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Silja   (France)

EuroDance group
Added : 20/11/2001

How Could I Find Love
Time For Eternity
Flesh & Fire
J'efface Et J'oublie
Tout Va Bien
C'est Mon Homme
J'Arrête De Fumer
Tes Ptits Défauts
I Shot The Sheriff
Never Slow Down
93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Silja albums

Silja Silja 1999


Silja singles

How Could I Find Love How Could I Find Love 1994  
Time For Eternity Time For Eternity 1994  
Flesh & Fire Flesh & Fire 1995  
J'efface Et J'oublie J'efface Et J'oublie 1998  
Tout Va Bien Tout Va Bien Promo only 1999  
C'est Mon Homme C'est Mon Homme 1999  
J'Arrête De Fumer J'Arrête De Fumer 2000  
Tes Ptits Défauts Tes Ptits Défauts 2004  


Featurings and collaborations

I Shot The Sheriff Spiral 3 - I Shot The Sheriff 2005  

Aliases - Records released under other names

Never Slow Down Célia Gruss - Never Slow Down Sep 2013  


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Silja biography

Musical team : R. Deseltz, I. Flex

Silja was born Celia Gruss in Paris. Her mother was born in Memphis and her father was a talented French blues piano player. She has one brother who is a journalist and lives in Florida. Legend said that her mother chose her first name after reading some old English poems. It was also the first name of a good friend of hers. Silja grew up in Paris, London,Washington D.C., and Los Angeles (where she studied in a French school, before beginning sociology studies). She sung in a classical choir when she was a collegian. A stay at the Berkeley School of music and meetings with several musicians like Taj Mahal and Ben Harper convinced her to begin a musical carreer. She went back to France in order to find a job, she lived in one mother's friend's house. As she was selling American newspapers, she met a guy who offered her a job of secretary in a graphic arts society. She refused, and told him that she would like to begin a musical carreer. Several days later, he invited her for a lunch with a producer (Michael Cretu, creator of Enigma). This is how her first single How Could I Find Love was finally released in 1994.

For the second single Time For Eternity, the video-clip was shot in a car trash in Halifax near London, where ravers meet and dance together. In 1995 Silja released her third single Flesh And Fire, from a forthcoming first album which unfortunately never came out. For once, it was produced by P. de Saint-Front and David Fairstein (who, with P. Simpson, was behind projects such as Latino Party, Latino Inferno, 2 Pirates In A Club, Ibizaa...). Afterwards, everything became very quiet about her.

She describes herself as being full of tenacity but not very patient. She hates unpolite people. In a man she appreciates his sense of humour. She likes eagles. Her favourite song is Eyes Of The World of the Grateful Dead. She likes Jimi Hendrix, Joni Mitchel, and admires Magic Johnson and Liz Taylor. She likes rock, funk, disca and music of the 70's. She likes chinese cooking. She always choses futuristic clothes for her live appearances but in private she prefers wearing simple

After 3 excellent Eurodance singles and a pause of 2 years, Silja's carrier was oriented towards a totally new direction : French pop songs. She even released an album totally in French. She lives in Montmartre.

2004 : Silja did vocals on the songs I Melt With You and Wishing on Nouvelle Vague's first album (a collection of new-wave and post punk covers featuring various female vocalists). She contributed to the sountrack of French movie "Le plus beau jour de ma vie" with the song Tes p'tits défauts. She also recorded songs for a childrens' book published in France, as well as voices for TV ads, and for several other French movies. Silja has also completed 4 new pop electro songs with Marc Collin.

2006 : Silja sung on track Let Me Go on Nouvelle Vague's second album, which hit the stores in July. In October, her cover of Bob Marley's I Shot the Sheriff was featured on Amnesia Chill Out 2 compilation. On October 15th, another song featuring Silja called Futures was featured on the latest Dark Globe album.

2009 : Silja keeps on co-writing for TV ads, and finished recording a song for the third Nouvelle Vague album, a cover of Simple Minds' The American, which was out on 8th June 2009.

Thanks to Nico and Abelito

Silja biography was last updated Thu, February 13th 2020

Charts (singles)

How Could I Find Love #34
Time For Eternity #50




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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