
R To R R-Vais RA-RE Productions Raceboy Radio Deejay For Christmas Radio Universal Radioactivity Radiorama RAF Raf G Raffa Rafn Lina Ragga II Rave Raiders Raimondi Alex Rajah Ralph Ralph Sheryl Lee Rama Ramaekers Serge Ramdam Factory Ramses Rancati Marco Rapanui Rapture Raski Merja Rasted Soren Ravage Odette Rave Flowers Raven Tony Rawe Jackie Ray and Anita Ray Barbara Ray Linda Ray Manuela Ray Nick Rayder Sheena Rayne Dana Raz-ma-Taz Razzia Razzle Dazzle Re-O-Do Re-Public Reach Out Club Reactor Project Read Backword Read Kathy Reading A Book Real 2 Day Real Dream Real Fruit Real Hollywood Project Real Hype Real Im-Pact Real McCoy Real Stuff Real System Real Time Real Words Realistic Really-Zed RealThing Rebeca Record Take Recover Project Recycler Red Cat Red Garden Red Sun Red Velvet Red Zone Rednex Reduction Redvolution Reech Reeves Jim Reflex Reflex Records Reflexes Nvx Reggie Reggy O Reichart Norbert Reinecke Oliver Reiniz Pat Reith Henning Remagen Debora Remakers Remedies Remee Remixed Records Remme Remon Renaissance Renee Tina Renegade Renoir Olivier Rentzsch Nancy Repthor Reputation Records Reservoir Gods Reset Reset (2) Reunion Of Dance Revenge Reverence Revival RFTR Rhio Rhythm and Dance Machine Rhythm Authority Rhythm In Action Rhythm Project Rhythm Reaction Rica Ricardo Da Force Ricchini Domenico Richards Donna Richy Ries Peter Riester Fred Rifa DJ Rife Riffi Rigaux Luc Rimini Project Rimonti Federico RIO RIO (2) Rio (3) Rio and Mars Rios de Gloria Rios Jose Vicente Rios Sebastian Risque Ritmo Diabolo Riva David River Riverside People Riviera Rix-Thyna Rizzatto Erik Rizzi Marco Rizzo Linda Jo RMN Rob'n'raz Robert J Group Roberts Jody Robey B Robin Robin A Robinson Gale Robinson Janice Robinson John Robyn Rocco Linda Rochelle Rochelle (2) Rock Steady Beat Rockman Rocko T Bello Rockwool ROD Rod D Rodriguez Luis Roger D Rogers Indy Lee Rogersdotter Roggero Rohtnik Roll Rollergirl Rolling Circus Roman Romance Romanini Riccardo Romeo Michael Romero Romero Andres Romero Gloria Romero Jennifer Romy Ronny Money Room 4 2 Rosanne Rosellini Bruno Roses Sabrin Ross Jane Ross Lian Rossi Maurizio Rossini Pieradis Rost Peter Rotate Rotation Rottura Roxanne Roxidor Roxxy Roxy Roy and Bobos Royal T Rozalla RPZ RTF RTZ Ruback RubiTonic Ruffcut Runners Ruperth Russel Diane Ryan Paris Rytmica


R To R
EuroDance Group



My Romance (1995)

Label: 2XPAND. My Romance was arranged and mixed by M. Rizzi and Riccardo Romanini, produced by R. Romanini. The executive producer was G. Del Barba. According to rumors, female voalist was called Francesca Touré.



EuroDance Group



You Beside (1996)
Bam (1996)
Get Dance (1996)

Project featured a female vocalist and a rapper. You Beside appeared on compilation Talvehitt 1996. Bam was featured on Maxi Eurodance Sensation Vol. 21. Get Dance was included on Eesti top 2: Just see pop.

Thanks to Gianni



RA-RE Productions
EuroDance Company


RA - RE Productions was an Italian label founded by Raff Todesco (RAff Todesco REcords). It focused on Italo disco during the 80's, then on Italo house in the early 90's, and dance & house in mid 90's.



EuroDance Group



Right Here, Right Now (1995)

Right Here, Right Now was a cover of a track released the same year by UK project The Flood (K. Dodwell and S. Helstrip).



Radio Deejay For Christmas
EuroDance Group



Song For You (1994)

This collective single was co-produced by Albertino, Ava & Stone, Blast, Da Blitz, Datura, Digital Boy, Fargetta, Gam Gam, Ice MC, Molella, Moratto, Ramirez and Taleesa. It was recorded at Time Studios, featuring vocals of Viviana Presutti, Ava (from Ava & stone), Blast, Ice MC, Ramirez, Gam Gam project's children voices, Taleesa, as well as comments and wishes for Christmas and for New Year 1995 recorded by famous speakers of Radio Deejay (Albertino, Linus, Amadeus, Luca Laurenti, Giuseppe, Paoletta among others) 

The funds raised by the single were used to help rebuild the Elementary School "Giovanni Bovio"in Alessandria.

Thanks to DJ Marto Aida



Radio Universal
EuroDance Group



Just Look Around (1995)

Label: Ares. The single featured a solo, uncredited, female vocalist. It was recorded and mixed at Docks Dora Rainbow Music Studios in Torino (Italy), produced by Marco Callegarin, written by G. Labriola and O. Spinello

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Gimme Your Love (1993)

Gimme Your Love was written by Andrea Buttignon, Francesco Contadini, Fulvio Zafret and Massimo Maffione

Thanks to Marcelo Sander



EuroEnergy Group



Desires and Vampires (1986)

1.Desire, 2.Flight Of Fantasy, 3.Hey Hey, 4.Wacha Gonna Do, 5.Aliens, 6.Vampires, 7.Chance To Desire, 8.Friend, 9.Remix Of Desire,

2nd Album (1987)

1.Yety, 2.Aliens, 3.Woman, 4.Warrior, 5.So I Know, 6.Love Of My Life, 7.The Radiorama Mega Mix,

The Legend (1988)

1.Heartbreaker, 2.I Don't Wanna Lose You, 3.Bad Girls, 4.My Chery, 5.All Your Love, 6.Manitu, 7.A B C D, 8.Radiorama Sing The Beatles, 9.Fire, 10.Bye Bye Baby,

The Best Of Radiorama (1989)

1.Chance To Desire, 2.Desire, 3.Hey Hey (Remix 89), 4.Flight Of Fantasy (Remix 89), 5.Aliens (Remix 89), 6.Vampires (Remix 89), 7.Yeti (Remix 89), 8.A B C D,

Four Years After (1989)

1.Bad Boy You, 2.Baciami, 3.Daddy Daddy, 4.Flight Of Fantasy, 5.Body To Body, 6.Macho Man, 7.Silent Movie, 8.A Love Song, 9.Aliens (Remix 89),

The Fifth (1990)

1.Why Baby Why, 2.3,4 Gimme More, 3.My Only Truth, 4.Stand By Me, 5.Don't Go, 6.My Number One, 7.Top Model, 8.Baby Back, 9.ABCD (Edit 90), 10.Why Baby Why (Megatron Dance),

The Ultimate Collection (1984-1998) (1998)

1.Desire, 2.Vampires, 3.Aliens, 4.Yeti, 5.Why Baby Why?, 6.ABCD, 7.All Night Long, 8.Come Back My Lover, 9.Aliens 2 (The Nightmare), 10.Your Love, 11.Little Bird, 12.It's A Lonely Wait, 13.Touch Me Now, 14.Like An Angel, 15.'Cause The Night, 16.Radiorama Medley,

World Of Radiorama (1999)

1.Beautiful Man, 2.'Cause The Night, 3.Let Me Be, 4.Ninna Ninna Oh, 5.Di-Da-Di, 6.Give Me The Night, 7.Like An Angel, 8.Truly Eyes, 9.Yeti 2000, 10.Aliens 2000, 11.Touch Me Now, 12.Little Bird, 13.My Fantasy, 14.Ninna Ninna Oh,

Best Of Radiorama (2001)

1.Chance To Desire, 2.Desire, 3.Hey Hey, 4.Vampires, 5.Flight Of Fantasy, 6.Fire (7 Inch Edit), 7.Aliens, 8.Yeti, 9.ABCD, 10.Heartbreaker, 11.Baciami (Extended Version), 12.Megamix,

Yesterday Today Tomorrow (2002)

1.Total Eclypse Of The Heart (Factory Team Mix), 2.Eagle In The Sky, 3.Danger (Factory Dance Mix), 4.Nothing Can Keep Me From You (with Axel Force), 5.More Time (Factory Piano Mix), 6.Heaven, 7.My Chery (Remix), 8.Flight Of Fantasy (Remix), 9.Chance To Desire (Remix), 10.ABCD (High-Energy Speed Remix), 11.Desire (Airplay 2002 Extended), 12.Desire (Remix 2002 12"),

Yesterday Today Tomorrow (2002)

1.Why Baby Why (Radio Version), 2.3,4 Gimme Some More (Radio Version), 3.My Only Truth, 4.Stand By Me, 5.Don't Go, 6.My Number One, 7.Top Model, 8.Baby Back, 9.ABCD Edit '90, 10.Why Baby Why (Megatron Version),

The Best Of (2018)

1.Aliens, 2.Yeti, 3.ABCD (Remix), 4.Vampires, 5.Desire, 6.Let Me Be (Original Mix), 7.'Cause The Night (Factory Team Mix), 8.Di-Da-Di (The Ultimate Factory Mix), 9.Beautiful Man (Factory Team Mix), 10.Why Baby Why (Megatron Edit Version),


Chance To Desire (1985)
Desire (1985)
Hey Hey (1986)
Vampires (1986)
Flight Of Fantasy (1986)
Aliens (1986)
Yeti (1987)
So I Know (1987)
Fire (1987)
Radiorama Sing The Beatles (1988)
ABCD (1988)
Heartbreaker (1988)
Medley Mix (1988)
Bad Boy You (1989)
Baciami (Kiss Me) (1989)
Daddy Daddy (1989)
Megamix (1989)
1,2,3 (1990)
Why Baby Why (1990)
Cannary The Canary (1990)
In Zaire (1990)
3,4 Gimme Some More (1990)
Come Back My Lover (1991)
Sugar Sugar Love (1992)
All Night Long (1992)
My Number One (1992)
My Only Truth (1992)
Aliens 2 (The Nightmare) (1992)
Your Love (1993)
It's A Lonely Wait (1993)
Little Bird (1995)
Let Me Be (1995)
Touch Me Now (1996)
Like An Angel (1996)
'Cause The Night (1997)
Di-Da-Di (1997)
Aliens 2000 (1998)
Give Me The Night (1998)
Beautiful Man (1998)
Ninna Ninna Oh (1999)
More Time (1999)
Nothing Can Keep Me From You (2000)
Danger (2000)
Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Feb 2002)
Heaven (May 2002)
You Are Always On My Mind (4th Jun 2010)
Jellyhead (9th Jul 2011)
A Little Too Much (21st Dec 2011)
Why Boy (20th Sep 2012)
You Came (31st Aug 2013)
Let It Go (4th Apr 2014)
Gonna Get You Along Without You Now (6th Feb 2015)
Redefined (3rd Mar 2015)
High By The Beach (23rd Sep 2015)
I'll Be There (28th Feb 2020)
Bomber (2024)


Chance To Desire (Mike Candys Rework) (11th Aug 2023)
Chance To Desire (Pulsedriver Remix) (2nd Feb 2024)
Chance To Desire (Block & Crown Remix) (1st Mar 2024)
Aliens (Saint Tropez Caps Remix) (15th Mar 2024)

Records company : SAIFAM Publishing Group. Radiorama's first release, Chance To Desire is dated 1984 and was result of co-operation with Martinelli. This track had an incredible success in the clubs in Germany and Switzerland (where it peaked up up to #18). It featured Simona Zanini (who had also cowritten the single) along with Hank Schostak (who also appeared on the first album track Watcha Gonna Do).

The second one, Desire, published exactly on Christmas eve, was the Radiorama's gift for all lovers of Italian discomusic. The idea for this record was taken from the maniac of Florence, who terrorised the lovers in Tuscain. The results was a kind of horror film sound track, but on trail of Italian melodies. It was once again a success in Switzerland, reaching #17.

From Desire, all the songs have been written and produced by Farina-Crivellente, along with Paolo Gemma. Their success began with these two titles and with all their songs they entered all the charts world-wide. Vampires was #7 in Switzerland. One of their most famous song was Aliens, that reached top ten of all European Hit charts (for instance, #5 in Switzerland). With the first album Desires and Vampires in 1986, they have entered the Hit charts in numerous European countries and became famous worldwide. At that time they started their tours.

After a break, they started producing again in 1990 with Farina-Crivellente, the producers that were responsible for their success. In 1993, they released Your Love as vinyl. It contained 4 versions : Factory Team Edit, Bernd HSB Edit, V.D.A Edit, and Full Power Edit. The song was written and composed by M. Farina and R. Stecca, published by S.A.I.F.A.M/Mela Music, produced by ZYX Music, label: 21st Century Records

Both released in 1995 : Little Bird and Let Me Be were the follow-up singles. Then came Touch Me Now and Like An Angel the following year. All of the were excellent eurodance tracks. 1997 saw the release of 2 singles : 'Cause The Night (already released by eurobeat project Sarah) and Di-Da-Di

1998 : after a 2000 remix of Alien, the group released several new tracks. Give Me The Night, then Beautiful Man were on their way to become club hits. In 1999, the single More Time was released, followed by the famous Ninna Ninna Oh, featuring the voice of the TH Express vocalist.

Radiorama's last single to be released under the label 21st Century was Total Eclipse Of The Heart in 2002. It featured vocals by Melody Castellari.

Simona Zanini was Radiorama's vocalist on the first singles released (for instance, Chance To Desire). Cristina Dori took part to the track It's A Lonely Wait. It more than probable that Clara Moroni was featured on Fire, ABCD, Bad Boy You, 3 4 Gimme More. The female vocalist officially presented during the 90s period was Antonella Ferri, 25 years old, born in Milan. Her eyes are brown, she plays keyboards. She likes rice and Margarita. Her favourite color is black. She likes riding and owns a horse. Her favorite music was jazz. Melody Castellari could the the voice on Total Eclipse Of The Heart.

Aldo Martinelli did the male vocals on the first Radiorama release Chance To Desire. Then Mauro Farina replaced him on the following singles. The official male vocalist in the 90s was Angelo Morales, 26 years old, born in Venice. His eyes are green, he plays sax. He likes pizza and gin fizz. His favorite color is blue. He likes rifting and latino music. It is more probable that he was only a dancer on stage, and that vocals were still done by Mauro Farina himself.

The other vocalists who contributed to the project (on the album World Of Radiorama) were Jakie B., Juliet, Ricky H., Fabio Serra. Rumors also talked about 2 others : Manuella and Umberto.

More recently, Melody Castellari contributed to a few songs.

Thanks to DJ Stakan, Klems, Gianni and Sacha Busch



EuroDance Group



Energetic Mix (1990)
The Rhythm, The Rebel (1991)
We Gonna Get (1991)
We've Got To Live Together (1991)
I Can't Believe (1992)
Just Take Me Higher (1993)
Move Up (1995)
Take Me Higher (1996)
Boom Boom Boom / Menergy (1996)

R.A.F. was initially one of the Media Records projects and involved a number of different producers at different times like Andrea Puntillo and Roby Arduini. In 1991, Mauro Picotto took this alias when he produced the song We Gonna Get in the Media studios. It became a hit in Europe. But Mauro had to wait till the mid-90s to be allowed to use his name freely in this project (before, he had to sign R.A.F. By Picotto or only appeared in credits.

Remixes & Productions :

49ers - Keep Your Love, Lovin' You, Rockin' My Body
Anticappella - Express Your Freedom
Baby D - I Need Your Loving
ClubHouse - All by Myself, Light My Fire, Living In the Sunshine, Nowhere Land, Take Your Time
Cappella - I Need Your Love, Move on Baby, Move It Up, Turn It Up And Down, U & Me, U Got 2 Know, U Got 2 Know '2002, U Got 2 Let the Music, U Got 2 Let the Music '98, U Tore My World Apart
Mauro Picotto - Honey, Pulsar
Pet Shop Boys - Yesterday, When I Was Mad
Saccoman - Open Your Heart
Sharada House Gang - Gipsy Boy
The Professor - Rockin' Me
With It Guys - Sweet Love, You and Me

No relation with Raffaele Riefoli



Raf G
EuroDance Group


See Raffaele Giusti



EuroDance Group



China Boy ()
You'll See (1996)
On And On And On (5th Jan 1997)
Broken Land (10th Feb 1997)
Little Girl (15th Jul 1997)
Physical (30th Jun 2009)
Castles In The Sky (23rd Oct 2009)
Ain't It Funny (4th Nov 2009)
Absolutely Everybody (1st Feb 2010)
Don't Tell Me (1st Feb 2010)
Wonderland (5th Jun 2010)
Hold Your Horses (14th Oct 2010)

Records company : SAIFAM Publishing Group. According to her records company, Raffa always had a special talent for singing and dancing. She sang in church choirs and took a variety of music and dance courses. Ever since she was a little girl, she was already tourning throughout Italy as a singer in various group. But her big break came when she met the producers Farina-Crivellente. She began singing for the SAIFAM Publishing group as a vocalist for several songs. Talented, fun-loving, charismatic and great stage presence, these are only some of the adjectives that describe Raffa, who is one of the best voices of 21st century records. She lives in Italy. Her hobbies are reading and animals.

The first single to be released under the name of Raffa was entitled You'll See. This song was originally sung by Madonna. It was arranged and produced by M. Farina, G. Crivellente & F. Turatti, recorded at Mela Studios (Verona). It included a B-side called The Groove You'll See, as well as 3 mixes : Bpm 109, Bpm 136 and Bpm 90.

Broken Land (cover from a track of The Adventures) was beautiful dance song, very popish. Typical dance keyboards mixed with some piano on the background gave this song a delicious flavor, in addition to some catchy melody. 2 versions were available on the vinyl : a Sequencers Mix and a FM Edit. There was also a B-side entitled Broken Groove.

Little Girl was a cover of Sandra's song. The single included a F.T. & Company Edit and Radio Edit, as well as a B-side called Little Groove.

Raffa was featured by the project D-Lies for the single Lies, and by M. Steven for Theme For A Dream.

China Boy was also covered by Fun-Tomas under the title China Girl.

Some unreleased tracks were recorded by Raffa : Wonderland, Hold Your Horses, Spinning Around, Absolutely Everybody, Don't Tell Me, Play, Ain't It Funny, Castles In The Sky, Like A Prayer, Physical, Objection Tango...

© Eurodancemix
Thanks to Klems
Raffa biography on SAIFAM website

Artists and groups featuring Raffa

D-Lies - Lies (1995)
Luis Radio - Jam Jam (2009)



Rafn (Lina)
EuroTrance Member



Sød musik (2010)

Danish female singer, songwriter and producer Lina Rafn Sørensen was born on August 12th 1976 in Copenhagen (Denmark), where she still lives. She has a sister called Frederikke, who was born in 2000. A professional dancer from a very early age, Lina used to be a VJ on the Danish music video channel The Voice TV Danmark, presenting various charts. Lina started her singing carreer when she founded Infernal with Paw Lagermann (a friend of hers since 1991) and Søren Haahr in 1997. They had previously recorded a single together with a couple of friends in 1996 called Hit Me In the Ass. The outfit was called Bordeaux

Infernal's debut single, Sorti de L'enfer was an instrumental dance-track featuring bagpipes. From there on, she gained worldwide fame and recognition for her work, selling millions of copies to date. Her vocal trademark is a growl before hitting a high note. Lina also recorded a track with Green Court called Silent Heart. Lina was a judge in the second season of X Factor (Denmark) through the spring of 2009.

2010 : Lina gave birth to her first daughter, Karmen with her long-time boyfriend Kasper Christensen in the beginning of 2010.

2001 : she is candidate on real-TV show Toppen Av Poppen.

Artists and groups featuring Rafn (Lina)

Green Court - Silent Heart (2002)
Infernal - A To The B (2005), Alone, Together (2010), Cheap Trick Kinda' Girl (2004), Downtown Boys (2008), Electric Light (2008), From Paris to Berlin (2004), Holding On (2017), I Won't Be Crying (2007), Keen on Disco (2005), Love is All (2010), Redefinition (2009), Self Control (2006), Sunrise (2000), Ten Miles (2006), Whenever You Need Me (2008)
Professional Losers - Night People (2006)



Ragga II Rave
EuroDance Group



Celebrate (1993)

Label : Ultraphonic ‎/ EastWest. Ragga II Rave featured ragga-rapper Mike Romeo and a female vocalist. Single Celebrate was composed and written by Djalali, Mehmet (Mehmet Sönmez), and Ogro (Michael Ogrodowczyk).



Dream House Group



E-Mail Raiders (2000)

E-Mail Raiders was arranged and mixed by A. De Antoni and F. Alberti, produced by A. De Antoni, Diego Donati DJ and F. Alberti, written by A. De Antoni, F. Alberti and L. Raggi. Vocals were probably done by Sandy Chambers, but she was not credited. Executive Producer was Diego Donati.

Thanks to Marian Stoica



Raimondi (Alex)
EuroDance Producer



Work It Up (1998)
Peace (2006)
Monodose (31st Mar 2008)
Lovely Dream (May 2008)
Abstraction (Jul 2008)
Free & Easy (13th Mar 2010)
You Can't Live In My Mind (26th Oct 2010)
Be As One (18th Nov 2010)
Tiger (24th Jun 2011)

DJ, producer and remixer Alessandro Raimondi was involved in the Media records team during the 90s, contributing to many projects such as Sharada House Gang, R.A.F. and Cappella (he did the Hands Up Mix for I Need You Love and composed the track Stay With Me on the album War In Heaven). He also arranged Adrenalina Take Me Back. From 1998, he started a solo carreer.

2010 : Alex is currently signed under label Fahrenheit Music. He featured Vivian B (former Da Blitz frontlady and vocalist) on the singles Free & Easy (in March) and Be As One (in November)

Artists and groups featuring Raimondi (Alex)

Adrenalina - Take Me Back (1994)
RAF - Boom Boom Boom / Menergy (1996)
Sharada House Gang - You Are Deep In My Heart (1996)



EuroDance Group



Eyajalua (1994)

The single was produced by G. De Vito, G. Piano and S. B. Cardamone.

Thanks to David Nivin "Captain DJ" and Gianni



EuroDance Group



Last Dance (1997)

Single Last Dance was of cover of a Donna Summer song, produced and arranged by Manuel González Almodovar and Jose Antonio Peces Pérez. It featured vocals by Regina under nickname Daisy (and not the unknown good-looking blond model on the cover art). Label: Chim Chim Pum (Spain).

Thanks to Ulysses



Ralph (Sheryl Lee)
HiNRG Group



In The Evening (1984)

1.You're So Romantic, 2.In The Evening, 3.Give Me Love, 4.Evolution, 5.Back To Being In Love, 6.Be Somebody, 7.I'm Your Kind Of Girl, 8.B.A.B.Y., 9.Ready Or Not, 10.I'm So Glad That We've Met,


You're So Romantic (1984)
In The Evening (1984)
Give Me Love (1985)
In The Evening (1996)
Evolution (1998)
Here Comes The Rain Again (1999)


You're So Romantic (1985)
In The Evening (1987)
In The Evening (the 90s remixes) (1993)
In The Evening (The Remixes) (2004)

Sheryl Lee Ralph was born December 30, 1956 in Waterbury (US), and raised in New York and Jamaica. She is not only a singer, but also an actress, writer, director and producer. Her career started during the 80s. Then she did a dance comeback under the label Almighty records.

On the Broadway stage she originated and created the role of Deena Jones in the Michael Bennett landmark musical Dreamgirls, which earned her a Tony Award Nomination and a Drama Desk Award Nomination for Best Actress

On television, she has starred in It’s a Living, her own series New Attitude, the George Foreman series George and from 1992 until the series ended production she starred as Las Vegas showgirl turned Anthony’s wife in the hit comedy Designing Women and the UPN television series Moesha, in which she starred as the outspoken and loving step-mom, Dee.

Her extensive film credits include Sister Act II, The Flinstones, The Mighty Quinn with Denzel Washington, Mistress in which she starred with Robert De Niro, and Eddie Murphy’s Distinquished Gentleman. She also created the Jamerican Film Festival.

As a producer in 1991, Ms. Ralph created the critically acclaimed Divas Simply Singing, a staged evening of song and entertainment featuring some of the most talented female entertainers in film, stage, television and recording. This annual event has become one of the most important and highly anticipated AIDS benefits in Hollywood.

Her very first hit In The Evening was originally released in 1984. It was re-released several times and continues to be remixed by DJs around the world. Evolution, which was at first a B-side track, was remixed with a eurodance style and released in 1998.



EuroDance Group



Crying Out (1994)
Light My Fire (1996)
Broken Heart EP (9th Nov 2013)
Driving In The Galaxy (22nd Dec 2016)
Gravity (2017)
Light My Fire (The 25th Anniversary) (11th Jun 2021)
Take My Love (8th Oct 2021)
Cryin' Out (19th Nov 2021)
Don't You Worry (11th Mar 2022)
Rave On (22nd Apr 2022)
Happy Summer (27th May 2022)
Shooting Star (2nd Jun 2023)
Feelings (7th Jul 2023)
Only Broken Heart (5th Jul 2024)


Light My Fire (The 25th Anniversary) (30th Jul 2021)

Rama is a Finnish project created by the producer Markku Raski from Köyliö (Finland). Project's name is made from his last name and first name's first syllabs. He bought his first material with the money earned during a summer job. He started gaining wome recognition when his first productions aired on Tapani Ripatti's radio show. In 1995; he signed a record deal with Blue Bubble and released a song called Crying Out as a compilation track only, on various samplers such as Energy dance.

Follow-up song was released as a single in 1996. Light My Fire featured the rapper Raymond Ebanks (who also took part to the Bomfunk MC's). Female vocalist and songwriter was Merja Raski, Markku's sister, who won a Finnish tango contest in 1993. The single stayed several weeks number one in Finnish Disco/Dance chart in 1996. The co-producers were Kaippa Kaivola and James Black (also known from the project like 3rd Nation).

Markku Raski teamed up with Juha Sahlstein to produce a eurotrance project called Endorfin.

Not to be confused with the English project Rama which sung C'est La Vie in 1995.

2012 : Markku Raski released on Rama's Youtube-channel a demo made with the same studio set-up as the original Light My Fire during the era 1995–1996. The demo consisted of Finnish and international traditional christmas hymnes and carols produced in Eurodance-style as a medley with lots of warmth and joy of christmas time in mind. Nowaydas Markku, as a car and vehicle enthusiast, has his own company "Automodels" to sell and distribute model cars and other scale-model vehicles worldwide. This video with "Dance Christmas"-medley was made to promote the Christmas sales.

2013 : an EP entitled Broken Heart was released.

2015 : a Fan mix for Light My Fire was released.

2016 : an instrumental song called Driving In The Galaxy was released on compilation Space Holidays vol. 8.

2017 : song Gravity was released on compilation Space Holidays vol. 9

2021 : Rama released a 25th anniversary edition of Light My Fire. Then the song Take My Love was released. Then a new single entitled Cryin' Out was out, a song which was so far only released on compilations.

2022 : after Don't You Worry and the happy hardcore Rave On, a new single was released : Happy Summer, the initially planned follow-up single to the hit Light My Fire

2023 : Rama released 2 new singles : Shooting Star and Feelings

Thanks to Gianni, Mikeboy - Finnish Eurodance, Juha Sahlstein from Endorfin, and JakeX

Artists and groups featuring Rama

DJ Ice K - Better Off Alone (2019), Living On Video (2019)



Ramaekers (Serge)
EuroDance Producer


Born in Belgium on the 17th of April 1966, Serge Ramaekers started showing his interest in music when he was a little child. At the age of six he built an organ with daddy's help, but realized very soon that you could do a lot more with a synthesizer. With the help of generous grandparents and parents, who believed in the ambition of their grand-son, he could develop a real homestudio.

At the age of 16, Serge started a DJ carreer, first with a mobile show, then in big clubs like Highstreet, Carre, Reflex, etc. Progressively he reoriented towards composing, lyrics writing and producing. He produced the music for projects like T-Spoon (with Dominic Sas), Confetti's, Cartouche (not only a European hit but also gained a billboard notation (number 61) in America, 2 Boys and lots of others), Good Shape, Dixie's Gang, Dinky Toys, Jamie Lee, Soul Dance Project and Stay-C. In 1998 he launched the group Confetti's. This new-beat dance-act lasted 3 years and avery single became one of the best selling records in almost every European country.

In 1989 Serge started to remix other artists singles. The first client was the Belgian singer Rocco Granata, who asked Serge to "dress up the song Marina in a new outfit"... The new version was almost as succesful as the original hit ! In 1993 Serge did an excellent remix from Freddie Mercury's Living On My Own. The remix enjoyed success throughout Europe remaining at number 1 for several weeks across the charts. He also did remixes for Twenty 4 Seven, Technotronic, Eartha Kitt, Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel, Wee Papa Girl Rappers, Lolo Ferrari, George Clinton, Rocco Granata and The Night People.

In 1999 he co-produced , with Phil Wilde, the project The Force feat. BB Queen (If I Could Turn Back Time, written by Diana Waren, released in 1999). In 2000 he released a single-CD under the name DJ Serge & Remy : Groove Me with 4 mixes in year 2000. Remy is none other than Remy de Groot, who contributed to T-Spoon's best older titles. More recently in 2002 he took part to the single Dreamer, under the name CK & Supreme Dream Team (Edel records), together with Martinez and Van Wauwe.

Serge Ramaekers is currently working with Patrick Bruyndonck on his very succesful project Orion Too (You And Me, Hope and Wait), featuring the voice of Caitlin (former singer for Astroline).

Dancemania Belgium
Dancevibes Belgium
Thanks to nolimits and Nico

Artists and groups featuring Ramaekers (Serge)

2 Dance 2 - Feel The Rhythm (1995)
Bauw - Misfitology (2022)
Blackmale - Ragga Tech (1991), Soca House (1990), The Groove (1991)
Cartouche - Do Your Thing (1991), Feel The Groove (1991), Feel The Rain (1996), Hold On (1991), Let The Music Take Control (1991), Miracles (1996), Runnin' Up That Hill (1997), Touch The Sky (1994)
Good Shape - Give Me Fire (1994)
Hithouse - A Bright Day (1995)
Kontesa - Does Anybody Love This Girl (1994)
La Luna - Live My Life (2007)
Navayah - What About My Love (1995)
Soul Dance Project - One Day (1993)
T-Spoon - A Part Of My Life (1995), Fly Away (1997), Message Of Love (1997), No Time 2 Waste (1993), See The Light (1995), Someone Loves You Honey (1996), Tom's Party (1998), Where R U Now (1994)
Two Boys - Don't You Know (1993), What You Want (1993)
XSession - Lucky Number (1995)



Ramdam Factory
EuroDance Company


French records label created in May 1993 by independant producer Jean-Jacques Huet, former DJ Pierrick Chéruel (radio jockey for 10 years and promotion director of Airplay/Panic Records for more than 3 years) and former Sound engineer Claude Martenot. At first distributed by Carrere, it became Carrere's dance label when Airplay and Panic records joined Universal. Then it became a label of Dig It France.

From 1993 to 1996, artists such as After Touch, Anxious, Baya, Beat Box feat Helena, Brothers Of Sound Feat. Talya Jones, Cartouche, DJH, DJ Miko, Dj Cerla & Moratto, Climaxx, Dream Beat, Echo Bass (their first single), Groovology featuring Linda Mill's, Java, Kristy, Logic Dream, Paul Harris, Superfly, TPFF, Unity Power feat Rozlyne Clarke, and of course TH Express... had some singles licensed under Ramdam Factory in France.



EuroDance Member



Intouchable (2021)

French model and dancer born in Les Ulis (near Paris, France), Djanis Mitchell started his carreer at the age of 16, performing RnB in local artistic associations. He was spotted by dance singer Abyale and toured with her as a dancer. He even appeared in the music video of her hit I Wanna Be Your Lover Too (he was one of the 2 boxers).

In 1994, he graduated from the Academie de musique et de danse de Paris. He then became a member of eurodance project TH Express. He did not really perform the raps, he was only one of the project's faces, lipsyncing on stage like Fauve.

A few years later, under the stage name Djanis Le Sanguin, he recorded hip hop songs that he published on his Myspace account. At the time, he was not really williing to talk about his past as a member of TH Express... In 2002, he started taking singing courses in the Studio des variétés with Sarah Sanders.

2019 : he started working on his first album Victory

2021 : he released a single and music video entitled Intouchable under artist name Manor.

Thanks to Klems and Hakim



Rancati (Marco)
EuroDance Producer


Producer and singer Marco Rancati was born in Piacenza, on March 16th 1957. He started his singer carreer in the late 70s. He won Festival di Castrocaro in 1979. He released some singles during the 80s as Daniele Danieli (Ciao, come stai, Freddo diamante, Ok Ok) and as Mark Rancati (Take Me).

In 1992, he co-founded the group Animali Rari. Meanwhile, he produced many eurodance singles, such as Arena - Into The Arena and Faya Loving You.

2009 : he is vice-director for the Nicolini Gospel Choir.

Artists and groups featuring Rancati (Marco)

Arena - Into The Arena (1995)
Faya - Loving You (1995)
Horos - Keep On (1994), Let's Do It (1995)



EuroDance Group



Someone (1994)

The Rapa Nui are the native Polynesian inhabitants of Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean. Rapanui project was made of DJ's Luca Facchini, C. Sorrentino, M.Bersanetti and musicians PYRMHA and A. Pellegrini. Single Someone was composed and written by Angelo Carlotti, mixed and arranged by A. "Pelle" Pellegrini, executive producer was Pieradis Rossini, lead vocals were sung by Susy Z.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Music Is My Life (29th Mar 1995)

Their one and only single was released under the label Klone Records (same label as Abigail). It featured samples of Deborah Cooper's voice. The producers behind it (Jonathan Colling) have made various other recordings most notably as High Jinx California Dreaming. Currently, they make a lot of music for computer games.

Thanks to Anne Plaxton from Klone/Rumour records and Andrew-FK



Raski (Merja)
EuroDance Member


Finnish singer Merja Raski was born March 20th, 1965 in Köyliö (Finland). She released schlager songs, and was the singer of eurodance group Rama (founded by her brother Markku). In 1993, she won a Finnish tango contest. She also sang most of the vocals on Waldo's first album It's About Time, including the singles It's About Time and Feel So Good.

She released 3 solo albums between 1995 and 1998 (Polttavaa Tulta, Nyt Tiedän Mitä Rakkaus On and Pisara).

Artists and groups featuring Raski (Merja)

Rama - Crying Out (1994), Light My Fire (1996)
Waldo - Feel So Good (1995), It's About Time (1995)



Rasted (Soren)
Bubble Gum Producer


(Soren, aka Spike, Champ, Sønne)
Producer and writer for the group Aqua .

Soren was born on 13th of June 1969 in Blovstrød (Denmark). He is brown-eyed, 1,81 m tall and weights 72 kg. He has a sister, Lise and a brother, Jesper. His father is an architect and his mother a  physiotherapist. He likes Mexican food, sushi and Korean BBQ. He also likes listening to the group The The, and collecting shampoo samples he finds in the hotels. His favourite movies are Evil Death 2 and The Celebration. He likes watching TV shows such as NYPD, the Simpsons or You've Been Framed. After his Business school, he became a salesman, then a paper boy. With ClausNorreen , he's been since 1989 a member of  Joyspeed (they started composing music for a Danish movie) and enjoyed a solitary success in the Danish charts with Itsy Blitzy.

'People either puke when they hear Aqua, or they like it.' said Soren to a UK magazine recently. As a matter of fact, Aqua's is the sort of music which attracts no wishy-washy response, and together with Claus, Soren is chiefly responsible for establishing Aqua in the first place and producing said chunder-making melodies. He's not afraid to experiment; the first single that made the grade in their home country, My Oh My, found he and Claus playing 17th century instruments instead of the usual 20th century gizmos. Success has been a long time coming for Soren and the band, but when it finally hit, it with big: 'I think it's because we dared to be a bit different,' Soren explains, 'and got lucky!' First and foremost, it's making music that Soren loves : all the other trappings of fame he's not that bothered about. 'It's not much fun when we have about 27 interviews in one day,' he said recently. He misses his family too. 'We only get to see them every couple of months or so.'  Whether he likes it or not, he's not likely to see that much of them in the future either, as Aqua continue their inexorable rise to the top of Planet Pop!

2004 : Søren Raasted created a project called Lazyboy, co-produced with Johnny Douglas (well-known for his work with George Michael, Kylie Minogue, etc.), featuring voices of artists such as Andrea Grant and Greg Geraldo. The album Lazyboy TV peaked on the danish album-chart as #14, and the first single Facts Of Life peaked as #2 on the radio-airplay-chart and #11 on the dancechart. The music wasn't dance but more "rhythm and speak".

Another track from the album Underwear Goes Inside The Pants did quite well on radios in USA, and the album was released in the US on the 2nd of November (actually it was released in 5 different languages in total). And success went on... With a #1 spot on the iTunes Usa download, and 7 weeks as top 5. He also enjoyed massive airplay on american radios and MTV. His 2 first singles were hits in many other countries as well.

2007 : he founded the pop band Hej Matematik (literally "Hi Mathematics") with his nephew Nicolaj Rasted.

2008 : Vi Burde Ses Noget Mere is the name of Hej Matematik's first album.

2009 : Hej Matematik won Danish Hit of the Year with the single Walkmand at Zulu Awards 2009. In November, they released the single Party I Provinsen.

© Encyclopedia of Popular Music Copyright Muze UK Ltd. 1989 – 1998
© Aqua Official Homepage
© Aqua Heaven
Thanks to Anders Bøgh

Artists and groups featuring Rasted (Soren)

Aqua - Around The World (2000), Back To The 80's (2009), Barbie Girl (1997), Bumble Bees (2000), Cartoon Heroes (2000), Didn't I (1998), Good Morning Sunshine (1999), Lollipop (Candyman) (1997), My Oh My (1997), Roses Are Red (1996), Turn Back Time (1998), We Belong To The Sea (2000)



Ravage (Odette)
EuroDance Group



Rhythm Is Melody (2001)

This project featured a solo female vocalist, actually Sandra Chambers.

The CDM contained 6 versions: Club Radio Mix, Club Extended Mix, Mixture Techno Mix, Euro Mix, Original Radio Mix and a Club Radio Cut. Although this project is from 2001, The Rhythm Is Melody really sounds classic eurodance with a small alectro touch. It was written by F. Alberti, A. De Antoni and Sandra Chambers, produced by M. Gianfranceschi and F. Alberti at Crystal Studio One Ms Italy, arranged by Smallteens, mastered at Leonard Studio, released under the label Sohel Productions, published by Sohel Music Publishing.

Thanks to Alex Capilé



Rave Flowers
EuroDance Group



Beautiful Life (22nd May 1995)

1.Paradise Of Love, 2.In My Dream, 3.Right By Your Side, 4.Beautiful Life, 5.L.O.V.E., 6.Danger, 7.Everybody Get Free, 8.Brighter Side Of Life, 9.Run To You, 10.Besame,


Paradise Of Love (1995)

Rave Flowers was a project of Karl Klick and Walfried Böcker. They released one album entitled Beautiful Life. Label : Dance Street.

Thanks to Gianni



Raven (Tony)
EuroDance Member

Tony Raven appeared as a rapper of the 2 Alive project on the single Tell It To My Heart.



Rawe (Jackie)
EuroDance Member



I Believe In Dreams (1985)


I Believe In Dreams (2004)

Jackie Rawe started singing at the age of 17 and worked in dance bands for 18 months. Her first bands were The Ross Mitchell, and Ray McVey Bands. Then she got my first tour doing background vocals for Suzi Quartro. They toured Poland and Romania and it was on this tour that she met Gill Saward who introduced me to the Shakatak guys. Shortly after the Suzi tour Jackie toured with Sheena Easton, in the UK, America, Canada and Japan. After touring with Sheena she started working with Shakatak. At this time she also had two other projects going on. One was a band called Enigma and we had a top twenty record called Ain’t No Stopping and did Top of The Pops, and the other was called Minnie and the Metros, (I was Minnie of course, being only 4’ 10 3/4”). The record was called Charlie’s angel and was released through EMI.

Of all three projects Shakatak started to take off big time so she devoted my time to the band. They became famous in England, Japan and Europe. Jackie recorded three albums with Shakatak: Driving Hard, Nightbirds and Invitations and the later two went Gold. She left after the third album to work freelance but did work with them occasionally on other albums and tours. Straight after Shakatak she toured with Imagination and then Gary Numan. She also recorded one album with Gary, Machine and Soul.

In between the tours she I released a solo record : I Believe in Dreams, first released in 1985 on Fanfare Records. She re-recorded the track with Almighty Records in 1997. She was also featured on dance tracks by Midnight Sunrise : On The House and In At The Deep End (released in 1986 on Nightmare Records). In 1987 she recorded a duet with Paul Carrack ( lead singer with Mike and the Mechanics), called When You Walk in the Room which was released on Chrysalis.

In 1986 she started writing my own songs and had her first cover in 1987 with American artist Micky Howard. The song was called Baby Be Mine and went to number 5 in the American Soul charts. She co-wrote this song with Ashley Ingram, songwriter and bass player from Imagination. She signed a publishing deal with Warner Chappell Music in 1993 and have had songs covered with artists worldwide.

In the 90’s she did vocals and co-wrote a track called Kingdom of Love by Massivo, released on Debut.

In 1993 she had her son Zach and stopped touring to do session work. She was much in demand both as a session singer and as an accomplished songwriter. She has sung on many chart records including Elton John (Something About The Way You Look Tonight), Celine Dion (Think Twice) and Cher, and have been heard on many radio and TV jingles and adverts. She sung on Zeitia Massiah's 2 first solo singles, and on demos by Tony Di Bart. She recently confirmed she was the voice on Cappella's hit Move It Up. Under the stage name of Tasmin, she became the vocalist of Almighty records project Deja Vu. She also contributed to 2 songs of the project Bianca.

In July 2003 she joined a classical band called The New London Chorale. They recorded a Live album in Holland in September 2003 where the band have been established for 15 years. She has written one lyric on the new album The Young Mendelssohn.

Jackie just finished recording a solo album of songs with a spiritual, inspirational, and devotional nature in the lyric. The songs chosen were written over a twelve year period, and the musical flavour of the tracks varies from soul, funk, gospel, blues and jazz.

Artists and groups featuring Rawe (Jackie)

Back 2 Basics - Please Forgive Me 2010 (2010)
Bianca - Crush (1998), Hot 'n Steamy (1998)
Cappella - Move It Up (1994)
Deja vu - Against All Odds (2000), All This Time (2004), Don't Speak (1997), If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time (2000), Leave Right Now (2004), My Heart Will Go On (1998), No Rhyme No Reason (2000), Stay (2001), That's My Goal (2006), To Deserve You (1997), Un-Break My Heart (1996), Uninvited (1998), When You Say Nothing At All (1999)
Massiah Zeitia - Sexual Prime (1996)
Midnight Sunrise - In At The Deep End (1986)
Respect - You Know How To Love Me (1998)



Ray and Anita
EuroDance Group



Still Unlimited ()
In Da Name Of Love (Jan 2010)
Nothing 2 Lose (28th Oct 2011)


In Da Name Of Love (2010)

Ray & Anita is the name chosen for the reuniting of the former 2 Unlimited members Anita Doth and Ray Slijngaard, since they did not have the rights to use 2 Unlimited project name. After some live appearances during year 2009, they released their first single In Da Name Of Love, an electro track.

2010 : The follow-up Still Unlimited was presented during Queen's day in Amsterdam in May. Originally planned for August, its release was postponed to October. An album was planned for 2011. It should include a remake of one of their old hits as 2 Unlimited. They also plan a European tour for 2011.

Still Unlimited was several times postponed. In November, they revealed in an interview that the new single would be entitled Nothing To Lose.

Thanks to Richard (2 Unlimited official French fanclub)



Ray (Barbara)
EuroDance Group



Never Give Up (1996)

Never Give Up was released on several compilations in Malaysia and Indonesia : Disco 2000, Club Dance and Club 2 Dance

No relation with the South African singer

Thanks to Gianni



Ray (Linda)
EuroDance Member



Work For More (1990)
Perfect Love (1990)
I've Got The New Attitude (1991)
Feel The Power (1992)
Get Your Love (1992)
I Don't Want You (1993)

Linda Ray was a project created by Pierre Feroldi. Perfect Love sampled Waited So Long by Darcy Alonso. I Don't Want You featured uncredited vocals by Tiziana Negrello

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Ray (Linda)

Feroldi Pierre - Get Away (1991), Movin Now (1990), The Beat (1990)



Ray (Manuela)
EuroDance Member

Her real name is Manuela Ferisovic, she was born on 7th of August in Pula (ex Jugoslavia) according to some sources, in Roma according to some others. Her mother is Bresilian and his father German. She's got a brother. She began to sing in school bands.

She became the female vocalist of Imperio and also did vocals for the project Decadance. With Imperio, she scored many hits and performed in 750 live appearances.

She is 1,76 m tall and weights 55 kg, her hair change color according to video clips (from white to dark brown) and her eyes are brown. She lives in Vienna. At the time of Imperio she had no boyfriend nor child. Her hobbies were bungy jumping, alpine skiing and water-skiing. Her mother langauges are German and Serbian, but she is also fluent in English and Russian

After Imperio, she was discovered by Elite modeling agency. She also worked as a writer and host for a Viennese television channel ATV. Then she signed up for a 3 year program at the New York Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute.

2002 : she played the role of Lela in the TV series Podijum.

2006 : she did a guest appearance in the 6th season of HBO series The Sopranos.

2009 : she had the main role in the theater play "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof".

2010 : she had a role in the theater plays "Days of Wine and Roses" and "Love is a battlefield" in NYC.

2012 : she played a gangster in the short movie The Indian and a mother in the TV series Louis Grant.

Manuela also played in over 350 TV commercials

Thanks to Eurodance Story

Artists and groups featuring Ray (Manuela)

Decadance - Latin Lover (1994)
Imperio - Amor Infinitus (1995), Nostra Culpa (1995), Quo Vadis (1995), Veni Vidi Vici (1994)



Ray (Nick)
EuroDance Group



Don't Break My Heart (1996)

Single was composed by Marco Carmassi (aka T-rex), lyrics were written and sung by Fabio Sarni. Background vocals could have been done by Antonella Massaro. Label : ADA Records. A videoclip shot in Italy was done for the single.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



Rayder (Sheena)
EuroDance Group



Without You (1993)
The Winner Takes It All (1994)

Sheena Rayder project was produced by Severo Lombardoni. The Winner Takes It All was a cover of Abba's famous hit. It featured the same vocalist as Martine.



Rayne (Dana)
EuroDance Member



Overload (2010)

Dana Ryane (aka Dana Ritacco) was born in Long Island, New York on March 5th, 1981. Before, she released the solo single Object Of My Desire (a cover of Starpoint) in 2003 (it reached the Top 10 of the UK Singles Chart in January 2005). She then recorded Flying High in 2005, which was never released as a single, but featured on dance compilations. She collaborated with Jeannie Ortega, Lucas Prata and Dose of Fulanito. She's been La Bouche's new frontlady since 2007.

2008 : she recorded the song Make It On My Own

2010 : Dana's new single is entitled Overload.

Thanks to Tavi Meran



EuroDance Member



Crazy World (22nd Nov 1999)

Richard Michael (or Allen) Smith was born on the 29th of October 1970 in Sparta (Georgia) the South of the USA. He studied music (gospel) but also won many rap contests. Then he became a professionnal American football player : he played at Atlanta, at the Clemson Tigers (while doing his studies at Clemson University from 1985 to 1989) as free safety (the defensive quarterback), at the Dallas Cowboys. A shoulder injury forced him to rest in rehab during one year. In 1991, he ranked #22 in the NFL Europe, playing for London Monarchs, Frankfurt Galaxy and Barcelona Dragons. After he went back to America, he met a German girl. Then he came to Munich in the Thunders team. They were the first American football team in Munich to enter into Pan European play.

As Richard was hanging around at the club Park Cafe, he noticed a guy with a snake around his neck : Deon Blue, who told him he had some success with the project he was rapping for (Pharao) but he did raps for another project too and could not handle both. Deon introduced Ras to manager Heinz Gross from Joint Venture Concerts, one of the biggest concerts booking agencies in Germany. Heinz liked Ras' look but did not really talk about singing or rapping. He explained him that the first song of the project was already record, so Ras would just have to do the live shows. Later, maybe, he would be allowed to contribute to other songs.

This is how Ras became the first E-Rotic rapper. "I left E-rotic on my own, nobody kicked me out. I didn't like the business of the producer David Brandes. He took money from live shows and had no respect for the live group E-rotic. It was stupid to say 15 years later the true came out. I was playing football when Max was out on record. I came in the group as a live show artist first. I am a rapper. The producer wanted to do everything for himself, so he could keep all the money and continue to make silly songs. He was not growing, so I left".

Richard created afterwards S.E.X. Appeal with Lyane Leigh. The same year, he started working at Edition Boosballer. In 1997 he became Magic Affair's new rapper (he appears in the clip of Bohemian Rhapsody and rapped for the singles Break These Chains and Night Of The Raven). He contributed to writing and producing Johnny Right's single I Wanna (Be With You Tonight), including an appearance in the videoclip. With Rod D and Lori Glori, he contributed to eurorap project Vienna's single Amadeus '97 (a cover of Falco). He also entered the marketing business, helping for cross-marketing deals between sportswear breands such as Columbia, Echo or South Pole and bands such as N*Sync.

1998 : he founded the girls band Four Colourz after a radio casting in California, that he managed and produced till 2001, releasing singles such as ABCD and Dog Me Out.

1999 : Richard went back to Munich and released a solo single entitled Crazy World, that he composed, wrote and produced himself with Daniel Troha. He also founded International Music Link.

2003 : he contributed to project Cool Ade song 95 South which appeared on soundtrack of movie National Security.

2005 : he began working as a consultant at Bravo HipHop Magazin.

2007 : he came back to Germany

2017 : he released a single under project name Pappa.Ras.See, a duet with Pappa Bear

2019 : he co-founded a restaurant equipment manufacturer company in Loganville (Georgia, USA) called BavariaGrill LLC, the daughter company and operating trademark of the German company, KSF-Grillgeraete GmbH. They imported original rotisserie grill used for the Oktoberfest.

He lives in Munich, Germany and in Pendleton, USA. He still runs business development company International Link.Me

In private, Richard has a brother called Marcus, a sister called Renée and a daughter called Brittany. His hobbies are football, basketball and running. His favourite singer is Michael Jackson, and his favourite actors are Denzel Washington and Demi Moore. His preferred destination is Atlanta (US). He likes eating chicken and drinking Cola. His favourite colour is blue.

Lyane Online
Thanks to Tavi Meran and Richard Smith himself

Artists and groups featuring Raz-ma-Taz

Johnny Right - I Wanna (Be With You Tonight) (1997)
Magic Affair - Break These Chains (1997), Night Of The Raven (1997)
Missing Heart - Wild Angels (1994)
Pappa.Ras.See - Hot In Here (2017)
Rod D - Amadeus '97 (1997)
SEX Appeal - Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi (1996)



EuroTrance Group



Everybody (1999)
Droid (1999)
Let Yourself Go (2000)

Razzia was a project created by Peter Hernqvist & Nello Tijardovic. Everybody ‎was written by Peter Hernkvist, produced by Peter Hernkvist and Nello Tijardovic, featured vocals by Johanna Hjort and was released in 1999 under Remixed Records. Droid was produced by Peter Hernkvist and Nello Tijardovic, released under name Razzia Project. Vocals were sung by Jeanette Skoglund.

A third single entitled Let Yourself Go was recorded and released as promo only in 2000 under Hypnotic Records.



Razzle Dazzle
EuroDance Group



Pick Up The Fiddle (Pluck That Banjo) (1994)

Pick Up The Fiddle (Pluck That Banjo) was written by H.J. Sperwer, S. Van Leeuwen, T. Van Zanen and A. Michel. Vocals were performed by One Take Willy & Evelien. Released by Red Bullet.

Thanks to Vision



EuroDance Group



Three Four Give Me More (Da Da Da) (1995)

Label : MCA

Re-O-Do (maybe a reference to the music notes ?) features the voice of CCR. Music and lyrics were done by Remmler, Kralle, My Law and Jay Schatz. The single was produced by Law and Jay Schatz. Post-production & remix were done by Bob Cruise, Leif Landahl and Miss Hagman.

Thanks to reBeL and Klems



EuroDance Group



Radio Moscow (1995)

Label : Discomagic. The track was featured on the Romanian compilation Baby Baby. It was produced by Maurizio Pezzota and Mauro Bonasio (who also remixed Fabrica - I'm Missing You and produced Mad Box - Touch The Sky and Vision - Talk About Me), recorded at Kitten Studio Aleano L.

Thanks to reBeL and DJ Marto Aida



Reach Out Club
EuroDance Group



Take Me Away (1995)

Take Me Away featured a female vocalist and a rapper. It was arranged by A. Goldmann, engineered by Omar Samhoun, written and composed by Happy Vibes and T. Berlin. Label: Happy Vibes Records, produced by New Art Tonstudio Dresden.



Reactor Project
EuroDance Group



Give Me Attitude (1998)

Reactor Project is a Canadian dance act of Numuzik Productions. Their single Give Me Attitude was written by Dan Murray, produced and arranged by Peter Gilroy and Dan Murray, co-produced by François Tessier.

Thanks to reBeL



Read Backword
EuroDance Group



Call My Name ()

Call My Name featured a rapper and a female vocalist. It was produced and writen by Alex Badella and Steven Saccavino, recorded at Active Studio in Turin, programmed and mixed by Alex Badella, arranged by Steven Saccavino. Executive producers were Eros Onofri and Renato Avallone. Label : The Imperial Records



Read (Kathy)
EuroDance Group



Tonight (1996)

Kathy Read is actually Sandy Chambers. Tonight was released in 1995 under the label Clown, and re-released 1996 under Discomagic. It was written and composed by Franco Tripodi and Carl Fath, recorded at Nowhere Studio.

Thank to reBeL



Reading A Book
EuroDance Group



Handle With Care (1996)

Handle With Care featured a solo female vocalist. This cover or re-release of The Tatjana was included on Polish compilation Maxi Dance Vol. 4 '96.

Thanks to Gianni



Real 2 Day
EuroDance Group



Change Our Life (17th Apr 2015)

Real 2 Day was founded in 2015 by 2 producers : Valerij Schmidt from Germany and Olek Hrytsiv from Ukraine aka Real Thing (Free 2 Night). Their debut single Change Our Life featured rapper Boris Pavlovic from B.P.M.



Real Dream
EuroDance Group



Gotta Find You (1994)
My Love 4 You (24th Sep 1994)
Change The Way (10th Jul 1995)

The vinyls of Gotta Find You (LIB 101) and of My Love 4 You (LIB 101) were released under the label Let It Beat.

Gotta Find You was mixed and recorded at Logic Studio. The 2 first tracks were programmed by Franco Frassinetti, the last was programmed by Marco Dalle Luche, Massimo Zucchelli. It featured the vocalist Carmen.

My Love 4 You was produced by La Bionda and Massimo Zucchelli. It featured Evelyn K.

The follow-up Change The Way featured Elisa. Sandy Chambers contributed to the songwriting.

Thanks to reBeL, Klems and and Gianni



Real Fruit
EuroTrance Group



I Believe In Love (1998)

Spanish act Real Fruit was produced and arranged by Paco Arcos, Cristian Monasor and Miguel Angel Caudevilla. Single I Believe In Love was mixed and recorded at Key Music Studios. Label: Vale Music.

Thanks to Ulysses



Real Hollywood Project
EuroDance Group



Love Is Gone (26th Apr 2010)

Love Is Gone was released digitally in 2010 under the mysterious label Tricko Tracko. It was actually composed by Marco Delgardo and produced in 1993 by the famous German team Cyborg DMP for project Intermission, but never released as a single or album track. It was probably not remixed by the Masterboy team.



Real Hype
EuroDance Group



It's Raining Again ()
Jane Is Calling ()
Anywhere ()
Living In A Promised Land ()
Thunder ()
Train To Nowhere ()
Train Of Love (21st Jun 1996)

The single Train Of Love was written, composed and produced by Axel Breitung for Bishop Productions. The female vocalist was Christiane Eiben.

Many other tracks were recorded under the project name Real Hype. For instance, It's Raining Again. It was finally given to LOFT, female lyrics were replaced by the well-know ragga-raps, and it was released as single in 1995. Anywhere was given to Indra in 1995 too. Living In A Promised Land was released under the name Reduction in 1996, then re-written and re-released as Hand in Hand for Children Children Need A Helping Hand. Jane Is Calling was released in 1995 under the project name Bizarr. Train To Nowhere was released unde project name Add.



Real Im-Pact
EuroDance Group



The Neverending Story (1994)
I Shot The Sheriff (1996)

Real Im-Pact was a project featuring Windsor Robinson. Their eurodance version of The Neverending Story theme was featured on the soundtrack of the third movie, along with another song entitled Nasty World The song was released in Spain as promo only. 2 years later, they released a jungle version of Bob Marley's hit I Shot The Sheriff

Windsor Robinson aka E-Lo also took part to projects Pas De Deux, Ex-It, Positive Connextion and 4 The Ball. He also performed on the last track on the compilation Queen Dance Traxx (We Are The Champions)

Thanks to Gianni



Real McCoy
EuroDance Group



Singles Collection ()

1.It's On You (Albums version), 2.Automatic Lover (Trans euro mix), 3.Pump Up The Jam (Orginal rap version), 4.Run Away (Original rap version), 5.Get On Up (Album version), 6.Love And Devotion (Summer mix), 7.One More Time (Original radio mix), 8.Another Night (Album version), 9.Give A Little Love, 10.Come And Get Your Love (Long version), 11.How Deep Is Your Love (Album version), 12.Take A Look At Your Life (Album version), 13.Don't Stop (Single mix), 14.Ooh Boy (Extended single version), 15.It's On You (Allstars remix),

On The Move (1990)

1.On The Move (Intro), 2.Another Night, 3.Be Yourself, 4.Serious (featuring Diamond Ross), 5.McCoy's House (featuring Jay-Rapper), 6.Don't Stop (Acappella Version), 7.Pump Up The Jam (Original Rap Version), 8.She's Gone, 9.Get On Up, 10.Que Pasa, 11.I Owe You Nothin', 12.Cut The C, 13.Pump Up The Jam (US Remix), 14.Another Night (All-Stars Remix), 15.Undercover, 16.Don't Stop (Single Mix),

Space Invaders (29th Aug 1994)

1.Space Invaders (The Opening), 2.Automatic Lover, 3.Run Away, 4.24 Hours, 5.Love and Devotion, 6.Another Night, 7.I Want You, 8.Operator, 9.Streetfighter, 10.Out of Control, 11.Je Suis Amoureux, 12.How Deep Is Your Love?, 13.Another Night (US mix), 14.Megablast, 15.Space Invaders (The Last Crusade),

Another Night (1995)

1.Another Night, 2.If You Should Ever Be Lonely (Deep In the Night), 3.Run Away, 4.Sleeping With An Angel, 5.Ooh Boy, 6.Love And Devotion, 7.Automatic Lover, 8.Operator, 9.I Want You, 10.Another night (US mix),

The Remix Album (2nd Jul 1996)

1.Another Night (Ragga II House Mix), 2.Come And Get Your Love (Junior's House Mix), 3.Love & Devotion (Limited Express Club Mix), 4.Run Away (Reel House Mix), 5.Automatic Lover (Lenny's House Mix), 6.Ooh Boy (Uno Clio Remix Edit), 7.Streetfighter, 8.Operator (Slash Brother's Mix), 9.Automatic Lover (B&B Mix), 10.Come And Get Your Love (NRG Extended Mix), 11.Je Suis Amoureux, 12.Love & Devotion (House Mix), 13.Another Night (Dance Mix),

One More Time - European Version (1997)

1.One More Time (Original Radio Mix), 2.Give A Little Love, 3.The Sky Is The Limit, 4.Tomorrow, 5.I Wanna Come (With You), 6.Love Almost Faded, 7.Party, 8.Take A Look At Your Life, 9.Love Save Me, 10.Love Is A Stranger, 11.Silly, 12.Look At Me, 13.Tonight, 14.(If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here, 15.Start Loving Me,

One More Time - US album (17th Aug 1997)

1.One More Time, 2.I Wanna Come (With You), 3.Give A Little Love, 4.(If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here, 5.Love Almost Faded, 6.Look At Me, 7.Love Save Me, 8.Take A Look At Your Life, 9.The Sky Is The Limit, 10.Love Is A Stranger, 11.Tomorrow, 12.Tonight, 13.CD-ROM Multimedia Presentation,

Love And Devotion (1998)

1.Space Invaders (The Opening), 2.Automatic Lover (Call for Love), 3.Run Away, 4.24 Hours, 5.Love and Devotion, 6.Another Night, 7.I Want You, 8.Operator, 9.Streetfighter, 10.Out of Control, 11.Je Suis Amoureux, 12.How Deep Is Your Love?, 13.Another Night (U.S. House Mix), 14.Megablast, 15.Space Invaders (The Last Crusade),

Platinum & Gold Collection (17th Jun 2003)

1.Another Night (Radio Mix), 2.Run Away (Single Version), 3.Come And Get Your Love (Single Mix), 4.Automatic Lover (Single Version), 5.One More Time (Single Mix), 6.I Wanna Come (With You) (Original Radio Edit), 7.(If You'er Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here (Radio Mix), 8.Tonight (Album Version), 9.Love And Devotion (Airplay Mix), 10.Ooh Boy (Radio Edit), 11.Sleeping With An Angel (Single Fade), 12.Operator (Album Version),

Best Of Real McCoy - Another Night (24th May 2005)

1.Run Away, 2.Another Night, 3.Come And Get Your Love, 4.Automatic Lover, 5.Love & Devotion, 6.(If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here!, 7.Love Is A Stranger, 8.One More Time, 9.The Sky Is The Limit, 10.Tonight,

The Real Best (9th Sep 2016)


Shining Star ()
Pump Up The Jam Rap (Feb 1990)
It's On You (Apr 1990)
Don't Stop (Jan 1991)
Make A Move (17th May 1991)
Let's Talk About Love (20th Mar 1992)
No Showbo (11th Sep 1992)
Another Night (16th Jul 1993)
Automatic Lover (14th Jan 1994)
Run Away (7th Jul 1994)
It's On You Remix 94 (Sep 1994)
Love And Devotion (3rd Apr 1995)
Come And Get Your Love (29th Jun 1995)
Operator (1996)
Sleeping With An Angel / Ooh Boy (19th Feb 1996)
One More Time (29th Jan 1997)
I Wanna Come With You (25th Jul 1997)
(If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here (16th Sep 1997)
Pump Up The Jam Rap Remix '98 (9th Sep 1998)
It's On You '99 (19th May 1999)
Hey Now (17th Mar 2000)
Slave 2 My Feelings (2005)
4 The Lover (2006)
People Are Still Having Sex (1st Sep 2007)
Two Hearts (Nov 2009)
Magnify (19th Dec 2023)


It's On You (The Re-Remixes) (1990)
It's On You (Remix By Freshline Allstars) (1990)
Make A Move (Gypsy Man Remix) (1991)
Another Night (1993)
Automatic Lover (1994)
Run Away (1994)
Another Night US mix (21st Nov 1994)
Come And Get Your Love (1995)
Love And Devotion (1995)
Automatic Lover US mix (2nd Oct 1995)
I Wanna Come (With You) (1997)
One More Time (1997)
Magnify (Eurosoul mix) (15th Feb 2024)

Musical and producing team : Jurgen Wind, Quickmix (Frank Hassas aka Ritchie), O'Jay

Real McCoy started in the Summer of 1989, when Reinhard Piel, A&R Manager of the german based label ZYX Records, called the little production company "Freshline Records" belonging to O'Jay, a musician and former photographer (he had already been part of a trio project called Masterplan, then took part to The Admirers and released the tracks Action! and Come Into My Life). Before this time they had already worked on a couple of other products with ZYX. This time they were looking for a cover "rap" version of the song Pump Up The Jam by Technotronic. A real artist at that time was not so important for ZYX, what they wanted was a quick production, something they could release ASAP.

O-jay wrote and recorded his rap within 2 days. They hired a studio vocalist for the female chorus part. The result was pretty poor (she was not even close to the unique voice in the original version) but they sticked with it, since we had no other option.

In the process of the writing, O-jay gave the "maginary" rapper of my voice the name M.C. SAR. He explains : "Since my English was pretty basic I produced a name that should have been "M.C. ZAR" but I used the german way of writing Cezar. I also added "The real McCoy" in the name (maybe even in the lines) to represent myself and not (like it is many times mistakently written) to represent the people behind the project. I knew already that I would not appear on the cover or even the stage for this song. So I gave my "fake" rapper a name and added myself into it with the trademark "The real McCoy"."

A week later ZYX had a finished production on the table. In that time everyone thought that this product would only be a "one timer", so they used the name of a project O'Jay created two years ago : M.C. SAR & the Real McCoy.

Pump Up The Jam made it up to number 16 in the German billboard charts. So when ZYX asked for a follow-up single, they went back to the studio and recorded It's On You (with Patricia Peterson as singer). "It was strange but we knew in our hearts and souls that this follow up single was a hit" explains O'Jay.

"The song was simple (like almost all of the self-composed songs we did). Ritchie worked with a bumping bassline and added some trendy synths on top. The beat was drumloop of a song called Break 4 Love by Raze. The beat was pretty popular, since a guy called Sydney Youngblood had a smash hit (If Only I Could), using the same beat. The rap was already recorded and we added some samples (we still liked that kind of stuff and still did not care of any copyright problems). Ritchie prerecorded my chorus melody." O-jay reminds. "Patsy was perfect for the song. Her voice reminded us a little of Wommack & Womack's Footsteps on the dancefloor. Somehow her voice was unique. Everybody was happy with the result and made the final mix for ZYX."

According to the official story, It's On You reached #1 in 12 countries and sold over 2 million copies world-wide. Actually, according to O-Jay himself, even if the single was very succesful, it only reached #1 in a chart in Spain (40 Principales). It was #4 in Austria, #8 in Switzerland, #7 in France and stayed in the French charts during 28 weeks.

When ZYX wanted to produce a video and the clubs asked for shows at the same time, they just needed to find a face for the project for the rap parts, since O'Jay decided to use his voice but not his face. A year ago, when O'Jay met Patsy in the legendary Berlin club "Dschungel (jungle)" he was also hanging out with a guy called Shampro. He was a good looking black guy from France with origins from Zaire, a good dancer and he knew also a little bit about rapping. He was also fluent in English, German and French. "So I called him up and made an agreement. Of course everything needed to be organized pretty fast, since the song was already in the charts and still climbing up" recalls O'Jay. So on the peak of the success with It's On You, Shampro and Patsy were touring across Europe (Quickmix and O'Jay even joined the tour for a couple of concerts in France) while the producers went back in the studio to record the material for the album. They used a lot of different guest vocals, musicians and keyboarders, since they saw the whole thing still as a project.

As for the video, the budget was pretty small. O-jay had organized a photo shoot with 2 other photographers. He remembers : "It is a remarkable piece of crap but in that time we was pretty satisfied with the result".

The album On The Move ! and the third single Don't Stop were released in 1990. While the single still made its way into the charts, ZYX didn't manage to place the album in the charts. In the following years MC Sar & the Real Mc Coy recorded 3 more singles (Make A Move, No Showbo and Let´s Talk About Love) but somehow none of these productions made a big impression on the market. So for a while, it looked like the project had his five minutes of fame and would disappear from the music scene. But as we all know today, that was not the case, cause everything changed in 1993.

Vanessa Mason, an American whose father was stationed at a U.S. Army base in Berlin, joined Real McCoy during the recording of Another Night. Arista Records brought the group to the U.S. with the album and spearheaded the eventual recognition of the group as one of the break-out artists of 1995.

O-jay revealed that Patsy has never sung on any of the "new" M.C.SAR & The Real McCoy a.k.a. Real McCoy releases. The name of the original singer was Karin Kasar. She was casted by the Boogie Park studios in Hamburg and made a test recording with these guys on Another Night. This recording found his way on the final playback of Another Night. She was offered a little money to record some other tracks on the album, but never received any royalties for the whole album. Only Ritchie, David and the Berman Brothers knew her. O-Jay himslef never met her in all that time. A lot years later, he met her recently and had a chance to thank her for her great work and also to say that he was sorry that things turned out this way. She was never considered as the real artist because she had a few pounds too much on her body. That was the only reason and of course there was the reason that Patsy was looking the right way...

Their album Another Night, an explosive blend of Rap, Techno, and Pop, fueled by three smash singles (Another Night, Automatic Lover and Runaway), went Platinum (1,000,000 copies sold) in under 8 weeks and has since gone Double-Platinum. It peaked to #13 on the US Billboard Album chart. The exciting debut album included such hits as the Platinum-selling title track which hit Billboard's top 5 at place #3, went up to #2 in the UK, to #18 in Germany, to #42 in Switzerland, to #30 in Austria, and stayed #1 in Australia during 6 weeks.

It paved the way for Automatic Lover (#32 in Germany and Switzerland), the Top-10 Gold Single Runaway (once again #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, #4 in Australia, #6 in UK, #22 in Switzerland, #22 in Germany, #24 in Austria) and the follow-up top-20 singles Love And Devotion (which was remixed by Bass Bumpers and peaked #12 in the UK and in Australia, #16 in Austria, and #37 in Germany) and Come and Get Your Love (#18 in Australia, #19 in the UK, #53 in Germany).

The unprecedented success garnered the group awards for Best New Artist of the Year at the 1995 Billboard Music Awards, Best Selling German Artist at the World Music awards and nominations for Best New Artist at the American Music Awards and Artist of the Year for both 1995 and 1996 at the Billboard Music Awards.

In 1996 the group returned for One More Time, their highly-anticipated follow- up. One More Time featured O-Jay and Vanessa Mason along with their new addition to the group Lisa Cork. Lisa, a native Texan, had relocated to New York City to pursue her singing career. 'It's great singing with Vanessa', Lisa says, 'Our voices blend and compliment each other as if we grew up performing together!'.

The lead single One More Time was exhilarating high-energy dance/pop. 'This time we feel much more in control of what we want to express through the music,' says O-Jay 'We've all grown and tasted both the trappings and pleasures of fame. I think the songs, while still dance oriented, are a little more reflective because our lives have changed.'. Single was covered by SAIFAM project M. Steven.

Along with the title track on the album wereTake a Look at Your Life,I Wanna Come, and the Billy Steinberg (Whitney Houston, Madonna) penned Love Save Me. The group also explored other genres of music with the ballad Look at Me, the jeep-funk sounding Love Almost Faded, and a re-make of Shania Twain's #1 Country Record (If You're Not in It For Love) I'm Outta Here.. In the production seat on One More Time were some of the heaviest hitters in music today, with tracks produced by The Bermann Brothers (Amber's This Is Your Night), Tommy Eckman & Per Alderbrat (Ace of Base), Bass Bumpers and J.Wind (Real McCoy's Another Night).

Vanessa left Real McCoy afterwards. It was said she had been replaced by a vocalist called Lisa Styles. BMG Germany re-released the album Space Invaders but under the name of Love & Devotion. One could also find in Germany some 98 remixes of Pump Up the Jam. Then a '99 remix of their first hit It's On You was released. But the team totally changed : O'Jay officially left the band and was replaced by a rapper called Jason Ammon, who lipsynced on O-Jay's re-recorded raps. There were also 2 new singers named Gabriele Koopmans and Ginger Maria Kamphuis...

This new team released their following single in April 2000 : Hey Now.

2002 : Rimini Project covered Another Night on their album Heartbeats.

2004 : there were rumors about remixes of the old hits of Real McCoy that would be released this year. But no company agreed to release them.

2005 : according to his songwriter, Real McCoy will start 2005 with a new single and a new label. The release is planned for May 2005 in Germany and Europe. Another Night was covered by Morgana.

2006 : a reloaded version of Real McCoy's hit Another Night was said to have been released in January. Actually, it's the O-jay.com re-recording of Another Night, to be released as vinyl under the label A45, with the same title (no reloaded added or something). It will include new female vocals and re-recorded rap vocals of O-jay himself.

2007 : Real McCoy started releasing new songs in a series called Additional Series. The 2 first songs were entitled 4 The Lover and Slave To My Feelings. The third one was just released, it's a cover-version of LaTour's eighties club hit People Are Still Having Sex. You can listen to it on O-'jay's Myspace. A brand new single and album are planned...

2008 : Vogue did a cover of Another Night.

2009 : O-jay is working on new Real McCoy tracks with Debbie Butts and Gemma Sampson, the new vocalists. The new single Two Hearts, a very nice and uplifting track, is on its way, it should be released in Autumn... They peformed it in Toronto Summer Rush in July and in Engelberg in August.

2012 : Project Mista covered the melody of Run Away's chorus in their single Never Hide.

2013 : Real McCoy's hit Another Night was covered by Earlwood

2016 : Former vocalist Karin Kasar joined the project again and was on stage of Love Message Festival i Poland on August

2022 : singers Sara Mosquera and Mac, and music producer K.I.S.T.E. are sharing the stage with O-jay for 90s concerts and festivals.

Thanks to DH Hooligan, BookmanJones, Wild Ace, Anders Bøgh, Niklas Adolfsson and Amber June
Thanks to O-Jay himself and Apho for the latest informations



Real Stuff
EuroDance Group



Slave To The Rhythm (1996)

Slave To The Rhythm was written by Jewell, composed by Huber and Mikulec. It was featured on Austrian compilation Get Up An' Jam.



Real System
EuroDance Group



The Album (1st May 2013)

1.Sing My Song (Radio Edit), 2.Got To Be Loved, 3.Around My Life, 4.Something About You, 5.There Is No More Love (Real Groove), 6.Believe In You, 7.Never Can Say Goodbye, 8.Cantaremos, 9.Your Song, 10.Mi Fa Morire Cantando (Italian Version), 11.There Is No More Love (16c Groove), 12.Never Can Say Goodbye (Karaoke Version), 13.Around My Life (Karaoke Version), 14.Believe In You (Karaoke Version), 15.There Is No More Love (Karaoke Version),


There Is No More Love (5th Dec 1996)
Sing My Song (1998)
There Is No More Love 2018 (12th Oct 2018)


There Is No More Love (1996)
There Is No More Love (5th Jul 2019)

Real System was made of DJ Ricio (Fabrizio Loprieno), GiBo and singer Tony M (Antonella Mare). Born in Sesto San Giovanni and a big Tina Turner fan, Antonella Mare was only 19 when she was discovered in a disco by 2 friends of producer Marcello Catalano.

There Is No More Love was released in Italy under Bianco & Negro Edizioni Musicali, and licensed under ARS for other European countries. It was produced and written by Marcello Catalano, written by Roberto Zucchini, recorded and mixed at Gian Burrasca Studio (Corbetta, Milan). The Real Groove was a house song reminding of Everything But The Girl's hit Missing (at least that's what Marcello Catalano explained in an interview given to DJ Sound Magazine in 1996). The Extended Club was more eurodance.

Single was very succesful in Brazil and the project even did a tour there in June 1996. Antonella shared the stage with another singer called Alina.

A remastered version of There Is No More Love was released in 2012. digital album was released in May 2013, gathering the 2 singles as well as unreleased songs and their karaoke versions.

2018 : a remixes package for There Is No More Love, with re-recorded vocals by Antonella, was released under DMN Records.

Antonella is now based in Milan. She performs in a band called Steve Sonora and also works on her solo carreer.

Thanks to Emperor Absolutus, Krasi, Alex Capilé and Sebastian
Rikardomusic blog



Real Time
EuroDance Group



This Is Love (1997)

Spanish eurodance act produced by Dith Wemyd (Julio Posadas) and arranged by Antonio Javier Pardo Martin, Hector Seral and Yolanda Rivera. This act released the single This Is Love under label Boy Records.

Thanks to Ulysses and Sebastian



Real Words
EuroDance Group



Love Is The Key (1995)
My Baby Mine (1995)

The proejct featured a solo female vocalist. The single Love Is The Key was engineered by G. Brown, produced by Bruno Guerrini, programmed by Without Words, mixed At Digital Secret Studio. My Baby Mine featured vocals by Niky. Label : BWC Records



EuroDance Group



Welcome To The Beat (17th May 1995)

The single Welcome To The Beat was released as CD maxi, including 4 different mixes. All tracks were written by Salvatore Mirto, Roberto "Robby" Mirto and RamTin Khazdowzian (the 2 rappers), produced by Wollschläger/Mainz, published by Ed. Art 4 Art.

Thanks to Hickermann



EuroDance Group



Everybody Muv (1996)

Everybody Muv was arranged and mixed by Simon and Ciccio, written by Donatella Coristi, Francesco Terrana, Lorenzo Zambolin and Marco Maccari. Label: Mystery Records



EuroDance Producer


Born April 7th 1983, Ukrainian composer/arranger Oleksandr Hrytsiv aka RealThing is one of the members of eurodance project Free 2 Night.

Artists and groups featuring RealThing

Free 2 Night - Lost Control (2012), Music In Your Mind (2012), Stays The Same (2012), Under The Sun (2013)
Good Moov - Eurodance Era (2012)



EuroDance Group



Rebeca (1996)

1.Sólo Amante, 2.Duro De Pelar, 3.No Hay Dos Sin Tres, 4.Espera, Chico Espera, 5.Piano, Piano, 6.Corazón Corazón, 7.Cállate Ya, 8.A Un Paso Del Fin, 9.Un Lugar Para Ti, 10.Mas Que Un Engano, 11.Un Llanto En Occidente, 12.Duro De Pelar (Nu-NRG mix),

Rebelde (1997)

1.Todos los Chicos Son Igual, 2.Si Tu Te Vas, 3.Al Cien Por Cien, 4.Dime Si Me Quieres9, 5.Mi Ciudad, 6.Locos Por Vivir, 7.Nada Me Puede Parar, 8.Mensajes de Amor, 9.Quisiera, 10.Mundo Feliz,

Grease En Espanol (1998)

Grandes Éxitos (USA) (1999)

1.Duro De Pelar, 2.Dime Si Me Quieres (Rebeca), 3.Todos Los Chicos Son Igual, 4.Corazon, 5.Vas A Ser Mi Amor, 6.Al Cien Por Cein, 7.Mas Que Un Engano, 8.Si Tu Te Vas, 9.Noches de Verano (Summer Nights), 10.Piano Piano, 11.Callate Ya, 12.Nada Me Puede Parar,

Brava (1999)

1.Yo Soy Buena, 2.Mi Forma de Vivir, 3.Brava, 4.Declaracion de Amor, 5.Lo Que Paso Paso, 6.La Cara Oculta, 7.Noche Caliente, 8.Tipico, Tipico, 9.Mas Grandes Que el Amor, 10.Fiesta en Soledad,

Supernatural (2002)

1.Tatuaje, 2.Eso No Es Amor, 3.Supernatural, 4.Eres Tú, 5.Tócame Donde Más Me Duela, 6.Calor, 7.Sábado Noche, 8.Vive, 9.De Cara A La Pared, 10.Simplemente Amor, 11.Te Esperaré,

Lo Mejor De Rebeca (2005)

1.Duro De Pelar (Africa 2005 Rmx), 2.Tatuaje, 3.Más Que Un Engaño, 4.Díme Si Me Quieres, 5.Corazón, Corazón, 6.Piano, Piano, 7.Si tú Te Vas, 8.Sólo Amante, 9.Supernatural, 10.Duro De Pelar, 11.Mi Ciudad, 12.Tócame Donde Más Me Duela, 13.Eso No Es Amor, 14.Nada Me Puede Parar, 15.Vive, 16.Calor (Remix), 17.Quisiera (duet with Franciska), 18.Te Esperaré, 19.Todos Los Chicos Son Igual, 20.Más Que Un Engaño,

Matador EP (Sep 2010)

1.Matador, 2.Much, 3.Se Me Olvidó, 4.Tu Nombre, 5.Valentino Boy,

Fiesta Sobre Mi Corona (8th Sep 2017)

1.Sólo Amante (Remember Version), 2.Corazón Corazón (Love the 90's Version), 3.Cuando el Amor, 4.Más Que un Engaño (Love the 90's Version - Remix 2017), 5.Prefiero Ser Su Amante, 6.Bailando, 7.Se Hizo la Luz (Love The 90's Version), 8.Aquí y Ahora, 9.Sólo Amante (Balada), 10.Duro de Pelar ¡Oh No! (Instrumental),


Más Que Un Engaño (1995)
Corazon Corazon (1995)
Cállate Ya (1996)
Piano Piano (1996)
Duro De Pelar (1996)
Sólo Amante (1997)
Todos Los Chicos Son Igual (1997)
Díme Si Me Quieres (1997)
Si Tú Te Vas (1998)
Brava (1999)
Mi Forma De Vivir (1999)
Lo Que Pasó, Pasó (1999)
Yo Soy Buena (2000)
Tatuaje (2002)
Eso No Es Amor (2003)
Eres Tú (2003)
Calor (2003)
Duro De Pelar Africa Remix 2005 (2005)
Lo Prefiero (2006)
Qué No Daría Yo (2006)
I Love You Mi Vida (2007)
Se Me Olvidó (2008)
Amor Radical (2009)
Valentino Boy (2010)
Going You Loca (2010)
Matador (2010)
Duro de pelar 2011 (21st Feb 2011)
Duro de Pelar 2013 (9th Jul 2013)
Supersonica (16th Apr 2014)
Gloria (13th May 2014)
Aqui Y Ahora (1st Jun 2015)
Se Hizo la Luz (3rd Nov 2015)
Sientes Mariposas (1st Jul 2016)
Este Amor No Se Toca (13th Mar 2018)
Hola Mariposa (11th Jun 2018)
Carrusel (1st Nov 2018)
Uy Ellas (30th Dec 2020)
Una Vida Soy (4th Mar 2022)
Tu Gatita (10th Mar 2023)
Dragon Ball (16th Jun 2023)
La Pluma (25th Apr 2024)


Matador (2011)
Duro de Pelar Remixes 2011 Pt 1 (15th Apr 2011)
Sientes Mariposas Navidad (28th Dec 2017)

Spanish singer Rebeca Pous Del Toro, born November 1st, 1978 in Barcelona, is daughter of the singer Franciska and the painter José María Pous. Rebeca is a cousin of famous Puerto Rican Hollywood actor Benicio Del Toro, and also of poet David Ortiz Arglero.

She started her career in 1995 with the single Más que un engaño, arranged by Xasqui Ten (Speed Limit, Scanners, Essential, XTM). The label Max Music wanted to create a eurodance project with very catchy tunes and powerful music. She started a tour (Super 1) with the most important Spanish TV radio, 40 Principales, and soon arrived another great single, Corazón Corazón. Rebeca appeared in many TV shows, and launched her first LP, simply entitled Rebeca, with a new single (her biggest success, it's in every Spanish karaoke!) that went #1 in Spain and Mexico. The album sold more than 200.000 copies and gave birth to 3 other singles: Sólo amante, Cállate Ya and Piano Piano. She also appeared in the film Una Pareja de Tres.

Afterwards Rebeca released her second album Rebelde (1998). It sold more than 50.000 only in Spain, and made that Rebeca turn into Sandy in the Spanish musical Grease, the Original Sound Track of the Spanish act sold also 50.000 copies.

Rebeca left Spain and took her songs to America. Grandes Éxitos was the title of the album she released on the American continent (USA, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico...) and there she also became popular. She recorded new songs with a latin touch, such as Mi forma de vivir, Yo soy Buena... were mixed with the great success of the well-known song Duro de pelar.

Brava, her third album, came in 2000, and it was also published in Spain. Then came Supernatural her 4th album. The song Tatuaje could be heard in the Spanish TV show Big Brother (Gran Hermano) and popularity came back to Rebeca. She sung with latin singer Innis the song Eres tú, and released two new singles for the summer of 2003: Eso no es amor and Calor.

In 2005 Rebeca took part of the reality TV show Aventura en África (the Spanish equivalent of the UK show called I'm a celebrity Get me out of here!) and she stayed till the 4th position. When she was out of the jungle her most popular song was re-released: Duro de Pelar Africa Remix 2005, and another Greatest Hits was launched in Spain at the end of the year: Lo Major de Rebeca.

2006 : Rebeca sent 2 songs in order to represent Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest. Unfortunately Las Ketchup were selected, and one of the songs sent (Lo Prefiero) was re-recorded by another singer. But, the other one, Qué No Daría Yo is now released by Rebeca and included in a Spanish summer compilation, Disco Estrella vol.9. The song starts slowly like a ballad, and it becomes early a great dance track with very commercial vocals and catchy tunes. The CD has sold over 100 000 copies in Spain.

2007 : Rebeca was selected to take part to the TV show "Misión Eurovisión" in order to represent Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007. Futhermore, her song, I Love You Mi Vida has also been selected among more than 1000 songs that were sent to TVE. Rebeca herself was not selected as a singer (she stood 10th in the semifinal of Spanish TV show "Misión Eurovisión) but the boysband group Nash sung the song. Rebeca said she was preparing new material for a new record.

2009 : Rebeca tried to be selected to represent Spain at ESC with a rock track entitled Amor radical, but she wasn't selected.

2010 : Rebeca recently recorded a new album that will be out soon. The sound is announced to be eurodance... The first single is an uptempo song called Valentino Boy, with lyrics in Spanish and Italian. It has been included in the preselection of the Spanish song for the Eurovision Contest 2010.

In September, she has launched an advance of her new album : an EP with 5 songs: Matador, Valentino Boy, Much, Tu nombre and Se me olvidó. The new single is Matador, the video was shot in the disco "Cool" in Madrid.

2011 : Rebeca is adapting the 90's spanish eurodance tunes into new house music sounds. She tours in Spanish discos performing live with many DJs, and concerts (Orgullo Gay Madrid, more than 5000 people), becoming the the first Spanish vocalist singing house in her mother language.

2012 : Rebeca's first hit Más Que Un Engaño was covered by Sergio Cuho.

Thanks to Rícar and Abelito

Artists and groups featuring Rebeca

Andi Cowl & Raúl Martín - Bailando (2012)
Daigon - Llora El Corazon (2020)
Diego Miranda - Total Eclipse Of The Heart (2011)
Isaac Luque - Ritmo de la noche 2011 (2011)
Monica X - Ritmo De La Noche (2011)
Raúl Martin & Jesús Tena - Yo te siento así (2012)



Record Take
EuroDance Group



Straight Ahead ()

Record Take features the voice of Viviana Presutti and a rapper. Their song Straight Ahead was a very powerful eurodance track.



Recover Project
EuroDance Group



Volume One (2008)

1.Sweet Dreams, 2.Mr. Vain, 3.Rhythm is a Dancer, 4.Rhythm of the Night, 5.Another Night, 6.What is Love, 7.More & More, 8.Everybody, 9.Piece of my Heart, 10.Celebration, 11.Let the Beat go on, 12.Light in the Sky, 13.Set the Groove on Fire, 14.Sweet Dreams (Secret layor rmx), 15.Sweet Dreams (Dirty boyz rmx),


Sweet Dreams (3rd Jun 2009)

The duet Recover Project try to bring back the eurodance classics in the 21st Century. Jenny does the vocals, while Booya is the rapper, dancer and choreograph. Booya has already worked for TV appearances or videoclips with many famous names such as Daddi, Pachanga, Hit Squad Project, Mario Winans, R´n´G, Daniel Lopes, Tarkan, SHA, Culture Beat, Special D., or Technotronic.

This is how they covered and remixed hits such as Culture Beat's Mr Vain or La Bouche's Sweet Dreams (a videoclip was even released). More recently, they recorded 2 excellent original tracks : Light in the Sky and Set the Groove on Fire.

Light in the Sky was featured in the dance-workshop game "Popstar-kit" by Simm Marketing.

Thanks to Klems



EuroDance Group



Do the Narrhalla Dance (9th Jan 1995)
Ich Liebe Schokoflocken (22nd May 1995)

The CD single of Narhalla Dance included a Radio Mix, a Party Mix, an Abfahrer Mix and Abfahrer in Kurz Mix. The follow-up was entitled Ich Liebe Schokoflocken and it was released the same year.

Thanks to Eurodance rage



Red Cat
EuroDance Group



Everybody's Walking (3rd Jun 1994)

Everybody's Walking was originally composed by Michael Hendriks and Guido Seifert on 4th October 1992, and first mixed at Catania Studios. After getting a contract it was re-arranged by the record-label Diabolo Music / WEA. Video was shot on 15th May 1994 The single contained a B-side entitled Love is Deeper which was writtend and composed by Ralf Felder, Franz-Martin Grund and Wolfgang Mertens. It was produced by Siggi Brandt.

Thanks to Eurodance Rage and reBeL



Red Garden
EuroDance Group



Alright ()
To The Moon And Back (1997)
High (7th May 1998)
A View To Kill (24th Mar 2004)
Hungry Like The Wolf (7th Feb 2008)
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (3rd Mar 2008)
Never Be Alone (15th Apr 2008)
And She Said (22nd Jul 2008)
Love Lockdown (23rd Oct 2008)
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (8th Nov 2008)
In The Name Of Love (20th Nov 2008)
With Or Without You (20th Nov 2008)
True Faith (2nd Dec 2008)
Reach Up For The Sunrise (9th Dec 2008)
Notorius (1st Apr 2009)
How It Feels To Be Free (23rd Jul 2009)
Magnificent (25th Sep 2009)
Where The Streets Have No Name (8th Sep 2010)
Girls On Film (8th Sep 2010)
Even Better Than The Real Thing (17th Mar 2012)
First Night Of My Life (4th Jan 2013)
You're The Best Thing About Me (13th Jan 2018)

The first single of this SAIFAM project was entitled To The Moon And Back. This cover of Savage Garden was released under 21st Century records, licensed in Spain under Vale Music

Then came High, a cover of Lighthouse Family, in 1998, once again released under 21st Century records. It was licensed under Pure Music in Australia.

After 6 years of silence, SAIFAM chose to re-use the project name Red Project for a series of dance covers released as one-version digital singles only.

Thanks to Abelito



Red Sun
EuroDance Group



Amaterasu (1996)
This Love (Aug 1996)

Real Name: Jerry Dickens. This trance DJ/producer/remixer and founder of the Hooj Choons label is also known as Red Jerry and RJ Project.

In 1996, Amaterasu was released. Amaterasu is the Japanese Shinto sun goddess, ruler of the Plain of Heaven, whose name means "shining heaven" or "she who shines in the heavens". The single is a very nice dance track with a touch of dream trance, featuring a Japanese voice sample. It was featured on the compilations Planet Dance, Vol. 1 and Trancemaster 15.

Another single called This Love was released the same year, in August.

The single Kamasutra was released in 1998. The vinyl contained a Bodice edit, a Real edit, a Corporal edit, and a Single edit. Lyrics were written by Patrick Cools, music was composed by Stephane Durand. It was produced by Patrick Cools et Stephane Durand for Hit Records Productions Belgium, recorded and mixed at hit Hit Records (Belgium), published by Vatof Music, licensed from Hit Records Productions, label Gate.

Thanks to Mikoo and Apho



Red Velvet
EuroDance Group



Lady Don't Cry (6th May 1994)
Into The Night (20th Feb 1997)

The female vocalist for Lady Don't Cry was Jenny Bee (aka Jenny Bersola). The voice behind Into The Night was probably Annerley Gordon or more likely Samanta Boni. The singles were released under label NRT. Lady Don't Cry was arranged and mixed by Theo Spagna, produced by Theo and Ivana Spagna



Red Zone
EuroDance Group



Powerful Love (1995)
Gimme Fantasy (1996)

Red Zone is a project of F. Zafret in collaboration with Dj Paolo Barbato and Gianni De Luise. Vocalist : Sandy Chambers. Rapper : AD Neal. The single was released under Outlab Records.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



Cotton Eye Joe - Sex And Violins (1995)

1.Cotton-Eye Joe, 2.Hittin' The Hay, 3.Riding Alone, 4.Wish You Were Here, 5.Mary Lou, 6.Old Pop In An Oak, 7.Nowhere In Idaho, 8.The Sad But True Story..., 9.Fat Sally Lee, 10.Shooter, 11.McKenzie Brothers, 12.Rolling Home, 13.Wild And Free, 14.Cotton Eye Joe (Slide to the Side Mix),

Sex & Violins (10th Feb 1995)

1.Cotton-Eye Joe, 2.Hittin' The Hay, 3.Riding Alone, 4.Wish You Were Here, 5.Mary Lou, 6.Old Pop In An Oak, 7.Nowhere In Idaho, 8.The Sad But True Story..., 9.Fat Sally Lee, 10.Shooter, 11.McKenzie Brothers, 12.Rolling Home, 13.Wild And Free,

Farm Out (2nd Oct 2000)

1.Intro - Fresh Pigs And More, 2.The Spirit Of The Hawk, 3.The Way I Mate, 4.The Devil Went Down To Georgia, 5.Hold Me For A While, 6.Boring, 7.Where You Gonna Go, 8.Maggie Moonshine, 9.Animal In The Rain, 10.Ranger Jack, 11.Get The Truck Loaded, 12.Message From Our Sponsors, 13.Is He Alive, 14.McKenzie Brothers II, 15.Bottleneck Bob 2000,

Best Of The West (18th Nov 2002)

1.Cotton-Eye Joe 2002, 2.Spirit Of The Hawk, 3.Old Pop In An Oak, 4.Wish You Were Here, 5.Are You Strong Enough, 6.The Way I Mate, 7.The Song Of Silence, 8.Love Me Or Leave Me, 9.Devil Went Down To Georgia, 10.Ride The Hurricane's Eye, 11.Hold Me For A While, 12.The Chase, 13.Cotton-Eye Joe (Original), 14.Rolling Home, 15.Wild And Free,

Cotton Eye Joe (2003)

1.Cotton Eye Joe, 2.Rolling Home, 3.Old Pop In An Oak, 4.Wild And Free, 5.Mary Lou, 6.McKenzie Brothers, 7.Hittin' The Hay, 8.Cotton Eye Joe (Instrumental), 9.Wild And Free (Remix Extended), 10.Riding Alone,

Saturday Night Beaver (2010)

Greatest Hits & Remixes (2nd Aug 2019)

1.Cotton Eye Joe, 2.The Spirit Of The Hawk, 3.Old Pop In An Oak, 4.Hold Me For A While, 5.Riding Alone, 6.Wish You Were Here, 7.Hittin' The Hay, 8.The Way I Mate, 9.Racing, 10.Innit For The Money, 11.Wild 'n Free, 12.The Chase, 13.Devil's On The Loose, 14.Rolling Home, 15.The End, 16.Manly Man, 17.Hold Me For A While,

Greatest Hits & Remixes (2nd Aug 2019)

1.Cotton Eye Joe, 2.Wish You Were Here, 3.Old Pop In An Oak, 4.The Spirit Of The Hawk, 5.Hold Me For A While, 6.Wild 'n Free, 7.Rolling Home, 8.Cotton Eye Joe, 9.The Way I Mate, 10.Old Pop In An Oak, 11.Manly Man, 12.Cotton Eye Joe, 13.The Ultimate Rednex Mega Mix,

Ballads & Remixes (2022)


Cotton Eye Joe (6th Aug 1994)
Old Pop In An Oak (17th Nov 1994)
Wish You Were Here (6th May 1995)
Wild'n Free (4th Sep 1995)
Rolling Home (5th Dec 1995)
Riding Alone (11th Jun 1997)
The Way I Mate (Aug 1999)
The Spirit Of The Hawk (Feb 2000)
Hold Me For A While (21st Dec 2000)
The Chase (5th Nov 2001)
Cotton Eye Joe 2002 (21st Nov 2002)
Fe Fi (The Old Man Died) (2006)
Mama, Take Me Home (Mar 2006)
With Bells On (2007)
Anyway You Want Me (Mar 2007)
Looking For A Star (May 2007)
Football Is Our Religion (2008)
Desert Town (2009)
Devil's On The Loose (7th Jan 2010)
Racing (20th May 2012)
The End (24th Sep 2012)
Innit for the Money (2nd May 2016)
Where You Gonna Go (2000) (16th Feb 2017)
Manly Man (15th Aug 2018)
Nowhere in Idaho (29th Mar 2021)
Glad Rags Jug (28th Oct 2022)
Gegagedigedagedago (24th May 2024)
Another Round (6th Sep 2024)
Mary Lou Berlin Flowumentary (17th Oct 2024)


Cotton Eye Joe (The Armand Van Helden U.S. Remixes) (1995)
Old Pop In An Oak (Dj Cerla & Moratto Rmx) (1995)
Hold Me For A While (Valentine Version) (6th Feb 2019)

Members : Billy Ray, Bobby Sue, BB Stiff, Ken Tacky. Vocalists : Mary Joe (Annika Ljungberg), Scarlet (JulieAnne Tulley), Whippy (Mia Löfgren). Owner of the Rednex trademark : Örjan "Öban" Öberg, Jan Ericsson and Ranis "Pat Reiniz" Edenberg.

Rednex is the phonetic way of writing the word Rednecks, name given to the US South farmers during the 19th century. The Rednex concept is, according to their creators, "an organism of ideas, rather than built around certain individuals, which traditionally constitutes music acts. It can be compared to an open book where different authors write a chapter each, doing it whenever there are ideas and enthusiasm. Many people are involved. When it started, a bunch of friends that were musicians, producers, actors, video directors, art designers, stylists, animators, software programmers etc., decided to start a hobby-project to let out ideas that could not be used in their various commercial professions. These were controversial ideas with a dirty, non-esthetic, rough flavor, but with a general playful, partying and happy feeling".

The legend tells that, once upon a time, a Swedish producer called Pat Reiniz went to a town called Brunkeflo to search for his relatives that moved there in the 19th century. It turned out that the whole inbreded citizens of Brunkeflo were his relatives. Since they all were very talented musicians he took the bests of them with him to Stockholm and shut them in a studio...

In 1994, Rednex exploded on the charts worldwide. Their debut single Cotton-Eye Joe (originally a traditional folk song) was a European No.1 and went on to become one of the biggest dance-singles of the 90's, with platinum sales in UK and many other countries, and gold in USA. In Germany, they went multi platinum and stayed for a record breaking 10 weeks at # 1. It was covered by Italian project Isaac Payton Sweat.

It was followed up by two other #1 multi platinum singles : Old Pop In An Oak and the ballad Wish You Were Here (composed by L. Teijo and also released in an amazing dance version by Urgent C). The press revealed that the true singer wasn't Ken Tacky.... It was a countrysinger called Göran Danielsson.

After Wish You Were Here came the single Wild'n'Free. The follow-up Rolling Home was released afterwards under ZYX. It included 6 tracks, among them The Ultimate Rednex Megamix and new mixes for Old Pop In An Oak.

In 1997, Wish You Were Here was covered by Blackmore's Night on their album Shadow of the Moon.

Then they did not release anything during 5 years. The single The Way I Mate, which was very similar to the first hits, was not very successful. In 2000 they made an amazing comeback with the single Spirit Of The Hawk, which went to #1 in Germany and sold gold in less than 5 weeks, just like they did 5 years ago. It was used for the German version of the TV-game Fort Boyard. The song was at first recorded by an Axel Breitung studio project called Indiansphere, then given to Rednex (was it the price for authorizing Axel Breitung to cover Wish You Were Here a few years earlier ?). Then came Hold Me For A While, a ballad, and The Chase in 2001.

The amount of members in Rednex varies from day to day. The original squad that started the project is today living in various countries and several people has invited themselves into the project, creating what is today an international creative collective. Some people has left or taken a break and members go in and out as they please from their original work which constitutes of producing web sites, TV & radio, computer arts, design, media etc. Rednex is still regarded as a hobby-project for everyone involved, in spite of the commercial success, even though it's much more than a full-time job from time to time for some, especially for the performers on tour that are obviously also carrying the responsibility of performing when there are shows, which have been committed to. For example, in 1996 female voice of Rednex started a solo carrier as Annika but this project wasn't successful. Anyway she released album and the 1st single from it was called Flower In My Garden.

The Rednex creators explain that "Since there is no set strategy, apart from the original intentions that created this playhouse, it will always be unreliable to predict when there will be a new record or a tour. However, when it happens, it will likely be considered as the mischief of the music business as it is the nature of Rednex".

In 1997 the record-company ZYX-Music released the single Riding Alone. No one knew why, because it wasn't even a new song and not even the group-members knew about it...

2000 was the year of the Rednex-comeback. They brough a new singer named Whippy (Mia Löfgren) who replaced Mary Joe. Their male singer Ken Tacky left the group.

2001 : Whippy left the project and was replaced by Scarlet (JulieAnne Tulley).

2002 : There were some changes among the Rednex team. BB Stiff, Bobby Sue and Billy Ray argued with the legal owner of the band name, so they left the band, and recreated a new formation called "The Original Members of Rednex". Rednex very first female singer Annika Ljungberg took part on the "Melodifestival" to be chosen as "representative for Sweden" at Grand Prix d'Eurovision . The name of the song was Sail Away. Rednex released Cotton Eye Joe 2002, a remix of the hit that started it all... As well as a best of called Best Of The West which includes all their single plus 5 unreleased songs.

2003 : Mary Joe did some performances as Rednex Revival Band.

2005 : Annika Ljungberg (aka Mary Joe, the very first vocalist) has joined Rednex again, while Scarlet left after spending about 4 years with the group. Other members were Dagger (Anders Sandberg), Ace Ratclaw (Tor Penten) and Boneduster Crock (Björn Scheffler, from Germany). Annika got the power to run Rednex and represent the trademark through a contract ending January 1st 2009.

2006 : Rednex competed to be selected to represent Sweden at the Eurovision contest. The song was entitled Mama, Take Me Home. They were not selected, but the single sold gold in Sweden. Their next single was entitled Fe Fi (The Old Man Died). It was performed live at the grand opening cermony of the World Athlete Championships in Helsinki. Meanwhile, Scarlet founded the Rednex Tribute Band. Wish You Were Here was covered by Schlager singer Anna-Maria Zimmerman on her Love Songs album.

2007 : A "Memorandum of Agreement" was signed between Rednex AB and Annika Ljungberg on January 1st 2007 where she agrees to gain the exclusive world wide rights to use the trademark Rednex during a term of 2 years, provided that she pays a royalty percentage to Rednex AB and presents third party agreements for Rednex AB

Rednex and the Romanian band Ro-mania participated to preselections to represent Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest. The song was called Well-o-wee. They won the semi-finals but were finally disqualified by a TVR evaluation committee because the song was broadcasted publicly before October 1st.

In April, the Rednex project was for sale on eBay ! Auctions for the Swedish project started at 1 500 000 $... but ended without any bids. Annika explained that the reason why they were for sale is that their original creators were not really interested in continuing the project, and that the amount of rights they had to pay to original contributors everytime they performed their hit singles on stage and TV shows was so high that they did not earn any money at all from their performances.

Their hit single Cotton Eye Joe will be featured on the soundtrack of a Snoop Dog movie called Hood of horror.

2 new singles were released : Anyway You Want Me in March, and Looking For A Star in May. Looking For A Star was a country more than dance song which remained 5 weeks in the Swedish charts. A new album was initially planned for release in September. At that moment, members of the project were Mary Joe, Maverick and Snake.

In June, they gave a concert in Mangalia by the Black Sea in Romania, and the city honored them with their own stone in the pavement.

2008 : Rednex appeared with other great eurodance projects such as Haddaway and Culture Beat at the Hit-FM DiscoAward concert on 12th January in Kiev (Ukraine). After being disqualified in 2007, Rednex tried again to qualify for Eurovision Song Contest for Romania this year, with a new song entitled Railroad Railroad, once again a collaboration with Ro-mania. But were not selected. Cotton-Eye Joe was covered by projects Fun Tastic 3 and Starsound Orchestra.

In May they released they new single. Entitled Football Is Our Religion, it was composed for the Euro 2008 soccer championship. The same month, Scarlet released Wish You Were Here with Jan Wayne. She also wrote songs and recorded for German DJ Gollum.

Football Is Our Religion went to #1 in Sweden in the summer.

In September, a press release announced that the whole Rednex band would get exchanged from January 1st 2009. The new band would consist of the previous members Scarlet, Dagger and Ace Ratclaw and more. The current band, lead by Mary Joe, would from that date no longer have the permission by the Rednex owners to keep performing for Rednex. Her contract ended in January 2009, and "It was an experiment to let Annika get power over Rednex, since we were doing other stuff at the time", says the Rednex owners and founders via a press release on rednexforsale.com.

Rednex owners explained that have mostly been positive to tribute bands, even though they do not contribute economically. So the previous year, they did not appreciate when Annika tried to sue Scarlet's tribute band, all the more that they had legal rights to perform. "When she created ill will by suing people and also getting rid of Dagger and Ace, two of the best performers that we ever had, we lost trust in her ability and intention to maintain the welcoming attitude that Rednex stands for." Anyway, they realized the potential of their brainchild and got motivated to go back to it more seriously : "We somehow better understood the value of Rednex and that we need to take better care of it, and the first thing that we will do is to bring back the positive and explosive party atmosphere that has always been a part of Rednex."

"I am very excited to be back in Rednex", says Scarlet. "The music business is in a big and chaotic change at the moment. We have a lot of new ideas in the band so it will be a lot of fun to create the future and shake it up a bit. A little turbulence is something that we in Rednex always welcome."

2009 : the new Rednex are about to go back on a European club tour and a new album is being written. They will also perform with a "Wild West" musical that is currently in its casting phase and is planned to premier next fall in Germany. In November, the title of their forthcoming single was revealed : Devil's On The Loose. In December, they announced that it would be out on 7th of January and that the forthcoming album would be entitled Saturday Night Beaver.

2011 : Rednex's new single was planned to be Raise Your Glass but it was eventually withdrawn. Cotton-Eye Joe was covered by project Power Music.

2012 : current Rednex members were Dakotah, Misty Mae, Dagger, Ace Ratclaw, Joe Cagg and Boneduster Crock. But Scarlet would still be able to perform in the group too. Hence, Rednex could always play anywhere at anytime, with mixed line-ups, and this would also mean more freedom for all performers. In May, they released their new single Racing. Cotton-Eye Joe was covered by SAIFAM project DJ Kee. In November they released their new single The End. Videoclip was shot in September in Budapest (Garay Utca, Sörfesztival and Szimpla Kert).

2015 : second female singer Whippy (Mia Löfgren) rejoined the band to replace Flood. Boneduster Crock was back too.

2016 : a new single entitled Innit for the Money was released.

2017 : Rednex released a new version of Wish You Were Here, sung by Misty Mae, in memory of American Deputy Carl Howell.

2018 : the Rednex performers team included not less than 17 people. Most recent additions were Zoe, Moe Lester the Limp and Jiggie McClagganahan. They started a live streaming channel on Twitch, to live stream themselves 24/7 in connection to all their shows. The new single Manly Man was released in July, along with a video featuring Dagger and Misty Mae. In September Abby Hick, Rattler, Boneduster Crock and Joe Cagg left the project, while Whippy, Billy Ray and BB Stiff became reserves.

2019 : they released a Valentine Version of Hold Me For A While, featuring Cash, Jiggie McClagganahan, Moe Lester The Limp, Pervis The Palergator and Zoe.

2022 : they were are back with a new single entitled Glad Rags Jug. Video was shot in a village in Hungary. The players of German national women soccer used Cotton-Eye Joe as anthem.

Rednex offical site
Rednex Fanclub
Thanks to Tavi Meran, Denis "Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin, Anton "MC Ka$per" Skaletsky, Ivo Ivanov, Anders Bøgh and DJ Stakan, and to the Rednex team themselves

Artists and groups featuring Rednex

Hand In Hand For Children - Children (1996)
Maduar - Show How Mad U Ar (2023)
Pook - Cotton Eye Jojo (2022)



EuroDance Group



Together ()
Waves (1995)
Living In A Promised Land (1996)

These 3 tracks (Together Waves and Living In A Promised Land) were produced and composed by Axel Breitung, never released as a single, only on promo samplers. Living In A Promised Land was built on the same melody as the song Children Need A Helping Hand (charity song of Hand In Hand For Children) with different lyrics. All of them were in the awesome DJ Bobo-eurodance-style. The female vocalist was Christiane Eiben

Thanks to Duke Fleed, Necronomic and Chris



EuroDance Group



Fantasy Girl (1993)
Always In My Life (1994)
Get The Party Swinging (1995)

Label: Imakinaria Records. Single Always In My Life was written by Gustavo Ibañez and Mauricio Falla. Single Get The Party Swinging featured performers Angelito, Eva Isings, Mauricio "Mauri" Falla and choreographer Kelly A.M., and was written by Gustavo Ibañez. It was released under Lucas Records.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Brace Your Body (1994)

Label : Red Hot Pepper Records. Brace Your Body and Give Me Your Love were written by Carol McGinley, Mark Thompson and Robert Thompson.



Reeves (Jim)
EuroDance Member



Feel So Real (1995)
Don't stop the Music (2006)
Solarium (19th Jun 2009)

German singer, songwriter and music producer Jim Reeves (real name Jim Nyasani) was born in Cologne on April 30th 1968. In 1984 he shot his first ad campaign for clothes brand C&A. This was the beginning of his model carreer. In 1992 he started musical and artistic studies in Hamburg.

He started his musical carreer in the early 90s as a member of hip-hop/soul group 4 Reeves, along with his brothers and sisters Shary, Andrew and Terry Reeves. They had several hits in English and in German, and released on album antitled Jambo!. They were produced by Franz Plasa and Peter Hoffmann.

Then Jim released a solo single entitled Feel So Real. Afterwards, he became on of the members of eurodance project Sqeezer.

In 1995-1996 he worked as a moderator for a TV magazine called "Lollo Rosso" on channel WDR.

2001 : he was featured on Verena's single Küss mich nochmal

2006 : under the name Adama, he released the EP Don't stop the Music. Then came the song House of Love.

2009 : he released the single Solarium under the artist name Jimmy Joe. Style was schlager-beat. He founded Jimmy Joe Production ! with his own recording studio and started producing for other bands. He appeared as jury member in the real-TV show Village Boys – Die große Lips Casting Show.

2012 : he collaborated with German schlager artist Michael Wendler on his live appearances.

2016 : he was found dead in an hostel in Berlin on February 1st. He was only 47.

Artists and groups featuring Reeves (Jim)

4 Reeves - Hackevollgas (1994), Jumpin' (1992), Keine Macht den Doofen (1993), Party (1991)
Sqeezer - Blue Jeans (French version) (1996), Hot Bikini (2004), Scandy Randy (1995), Tamagotchi (1997), Wishing You Were Here (1999)



EuroDance Group



Over And Over (15th Aug 1994)

This project is made of a rapper and a vocalist. Over And Over was written by R. Riberoa (real name : Ronald Bähr. He contributed to some Cabballero tracks) and P. Mangerich, arranged at K-town studio, produced at VL Studios, published by Shift Music publ.

Over And Over was released on year later in Canada together with Blue Ocean Cult's I Can Fly as B-side.

Thanks to DanceWebSite



Reflex Records
EuroDance Company


Subdivision of Dig It International, Reflex Records is a recording label specialising in dance-music.



Reflexes Nvx
EuroDance Company




EuroDance Group



Forbidden Opera (2004)

1.L’Amour, 2.Hail Mary, 3.Impossible, 4.Tears Of A Clown, 5.European Anthem, 6.Everything, 7.If I Knew Then, 8.Oooh, 9.Forbidden Love, 10.Warrior, 11.Le Rêve, 12.Africa, 13.Mystery, 14.Healing, 15.Dream,

Forbidden Opera (2005)

1.L'Amour, 2.Hail Mary, 3.Impossible, 4.Tears of a clown, 5.European Anthem, 6.Everything, 7.If I Knew Then, 8.Oooh, 9.Forbidden Love, 10.Warrior, 11.Africa, 12.Mystery, 13.Healing, 14.Dream,


On The Park/Into The Groove (1985)
Locked In Your Heart (1992)
Hot (Wonderful World) (11th Jun 1993)
Come Along 4 A Ride (1995)


Come Along 4 A Ride (1995)

Regana (or Réjane) Dominique Magloire was born in Likasi (Zaire, now located in Democratic Republic of the Congo), but grew up in New York. She is the daughter of a Haitian father and a Polish mother. She has 2 sisters : Bayyinah Bello and Kim Magloire. Reggie's musical carreer started very early early. The first time she sang with the Metropolitan Opera of New-York, she was only 13 years old. Having taken singing and dancing lessons from the tender age of 9 with Seth Riggs (singing coach of Michael Jackson) and Phil Black's school of Dance, she was already working as an actress and mode. During the Seventies, she appeared in about 200 episodes of the children TV series The Electric Company with talents such as Bill Cosby and Morgan Freeman (her father in the series). She played roles in theatrical films (such as The Story of Wilma Rudolph) and did many appearances for national US commercials.

Succeeding in all the castings she was presented to, Reggie was noticed during her concert with the MET by Reggie Thompson who proposed her to record for him. That song was Last Night A DJ Saved My Life and became within 8 weeks a #1 hit all over the world. This song is still considered as an anthem of the disco music and sold 9 million copies. It was covered by many projects, from It Takes Two to Mariah Carey. This huge success embarked Reggie Magloire to Europe and Asia for tours.

Afterwards, she recorded the first album of the group Indeep. She decided to settle down in Brussels (Belgium) and went back and forth between the US, giving concerts with Stevie Wonder and Toots Thielemans.

In 1990, she did backing vocals on Jacques Duvall's album Je Déçois... and on Arno's first album Ratata. She was featured by Hithouse (on I've Been Waiting For Your Love and I Want You 2 Move).

She joined Technotronic as singer and songwriter for the songs Move that Body, Work and Money Makes The World Go Round. For this participation, she received a Musical Award at Monaco (best female dance singer), awards from SABAM (Belgian society of authors) as best author of the year. She also was featured by the band Hot for the single Darling Child and by Alain Chamfort and Starflam.

2005 : Reggie released the solo album Forbidden Opera, a crossover between opera and hip-hop.

2023 : she passed away in October

Galak Productions

Artists and groups featuring Reggie

Hithouse - I've Been Waiting For Your Love (1995)
Hot - Darling Child (1994)
Indeep - Last Night A DJ Saved My Life (1982)
Jacques Duvall - Je Déçois... (backing vocals) (album) (1990)
Mario Scalambrin - Body 2 Body (1997)
NG - Everything I Do (1998)
Technotronic - Money Makes The World Go Round (1992), Move That Body (1991), Work (1991)



Reggy O
EuroDance Group



Move My Body (2nd Jan 1995)
Let The Music Play (25th Nov 1995)

Let The Music Play is a cover of a track originally released by Shannon, it was released with a Freestyle Club Mix, a US Dub Mix, and a B-side entitled Touch (written by Ray Beyer, Gregor Dietz, Torsten Hartmann and Günter Eckert). It was produced by Eckert and Hartmann, released 25th November 1993 as maxi CD in Germany, then on the 10th of January 1994 as vinyl. It was released in Spain on the 1st of January 1994.

Move My Body was written and arranged by Chicago Bamboota and Gary Asaris, the CD also contained a Dub mix, a Trance mix and an Extended mix. This single was released in January 1995 in Germany, under the MCD and vinyl format.

The singles were produced by E-Harmonix at ADC.

Thanks to X-eldj®



Reichart (Norbert)
EuroDance Producer


Producer of the groups Imperio and Decadance, and more recently DJ Visage.

In the hour of birth of Imperio only one man was present: the Austrian Norbert Reichart (1970). He is the man, who holds the reins of Imperio behind the scenes. You could think that the producer of Imperio has a special liking for Latin and that during his school-days he loved nothing else as Latin. That's wrong : he always had the worst marks in Latin! It would be better not to say the word school in his presence! He changed a lot of schools (without finishing his studies), he was the nightmare of all teachers and his marks were always the worst in the class. He asserts that the teachers did not understood his jokes and that he could became nothing else as a musician!!

At the age of 6 he had his first piano lessons; at the age of 13 he received his first synthesiser and started to record self-composed songs. It was a long and difficult way before the first successes came. He begun to make disco music just for fun and that turned out to be the right decision to do the first steps in the music world.

In 1994 Norbert (he was 24) had his first big hit, then everything went quickly. Half a year later Imperio was born and scored 8 top hits in succession in Austria. Norbert worked on the records in his NR-Recording studios in the near of Wels in Austria. He worked mostly alone, composing, arranging and producing, and if he was not 100%ing convinced of a product, he doesn't leave this studio.

Except for a few music projects (Decadance, Räpublik) and remixes (DJ Visage) Norbert devoted himself entirely to Imperio. He used to say: "This is my baby and I want that one day it becomes very very big!". He also did remixes, for instance for EAV (Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung)'s single Flugzeug where you can hear some raps very similar to Imperio.

Then in June 1997 in Monza, Italy, during Formula 1 racing he met the Danish DJ Martin Sig (that goes by stage name DJ Visage). The brilliant idea to produce a club hymn about one and only first class racing was born : it was called Formula. Followed another hit named Geil, then a remix of Time to Say Goodbye which was called The Return. On the single there were three mixes of the song, and three mixes of an original Reichart song called Dance !

2005 : he teamed with Erich von Däniken to release the single World of Mysteries, which went #4 in the Swiss charts.

He manages the label United Music and resides in Monaco.

Imperio at DanceLab
DJ Visage at Eurodancehits
Thanks to Leonardo Marmolejo Maldonado

Artists and groups featuring Reichart (Norbert)

DJ Visage - Der Totale Beat (2000), Formula (1997), Geil! (Let Me Be Your Sexual Healing...) (1998)
Decadance - Bailemos (1995), Latin Lover (1994), Save My Soul (1994)
Imperio - Amor Infinitus (1995), Atlantis (1996), Cyberdream (1996), Nostra Culpa (1995), Quo Vadis (1995), Return To Paradise (1996), Veni Vidi Vici (1994), Wings Of Love (1997)



Reinecke (Oliver)
EuroDance Producer


German songwriter and producer Oliver Reinecke contributed to Captain Hollywood Project's 2 first hits, as well as songs for LOFT and Comic.

Artists and groups featuring Reinecke (Oliver)

Captain Hollywood Project - More And More (1992), Only With You (1993)
Comic - I Surrender To Your Love (1994)
LOFT - Don't Stop Me Now (1995), Free Me (1995)



Reiniz (Pat)
EuroDance Producer


Swedish producer, most famous for his work with Rednex, he aslo contributed to the projects Cool James & Black Teacher, Camena, Danuma. He also wrote 2 songs for the Belgian project Get Ready!.

Artists and groups featuring Reiniz (Pat)

Camena - Gimme Your Heart (1995)
Cool James and Black Teacher - Dr. Feelgood (1994), Godfather (1994), The Rhythm Of The Tribe (1994)
Cool New Sound - Livin' In The 90's (1993)
Danuma - Look At Your Man (1994)
Fanny Flow - Kiss Of Life (1995)
Mach 7 - United States of Japan (1995)
Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe (1994), Hold Me For A While (2000), Old Pop In An Oak (1994), Racing (2012), Riding Alone (1997), Rolling Home (1995), The Chase (2001), The Way I Mate (1999), Wild'n Free (1995)



Reith (Henning)
EuroDance Producer


Multi-talented keyboard player and composer, he composed I Can't Stand It for Twenty 4 Seven. With Caba Kroll and CJ Stone, he scored huge hits with the project Bass Bumpers. He also contributed to the projects Adrima, Any Questions, Da Freekz, Dangerous Zone, Potatoheads, Resource and Sound Union.

2005 : he teamed with Andreas Dohmeyer and Matthias Wagner to create the Crazy Frog, based around the computer animated character created by Erik Wernquist. They hit the charts covering famous hits such as Axel F, We Are The Champions or more recently Daddy DJ.

Artists and groups featuring Reith (Henning)

Bass Bumpers - Get The Big Bass (1991), Good Fun (1994), Move To The Rhythm (1992), Runnin' (1993), The Music Turns Me On (2001), The Music's Got Me (1992)
Captain Hollywood - Axel F 2003 (2003)
Culture Beat - Can't Go On Like This (2004)
Fresh Sydney - The Party Just Began/I've Got A Feeling (1989)
LTD Express - Bring Me Up (1996)
Loona - Mamboleo (1999)
Twenty 4 Seven - I Can't Stand It (1989)



Remagen (Debora)
EuroDance Member


Débora was born on the 31st of March 1978 in Santos (Brazil). She worked as professional dancer for artists such as Dante Thomas, Juliette, Loona, Mark Sway and B3. She also appeared in video clips of Stefan Raab, Mark 'Oh, and Loona. She took part to the gospel choir Voices Of Praise.

She arrived into the 2 Unlimited team through a casting. She was taking part as dancer to the shooting of a video for Mark'Oh when she was contacted by the casting agency. They told her that the records company had spotted her photos.

She appeared for the first time in the clip of No Limit 2.3, released in 2003. But the voice was still Anita's voice... In December 2004, her contract with ZYX as 2 Unlimited's frontlady ended.

2006 : Debora could be seen among the models doing walk-on in the broadcast Chartbreak Hotel of the 29th April (Sat1).

2008 : Debora and James kept on touring under the scene name 2 Unlimited, without having any rights to do it (no band had the right at that time anyway). In August, they did a show for RadioK in Ploeisti, Romania. It was a playback appearance, however, since they forgot to turn their mike on, one could hear Debora singing out of tune...

2010 : Debora and James released their first single Not Just A Game under the project name Never2Loud featuring Pelé. Pelé is Débora's uncle. The track was an anthem for soccer World Championship

2 Unlimited German website
Thanks to Tavi Meran

Artists and groups featuring Remagen (Debora)

Never2Loud - It's Not Just A Game (2013)



EuroDance Group



Goodbye (1995)

Vocals probably belonged to Liliana Bancolini. Goodbye was a remake of Fourteen 14, which itself borrowed lyrics to 2 different Savage songs. Only You was another Savage cover. Single was mastered by Inzadi. Label: Discomagic Records

Thanks to Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



The Power (1994)
Ready (1995)

Remedies was a project created by Giuseppe Lo Buono and Sergio Olivieri. Label: In Out

The Power contained samples from Nice & Smooth - How To Flow and from Bizarre Inc featuring Angie Brown - Took My Love. Ready sample a rap part from Vanilla Ice's Ice Ice Baby.

Thanks to Garry H



EuroDance Member


Mikkel Johan Eemer Sigvardt, better known as Remee, is a Danish singer, songwriter and producer (born November 8th, 1974). From 1992 to 1996 he was part of the group Sound Of Seduction (which released three albums) as rapper, songwriter and producer. Then he became producer for the S.O.A.P sisters 2 pop albums. He also wrote and produced Back 2 Nature's single Come Back To Me.

1999 : Remee has contributed the charity track Selv En Dråbe from 1999 which was released in aid of Kosovo

In 2003 he wrote and produced the song Superstar together with Cutfather & Joe which was initially released by Danish singer Christine Milton, but later covered internationally by UK singer Jamelia. He picked up the 'PRS Most Performed Work' trophy at the British Ivor Novello Awards 2004 for Jamelia's version. He also wrote and produced for Shaznay Lewis (All Saints), Robyn, Shayne Ward, O-Town, Blue, Kashmir, Lee Ryan, Bianca Ryan, Terri Walker Darin etc

In June 2004 he teamed up with friend and colleague Thomas Troelsen (of Junior Senior fame) and released the album Fast Moving Consumer Goods as Remee & The Midas Touch, where the track No. 1 became a small hit in Denmark.

2005 : In January he wrote the track Hvor Små Vi Er together with Seebach & Seebach to raise money for aid relief following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The single went 13 times platinum, breaking every record and raising more than 3 million Kroner ($ 500.000). In July, Remee wrote a new popsong for danish singer Sisse Marie. The single went #29 on the Danish dancechart.

He was a judge in the first 2 seasons of the Danish version of the TV-talent show "X-Factor" in 2008 and 2009.

Artists and groups featuring Remee

Back To Nature - Come Back 2 Me (1995), When The Lights Go Down (1995)
Sound Of Seduction - Queen Of Your Fantasy (1994), Welcome (1995)



Remixed Records


Remixed records was originally a Swedish DJ service founded in 1986 by SweMix DJ's team to compete against such rivals as UK based DMC and US services Disconet and Hot Tracks. The service was sold in 1991 to Giovanni Sconfienza, who later reformed Remixed Records to a label. Remixed Records as a DJ remix service doesn't exist any more.

Records company for Mach 7, Ondina, Optical II, Snipers, Solid Base, Amadin, Naked Eye, N'Y Thing. Some singles of Dreamland, Maxx and DJ Miko were also licensed under this label.



EuroDance Group



Lemon Tree (1996)

This cover of Fool's Garden hit was produced by Alessandro Zanni for Itwhy, arranged, conducted and mixed by Francesco Pini and Pietro Grazioli, recorded at Byte Studio, engineered by Paul Manners. Label: Hitwave Music. It was re-released digitally in 2013

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Runaway (1995)

Runaway was produced and written by Friendly Framework. Vocals were done by Susanne Bertlin, the ragga-rapper had a voice and a style very similar to Dr Alban.



EuroDance Group



No More I Love Yous (1995)
Back For Good (1995)

Spanish eurodance act produced and arranged by Gabriel Va, Toni Mora and Xavi Barranquero. Executive producers were Ricardo Campoy and Miguel Degá. It released the singles No More I Love Yous (Annie Lennox's hit cover) and Back For Good (Take That's hit cover) that included track Inside Your Mind, in 1995. Label: Max Music

Thanks to Ulysses



Renee (Tina)
EuroDance Group



Do You Wanna Play (1996)

Do You Wanna Play? was released in 1996 under Renegade Records. It was produced by DJ Insane and To Kool Chris. Tina was featured by J.T. Melody on single Prove It and by Tyree on Do Yo! Thang.

Thanks to Gianni

Artists and groups featuring Renee (Tina)

J.T. Melody - Prove It (1993)
Tyree - Do Yo! Thang (1997)



EuroDance Group



The Sparrows And The Nightingales (1996)
Solidarity (1997)

Renegade is a project of Bit Music (a label of SAIFAM Publishing Group). Solidarity was originally composed by Mensforth and Lowie.

Thanks to Ninja and reBeL



Renoir (Olivier)
EuroDance Producer



Electronica (1998)

1.In Common Harmony, 2.Cyclypnotic, 3.Showtime, 4.Going Up, 5.Erosion, 6.Elevation, 7.Business Focus, 8.You Never Know, 9.Latindustry, 10.Euroland, 11.Disco's Not Dead, 12.Spyral Attraction, 13.Indoor Fishing, 14.Teknocom, 15.Daft And Dizzy, 16.Hypnosis, 17.Equinox Rhythm, 18.Crystal Violence, 19.Catacomb Party, 20.In Common Harmony (Radio Mix), 21.In Common Harmony, 22.Cyclypnotic, 23.Showtime, 24.Going Up, 25.Erosion, 26.Elevation, 27.Business Focus, 28.You Never Know, 29.Latindustry, 30.Euroland, 31.Disco's Not Dead, 32.Spyral Attraction, 33.Indoor Fishing, 34.Teknocom, 35.Daft And Dizzy, 36.Hypnosis, 37.Equinox Rhythm, 38.Crystal Violence, 39.Catacomb Party, 40.In Common Harmony, 41.Cyclypnotic, 42.Showtime, 43.Going Up, 44.Erosion, 45.Elevation, 46.Business Focus, 47.You Never Know, 48.Latindustry, 49.Euroland, 50.Disco's Not Dead, 51.Spyral Attraction, 52.Indoor Fishing, 53.Teknocom, 54.Daft And Dizzy, 55.Hypnosis, 56.Equinox Rhythm, 57.Crystal Violence, 58.Catacomb Party,

Umok (2000)

1.Hudson Bay, 2.Umok, 3.White Aurora, 4.Arctica, 5.Inuit Suite, 6.Kallunak, 7.Frozen, 8.Cormalo, 9.Ice And Snow, 10.Whales Are Happy, 11.Obaama,

Dance Culture (2000)

1.Dance Flooever, 2.Alien's Party, 3.Minimax, 4.Technoid Impact, 5.Robotik Utopia, 6.Ibiza Fiesta, 7.Frenchy But Funky, 8.Fashion House, 9.Miami Trip, 10.Underground Vision, 11.Elektro Pride, 12.Touch Of The Future, 13.Hypnotic Fields, 14.Spirit Of Goa, 15.After,

À L'Ombre Du Sous-Bois - Musique Claire-Obscure (2000)

1.Fleurs Magiques, 2.Sous-Bois Gaélique, 3.Le Ruisseau, 4.Réveil D’Été,

Monsoon (2000)

1.Ha Long Bay, 2.5 Mountains, 3.Bamboo House, 4.Dawn Garden, 5.Mong Song, 6.Réveil, 7.Temple Of Doom, 8.Cao Nguyen, 9.Luth Sous La Lune, 10.Monsoon, 11.T'rung,

Darjeeling (2002)

1.Masala, 2.Morning Love, 3.Darjeeling, 4.Ashanti, 5.Deliverance, 6.Revelation, 7.Karnatic Age, 8.The Inner Light, 9.Chanda O Chanda, 10.Chimes Of Harmony, 11.Snake Charmer, 12.Svengali,

Africall (2005)

1.Ebene, 2.Kanana Maloya, 3.Yelemani, 4.Ayenou, 5.Africall, 6.Jankaro, 7.Sunrise, 8.Tabena, 9.Water Drum, 10.Agnagni Ni, 11.Secret Journey, 12.Kora Song, 13.Continent Black,

Best Of Olivier Renoir (2005)


Rebel, Rebel (1982)
Bloomee Cocktail Of Love (1983)

Olivier Renoir started his carreer in the 80s, releasing 2 synth-pop singles : Rebel, Rebel and Bloomee Cocktail Of Love.

He stands behind the projects After Touch, Falone, Kristy, Cheyenne and Dream Beat. He also contributed to D.Lies feat. Raffa Lies under the name O. Renard.

From 1998, he went back to his solo carreer and released several electro and ambient albums, then he turned to world music, naw age and african music.

Artists and groups featuring Renoir (Olivier)

After Touch - She Wanna Dance (1995), Show Me The Way (1994)
Baya - Don't Stop The Music (1994)
Cheyenne - The Money Man (1995)
Climaxx - Way Back (1994)
D-Lies - Lies (1995)
Dixon Thania - Funky Music (1996)
Dream Beat - Everybody Move (1995)
Falone - Sarah's Night (1995)
Kristy - Crazy Crazy (1994)
Madison - Embrasse Moi (1996)
Sky Bazaar - Sunny Night (1994)



Rentzsch (Nancy)
EuroDance Member


Born 23rd of November in 1969 in Munich (Switzerland), she is 1,74 m tall.  Her eyes are brown-green, she has 2 sisters (Sandra and Sylvia). Hobbies : showdance and sports.

While she was still in school, the multi-talented Sagittarius with green-brown eyes went to practice every afternoon in order to complete her musical training. This training included ballet, jazz and tap dance, acting and singing. At the age of twelve, she managed to be one of two dancers to be chosen from a field of 2000 candidates for the ballet school of the Heinz-Bosl-Stiftung(foundation).

A lot of hard work, discipline and ambition helped her at the age of 16 to be picked from among 300 candidates for a role in the Elvis Presley musical in Munich. The "Elvis" musical was something really special for Nancy. She went to the auditionings in secret, because otherwise there would have been trouble at home, as she simply didn't attend her professional training. She had made it through the first auditioning and was called in for the second one, which was "not only" for dancing roles. It was a combination of dancing, acting and singing and that was just what Nancy liked. When she was offered several roles after the second auditioning, she felt like walking on air, because she had done it.

After the Elvis musical Nancy had quite some downs financially, to be honest she had a real tough time. She was very happy when she got an offer to take part as a dancer in a new year's show. It was a show celebrating different times and years, a kind of "history show"taking place in a theatre in Munich. At this time Nancy had so many plans to learn all the different dancestyles, which she did and she spent all her money on danceclasses. But if her mum wouldn`t have helped to pay for them, she probably would have never made it. Her mum stood behind her at all times and helped her even in these hard times. Sometimes Nancy got "extras" (minor roles in films) and even for appearances like this she was very happy to receive 25 euro at the end of the day.

In 1990-1993 she used to dance in a TV-ballet named the Preston Phillips dancers. She appeared on many TV-shows, such as "Baden Badener Roulette", "RSH Gold", "The Golden Europe Awards", in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. This TV-ballet company became more and more successful and Nancy had a lot of fun dancing for them. The rehearsals for one TV-show took about 10-14 days and when you ask her today, what she remembers most of the rehearsals, she says : "The one by one dancing. That was horrible, when you had to dance a choreographie of 4 minutes on your own in front of everybody".

At the same time Nancy got her first offers for some fashion shows. From 1990-1995 she took part in more than 700 fashionshows. Often she only came home to unpack and pack her luggage, because from 1988-1994 she was living most of her time in London. Her journey took her from one country to the other and from one fashion-exhibition to the other.

Nanacy also got small roles on TV shows (like "Anna", a ballet series, and "Tatort" and "Der Alte", two German detective shows).

In 1993, Nancy gathered first experience in the field of pop music as background singer and dancer for Haddaway. She was a female vocalist for the projects 3-O-Matic, 2 For Good and Enflame then she joined DJ Bobo's team. She married DJ Bobo.

In 2003 she gave birth to her first son Jamiro.

2006 : Nancy is pregnant again. In August, she did a photoshoot during her latest months of pregnancy for a breast cancer prevention cancer.

Artists and groups featuring Rentzsch (Nancy)

2 For Good - I'll Be Waiting For You (1997), You And Me (1997)
3-O-Matic - All I Want Is You (1995), Hand In Hand (1995), Success (1994)
Enflame - Hold On To Your Dream (1998), Listen To Your Heart (1998)



EuroDance Group



Over (1995)

Over was written by Juri Bonazzoli and Marco Bonardi, mixed by Alberto Bonardi at Coma Studio, arranged by F. Bergamaschi and Juri Bonazzoli at DJM Studio 3, produced and mastered by Pieradis Rossini for Atomic Energy Records.



Reputation Records
EuroDance Company


Hi-NRG/eurodance label Reputation Records was founded by Bobby Orlando. He released on it some of his latest productions in the mid-90ies.



Reservoir Gods
EuroDance Group



Stuck In The Middle With You (1996)

The project's name was an homage to Tarantino's famous movie. This cover of Stealers Wheel's 19972 song was produced by The Northern Boys (Tony Cochrane & John O'Halloran).

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Play (1999)

1.Play, 2.Get Me, 3.Baby Love, 4.Blue, 5.Do Anything You Wanna Do, 6.Makin' Me Feel, 7.Ride Like the Wind, 8.Oh What A Day, 9.All About Love, 10.Don't Forget My Love, 11.I Don't Know, 12.Svalbard Theme, 13.Get Me (Club Mix), 14.Blue (Bigstone Strobe Mix),

Calling You (2001)

1.Calling You, 2.Ordinary Love, 3.Wings Of Love, 4.Say Yeah!, 5.Say I'm The One, 6.Neverever Stop, 7.Front & Back, 8.Be My Love, 9.Bring It Back, 10.Calling You (Love Design Remix), 11.Say Yeah! (Mystery Mix),


The Key To My Heart ()
U R My Dream (Jul 1996)
Get Me (1999)
Blue (Jun 1999)
Makin' Me Feel (2000)
Calling You (2001)
Wings Of Love (2001)
Say Yeah (2001)
Say I'm The One (7th May 2001)
Just Say Yeah (Dec 2009)
One Love (18th Mar 2011)
So High (21st Oct 2011)

Reset started as a one man studio project in 1994 by Stig Antonsen, but was never finished. He decided to start again in 1996 with two friends (Trude Barstad & Christian Onshus). They released a single in the summer of 1996 called U R My Dream on the Sony Music label Dance Pool. The single included a Radio Mix, a Short Term Stress Mix and a B/w Stress Mix. But they split up after six months.

Then in late 1998 Stig was working with Camilla Henningsen on Oh What A Day, a song that later would be included on the Play album. They decided to start Reset again and called Thomas Borgvang. The first song that was recorded with all 3 members was Makin'Me Feel. The band performed their first gig in december 1998 at the NRJ Christmas-party in Oslo Spektrum together with artists such as Snap, Sash!, Solid Base & Jocelyn Brown, 2 months later, they signed a 4 album deal with the German record-company Edel Records and the journey towards fame and fortune started.

The new Reset´s first single Blue was released in June 1999 and is until today the biggest selling Norwegian dance single ever (18 000 Copies). Next single Get Me also became a huge success and reached a top 5 position on the Norwegian charts. In November 1999 Reset released their debut album Play and a few months later they recieved a Gold record for the album in Norway. The also released Makin' Me Feel as a single in 2000. The band has toured most parts of Norway and appeared in almost every TV Show in Norway.

In 2001 they presented a brand new live show, a new logo and of course new songs from the forthcoming album, that would be ready for release in late summer 2001. The first single from the new album was the catchy dance track Calling You. Song spent 11 weeks on the Norwegian Top 20and has broken all records on the National Chart Show "10 I Skuddet". They became the first band for over 30 years that has been number one on the chart for 20 weeks without any interruptions.

The new single Say I'm The One was released on May 7th 2001. Then followed the single Wings Of Love, from the new album Calling You.

2006 : Thomas Nordin from Solid Base, joined Reset as a new member. The group declared they were working on new material in Stig's studio. The first single was planned to be a cover of the 1986 hit Fake from Alexander O`Neal

2009 : after all these years of silence, Reset were back for good ! Their new song Just Say Yeah was produced by John Tonks, with vocal production by Stig E Antonsen. The official video was planned to premiere on December 4th at Club Cayenne in Oslo, along with a full Reset concert

2011 : Reset's new single was entitled One Love. In October, they released an electro single entitled So High, along with a video entirely shot with an iPhone

Reset Online Official Website
Thanks to Forze, Loyd Andre Martinsen, Gianni and D-man '94 for some informations
Thanks to Stig Antonsen



Reset (2)
EuroDance Group



You Got The Key (10th Mar 1997)
Egyptian Lover (29th May 1998)

Reset is a project created in 1997 by Robin Masters and Kai Matthiesen around Lady Danii , who is one of the members of the Mr President project. The single was recorded in Bremen.



Reunion Of Dance
EuroDance Group



The Rebirth of Tonight (18th Aug 2006)


The Rebirth of Tonight (2023 mixes) (13th Jan 2023)

The Reunion Of Dance was a project created in the year 2005 by Frank Winkelmann (Experience Of Music) and Boris Pavlovic (BPM). The idea was to produce one common dance track using the skills of both dance groups.

Frank and Boris gained Sue, LOFT's current singer. Boris alias B.P. did the rap attacks. Andreas Hüging (producer of Loft) recorded all vocals in Hamburg. In the year 2006 the Reunion of Dance finished work and released the 3-track CD on all big download-stations all over the world including a real hard experience of music remix. The track was called Rebirth of Tonight.

2023 : they released a remixes package including the original versions.

Thanks to Frank Winkelmann



EuroDance Group



All Together Now (1995)
Where The Streets Have No Name (1996)

Spanish eurodance act produced by Ten Productions (Xasqui and Toni Ten). Executive producers were Ricardo Campoy and Miguel Degá. It released the singles All Together Now (The Farm's hit cover) in 1995 and Where The Streets Have No Name (U2's hit cover) in 1996. Both were recorded at Ten Productions Studio. Label: Code Records for Max Music.

Thanks to Ulysses



EuroDance Group



Dignity (1997)
A Forest (1997)

Reverence was a Spanish eurodance act consisting of Tantin and Alfredo Lozano. It was produced by Ricardo Campoy and Miguel Degá. They released the singles Dignity (Deacon Blue's hit cover) and A Forest (The Cure's hit cover) in 1997. Label: Max Music

Thanks to Ulysses



EuroDance Group



Subculture (6th Jul 1998)
Don't Stop (1999)
Fly (2001)
You Can Dance (2001)

The Revival is the name of a disco based in Los Montesinos, Alicante (Spain).

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Ecstacy (1988)
Rock Oops (1990)
I Need A Fix (1990)
Extrasyn (1991)
Don't Beg For Love (1992)
Dance (1993)

R.F.T.R. means Risen From The Rank. It's a project of Max Persona, Francesco Zappalà, and Gianfranco Bortolotti. Their last single Dance was a very nice eurodance track. It was released under GFB Records in Italy and licensed under ZYX in Germany.

Thanks to EurodanceRage



EuroDance Group



Feeling Your Love (1996)

Feeling Your Love was produced by Andrea and Paolo Amati and released in 1996. Label : D-Boy Records



Rhythm and Dance Machine
EuroDance Group



Feel The Beat (1993)
Never (1st Jul 1994)
Somewhere In The World (3rd Apr 1995)


Somewhere In The World (1995)

The single Feel The Beat included a Little Bamboo Mix, a Radio Edit, a Big Bamboo Mix and a Technologie Mix.

Lori Glori was the vocalist featured on Never. The single was written by Stan, Delight and Petersman. It was produced by Delight, M, Selitsch, Petersman and Stan.

The follow-up single Somewhere In The World featured the voice of Andrea Barker (who also appeared on Loveparade's single Love Train). A vilnyl containing 2 new remixes (a In The House Remix and a RDM Bass Killer Remix) was also released.

All singles were released under MCA Records.



Rhythm Authority
EuroDance Group



Working My Way Back To You (1994)
Back Into My Life (1995)
We Need Love (1995)
Say You Want My Love (1996)
Love Magic (1996)
Joy And Pain (1997)
You Got My Love (1998)
Flash (1999)

Rhythm Authority was an Italian House/Dance project founded by Antonio Puntillo, Max Aventino and Roberto Arduini. It featured various vocalists : Melanie October on Love Magic, Barry Stewart on Say You Want My Love and on Joy And Pain, Suzanne on Flash.



Rhythm In Action
EuroDance Company




Rhythm Project
EuroDance Group


Give Me Love ()

Give Me Love was featured on compilation Dance Express in 2008.



Rhythm Reaction
EuroDance Group



You're Not Alone (1998)

You're Not Alone was written and produced by Ared Arzumanian and Chris Phillips. The song was recorded in Toronto in 1998, released during Spring/Summer of 1998. The vocalist's name on the track is Adelina DiFalco.

Ared Arzumanian created his own records company, Silver Note Entertainment, known for producing artists such as EnVie, Unique, NVS, Freda, Mia Minx, V.I.P., Jaade...

He co-created the project Magik Brothers : being at the same time member and producer of the project, he released tracks such as Zodiac, released by Universal Music Canada, in the spring/summer of 2000, and sung by Eilona Skvirsky.

Thanks to Eric80, Cyber-dance and Ared Arzumanian himself



EuroDance Group



Find My Own Way (1995)
This Is Your Life (1996)
Wild And Free (1996)

Find My Own Way was a euro-reggae track featuring Rami Yacoub. This Is Your Life appeared on Polish compilation Snake's Music Presents Vol. 1 '96. Wild And Free was written and produced by Klimaxx, Mark Cyrus, Rohan Heath and featured ragga-rapper Jason Anderson aka The Big Bad Wolf. Label : Miracle



Ricardo Da Force
EuroDance Member



Let The House Goes On (1991)
Why (19th Jun 1996)

Rapper and DJ Jervis Ricardo Alfonso Lyte aka Richie Lyte was born and raised in London. He has a sister called Sonjia. After being discovered by Paul Oakenfold, he took part to the KLF, Clubzone, Groovelux SoulSounds, Dr. Baker (Global Kaos), Fire Island (Fire Island in 1992), Vitamino - (What I've Got in 1992), Adamski (Back To Front as Ricardo), X-press II, Ramp (Rock The Discotek), Greed (Pump Up The Volume in 1994), Trancylvania (Colour Of Love), and N-Trance for the singles Stayin' Alive, D.I.S.C.O, Da Ya Think I'm Sexy, and Electronic Pleasure.

He also remixed Raver's Nature's Stop Scratchin' and N-Trance's Electronic Pleasure.

2000 : he was featured on England Supporters Band's single Great Escape 2000 as Ricardo Lyte. He was himself a huge football fan.

He deejayed in Ibiza, in Mad Club in Mykonos (Greece). Between 2006 and 2009 he was resident DJ at Jumeirah Beach Hotel (Dubai).

2011 : band Whisky Kiss sampled his raps on Stayin Alive during a performance at T in the Park.

2013 : Ricardo Da Force passed away in Barbados during the night of March 8th from brain haemmorrage (and not from a brain tumor as rumored). Funerals took place at the Chapel of the Coral Ridge Memorial Gardens in Barbados.

Artists and groups featuring Ricardo Da Force

Adamski - Back To Front (album), The Space Jungle (1990)
Clubzone - Hands Up (1994), Passion Of The Night (1995)
Dr Baker - Global Kaos (album) (1992)
Fire Island - Fire Island (1992)
Greed - Pump Up The Volume (1994)
Manic MC's - The Beat (1990)
N-Trance - (Just) Let It Go (1996), Broken Dreams (1998), D.I.S.C.O. (1997), Da Ya Think I'm Sexy ? (1997), Electronic Pleasure (1995), Electronic Pleasure (album) (1995), Paradise City (1998), Stayin' Alive (1995)
Ramp - Rock The Discotek
The England Supporters Band - The Great Escape 2000 (2000)
The KLF - 3 A.M. Eternal (1991), Justified & Ancient (1992), Last Train To Trancentral (1991)
Trancylvania - Colour Of Love (1995)
UTA - All The Way (1993)
Vitamino - What I've Got (1992)



Ricchini (Domenico)
EuroDance Producer



Lover To Lover (1983)
Take My Heart (1984)
Recollection (1985)
I'm Your Lover (1986)
Love At First (1986)
Runner (1988)
Easy Lovers (1988)
Special Medley (1988)
Wild Boy (1989)
Synchronisation Of Love (1989)
Last Call (1990)
USA (1992)
Lover To Lover RMX '96 (1996)

Domenico Ricchini aka Joe Yellow started recording with the producers Roberto Turatti and Miki Chieregato in 1983. The same year he recorded Hookey under with the pseudonym Silvy Foster. He was later produced in 1985 by Mauro Farina and Giuliano Crivellente. He produced singles for Divina in 1986.

There are rumors according to which he did not sing on all his singles. Probably his real voice can only be heard on the first three songs and Synchronization Of Love. It is said that Mauro Farina sang most of the songs, apart from Last Call who featured Robert Camero.

Artists and groups featuring Ricchini (Domenico)

DJ Akhenaton - Destiny (1995)
Dalmata - Do It (1994)
Divina - Baby Blue (1986), Hot Stuff Fever (1986)
Garrasco Joe - Freedom (1995)
Qruizia - Fly To The Sky (1995)
River - We Can Shine Through The Sky (1995)
Sundae - Sun Go Down On Me (1996)



Richards (Donna)
Dream House Group



One Of Us (1996)

Project featured vocals by Patrizia Musolino. One Of Us was a cover of Joan Osborne, already released under project name NaSaRa.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group


Set Me Free (1994)

Label: Fresh Music. This project features a female and a male vocalist. The song was included on the compilation Fresh Music USA and the single was released under the label of the same name.

Thanks to Alex Capilé



Ries (Peter)
EuroDance Producer



Torn (28th Jul 2017)

German producer, songwriter and remixer Peter Ries comes from Wiesbaden. Also known under the alias Marc Cassandra, he started his music career in 1980 as a singer under the stage name of Gilbert. Then in 1985-87 he worked as a musician with Sandra, Engelbert, Stan Bush and Sally Oldfield. But he is mostly known for his collaboration with Thomas Anders, Paris Red, Kristine W, Kool And The Gang, Mr. President, Alcazar, Ferry Corsten, Enigma, Construction, Matrix, Nsync, Love Inc (he won the Juno Award for best producer), Eros Ramazzotti, and other artists.

He founded with Reinhard Besser his own production company, FMM Production. More recently, he worked for No Angels, Bro'Sis, Xavier Naidoo and some DSDS candidates (such as Mike Leon Grosch).

2017 : he released a cover of Torn featuring Magic Affair frontlady Franca Morgano.

Artists and groups featuring Ries (Peter)

Anders Thomas - Independent Girl (2003)
Construction - Call Me (1997), My Heart Is Always Open (1996), What Is In Love (1996)
Evans Tania - Prisoner Of Love (1998)
Matrix - Can You Feel It (1993), Follow Me (1994), Take A Piece Of Your Heart (1995)
Pearl (1) - Celebrate (1994)
Uhrmacher Tillman - Bassfly (1999), Free (2000)



Riester (Fred)
EuroDance Producer


Real name Frédéric Riesterer.

This french producer, based in the North of France / South of Belgium, had a lot of activities since 20 years. In the early nineties, he was the producer of Abyale, a very famous dance female singer in the style of Indra 1st releases. Songs such as I Wanna Be Your Lover Too or I Don't Talk About L.O.V.E reached the 1st places in French club charts. Abyale's last single Words (A cover of FR David, released in the beginning of 1994) was eurodance, but it had less success. Fred Riester collaborated with other french north producers, remixing After Touch Show Me The Way or reworking Trance X-Ppress Get Up.

But he had biggest successes with other techno / dance projects : in 1997/1998 he was behind Ixxel (Alleeez, Drop That Beat...), very popular in France & Belgium. In 1998 he also had a success with his friends from Mr Joy for the track DJ Riester feat Mr Joy with Beat That MF Down. In 1999/2000, another popular project he created was Mory Klein. Since 2003, he's been working on another very popular project in the Benny Benassi style called Anaklein.

He was also a DJ & a radio DJ ; he worked for French radio stations such as Contact FM or Voltage, but especially he was a member of the team of the famous dance radio of the late 80's/early 90's called Maxximum. His favourite sentence was "C'est Fred Riester dans le Tuner !" (meaning "Fred Riester's in da tuner")

Thanks to reBeL

Artists and groups featuring Riester (Fred)

Spring Helena - I'm Gonna Stand It (1995)
Trance X-Press - Get Up (1994)



Rifa DJ
EuroDance Group



Sky (1995)

Sky was featured on Polish compilation Dance Machine.



EuroDance Group



Love (23rd Apr 1996)

Love was produced by Federico Scavo, Riccardo Menichetti and Rino Facchinetti, mastered by Inzadi. Label : Discomagic.



EuroDance Producer


Dutch producer and composer Errol Donald Lafleur aka Riffi, E-roll or Deekai founded producers trio Team 3 with Mark Nieuwenhuijzen and Judith Samson Kruit. Together, they stood behind many great eurodance productions : Club Factory, 3 II One, Class-X... Then he also contributed, most of the times with Mark, to a score of trance, hardcore and house projects such as 4 Aces, 4T D-Greez, Active Force, Beat Reality, Communi-Gate, Da Groove, Discovery, DJ Rene & Da Groove, Donald & Giles, Eve@, Exclusive System, Expension, Factor 9, Index and many more.

2000 : he took the alias Deekai and created the producers trio Master Freakz with Mark (now known as MacMark) and Thijs Adrichem (aka Mastermind) and they released the single Let Yourself Go. Mark and him also formed project BeatFreakz with Dennis De Laat.

2001 : he teamed with Mark Nieuwenhuijzen and Jaco van Rijswijk (Exor) as Project Medusa. Between 2001 and 2003 they released 3 singles.

2002 : with Dimitrie Siliakus and Mark Nieuwenhuijzen, he released 2 singles as Creative Lab and one as Alternate. Meanwhile, Mark and him released 2 singles as Nightlife with producer Steven Renes.

2003 : same trio released a single as Mundane Men (Joy), another one as Pascal Lasini (No Satisfaction - Lasini was a combination between their first names' first syllabs) and one as Radical Noiz.

2004 : Mark, Dimitrie and Errol formed the trio 8Ball. They released 4 singles betwwen 2004 and 2005. The same team also made 2 trance records under name Love Fist.

Artists and groups featuring Riffi

2B Or Not 2B - All Right Now (1994), Tonight, Tonight (1995)
3-II One - Make Love (1994)
Class X - Find A Way (1996)
Club Factory - I Think I Wanna Rock (1994)
Eclipse - (You Just Got To) Let The Rhythm Move You (1994), I Want You Forever (2014)
Sophia - Gimme The Night (1994), Running So Hard (1992), Take It Or Leave It (1992)



Rigaux (Luc)
EuroDance Producer


Belgian DJ, producer and composer Luc Rigaux discovered new beat as he was only 14. He started remixing his favourite songs after school, in his bedroom. Then he created his first new beat tracks as well as megamixes with only 2 tape recorders. Later, he formed DJs duet Unity Mixers aka Unity Power with Patrick Samoy.

Artists and groups featuring Rigaux (Luc)

Apotheosis - Dance the Night Away (1993), O Fortuna (1992), Ombumbratta (1992), Put Me In A Trance (1993)
Ex-Plain - Check Out (1991)
Latino Party - Caramba (1994)
Paradisio - Bandolero (1996), Dime Como (1997)
The Rhythm Section - Can You Feel... (1994), Generation (1990), Love And Emotion (1990)



Rimini Project
EuroTrance Group



Dance Balance (2000)

1.Movin' Around, 2.Boys, 3.Can I Have This Dance, 4.Wake Up (The La Da Di Song), 5.Away, 6.Bom Digi, 7.Sounds Good, 8.To Limit, 9.Forever, 10.SOS, 11.Wake Up (The La Da Di Song), 12.Sounds Good,

Remixed (2001)

1.Movin Around (Bertelson Mix), 2.Bum Digi, 3.Wake Up, 4.Scream My Name, 5.Movin Around (Moonchild Remix), 6.Sounds Good, 7.Away (Trance Version), 8.Can I Have this Dance (Dub House), 9.Movin Around (Club Mix), 10.Dance Balance Megamix, 11.Wake Up (Marshmallow Edit),

Heartbeats (2002)

1.Another Night, 2.Fall In Love Fall In Pain, 3.Hi We Are Rimini Project, 4.I Call The Sun, 5.I Remember You Like Yesterday, 6.It's My Life, 7.Movin Around (The Dome Edit), 8.No More Goodbye, 9.Scream My Name, 10.Think About The Way, 11.To Be Or Not To Be, 12.Up And Away,


Wake Up (2nd Nov 2000)
Sounds Good (2001)
Scream My Name (Oct 2001)
Movin Around (3rd Dec 2001)
To Be Or Not To Be (23rd Mar 2002)
No More Goodbye (23rd Sep 2002)
I Remember You Like Yesterday (15th Apr 2003)
Sometimes When We Touch (1st Mar 2004)
A Day in the Sun (Sep 2004)
The Plan (1st Apr 2008)
Drinks On Me (28th Feb 2014)

This Austrian euro-trance project is made of 2 girls (Sarah K. alias Ester Olaide Ajewole, and Scandinavia - alias Anna Louise Molander) and 1 guy (Sammy B. - alias Samuel Oladipo Ajewole, Sarah K's young brother). It was created in 1999 by the 2 producers Silvio Lombardoni and Alex Lindt. Also known under the name of Hubert Rinder, Alex has become one of the most talentful Austrian producers. He worked with many Eurodance projects on their public appearances : Nana, Captain Jack , Blümchen , Mr President , Wes, Los Umbrellos, Alexia , Ice MC , X-treme. He also worked on the radio as sound technician and speaker...

Their first single was entitled Wake Up, featuring Sarah K solo. Then came Sounds Good, this time it was Scandinavia's voice to be used.

2001 : Rimini Project released in October their new single Scream My Name, followed by a new album : Remixed.

2002 : Rimini Project released their new album called Heartbeats.

2003 : in April, their brand new single I Remember You Like Yesterday was out.

2004 : they released a new single called Sometimes When We Touch. At the beginning of April, it reached #12 in the Austrian charts.

Rimini Project Official Website
Thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin




Rimonti (Federico)
EuroDance Producer


Italian songwriter, Avex producer and vocalist Federico Rimonti stood behind many popular hits and platinum records, mostly eurobeat, over the years in Japan and other countries. He also took part to several eurodance singles. He collaborated a lot with Claudio Accatino. He is one of the founders of Live Music Studio.

Artists and groups featuring Rimonti (Federico)

72 Crew - Damn' it (1994), Hey Sweat Dance (1995)
Austin - Your Love Is Magic (1998)
Barrows Giorgia - In The Dark Of My Heart (1996)
Chris - All Nite Long (1994)
DJ Black - Medley Movin' Up With If You Have Let Me Down (1994), You Catch My Broken Heart (1995)
Jill (2) - Game (1994)
Lodetex - What's The Colour Of Money? (1995)
Morena - Stop Me (1993)
Nikka - On My Own (1995)
Shalira - Close To Me (1995)
T 1000 - Terminated (1994)



EuroHouse Group



Someone (1996)

Someone was a nice eurodance track with a strong touch of house/garage featuring a solo female vocalist. Written by Antonella Bianchi, it was produced and arranged by Enrico Plebani at Rotonda Studio in Rome, mixed at Palace Studio recording by Zafret, released in Italy under X-Energy Records, licensed in Sweden under Scandinavian Records.

Thanks to Gianni



RIO (2)
Dance Group



Shine On - The album (7th May 2010)

1.Shine on (Radio Mix), 2.When The Sun Comes Down (Radio Mix), 3.One Heart (Radio Edit), 4.Serenade (Radio Edit), 5.De Janeiro (Radio Mix), 6.After The Love (Radio Edit), 7.Can You Feel It (Radio Edit), 8.Open Up Your Heart, 9.Lay Down (Radio Edit), 10.Something About You (Radio Edit), 11.Watching You (Radio Edit), 12.Shine On (Spencer & Hill Radio Edit), 13.Serenade (Original Mix), 14.De Janeiro (S&H Project Radio Edit), 15.When The Sun Comes Down (Spencer & Hill Radio Edit), 16.After The Love (PH Electro Radio Mix), 17.Can You Feel It (Extended Mix), 18.One Heart (Extended Mix), 19.Lay Down (Extended Mix),

Sunshine (13th May 2011)

1.Miss Sunshine (Radio Edit), 2.Like I Love You (Video Edit, 3.Shine on (Radio Mix), 4.When The Sun Comes Down (Radio Mix), 5.Hot Girl (Video Edit), 6.Serenade (Radio Edit), 7.Watching You (Radio Edit), 8.After The Love (Radio Edit), 9.De Janeiro (Radio Mix), 10.Can You Feel It (Radio Edit), 11.Something About You (Radio Edit) [feat. Liz Kay], 12.One Heart (Radio Edit), 13.Lay Down (Radio Edit), 14.Open Up Your Heart, 15.Miss Sunshine (Video Edit), 16.Shine On (Spencer & Hill Radio Edit), 17.De Janeiro (S&H Project Radio Edit),

Turn This Club Around (2nd Dec 2011)

1.Animal (Video Edit), 2.Turn This Club Around (Video Edit), 3.Miss Sunshine (Radio Edit), 4.Like I Love You (Video Edit), 5.Shine On (Radio Mix), 6.When the Sun Comes Down (Radio Mix), 7.Hot Girl (Radio Edit), 8.Serenade (Radio Edit), 9.Watching You (Radio Edit), 10.After the Love (Radio Edit), 11.De Janeiro (Radio Mix), 12.Can You Feel It (Radio Edit), 13.Something About You (Radio Edit), 14.One Heart (Radio Edit), 15.Lay Down (Radio Edit), 16.Open Up Your Heart (Radio Edit), 17.Animal (Spankers Edit), 18.Turn This Club Around (Spankers Edit), 19.Miss Sunshine (Video Edit), 20.Shine On (Spencer & Hill Radio Edit), 21.De Janeiro (S&H Project Radio Edit), 22.Like I Love You (Money G Radio Edit),


De Janeiro (Nov 2006)
Shine On (4th Jul 2008)
When The Sun Comes Down (5th Dec 2008)
After The Love (1st Jul 2009)
Serenade (Dec 2009)
Something About You (2010)
EP (2010)
Hot Girl (13th Aug 2010)
Like I Love You (28th Jan 2011)
Miss Sunshine (13th May 2011)
Turn This Club Around (16th Sep 2011)
Animal (11th Nov 2011)
Party Shaker (1st Jun 2012)
Summer Jam (10th Aug 2012)
Living In Stereo (15th Mar 2013)
Ready Or Not (10th May 2013)
Komodo (Hard Nights) (Dec 2013)
One In A Million (2014)
Thinking Of You (27th Mar 2015)
Sun Is Up (22nd May 2015)
Cheers To The Club (9th Oct 2015)
Headlong (17th Mar 2017)
The Sign (4th Aug 2017)
Summer Eyes (6th Apr 2018)
Somebody To Love (7th Dec 2018)
Good Enough (22nd Feb 2019)
Life (29th Nov 2019)
Hey Mama (3rd Jul 2020)
Good Vibe (13th May 2022)
All My Love (10th Jun 2022)
Party Shaker 2022 (22nd Jul 2022)
Don't Stop Believin' (26th Aug 2022)
Call Me Up (9th Sep 2022)
Mallorca (4th Nov 2022)
Je Ne Sais Pas (9th Dec 2022)
Forever In Your Arms (3rd Mar 2023)
Waiting for Tonight (7th Apr 2023)
Forward (21st Apr 2023)
Tonight (12th May 2023)
Rise Up (26th May 2023)
Underneath the Stars (16th Jun 2023)
Summer (7th Jul 2023)
Big City Life (6th Oct 2023)
Mood (22nd Dec 2023)
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got) (5th Apr 2024)
I Can Use a Ride (31st May 2024)
Summertime Sadness (28th Jun 2024)
Be Right There (19th Jul 2024)
Your Body (11th Oct 2024)


Shine On (17th Jun 2019)

R.I.O. was founded by DJ Manian and Yann Peifer (Yanou) with author Andres Ballinas and famous eurodance rapper Neal Dyer aka Tony T as frontman and vocalist. It was initially intended as an "experimental project", project name came from their first recording De Janeiro.

in June 2008, they released single Shine On and success was massive. Videoclip was viewed 30 million times. In December 2008, single When the Sun Comes Down was out.

On 10 July 2009 R.I.O. released After the Love. Follow-up Serenade (a Steve Miller Band cover) was out in November.

In 2010 they collaborated with the Dutch singer Liz Kay on the songs Something About You and Watching You. On 19 February 2010 they released their first studio album Shine On. In September 2010, a deluxe version was out, including their most recent song Hot Girl. Then came single One Heart.

On 11 February 2011 R.I.O. published the song Like I Love You. Follow-up was single Miss Sunshine. A new member entered the project : U-Jean. He contributed to Turn This Club Around which became R.I.O's biggest hit was the song, landing in the top 5 of charts in Germany and Austria and at #1 in Switzerland. Tony T took part to Cascada's single Night Nurse and appeared in the videoclip.

2012 : Tony T left the project. R.I.O released Party Shaker featuring Nicco. Then came single Summer Jam, a cover of The Underdog Project's hit and it was quite succesful.

2013 : in March they released Living in Stereo. Follow-up was Ready or Not. On September 27th, Komodo (Hard Nights) featuring U-Jean was published on Kontor. Some people noticed a certain similarity with W&W and Ummet Ozcan The Code. It was actully inspired by Mauro Picotto's Komodo. In October, they recorded a remix of Scooter's hit Maria (I Like It Loud) and it was featured on their album 20 Years of Hardcore.

2014 : a promo single entitled One In A Million was released.

2015 : Thinking Of You was the title of R.I.O's new single. Then came Sun Is Up in May. A song entitled Cheers To The Club featuring U-Jean was published on compilation Kontor Top Of The Clubs Vol. 68.

2017 : after 2 years of silence, R.I.O. were back with a new single entitled Headlong. They also collaborated with the Vengaboys on single The Sign.

2018 : New R.I.O., single was entitled Summer Eyes

Artists and groups featuring RIO (2)

Cascada - Night Nurse (2010)
Cleez - Everybody Cries (2021)
KYANU - Talk Talk Talk (2021)



Rio (3)
EuroHouse Group



Dance Around The World (1997)
Say You Want Me (1998)

Dance Around The World was composed by Alessandro Gilardi, Andrea Tegon and Michele Comis, written by Claudio Varola and Walter Cremonini, recorded and mixed at Prisma Studio in Padova and at Time Studio, released under Italian Style Production. Second single Say You Want Me was released one year after under Feet! Records.

Thanks to Marian Stoica



Rio and Mars
EuroDance Group



Climb Any Mountain ()
Say Sorry ()
Boy I Gotta Have You (13th Jan 1995)
How Deep Is Love (22nd Sep 1995)
Gimme Gimme Gimme (13th Sep 1996)
I Don't Wanna Lose You (6th Mar 1998)
Love You Forever (Jul 2000)

Produced by Dominion Records / Feverpitch (label of EMI).

Some remixes of Boy I Gotta Have You and How Deep Is Love ware done by Diddy. The Candy Girls also did a remix for Boy I Gotta Have You and Gimme Gimme Gimme.



Rios de Gloria
EuroDance Group



Rios de Gloria (1996)

1.Aire, 2.Agua Caliente, 3.Sí O No, 4.Quedate Conmigo, 5.Ya Te Olvide, 6.Yo Tambien Necesito Amar, 7.Debe Ser Feliz, 8.Amor Eterno, 9.Me Enamoro De Ti, 10.Lo Que Necesitas Es Amor, 11.Toma Una Decision, 12.Solo Por Ti,

Dos (1999)

1.El Deseo Es Un Volcán, 2.Secuéstrame, 3.Cómo Te Va El Amor, 4.Prohibido Tocarte, 5.Cuando Mueves La Cintura, 6.Ni Un Millón De Besos, 7.Made In Spain, 8.Sabor A Caramelo, 9.Frena O Acelera, 10.Vuela, 11.Déjame Llorar, 12.Como Sabré (Come Eaprei), 13.Nada Contigo,

Desafíame (2000)

1.Desafíame, 2.No es pescado, 3.Atrévete, 4.Por ti y por él, 5.Obsesión, 6.Comete mi cuerpo, 7.TQ, 8.Perdóname, 9.Ven, 10.Calor, 11.Duele, 12.Desafíame (Latin version),

Rios De Gloria (2000)

1.El Deseo Es Un Volcán, 2.Cuando Mueves La Cintura, 3.Agua Caliente, 4.Lo Que Necesitas Es Amor, 5.Aire, 6.Sabor A Caramelo, 7.Made In Spain, 8.Quédate Conmigo,

12 Éxitos De Oro (2001)

1.Aire, 2.El deseo es un volcán, 3.Si o no, 4.Me enamoro de ti, 5.Yo también necesito amar, 6.Agua caliente, 7.Cuando mueves la cintura, 8.Debe ser feliz, 9.Ni un millón de besos, 10.Secuéstrame, 11.Como te va el amor, 12.Déjame llorar,

Fuera De Mi Casa (2nd Jan 2012)

1.Fuere de Mi Casa, 2.Quiero, 3.Casi Se Me Va la Vida, 4.Hacerte el Amor, 5.Salvajemente, 6.Báilame, 7.Castígame, 8.Si o No, 9.El Deseo Es un Volcán, 10.Desafíame,


Si o no (1996)
Aire (1996)
Agua Caliente (1996)
Ya Te Olvidé (1996)
Me Enamoro De Tí (1996)
El Deseo es un volcán (1999)
Secuéstrame (1999)
Como te va el amor (1999)
Made in Spain (1999)
Sabor A Caramelo (1999)
Desafíame (2000)
Cómete mi cuerpo (2000)
Obsesión (2000)
Quiero (2010)
El Precio Del Deseo (4th Nov 2012)
Hacerlo Contigo (20th Apr 2018)
Vete (3rd May 2019)
Sin Amor (7th Feb 2020)


El Deseo es un volcán (2000)

Rios de Gloria was formed originally for Gloria Gomez and Javier Rios and this group was created in Spain during the year 1996. Gloria Gómez Verjano had released in 1995 an album called A Jesulín De Ubrique under the name Gloria Sanz

The first album Rios de Gloria was released in 1996. Followed the singles Si o no, Aire and Agua Caliente.

Second album Dos was in the stores in 1999. 4 singles were taken from it : El Deseo es un volcán, Secuéstrame, Como te va el amor, and Made in Spain. This album sold a lot in Spain and South America.

In 2000, Javier Rios left the group and was replaced by a new male vocalist, Míchel Lara. The third album : Desafíame produced by Joseph Lladó and Octavi Cruz (importants producers of dance music in Spain). Followed the single Desafíame, Cómete mi cuerpo, and Obsesión. This album sold 50000 copies in Spain and was Gold Disc and more in South America.

All discs during the whole group's life sold approximately 1 000 000 copies in Spain and South America. The third album was the last because Gloria went on solo.

2002 : Javier Ríos released in 2002 an album called Cúrame.

2003 : Gloria released an album entitled Desnúdame under the name Gloria G.

2005 : Gloria released a new album called Libre under the name Gloria Ríos.

2010 : After almost 10 years of silence, Rios de Gloria are back. The project now features Javier Rios and a new member called Saray Ruiz. Their new single Quiero was included in the compilation Caribe 2010. Saray had released in 2007 an album called Jirones De Mi.

The same year, they released a second single entitled Fuera De Mi Casa along with a videoclip.

2011 : A new Ríos De Gloria album is preparing to be released in 2011...

Thanks to Frankie and Abelito



Rios (Jose Vicente)
EuroDance Producer


With his brother Sebastian, José Vicente Ríos contributed to many Spanish dance projects : High Density, Kriss, New Limit, S.A.D., Slider, Mary...

Artists and groups featuring Rios (Jose Vicente)

Kriss - Strangers (1996)
Kryssy - She's In The Rain (1997)
Mary - Stop (1997)
New Limit - Lies (1996), Scream (1995), Smile (1994)



Rios (Sebastian)
EuroDance Producer


Sebastián Ríos Banyuls is a Spanish producer and composer based in Valencia. Him and his brother contributed Jose Vicente contributed to many dance projects, such as New Limit, Kriss, Kryssy, Mary, Alto Riesgo, Random...

Artists and groups featuring Rios (Sebastian)

Kriss - Strangers (1996), Tonight (1995)
Kryssy - She's In The Rain (1997)
Mary - Stop (1997)
New Limit - Lies (1996), Scream (1995), Smile (1994)



EuroDance Group



Hot Passion (1996)

The single was featured on the compilation TJSB, vol 1 released on the 24th September 1996. Risque also did remixes of the single Satisfy My Love (by Sabrina Johnston) in 1999 and In The Music (by Deepswing) in 2000.

Thanks to reBeL



Ritmo Diabolo
EuroDance Group


Bésame (1994)

Bésame was produced by Klaus Munzert under the alias Marcello, compsed and written by Klaus also, this time under the alias Wildmax.

Thanks to Abelito



Riva David
EuroDance Producer


Davide Riva was the producer of Whigfield, JK, Ally & Jo, Spagna, Fun Fun (I'm Needin' U), Next Block (Give You My Love), in collaboration with A. Pignagnoli.

Artists and groups featuring Riva David

Ally and Jo - In The Zodiac (Stars Say You'll Be Mine) (1998)
Dhany - Dha Dha Tune (1998)
Foot Control - Get Up And Move (1993)
JK - Beat It (1994), Go On (1998), My Radio (1996), You And I (1994), You Make Me Feel Good (1992)
Lalene - The Best (1994), Together (1992)
Melrose Ave - I'm In Love (1993)
Positivity (2) - Let Me Take You Higher (1993)
Q-Base - Shake It (1994)
S-Sense - Stop and Smell The Roses (2008)
Spagna Ivana - Never Say You Love Me... (2002)
Whigfield - Big Time (1995), Close To You (1995), I Want To Love (1996), No Tears To Cry (1997), Saturday Night (1994), Think Of You (1995)



EuroDance Group



We Can Shine Through The Sky (1995)

This Italian project was released in vinyl format (45 RPM). It contained 3 versions : a Garrasco Version, a River Version and a Neuro Version. The female vocalist was called Barbara, and the single was produced by J. Yellow and Garrasco. Label : Discomagic Records

Thanks to Alex Capilé



Riverside People
EuroDance Group



Welcome To The Riverside (15th Jan 1995)
Fantasy Dancing (13th Feb 1995)
You Got To Move (13th Oct 1997)
Come To The Riverside '99 (1999)

The singles were written by P. Ballweg and Paul Mangerich, produced by Bernd Gritzmacher, published by Shift music. Fantasy Dancing featured the raps of Kid Lotus and Mark Harris.

Thanks to Necronomic



EuroDance Group



Paradise (Medley) (1994)

This cover of the sixties version by Amen Corner featured vocals by Shani. Label : Klone Records. It was licensed in France under Reflexes Nvx/CNR Music

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Another Illusion (1995)

Another Illusion was written and composed by Fabio Cozzi, F. Tortelli, S. Chambers and Worker. Label : Crash records. It was licensed in Spain under Max Music

Thanks to reBeL



Rizzatto (Erik)
EuroDance Group



Hold Me (24th Sep 2021)
Dream Again (17th Dec 2021)
Cliché (7th Jun 2024)


Hold Me (1st Oct 2021)
Dream Again (6th May 2022)

Singer Erik Rizzatto is the presenter of the Youtube channel O Som Do K7. He released his first single Hold Me in September 2021. Then came eurodance song Dream Again in December of the same year. It was produced by Fred Conte, from São Paulo. The melody and lyrics were composed by Erik Rizzatto. The single had two versions and two videos. Each of them was made from images captured at the O Som Do K7 party, which took place on November 27th in Divinópolis.

Thanks to Erik Rizzatto himself

Artists and groups featuring Rizzatto (Erik)

ZoOom - Hold Me reborn (2023)



Rizzi (Marco)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer Marco Rizzi contributed to many eurodance projects such as Roggero, House Corporation, Luna, Paul Harris, High State Logic, Tenax, 2 Mistakes, FB Machine...

Artists and groups featuring Rizzi (Marco)

2 Mistakes - Sweet Little Boy (1994)
Alexandra - It's A Friday Night (... Dut, Dut, Dut) (1995)
Alhogena - Woman In Love (1994)
Arena (2) - El Bobo (1994)
Copernico - Got The Power (1993)
D 'n' Joy - Easy (It's Very Easy) (1994)
Emergency - In The Heat Of The Night (1994)
FB Machine - Space Love (1995)
Feel Good - I Really Love You (1995)
Harris Paul - Music Of Your Mind (1994)
High State Logic - No Body (1994)
House Corporation - I Let You Go (1993)
Jay Sex - Moving My Hands (1994)
Luna - You And I (1996)
M-System - I Can Fly (1996)
Missis Scarlet - I Wonna Be With You (1994)
Price Alison - I Need I Want (1993)
R To R - My Romance (1995)
Roggero - Dreams And Doubts (1994)
Systematic - Suite #1 D-Minor (1996)
Tenax - You Got to Fight (1994)
Transit - Somebody (1993)
Zero PH - For Your Love (1993)



Rizzo (Linda Jo)
EuroDance Member



Best Of Linda Jo Rizzo (1999)

Turbo Disco (2002)

Day Of The Light (2012)

1.Heartflash (Album Flash Version), 2.Day Of The Light (Album Version), 3.Helpless (Album New Version), 4.All Around Feat. Ryan Paris, 5.You're My First, You're My Last (Album New Version), 6.Perfect Love (Album New Version), 7.I Wont Leave You Alone, 8.Danger (Album New Version), 9.Calling Me Feat. Saragossa Band, 10.Don't Let Me Down, 11.Love Can Tell, 12.Fiesta, 13.No Lies (Album New Version), 14.Passion (Album New Version), 15.Day Of The Light (Hamar Hard Disco Radio Remix),

Fly Me High, the album (30th Apr 2015)

1.Fly Me High, 2.There's A Fire, 3.Only One Night, 4.Heartflash, 5.Welcome To Cairo, 6.I've Got The Night, 7.Passion, 8.You're My First, You're My Last, 9.Tropical Nights, 10.Under Fire, 11.Just One Word, 12.Fingertips, 13.Perfect Love,

Day Of The Light (80's Reloaded) (7th Apr 2017)

Forever (5th May 2023)

1.Now, 2.Can't Escape From You, 3.Angel Of Love, 4.I Love Fashion, 5.Let Me Go, 6.Forever, 7.After Midnight, 8.Touch Too Much, 9.Cybernetic Lover, 10.Once Before I Go, 11.Questa E La Vita, 12.Body In Motion, 13.Don't Say You Love Me Anymore,


Fly Me High (1985)
Heartflash (Tonight) (1986)
You're My First, You're My Last (1986)
Perfect Love (1987)
Keep Trying (1989)
Passion (1989)
Quando, Quando (1991)
Heartflash 2012 (2012)
USSR (2014)
Don't Let Me Down (2014)
Stronger Together (21st Feb 2014)
Policeman (May 2019)
Fotonovela (1st Apr 2022)
After Midnight (28th Jun 2023)


Fotonovela (Sean Finn Radio Edit) (22nd Jul 2022)
Stronger Together (12th Aug 2022)

American singer, composer, and producer Linda Jo Rizzo was born in New York City on April 1st 1955. She has Italian roots. She started as a photo model at the age of 18. She was background singer for Adriano Celentano. She studied nourishing sciences in New York, then ran her own business for several years as a nutritional consultant and speaker for a large vitamin company in San Francisco. In 1983 she met Bobby Orlando and participated in his girls group, The Flirts till 1984.

In 1984 Rizzo moved to Germany and started her own music career there. She released and produced over 20 records with some known producers as Fancy, Glen P. Stone, Joe Kleindienst, Mino Siciliano, and La Bionda. She toured Europe in most of the top disco clubs.

She was the owner of an Italian music restaurant in Munich called Piazza Linda, which was sold in August 2008.

Artists and groups featuring Rizzo (Linda Jo)

B-Infinite - The Sign (2020)
DJ Tommy M - You're My First, You're My Last (2020)
Fast Forward - Do What You Want Me To Do (1994)
Hooker Tom - I Want You Tonight (2017)
Marc Reason - Helpless (2020)
Stone-Age - (Meet) The Flintstones (1994)



Dream House Group



Missing You (1999)
Hear That Dj Play (2000)
Wish U Were Here (2000)
Thought Of U (2000)
Everybody Turn Around (2000)
La Serenissima (2001)

RMN aka Mohr or Less, aka Rory Mhor Nicoll grew up in a musical family. His parents were well-known folk singers in their native Scotland and Rory started performing on stage at an early age acting and dancing. While still a teenager, Rory started producing music for a band called Colorscheme.

After signing his first publishing music contract at 17. Rory went with his solo project RMN which got signed with Sony Europe, Baby Records Europe and JVC. He released Missing You (with vocals by Monica Löfgren, known for her collaborations with Dr Alban and La Cream), followed by Hear That Dj Play featuring Edwin Starr, which went #2 in the UK dance chart and charted in sales charts in many countries throughout Europe

He remixed or produced music for many artists such as Hue and Cry, Jimmy Somerville, Dream Frequency, DD Sound, Scatman, Double You, Peter Joback, Lisa Loud and Finbar Furey

2002 : he recorded a single with Sabrina, called You and Me (Take the blame), co-written with Johan Lund. But it is not sure wether it was officially released or not

2006 : he recorded an album entitled 999 in Minneapolis (USA), featuring Kip Blackshire, Kym Mazelle, Dr Fink, Matt D, Chris Clay, Eric Leeds, and many others from Prince's band the NPG and the Revolution. Album was due for release in December. RMN was also planning a comeback dance album for 2010.

2013 : RMN started producing a series of new artists. But Rory is also a novel writer : he released 8 books including C.ask Whisky, Hit Click Series 1 and 2, The Fairy Flag, and was working on the movie's script The Fairy Flag.

2014 : Rory was the main producer of the The Fairy Flag movie.



EuroDance Group



Rob'n'Raz Featuring Leila K (1990)

1.Acozawea, 2.Got To Get, 3.On Tour, 4.Just Tell Me, 5.Human Drummer, 6.It Feels So Right, 7.From Scratch, 8.Rok The Nation, 9.Do Something Nice, 10.Love 4 Love, 11.Fonky Beats For Your Mind, 12.Dance The Fonk, 13.Mind Expander, 14.Rok The Nation (Funk-E Drummer Mix), 15.Got To Get (Stones Nordik Swing Theory),

Clubhopping-The Album (1992)

1.Clubhopping, 2.In Command, 3.Love You Like I Do, 4.6 Minutes (Dennis Pop Remix), 5.Bite The Beat, 6.Destiny (Legacy Of Sound Remix), 7.Big City Life, 8.Hush Little Baby, 9.Higher, 10.Come Along Come Along, 11.Microphone Flex, 12.Clubhopping (Legacy Of Sound Remix),

Spectrum (1993)

1.House Of Power Theme, 2.Power House, 3.In Command (Radio edit), 4.Got To Get (feat. Leila K.), 5.Clubbhopping (Legacy of Sound radioremix), 6.Bite The Beat, 7.Hush Little Baby, 8.Big City Life, 9.Microphone poet (feat. Papa Dee), 10.Rok the nation (feat. LEILA K.), 11.In this war (in the name of love), 12.Higher, 13.6 Minutes (Denniz Pop remix), 14.Come Along Come Along, 15.Love You Like I Do, 16.Clubbhopping (original version), 17.In Command (Indee's H-way judgement mix),

Clubhopping-The Album (International Edition) (1993)

Circus (1996)

1.Take A Ride, 2.Whose Dog Is Dead (someone is sleeping), 3.Throw Your Hands In The Air, 4.Tell Me What You Like, 5.Times Been Taken, 6.Johanna, 7.It's All Good, 8.Rich And Famous, 9.DJ B.U.N, 10.Spice For The Flavour, 11.Mona Lisa,


Competition Is None (26th Sep 1988)
Microphone Poet (1989)
Got To Get (1989)
Just Tell Me (1990)
It Feels So Right (1990)
Rok The Nation (1990)
Clubhopping (1992)
Bite The Beat/6 Minutes (1992)
Higher (1992)
Love You Like I Do (1992)
Big City Life (1992)
Dancing Queen (1992)
In Command (1993)
Power House (1994)
Mona Lisa (1995)
Whose Dog Is Dead (Someone's Sleeping In My Bed) (1995)
Mona Lisa (1995)
Take A Ride (1996)
Throw Your Hands In The Air (1996)
The Snake (Jul 2005)


Got To Get (1989)
Rok The Nation (1990)

Rob'n Raz was founded in 1988 by Robert "Rob" Wåtz (born in 1966) and Rasmus "Raz" Lindwall. They had won Swedish Championship of DJ mixing in 1988 (for Robert) and in 1989 (for Rasmus). They began at the same time to produce their own music.

The first singles with Daniel "Papa Dee" Wahlgren Competition Is None and Microphone Poet became hits in the major cities. After that, Got To Get feat. Leila K was released, it also became a hit around the world with over one million singles sold. It was followed by Rok The Nation (co-written by MC II Fresh), Just Tell Me (with backing vocals by Lizzie Zachrisson, it was not very successful) and It Feels So Right (which flopped too), still featuring Leila's voice. Afterwards, Leila went solo.

A world tour followed, the duo being the Swedish artists to appear on the scene of the legendary Appolo Theatre in Harlem. During the 90's, Rob'n Raz released several hits featuring different artists. For instance, Lutricia McNeal and D-Flex (aka DLC) contributed to the singles Clubhopping, Bite The Beat, Take A Ride, Whose Dog Is Dead and In Command. Power House is the only one among all these hits to be still played on the dancefloors across Europe. It's All Good featured the voice of Kayo in 1995.

Afterwards, Lutricia started a very sucessful solo carreer. D-Flex too, but he only released 2 singles : Don't Disrespect (in 1999) and Friday Night (in 2000).

Robert and Rasmus also did remixes for other artists (such as DJ Bobo's Respect Yourself). They also contributed to many TV shows : they presented the Swedish Dance Chart on Z-TV for several years. They took part to the jury of the broadcast Mini Stars on TV4, they also contributed to Turn and return on TV3. They created the show Star towards being a star hosted by Rob'n Raz on Kanal 5. They presented the Morning show on Powerhit Radio and had their own national evening show on Radio City during the 2 past years.

Rob'n Raz are maybe still the greatest DJ-names of Sweden and are still playing on clubs nationwide. Everything from the most current music to "old school evenings" with 70's, 80's and 90's. Rob'n Raz also acts as MC's and hosts on events, company arrangement, presentations, exhibitions etc. Among pleased customers are Sharp, Vin & Sprit, Intel, Minolta etc.

2000 : with Markoolio, they contributed to welfare compilation Barn 2000 to help raise money for Rädda Barnen (Save The Children).

2005 : Rob 'n' Raz released in July a new single entitled The Snake featuring Lorén. Unfortunately for eurodance lovers, it was a slow RnB track.

2008 : D-Flex now collaborates with Basic Element.

Jerry Williams - Did I tell you, Let's start some rock n roll
Christer Sandelin - Det hon vill ha
D-Magic - The Problem
Just D - 87
Landlords - Fight against right wing mentality
Me she and her - I count the minutes
Magnum Coltrane Price - 7 o´clock, Sarah
Magnus Uggla - Du ska va glad, Jag skiter
Mauro Scocco - Om det e o.k.
Da buzz - Wonder where you are
Electric Boys - Get nasty
Fred Johansson - Smile
Mendez - Tell me why
ODP - Burn it up
Plura - Här e sången
Ratata - I dina ögon, Ingen som vinner
Stella Getz - Get a grip
Tommy Ekman - Hänger utanför din dörr
Titiyo - Break my heart
Webstrarna - Bit mig

Thanks to Mikoo and Anders Bøgh

Artists and groups featuring Rob'n'raz

Getz Stella - Get A Grip (1996)



Robert J Group
EuroDance Group



I Believe In Your Power (1994)

The single was produced by Alex Badella and Steven Saccavino, recorded at Active Studio in Torino (Italy). It was released in 1994 under Discoid Corporation.

Thanks to DJ Marto Aida



Roberts (Jody)
EuroDance Group



My Beating Heart (1996)
This Land (1996)
Gimme Gimme (1998)

My Beating Heart was producer and composed by Majestic Team, Zen-Ems Circuits, written by Disarò, Zennaro and R. Bais. Label : Got It Records

This Land was released under Not Only Music.



Robey B
EuroDance Group



Try Jah Love (4th Sep 1995)
Promise (1997)
I Got A Good Thing (1998)

The single Try Jah Love (a cover of a 1982 song by Third World) was released under 12" vinyl only. The vinyl contained 3 versions and another song : Euro mix, Instrumental, Club Version and Try. It was produced by C. Fath and F. Tripodi (Clown Records Team), written by Wohder Mc Cully, mixed and recorded at Underfloor Studio (Italy). Label: Executive Groove Records/Egmix Records Distributed by Discomagic Records. It was licensed in Swden under Tempo Records and in Spain under Max Music.

Then came the single Promise, followed by a remixes vinyl.

I Got A Good Thing, which was released as a Limited Edition 5-tracks vinyl, appeared on the compilation Hit Mania Dance Estate Vol 2 '98

Robey B (who is actually Sandy Chambers) was featured by the project OCP for the single Welcome To My World.

Thanks to reBeL and Alex Capilé



EuroDance Group



Juliet (1996)
Flames Of Love (1997)
Bring On The Night (1998)
Foolish Heart (2000)
Like A Flame (2001)
Let's Make Love (2002)
Robin E.P. (2003)
Let's Work (16th Nov 2018)
I'm Gonna Love Me Again (13th Mar 2020)

Robin was a copllaboration between Italian records company SAIFAM and Spanish label Contraseña Records. It featured a solo uncredited male vocalist. It was recently revealed that his name was Vittorio Fraja. Juliet single was written, composed and produced by the same team as TH Express adn released under One-Way records. It was a cover of Robin Gibb from the Bee Gees. It was released in France under Scorpio in 1996.

From 2000, records were released under label Stick Records. They were produced by different producers (Marc Z and Rudi Fröhling for Like A Flame, Dirk Vandenbulcke, Koen De Beir aka Now! and Patrick Vinx for Let's Make Love), but still including a Factory team mix

Thanks to Nico and Andrew-FK



Robin A
EuroDance Group



Better World (2000)

Better World appeared on compilation Italian Deejay Parade (Vol.2) .

Thanks to Gianni



Robinson (Gale)
EuroDance Member


One Heart ()
Burning Up (1991)
Love Joy & Passion (1996)
Watcha Gonna Do (1996)
I Feel Love (22nd Oct 1996)

In the beginning of the 90s she took part to the project 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor as female vocalist. Her voice was also featured by the project K3M in 1994 for the song I'm Freaky. Then she started a solo carreer. Love Joy & Passion was released in 1996 under the label Steppin Out.

Artists and groups featuring Robinson (Gale)

2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Turn Da Music Up (1991)
K3M - I'm Freaky (1994)



Robinson (Janice)
EuroHouse Member



The Color Within Me (1999)


Rock And Soul (1991)
Children (1994)
I'm Free (1995)
Earthbeat (1997)
Nothing I Would Change (1999)
Dreamer (Remixed) (2005)
Clarity (20th Oct 2018)
Show Me Love (27th Oct 2018)
Higher (27th Sep 2024)

American singer Janice Lenora Robinson was born December 8th, 1967 in Garfield, New Jersey. She was discovered in 1987 by producer Niles Rogers and entertainer Carole Davis and worked as a choreographer for them during the end of the 80s. She was also backup singer for Rick Wes. Then she became Snap's lead singer during their first world tour.

In 1993, she became the frontlady for Livin' Joy and sung their very first single Dreamer, which was a massive success. Then she started a solo carreer. She released solo house single Children in 1994. In 1995 came single I'm Free, and a collaboration with Joe T Vanelli's on single Sweetest Day Of May in 1995. She was selected as supporrt act to open Tina Turner's Twenty Four Seven Tour.

2001 : Janice did a pause to raise her daughter Kura in Europe and help her parents in New Jersey, but did not stop writing songs.

2005 : Janice Robinson re-released 2005 remixes of Dreamer, credited as a solo release, which charted at #5 on the U.S. dance chart.

2008 : she gave birth to her second daughter.

2010 : she started a collaboration with DJ David Morales which lead to 4 singles released the following years.

2018 : she took part to X-factor UK and released singles Show Me Love (a Robin S cover) and Clarity. Then she did a pause to care about her parents

2019 : Janice toured the UK and abroad

2021 : she is working on a documentary about her life

2022 : Janice was featured on Silky & Jaykae's Essex Girls and released a new version of Dreamer with DJ Lodato.

She works as a language arts.teacher in a middle school in Florida, US. She has 2 daughters, Kura and Amaya

Artists and groups featuring Robinson (Janice)

Abigail - Let The Joy Rise (1999)
David Morales - Father (2017), Freedom (2019), I Make You Gaga (2010), There Must Be Love (2015)
House Gospel Choir - Dreamer (2024)
John Dahlbäck & Greg Cerrone - Every Breath (2012)
Livin' Joy - Dreamer (1994)
Lodato - Dreamer (2022)
OMG Collective - Just A Little Love (2023), Love Comes Once In Your Life (2022)
Rude Kid - Essex Girls (2022)
Vannelli Joe T - Sweetest Day Of May (1995)
Viani DJ, Veerus & Maxie Devine - Dreamer 2009 (2009)



Robinson (John)
EuroDance Group



Survivor (May 1995)

1.Espangna, 2.Keep On, 3.Anything 4 U, 4.Yeah Yeah Yeah, 5.Aptiva (Jungle Latina), 6.Hold On, 7.Time, 8.Give It To Me, 9.Java Jungle, 10.Gotta Be There, 11.Everybody,

The Best Of John Robinson (Feb 1996)

1.Tokyo, Go!, 2.Jealousy, 3.Java Jungle, 4.To Be Free, 5.Everybody, 6.I Gotta Move, 7.Justify, 8.Everybody's Loving, 9.Born To Rave, 10.Aptiva (Jungle Latina), 11.Gotta Be There (Cappella Mix), 12.Keep On, 13.Jealousy '96, 14.Tokyo, Go (Hands In The Air Mix),

John (25th Sep 1996)

1.Everybody's Loving (Dream House Mix), 2.Be My Baby!, 3.I Want Your Lovin', 4.Are U Ready 4 Me?, 5.Feel So Good, 6.Another Love (Part I), 7.Don't Give Up, 8.Can I Kick It?, 9.I Believe, 10.Can U Feel It?, 11.Can I Kick It? (Extended Mix), 12.Another Love (Part II),

Seven (22nd Oct 1997)

1.Evolution (Instrumental), 2.Everything's Gonna Be Alright, 3.Baila Baila, 4.Reach Out (Radio Mix), 5.All Over The World, 6.Night On Fire, 7.Get Away, 8.Give Me Your Love, 9.Love Revolution, 10.Evolution (Reprise), 11.Can U Feel It? ('97 Pumped Up Mix), 12.Everything's Gonna Be Alright (Space Baby Mix), 13.Reach Out (Full On Club Mix), 14.All Over The World (Extended Mix),


Damnation ()
Jealousy (1993)
To Be Free (1993)
Tokyo Go (1994)
Time (1995)
Everybody's Loving (1995)
Can I Kick It (1996)
I Believe (5th Dec 1996)
Everything's Gonna Be Alright (1997)

John Robinson is not only a performer and a producer (for Miss Jones for instance), he is also a remixer. His singles had a lot of success in Japan and were featured in many compilations. The single Anything 4 U (an very nice eurodance track) was featured on the compilation Avex Dance Matrix '95. Jealousy was featured on Super Dance Freak - Anniversary Millenium Party vol.80. I Believe was released in Germany under ZYX in 1996.

Remixes done by John Robinson

Angelique Kidjo - Wé-Wé (Tribe Mix, Dub King's Dub) (1992)
Angie Brown - Can't Get Enuff (Clique Mix) (2002)
Annette Taylor - No One Knows (John's Underground Vocal, John's Stomp Dub) (1991)
Brandy - Baby (Club Mix) (1995)
Deborah Cox - Sentimental (Uptempo Mix, Groove Mix) (1995)
Gerald Levert - Thinkin' Of You (Blaq Rain Remix) (1998), Thinkin' Bout It (Blaq Rain Remix, Blaq Rain Remix Instrumental) (1998)
Lonnie Gordon - Do You Want It ? (Vibration Mix) (1994)
MCW Presents Step - One Leg On The Ceiling... Nightstand (John Robinson´s Safe Sex Dub) (1993)
Michael Watford - So Into You (J.R.´s Attitude Mix) (1994)
Miss Jones - Where I Wanna Be Boy (The John Robinson Classic Dance Mix Instrumental, The John Robinson Classic Dance Mix, The John Robinson Classic Extended Dance Mix) (1995)
Young & Company - I Like What Your Doing To Me (John Robinson Remix)

Aritsts produced by John Robinson

Bryan - Stand By (Your Brother Man) (1992)
Karen Anderson - I Work Hard To Love You (Treat Me Right)
Michael Watford - So Into You (1994)
Sabrina Johnston - Peace (1991)
Spring - Stick Together, No Time (For Crying) (1992)
Teleport - More I Get



EuroDance Group



Feel Your Love (1995)

Feel Your Love appeared on compilation Maxi Dance Vol. 4/95



Rocco (Linda)
EuroDance Member



Fly With Me (12th Jun 1996)
You Make Me Feel Good (8th Mar 2017)
Take Me To The River (11th May 2018)
Take Me To The River (15th Aug 2018)
Matter Of Time (12th Jun 2020)
Booom Booom Baby (26th Nov 2021)
True Lies (26th Jan 2024)


You Make Me Feel Good (25th May 2017)
Booom Booom Baby (14th Jan 2022)

Linda was born in Cleveland, Ohio on the 19th June 1966. Her twin sister Jodie Rocco-Hafner is also a vocalist. She started singing at the age of 4. As she was 17, after high school, she joined a band from North Carolina called Black & Blue. They performed together in big hotels during 2 years. She spent a few years in Las Vegas. working as a waitress in her uncle's casino and also singing in 3 different bands. She came to Germany with her sister to follow their dad who was in the Army. They stayed 3 years in Kaiserslautern, and then 3 years in Pirmasens.

She recorded her first solo album in the mid-80s and that's how she met Jam El Mar, who performed the guitar parts. But unfortunately no record company wanted to publish the album.

She did background act for Michael Jackson, the 2 first Milli Vanilli albums (along with Jodie and Gina Mohammed who only appeared on the second album The Moment Of Truth), and others. She did vocals for Dance 2 Trance for the huge hit Power of American Natives and took part to many Eurodance projects such as On TV (Just A Dream), AB Free, and Paternoster (On Earth As It Is In Heaven).

Linda also did background vocals on La Bouche's first album Sweet Dreams (1995), on the tracks I'll Be There and Poetry In Motion. She also appeared on the American pop-rock singer Bobby Kimball (ex Toto) album Rise Up in 1994.

She also released a solo single entitled Fly With Me, written, composed and produced by the Maxx team (J. Wind, Quickmix and The Hitman) with additionnal production by the Bermann Brothers... A music video was shot in London. The dress she wore was actually a wedding dress that the designer hiked up in the front for the video

She replaced Trixi Delgado as female vocalist for Masterboy until 1999. She took part to 5 singles and to the album Colours. Then she began her solo career. She is also working for her husband George Liszt's song-school Scream Factory.

2006 : Linda is now the vocalist of the world pop group Fayoum Blue, a duet sith Lother Krell. They were already working on their second album which was finally never released. She still has contact with the Masterboy members.

2017 : she released a new single, You Make Me Feel Good, a collaboration with UK producer Andy Stead, under label DMN Records.

2018 : she recorded Take Me To The River, a collaboration with Chrizz Morisson vs Andy Stead which was released a few monthes later as a duet with La Bouche frontman Lane McCray.

2020 : Linda's new single was entitled Matter Of Time.

2021 : end of November, she released a new eurodance song with rapper Zooom, called Booom Booom Baby.

Thanks to Klems, Krasi, Anton "MC Ka$per" Skaletsky, and Linda Rocco herself
Linda Rocco interview at Ultimate 90s

Artists and groups featuring Rocco (Linda)

AB Free - Go Deeper (1993)
Beat Synthicate - Money In My House (1989)
DJ Dag and Matthew Kramer - Running Up That Hill (2018)
Dance 2 Trance - P.ower Of A.merican N.atives (1992)
Loop - Skate With Me (1995)
MBO - Eleanor Rigby (1996)
Masterboy - Colours (album) (1996), I Want To Break Free (1997), Just For You (1997), La Ola Hand In Hand (1997), Mister Feeling (1996), Show Me Colours (1996)
Nick de Palma - Stammi Vicino (2022)
On TV - Just A Dream (1995)
Paternoster - On Earth As it Is In Heaven (1994)
Shazam - The Power Of Music (album) (1996)



EuroDance Group



Higher (14th Dec 2004)

1.Perfect Moment, 2.To Love You More, 3.I Love You Always Forever, 4.You're Still The One, 5.Think Twice, 6.I Love You, 7.If I Where You, 8.Bring Me To Life, 9.(Something Inside) So Strong, 10.Higher And Higher, 11.Higher, 12.My Imagination, 13.No One Can Touch Us, 14.Everything To Me,

Higher (the mixes) (14th Dec 2004)

1.You're Still The One, 2.To Love You More, 3.Oops... I did it again, 4.I Love You, Always Forever, 5.I Am, 6.Chains, 7.I'm Your Angel, 8.Mouth, 9.Think Twice, 10.If I Were you, 11.How Do I Live, 12.Perfect Moment, 13.Higher & Higher, 14.Born To Make You Happy, 15.Higher, 16.Love Is A Battlefield, 17.Bring Me To Life, 18.(Something inside) So Strong,


Think Twice (23rd Feb 1995)
Chains (7th Nov 1995)
I Love You Always Forever (1996)
Love Is A Battlefield (1996)
Mouth (1997)
You're Still The One (1998)
I'm Your Angel (11th Dec 1998)
How Do I Live (26th Feb 1999)
Perfect Moment (23rd Jul 1999)
Born To Make You Happy (17th Mar 2000)
Oops I Did It Again (29th May 2000)
Eternal Flame (3rd Aug 2001)
There You'll Be (22nd Sep 2001)
Bring Me To Life (2003)
Make It With You (2006)

This project of Almighty Records is specialized into dance covers of pop hits. It featured vocalist Lorraine McIntosh, who was then replaced by Pam Sheyne.

First single was a cover of Céline Dion's Think Twice. It was licensed in the USA on Profile Records under the artist name Heartbeat Feat. Lauraine, as there was already a well-know artist in the USA called Rochelle. Then came the single Chains. In 1997, single Mouth, a cover of Merrill Bainbridge, was out.

Oops I Did It Again was a cover of Britney Spears' hit. Eternal Flame was originally a track of the Bangles. Perfect Moment was a cover of Martine McCutcheon.

2001 : Rochelle returned with a song from one the movie, Pearl Harbour, a ballad entitled There You'll Be originally performed in the movie by Faith Hill. There was a bonus cut called I Love You. Again, this is a track that appeared first in a movie from a couple of years back called Runaway Bride.

2003 : Rochelle covered Evanescence's hit Bring Me To Life.

An album entitled Higher was released in 2004.

Thanks to Eric-X

Artists and groups featuring Rochelle

So Emotional - All By Myself (1997)



Rochelle (2)
EuroDance Group



Praying For An Angel (1994)
Holding On To Love (1995)
Nene (1996)

Also known as Rochelle's, this project produced by 20 Fingers featured a solo female vocalist. The single Holding On To Love contained versions in English and in Spanish (Luchare Por Nuestro Amor) in various styles, including an excellent eurodance version.

Thanks to Abelito



Rock Steady Beat
EuroDance Group



Carry On (1994)

Rock Steady Beat featured rapper KMC (who was not credited) and vocalist Gamze. Their only single Carry On was released in 1994 under label Dance Pool.



EuroDance Group



Dancing In The Dark '95 Remix (1995)
Io Per Lei (1996)

Dancing In The Dark was a cover of Bruce Springsteen. Io Per Lei was a cover of Pino Daniele. Label: Power Fly

Thanks to Gianni



Rocko T Bello
EuroDance Member



The Pale Blue Sky Sessions (2009)


Don't Let It Slip Away ()
Merry Go Round ()
Day Break ()
Stubborn ()
I Love It (1988)
Jazz It Slow (1st Jun 2018)
Stare (10th Apr 2020)
Pomp And Circumstance (15th May 2020)
I Will Find A Way (6th Feb 2021)
No More (27th May 2021)
Kicking And Screaming (13th Oct 2021)
There Could Never Be Another War (2nd Dec 2021)
Doing Dishes (31st Jan 2022)
Cuz It's Only Love (21st Apr 2022)
Up Again (26th May 2022)
I Swallow My Pride (21st Jun 2022)
Mama Already Gave You Some (26th Aug 2022)
Fine Rainy Day (6th Nov 2022)
Gonna Be All Right (30th Nov 2022)
Maybe It's You (9th Feb 2023)
You Are What You Do (26th Mar 2023)
I Make No Promises (18th Jul 2023)

Singer, songwriter, actor and producer Rocko aka Paolo Iovannone was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. He describes his music as a fusion of pop, funk, alternative, rock and rap. His inspirational recipes are Elvis and/or Prince, with a pinch of the British Invasion for colour.

With a Billboard Certificate of Achievement Award and a Juno (the Canadian equivalent of a Grammy) under his belt, Rocko T. Bello is now center stage after being a driving force behind other artists. He contributed to many projects such as Capital Sound, Europhoria (Listen To The Rain), Club Beat (Mr.Vain Canadian Version) or M Gi M (Slave To The Rhythm, Be Good To Me). "Happiness is making your dream a reality" says Rocko.

He also released some pop rock tunes on compilations, such as Pandora's RomBox (which features the song Daybreak). He also was in a jean ad that has appeared across Canada on the sides of buses and in metro stations.

He planned to release a full length solo CDs of original music entitled Rocko T. Bello.

2009 : he released the digital album The Pale Blue Sky Sessions under name Paolo I.

2010 : he visited two tracks on Dustin Disco's album Wasted Youth.

2011 : he published the book "Gallivanting Through Europe With Young Children", about a personal road trip experience.

He still releases songs as Rocko Paolo and as Paolo I.

Thanks to Paolo Ionvannone himself

Artists and groups featuring Rocko T Bello

Capital Sound - Feel The Rhythm (1996), Higher Love (1994), In The Night (1994)
Club Beat - Mr Vain (1993)
Cossy Tanza - I'm A Slave To The Rhythm (1993)
Europhoria - Listen To The Rain (1997)
M Gi M - Be Good To Me (1995)
United Dance Society - Let's Celebrate (1995)



EuroDance Group



Burn (1995)

Burn was produced by Factory Team, Mauro Farina and Stefano "Quicksilver" Colombo, written by Fabio Serra, Mauro Farina and Stefano Colombo. The vocalist was probably Jackie Bodimead.

Thanks to Gianni and Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Free Your Soul (1995)
Flight 777 (1995)
Heaven Or Hell (1995)

R.O.D. is a project of Fausto Intrieri, Max Cassan, Fabio Giraldo, Joe T. Vannelli and the male vocalist R. Freake. Free Your Soul was a nice eurodance track with a trancy touch.



Rod D
EuroDance Member


Rodney Hardison was born on the 24th May 1969. He was rapper and freestyle dancer for Fun Factory. He was also the rapper of the Garcia project. Then he left both groups and was replaced by Tiger One (under the name T-roc) in Fun Factory and by Rob Money in Garcia.

Rod D also contributed to the project Vienna (he took part to Amadeus 97) and Teeko X (Killing Me Softly). He was also part of the Hamburgs Power 95 "OK radio" radio station, where he had his own The Rod D. Show. . The Rod D show aired on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10PM to 2AM.

Nowadays, Rod D lives in the USA and has stopped doing music.

Thanks to Yassine "TreyD" and ES

Artists and groups featuring Rod D

Fast Forward - You're The One I Want
Fun Factory - Celebration (1995), Close To You (1994), Doh Wah Diddy (1995), Don't Go Away (1996), I Love You (1996), I Wanna B With U (1995), Pain (1994), Take Your Chance (1994)
Garcia - Kalimba De Luna (1999), La Vida Bonita (1998)
Hiebel Josephine - Killing Me Softly (1996)
Verona - Love Of My Life (1995)
Vienna - Amadeus '97 (1997)



Rodriguez (Luis)
EuroDance Producer


Luis Rodriguez (sometimes credited as Luis Rodríguez-Salazar or Luis Rodolfo Rodriguez Friedländer or Luigi Ricco or Bobby To) started his carreer as a singer in mid-seventies.

He is mostly known as the co-producer, arranger, mixer and engineer behind the eighties-era euro-disco sound of Modern Talking. He also co-produced such artists as C.C. Catch, Blue System, Chris Norman, Bonnie Tyler, Les McKeown (ex-Bay City Rollers), Errol Brown (ex-Hot Chocolate) etc. He worked on numerous projects like New Baccara, Mike Mareen, Chicano, T. Ark, Sweet Connection etc.

In mid-90s he had a big success being a member of Team33, producing Fun Factory. With vocals of his wife Josephine Hiebel, Luis made a string of dance-projects such as: Creative Connection, Josy, Lian Ross, Jobel, Dana Harris etc.

In his own Star Studio (or Studio 33) Luis Rodriguez worked with Ralf Stemmann, Rolf Köhler, Michael Scholz, Detlef Wiedeke, Geff Harrison. He scored hits with his projects 2 Eivissa (#1 in Spain in 1997), David Tavaré (#1 in Spain in 2006), as well as with artists such as Matthias Reim, Mark Ashley, Oliver Lukas. Built in 1984, the Studio 33 was located in Hamburg/Germany. It has now relocated in Palma de Mallorca.

Artists and groups featuring Rodriguez (Luis)

2 Eivissa - Oh La La La (1997), Open Your Eyes (1998)
Avant Garde - You Got To Be Strong (1994)
BA feat Moti Special - Cold Days Hot Nights (1995)
Blue System - 48 Hours (1990), Big Boys Don't Cry (1988), Love Is Such A Lonely Sword (1990), Love Me On The Rocks (1989), Magic Symphony (1989), She's A Lady (1988), Silent Water (1988), Sorry Little Sarah (1987), Under My Skin (1988)
Darkness - In My Dreams (1994)
Exotica - Can You Imagine (1995)
Fun Factory - Celebration (1995), Doh Wah Diddy (1995), Don't Go Away (1996), I Love You (1996), I Wanna B With U (1995), Pain (1994), Party With Fun Factory (1998), Sha-La-La-La-La (1999), Wish (1999)
Hi-Q - Feel It (1993), Let's Go To Heaven (1994), Sweet Dreams (1997)
Loona - Oye el Boom (2005)
Modern Talking - Brother Louie'98 (1998), China In Her Eyes (2000), Don't Take Away My Heart (2000), Give Me Peace On Earth (1986), In 100 Years (1987), Jet Airliner (1987), Locomotion Tango (1988), Lonely Tears In Chinatown (1987), Sexy, Sexy Lover (1999), We Take The Chance (1999), You Are Not Alone (1999), You're My Heart, You're My Soul (1998)
Ross Lian - Fantasy (1985), Feel So Good (1989), I Wanna (2005), Keep This Feeling (1994), Neverending Love (1986)
Tears N'Joy - Take My Life (1995)
Verona - Love Of My Life (1995)



Roger D
EuroDance Group



I Want To Break Free (1996)

Label:Max Music



Rogers (Indy Lee)
EuroDance Member



Show It To Me (20th Dec 2008)

1.Cherokee Maiden, 2.Cowboy Boogie, 3.Free And Easy, 4.Mr Songman, 5.Show It, 6.(Don't) Wake Me Up, 7.Play With Yourself, 8.She Wants To Rock, 9.Rub-A-Dubbin', 10.Mr Policeman, 11.The Truth About Men, 12.This Is Us, 13.High Horse, 14.Rollin' With The Flow, 15.Folsom Prison Blues, 16.I Can Tell, 17.A Good Day To Run, 18.Country Green, 19.Get My Drink On, 20.The Star-Spangled Banner,


Dance 2 The Beat (1996)

As a teenager Indy's talent was discovered by his music teacher, with whom he'd later on sang at several small parties. The first song he ever sang was My Way, a Frank Sinatra song which Indy knew in the version of Elvis Presley. His mom was a huge Elvis-fan who collected all the records she could find. Indy sang along with all those songs, never aware of the fact his parents were listening closely, discovering his talent. It didn't come as a surprise to his parents though, since both his parents were musically talented, in spite of never having had the chances of pursuing an actual career. Indy's sister, Catyana, would follow in her brothers footsteps, years later, starting off a musical career also.

At the age of 12, Indy met Jimmy Lawton (Oklahoma, USA), who later on became his biggest influence, and also mentor. Indy convinced his parents to buy a guitar, since Jimmy also played the guitar, and Indy wanted to be exactly like him in every way. The admiration he felt for Jimmy went as far as getting him to work hours and hours trying to master the guitar, and proceeding to the level of an advanced country instrumentalist. Indy started participating in contests, winning close to every one of them. Then, the big day came, when Jimmy called him on stage to sing and play a few songs with him and his band. That's when Indy rolled into the country and rock scene, unstoppable and ambitious as never seen before. Indy became a steady "special guest" in the “Jimmy Lawton Show” and started off his career, finally, in 1977, under the name Ricky Travers. His first record (LP), With All My heart, was released in 1981. This record contained coversongs and selfwritten songs, mostly country music and crossover country. Indy later on got his own show in Bobbejaanland, at the Country Hall, which used to be the former home of Jimmy Lawton.

Pretty soon Indy got spotted by a producer (Leon lambrechts, Monopole Records) and started recording a few single records. All of these consisted of his selfwritten songs, and sounded like country with a touch of rock. He started doing tours, with - among others - : Jimmy lawton & The Hot Beaver band (with Stewart Barnes), Windfall, Hickory Wind, Travelin’ band, Rawhide, ... He also performed at Elvis-shows, which gave him great reviews. Elvis and country were in his blood … His career got to a sudden stop though, due to Indy being enlisted in the army, for one whole year (Communications services in Spich, Germany).

In 1985, when he returned from the army, he decided to become fully professional, and started building his own recording studio. He became a multi-instrumentalist, playing guitar, keyboards, drums, ... and accepted an offer as leadsinger/guitarplayer for The Wigs. For 4 years Indy toured the Benelux with this band, and recorded several full CD's with them (singing mostly country music).

In 1990 Indy got into contact with a dance producer, and got signed with Game records (owned by Carolina Guilini, daughter of Yvan Guilini). He became the leadsinger of the eurodance-act Timeshift, with whom he toured Eastern and western Europe, and did lots of TV performances. Their first single Don’t U feel the beat (Indy’s translation of “les divas du dancing” by P. Cataldo) reached #4 in the Belgian top 30, and #1 in the French dancecharts. Due to legal difficulties, Indy was forced to end the Timeshift adventure, and soon started working with his old band again.

2003 brought Indy back to his old style, and he started singing pure country again. Linedance audience spotted him and started booking him for their dance gigs. Before too long he decided to pursue what he had always wanted before: doing Jimmy's style of performing...

2009 : Indy met the love of his life, Hoa Lee, and they're currently working on music together.

Indy Lee Rogers official website
Thanks to Gianni

Artists and groups featuring Rogers (Indy Lee)

Timeshift - Crazy 4 U (1995), Dancing In The Sun (1995), Don't U Feel The Beat (1994)



EuroDance Member



Come Home (25th May 2023)

Jenny Rogersdotter is based in Orrefors (Sweden). She contributed to EuroRefur as female vocalist. She also did vocals on Eurotronic's single Space Journey

Artists and groups featuring Rogersdotter

EuroRefur - 7 Galaxies (2024), Arcade (2024), Christmas Brings The Best In You (2023), Every Stitch (2024), Give It To Me (2023), Halloween (2023), Listen To Me (2023), Raven Fly (2023), Unicorn Pirates Of Candyland (2023)
Eurotronic - Space Journey (2024)
John Talent & DJ Tobbe - Keep On Tryin' (2024)



EuroDance Group



Dreams And Doubts (1994)

Dreams And Doubts featured a solo female vocalist. Executive producer was Gabriele Del Barba. It was produced by Giorgio Bonardi, recorded and arranged by Marco Rizzi and Riccardo Romanini. Label: 2XPAND

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Born Again (1995)
Stay With Me (Tonight) (1996)

Label: Bit Music



EuroDance Group



Roll (1996)

1.Sábado En La Playa, 2.Dále Jarabe, 3.Cha Cha Cha, 4.Bandolero, 5.Dále Jaraba (Remix),


Sábado En La Playa (1996)

Label : Sony Music. The group featured three girls and three boys. One of them was Sharis Cid, a telenovela actress born 5th September 1970 in Chihuahua, whose scene name was inspired by Cyd Charisse. Sharis later became a member of project DKDA.

M. Ablanedo (Fey) was an author of this group.

Thanks to Abelito



EuroTrance Group



Now I'm Singing... And The Party Keeps On Rollin' 1 (6th Dec 1999)

1.Introducing Theme, 2.Make My Day (Now You Know, 3.You Make Me Feel Like Dancin, 4.Luv U More, 5.Now It's The Time, 6.Olé Olé Singin Olé Ola, 7.It's a Fine Day, 8.I Keep On Rollin', 9.Dear Jessie, 10.Rollergirl, 11.Licht Und Farben, 12.Goodbye, 13.Dear Jessie (green court mix), 14.Luv U More (Mark'oh rmx),

Now I'm Singing... And The Party Keeps On Rollin' (2000)

1.Introducing Theme, 2.Make My Day (Now You Know), 3.Luv U More, 4.Dear Jessie, 5.You Make Me Feel Like Dancin, 6.Now It's The Time, 7.Olé Olé Singin Olé Ola, 8.It's a Fine Day, 9.I Keep On Rollin', 10.Rollergirl, 11.Licht Und Farben, 12.Goodbye (outro), 13.Eternal Flame (dance version), 13.Luv U More (12"brock mix), 14.Eternal Flame (luv version), 15.Dear Jessie (mark 'oh' luv song remix), 17.Eternal Flame pv,


Dear Jessie (26th May 1999)
Luv U More (19th Oct 1999)
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing (2000)
Eternal Flame (14th Mar 2000)
Superstar (29th Aug 2000)
Close To You (21st May 2001)
Geisha Dreams (5th Apr 2002)

Rollergirl's real name is Nicole Safft (often written Saft), which smoothly translated into English became Nicci Juice... She was born November 19th, 1975 in Lünen, North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). She's been practicing rollerskate since she was a kid. While on holiday in Mallorca she met producer Alex Christensen, known for U96 and ATC among other things... The name Rollergirl comes from Heather Graham's character (a naive young porn starlet) in Boogie Nights, the movie starring Mark Wahlberg...

Nicole is living in Hamburg, Germany. Her first hits were Sunscreem cover Luv You More, Madonna cover Dear Jessie and Bangles cover Eternal Flame. Rollergirl's major European breakthrough Superstar, a sexy dance tune that no one can resist. During the first live appearances, Nicole was replaced on stage by French choreographer Julie Pecquet (it is said that Nicci didn't want to go on stage). Julie also appears in the first version of Dear Jessie videoclip (the Nightclub-Version). New single Close To You was released in May 2001. A second album, entitled I Wanna Dance, was planned to be released in late summer.

2002 : Rollegirl released a new single entitled Geisha Dreams. She declared she was almost done with a new CD called I Wanna Dance or Disco Fever. She also released In The Name Of Love under the name Nicci Juice.

2003 : Nicole had a baby called Tiger Alex Colin... and, according to rumors, Alex her producer is the father. Rumors proved to be true when she married Alex. She then retired to focus on her private life.

Official sites at www.rollergirl.de and www.rollergirl.f2s.com
Thanks to EuroBoy, DJ Baboon and Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin



Rolling Circus
EuroDance Group


On The Run (1999)

1.On The Run, 2.Enchilada Love, 3.You Made Me Want You, 4.Who Can I Got To With My Broken Heart, 5.Into The Fire, 6.Eternal Love, 7.Hold On Tight, 8.Love Can Be, 9.The Right Time, 10.Dance The Night Away, 11.Fools, 12.You Or No One At All,

On The Run (1999)

1.On The Run, 2.Enchilada Love, 3.You Made Me Want You, 4.Who Can I Got To With My Broken Heart, 5.Into The Fire, 6.Eternal Love, 7.Hold On Tight, 8.Love Can Be, 9.The Right Time, 10.Dance The Night Away, 11.Fools, 12.You Or No One At All, 13.On The Run (Sales Version), 14.On The Run (Sales Hippodrome),


It's In The Air (1998)
On The Run (1999)

Thanks to Abelito



EuroDance Group


Dream A Dream (1996)

Dream A Dream featured a solo female vocalist. It was included on German compilation Future Charts '97 vol 1.



EuroDance Group



Givin' It (1994)

Givin' It was recorded and mixed at St. Bear Studios, produced by Carlo Zanella and Stefano Scozzese. Label: Juice & Joy.



Romanini (Riccardo)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer and remixer Ricky Romanini is based in Brescia. He took part to eurodance porjects Antares, Discover, Jinny, and R to R.

Artists and groups featuring Romanini (Riccardo)

Antares - I Want Your Love (1997), Let Me Be Your Fantasy (1996), Ride On A Meteorite (1995), Whenever You Want Me (1996), You Belong To Me (1995)
Bailey Carol - Fever (1995)
Celine - All I Need Is Love (1997)
Dirty Mind - Make It Funky (1995)
Discover - Never Gonna Say Goodbye (1997), Thinkin' About You (1997)
Iesha - Easy Love (1994)
Jinny - Wanna Be With U (1995)
Luna - You And I (1996)
Mad Angels - All My Love (1994), We Can Make It All Right (1994)
Missis Scarlet - I Wonna Be With You (1994)
Nevada - I Dream Of You (1997)
R To R - My Romance (1995)
Roggero - Dreams And Doubts (1994)
Star System - Ring My Bell (1997)
The Dog - Without You (1997)
Trivial Voice - Ridin On The Night (1997), Stay With Me (1997)



Romeo (Michael)
EuroDance Member

Michael Joseph Romeo comes from the Caribbean. Former rapper of Le Click, his duo with Melanie Thornton was re-created for the song Power of the light of 100%. He also did the ragga-rap part of the song Number One of DJ Company and took part to Taleesa's single I Found Luv. He also appeared on Warm Up's single Take Me Up.

He probably also took part to the following songs too:
Linda Carriere - Is This Life (1994)
Shantel - Move Your Hands, La Mouche Lumière (from Album Club Guerilla 1995)

He took part as guitarist and/or performer to some non-eurodance projects such as Adrenalin (American Heart, Road Of The Gypsies) in the 80s, DC Drive in 1993, Johansson (Last Viking) in 1999, Shantel (Great Delay) in 2001. He also worked as producer and performer for the Symphony X (Damnation Game, Divine Wings of Tragedy, Twilight in Olympus) project.

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Romeo (Michael)

100% - Power Of The Light (1994)
2 POP - Sexual Vibration (1995)
Freddy Taylor - (Take Me To) The Matador (1995)
Joystick - I Can't Wait (1995)
Le Click - Tonight Is The Night (1995)
Movin' Souls - Unity (1995)
Mykel Angel - Do My Diddy (Do The Bellydance) (2003)
Party Nation - Machine Gun (1995)
Ragga II Rave - Celebrate (1993)
Robert Burian - Uma Beldade (Housemusic) (2006)
Shantel - Inside (2001)
Sunset - Shala Lala La (1993)
Taleesa - I Found Luv (1994)
Warm Up - Take Me Up (1995)



EuroDance Group



La Tormenta (1994)
Mescalina (1994)

Label : Reflex records.

La Tormenta was producer and arranged by Luca Loi and Max Bondino (aka Jack & Joy), written by C. Accatino and F. Rimonti, recorded, mixed and edited by Live Studio in Italy.

Thanks to David Nivin "Captain DJ"



Romero (Andres)
EuroDance Producer



After Today (1996)
Electro Beat (1997)
Blackout (1997)
Sound Of Silence (2001)
Emotions (2002)
Ven Aqui (2010)

Spanish producer Andres Romero lives in Belgium, where he became one of the country's most successful producers. With Pat Krimson, he received Gold and Platinum awards for the projects Leopold 3, Nunca and 2 Fabiola. Together with Christian Bernhardt, he scored a Number One hit with Blackout under project name Andres Romero meets Terra-C. He collaborated on eurodance projects Nation 4, New Entry, The Company, Sonata and more. He did remixes for acts such as Twenty 4 Seven.

2010 : Andres Romero started his own projects, releasing Ven Aqui under the pseudonym "Romero Traxx".

Artists and groups featuring Romero (Andres)

2 Fabiola - Blow Me Away (2008)
Krimson Pat - Break Away (2012)
Medusa (3) - Temple Of The Living Lights (1996)
Nation 4 - Music Is My Life (1997)
Sonata - Faraway (1994)
The Company - Open Your Eyes (1996)



Romero (Gloria)
EuroDance Group



The Rhythm Is Magic (1997)

The Rhythm Is Magic was a cover of Marie-Claire d'Ubaldo's hit. Label : Yes.



Romero (Jennifer)
EuroDance Member

Jennifer Romero did vocals on the German eurodance projects Logo and MAD.

Artists and groups featuring Romero (Jennifer)

Logo - Holiday (1995)
Mad - I Think Of You (1995), Think of You (1996)



EuroDance Member



No Honey ()
Hungry For Love (1994)

Romy van Ooijen was born on the 18th of November 1968 in Amsterdam. After her HAVO diploma, she went to an Art Academy, she took lessons in a Conservatory and also theater lessons in Amsterdam University.

In 1991 she started working as a model for some TV commercials. She also took part to the coverband Voice 2 Voice. With Adam Curry, she also contributed to the program Gossip on Veronica radio.

Her first singles solo (released under Ray Slijngaard 's label) had not much success. She also contributed to the videoclip of the American rock group Chicago and appeared in Double Vision's videoclip for their single Allright.

She became between 1997 and 1999 one of 2 Unlimited new female vocalists (the blond one), joining Marjon van Iwaarden. She then left 2 Unlimited to pursue a solo carreer. Romy has already got several offers from (Dutch) recordcompanies to record solomaterial. The direction she will be heading in is pop/R&B and she is going to write her own songs, which she wasn't allowed in 2 Unlimited.

In the interview she gave, she stated that she had too little artistic freedom and she didn't like the way things were going. Romy expected more of it, like writing lyrics for 2 Unlimited, just like Ray & Anita did... And although she was promised that she could write songs in the near future, they have never kept their word and would probably never keep it. So she was put in a 'take it or leave it' situation... and she chose to leave. She said she should have known that a Belgian recordcompany works totally different than a Dutch recordcompany. What the difference is according to her? "The Belgians are supposedly more dominant. They tell you how they want it and that's the way it's going to be... You just have to do as they tell you. The Dutch are different... They just want to have a lot of fun and make good music. They listen to what other people have to say and they take your opinion into account."

She was said to be working on a solo album with Audio Chapel. She recorded a track called No Honey at Teejay Studio Amsterdam.

2004 : she was featured by DJ Cor Fijneman on his single Don't Break My Heart.

2005 : her voice was once again featured on Cor Fijneman's track I Need Someone on his album Monologue.

2009 : she is now known as Romy Snoeijers. She played in TV ads (for Whiskas, Honig, Heineken, Canon), and also works as a moderator in short promotional programs for TV. In October, she and Marion announced officially that they were joining again, and that they were working on a new single that could be followed by an album. In December, the name of the forthcoming single was revealed, it would be entitled I Said Yes.

2010 : the presentation of Two's single was initially planned to March, but it was postponed because Marjon had to undergo a surgery for a cancer. Then, Romy have birth to twins in Spain where she currently lives with her family.

2011 : Two's first single Wonder Why was finally released under label Carka Records CRM on a compilation entitled Music Flower

Rob Andeweg Produkties
Thanks to Richard from 2 Unlimited official fansite, Gianni, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkine and Tavi Meran

Artists and groups featuring Romy

2 Unlimited - Edge Of Heaven (1998), II (album) (1998), Never Surrender (1998), Wanna Get Up (1998)
DJ Cor Fijneman - Don't Break My Heart (2004)



Ronny Money
EuroDance Group



Ula La (1992)
Money's Back (1993)
Again And Again (1994)
Don't You Know (1995)

Ronny Money was produced by Digital Boy (aka Luca Pretolesi). Uh La featured the voice of Ronnie Lee. A remixes vinyl was released, containing remixes by Prezioso.

Again And Again was released in 1994, it was probably their best track.

Their single Don't You Know (The Devil's Smiling) featured the voice of Jeffrey Jey. It was released under D-Boy records and licensed under Panic Records in France.

Ronny Money was featured by Black Machine for the single Thinkin About You.

Artists and groups featuring Ronny Money

Black Machine - Thinkin About You



Room 4 2
EuroDance Group



The Album (10th Jul 1994)

1.Can We Party, 2.Turn Yourself In, 3.Tell Me, 4.Colourblind World, 5.Everybody Is Looking For Love, 6.Over You, 7.Dance And Move, 8.I'm The One (You Want), 9.Get Up And Dance, 10.Baby He's Mine (The Room Overture), 11.Expressions, 12.Fading Away, 13.In My Room, 14.Colourbild World (Full Color Mix),


Over You (9th Jan 1993)
Baby He's Mine (17th Apr 1993)
Colourblind World (18th Dec 1993)
The Rhythm Of Life (1995)
U Can't Run, U Can't Hide (1997)

The name of this project is pronounced "room for two". It featured American vocalist Wendy Alane Wright. Label : Dance Factory.

Their first single Over You was released in 1993. Then came Baby He's Mine. An album was released in 1994.

The Rhythm Of Life, originally licensed from Sound Wave Productions, was released in Canada along with Mr John's U Gotta Move Me (Label: Quality Music & Video). It was licensed under Dance Factory in the Netherlands, produced, arranged & mixed by Lex Van Coeverden (who also contributed to the project Maxima).

The follow-up single was entitled U Can't Run U Can't Hide and featured DJ Blackfoot aka Marlon Berghout.

Thanks to reBeL and Marian Stoica



EuroDance Group


Take Me Higher (1994)

The single Take Me Higher contained 4 versions. It was produced by LEGADO, recorded, arranged and mixed by Richard Witte / LEGADO at Beatdisaster Studios.

Thanks to Apho and Laszlo



Rosellini (Bruno)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer Bruno Rosellini collaborated with Vince Lancini. During eurodance era, he contributed to many SAIFAM projects : Orlando, Morgana, Angelica. He was member of groups Charisma Team and Finzy Kontini.

Artists and groups featuring Rosellini (Bruno)

Angelica - Destiny (1995)
Aso Mamiko - Drive Me Crazy To Love (1995)
Butterfly (2) - Way Down (1995)
DJ Space'C - Deep Inside (1996), Through The Clouds (1995)
James Shannon - Far Away (1995)
Kamasya - Going Away (1995)
LEVEL - Fall In Love (1996)
Lancini Vince - Get Out (1994), It's Only Your Love (1995)
Morgana - Colours of My Dream (1994), Just Like A Game (1995), Melodies (1996), On The Run (1995)
Orlando - Here Comes The Night (1995), I'm Dreaming (1995), Let Me Go (1996), She's Alone (1995), Wasting Water (1994)
Slam (2) - Take Your Time (1995)
The Medicine Factory - Enjoy (1993)
Wienna - Come Into My Life (1995)



Roses (Sabrin)
EuroDance Group



Moonlight Shadow (1995)

This cover of Mike Oldfield was recorded at JJ Adams Studio (Vicenza-Italy), produced and arranged by D. Milano and P. Cerin, with additional production by D. Borin, S. Leoni, V. Parisi.



Ross (Jane)
EuroDance Group



Only You (1997)

Only You featured a solo female vocalist. It was produced and mixed by Marco and A. Guerra at Soundlight Recording Studio (Vicenza). Both were also executive producers along with C. Chiarabini.Label : Soundlight Productions

Thanks to Gianni



Ross (Lian)
EuroDance Group



The Best Of And More (25th Jul 2005)

1.Say You´ll Never, 2.Fantasy, 3.Scratch My Name, 4.It´s Up To You, 5.Neverending love, 6.Oh Won´t You Tell Me, 7.Do You Wanna Funk, 8.Feel So Good, 9.Say Say say, 10.Neverending Love, 11.Don´t Go Away, 12.You´re My Heart, You´re My Soul, 13.One More Chance, 14.Hello It´s Me,

I Got The Beat (May 2013)

1.Don't Need You In My Life, 2.Young Hearts Run Free (Album Mix), 3.Minnie The Moocher, 4.Around The World, 5.Russian Millionaire, 6.Amazing Grace, 7.Say You'll Never (2013), 8.Heaven Is In The Backseat Of My Cadillac, 9.On The Road Again (2013), 10.I Wanna Fly With You, 11.Hey Boy, 12.Shake Your Booty, 13.Minnie The Moocher (House Remix), 14.On The Road Again (Club Remix), 15.Young Hearts Run Free (Jerry Ropero Remix), 16.Minnie The Moocher (Jazz Version),

Greatest Hits & Remixes (1st Jul 2016)

Greatest Hits & Remixes (1st Jul 2016)

And The Beat Goes On (19th Aug 2016)

1.All We Need Is Love (Solo Version), 2.Game Of Love (Solo Version), 3.You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul (Radio Edit), 4.Dr Mabuse, 5.Everything Is Possible (Solo Version), 6.Bang Bang, 7.You Are The One, 8.A Night To Remember, 9.Casanova, 10.Through The Eyes Of Love, 11.All We Need Is Love (Extended Mix), 12.Game of Love ft. Mode One (Extended Mix), 13.Everything Is Possible,

And The Beat Goes On (19th Aug 2016)

1.Make A Party, 2.All About You, 3.Get Closer, 4.Good Feeling Power, 5.You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Bobby To & Phillyboy Remix), 6.Young Hearts Run Free (Deep Mix), 7.Around The World ( Deep Remix), 8.Make A Party (Phillyboy Remix), 9.Around The World (Bobby To & Phillyboy Remix),

The Collection (1st Nov 2019)

3L (29th May 2020)

1.Young Forever, 2.Angel Of Love, 3.In Your Eyes, 4.If You Love Me, 5.From Here Where Do We Go, 6.Don’t Break My Heart, 7.Enjoy Yourself, 8.You Can Win If You Want, 9.I Still Love You, 10.You, 11.Lonely Hearts, 12.Don’t Break My Heart (Classic Version), 13.You Can Win If You Want (Classic Version),

4You (24th Feb 2023)

1.Can You Love Me, 2.Take My Hand, 3.My Love, 4.Dance with Me, 5.Te Amo, 6.Live Forever, 7.Disco Queen, 8.My Symphony, 9.Don't Go, 10.Love Is on the Way, 11.Perfect Smile, 12.Touch Me (feat. 2 Eivissa), 13.Moving On (feat. Dr. Alban & Admiral C4C) (Bobby To Remix),

4You (24th Feb 2023)

1.Can You Love Me (Extended), 2.Take My Hand (Extended), 3.My Love (Extended), 4.Dance with Me (Extended), 5.Te Amo (Extended), 6.Live Forever (Extended), 7.Disco Queen (Extended), 8.My Symphony (Extended), 9.Don't Go (Extended), 10.Moving On (feat. Dr. Alban & Admiral C4C) (Bobby To Remix Extended),

I Got The Love (planned for 2025)


Scratch My Name ()
Fantasy (1985)
Say You'll Never (1985)
Saturday Night (1985)
It's Up To You (1986)
Neverending Love (1986)
Do You Wanna Funk (1987)
Oh Won't You Tell Me (1987)
Say Say Say (1988)
Feel So Good (1989)
Fantasy 93 (1993)
Keep This Feeling (4th Jun 1994)
Fantasy 98 (15th Jun 1998)
Fantasy 2004 (2004)
I Wanna (28th Feb 2005)
Never Gonna Lose (9th Dec 2005)
Young Hearts Run Free (2009)
Around The World (2011)
Minnie the Moocher (11th Sep 2012)
Good Feeling Power (2014)
Brother Louie 2014 (14th Feb 2014)
All We Need Is Love (1st Mar 2014)
You're My Heart, You're My Soul (24th Jun 2015)
Dr Mabuse (30th Mar 2017)
Viva La Paz (15th Sep 2017)
I Still Love You (14th Feb 2018)
Davai Davai (10th Jun 2018)
Casanova (Dec 2018)
Young Forever (20th May 2019)
In Your Eyes (1st Aug 2020)
Can You Love Me (27th May 2022)
My Symphony (17th Feb 2023)
Take My Hand (21st Apr 2023)
Live Forever (2nd Jun 2023)
My Love (11th Aug 2023)
Te Amo (6th Oct 2023)
Disco Queen (2nd Feb 2024)
Show Me Your Love (24th May 2024)

Real name : Josephine Hiebel. Producer : Dieter Bohlen

Lian Ross' first singles were released under Chic and Polydor. She had some success during the 80s with disco songs such as Fantasy and Say You'll Never. She also recorded successful covers such as Sylvester's Do You Wanna Funk and Modern Talking's You're My Heart, You're My Soul.

She turned to eurodance in 1994 with the single Keep This Feeling. Fantasy remix 98 was released under ZYX.

2005 : she released album The Best of and More. The came Never Gonna Lose on ZYX Records in Germany on December 27, 2005.

2007 : she recorded a duet with Matthias Reim entitled König.

2009 : Lian released Young Hearts Run Free on Blanco Y Negro in Spain on September 9, 2009 and it was quite succesful.

2012 : Lian's new single was a collaboration with Alan Alvarez entitled Minnie the Moocher.

2013 : her new album was entitled I Got The Beat. She released a 2013 version of Say You'll Never. She did vocals on Matthias Reim's song Am Fenster (from his album Unedlich).

2014 : Lian's next single is entitled All We Need Is Love, featuring TQ.

2015 : Lian Ross' recorded a cover of Modern Talking's single You're My Heart, You're My Soul.

2016 : Lian Ross released a new song, Game Of Love featuring Mode-One, along with a double album : And The Beat Goes On

2017 : Dr Mabuse was the title of her new single. Then came Viva La Paz, and finally cover of Amazing Grace for Christmas.

2018 : in March, Lian Ross dropped a duet with Mode-One entitled I Still Love You. With 2 Eivissa, she released a new single for FIFA World Cup : Davai, Davai

2019 : after singles Casanova and Young Forever, Lian Ross released a best of entitled The Collection, gathering 33 of her hits from the 80s and 90s

2020 : her new album was initially planned to be entitled Don't Break My Heart, but it finally came out 3L, standing for Live, Laugh & Love.

Thanks to Andy, Gianni and Eva Sipkova

Artists and groups featuring Ross (Lian)

David Tavaré - Get Closer (2015)
Kafe Pa 3 - Everything Is Possible (Todo Es Posible) (2015)



Rossi Maurizio
EuroDance Producer


Born in 1971, Maurizio Rossi imports US techno under his own label. He had already worked with Taleesa and released a single entitled I Say Yeah. He met Emanuele Cozzi in 1991, thanks to the producer Secchi. They began to work together under the name of Co.Ro.

Artists and groups featuring Rossi Maurizio

Baffa - Dance X (1992)
Co-Ro - 4 Your Love (1993), Because The Night (1992), I Just Died In Your Arms (1994), Run Away (1995), Temptation (1994)
Head 2 Head - Love Taker (1994)
Hooker Tom - Runaway (1994), Sex-O-Phone & Funk Guitar (1991)
X-Ray - You're Reality (1994)



Rossini (Pieradis)
EuroDance Producer



In My Heart (29th Aug 2016)

Italian producer Pieradis (aka Pier) Rossini started at an early age, performing as a musician and as a singer in cover bands in his home country. During his studies, he became a sound engineer.

He entered Media Records and his productions became famous worldwide. His first successes were with Die Walkure by the 49ers, and Cappella's Helyom Halib and Bauhaus. Major success arrived with the release of the first album by the 49ers, which included the chart busting track Touch Me, that reached #1 in the Usa and the UK. The track was closely followed by Don't You Love Me, How Longer, I Need You, and Girl To Girl, which all reached top ten places in the charts worldwide. The successes continued with Deep In My Heart by Clubhouse, Everybody by Cappella, and Antico by Antico. Leading labels worldwide began releasing his productions.

He recalls that working with Bortolotti was a nightmare, so he finally he left Media records and set up the DJ Movement dance music record company. Success was not long in coming, and his first release, Cover Model by Sabrina Salerno, conquered the French charts. Energy Express by Hysteria followed, and gained a place in Billboard's top 20, and Space Master's I Need You reached #1 in the hot dance charts on the 7th of November 1992.

In November 1992, DJ Movement produced hits at an increasing rate. The company grew fast and it gave licences all over the world. Paola Peroni who is highly experienced DJ, worked in the studios alongside Pieradis Rossini.

1994 was a great year for them, Bang by The Riders achieved great success in Belgium and Holland, House Traffic on the 'logic' label, distributed by BMG, was a great hit in the UK, Fargetta's new single This Time (Sexy Night) scaled great heights, and in the 1995 there was the release of Space Master's new single, In The Name Of Love. Pieradis Rossini mixed Miko Mission's single I Can Fly. In winter 1997 Pieradis Rossini set up with Dario Peroni, who handled the administration, the Intercool, a new dance music record company.

In this period there was the chance meeting between Pieradis Rossini and Ottomix (producer of the Black Machine). With the help of DJ Paola Peroni they produced the new Ottomix Boom Boom. From that moment Ottomix started work with Intercool. They made new projects like Alex Castelli Enjoy, that was cloned by many different european labels, and Frank Martino with The Gap.

In March 1998 Pieradis Rossini, Paola Peroni and Ottomix made the project of Bacon Popper, at Tram Tram studios. The single Free by Bacon Popper scaled the charts of all Europe.

For the new millennium, Pieradis Rossini, Paola Peroni and Ottomix are producing the follows up of these artists : Bacon Popper, Alex Castelli, Frank Martino and DJ Groovy.

Productions by P. Rossini :

2 Mistakes - Sweet Little Boy
4 Non Bonds - Never Say Bond
49ers : Die Walkure, Touch Me, Don't You Love Me, How Longer, I Need You, Girl To Girl
Alex Castelli : Enjoy
Antico : Antico
Ars Nova : I Don't Want Your Love, Some Days
Bacon Popper
Boss System
Cappella : Helyom Halib, Be Master In One's Own House (remix only), Everybody
Clubhouse : Deep In My Heart
DJ Groovy
Emergency : Another Way
Fargetta : This Time (Sexy Night), Mr Moon
Frank Martino : The Gap
Hi-Basic : Can You Feel It, Go!
High State Logic : Crime Of Passion
Hysteria : Energy Express
JV Project : Feel Alright
Kool Killers
Ladiva : Time After Time
Onyx : Faithful Love, Not To Be You
Ottomix : Boom Boom
Paul Harris : Shine On Me
Sabrina : Cover Model
Space Master : I Need You, Jumping To The Party, Step On, In The Name Of Love, World Of Confusion, Hold Me Baby
TFO : Never, Magic, Just Keep In Your Love, Give It To Me, Soul & Body
The Hard Concert
The Riders : Bang
Thunder - Pumping Up
Trancex : It's Gonna Be Alright

Artists and groups featuring Rossini (Pieradis)

2 Mistakes - Holiday (1995), Sweet Little Boy (1994)
4 Non Bonds - Never Say Bond (1994)
49ers - Don't You Love Me (1990), Girl To Girl (1991), How Longer (1990), Shadows (1989), Touch Me (1990)
Alhogena - I Try (1995), Woman In Love (1994)
Arena (2) - El Bobo (1994), I Wish (1995)
Ars Nova - I Don't Want Your Love (1993), Let Me Do It (1995), Somedays (1993)
Beat Pressure - Rhythm (1994), Something On Mind (1994)
Boss System - Fire In My Heart (1994)
C-ya - Love Is The Way (1997)
Cappella - Everybody Listen To It (1990), Everybody (1991), Get Out of My Case (1989), Helyom Halib (1988)
Clubhouse - Deep In My Heart (1991), I'm Alone (1989)
D 'n' Joy - Easy (It's Very Easy) (1994)
DJ Play - I Wanna Dance All Night (1994)
Emergency - Another Way (1994), Let Me Be (1993)
HIRA - Funk The Beat (1993), My Name (1994)
Harris Paul - Love Song (1996), Music Of Your Mind (1994), Shine On Me (1994)
High State Logic - Crime Of Passion (1994), If You Can Believe (1993), It's A Strange Emotion (1996), Let Me Love You (1995), No Body (1994)
House Traffic - Everyday Of My Life (1995), I Got You Run (1992)
Hysteria - Do You Feel (1993), Energy Express (1992), Something About You (1995)
Jay Sex - Celebrate (1994), Forever (1996), Moving My Hands (1994), Yes, I Wanna Dance (1993)
Jupa Jupa - Da Da Move (1995)
Lucille - T.Na.Ta (1994)
Mimmo Mix - Chains (1990), My Way (1991)
Orion 8 - Behind My Control (1996)
RAF - Energetic Mix (1990), The Rhythm, The Rebel (1991)
Repthor - Over (1995)
Sabrina - Doctor's Orders (1989)
Schwarzkopf - Coming (1994), Everybody Get Down (1996), Feel Like Dancing (1997), Stop The War (1995)
Space Master - Everybody Sing (1997), Hold Me Baby (1997), I Need You (1992), In The Name Of Love (1995), Jumping To The Party (1993), Step On (1994), World Of Confusion (1996)
Sundae - Sun Go Down On Me (1996)
TFO - Give It To Me (1993), Magic (1994), Never (1995), Soul & Body (1994)
The Hard Concert - Save Me (1995)
The Riders - Bang (1993), Burning Up (1994)
Trancex - Dance In Paranoid (1994), It's Gonna Be Alright (1993)
Verity - Don't Let Me Down (1993), Follow Me (1994), Remember (1996)
Victory (2) - Fall In Love With Me (1996)
Yes No Yes - Keep Together (1994), Spin Me Around (1994)



Rost (Peter)
Bubble Gum Member


Peter Rost, born 19th April 1984, was described as a real streetboy. He was more often with his friends on the square than in the livingroom. And if he was at home, he was only busy with playing the newest video- and computer-games, although Peter's mother. Outside, he was always skating and by way of his friends, he came in touch with some streetdancers. "I found them really cool and I wanted to become just as good as they were, or even better. I trained with them every day and I also went to all sorts of workshops from famous dancers and choreographs". Because of his dancing-skills, Peter was attracting the attention of professionals from showbizz. In the past few years, he has regularly been performing as a background dancer for several national and international artists. When Peter had seen a little bit of the artist life, he knew it for sure: he also wanted a place in the spotlight. Next to his dancinglessons, he began to follow singing-lessons to develop into an allround artist.

In 2003, he became a member of bubblegum project Ch!pz. They split in 2009.

2012 : Peter competed in Holland's Got Talent with his illusionists and dancers group The Devils. They made it to the final and ended #4.



EuroDance Group



Lovedream (1996)

Lovedream was produced by Skinny Hastrup & Anders Wejheden, written by Skinny Hastrup, published under RemRec Songs and released in 1996 under Remixed Records.

Thanks to Martin Andersson



EuroDance Group



Pinky Pink ()
Take Somebody ()
Pretty Little One From America (1974)
Jump (11th Sep 1992)
Magnification 7  (23rd Nov 1992)
Pump It Up (1993)
Let The Music Play (14th Sep 1995)

It's hard to know if all these singles were released by the same artist or if there were several projects with the same name.

Jump was released in 1992 under SPV.

Pump It Up was written by Cumerfield, Cremer and Clauss, produced by K & L Music and Olli's House Publishing. Raps were done by Eric "XL" Singleton. It was programmed, mixed by The Crazy People for K & L Musicproduction, recorded at Milestone Studios. CD single included a Sin City Mix, a Club Mix, a Radio Edit and The Dub Mix. It was released in 1993 under Polydor GmbH, Hamburg

Let The Music Play was released in 1995 under Edel records.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Rottura (1995)

1.Exorcismo Contro Satana E Gli Angeli Ribelli, 2.Realtà Virtuale, 3.Dove Sono Le Vergini, 4.Paperina, 5.Nostradamus, 6.Stop Al Sesso, 7.Network E Dintorni, 8.Nemici Pubblici N° 1, 9.Ho Paura, 10.W Federica,


Esorcismo Contro Satana E Gli Angeli Ribelli (1995)
Paperina (1995)
Realtà Virtuale (1995)

Label : Drohm. The single Esorcismo Contro Satana E Gli Angeli Ribelli (meaning "Exorcism against Satan and the Rebellious Angels") was arranged by Roberto Russo, Roberto Vernetti and Simone Sello, produced by Mastrangelo. Remixes were done by Andrea Bellicapelli and Doctor D at Demolition Studio in Milan (Italy). The project was supervised by Deco De Robertis.

An album entitled Rottura was released in 1995.



EuroDance Group



Show Me (1987)
Ordinary World (1993)
Without You (1994)
Love Love Fire (1994)
Money Money Money (1994)
Just Stay (1995)
Don't Speak (1997)

Roxanne features vocalist Elena Gobbi (aka Elena Gobbi Frattini). Elena also contributed to the eurobeat projects Virginelle and Marlene.

Roxanne also appeared on 2 singles released by the project Red. She also visited the track Fleeting Love on Dave Rodgers Project's album The Alfee Meets Dance (released on 27th September 1995).

Thanks to Abelito

Artists and groups featuring Roxanne

Red - Nothing Is Bad Nothing Is Good (1993), Song 4 U (1992)



EuroDance Group



No Reason (11th Feb 1994)

The single No Reason was written by G. D. Nicolosi. It was released under the label Extrarecord.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



I'll Never Stop (1995)
I Feel Love (1995)
We Can Touch The Sky (1996)
Live My Life (1996)
Love Set Us Free (1997)
So Long (1999)

Roxxy's first hits were I’ll Never Stop and We Can Touch The Sky. She is also known for her energizing shows across Canada. But she is known mostly for her warm and sensuous voice, a captivating voice wrapped in a spell bound music which penetrates the entire body, a voice that we can’t do without from the first time we hear it. Roxxy has also signed licenses around the world, notably in Japan where she is having some success.

Roxxy is presently working on her first album due out shortly. This album may well surprise us because we know that Roxxy always puts out 110% of herself. As a preview, she released the heart-warming single Live My Life. With this song, Roxxy  could also be seen in her very first videoclip.

Apart from her solo carreer, and after Aleah D'Kos, Roxxy lent her voice to the dance project Cinnamon Daze for the single Tu Veux Ou Tu Veux Pas. In 1997 she finally released a new uplifting track Love Set Us Free. Roxxy is still working on an album that was supposed to be out in Japan years ago. She also released the song So Long on a compilation during the year 1999.

Roxxy used to be a member of a project entitled Nostradamus, together with BitBurn from Capital Sound. They recorded tracks in French such as Coma, Le juge dans sa bulle and Mots de feu.

2006 : Roxxy and Donna (from Capital Sound) created the band Spand-X, with 3 other Canadian artists, Joe, Gilles and Don. They play the most famous hits of the 80s.

2010 : Roxxy is not a member of the Spand-X band anymore

Roxxy's Official Site at Spiralwave
Roxxy at Canadian Eurodance
Thanks to Klems
Thanks to Donna herself for the latest informations



EuroDance Group



Sve Sto Si Znao, Zaboravi (1996)

1.Sve Sto Si Znao (Wave Rmx), 2.A Sada Nema Te (Dance Floor Rmx), 3.Usred Noci (Radio Edit), 4.Daj Mali Sredi Se (Power Mix), 5.Da Li Opet Lazes (Nrg Nord Rmx), 6.Sto Daje Ljubav (Euronrg Rmx), 7.Boli Me Uspomena (Euronrg Rmx), 8.Crno Je (Japanese Flight Rmx), 9.Usred Noci (Nord Space Rmx),

Viva La Noche (15th Oct 2015)

1.Viva La Noche (Caliente latino mix), 2.Daddy Boy (Radio mix), 3.Baby do it (Baby mix), 4.Go babe (Go go remix), 5.Hey bandido (Bandido mix), 6.Honey (Honey sugar mix), 7.Roses (Flowers mix), 8.Surrender (Survive mix), 9.Seven (Numbers mix), 10.I gonna dance now (Dance mix), 11.Viva La Noche (Extended mix), 12.Daddy boy (Extended mix),

With My Fire (15th Oct 2015)

1.With my fire (burn mix), 2.Lolita (Cute mix ), 3.All and my love (Extended mix), 4.Hate and Love (Hard mix), 5.Heart and Soul, 6.Change (Full mix), 7.Game (Gamer mix), 8.Love me twice (Double mix), 9.Loving you (Free mix), 10.Can you hear (Ear mix), 11.Never let it go (Runaway mix), 12.What a feeling (Thunder mix),


Sve Sto Si Znao (1995)
Boli Me Uspomena (1997)

Roxy is a Croatian Hi-NRG / Eurodance group established in the end of 80's by Goran Frančić, a choreographer, dancer, dancing teacher and ex DJ, born in 1969 in Zagreb.

Initially, Roxy was created as a dancing group. Goran, the leader of the group, was a great fan of Italo-disco, Hi-NRG and Eurodance music and knew Denis Curman for a long time. When Curman decided to deal with the Croatian music scene in 1994, the logical step was to turn Roxy into dance-attraction and to make some great Eurodance music.

Curman produced and composed the album called Sve Sto Si Znao, Zaboravi (Forget Everything You Knew) released in 1996. It was a genuine hi-nrg / eurodance master-piece. Curman developed the original and recognizable music style which could not be compared to anything else. All tracks were a mixture of Hi-Energy, Eurodance and the elements of Techno-house. The most popular tracks were : Da Li Opet Lazes (Do You Lie Again), Sve Sto Si Znao (Everything You Knew), Crno Je (It's Black), A Sada Nema Te (And Now You're Gone) and Boli Me Uspomena (Memory Hurts Me).

The main female vocalist was named Sanja Majnaric (at this time, aged of only 17). Second rapper was Marin Klobučar. Goran and Sanja were the constant members of the group on their live appearances. The other members were often changed, as well as their number which depended on how large the stage was. Every live performance was a great experience for fans. Each track had an original dance choreography created by Goran himself. The most successful concert was held in September of 1996 in discotheque "The Best" in Zagreb.

In 1997 a video-clip was shot for a track Boli Me Uspomena (Memory Hurts Me), but it was shown only few times on HTV (which was already invaded by popular musical styles such as pop-folk, funk, or rock). In the whole, the album wasn't successful, just because the Croatian audience was stlll under great influence of Balkans and they were not ready to accept eurodance style. They also suffered from the competition of cheap pop-dance artists such as ET, Emilia, Kasandra, or Senna M. In spite of his international reputation, Denis Curman remained unknown to most of the Croatians.

The release of a CD maxi was planned the following year...

2013 : Goran is still composing great music nowadays. His most recent release is Your eyes featuring Cinthie Laouper. You can discover his latest creations on his Reverbnation page

2015 : Roxy published 2 new albums : With My Fire and Viva La Noche

Not to be confused with the Canadian artist Roxxy

Thanks to Ninja
Denis Curman fanpage



Roy and Bobos
Bubble Gum Group



Bye Baby Bye (12th Mar 1999)

Italian bubblegum project Roy & Bobos released single Bye Baby Bye in 1999. It was produced by Jimmy Nicoli and Gallo DJ Galioso, and programmed by Bobo M. Borgonovo. Label: DV Factory

Roy & Bobos on Bubblegum Dancer



Royal T
EuroDance Group



Baby Don't Cha Leave Me This Way (1992)
Coming Back For More (1994)
Baby Don't Cha Leave Me This Way '97 (1997)


Baby Don't Cha Leave Me This Way (1992)
Baby Don't Cha Leave Me This Way (2007)

Baby Don't Cha Leave Me This Way featured vocals by Earlene Bentley. It was re-released in 1995 en 1997 with new versions. Single featured vocals by Hannah Jones and background vocals by Lauraine McIntosh and Paul Barry. It was produced by Gary Miller and Martyn Norris, and included 2 remixes by JX. Label: Almighty Records

No relation with Royal T, a grime and garage DJ and producer from Southampton.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Everyboy's Free (1992)

1.Everybody's Free, 2.Faith, 3.You And Me, 4.Heart Is In Africa, 5.The Storybook Of Love, 6.Don't Play With Me, 7.Are You Ready To Fly?, 8.Lost In Your Ocean, 9.Hear Me Calling, 10.Love Breakdown, 11.Believe In Yourself, 12.Born To Love You,

Everyboy's Freestyle (1993)

1.Everyboy's Free (Source remix), 2.Believe In Yourself (rapinos Transylvanian sunset mix), 3.Born To Love Ya (Havana mix), 4.Love Breakdown (Stones club mix), 5.You And Me (Project Reese mix), 6.Are You Ready To Fly? (Phil Kelsey remix), 7.Don't Play With Me (Development corporation mix), 8.Faith (Tomahawk mix), 9.Love Breakdown (Stones late Night mix), 10.Faith (Dubmental),

Look No Further (1995)

1.I Love Music, 2.You Never Love The Same Way Twice, 3.This Time I Found Love, 4.Baby, 5.Look No Further, 6.Do You Believe, 7.Work Me, 8.If Love Is A Dream, 9.All That I Need, 10.Love Work, 11.I Can't Wait, 12.Losing My Religion, 13.I Love Music (remix), 14.Baby (remix), 15.You Never Love The Same Way Twice (remix),

Feelin' Good (1997)

1.Everybody's Free, 2.Born To Love You, 3.Are You Ready To Fly?, 4.I Can't Wait, 5.Work Me, 6.Free The Love, 7.I Love Music, 8.Lost In Your Ocean, 9.This Time I Found Love, 10.Faith,

Coming Home (1998)

1.Coming Home, 2.Don't Go Lose It Baby, 3.Pride, 4.Sundown, 5.Leave It To Me, 6.Rain Come Down, 7.You Make Me Feel, 8.Counting On Love, 9.Don't Stop The Lovin', 10.Just Like A Miracle, 11.Out Of My Mind, 12.Road To Bemba,

Best Of (2004)

1.Everybody's Free (To Feel Good), 2.Are You Ready To Fly, 3.Faith (In the Power of Love), 4.I Love Music, 5.This Time I Found Love, 6.You Never Love The Same Way Twice, 7.Baby, 8.Losing My Religion, 9.Don't Go Lose It Baby, 10.Sundown, 11.Rain Come Down, 12.Pride, 13.Live Another Life (with Plastic Boy),

Brand New Version (2nd Feb 2009)

1.Broken Stones, 2.Signs, 3.Step By Step, 4.Heard It All Before, 5.Brand New Version, 6.Until The End, 7.For Lovers, 8.Over Again, 9.Trust, 10.The Love That We Had, 11.Everybody's Free,

The Very Best Of Rozalla (27th Dec 2010)

1.Are You Ready To Fly, 2.Everybody's Free (To Feel Good), 3.Faith (In The Power Of Love), 4.Love Breakdown, 5.Don't Play With Me, 6.Story Book Of Love, 7.You And Me, 8.Born To Love Ya, 9.Are You Ready To Fly (New Mix), 10.Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) (Almighty Remix 2000), 11.Faith (In The Power Of Love) (Joe T.Vanelli Mix), 12.Don't Play With Me (Original Mix),

Greatest (10th Jun 2013)

1.Everybody's Free (To Feel Good), 2.Faith (In The Power Of Love), 3.Are You Ready To Fly, 4.You Never Love The Same Way Twice, 5.I Love Music, 6.Don't Play With Me, 7.Baby (Love To Infinity Classic Paradise radio mix), 8.Story Book Of Love, 9.You & Me, 10.Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) (Almighty remix 2000), 11.This Time I Found Love (Ollie J 7' mix), 12.Born To Love Ya,

Turn On The Light (26th Feb 2024)

1.Turn on The Light, 2.Say It Again (Jason Nevins Album Mix), 3.Lovefool (LA Rush Mix Edit), 4.Magnificent, 5.Baby Come Back, 6.Inside Out, 7.You & I, 8.If You Don't Love Me, 9.Let's Go Together (Matt Pop Album Mix), 10.Lotta Love, 11.I Want You Back, 12.I Feel It Slippin' Away (Dirty Disco Edit), 13.Shadows of The Moon, 14.Someone That I Used To Love,


Don't Stop The Lovin' ()
Born To Luv Ya (Oct 1990)
Everybody's Free (Sep 1991)
Faith (In The Power Of Love) (Nov 1991)
Are You Ready To Fly (Feb 1992)
Love Breakdown (May 1992)
In 4 Choons Later (Megamix limited edition) (Aug 1992)
Born To Love You Remix 92 (Feb 1993)
Don't Play With Me (Oct 1993)
I Love Music (Feb 1994)
This Time I Found Love (Aug 1994)
You Never Love The Same Way Twice (8th Oct 1994)
Baby (Feb 1995)
Losing My Religion (Sep 1995)
Everybody's Free Remix 96 (27th Aug 1996)
Coming Home (13th Jun 1997)
Don't Go Lose It Baby (17th Feb 1998)
Friday Night (Nov 1998)
Everybody's Free 2000 (Nov 2000)
Everybody's Free Aquagen remix (May 2002)
Everybody's Free 2005 (vs DNF) (2005)
You Never Love The Same Way Twice 2005 (2005)
Diamonds Are Forever (2009)
Everybody's Free 2013 (4th Jul 2013)
Can You Feel The Love (8th Aug 2014)
Shaking Through The Night (20th Jan 2015)
If You Say It Again (26th Jan 2015)
The Shadows of the Moon (20th Nov 2015)
Turn On The Light (14th Feb 2019)
Magnificent (4th May 2020)
I Feel It Slipping Away (30th Nov 2020)
I Want You Back (24th Sep 2021)
The Christmas Song (5th Dec 2022)
Lovefool (25th Sep 2023)
Lotta Love (12th Feb 2024)
Let's Go Together (1st Jul 2024)
You & I (23rd Aug 2024)


Are You Ready To Fly (1992)
Everybody's Free (2011)
The Shadows Of The Moon (The 2017 Remixes) (24th Aug 2017)

Rozalla was born on 18 March 1964 in Ndola, a town in Zambia. When she was a teenager she moved to Zimbabwe with her family. As a young girl she used to skip school to play with a band. Later she sang at fashion shows and soon became a national celebrity. Rozalla enjoyed several chart hits in Zimbabwe, but she still had to work as a secretary to make ends meet. At the age of 18 she appeared as an extra (a prostitute) in Richard Chamberlain 's King Solomon's Mines.Wanting to become an international star Rozalla realized that she was never going to get anywhere if she stayed in Africa. Therefore she left Zimbabwe and moved to London in 1988, not knowing what awaited her there.

In England Rozalla was soon discovered by the Band Of Gypsies production team (the producers Nigel Swanston and Tim Cox) who noticed her deep, soulful voice and would catapult her to stardom a few years later. In 1990 their first single, the dance song Born To Luv Ya, was released on the small label Pulse 8 unfortunately without any success. Not discouraged the Band Of Gypsies wrote and produced some more songs for Rozalla and her second single Faith (In  the Power of Love) was her first song to chart in the U.K.

But it is the single Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) which really made her career take off. It was not only a #1 dance hit in Canada and the U.S., but it was also #1 in Spain, #2 in Belgium, #3 in Italy, #4 in France, #5 in Germany and #6 in the UK. Followed the re-issued Faith which did much better the second time, and the very successful Are You Ready To Fly.

Rozalla's first album Everybody's Free was released in 1992. All the songs were produced by the Band Of Gypsies. The album entered the U.K. Top 20 in its first week. Rozalla signed a contract with Epic who released her album and singles in the U.S., wher Everybody’s Free reached the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100 almost a year after its European release. This came after something of a legal squabble, with Rozalla attempting to take the studio tapes to Epic. Pulse 8 objected and won their day in court. She also toured with Micheal Jackson and started working on the follow-up to her successful debut CD. A remix CD of her hit singles Everybody's Free-style was also released.

Look No Further was the name of her second album. Released in 1994, it was a multi-genre album which featured the production skills of DNA, Lamont Dozier, Andre Betts, John 'Jellybean' Benitez, Frankie Knuckles or Apollo 440. It contained great tracks such as You Never Love The Same Way Twice, Losing My Religion, I Love Music, and many more. Rozalla gave up her African look, she was launched as a crossover pop soul diva. I Love Music, the first single, was the soundtrack to the Sean Penn film 'Carlito's Way'. The US release contained a track not available on the UK release entitled Free The Love.The UK release contained a non-US album track named Love Work. Nevertheless Look No Further did not reach the success of the first album.

After a one-year silence Rozalla enjoyed success with a remixed version of ‘Everybody’s  Free’ in 1996. Afterwards came Feelin' Good, an album that was released in the U.S only, a sort of best of.

Rozalla finally released a third album in 1998 Coming Home, only in the UK (because Popular – who were supposed to release it in the US – had some problems which prevented its release). Once again she worked with the Band Of Gypsies  and co-wrote most of the songs. The first singles to be released were Coming Home, Don't Go Lose It Baby, and Don't Stop The Lovin'. Rozalla has also released a non-album track in collaboration with Phat N' Phunky Friday Night.

The "Queen of Rave" had already garnered an impressive five #1 singles in her native Zimbabwe where she was considered as their top female artist. Meanwhile, she got married. She lives in London.

2000 : Rozalla was working on a new album for a new label (Mikeli Music). Richard (Humpty) Vission mixed a new version of Everybody's Free, released in July 2000. This is the follow-up of a long series of covers for this hit : among them, a single by Blümchen (Ich Bin Wieder Hier), and by Alice DeeJay (Everybody's Better Off)

2001 : on June 11 her new single Everybody's Turning Back was released on the Balloon/ZYX label. It's a collaboration with Gitta : the song is a mix of the her song No More Turning Back with the Everybody's Free vocal over it. Later this year Rozalla promised she would return with new material.

2002 : Rozalla teamed up with the German dance act Aquagen to reinterpret her biggest hit Everybody's Free. The single is already on Germany's Top 40 singles chart.

2003 : Rozalla released a single called Live Another Life with Plastic Boy. Released under the lable Inferno, it entered the UK singles chart at number 55 and peaked #11 on the dance singles chart. Plastic Boy (real name Dirk M.I.K.E. Dierickx) is a Belgian producer who also released singles under Push, such as Universal Nation, Strange World and The Legacy (both reached the top 20 of the UK pop charts). Live Another Life as instrumental version used to be released as promo in 2000. The new version was recorded with a sensational uplifting vocal by Rozalla.

2004 : Rozalla will release her first official Best Of Rozalla album on the 15th of March in the UK. Her cover version of Janet Jackson's Alright was released as promo 12" and as CD in July. She also re-released her rare third album Coming Home as a limited edition, available exclusively on her website.

2005 : Rozalla released a new remix of an old hit : You Never Love The Same Way Twice 2005 in Germany under ZYX. She performed on the UK 1ITV series Hit Me Baby One More Time, in which yesterdear's stars perform their biggest hits plus an interpretation of a more recent hit by another artist. Rozalla sung Everybody's Free and a jazzed up cover version of Blue's Fly By on 30 April. Other artists who took part to the show were Belinda Carlisle, Haddaway and Gloria Gaynor.

The new remixes of Rozalla's Everybody's Free (to feel good) were released in the UK on 18th April.

2006 : Rozalla recorded a cover version of ABBA's song Dancing Queen. This song was featured in the movie "Full Circle". In April Rozalla gave her first performance in Zambia since the 80s. She recorded a 2006 version of her classic hit single Faith (In the Power of Love) and she is also working on a new song.

Everybody's Free was once again remixed, this time in Italy. Unlike most remixes, this new version was authorized by Rozalla who re-recorded the song for the Italian record label Loud Bit. The track was released in August on promo (as Kortezman Feat. Rozalla) and did well in clubs.

Are You Ready To Fly was remixed by Northernbeat and this new version appeared on the compilation Gayfest 2006.

2007 : she recorded a cover of the song Diamonds Are Forever for the compilation Forever Bond.

2009 : Rozalla released an album entitled Brand New Version on February 2nd. She is currently supporting Billy Ocean on his 41 date UK 2009 Tour. Her hit Everybody's Free was covered by Andy Whitby & Matt Lee feat. Adam Tensta.

2010 : Rozalla was featured by Abel Ramos on a track called Where Is The Love (under With Love Music Records), released on 30th November

2011 : a set of remixes for Abel Ramos feat. Rozalla Where Is The Love (by Antoine Clamaran and Nicky Romero among others) was released on 15th February 2011. Everybody's free was covered by Damon Blaze ft.Vince.

2012 : Rozalla was featured by Pop Criminal on his EP single Reset.

2017 : with Tina Cousins, Angie Brown, Samantha Fox, Victoria Wilson James and many other artists, she took parti to collective single Love Is The Only Law under project name Love Against The Machine

2019 : Turn On The Light was the title of her new single. She shot the videoclip the preivous year.

2020 : she released the songs Magnificent in May and I Feel It Slipping Away in November. Her record company announced that her new album was almost ready.

2021 : Rozalla's new single was entitled I Want You Back

2022 : L-Milla released a cover of Everyboy's Free. In December, Rozalla released The Christmas Song, that she recorded back in 2017.

Thanks to Florent, Abelito, Krasi, Hugues and Klems
Sundown - The Rozalla Site
CD Now
Thanks to Lucas for the latest infos

Artists and groups featuring Rozalla

Allan Jay - Breaking My Heart (2016)
Distant Soundz - Lovefool (2009)
Florian Kempers - Everybody's Free 2016 (2015), Everybody's Free 2017 (2016)
Plastic Boy - Live Another Life (2003)
Pop Criminal - Reset (2012)
Rodge - I Say A Little Prayer (2018)



EuroDance Group



Runnin' (1994)

Runnin (Coropianpiancoropian!)was produced by Annodomini and D. Fix, written by Scali, Morando and Gaddia. Label : Z'Up



EuroDance Group



Locked In The Rhythm (1994)

Project featured female vocalist Wendy Wright, who also contributed to Room 4 2, and rapper G. Thing (real name : Lucien Witteveen) who scored hits in the late 80s/early 90s as Miker G, such as Don't Let The Music Stop and Show 'M The Bass. Single was written and composed by Miker G. Gee and Quincy Lizer (Rene van Verseveld). Label: Alabianca Records

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Dance Your Ass Off (1991)
Turn Me Around (1992)
In The Name Of Love (1993)

RTZ (stands for Return To Zero) is a project of Fonny de Wulf. Dance Your Ass Off featured MC Miker G, Turn Me Around featured vocals by Sarah. In The Name Of Love featured Mistri.

Thanks to Steve



EuroDance Group



Don't Bring On The Night (23rd Nov 1994)
Gotta Get You Into My Life (1996)
Tell Me Why (13th Mar 1998)

Musical team : Christian Hamm & Alain Gilles Bertoni (who also stood behind the Souladelic project).

Don't Bring On The Night was composed by Christian Hamm, lyrics were written by Alain Gilles Bertoni and Christian Hamm. It was recorded and mixed at Tonstudio Bertoni/Hamm, Cologne (Germany) and published by Scorpio Music (Black Scorpio) France. It was produced by Christian Hamm, co-produced by Alain Gilles Bertoni and Oliver Kels. The single featured a male vocalist and a female rapper called Joyce Little (she was also rapper for Souladelic)

Thanks to reBeL and Necronomic



EuroDance Group



Power Of Love (1995)

Power Of Love featured vocals by Samantha Kirtikar.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Talk About (1991)
Run To Me (1991)
Love Will Make It Right (1992)
Find A Way (1994)
Feel So Good (1994)
Wanna Move Up (6th Nov 1995)

Label : Italian Style Records. Ruffcut is a project of I. Gechele, M. Marcolin and Pierre Feroldi.

Carol Jones was featured on the singles Run To Me, Feel So Good and Wanna Move Up.

Talk About, released in 1991, was written and composed by M. Marcolin, L. Belmetti and Pierre Feroldi, arranged and mixed by Laurent G. Newfield. It was featured on the compilation Best Of Italian House Volume 3.

Feel So Good was written and composed by Cremonini, Gomiero, Danielli and Santacatterina. Apart from Carol Jones' voice, one could also hear the voice of a rapper.

An EP entitled Burnin' (vs Birth Of Cool) was released in 1998. It's probably not the same project.

Carol Jones also released 2 solo singles under the label Italian Style : Don't Look Back / Feel Underground in 1993 and Everybody in 1994.

Thank to grof pl.



EuroDance Group



Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (1997)

This Albert Hammond cover was recorded at Beautiful Day Studio and produced by J. Birdy. Label: Bit Music

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Alone (1995)
Crazy (1996)

Ruperto López Giménez also known as Ruperth is a Spanish composer and producer. He recorded, together with Carmen Carreras Camps a.k.a. Mamen, the singles Alone (1995) and Crazy (1996). Javier Pascual and Manuel Fernández were executive producers. Label: Contraseña Records and Ferpas Music.

Thanks to Ulysses



Russel (Diane)
EuroHouse Group



I Love You (1996)

I Love You was mixed by Francesco Alberti, produced, written and arranged by Alessandro Angeletti, Andrea De Antoni and Marilena Crisci (who was thought to be also the vocalist, but actually the vocals were done by Silvana Lorenzetti, who was thanked by the team.

Thanks to Marian Stoica



Ryan Paris
Italo-disco Group



Ryan Paris (1985)

1.Paris On My Mind, 2.Harry's Bar, 3.Bluette, 4.Marianne, 5.Italian Style, 6.Sweet Night, 7.We Have It Beautiful, 8.Dolce Vita (Night Version),

I Successi (2000)

Best Of (2002)

1.Dolce Vita (Maxi Single), 2.It's My Life (Extended), 3.Ancora (Album Vers.), 4.Digilove (Radio), 5.I Wanna Love You Once Again (Extended), 6.Kein Zurück (Frankfurt Mix Feat. Tatiana Schmidt), 7.Amor Amor (Album Version), 8.Baila (French Version), 9.Bailamos (Spanish Version), 10.Bailamos (English Version Feat. Maria Monaco), 11.Let's Do It Together (Album Version), 12.Don't Let Me Down (Pop/Dance Mix), 13.Libertad (Ballad), 14.The Beat Goes On (Dance Mix Feat. G. Faulkner), 15.Dolce Vita (Radio Version),

You Are My Life (1st Aug 2016)

1.You´re My Life (Dance Mix), 2.Yo Quiero Amarte Una Vez Mas (Short Mix ), 3.Dolce Vita 2k16 (Italian Radio Rap), 4.Sensation Of Love, 5.Together Again (Short Mix), 6.Bailando Con Tu Amor (Spanish Mix), 7.Belle, 8.I'm In Love, 9.Dont Wanna Loose You, 10.In Love Again (Pepper Version), 11.Deep In Your Heart (Dance Version), 12.Parisienne Girl (Original Vocal Mix Short), 13.Niente Ci Separerá, 14.This Is Your Life (Synth Version), 15.You're My Life (Ballad Version), 16.You're My Life (Eddy Mi Ami Remix), 17.Deep In Your Heart (Space Version), 18.Without You,

You Are My Life (1st Aug 2016)

1.Dolce Vita 2k16 (Spanish Radio Rap), 2.Sensation Of Love (Original Version ), 3.Light In The Dark (Short Mix), 4.Te Quiero Mas (Summer Version), 5.Sensation Of Love (Andy Emme Remix), 6.I Wanna Love You Once Again (Guitar Version), 7.La Femme (UK Version), 8.I Promised Myself (1:1 Version), 9.I Wanna Love You Once Again (Earth Shy-T Remix), 10.I Wanna Love You Once Again (Potec Remix), 11.Amor, Amor (Short Version), 12.Nothing Will Keep Us Apart, 13.Te Quiero Mas (Latino Version), 14.This Is Your Life, 15.Bella Che Sei (Salsa), 16.Con Tu Amor, 17.Dolce Vita Reloaded, 18.Tiki Tiki,

Ryan Sings the 80s... & More : Episode Complete (4th Oct 2021)

Polaroids 80 (5th May 2023)

The Other Side of Dolce Vita (Rework) (5th Apr 2024)

1.It's my life (Rework), 2.Eyes without a face (Rework), 3.(I just) Die in your arms (Rework), 4.Around my dream (Rework), 5.Enola Gay (Rework), 6.Enjoy the silence (Rework), 7.Losing my Religion (Rework), 8.Words (Rework), 9.Vamos a la Playa (Rework), 10.Dancing with tears in my eyes (Rework), 11.Tarzan Boy (Rework),


Dolce Vita (1983)
Fall In Love (1984)
Paris On My Mind (1985)
Besoin d'Amour (1986)
And The Beat Goes On (10th Dec 1991)
Don't Let Me Down (1993)
Mr Jones (1994)
Dolce Vita remix 95 (17th May 1995)
The Last Prophecy (1997)
Into The Light (1998)
Libertad (1999)
You've Got It All And We Do It Right (1999)
Dolce Vita 99 (13th Apr 1999)
Babe (2000)
Angel (2000)
Lady Fantasy (22nd Apr 2008)
In Love Again (2010)
I Wanna Love You Once Again (2010)
Tiki Tiki Tiki (2011)
Parisienne Girl (2012)
Sensation Of Love EP (15th Oct 2013)
All or Nothing (9th Mar 2015)
Together Again (10th Jun 2015)
Light In The Dark (10th Jul 2015)
Sensation Of Love 2018 (2017)
Buona Sera Dolce Vita (2017)
Can Delight (10th Dec 2018)
Russian Ladies (25th May 2020)
Human (15th Mar 2021)
Slave To Love (20th Sep 2021)
Never Ending Story (22nd Oct 2021)
Dance in Paradise (28th Aug 2022)
Take A Chance (Feb 2023)
Wir Haben Die Nacht (12th Jul 2023)
Eyes Without a Face (23rd Feb 2024)
Un Peu Plus Près Des Etoiles (2nd Oct 2024)


Dolce Vita (Ben Liebrand remix) (1989)
Dolce Vita (BK Duke & Bootmasters Remix) (11th Sep 2020)

Born in Rome into a family of artists (his father was a successful painter and sculptor, his grandfather was a lyrical singer), Fabio Roscioli already had the music in his veins when he was still a child. Especially inspired and encouraged by his grandfather, who taught him everything about classical operas, he decided to study music after having finished college. He studied History of Architecture in the Facoltà di Architettura Roma.

In the early 80's, he made his first movie experiences, when acting in little rolls in famous films such as "Once Upon A Time in America" by Sergio Leone with Robert de Niro, René Clément's "La baby-sitter" and "La Bella Otero" with Angela Molina.

But feeling more attached to music he gathered same friends tagether to form a band, a New Wave Group, which even qualified for the Italian rock festival at the time, but which then split up when same members had to join the army. Finally in 1983, he had his break-through, when working with his first producer, Pierluigi Giombini, and achieved worldwide success : his single Dolce Vita sold more than 5 million records worldwide and went straight up to #1 in all charts. The bassline was produced on a Minimoog, the beats on an Oberheim DMX drum machine, they also used 2 other synths : OB-8 and ARP Odyssey. Lyrics were written by Paul Mazzolini aka Gazebo. The song was recorded in Titania Studios in Rome, arranged by Giampaolo Bresciani.

For Dolce Vita, Ryan received 12 gold, 2 silver and 2 platinum records. The BBC London produced a video clip of Dolce Vita in Paris. Ryan Paris was invited to perform in all major European lV-Shows such as Top Of The Pops (UK), Champs-Elysées (France), Popcorn (Italy) and Formel Eins (Germany). Following the success of his first single, Ryan released Fall In Love in 1984, which sold 180.000 units - in France onIy - and reached #7 in Spain. Shortly after this, he released the album Ryan Paris featuring the single Paris On My Mind which again - was a major hit in Italy and France.

When touring through the USA, in 1986, Ryan Paris took part to the Pop Festival in Portland, and played in jam session together with legendary Al Jarreau and Stanley Clarke. He also released 2 songs in French : Besoin d'amour and Aussi pour toi

While living in Amsterdam, in 1989, Ryan co-produced a remix of Dolce Vita, together with Ben Liebrand, the famous DJ and producer (Holiday Rap, In The Air Tonight). Dolce Vita Uptown Sk'ouse Mix went Top 10 in the Netherlands. The English magazine Face honoured hirn with best reviews and a substantial article. In the following years, he released several other tracks such as OnIy 4 U which became #1 in the Italian Radio Charts, And The Beat Goes (featuring Brenda Dee) in 1991 and It's My Life (with Gen 64 and featuring the voice of Franca Morgano) in 1996 which became big as weIl, especially in Eastern Europe. He worked with producers like Frank Peterson (coproducer of Enigma) and Christoph Seipel (No Mercy, La Bouche, Boney M) and even composed and co-produced songs for Coca-Cola commercials.

Having been one of the major stars in the 80’s, Ryan’s activities and ambitions are far from having come to an end. Besides working on remixes of his biggest hits and producing new songs for himself and other artists, he keeps performing in TV-Shows and on stage all over Europe.

2006 : the French movie Camping contributed to bringing back Dolce Vita as a part of its soundtrack.

2010 : Dolce Vita's remix by MS Project reached #19 in the French downloads charts.

2015 : Ryan recorded new songs : All Or Nothing (Sira Mayo) and Light In The Dark. He released a numbered limited edition vinyl entitled Together Again

2017 : he released a new song, Love on Ice featuring Swedish singer Sally Shapiro. Song was included on his vinyl Ryan Paris & Friends, out in September. He recorded a version of Dolce Vita in the Catalan language for the Fundació la Marato and released it as a charity single for the benefit of the Fundació la Marato, which helps studying several human illnesses.

2018 : he released the duet Can Delight with George Aaron.

2021 : Ryan did vocals on Digital Air feat. Mr. Jane's cover of Baltimora's 80s classic Tarzan Boy.

Ryan Paris official webpage
Ryan Paris at ChoiceOfMusic

Artists and groups featuring Ryan Paris

Dario Caminita - Dolce Vita (2024)
Digital Air - Dream 2K21 (2021), I Like Chopin (2021), Tarzan Boy (2020)
Doctor Vintage - Dolce Vita 2k16 (2016)
Favilli - Only For You (1996), Only For You (1997)
Gen 64 - It's My Life (1996)
Mac DeMarco - Simply Paradise (2023), Still What I'm Looking For (2024)
Ms Project - Dolce Vita (2024)
Tony Costa - You're My Life 2017 (2017)



EuroDance Group



Up To The Sky ()
The Way To Set Me Free (27th Jan 1995)
Partytime (23rd May 1996)
Swing Da Thing (2nd Aug 1996)
Come Back To My Life (1997)
Caribbean Feeling (13th Jul 1998)

Behind Rytmica stands Jürg Imhoof, who was producer and manager, but also co-writer of the group (he also stands behind the project The Boom Beat).

This project featured several female vocalists, among them Kadija. The Way To Make Me Free and Come Back To My Life were released under the label Virgin and the other singles under ZYX and Sony. Partytime and Swing Da Thing featured the voice of Big Reggie. These were the only 2 singles to be released in France. Some other tracks were released only on compilations.

Thanks to Alex "Energy" Laba, Emperor Absolutus, and to Jürg Imhoof himself

