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Featurings and collaborations
Cool James and Black Teacher - Let's Stay Together | 1993 |
West Inc - You Are My Lover | 1994 |
West Inc - Rhythm Takes You Higher | 14th Apr 1994 |
West Inc - I'm Gonna Get You (Anyway) | 18th Nov 1994 |
West Inc - Mr Livingstone | 7th Mar 1995 |
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Mimmi Siegel biography
Swedish singer, dancer and actress Mimmi Siegel grew up in New York City. She attended an artistic school where she learned drama, singing and dancing. She did the lead role in a school production of "Oliver Twist" and sang Celebration on American television with Kool and the Gang in the audience. In 1986 she went back to Sweden to do studies in Dansakademin and Lasse Kühlers Dance School and take singing lessons. She also had to work as a waitress in different restaurants. Then she worked as a choreographer and Show Producer for Empire Productions and toured a lot with various dance and singing shows. Between 1990 and 1992 Mimmi worked at Galaxen recreation center in Sollentuna. Meanwhile she sang with dance band Scratch. From 1992, during 2 years, she worked at Golden Hits in Stockholm, doing shows such as Marilyn Monroe, ABBA and Janice Joplin.
In 1993, Mimmi became West Inc frontlady and vocalist. The adventure lasted 3 years.
In 1995, she made the TV series "Varför Inte?" (Why Not?). She also contributed to a children's album together with several artists such as Jojje Wadenius and Lasse Åberg. In 1997 she started working for TV channel SVT as live-script, recording script, production assistant. She performed with her duo Mimmi och Han Där Till Höger. Then she left West Inc because she wanted to do pop and jazz.
1999 : she released the solo single Vem tar hand om fåglarna?.
2001 : Mimmi started her own entertainment company. She did some musical collaborations with Jan Destner.
2004 : she recorded some soft jazz-pop songs together with Daniel Palm.
2013 : she appears in Swedish TV shows, and promotion films. She works in Los Angeles and is very busy with her entertainment company
Mimmi Siegel biography was last updated Mon, March 15th 2021
Links to Mimmi Siegel
Official websites
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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