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Latest Aquilla news
21/10/2023 : Former B-Cap vocalist Aquilla Fearon is taking part to the blind auditions for the 13rd season of The Voice Of Germany
24/01/2021 : Former Bcap vocalist AQuilla Fearon and Matteo Esposito were featured on Alfredo Norese's single Can You Feel It
Aquilla singles
Can't Get Enough | 10th Dec 2010 |
Back In the Game | 22nd Apr 2011 |
Featurings and collaborations
B-Cap - Send Me An Angel | 19th Jan 1994 |
Alfredo Norese - Can You Feel It | 22nd Jan 2021 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
Aquilla Fearon - You Are The Reason | 21st Oct 2023 |
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Aquilla biography
British singer and songwriter Aquilla Fearon fronted eurodance project B-cap in 1994. Then she toured with Faithless (album Sunday 8pm) to crowds as large as 45,000, and worked along side stars Shola Ama, Lisa Stansfield, Dido (No Angel album) & Sydney Youngblood.
In 2006 AQuilla was asked to share front of stage with Alex Wilson. Then she appeared on his album Inglaterra giving an outstanding rendition of the well known track Ain’t Nobody by Chaka Khan causing a reaction all over from London to Miami Florida. She performed 2 times at the famous “Ronnie Scotts” in London. She switches easily between Latin, Reggae, Pop, Soul and Gospel. Some are already calling her the "New Soul Diva".
AQuilla is also a theater actress : she played the role of Tituba, a slave from Barbados in a classic play called "The Crucible" written by Arthur Miller. Afterwards, she was offered the main part in the play "Children Of Eden", playing Eve.
2008 : she contributed to Alex Wilsons new album Salsa con soul which was released in the UK in September.
2009 : Natascha Wright offered her the part of Ruby in the musical "Move GmbH". The musical premiered in Frankfurt and proved to be a success with news coverage. AQuilla toured around the globe with her own band Carwash, and also did collaborations with several known artistes from a wide variety of musical genres. She signed a solo album record deal with Inch Marlowe Records
2010 : Aquilla worked with Phil Collins performing live on "Deutscher Radiopreis 2010" and "Schlag den Raab". She released the EP Can't Get Enough.
2011 : she wrote the song Back in the Game for Mannheim Porchse Team 75.
2012 : she was featured on Manoon's single Beating. She is a member of the band HotSteppers.
2021 : AQuilla and Matteo Esposito were featured on Alfredo Norese's single Can You Feel It.
2023 : she took part to the blind auditions for the 13rd season of The Voice Of Germany, but she was not selected.
Aquilla biography was last updated Fri, September 5th 2014
Links to Aquilla
Official websites
Aquilla Fearon official website
Aquilla Fearon on Facebook
Aquilla Fearon on Soundcloud
Aquilla Fearon on Youtube
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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