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Today is their birthday !
Out now15/01/2025 at 11:18
New from FatFoont, the song Rock Your Body Listen to it here
Interview14/01/2025 at 23:15
Annerley Gordon was interviewed by Blondiekat More infos
Out now13/01/2025 at 18:13
Today, E-Bomber released the Instrumental versions of his song Energy Drink Listen to it here
Coming soon11/01/2025 at 14:53
Dagoth, Mi-Lenika and D-Base will release the EP Side B on January 17. It will include 5 tracks, all of them 2025 mixes (thanks to Dagoth)
Out now09/01/2025 at 23:35
Thomas Anders will release an album of his version s from Modern Talking's hits : … Sings Modern Talking: The 1st Album is planned for March 7th
Cover08/01/2025 at 08:01
KU Minerva was featured by Beland Ros & Julio Posadas on a hardstyle cover of Jam & Spoon's anthem Right In The Night
Coming soon07/01/2025 at 10:09
Tom Civic's next single will be entitled Color Watch it here
Out now06/01/2025 at 14:44
You can now preorder a limited, remastered re-edition of SEX Appeal's CD album Peeping Tom Buy it here
Teaser05/01/2025 at 10:38
Big Daddi shared a snippet from his forthcoming single Zoomba! Wiggle Shake Lala Watch it here
New video04/01/2025 at 07:16
Snap's anthem The Power was used recently in a commercial for Poland's electronics & appliances store chain Media Expert (thanks to Trance Love) Watch it here
New video03/01/2025 at 08:13
2 Unlimited's hit Get Ready For This was used on a Lego Xmas ad (thanks to
Trance Love) Watch it here
Cover02/01/2025 at 10:01
Discover DJ Ramezz, Inna V and ZoOom's version of Sabrina's hit Boys Watch it here
Out now01/01/2025 at 09:02
Pit Bailay released a single inspired from Vivaldi's concerto Winter (from the 4 Seasons series) Listen to it here
Cover31/12/2024 at 08:58
Loona, Sammy & Lesen and D.Mand released their version of the classic Wizard of Oz Somewhere Over The Rainbow Listen to it here
Concert30/12/2024 at 12:04
DJ Bobo's Evolut3on concert in Berlin will air on German channel 3sat. You can also watch it on the channel's replay (you will need a VPN) Watch it here
New video29/12/2024 at 13:52
DJ Effe dedicated his new video megamix to Basic Element's 2007 album The Empire Strikes Back Watch it here
Coming soon28/12/2024 at 14:25
E-Bomber will release intrumental versions of his song Drunk Natashka on January 1st Listen to it here
On the site
The Encyclopaedia takes a break... More infos
Updated biographies
Updated discographies
Tony Dyer, FatFoont, Bartee, E-Bomber, Dagoth, DJ Space'C, Kangaroo, Piccadilly, Jackie Sangster, Maurizio Braccagni, Thomas Anders, Groove Coverage
Updated tracklistings
Bartee, E-Bomber, Dagoth, Kangaroo, Piccadilly, Jackie Sangster, Thomas Anders
Added sleeves
Added lyrics
Di Bronx and Natali - Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey
Added biographies
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What happened today in eurodance releases history
Releases that occured on a 15th January
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90s concerts this week
TV dates
On the radio
Every day at 13:00 (Paris time), Italian web radio MixtimeRadio
will broadcast 1 hour of eurodance selected by Eurodance Encyclopaedia.
Next show
will start in 20 hours
Who sings this song ?
3 simple steps to follow to ID a song
1 Try the songs search engine
If you think you have the right song title. It allows you to search through
singles, albums tracklistings and labels catalogs.
2 Try the lyrics search
Enter a few words of the song and check if the results are relevant. Verify your hypothesis in the sound samples archive.
3 Try apps such as Shazam, or websites like TuneID and Watzatsong