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Latest Captain GQ news
06/08/2023 : Captain GQ ireleased a rework of his hit Here I Come
26/08/2021 : Discover the lyrics videoclip for Captain GQ's single Rockin' Through The Night 2020
11/08/2020 : Captain GQ released a 2020 version of his hit Rockin' Through the Night
25/06/2018 : Captain GQ was featured by No Mercy member Marty Cintron on his single You Belong To The City
07/05/2017 : Captain GQ is back with a new single entitled Pleasure, featuring Michelle White.
03/08/2016 : Captain GQ posted a new song demo, a ballad entitled 2 Hearts Beat As 1.
20/07/2015 : New from Captain GQ, single I'm In Love.
Captain GQ albums
Here I Come | 1995 | BUY
Poland Attack | 1999 | BUY
Take A Chance | 1999 | BUY
The Best Of Captain GQ | 2007 | BUY
Captain GQ singles
Rocking Through The Night | 1995 |
Here I Come | 1996 |
Come On And Dance / Love Is The Reason | 1996 |
Hot Summer Nights Compilation only | 1998 |
Spring Love | 1999 |
Wakacyjna Milosc (with Alicja Skibicki) | 1999 |
I Want You | 1999 |
Easy 2000 | 2000 |
Hey Seniorita Compilation only | 2000 |
Let's Get Naked (feat. Sal) | Aug 2010 |
Jingle Bells | 1st Dec 2010 |
Once In A Lifetime | 29th Jun 2011 |
Woman In Love Remix (with Kaya Jones) | 13th Mar 2012 |
Dirty Mind | 25th May 2012 |
Bang Down | 2nd Mar 2013 |
I'm In Love | 18th Jul 2015 |
Pleasure (with Michelle White) | 3rd May 2017 |
Rockin' Through the Night 2020 | 5th Aug 2020 |
Here I Come (Change the World) | 28th Jul 2023 |
Featurings and collaborations
Marty Cintron - You Belong To The City | Jun 2018 |
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Captain GQ biography
This Canadian project is built around the Polish born Captain GQ. As a young boy, Mark Burzych (real name of Captain GQ) was greatly influenced by his father, a noted drummer in his own right, and by the many musicians that he was introduced to. In his mid-teens, Mark began DJ-ing in clubs and at events in the Toronto area. His goal has remained the same throughout his career : "to create my own music with my own style".
In 1995, Mark started collaborating with his first producer. Together, they recorded his first album entitled Here I Come. Three amazing eurodance singles were released from this album under the Numuzik label. Rockin' Through The Night (with vocals by Karine Leblanc), Here I Come and Come On And Dance were very successful on the overseas charts.
The 1996 tour in support of the album Here I Come, found Mark touring and perfoming with great euro artists such as Dr Alban, Le Click, Real Mc.Coy, JK, C&C Music Factory, Black Box, and La Bouche, performing in New York, Chicago, New Jersey and Detroit. Mark recalls it as a great experience : "to be performing with these artists was an inspiration to me". In 1996 too, Mark received a Certificate of Nomination from the First Annual Cyberspace Euro-Energy Awards as voted by dance music fans and DJs from around the world and carried out entirely over the Internet.
Shortly thereafter, Mark started working on his second album entitled Take A Chance, which he wrote and produced on his own. This album was released in 1999. The first single released from Take A Chance was Spring Love, which also topped many dance charts.
Mark's style has attracted a steady stream of budding and established recording artists, seeking him out for his studio savvy and musical smarts. Ultimately, Mark opened his own recording studio, Clear Sound Productions Studio. When not on one of his busy tour schedules, Mark can be found there, recording and producing various dance artists and developing new material for his own repertoire.
2002 : Captain G.Q. was working on his third album called Feel So Good.
Captain GQ official website
Thanks to Vision
Captain GQ biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
Links to Captain GQ
Official websites
Captain GQ official website
Captain GQ on Facebook
Captain GQ on Instagram
Captain GQ on Myspace
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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