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Smile   (Sweden)

Bubble Gum group
Added : 13/08/2004

Future Girls
Kissy Kissy
Domo Domo Domo
Golden Sky
Mr. Wonderful
Dancing All Alone
Doo Be Di Boy
Smile Paradise
Golden Sky
Doki Doki
Party Around the World
Butterfly 09
Moshi Moshi
Our Little Corner
Koko Soko 2016
A Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Butterfly (Aniversary)
97 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Latest Smile news

02/12/2018 : will release a anniversary eidition of their hit Butterfly on December 8th.

03/07/2017 :'s long-awaited new album Forever should be finally out on July 14th.

28/09/2016 : Discover snippets of's forthcoming album Forever.

28/05/2016 : Smile-dk's new single is a 2016 rework of their song Koko Soko (thanks to Pim).

27/11/2015 : Smile-dk's new single is entitled Our Little Corner.

08/11/2015 : Smile-dk organize a remix contest : create an original remix for one of their 3 songs Butterfly, Boys or Our Little Corner and it could be included on the new album Forever. Contest end on November 30th.

27/10/2015 : Veronica from announced that a new album entitled Forever was planned for end 2015, followed by a club tour in China (thanks to Igor)

More news


Smile albums

Smile Smile 1998
Future Girls Future Girls 2001


Smile singles

Butterfly Butterfly 1998  
Coconut Coconut 1998  
Boys Boys 1999  


Aliases - Records released under other names

Kissy Kissy Smile-Dk - Kissy Kissy  
Domo Domo Domo Smile-Dk - Domo Domo Domo  
Golden Sky Smile-Dk - Golden Sky  
Mr. Wonderful Smile-Dk - Mr. Wonderful 1999  
Dancing All Alone Smile-Dk - Dancing All Alone 1999  
Doo Be Di Boy Smile-Dk - Doo Be Di Boy 19th Jul 2000  
Smile Paradise Smile-Dk - Smile Paradise (album) 2001  
Golden Sky Smile-Dk - Golden Sky (album) 2002  
Doki Doki Smile-Dk - Doki Doki 2008  
Party Around the World Smile-DK - Party Around the World (album) Oct 2008  
Butterfly 09 Smile-Dk - Butterfly 09 2009  
Moshi Moshi Smile-Dk - Moshi Moshi Nov 2011  
Our Little Corner Smile-dk - Our Little Corner 26th Nov 2015  
Koko Soko 2016 Smile-dk - Koko Soko 2016 25th May 2016  
Forever Smile-dk - Forever (album) 14th Jul 2017  
A Merry Christmas Smile-Dk - A Merry Christmas 17th Nov 2023  
Happy New Year Smile-Dk - Happy New Year 25th Nov 2023  
Butterfly (Aniversary) Smile-Dk - Butterfly (Aniversary) 25th Nov 2023  


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Smile biography

Smile started as a duet of Nina Boquist (the brunette) and Veronica Larsson (the blonde). Veronica started singing and dancing since a very young age and actually she had her first international release in Japan back in 1995 as a member of the Swedish eurodance group Look Twice where Veronica was lead singer.

Their songs were composed and written by Robin Rex and Robert Uhlmann, produced by Mik Christensen. They had a lot of success in Japan and many of their song were featured on Dancemania and DDR compilations.

Their second album Future Girls showed they were able to recapture the energy from their first album and improve on it for this outing. Afterwards, the group was renamed as Smile.DK and Nina was replaced by a new singer called Malin. She had been singing and dancing since she was 5 years old and has lately been doing backing vocals for many famous Swedish musicians. She is described as a smily and very happy girl. Malin already knew Veronica since 1994 and they were very good friends.

A sort of Best Of album was released in 2001 in Japan, under the group's new name.

Golden Sky was the title of the third album. A strong follow-up to the two predecessors that sold more than 600.000 units altogether. Golden Sky contained 11 tracks, including a special Japanese bonus track. The tracks emphasized Smile's mission : to entertain and create smiles and happiness, accomplished through catchy melodies spiced with cute and funny lyrics. Smile managed to create many moods and scenarios through their music. Ranging from up-tempo to tender sensitivity in ballads. And of course the tracks is bound together by the beautiful voices of Malin and Veronica.

The producers behind the album were Robert Uhlmann, Dreamworld and Hatmann & Langhoff - a collection of the best producers of the famous Scandinavian dance pop music scene.

Veronica became a mom in 2004, and Malin did too in 2005.

2008 : Smile are back with a brand new single called Doki Doki. "Doki Doki" is a Japanese term that describes the beat of a heart when someone gets nervous or embarrassed... The single will released many remixes and a bonus track.

They got signed under a new record label, and got new producers (Mr Jay aka Mezzo) and a new member too. Due to personal matters, Malin had to leave the group. She nowadays lives in Stockholm. After her departure, Veronica asked a fellow recording partner, Hanna, 21, to join her in the studio. Hanna used to work with Pandora as a background vocalist in studio and on stage.

The project announced plans for 2 albums coming out, and several US performances. The first album would contain brand new song, and second one would include '08 versions of the previous hits. They will appear in August at the San-Japan convention is San Antonio, Texas (USA) and in 2009 at the Sakura anime convention in Seattle.

In June, the title of the forthcoming new album was revealed : will be entitled Party Around The World. It will include over 10 brand new original tracks and special bonuses. Premiering on sale in August 2008 at San-Japan convention.

Veronica Larsson is also working on some solo projects (such as Skyrockerz) under the name Weronica.

2009 : the album track Koko Soko was featured in Konami's famous game Dance Dance Revolution X. Smile-Dk's next single was a remixed version of their hit Butterfly.

2010 : Hanna left Smile-dk project, being replaced by Cecilia. The new team is currently working on a new album.

2011 : Cecilia gave birth to a daughter on June 29th. Smile-DK's new single was entitled Moshi Moshi.

2012 : Veronica gave birth to a daughter on the 26th of February.

2013 : Veronica announced that she would keep on fronting as only member of the project and that a new album was on its way

2015: a new album entitled Forever was planned for end 2015, along with a new single called Our Little Corner and a club tour in China

Thanks to Mikoo, Klems, Tavi Meran, Tyler, Abelito and Vision
Smile-dk Official website

Smile biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

Charts (singles)

Boys #28




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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