einstein Doctor Deejay   (Italy)

AKA : Einstein Doctor Dee Jay, Einstein Dr Deejay, Einstein Doktor Deejay, Einstein Doctor DJ
EuroDance group
Added : 22/02/2000

Aggressiva (with Michael DJ Hammer)
The Shadow And The Planet
Disco Loco
Für Elise
You're My Destiny
Klangberg Kartoonia
Automatik Sex
Elektro Woman
Cosmic Radio Station
Space Bubble
Back From Galaktika
In Japan
90 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Latest Einstein Doctor Deejay news

28/05/2016 : After 16 years of silence, Einstein Doctor Deejay is back with a new single enttiled Explorya.

16/05/2004 : Einstein Dr Deejay teamed up with ex-Ramirez producer to create the project Audiowerk Z. They released a single called Last Train To Amsterdam (thanks to Nico).

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Einstein Doctor Deejay albums

Aggressiva (with Michael DJ Hammer) Aggressiva (with Michael DJ Hammer) 1992
The Shadow And The Planet The Shadow And The Planet 1996


Einstein Doctor Deejay singles

Disco Loco Disco Loco 14th Nov 1991  
Für Elise Für Elise Compilation only 1992  
You're My Destiny You're My Destiny 19th Jun 1992  
Klangberg Kartoonia Klangberg Kartoonia 28th Nov 1992  
Automatik Sex Automatik Sex 22nd Apr 1994  
Elektro Woman Elektro Woman 13th Sep 1994  
Cosmic Radio Station Cosmic Radio Station 12th Apr 1995  
Space Bubble Space Bubble 4th Oct 1995  
Back From Galaktika Back From Galaktika 12th Feb 1996  
Virtuality Virtuality 23rd Jul 1996  
UFO UFO 5th Nov 1996  
In Japan In Japan 10th Jul 2000  
Explorya Explorya 20th May 2016  


Einstein Doctor Deejay remixes

Disco Loco Disco Loco 1992  
Automatik Sex Automatik Sex 1994  
Elektro Woman Elektro Woman 1994  
Cosmic Radio Station Cosmic Radio Station 1995  



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Einstein Doctor Deejay biography

The producer Claudio Zennaro released under the name of Einstein Dr Deejay many eurotrance hits, the most successful being Automatik Sex and Elektro Woman. 2 very confidential albums were also released.

Apart from his own singles, he also contributed to the first single of the project Mo-Do Eins Zwei Polizei.

It is less well-know that Claudio Zennaro started his carreer much earlier. He even released a first and very rare vinyl album, that he shared with another DJ called Michael DJ Hammer). It was entitled Agressiva and the style (a sort of underground house with a little gothic touch) was very far form the second album. It contained one the of the tracks that he released as single the same year : Klangberg Kartoonia. Strangely, the 2 first singles Disco Loco and You Are My Destiny were not included on the album.

In 1992, Claudio composed a track entitled Für Elise, from the famous Ludwig van Beethoven theme, which appeared on the Italian compilation Tendenthia 5 - La Classica, from a series mixed by Zennaro himself. The compilation also contained some other tracks atrranged by Zennaro's team, under pseudonyms.

After one year of silence, Einstein Dr Deejay was back in 1994 with the big hit Automatik Sex. Jasmine (Moka DJ's friend at this time) was the voice. It peaked #7 in in the maxi sales charts in France, #21 in the club charts.

Federica Micheli was the voice of the follow-up Elektro Woman (and maybe Cosmic Radio Station ?). Elektro Woman was #10 in in the maxi sales charts in France, #15 in the French club charts. Patty Musolino contributed to the vocals of Space Bubble.

1996 was a very rich year for Einstein Dr Deejay, with 3 singles released. Back From Galactica was #39 in the Austrian charts. The last one is the very rare UFO, which seems to have been released in Italy only, as vinyl, and not to have had the success expected.

Several years after, he is ready to climb the international charts once again with his newest single In Japan, an absolutely high-end production, with very particular vocals, trendy sounds and a dreamy refrain. The idea of the track was started with his friend Killer Faber in the studios of Expanded in Bologna, and finished at Dancelab in Austria. This song is a potential top-hit. It was released in Italy under the Hitland label.

More recently, Claudio began a collaboration with Norbert Reichart (Imperio's producer). This is how he took part to the production of Formula 1, the first single of DJ Visage. The studios have been transferred from little to Montecarlo and that's where they make all their productions. They use the most modern mixers, expanders and soft.

Currently Claudio lives in Montecarlo, even if periodically he returns to Udine (his city) in order to be with his daughter Elena (9 years old) and his family. His DJ activity has been practically supplanted by the one of full time-producer. Even if from time to time he makes some appearances in Austria and more rarely in Italy for very particular events.

2000 : At the end of 2002, Einstein Dr Deejay teamed up with the Ramirez Team to release the maxi Infierno under the name Audiowerk Z (Label DFC).

2004 : Einstein Dr Deejay was back with Audiowerk Z for the single Last Train To Amsterdam.

2006 : in September a dance single was released under the name Einstein Doctor Deejay feat Will K, entitled Ce silence me devore. It was composed by Chirico and Facchinetti.

Thanks to Nico, GUKP, Klems, Astralys and Ligeia for the latest news

Einstein Doctor Deejay biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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