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Latest Jelle Van Dael news
15/08/2024 : Jelle Van Dael's delayed single Just To Be Loved will be finally released tomorrow August 16th
31/05/2024 : Jelle Van Dael took part to the first season of VTM's talent show Sing Again but she did not go to final. Her new single Just To Be Loved appeared during a short moment on download and streaming portals but was then removed, to reappear on Spotify only a few days later (thanks to Pim)
25/02/2024 : Jelle Van Dael's new single is entitled Firefall and it is a nice dance song with a strong dream-house flavor
08/09/2021 : Jelle Van Dael was featured on Darren Styles' new single Need To Feel Loved
23/03/2020 : Current Lasgo vocalist Jelle Van Dael was featured by singer Mandy on a single entitled We are Warriors (Thanks to Tavi Meran)
02/06/2018 : Discover the videoclip for Jelle van Dael's new single Rule The World.
25/05/2018 : Lasgo frontlady Jelle Van Dael will release her next solo single Rule The World on June 1st.
Jelle Van Dael singles
Lie Machine | 23rd Sep 2014 |
Another Day | 3rd Mar 2015 |
As Long As You Love Me | 19th Feb 2016 |
Rule The World | 1st Jun 2018 |
Lovedrunk | 10th Mar 2023 |
Unstoppable | 12th May 2023 |
Me Forever | 17th Nov 2023 |
Firefall | 23rd Feb 2024 |
Just To Be Loved | 16th Aug 2024 |
Featurings and collaborations
Lasgo - Out Of My Mind | Sep 2008 |
Lasgo - Gone | Mar 2009 |
Lasgo - Lost | 24th Aug 2009 |
Lasgo - Smile (album) | 30th Sep 2009 |
Lasgo - Sky High | 7th May 2012 |
Lasgo - Can't Stop | 3rd Oct 2012 |
Lasgo - Something 2013 | 20th Mar 2013 |
PressKit - My Adrenaline | 18th Dec 2015 |
Klaas - Far Away | 19th Feb 2016 |
Coone - Superman | 14th Jun 2018 |
Mandy - We are Warriors | 24th Mar 2020 |
Darren Styles - Need To Feel Loved | 20th Aug 2021 |
Darren Bailie & Guru Josh Project - One Thing | 27th Aug 2021 |
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Jelle Van Dael biography
Jelle van Dael was born and grew up in Opglabbeek (Belgium). She was selected in 2008 during the real-TV casting Let's Go Lasgo to become Lasgo's new female vocalist, replacing Evi Goffin.
2009 : in September, Jelle posed for the Belgian men magazine P-Magazine.
2010 : Besides her role as Lasgo singer and frontlady, Jelle Van Dael is also working as a VJ on Jim TV. She presents a show entitled "Daily 10" from an open-air studio. The same year, she participated in the Belgian edition of Dancing With the Stars
2011 : in October, Jelle announced that she was pregnant. She gave birth to her first baby in January 2012
2014 : Jelle announced that she was going solo. Her first single Lie Machine, a ballad, was out on September 23rd.
2015 : she released her second solo single Another Day in March. In December, she was featured on PressKit's single My Adrenaline
2016 : Jelle did vocals on Klaas' single Far Away. It was released the same day as her third solo single As Long As You Love Me
Jelle Van Dael biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
Links to Jelle Van Dael
Official websites
Jelle Van Dael on Facebook
Jelle Van Dael on Soundcloud
Jelle van Dael on Twitter
Jelle Van Dael on Youtube
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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