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Latest Barbara Glorioso news
02/05/2018 : Barby G's new single is a collaboration with Karl8, Andrea Monta and Ramon Riera entitled Freak Like Me.
30/04/2017 : Barby G teamed with Karl8 and Ramon Riera on single Hit Me, which will hit the stores on May 12th.
11/02/2017 : New from Barby G, single I'm On Top Of The World.
17/04/2016 : Barbara Glorioso (Moova, JT Company) released her first solo single, a cover of 4 Non Blondes anthem What's Up under stage name Barby G.
02/08/2015 : Barbara Glorioso was featured on Pogee's new single Do It to Me.
24/05/2014 : Barbara Glorioso's new collaboration with Crazy Monkey Gang Rise And Fall was released a few days ago under label Qwick.
29/03/2014 : Barby G's forthcoming single is a collaboration with DJ Karl8 under project name Crazy Monkey Gang, and will be entitled Rise And Fall.
Featurings and collaborations
JT Company - Feel It | 7th Apr 1995 |
Moova - Tell Me Love | 1998 |
JT Company - Wake Me Tonight | 18th Apr 2000 |
Deep Team - Running To Your Groove | 2002 |
Moova - Goodbye | Jun 2004 |
Moova - The Music Is Moving | 18th Jun 2006 |
Moova - Love U More | 26th Apr 2007 |
Pogee - Le Disc Jockey Ne Danse Pas | 2010 |
Ex-Po - Downloadin' Your Love | 2011 |
Pogee - Abracadabra | 2011 |
Crazy Monkey Gang - Stars | 2012 |
Pogee - Julio | 2nd Jul 2012 |
Tony Pro & Tribaco - Mi Cuba Linda | 26th Jul 2012 |
Crazy Monkey Gang - Rain | 22nd Oct 2012 |
Pogee - Miami Dancefloors | 18th Jun 2013 |
X4X - Fly | 20th Jun 2013 |
Pogee and Ronny Money - Dancing With an Angel | 27th Feb 2014 |
Crazy Monkey Gang - Rise And Fall | 20th May 2014 |
Crazy Monkey Gang - Animal | 24th Nov 2014 |
Pogee - Do It to Me | 23rd Jul 2015 |
Karl8 & Ramon Riera - Hit Me | 12th May 2017 |
Karl8 & Andrea Monta - Too Deep | 18th Apr 2019 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
Barby G - What's Up | 29th Mar 2016 |
Barby G - I'm On Top Of The World | 10th Feb 2017 |
Barby G - Freak Like Me | 13th Apr 2018 |
Barby G - Wherever You Will Go | 19th Jul 2019 |
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Barbara Glorioso biography
Italian female vocalist, showgirl and radio speaker Barbara Glorioso aka Barby started at the age of 13 to take part to various singing and beauty contests in Liguria region (Italy). next summer, she was spotted by a manager from Genova and was invited to perform as guest. After winning several titles such as "La reginetta della canzone", she started collaborating with RTI Music as chorist for several series theme songs. Then she collaborated to show Striscia la notizia during one season. In 1993, she had a role in an episode of Maurizio Costanzo Show on Mediaset.
In 1994, she was among the background vocals on Haddaway's first album, including his hit What is Love. In 1995, she started contributing to project JT Company. She then collaborated with various Italian artists, such as Nico di Palo (New Troll), Augusto Martelli, Bruno Lauzi and Oscar Prudente. In October 1997, she was among the chorists of symphonic orchestra, lead by Pippo Caruso, broadcasted on Canale5.
In 1998, she became female vocalist for eurodance project Moova. During one year, she worked as a speaker for Radio Golfo Ligure's information and entertainment programs.
1999 : she took part to La Canzone del Secolo (Canale5) as solo artist, and to show Momenti di gloria (Mediaset).
2000 : she was back with JT Company for the single Wake Me Tonight. During summer, she presented show Guardaspiagge 2000 (on Telegenova, Telecittà and Primocanale).
2001 : she recorded a new single with JT Company, entitled Hug Me. They did a tour in Germany and France.
2002 : she appeared on Deep Team's Running To Your Groove
2004 : she was back with project Moova for the single Goodbye.
2010 : under the scene name Chantal, she did vocals on Pogee's single Le Disc Jockey Ne Danse Pas (an homage to her Franco-italian roots)
2011 : she was featured on Ex-Po's single Downloadin' Your Love. Follow-up single was a collaboration with Pogee entitled Abracadabra (slightly inspired from Leila K's Open Sesame).
2012 : she recorded the single Stars with Crazy Monkey Gang. She released a compilation entitled Ultimate Pole Dance Selection (16 Tracks Selected By Barby G)
She lives nowadays in Palma De Mallorca.
Barbara Glorioso biography was last updated Sat, May 4th 2013
Links to Barbara Glorioso
Official websites
Barbara Glorioso on Facebook
Barbara Glorioso on Twitter
Barby G on Instagram
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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