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Loree Williams singles
I Keep Loving You | 10th Sep 1994 |
Gimme Your Love | 18th Nov 1996 |
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Loree Williams biography
Records Company : Union Records. Loree was described as a fascinating and mysterious dancer, model and animator in clubs from Latvian origins. At 15, she attended a modern dance course. After studying 5 years she performed in many shows and toured in Malaysia, Singapore and Germany. In the meanwhile she discovered her passion for singing, this hobby she alternates to fashion and advertising modelling. She came to Italy on tour with her new dance show, which had such a really great impact and success that her stay in this country was prolonged. This how she "fell in love" with Italy, deciding to learn Italian and staying there definitely.
She travelled and worked around the country as an animator for the most trendy clubs with the most important agencies. In a club, she met Lorenzo Carpella, member of the Union Records team, along with Roby Arduini, Antonio Puntillo, Pagany and Max Persona, who had the idea of creating a project around her.
I Keep Loving You was composed and written by M. Persona, L. Carpella and L. Johnson. The CD contained a D-Floorfiller Mix, an Original Mix, Extended Mix, a Rhythm Authority "Touch" Trax and an Accappella version. It was released in September 1994 in Italy, and in Germany under Marlboro Music / IDE in November. Voice probably belongs to Lorenza Johnson.
The follow-up single Gimme Your Love was released under the label Lips. The executive producer was Roby Arduini for Union srl. It was written by M. Persona and L. Carpella, produced by Max Persona, arranged and recorded by L. De Preti and Max Persona, mixed by Max Persona at Union studios.
Loree Williams biography on SAIFAM website
Thanks to Klems
Loree Williams biography was last updated Tue, October 20th 2020
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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