Clarke_rozlyne Captain_hollywood Jordan_alison Karma Penxten_regi Rebeca Whigfield

Contact me

The Encyclopaedia takes a break

I've been working alone like crazy on this website during 24 years.

I had the stupid hope that one day I could make a living out of it.
But I am getting tired. It's no fun anymore. And I just don't have time. So I stop.
I will probably post updates from time to time, but only when I want : after all I do it for free ;-).
I did it for the love of eurodance. But most artists don't show any gratitude and some of them keep on harassing me to censor informations or manipulate the hitlist results.

And visitors don't show any interest by buying the music, sharing the articles or visiting the ads.

I leave the website online. Website is for sale, are you interested in buying it ?

And remember... Eurodance will never die as long as you keep on listening to it !

Sorry, the contact form is not available anymore because I don't have time to read and answer mails.

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