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Mystery Records biography
Mystery Records is a sublabel of Benvenuto Ed. Musicali.
Mystery Records biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
Mystery Records catalog
Artist | Title | Date | Label |
Arctic Art | Iceland | 1996 | MTR 008 |
Arloc | Midnight Express | 1995 | MTR 002 |
Beatmatic | With You Again | 1997 | MTR 010 |
Crystal | Numb | 2009 | MTR S024 |
Danny Verde & Phil Romano (2) Feat Anna Buckley | Express Yourself | 2009 | MTR S026 |
DD Clyne & Teacher Mike | Let It Be | 1999 | MTR 011 |
Halmadaxx & Danny Verde | Pushin To The Top | 2008 | MTR CDS017 |
Koros | My Light | 2003 | MTR 015 |
Koros | My Light | 2003 | MTR 015 CDS |
Nancy S | God Only Knows | 1995 | MTR 003 |
Obsession (2) | Jingutz | 1996 | MTR 006 |
Really-Zed | Everybody Muv | 1996 | MTR 005 |
Romantics | Love Story | 1995 | MTR 001 |
Romantics | Ivory | 1996 | MTR 009 |
Shaba | Do U Know? RMX | 2001 | MTR 014 |
Thomas Anders | Stay With Me | 2010 | none |
Train | Orient Express | 1996 | MTR 007 |
X-Robot | Computer Technology | 1995 | MTR 004 |
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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