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Latest James Allan news
14/12/2012 : James Allan Giscombe (former 2 Unlimited 3rd generation) released solo single U Can Light My Love on DMN Records. A videoclip had been already released for this song almost 3 years ago (Thanks to Krasi)
18/10/2012 : James Giscombe (former 2 Unlimited III) signed a contract with DMN Records to release the single he recorded with Deborah as Never2Loud - Not Just A Game, as well as a solo single entitled U Can Light My Love. Releases are planned in November (thanks to Krasi).
James Allan singles
U Can Light My Love | 14th Dec 2012 |
Featurings and collaborations
Never2Loud - It's Not Just A Game | 12th Feb 2013 |
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James Allan biography
James Allan Giscombe was born in Manchester (England) from Jamaican parents. He used to be a research scientist an engineer. This multitalented artist worked as dancer, model rapper, singer, dance & show choreographer, international dance & fitness presenter, TV and show presenter. This is how he worked as main dancer and choreographer for Fragma. He also danced for Ann Lee in 1999, Warp Brothers in 2001, Amanda Lear, Liquid Dance, Dance Nation, Orion Too in 2002, Digital Rockers and In-Grid in 2003. Then he entered the 2 Unlimited team in 2003.
"One thing I have to say is that when I was asked to do this I turned it down 4 times because I was hesitant about stepping into Ray's shoes, and because I come in more as a singer than a rapper. Plus I have a solo project that is singing and rapping which we are trying to promote. In addition I was not sure that we really needed to just repeat the songs from the early 90's. I do not want 2 Unlimited fans to think that I want to just use Ray and Anita's success. I too was disappointed that they did not want to continue themselves. We have not met them and would love to" he explains.
"Then they told me I would work with Debora. We met each other singing together in a Gospel choir on tour in USA about 4 years ago. (She is alto, I was then singing Tenor, though I am a baritone Bass). She is one of the most professional people, a truly great person and always cheerful, that was a big reason I agreed to join 2 Unlimited. Plus the agreement that I would be able to continue with my solo work. So that is how I got into this" he continues.
He appeared for the first time in the clip of No Limit 2.3, released in 2003. But the rap was still Ray's voice...
In 2004, James left the group after the release of Tribal Dance 2.4. He explained he was fed up rapping playback on Ray's voice. In December, he was featured on Street Hi-Fi's track Women, Cars, Ca$h, available on the Dirty Weekend EP .
Recently, James could have recorded a duet with Damae, Fragma's vocalist. He also released a solo-single entitled U Can Light My Love, along with a videoclip.
2006: James released an album entitled Lounge Erotico in 2006, a chill-out album with Producer Tato Gomez, one of Germany's most repected producers.
2008 : Debora and James keep on touring under the scene name 2 Unlimited, without having any rights to do it. In August, they did a show for RadioK in Ploeisti, Romania. It was a playback appearance, however, since they forgot to turn their mike off, one could hear James rapping with his real voice...
James explains that they "have continued to credit the work of JP DeCosta as owner or the name and, Ray and Anita for the 2 Unlimited music in the 90's. Do tribute shows as a result as their time as official members of the band 2 Unlimited.". He says that they "have given many interviews to answer the many slurs on thier name. The have stated that they have always drawn everyones attention to the fact that they where asked to join the group 2Unlimited." James says that his "initial reluctance was because of wishing not to deal exactly the reactions he has gotten after tributing a group and producer he has always respected. He thinks it is sad that though all people have enjoyed the shows, this negativity about great music has come about. Both James continues to work in the music business sucessfully in many projects as Manager, Choreographer, musician, producers and perfomers. Debora continues to work as a well respected dancer and performer in the music business."
2010 : Debora and James released their first single Not Just A Game under the project name Never2Loud featuring Pelé. Pelé is Débora's uncle. The track was an anthem for soccer World Championship.
2011 : James Allan organizes music management courses and seminars in Heinrich-Heine Universität, Dusseldorf (Germany).
2012 : he released solo single U Can Light My Love on DMN Records. A videoclip for this song had already been released almost 3 years ago.
He sometimes tours as rapper and dancer for E-rotic
Thanks to Krasi and to James Giscome himself
James Allan biography was last updated Sat, March 2nd 2024
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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