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Maxx   (Germany)

EuroDance group
Added : 24/01/2000

To the Maxximum
No More (I Can't Stand It)
You Can Get It
Power Of Love
Let's Go
I Can Make You Feel Like
Move Your Body
92 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Latest Maxx news

28/10/2017 : Next month, Maxx will release a reloaded version of their hit Get-A-Way, a remixes package including 8 mixes.

12/02/2016 : Maxx Diversity is the name of project created by former Maxx frontlady Elyse G. Rogers (Linda Meek) and Friso Schaap. Discover previews of their live repertoire : some Maxx classics and some new songs.

11/05/2014 : 2 months ago, after more than 15 years of silence, Maxx performed in Finland at Club Onniteekki.

28/11/2009 : An electro-house remix of Maxx's hit No More, called "Omen mix", is currently spreading on the web. It is not known who did it, and wether it's official or not.

20/01/2009 : Russian remixer Go She Style did a remix of Maxx Get-A-Way. Discover it here.

20/07/2003 : Maxx are currently working on a 2003 remix for their massive hit Get A Way. It could be released in August or September. After that they plan a complete new Maxx record, a single and album in 2004. (thanks to Dance Artist Infos).

29/07/2002 : Rumors said that Maxx was back with a new album entitled Long Time Ago but this proved to be a hoax. The album was said to have been released in February 2002 by Sony in Germany. It contained 14 songs, produced by the Bermann Brothers, David Brunner and the project's ex-rapper Gary Bokoe (thanks to EuroBoy)

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Maxx albums

To the Maxximum To the Maxximum 1994


Maxx singles

Get-A-Way Get-A-Way 1st Nov 1993  
No More (I Can't Stand It) No More (I Can't Stand It) 1st Mar 1994  
You Can Get It You Can Get It 12th Sep 1994  
Power Of Love Power Of Love Compilation only Nov 1994  
Let's Go Let's Go Apr 1995  
I Can Make You Feel Like I Can Make You Feel Like 26th May 1995  
Move Your Body Move Your Body 26th Oct 1995  


Maxx remixes

Get-A-Way Get-A-Way 1993  
Get-A-Way (UK remixes) Get-A-Way (UK remixes) 1993  
No More (I Can't Stand It) (UK remixes) No More (I Can't Stand It) (UK remixes) 1994  
No More (I Can't Stand It) No More (I Can't Stand It) 19th Jun 1994  
You Can Get It (Remixes) You Can Get It (Remixes) Nov 1994  
Get-A-Way (reloaded) Get-A-Way (reloaded) 10th Nov 2017  
Get-A-Way Get-A-Way 17th May 2024  



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Maxx biography

Maxx stormed the Eurodance scene in 1994 with two huge hits Get-A-Way and No More (I Can't Stand It). The name Maxx, which stands for 'max-imum X-tasy', represents the work of  the co-producers The Hitman (David Brunner), Dawhite (no-one else than O'Jay , the rapper and co-producer of Real McCoy who actually was not really involved in the project), female vocalist Linda Meek, and the rapper Gary Bokoe (Boris Köhler). The songwriting team was known under name "The Movement", and formed of Jürgen Wind (George Torpey), Frank "Quickmix" Hassas (Dakota O'niel). 2 other members contributed without being credited : Douglas John Wilgrove and Bruce Hammond Earlam (from 80s British duo Bruce & Bongo) actually wrote some of the ragga rap texts, without being credited because they were tied by a contract with another records company, EMI. Bruce taught the rapper Gary B how to rap and coached him vocally, while Bongo worked as secondary dialect coach for Gary outside of the studio and helped him perfect his accent when in recording session. They also had 2 dancers called Emelle and Louise. The hook in their music was a creative mixture of reggae, rap and speed muffin. Maxx was signed on Blow Up (Germany) and their records were licensed under Critique Records.

In one year, Maxx became one of Germany's most successful musical exports in pop history. The dance floor anthem Get-a-Way ensured that Maxx became a trademark of first-class dance music, almost overnight. It sold more than 400.000 units in Germany alone and reached Gold Status. In whole Europe it sold more than 1.100.000 units. It was # 11 in Israel, # 1 in many French charts and # 5 in UK. The British were so enthusiastic about Maxx that they invited the band to the prestigious TV Show Top of the Pops no less than three times. With 18 million viewers per show, this was a milestone even for the English. There was even a special UK remixes CD contained many unreleased mixes : Naked Eye Extended, Red Jerry Dub and Red JerryMix. On its release, Get-A-Way entered the significant Radio One A Playlist, and remained as the most frequently played single for three weeks. After worldwide Top 10 positions, including Top 5 in Eurocharts Get-A-Way has earned numerous gold discs, paving the way for No More (I Can't Stand It) to join the triumphant Golden March.

Get-A-Way featured vocals by Samira Besic. She did not have enough experience as a live performer so that's why Turkish model and dancer Alice Montana (real name was Eliz Yavuz) appeared in the video clip, lipsyncing over her voice. She was said to be Olaf Jeglitza's wife at that time and would later take part to Zhi-Vago. As for Gary, he performed with great conviction his ragga/rap and speedmuffin aka 'maxxamuffin'. The combination of both these talents and song ideas, along with the skills of their producers working with the most modern of computer and studio technology, all culminated in the making of Maxx.

Samira was also member of project Slam, which scored a hit with We Get Around. Maxx needed a new vocalist and Bruce Hammond Earlam started the researches. English singer Linda Meek was working in West Germany as a secretery on a military base during daytime, and touring as a singer in clubs and pubs in the evenings. She had just been offered a record deal for a different project, but she finally chose Maxx. She went to Berlin for an audition and her look finally convinced the producers. No More (I Can't Stand It) also reached No. 5 in the Eurocharts, # 5 in Israel, and # 8 in UK. One of its remixes was done by Damage Control. Once again a special UX remixes CD was released, containing a Capri Dub Mix, a Ferrari F1 Mix, and an Overworked Mix. Videoclip was shot in Marseille, France.

Debut album To The Maxximum was recorded during summertime, and reactions worlwide were euphorical. Rather than trying to reproduce the success of the first two singles, it effectively attempted to present a wide musical range of variations and insistent innovation. Despite two massive hits, few people still really knew who or what Maxx was. A mystery which Maxx gleefully enjoyed maintaining.

You Can Get It reached # 21 in the UK. Videoclip was shot in Budapest, Hungary and it took 3 weeks for the filming crew to prepare everything for the shooting, including the casting of 90 years-old men in the streets of the city. Unfortunately the following singles I Can Make You Feel Like and Move Your Body (a single imitating the Reel to Real style) didn't have the same success. The Christmas single Power Of Love was a very nice eurodance track that could have some success if it had been released not only on the Bravo Dance X-mas compilation. Record company Intercord took poor strategic decisions and there were some internal disputes among the project's members. Furthermore, the producers did not appreciate Gary B's behavior. And finally, the producers were already too busy handling Real McCoy's massive success at the same time. Therefore, after the outstanding 1994 year, this promising, talentful and original group disappeared from the dance music scene. Gary B nowadays lives in Berlin.

2000 : their album track Voodoochild was covered by a project called Flexx (no relationship with the Swedish eurodance group)

2002 : a new album was said to be released in February 2002 by Sony Music in Germany. Entitled Long Time Ago, it contained 14 songs. According to the rumors, it was produced by the Bermann brothers, David Brunner and Gary Bokoe himself. The new album was described as being full of eurodance and europop songs. The new members werre said to be Lilieth Acosta and Dude Spencer. Unfortunately nothing was mentioned on Sony website, for one good reason : this new album was a hoax.

2004 : there were rumors about remixes of the old hits of Maxx that would be released this year. But no company agreed to release them.

2009 : Russian remixer Go She Style did a remix of Get-A-Way.

2014 : after more than 15 years of silence, Gary B and a new singer performed as Maxx in Finland at Club Onniteekki. He kept touring with various vocalists, but Maxx producers did not like his lack of professionalism so they finally forbade him to use the project's name for his performances.

2016 : original vocalist Linda Meek teamed with several rappers to tour as Maxx. Among them, UK rapper Elijah MC

2017 : Maxx released a reloaded version of their hit Get-A-Way.

2018 : end of June, a new rapper called Twitch entered the project to perform during concerts and festivals, but Linda Meek is still the only official member of the project. Musician and DJ Twitch (Michael Latham) had his first big gig as he was only 16. He supported many local artists in the rave scene. He then attended Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies in Nottingham and did studies to become a music producer. Afterwards, he toured with Ultra 90s.

©1995 Remixed Records
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts position
Jürgen Wind interview by Juha Soininen in book Move Your Body (2 The 90's): Unlimited Eurodance
Thanks to Mike "EuroBoy" and onlydance for the latest informations

Maxx biography was last updated Wed, May 10th 2023

Charts (singles)

Austria Finland France Germany Ireland Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland UK
Get-A-Way #3 #5 #15 #11 #8 #3 #8 #3 #8 #4
No More (I Can't Stand It) #9 #2 #16 #10 #11 #6 #8 #4 #12 #8
You Can Get It #25 #13 #28 #32 #37 #21
I Can Make You Feel Like #56
Move Your Body #18 #16




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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