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Laurent N'Diaye singles
Feu Sacré | 1985 |
Featurings and collaborations
PoLo - Together Forever | 1995 |
Lorenz D - Mystery | 19th Jun 1995 |
Bangman - Bang Bang | 1996 |
XS ft. DC Mark - I Need You | 1995 |
Digilove - Touch Me | 22nd Dec 1994 |
Black 4 White - Cannibal | 18th Apr 1995 |
PoLo - I Want You | 26th Jul 1995 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
Laurent - Bad Boys | 1990 |
Laurent ND - Et Si... | 31st Oct 2023 |
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Laurent N'Diaye biography
Singer, songwriter and dancer Laurent Thierry N'Diaye was born in Paris, grew up in the USA and Italy. His dad was a tap dancer and a teacher. He made his debut at the age of 10 in the role of Scipio in "Porgy and Bess". 5 years later, he starred in the movies "La Boum" in 1980 and "La Boum 2" in 1982, playing the role of Arnaud. Then he did vocal and dance studies in Berlin. He was a member of the France national figure skating team and at the age of 19, he became soloist at Holiday on Ice.
He released the singles Feu Sacré in 1985 and Bad Boys in 1990. He was frontman for projects Lorenz D and Bangman. As English was his mother language He also contributed as songwriter to Black 4 White Cannibal, Digilove Touch Me and Po.Lo I Want You. When Po.Lo's singer Fabio had to leave the project, DWA offered him to tour, lipsyncing on the song.
He appeared in some musicals in Germany, Switzerland in Italy. In 2000 he was working on a solo album which would include the song Juanita Banana (a Henri Salvador cover).
2010 : he worked with Davide Riva (Whigfield) on the song Everybody Dance ! .
2023 : he released a new EP Et Si... containing 5 songs such as La Chamade under the stage name Laurent ND
Laurent N'Diaye interview by Rikardo
Laurent N'Diaye biography was last updated Wed, June 19th 2024
Links to Laurent N'Diaye
Official websites
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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