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Safrany (Tina) (Germany)
AKA : Tina Henninger, Kristina Safrany, Chrissie
EuroDance member
Added : 20/11/2001
Latest Tina Safrany news
26/10/2024 : Tina Safrany, Dagoth and D-Base released a new single entitled Love At Distance
24/05/2024 : Tina Safrany recorded a ballad entitled My Heart And My Soul
23/04/2024 : Tina Safrany teamed with Dagoth and D-Base to record the song Hey Boys! Hey Girls!. The song is planned for May 3rd
07/07/2023 : Today sees the release of the brand new single from Samus Jay and Tina Safrany ounder label Eurodance Vibes. Next Friday, an EP gathering this song as well as 2 the other brand new tracks featuring eurodance legends Nathalie Aarts, MC Fixx It and Melody Castellari will be out. The tracks will also be released separately (thanks to Mark Hoogkamer)
01/03/2023 : Last week Tina Safrany shot the videoclip for a new song (probably called Whenever), which is a collaboration with Samus Jay
02/01/2023 : In this documentary directed by Fiorella, eurodance diva Tina Safrany talks about her past and current carreer
18/10/2021 : Tina Safrany published a 10 minutes interview on her Youtube channel
Tina Safrany singles
Love Is The Power | 6th Jan 2019 |
You Make Me Shine 2020 (with Tosch) | 12th Jun 2020 |
Hey Boys! Hey Girls! (feat. Dagoth & D-Base) | 3rd May 2024 |
Dancing In Unity (feat. Dagoth & D-Base) | 7th Jun 2024 |
Love At Distance (feat.Dagoth, D-Base) | 25th Oct 2024 |
Featurings and collaborations
Productions, co-production, executive production
JAP Davis - Black And White | 6th May 1994 |
Arrangement, recording, engineer
JAP Davis - Black And White | 6th May 1994 |
Cabballero - The Elements (album) | 11th Dec 1995 |
Stereotype - And The Beat Goes On | 1994 |
Chart Houz - Take Your Love Away | 26th Mar 1994 |
JAP Davis - Black And White | 6th May 1994 |
Get The Real Power - In The Heat Of The Night | 1995 |
Maxxima - No More Chances | 31st Jul 2020 |
Maxxima - Resurrection (album) | 11th Dec 2020 |
Maxxima - U Got 2 Believe Me | 12th Mar 2021 |
Maxxima - What We Gotta Do | 16th Apr 2021 |
Maxxima - No Regrets | 20th Aug 2021 |
Maxxima - Let Me Be Free | 29th Oct 2021 |
Samus Jay - Lose Control | 24th May 2024 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
Safrany - Think About | 1994 |
Kristina Safrany - You Taught Me How To Love | 12th Oct 2018 |
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Tina Safrany biography
Kristina (Tina) Safrany is not only a singer, but she is also a composer. She was born in June 26th in Jettenbach (Germany), with Hungarian origins. She studied in Schloss-Schule Kirchberg then in PH Schwäbisch Gmünd. She took part to school choirs, then at the age of 16 the competed in different talent shows. Then she started her musical carreer in 1992, just after graduating her Abitur. She did some TV appearances, was a member of an imitation show (she incarnated Gloria Gaynor)
After contributing to Dance Device, she took part as studio vocalist to eurodance groups such as Space Mission (Red Martian) and Chart Houz (Take Your Love Away). As Tina S., she was the voice on Get The Real Power In The Heat Of The Night and Stereotype - And The Beat Goes On . Under the name of Christina, she appeared on Project P - I Give You All My Love and Megatronic - Into The Fire. She joined JAP Davis as C. Safrany and sung vocals for Black And White and Walking On Air. She appeared on Masterjam - I Wanna Know under the name Chrissie. She also did backing vocals for Future Beat - X-Tasy.
She became the female vocalist of the First Base project under the name of Viktoria as she was 25.
She lived a while in Sattledorf, a small German village, Sattledorf, and she is the mother of a boy called Juljan.
It is more doubtful that she contributed to Joy's Orinoco Flow '93 (Sail Away) (a remake of the 1988 Enya classic) because that track was released under an Italian label, and when you listen carefully, the vocalist has rather an Italian accent.
Tina teamed up with her husband, pianist Uwe Köhler. They gave appearences, singing covers of classic ballads and gospel anthems. She recorded a CD entitled Vocal And Piano Dreams that cound be ordered on her official website.
2003 : Tina can be booked to sing during weddings and private events.
2009 : Tina released single Free Way under stage name First B.
2015 : she took part to real-TV show The Voice of Germany.
2018 : she teamed with rapper Freeze to record single You Taught Me How To Love.
2019 : Tina recorded two great classic eurodance songs and videos entitled Love Is The Power and I Believe In Love. She still sings in weddings (about 80 weddings per year), and was even filmed in an episode of real-TV show Vier Hochzeiten und eine Traumreise... She performed in May in Peru, where she has a big fanbase, on the stages of 2 shows : Recordando los 90s and 90s Lover Fest. She nowadays lives in Beilstein-Jettenbach.
Thanks to to Darren aka Wooba and Necronomic
Kristina Safrany official website
Tina Safrany biography was last updated Wed, October 13th 2021
Links to Tina Safrany
Official websites
Kristina Safrany freie Rednerin
Kristina Safrany official website
Kristina Safrany on Facebook
Tina Safrany on DMN Records
Tina Safrany on Instagram
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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