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Latest Linda Meek news
20/02/2016 : DJ Crayfish did a video megamix gathering Linda Meek's songs as Maxx and as Elyse G. Rogers.
27/07/2015 : Today, Elyse G Rogers, former Maxx frontlady, released single The Love Energy, from eponymous album. Coming soon, her collaboration with DJ TH & Athema Love Is.
30/04/2015 : Elyse aka Linda Meek, former Maxx frontlady, will release her first solo album The Love Energy album on May 11th (digital copy) and on May 15th (physical copy)
08/04/2015 : Elyse G Rogers was featured on DJ T.H. & Athema's new song Love Is, out April 30th on compilation Vocal Trance Vol.1.
Featurings and collaborations
Maxx - No More (I Can't Stand It) | 1st Mar 1994 |
Maxx - You Can Get It | 12th Sep 1994 |
Maxx - I Can Make You Feel Like | 26th May 1995 |
Linda M - Rhythm Of Love | 23rd May 1997 |
Experience Of Music - Free Your Soul (Let It Flow) | 31st Oct 2014 |
DJ TH and Athema - Love Is | 3rd Aug 2015 |
Sync Diversity - Shine Your Light | 17th Feb 2016 |
Maxx - Get-A-Way | 17th May 2024 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
Elyse - The Love Energy (album) | 11th May 2015 |
Elyse G Rogers - The Love Energy | 27th Jul 2015 |
Elyse G Rogers - Summer Breeze | Oct 2021 |
Elyse G Rogers - Wake Up | Nov 2021 |
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Linda Meek biography
Linda Carmen Maria Meek (aka Elyse G. Rogers) was born and raised in Manchester UK. Her mother owns a restaurant. She made her studies in a catholic school directed by nuns. She wanted to become a cantatrice so she took classical singing lessons. She had her first musical experience in 1984, she was a keyboardist and a chorist in a funk group named Chantal. The group changed his name and his style to become Low Profile and in 1985 Linda became the leader vocalist. They acquired a good reputation in their vicinity due to their live representation. She followed her husband Jason, who was an officie in the british Army, to Francfort (Germany). She worked for the British soldier station BFBS where she recorded jingles. She also worked as a PA for The Royal Military Police in Osnabruck (Germany).
She was discovered whilst competing in a singing contest. Having replaced lipsyncer Alice Montana, who left the band, Linda became an essential member of Maxx. She settled in Frankfurt. In an interview, she explained that she found the name of Maxx slightly pretentious but quite funny. At that time, she had 2 cats called Lewis and Cleo. She liked jogging and swimming.
2000 : she became certified as an Neuro Linguistic Programming & Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, gained a Nutrition Diploma, Matrix Energetics Level 3 and Fork Tuning/Voice Diploma.
2008 : Linda remarried and changed her name to Rogers.
Nowadays, she lives in Manchester.
2012 : she did a 3 month trip to Nepal in 2012, working as a volunteer Music Teacher in a Monastery and a Community School up in the Kathmandu Valley.
2013 : she changed her first name to Elyse.
2014 : she was featured on Experience Of Music's single Free Your Soul (Let if flow). Her first solo album Love Energy Music is planned for September.
Linda Meek biography was last updated Mon, May 24th 2021
Links to Linda Meek
Official websites
Elyse G. Rogers on Facebook
Elysemusic - Elyse Rogers official website
Linda Meek on Twitter
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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