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Jordan Alison

Jordan (Alison)   (UK)

EuroDance member
Added : 20/11/2001

Heart And Soul
Boy From New York City
I Need Your Love
Turn It Up and Down
Do You Run Away Now
Be My Baby
91 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Latest Alison Jordan news

19/08/2020 : Former Cappella frontlady and singer Alison Jordan is now known as Cloé Hedger and she works as a psychic medium. She also runs as New Age online shop. She tells her story in this video...

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Alison Jordan singles

Heart And Soul Heart And Soul 1992  
Boy From New York City Boy From New York City 17th May 1992  


Featurings and collaborations

I Need Your Love Cappella - I Need Your Love 19th Jan 1996  
Turn It Up and Down Cappella - Turn It Up and Down 5th Aug 1996  
Do You Run Away Now Cappella - Do You Run Away Now 11th Mar 1997  
Be My Baby Cappella - Be My Baby 3rd Apr 1997  


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Alison Jordan biography

Born 1972 in a very spiritual family who were told their girl would be a star, she had to spend her childhood learning to sing, dance and act. She attended the June Sandbrook School of Ballet (where she did her first experience on stage, at the age of 5), the Sylvia Young Theatre School and the Barbara Speake Stage School. She appeared on children TV programs at the age of 10, and did an advert for Pepsi as she was only 13.

As she was jobless, Allison was brought by her dad to That's Life 'Search For A Star' competition in 1992 when she was 19. She won, beating over 2,000 other singers and performing live on BBC TV a number of times to finally win in the final with over 40,000 votes. She signed a record deal with BMG to work with producers Nigel Wright and Simon Cowell, and debut release Boy From New York City reached #21 in the UK charts... She had a short (and secret till he revealed it) love affair with Simon Cowell. She parted company with BMG soon after (or she was dropped by them because they judged that her first single was not succesful enough) and in the last year or so has been doing some modelling, as well as working as a care assistant... Her second single Heart And Soul was financed by her dad. She is described as bubbly, energetic and unstoppably keen. She modelled for a Playstation promotion campaign in Italy in the role of Lara Croft, and for the Ford Fiesta

After a casting, she became the frontlady and female vocalist of Cappella between 1995 and 1998

After she left Cappella, she went back to England, broke, and worked as a model during some time. Then she retired from the musical business to care about her 2 children.

She became editor of the Paranormal magazine, that she ran herself. She herself strongly believes in paranormal phenomenons. In 2005 she started working on her first screenplay. Later, she married relationship coach Stephen Hedger. Under the name Cloé Hedger, she does tarot cards reading (she recalls she already did tarot as she was on tour as a member of Cappella, reading tarot for her backing dancers).

Alison Jordan biography was last updated Tue, August 18th 2020




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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