
D 'n' Joy D Warren D'Adekoya D'Arby Terence D'Ubaldo Marie-Claire D-2 D-cord D-Factor D-Fame D-Fence D-Flex D-Fresh D-Inspiration D-Lies D-lux D-mention D-Natural D-Night D-Odds D-Phase D-Rock D-Stressed D-Tok D-Trax D-Tune D-Vice D2D D4S Da Blitz Da Buzz Da Chiarelli Enrico Da Choice Da Costa Liza Da Krown Da Pampa Da Smooth Baron MC Da Tune Da Vi Sa Dabliu Effe Dad Jeans Daddy DJ Daddy K Daddy Ranks Daffodil Dagon Dagoth Daik Joanna Dais Francoise Daisy Chain Daisy Dee Daja Dal Gesso Susanna Dalila Dallaway Wayne Dalmata Dama Damade Damae Damage Control Damas Lorena Damaye Dana E Danaeh Dancation Dance 2 Trance Dance 4 Color Dance 4 Joy Dance Bond Dance Boy Dance D-Vision Dance Dept Dance Factory Dance Floor Virus Dance Master Records Dance Mission Dance Music Unplugged Dance Nation Dance Nation (2) Dance Nature Dance Or Die Dance Politix Dance Pool Dance Revolution Dance Rhythm Dance Street Records Dance United Dance Universal Experiment Dance World Dancefloor Syndroma DanceFronT Dancenethic Dancetronix Dane Daniel Daniel Sandy Dannii T Dannix Danny Wilson Dante Dante Alana Danuma Darija Darkize Darkness Darkwood Darry Hard Dart Patty Databass Datura Dav Isa DAVE Dave C David Age Davies Jade Davina Davina (2) Davis Anita Davis Jesse Lee Davis Lana Davis Sonia Davoli Daniele Dawn Dayanara Daydream Daze DB Project DB Reloaded DBA DBP DBX DC Mark DC Project DC Tools DC Wood DC-10 DCO DD DD King DD Klein DD Why DDF System DDM De Amicis Loredana De Antoni Andrea De Bie Silvy De Carey Bertrand De Coster Jean-Paul De Gregorio Sandra de Groot Remy De La Dance De Lara Jannet De Marchi Fabio De Meyer Patrick De Nature De Souza Olga De Wulf Fonny De' Ja Vue De-Code De-Pausinis Dance Dea Dea (2) Dea (3) Dea Blange Dea Li Deadly Sins Deal Dean 'N Debbie Debbie K Debenee Decadance Decadance Records Decade Records Decibella Dee Dee Dee Dee Lay Dee Monk Dee-Kay Dee-Lay Dee-Lay (2) Deelhiria Deely-B Dine Deen Deenyte DEEP Deep Attack Deep Kenley Deep Obsession Deep Passion Deep Six Deep Soul System Deep Sound Six Deep Vision Deep Wave Def Dames Dope Defect Definition of Joy Dega Miguel Degirl Dego' Deja vu Del Barba Gabriele Del Junior Del Pilar Gladys Del Rio Maria Delaude Morgana Delegation Delgado K Delgado Trixi Delhysa Lory Delicious Love Delilah Dels Anita Delta Demiro Dena Bass DenCity Denine Denise Dennis Eileina Denniz PoP Denny Simone Der Zar Derby Des'ray Desire Desiree Desrochers Sylvie Desy D Detert Thomas Deuce Device Devil Devotion Devotion (2) Devotion (3) Devotional Dexterity DFA DFC Records DFS Dhama Dhany Dhiadema Dhonna Di Bart Tony Di Bonaventura Federico Di Bronx and Natali Di Giacomo Mario Di Marcantonio Davide Di Martino Di Martino Johnny Di Trani Franco Diablo Diaferia Franco Diamond Diamond Dogs Diamond Lucy Dian Stefano Diana Diana's Diaz Shelby Diesel Action Dif Rene Dig It International Digilove Digital Base Project Digital Circles Digital Dictator Digital Disorder Digital Explosion Digital Sappers Digital Scream Digital Service Digital Soul Dilemma Dillard Greg Dimension Dion DIP Direct 2 Dance Direct Drive Direct Input Direct To You Dirty Mind Dis-Cover Dis-Dance Disc-O-Very Records DisCo Disco Magic UK Disco Terrorists Disco Vip's Discoid Corporation Discomagic Records Discoshop Productions Discotronic Discover Diss Miss Diva Diva records Divas Of Dance Divina Divine Rhythm Divo Dixie's Gang Dixon Thania DJ Akhenaton DJ Alba DJ Aligator DJ Andre and DJ Renzo DJ Approved DJ B DJ Black DJ Bobo DJ Brunno DJ Candy DJ Carlos DJ Cartoons DJ Cellulitis DJ Choice DJ Company DJ Cornelius DJ Cube DJ Cuca DJ Dado DJ Dakota DJ Dali DJ Dorlock DJ Duck DJ Duckpower DJ Edo DJ Encore DJ Filo DJ Fruchtzwerg DJ Galaxy DJ Halibut DJ Heat DJ Hush DJ Igo DJ J Coll DJ Jane DJ Jerry DJ Jordan DJ Kharma DJ Leo and DJ Masker DJ Mago DJ Martin DJ Max V DJ Maxx DJ Mickey DJ Miko DJ MM DJ Movement Records DJ MT DJ Norman B DJ Novus DJ Panda DJ Pelos DJ Penn DJ Play Dj PoLe DJ Professor DJ Project DJ Project (2) DJ Quinn DJ Rabbi DJ Raidi Rebello DJ Ramezz DJ Ricci DJ Sammy DJ Scott DJ Shaka DJ Simonassi DJ Sonic DJ Sonic Elite DJ Space'C DJ Spy DJ Steve K DJ Stevie Steve DJ Tantrum DJ Tururu DJ Valium DJ Visage DJ Wondermike DJC DJCC DJH DJJ DJs at Work Djumbo DMJ DMN Records DNA Do It Music Do It Yourself Entertainment Doc Franz Doctor Max Project Doctor Soul Dolbee Dolby Dolce Vita Dolce Vita (2) Dolce Vita (3) Dolphin Crew Dolphino Domarx Domenicer Domino Domino Records Dominoes Dominoo Don Cu Don Elle Don Felix Don't Y Girl Donald Duck Donatien Donn-AH Donna Donna (3) Donna (4) Donna J Donovan Sonia Doomsday Doorson Sharon Dori Cristina Dorkas Dorothea Double AA Double Active Double Bubble Double Dare Double Divine Double Energy Project Double Exposure Double Fox Double Helix Double Impact Double Key Double Light Double Nation Double Pulse Double S Double Team Double U Fresh Double Vision Double Vision (2) Double X Double You Doug Laurent DPR Dr Alban DR Demon Dr Funboy Dr G Dr Iggy Dr Mark Dr No Dr No (2) Dr Rhythm Dr Rob Dr Robert Dr T Dragana Drago Ilario DRAMA Dream Age Dream Beat Dream Community Dream Factory Dream Project Dream Squad Dream Team Project Dreamland Dreamland (2) Dreamscape Dreamworld Dreski Jill Drexia Drigo Gianni Drohm DROP Drumatix DS Pee DSD DSP Project Dual Sex Ducatillon Regis Ducros Valentina Due Dump Dupree Adolph DWA Records Dyer Tony Dymension Dynamic 2 Dynamic Base Dynamic Power Dynamic Work Dynamics Dynamint Dynamite P Dynamo Dynamo (2) Dynamo (3) Dynatec


D 'n' Joy
EuroDance Group



Easy (It's Very Easy) (1994)

Musical team : Graziano Fanelli & Marco Rizzi. Label : DJ Movement (DJM 125). It was licensed in Spain under Max Music.

Thanks to Dj Marto Aida



D Warren
EuroDance Group


Don't You Want (1995)



EuroDance Group



Milosc To Wiatr (1996)

1.Milosc To Wiatr, 2.Pelna Ciebie, 3.Poznaje Cie, Poznajesz Mnie, 4.Opowiedz Swoje Sny, 5.Gorzki Smak Rozstania, 6.Kazdego Dnia, 7.Nie Opre Sie, 8.Jak Lod, 9.Kazde Twoje Slowa, 10.Przyniose Ci Gwiazdy, 11.Jestem Boginia, 12.Kolysz Sie Kolysz,

Pelna Ciebie (1998)

1.Pelna Ciebie (West & Ern Remix), 2.Czas (Video Mix), 3.Holiday, 4.Piekacy Bol, 5.Marinero, 6.Be My Friend, 7.Doczekac Switu, 8.Zmokniety Deszcz, 9.Przeciez To Ja, 10.Looking For A Rainbow, 11.Czas (Na, Na, Na Mix), 12.Can't Forget, 13.Rock Me Baby,

D'Adekoya was a project of Polish records company Star Maker made around rapper Dariusz "Junior" Adekoya (aka Darek Adekoya), who also contributed to his cousin's project Del Junior. Project was formed in 1996 and produced by Jacek Kraszewski (same producer as Kaśka Myszkiewicz). Dariusz also did guest raps and songwriting on other Star Maker projects Karolina, 4 Jumps, Alphabeat, Cosmica, Star Machine and Karina Sędkowska.

D'Adekoya project featured female vocalist Joanna Świątek. They released two albums, Miłość To Wiatr in 1996 and Pełna Ciebie in 1998 (at first it was planned for 1997 under title Czas but it got delayed due to label's legal issues). Del Junior and D'Adekoya tracks were often featured on the same Star Maker compilations.

The project is believed to have been disbanded in 1999.

Thanks to Tyler

Artists and groups featuring D'Adekoya

4 Jumps - Wezmiesz Wszystko (album) (1996)



D'Arby (Terence)
EuroDance Member


Terence Allen D'Arby (also written Terrence Allen Darby) was born June 19th 1963 in New York City. Rapper of E-Rotic from 1996 to 1997, he appeared on the album The Power Of Sex. He was afterwards replaced by Ché Jouaner. Rumors say that actually he did not rap at all, he was just lip-syncing on David Brandes' voice.

He also contributed to Loc-8 Message On Air.

Artists and groups featuring D'Arby (Terence)

Loc-8 - Message On Air (1996)



D'Ubaldo (Marie-Claire)
EuroDance Group



Marie Claire (1990)

1.Highway, 2.Changing Faces, 3.The Night Is Always Right, 4.Time, 5.Burning Rivers, 6.I Can Never Believe (What You Say), 7.Going Home, 8.Nothing Left to Hide, 9.Touch,

Marie-Claire D'Ubaldo (1994)

1.The Rhythm Is Magic, 2.My Father's Eyes, 3.Falling Into You, 4.Rachel, 5.Only Human, 6.Carnival In Heaven, 7.Burning Rivers, 8.No Turning Back, 9.Alma De Barro, 10.A Woman's Love, 11.The Outside (Of The Other Side), 12.Venteveo,

Alma De Barro (1994)

1.La Magia Del Ritmo (The Rhythm Is Magic), 2.Los Ojos De Mi Padre (Volveras) (My Father's Eyes), 3.Y Caigo Un Poco Mas (Falling Into you), 4.Nocturna, 5.Heroes De Papel, 6.Hay Un Carnaval (Carnival In Heaven), 7.Tanger, 8.Voces, 9.Alma De Barro, 10.A Woman's Love, 11.Donde Estan, 12.Venteveo, 13.The Rhythm Is Magic,

Songwriting & Duets, Pt. 1 (4th Dec 2009)

1.Il segreto sta nel ritmo (duet With Lola Ponce), 2.Blue Boy (duet With Laura Critchley), 3.Sueños (duet With Gerardina Trovato), 4.Roses of Violence, 5.Lay Down Your Arms, 6.Only One World (with Federico Poggipollini), 7.Don't Suffer, 8.The Rhythm Is Magic 2010 (duet With Dr Feelx),


Time (1990)
The Rhythm Is Magic (1994)
Alma De Barro (1994)
My Father's Eyes (1994)
Il Segreto Sta Nel Ritmo (15th Jul 2009)
The Rhythm Is Magic '09 (27th Nov 2009)

Marie-Claire comes from Argentine. She released her very first album in 1990, in Japan only, under the label Teichiku. It has now become a very rare and sought after item.

In 1994 she released a solo single entitled Rhythm Is Magic. Produced by Impulse, distributed by Polydor in Italy, it was a big summer hit there, reaching #1 in Italy for 5 weeks. It was co-written by Marie-Claire herself, F. Musker and R. Darbyshire, arranged by Dance Authority and S. Perrone. It was featured on the UK compilation Remix Culture 142 and used in the soundtrack to the Italian film "Il Ciclone".

Tracklistings on CDM and vinly were differents. The best mixes (Party Time mix, Radio mix and Dance Authority mix) could be found on the vinyl.

2 albums were released the same year under Polydor. Produced by Phil Chapman, Frank Musker and Richard Darbyshire (who also did background vocals), recorded by Phil Chapman, Steve MacMillan, Norman Goodman, John Beverly Jones, Brian Malouf and Matthew Gruber, they came in 2 languages, a Spanish version called Alma de Barro, and an English version entitled Marie-Claire D'Ubaldo.

Her song Falling Into You was covered by Celine Dion. She wrote the songs Above The Cloud and Yes for Amber. She co-wrote the song I Have Always Loved You, sung by Enrique Iglesias and No Mercy.

Marie-Claire d'Ubaldo co-wrote Robert Miles' single One And One She appeared on 3 songs of Conjure One's album in 2002

Marie Claire is still living in London with her husband and child, and is said to be preparing her next solo album in collaboration with Indian musician Shrikanth Sriram.

Thanks to grof pl and Abelito
Marie-Claire d'Ubaldo album at the Muses

Artists and groups featuring D'Ubaldo (Marie-Claire)

Celine Dion - Falling Into You (1996)
Conjure One - Sleep (2002)
Miles Robert - One And One (1996)
Robie C - The Rhythm Is Magic (2016)
Rudeejay & Freaks Jam - Suenos (Dreams Can Come True) (2012)



EuroDance Group



Digital Ace (1996)

Label : Max Music. Executive producers were Miguel Degá and Ricardo Campoy. Digital Ace was produced and mixed by DJ X.Clusive, written by Gerard Requena



EuroDance Group



My Lover (1995)
Lover (1997)

My Lover was written by P. Hamel with lyrics by F. Samuelsson, the track Another Day was written by P. Hamel with lyrics by P.Hamel and T. Mihna. Both tracks were produced by F. Samuelsson, Hamel and Mihna and featured the voice of Cissi (Cecilia).

The group then changed their name to C-Sam and they made a new version of My Lover in 1997, called just Lover. The track was produced by Fredrik Samuelsson and Pål Hamel and once again featured the vocals of Cissi.

Thanks to reBeL, Gianni, and Grif



EuroDance Group



Give Me More (1994)

Label : Bell records. Members : Mani S., Knote.

Thanks to Eurodance Rage



EuroDance Group



The ABC OF Love (17th Oct 1994)

Label: Weryton



EuroDance Group



Love For You (1994)

Love For You was produced by Franco Martinelli and Sandro Barbieri. It was manufactured by Discoid Corporation and distributed by Flying Records Srl.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Member



Don't Disrespect (1999)
Friday Night Is Here (2000)

Swedish-American songwriter, rapper and entrepreneur D-Flex (real name David Seisay) was born in Helsingborg, Sweden in 1967. He is the son of a West African diplomat and journalist. His mother is a member of the Swedish nobility. Shortly after, his family moved to New Rochelle, New York where he was raised. He attended the United Nations International School in Manhattan. He did some modelling in New York, worked as personal trainer, and played as quarterback in his school, before he moved back to Sweden in 1986, where he played for Stockholm City Wildcats and for Swedish national American football team.

He began his musical career as a rapper under the name MC Stranger. He formed a hip hop act, Sure Shot Groove, and released the EP Rhymes Are Flowing in 1989

The same year, he started collaborating with Rob'n'Raz. He also co-wrote Stella Getz's single Get A Grip and Petrus' I Really Want To. He also worked with Denniz PoP and Dr Alban. Meanwhile, he was also personal trainer for many stars such as Kayo, Annika Duckmark, Michael Bindefeldt, Papa Dee, Dr Alban, Max Martin... He developed his unique Base Training Method, and his clients also included all participants during the Miss Sweden contest as well as professional players in boxing matches.

1999 : he wrote the music with Norwegian Stargate and appeared on Samantha Mumbas' single Always Come Back to Your Love. The same he started a solo carreer, releasing single Don't Disrespect

2000 : he released he second solo single Friday Night.

2001 : he featured in the TV4 fitness series Frivolt

2005 : he co-wrote the song One Step Closer To You for B-Boys International and performed with them at the semi-finals of the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest. He appeared on an episode the Swedish reality series "Bröllopsnoja", on TV4's fitness program "Forma kroppenand" and on Kanal 5's "Dolce Vita"

2006 : he was a guest trainer on TV3's "Du är vad du äter"

2008 : he collaborated with Basic Element, co-writing the song Touch You Right Now with Peter Thelenius

D-Flex is the founder and CEO of D-Flex House of Fitness, a company that provides health and wellness services

Artists and groups featuring D-Flex

Basic Element - Touch You Right Now (2009)
Rob'n'raz - Clubhopping (1992), In Command (1993), Love You Like I Do (1992), Mona Lisa (1995), Power House (1994), Take A Ride (1996), Throw Your Hands In The Air (1996)



EuroDance Group



Tell Me What You Feel (16th Oct 1996)

The CDM of Tell Me What You Feel contained 4 versions : Radio Edit, Housy Feeling Mix, Long & Fresh Mix, Crazy About Love Mix. Music was composed by Frank Muller, C. Oberlinner, A. Rude, S. Tosun (who was also rapper). Lyrics were written by Frank Muller, C. Oberlinner, A. Rude. It was produced and Published by Online Productions (Germany). Label: Dance Street/ZYX Music.

Frank Muller and Andreas Rude also contributed to the project Shine (By The Light Of Nature), which also featured Shain Tosun as rapper.

Thanks to Alex Capilé and Necronomic



EuroDance Group



Matter Of Time (1992)
Keep Me Going On (1994)
Life Love & Soul (1994)
I Want U To Want Me 2 (1996)

Keep Me Going On was a superb eurodance track produced by Walter Cremonini.

Life Love & Soul was arranged and mixed by A. Girardi and Walter Cremonini, produced by Diego Abaribi and Roberto Signorelli, written by A. Girardi, Diego Abaribi, Di Bonaventura, Roberto Signorelli and W. Cremonini. Vocals were done by Debbie French, who was not credited.

I Want U To Want Me 2 was released in 1996 and it was a house song. It featured vocals from a solo female vocalist who was probably Sandy Chambers.

Thanks to Apho and Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Lies (12th Jun 1995)

Label : Due. D-Lies featured the voice of the male vocalist Raffa (Raffaele Brescia). It was written and composed by R. Boukortt, O. Renard and J. Jordan. It was remixed in Italy in the studio Galery Studio in Pisa by G.Vivaldi, R.Salani, C. Mincardi and Volodia.

Thanks to Marian Stoica



EuroDance Group


Love Resurrection (3rd Jun 1996)

D-lux is sometimes written D'lux or D>Lux. This single was originally a song by Alison Moyet (ex-lead singer of Yazoo). It had been already covered by Cheyenne and Paul Ice. It was released under Logic Records in UK.



EuroDance Group



You're No Good (1995)

D-mention is a project of DJ Bertrand (aka B De Carey), who also stands behind Cherry Moon, DJ Oscar and Pussy. The project featured the voice of Swedish singer Sara Vahabi who also wrote the lyrics, but live performances were done by Thania Dixon. The single was produced by B De Carey and P. Henninot. The house remixes really sounded like Cappella. Label : MCA Music Entertainment S.A. Unfortunately, due to lack of promotion, the single did not reach higher that #50 in Top Dance charts.

Sara also took part to Sara Mc Lauchlan's track Angel, and to Alanis Morissette's single Thank You. Thania released 3 solo singles and was also featured on several dance singles.

Thanks to reBeL and David Nivin "Captain DJ"



EuroDance Group



Dr Beat (1995)

Dr Beat is a cover of an older song by Miami Sound Machine and Gloria Estefan. The single was produced by Groeneveld, Van Der Zwan, Voermans (who were also the team behind Chakka Boom Bang and La Casa). The executive producer is Jean-Paul De Coster. It was released in Germany under ZYX, in France under Mascotte Music and in Belgium under Byte records.

Thanks to Christian DTM Nolimits



EuroDance Group



Say U Love Me (1996)

1.Make Me Happy (Club radio mix), 2.In Yo' House ! (Boom-di-di-boom), 3.Everybody, 4.Say U Love Me (Summer Hit '96), 5.La-Di-Da (Tell Me), 6.U Cannot Cry (featuring Tina Kaselova), 7.Need Ya Body!, 8.All I Want, 9.Even If..., 10.Make Me Happy (featuring Baby aka Baeata Zamrijova) (Calerab version), 11.Recapitulation,

Uhh Le Leee (1997)

1.D-Intro, 2.Uh Le Leee, 3.Love By Night, 4.Childlude, 5.U.S.S.R., 6.Get You Yet, 7.Your Eyez, 8.Come To Me, 9.Holiday '97, 10.Why Must You Be, 11.Now I Wanna, 12.People (What 'Cha Want), 13.I Need To Feel Somebody,

Let It Go (1998)

1.Feel The Rhythm (Radio Mix), 2.I Love Rock'N Roll '98, 3.Reach, 4.Let It Go, 5.Popcorn '98, 6.Why, 7.V.I.N.Y.L., 8.My Last Hope, 9.About Family, 10.Sex With You,

P.O.U.P.A.T.K.O (1999)

1.Ciao Bambina, 2.P.O.U.P.A.T.K.O, 3.Time Is Up, 4.Dance With Me, 5.Winnetou '99, 6.City Of Light, 7.Say Yeah, 8.Found Love, 9.Feel My Desire, 10.Touch The Sky, 11.Nasty Boy, 12.Life Iz A Stage,


Make Me Happy (1996)
Say U Love Me (1996)
USSR 97 (1997)
Get You Yet (1997)
Feel The Rhythm (1998)
P.O.U.P.A.T.K.O (1999)
Ciao Bambina (1999)
Comin' Back (2002)
Tancuj V Rytme Samba (2003)

D-night are Lubomir Lina (aka Shy) Martin Hybben (aka Guy) Patrik Jopek (Pat-J) Robert Jopek (Roby). They were based in Košice.

The album Say U Love Me featured An-gel (aka Miriam Pletenikova), Tina Kaselova (on U Cannot Cry) and Baby aka Baeata Zamrijova (on Make Me Happy)

The album P.O.U.P.A.T.K.O was produced and arranged by Marcel Sustril and Milan Nagy, recorded and mixed by Studio Savido in Kosice. It featured Mista P and Da Injinair.

2002 : they were back with a new single entitled Comin' Back, featuring a new singer called Jana Jacková.

2003 : thier new single was entitled Tancuj V Rytme Samba.

Thanks to EuroBoy, Apho and Petio



EuroDance Group



World Of Illusion (1996)

World Of Illusion featured vocals by Kassandra. Written by Mario Granozio and produced by Enzo Barbieri, it featured keyboards by Fabio Rabasco. Label : CRI.BA. Records.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



I Owe You Nothing (24th Mar 1995)
Tell My Why (11th Dec 1995)

D-Phase is a project built around the voice of the female vocalist Darija. I Owe You Nothing was produced by Oliver Voigt and Nico Dee. Tell Me Why was released by EAMS/Metrovinyl, written and produced by Nico Dee and Stan Kempinski.

Thanks to MelodyMan



EuroDance Member



I Can't Believe It's Over (1991)
Who Manna Make (2003)

Rapper for the group 2 Brothers on the 4th floor. His real name is René Phillips and he was born in Aruba on January, 17th 1970.

He left Aruba at the age of 6 to emigrate to the Netherlands. He lives nowadays in Amsterdam but he used to live in Utrecht (the home town of the real Brothers; Martin and Bobby Boer). He spent his early teenage years in Dayton, Ohio and returned to Holland at the age 18 to pursue a career in music.

He started under the name of CMC, as rapper for the group Master Rockers, later renamed Mellow MCs, in collaboration with a friend, Benny Ferrier (aka Mighty B) in 1989. René met a lot of artists, among which the rappers of the group 24K, who were searching for a guest rapper for their 2nd album Words... Yet Unspoken. The album featuring René as CMC was released in 1992 under the label DJAX. The same year, René could be heard on King Bee's album Royal Jelly (with Pryme and Allstar Fresh aka Guan Elmzoon), and of course the mini album Working Undercover released by the Mellow MC's.

Then he ran into his future producers. With them he recorded and released a solo single called I Can't Believe It's Over, unfortunately for him the single didn't do that well. Raps would be later reused on an eponymous track on 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor's first album. He should have been the rapper on Can't Help Myself et Turn Da Music Up too, but at that time he was tied by a contract in another records company... For the 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor's third single, he joined the project along with the female vocalist Des'ray. This was the beginning of a succesful story which led to 10 top 10 singles...

In 1993 he met Brian Busby and together in 1995 they created the label CMC Records, (under which were released debut singles of E-life, Postman and Two Outta Milions) in collaboration with Soul Relations, one of the most active black music label in the Netherlands. During 2 years, D-rock also presented the TMF TV show The Pitch together with the rapper Glaze. The show presented every week the best national and international hip-hop artists. After the show's last season, Glaze and René joined the station New Dance Radio. There, together with DJ Mass, they presented a weekly radio hip-hop show called Tha Bomb.

René's love for music also goes out to Hip Hop (Rap) an R&B music. He is the biggest fan of Janet Jackson and hopes to meet her once.

In 2000, René and Brian signed a partnership contract with Edel Records and moved their studios to Hilversum. They oriented their activity to new talents discovery. For instance Keeyel who scored a hit with the single Geef Me Dat Ding

2003 : D-Rock released a hip-hop single named Who Wanna Make (Chi Ching) under the artist name of Mr. Philips feat. Masta. The single entered the Yorin Pepsi Chart, the Mega top 100, and the box top 50. After these release the mini album The Bootleg EP was released in September 2003, produced by Big Dawg. The vinyl contained 6 strong clubtracks, with guest performances of Richmen Inc., Laquatal, Masta and the singer Karima Lemghari. Meanwhile, he spent 2 years working for Funx radio.

2004 : René reoriented his activities to new artists production. In association with Bas & Joel, he scored a top 20 hit with the single Too Dangerous! He started working for The Box TV, the collaboration ended in 2005.

2006 : D-rock deejays every Saturday night on FunX Amsterdam Club, and on Monday nights from 21:30 in the urban lifestyle program ULS op the Box. In January and May, he appeared on stage with Des'ray to sing the 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor's greatest hits.

2007 : he collaborated with the house project Soul Migrantz on the track Calling Chicago.

2008 : in November, another result of his collaboration with Soul Migrantz was the track Socialize

2010 : though he is still the official rapper of 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor, he is also a member of group Sweetcoffee. They released their second single U-turn from the album Face 2 Face in 2010. He currently lives in Antwerp, Belgium.

2012 : D-Rock was featured by James Stefano on a cover of Eurythmics hit Sweet Dreams.

2024 : D-Rock revealed that he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease as 38 years old only, and that he had been living with the disease for more than 15 years

2 Brothers on The 4th Floor Official Site in Veronica
2 Brothers at NDG
Dance Artist Infos
D-rock at Busby Media
Rene Phillips on Facebook
Thanks to Tavi Meran, Klems

Artists and groups featuring D-Rock

2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Christmas Time (1996), Come Take My Hand (1995), Dreams (1994), Fairytales (1996), Fly (Through The Starry Night) (1995), Let Me Be Free (1994), Mirror of Love (1996), Never Alone (1993), One Day (1997), There's A Key (1996)
James Stefano - Sweet Dreams 2012 (2012)
Sucker DJ's - Movin' On Down (2007)
Sweet Coffee - U-Turn (2010)



EuroDance Group



Time To Dance ()
Let Me Hear The Music (5th Mar 1994)
Got To Give It Up (2nd Oct 1994)
Love Me Forever (11th May 1995)
Time (29th Sep 1996)
Mystical Way (21st Apr 1997)
Fly To The Sun (16th Sep 1998)
Tell Me (21st Sep 1999)
Show Stopper (13th Mar 2008)
Damaged (6th May 2008)

This project is produced by SAIFAM Publishing Group. All the singles were recorded at Union studios in Verona, released under Union records. It was December 1993 when DJ Maxim met Italian dance music producer Mauro Pagany and they decided to collaborate on a new dance project. The idea developped in Union Records Studios, where they joined composer, arranger and producer Roberto Arduini.

Let Me Hear The Music, the first single, featured the vocals of Janette Sewell. It was produced by Pagany and Roby Arduini.Next single Got To Give It Up probably featured vocals by Lorenza Johnson.

In 1995 came Love Me Forever (Dam Dam). It was co-produced by Roby Arduini and Alessandro Giola. The vocals were done by Colette. The Cd contains a Cut mix, an Union Mix, a Dam-apella mix and an original mix.

It was followed by Time, which was produced and mixed by Roby Arduini, recorded and arranged by Alessandro Giola, P. Zollo and A. Puntillo. Once again the vocal parts were sung by Colette.

Mystical Way was produced in 1997 by Max Persona & Roby Arduini. The lyrics and music were written by M. Persona and L. Carpella. It was arranged, mixed and recorded by Max Persona and Lorenza De Preti. It featured the voice of Emma James who also took part to the writing of the lyrics. The CD contained a Main Room Mix, an Instinctive Mix, an Instrumental Instinctive Mix and a 1st Mix.

Then came Fly To The Sun, with no doubt the most well-know track from this project. It was produced and mixed by Roby Arduini, Alex Giola and Carlo Saoncelli, composed and written by Alex Giola, Roby Arduini and Antonio Puntillo. The mixes contained on the disc were an Instinctive Mix, and Original Mix and a Skyscrapers Mix.

Tell Me was produced by Mauro Farina, Roby Arduini and Antonio Puntillo. The CD included a Club Mix, Full Vocal Mix, a Def-In-Mix and an Edit Mix.

2008 : 2 tracks were recorded and digitally released : Damaged ans Show Stopper, more RnB than eurodance unfortunately.

Thanks to Klems and Andrew-FK



EuroDance Member


D-tok was rapper for the German eurodance projects Hit The Floor (he appeared on Love Generator) and Major T (on I Can Only Give You My Heart). On both singles, he was featured along with the vocalist Shelina.

Thanks to Necronomic.

Artists and groups featuring D-Tok

Hit The Floor - Love Generator (1994)
Major T - I Can Only Give You My Heart (1994)



EuroDance Group



Spinning Around (1994)

The single Spinning Around, an excellent eurodance track featuring a female vocalist and a rapper, was mixed and recorded by Guido and Two Boys, producer, composed and arranged by Two Boys, written by Greg Johnson, Pascal Blach and Samy Deep. Executive Producer : Boys Production. Label : ARS.



Dance Group



On Cue (29th Apr 2009)

1.On Cue, 2.Candy Lady, 3.Another Chance, 4.Keep Da Base, 5.Sunshine, 6.High & Low, 7.Memories, 8.Take This Out, 9.Rock This Place, 10.Dangerous Stranger, 11.Trust, 12.Real Love, 13.The Power, 14.Omen 3, 15.The Touch, 16.True Lies, 17.Try Me, 18.Candy Lady (BaseTime Remix),

Kinetic (Jul 2017)

1.Kinetic, 2.Bloom Box, 3.Warriors, 4.Route 90, 5.Side Effect, 6.Audiofever, 7.Make It Up, 8.Discovery, 9.High Stake, 10.Rise & Flow, 11.Keep Da Base Reloaded, 12.Grandwah, 13.Never Again, 14.That One!, 15.Propeller, 16.Dusk, 17.Rock It, 18.Voltage, 19.Hyper, 20.FadeOut,


Phantom (4th May 2017)
Handz Up! (7th Apr 2020)
Drone (21st Aug 2020)
Call Me In The Night (18th Aug 2021)


Phantom (2020)

D-Tune started in 2004 as the initiative of two producers from Poland - NexT and PrH (firstly announced as J'Leed). J'Leed's name was passed later for a new crew member and PrH became to cooperate in the background as a ghost producer.

It is difficult to assign the D-Tune music to any certain genre - it contains different pieces from eurodance, hands-up, trance, techno and electro house.

The most recognizable tracks were Memories (2004), Dangerous Stranger (2004), Candy Lady (2004), Milkshake (2004) and Push It (2004)

As a mutual work of Simple G, Mr Melody, Sylvia, Trishee and Cassi Luv, the first album On Cue got finished around 2009. Second D-Tune album Kinetic was an experiment around EDM style, released in 2017.

Around 2018 it was decided that D-Tune needs to go back to its roots. With the "keep the music alive" quote in mind, D-Tune tries to give a new energy to old and forgotten songs, like Lorelei - My Secret Flower or Phase One - One More Night.

Together with many new eurodance remixes, few songs were written and in 2020, a new music video was shot for the Phantom track.

D-Tune don't have fixed members anymore, but with NexT and PrH leading the project, it features cooperations with different artists like BaseTime, Cassi Luv, Robbers, Piter Grey and Atti Master.



EuroDance Group



Radio Night ()
Show Me The Way (1997)

It is not well-established wether the rapper is D-vice, the one who contributed to Bass Expanders and Basscut, or not. Vocals were done by Claudia Half and Kris Zedi. Single was written by Frank W. Montag and Kris Zedi, released under Nasty Notes Music Recording & Mastering as a limited edition (400 copies)

Thanks to David Nivin "Captain DJ" and Gianni



EuroDance Group



Take Your Time (30th Aug 1994)

This German project features the rapper Tajal and the female vocalist Sarah Goldblum. The single, produced by Axel de Ham and Tina Henninger, co-produced by Gunar Bärti, was released under Dance Pool label (Sony Music). It contained 3 different mixes of Take Your Time and a B-side called Transformer.

Thanks to Necronomic



EuroDance Group



Wild Wild West (1994)

The name of this project is probably pronounced as D-Force. D4S contains of the following people: TK, Strobe, Fred & Topaz. The track was written by Fredrik Mårdh with lyrics by Andrew Gonzalez and arranged by Tomas Karlsson.

Thanks to reBeL



Da Blitz
EuroDance Group



Euromanic Trance (1996)

1.Movin' On (Power mix), 2.Take Me Back (The mystic cut), 3.Let Me Be (remix), 4.Take My Way (DJ Gabry Ponte verison), 5.Stay With Me (Club mix), 6.I Believe (Happy Core Mix), 7.Movin' On (radio cut), 8.Da Blitz Non Stop Mix,

Da Best Of Da Blitz (Jun 2007)

1.Let Me Be (Original Mix), 2.Take Me Back (Classic Cut), 3.Movin' On (Radio Cut), 4.Stay With Me (Radio Mix), 5.Take My Way (Dj Gabry Ponte Mix), 6.The Light Of Love (Dance Pop Mix), 7.To Live Forever (Club Radio Mix), 8.Love & Devotion (Club Radio Mix), 9.Let Me Be (Bliss Team Remix), 10.Movin' On (Puerto Rico Remix), 11.Stay With Me (Heaven Piano Mix), 12.I Believe (Dj Gabry Ponte Classic Mix),


Let Me Be (25th Feb 1994)
Stay With Me (24th Apr 1994)
Take My Way (20th Jul 1994)
Movin' On (10th Apr 1995)
Take Me Back (23rd Oct 1995)
I Believe (19th Mar 1996)
The Light Of Love (20th Jan 1997)
To Live Forever (19th Mar 1997)
Love & Devotion (11th May 1998)


Let Me Be (1994)
Movin' On (1995)
To Live Forever (1997)

Da Blitz was founded by producers Massimo Gabutti and Luciano Zucchet, along with Domenico Capuano, keyboardist and songwriter Simone Pastore and DJ remixer Gabry Ponte and leadsinger Viviana Presutti. Records company was Bliss Corporation. According to legend, project name was chosen by Massimo Gabutti.

Viviana auditioned at Bliss Co. She was asked to sing People Have The Power (other BlissCo project Bliss Team had just scored a hit with this cover), then a song by Whitney Houston. According to an interview given to WebDJs, Let Me Be vocal parts were created from a part of this Whitney Houston song.

First single Let Me Be was released in February 1994 and success was massive : it sold more than 35,000 copies in Italy where the song reached #1 not only on radio playlists, but also on the sales charts. This song became successful due to its incredible eurodance keyboard hook, combined with a hot male rap written (and probably performed) by Jeffrey Jey (Gianfranco Randone) and very melodic female vocals at 134 BPM. It was licensed around the world and reached # 1 Israel Dance Chart.

Next single Take My Way came out in Summer 1994. Lyrics were written mostly by Viviana, raps by Jeffrey Jey. It peaked at #2 on the Italian sales chart and sold 26,000 copies in Italy with its extremely melodic vocals, Jeffrey Jey raps, and 135 BPM Euro-NRG sound similar to Let Me Be. It was licensed to 10 European countries. In Autumn 1994, Stay With Me reached the #1 position in the Italian pop charts, it was a huge radio success and club hit for 6 months (which is a record on the Italian dance scene) and was released throughout Europe.

During Summer 1995, Movin' On was released. Song had been written one year before, and had already been performed in its original version during some shows in 94. Th version released as a single represented a change in sound for the group, introducing a faster beat (148 BPM) and progressive trance elements. It reached #5 in the Italian sales charts and became a success in Spain, France, Austria and Costa Rica, where Da Blitz performed for over 20,000 people. Song was covered by DJ Seven & Sara. Next single Take Me Back came ou in October, it reached #5 in the Italian sales charts and entered the Eurochart Hot 100 with its dark and mysterious Progressive-NRG sound at 149 BPM. A slightly slower (143 BPM) version very similar in style to Bliss Team's You Make Me Cry was also available.

Da Blitz described themselves as a 'live' group with real singers who perform 'live' rather than singing over top of an instrumental backing track. This is what makes their concerts so enjoyable. They appeared in Italy for more than 120 live gigs, in Spain for many concerts thanks to the 40 most important radio stations in Spain, in France where they performed at Disco Elysée (Paris) in Austria, in Slovenja, in Sweden, in Portugal, and in Puerto Rico.

Fans had to wait until March 1996 to discover next single. I Believe became the group's 6th Italian Top 10 hit when it reached #6 on radio playlists, establishing Da Blitz as one of Italy's most successful dance groups with six hits in only two years. A very confidential album entitled Euromanic Trance was released in Japan only, it is nowadays almost impossible to find.

To Live Forever was out in January 1997. Influenced by the 'Progressive Sound' that was so popular in Turin (Da Blitz's hometown) at that time, this was a mostly instrumental track which took everybody by surprise, for its experimental sounds, unconventional use of the voice, demonstrating again that Da Blitz was one of the most talented and innovative band on the dance music scene. Then came The Light Of Love in June. Viviana left BlissCo in November.

March 1998 - Love & Devotion was their 9th single, with new a flavor in style and in group components. Simon Pastore was assisted by junior producer Alex T and new singer was Sharon May Linn.

2004 : Viviana and Simone joined again in 2004 to create DB Reloaded.

M's Music Paradise
Bliss corporation
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to DJ Marto Aida



Da Buzz
EuroDance Group



Da Sound (2000)

1.Let Me Love You, 2.Do You Want Me, 3.Give You All My Love, 4.Your Love Will (Shine On Me), 5.Paradise, 6.Tell Me Once Again, 7.Believe In Love, 8.Love & Devotion, 9.I Wanna Be Free, 10.I'm Alright, 11.Out Of Words,

Wanna Be With Me (2002)

1.Wanna Be With Me, 2.In Your Dreams, 3.Wonder Where You Are, 4.Stronger Than Words Can Say, 5.Sorry Baby, 6.This Night I'm In Love, 7.Together As One, 8.Let The Music Heal You, 9.Keep On lovin' Me, 10.Key To My Heart, 11.I Go Crazy,

More Than Alive (May 2003)

1.Alive, 2.Tonight Is The Night, 3.Wanna Love You Forever, 4.Can You Feel The Same Way Too, 5.Cause I Need Your Love, 6.Stop, Look, Listen, 7.Heaven, 8.I'll Give You All The Love, 9.You And I, 10.Fantasy, 11.Don't Ever Say Goodbye, 12.Wonder Where You Are (remix),

Dangerous - The Album (5th May 2005)

1.Dangerous, 2.How Could You Leave Me, 3.Come Away With Me, 4.Waiting For Me, 5.Stay Forever Young, 6.Lost Without You, 7.Set My Heart On Fire, 8.I Love You, 9.Stuck, 10.I've Been Waiting For Someone Like, 11.Can't Give Up For Love, 12.Magic In The Air,

Alive and Dangerous New Release (2006)

1.Alive, 2.Dangerous, 3.How Could You Leave Me, 4.Tonight (Is The Night), 5.Set My Heart On Fire (U.S. Version), 6.Waiting For Me, 7.Wanna Love You Forever, 8.Heaven, 9.I'll Give You All The Love, 10.You And I, 11.Lost Without You, 12.Stay Forever Young, 13.Come Away With Me, 14.Don't Ever Say Goodbye, 15.How Could You Leave Me (U.S. Version), 16.Alive (U.S. Version), 17.Dangerous (U.S. Version),

Last Goodbye (15th Mar 2006)

1.Last Goodbye, 2.World For 2, 3.Soon My Heart, 4.Give Me Your Hand, 5.Tell Me No Lies, 6.Without Breaking, 7.Life Is Good, 8.Together We Got The Power, 9.The Echo, 10.Live My Life Without You, 11.Here I Am, 12.Last Goodbye (Remix),

Greatest Hits (21st Nov 2007)

1.Take all my love, 2.Dangerous, 3.Do You Want Me, 4.Tonight Is The Night, 5.Wonder Where You Are, 6.Without Breaking, 7.Last Goodbye, 8.Wanna Be With Me, 9.How Could You Leave Me, 10.Paradise, 11.Let Me Love You, 12.Baby Listen To Me, 13.Take A Chance, 14.Don't You Ever Leave Me, 15.Da Buzz Club Mix,

Wanna See You Dance With Me (13th Aug 2021)

1.Wanna See You Dance With Me, 2.Slow It Down, 3.Waiting For Your Love, 4.Put Your Lovin' On Me, 5.The Moment I Found You (Anton Liss remix), 6.Here Comes The Rain Again, 7.Touch My Soul, 8.Run For The Light, 9.Where My Heart Lies, 10.Still Miss You, 11.Wonder Where You Are (Anton Ishutin remix), 12.Bring Back The Summer (Stereotype radio edit),

My Life (15th Sep 2023)

1.My Life, 2.Unbreak Me, 3.Losing My Mind, 4.I Can't Help Falling For Your Love, 5.We Go La La La, 6.Lost Without You, 7.Our Love, 8.I Do, 9.Satellite, 10.By Your Side, 11.My Life (C&N Summer mix), 12.Unbreak Me (C&N Summer mix),


Paradise (Dec 1999)
Do You Want Me (Jun 2000)
Let Me Love You (Oct 2000)
Believe In Love (Mar 2001)
Wanna Be With Me (2nd Feb 2002)
Wonder Where You Are (27th May 2002)
Stronger Than Words Can Say (Jan 2003)
Tonight (Is The Night) (Aug 2003)
Alive (31st Dec 2003)
Dangerous (Apr 2004)
How Could You Leave Me (Jul 2004)
Last Goodbye (22nd Feb 2006)
Without Breaking (5th May 2006)
Soon My Heart (Jan 2007)
Take All My Love (7th Jun 2007)
Baby Listen To Me (17th Jul 2007)
U Gotta Dance (14th Jun 2010)
Got This Feeling (21st May 2012)
Tomorrow (9th Nov 2012)
Can You Feel the Love (5th Feb 2014)
The Moment I Found You (26th May 2014)
Bring Back The Summer (22nd Sep 2014)
The Uncovered EP (20th Apr 2015)
Wonder Where You Are 2015 edition (15th Jun 2015)
Something About You (19th Feb 2016)
Where My Heart Lies (22nd Jun 2018)
Touch My Soul (21st Jun 2019)
Love Like This (13th Sep 2019)
True Colors (1st Nov 2019)
Show You Love (17th Jan 2020)
Hard To Love (21st Feb 2020)
Run For The Light (1st May 2020)
All I Want Is You (24th Jul 2020)
Feel Your Love (25th Sep 2020)
Waiting For Your Love (29th Jan 2021)
Tell Me Why (23rd Apr 2021)
Here Comes The Rain Again (28th May 2021)
Slow It Down (2nd Jul 2021)
Wanna See You Dance With Me (27th Aug 2021)
I Can't Help Falling For You Love (28th Apr 2023)
Lost Without You (16th Jun 2023)
My Life (25th Aug 2023)
Unbreak Me (26th Jan 2024)
We Go La La La (8th Mar 2024)
Only Love Can Save Us (17th May 2024)
Summer Vibrations (21st Jun 2024)
You&Me (Baby) (23rd Aug 2024)


Tonight (Is The Night) (2003)
The Moment (Remix Collection) (9th Oct 2015)
Where My Heart Lies (17th Aug 2018)
Deep Remixes (28th Dec 2018)
True Colors (22nd Nov 2019)
Show You Love (Soundfactory remixes) (31st Jan 2020)
Hard To Love (6th Mar 2020)
Here Comes The Rain Again (11th Jun 2021)
Slow It Down (19th Jul 2021)
Wanna See You Dance With Me (3rd Sep 2021)
Lost Without You (C&N Project Summer Mix) (30th Jun 2023)
My Life (13th Oct 2023)
Unbreak Me (16th Feb 2024)
We Go La La La (Listen Again Remixes) (22nd Mar 2024)
Alive (12th Apr 2024)
You&Me (Baby) (6th Sep 2024)
You&Me (Baby) (Remixes) (4th Oct 2024)

In 1998, while working on different projects, Pier Schmid and Per Lidénin met in a studio by coincidence. At that time, Per was a member of eurodance project Freebee. Despite totally opposite musical backgrounds and tastes (Pier is into Jazz, Soul and Funk, while Per worships Heavy Metal and Dance), the two musicians hit it off well and were very inspired by each other’s musical interests. Eager to learn from each other, Pier and Per collaborated by writing songs together. They wanted to create "songs and sounds" that were unique. In that creative process, they needed a female vocal. Annika was spotted while playing in a local band in their home city Karlstad, Sweden. Pier and Per were so impressed by Annika's voice : "She is the vital missing part to our concoction, we are thrilled to have her on board !" Per exclaimed.

As the group worked and experimented further, they began playing as a band in public venues. Very quickly, they generated a buzz in the local circles, and interest on them as a band was fast building up. "We had generated considerable external interest as a band, and everybody was telling us we were creating "the buzz". So, we decided to call ourselves Da Buzz. It is a great name ! We love it !" Annika explained.

They signed to Edel records, and their first single Do You Want Me achieved gold in July, than platinum in October, in Sweden. It scored Top 10 positions in Norway, and Top 20 positions in Denmark and Belgium. Da Buzz took on the next challenge as an International artist.

They released their much anticipated follow-up single Let Me Love You (in Sweden) in October 2000. With stomping remixes from the US (Hex Hector) and UK, and a high budget video (by the famed Solar Films), Let Me Love You burst into the Swedish Top 10, on both the sales and airplay charts, proving Da Buzz’s consistency and staying power in the charts. On December 2000, the single was certified gold in Sweden.

Hot on the trails of 2 very successful singles, Da Buzz’s released debut album Da Sound in Sweden and Norway in late October 2000, capturing instant top 20 positions on the respective official album charts. It finally sold gold in Sweden in 2001

2002 : Da Buzz released their second album Wanna Be With Me, followed by a single with the same title. "It feels like we found our style", Per says. "And the new album is going to be a bit tougher. But it still has that uplifting melodious sound". The next single Wonder Where You Are will be realesed in both Sweden and Norway May 27th.

2003 : they released a new single called Alive. The CD single included 4 versions of the song, plus a bonus track called Stop Look Listen. It reached #1 in the Official Swedish Toplist and #10 in the MTV Europe Nordic Chart. Stop Look Listen was the track with which they participated in Melodifestivalen 2003, but they were not selected for Eurovision.

2004 : Da Buzz released a new single called Dangerous. It entered the Swedish SR P3 track list at position #16.

2005 : Per Lidén has started his rock-project Renegade Five.

2006 : Da Buzz completed their new album. It was released on the 15th of March in Sweden. Their new single was called Last Goodbye.

June : they recorded new versions or their songs for the US market. The first singles were at first thought to be How Could You Leave Me and Set My Heart On Fire... But apparently it could rather be Alive, since a promo single was released at mid-June. A brand new single will be out in Scandinavia in October, then will come a new album in March 2007... Their won't be any tour in Sweden this summer, but a winter club tour...

2007 : the new single Soon My Heart entered the Swedish charts at #51 in the end of January. The new album initially planned for March was postponed. Then came Take All My Love in June. They finally released the follow-up single Baby Listen To Me on the 5th of September

2009 : on their official website, they announced that they were "currently taking a break and we would like to thank all our fans for your wonderful support during the years. We will be back in the future but we don't know when yet. Thank you". Per's rock group released their debut album Undergrounded Universe which had a lot of success (#8 + Grammys nomination as Best Hard Rock), with a bunch of singles (Save my Soul, Darkest Age, Running in your Veins, Love Will Remain, Shadows) with hard rock sound but the same catchy lovely tunes which you can expect from Swedish songwriters (you could listen Seven Days originally on Helena Paparizou's album before). Band has already started to record their second album with Roberto Laghi (producer of In Flames)

2010 : Pier Schmid founded also a rock band (with Tobias Östlund doing vocals) called Broken Door. Single Angel was released in April and reached #29 in official chart and stayed a while in iTunes chart too. The band also planed another single : Sunday Morning as international release.

In June, Da Buzz announced that they were back with a new single entitled U Gotta Dance. Pier was still out of the project, because he was busy with his rock band. U Gotta Dance was not a very big hit, so at the end of the year, they released a remixed version. Swedish TV channel TV4 used it as the theme song for this year's series of their show Let's Dance.

2011 : in June, one of the Karlstad transit buses was named after the group

2012 : Da Buzz released 2 singles : Got This Feeling in May, and Tomorrow in October.

2014 : Da Buzz's new single was entitled Can You Feel the Love. End of May, their next single The Moment I Found You was released.

2019 : they released a new single entitled Touch My Soul.

2020 : they published the song Show You Love (a collaboration with Anton Ishutin)

2021 : they dropped 3 new singles : Waiting For Your Love, Tell Me Why, and Here Comes The Rain Again. Afterwards, they released their first sutdio album after 16 years : Wanna See You Dance With Me

2023 : Da Buzz released a new single : I Can't Help Falling For You Love

Da Buzz Official website
Thank to Denis "DJ Hooligan", Mikoo, Tavi Meran and Eric-X

Artists and groups featuring Da Buzz

A-mase - Wanna Love You Forever (2020)



Da Chiarelli Enrico
EuroDance Member


The composer and rapper Enrico da Chiarelli took part to many eurodance projects


Unlimited Nation - Move Your Body
Night Foundation - I Wanna Be Your Beat
FUN Unlimited Nation - Girls We Want More Girls
Happy Project - Time, U Should Be Dancin'

Thank to Necronomic

Artists and groups featuring Da Chiarelli Enrico

Happy Project - U Should Be Dancin' (1996)
Unlimited Nation - Girls We Want More Girls (1995)



Da Choice
EuroDance Group



Make That Move (24th Jun 1994)

The single was composed by Erik de Koning, Ben Franswa, Van Overbeek, Pernet, Zeno and Lisette Schoenmaker (maybe also the vocalist ?), and written by Schoenmaker, Van Overbeek and Zevenbergen. It included among others an Extended mix, a Club mix and a Mellow mix.

It was published by XSV-Songs/Reyes Music/Warner Basart, released in Belgium under XSV Music, in Germany under Intercord, under DFC in Italy. It was featured on several compilaitons, including 1994 Hit Mix, Mega Dance 3 and Dance Mission Vol. 7.

Thanks to Hickermann



Da Costa (Liza)
EuroDance Member



Banana Coco (29th May 2000)

Female vocalist for Captain Jack till 1999.

Liza Da Costa was born in Portugal in 26th of March 1968. Her mother is Portugese while her father was born in India, however they have moved to Germany when she was a child. When she was 12, she started to sing. She had in her repertoire songs by Whitney Houston. Her friend has a recording studio where the music for TV movies is being produced. She was a part of female jazz group.

In 1994 she took part to the project Security, along with Jackie and Tina Harris.

Now that she left the Captain Jack project, she started a solo carreer and released her first single, Banana Coco, during the summer 2000.

Liza was featured by the project Future Breeze Ocean Of Eternity in 2002. She also appears on the video.

2005 : Liza and her band Hotel Bossanova self-released their first (mini) album Ao Vivo.

2009 : in February, she released a new album entitled Supresa with her band Hotel Bossanova under the label Homefamily Records.

2013 : Na Meia Luz was the title of the new Hotel Bossa Nova album.

2021 : Hotel Bossa Nova new album was entitled Cruzamento.

Thanks to Iván Canals Arranz, Nico and Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin for the latest informations

Artists and groups featuring Da Costa (Liza)

Captain Jack - Another One Bites The Dust (1996), Captain Jack (1995), Drill Instructor (1996), Holiday (1997), Little Boy (1996), Operation Dance (album) (1997), Soldier Soldier (1996), The Mission (album) (1996), Together And Forever (1997)
Future Breeze - Ocean Of Eternity (2002)
Hotel Bossa Nova - Ao Vivo (album) (2005), Bossanomia (album) (2011), Cruzamento (album) (2021), Levantar (2023), Little Fish (album) (2017), Na Meia Luz (album) (2013), Supresa (album) (2009)
M - Running (The Future Is Now!) (1995)
Paradise - Do I Do (What I Do For Love) (1994)
Security - I Can Make You Dance (1994)



Da Krown
EuroDance Group



Rhythm Of The Night (1995)

This cover of Corona's hit was included on compilation Euro Dance Hits 1 (Strange World Entertainment, E-SA Records)



Da Pampa
EuroDance Group


Call It (1995)
Tell Me (Jun 1996)

Call It was featured on the compilation DJ Hits,98 vol.6. 2 versions of Tell Me appeared on Promo Compilation Vol. IV of label Dance Master Records.

Thanks to Gianni



Da Smooth Baron MC
EuroDance Member


Let's Kick It Off (1991)

Also known as Peter Baburek, he was the first rapper to take part to 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor. Then he contributed to Chakka Boom Bang's single Tossin' and Turnin'.

In 1993 he released 2 singles with a project called Speakerblow, entitled Can't Fight The Rhythm (a remixes CD was also released) and Get This Party Slammin'. An album was also recorded.

He released a solo single entitled Let's Kick It Off.

Thanks to Alex Laba "Energy" and Necronomic

Artists and groups featuring Da Smooth Baron MC

2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Can't Help Myself (1991), Turn Da Music Up (1991)
Buka - I Know The Feeling (1994)
Chakka Boom Bang - Tossin' And Turnin' (edition one) (1995), Tossin' And Turnin' (edition two) (1995), Tossin' And Turnin' (1994)
Dance Dept - Be Free (1995)
Emeralds - Mid-Nite Affair (2006)
Speakerblow - Can't Fight The Rhythm (1993)
Systems In Blue - Dr No (2010)



Da Tune
EuroDance Group



Late In The Night (1995)

This euro project featured a female vocalist. Probably no relationship with the project Da Tune which released the track Control in 2001.

Thanks to Ninja and Alex Capilé



Da Vi Sa
EuroDance Group



Gimme Your Body (1996)

Da.Vi.Sa was a Swiss project featuring vocalists Loriana Sertoni and Nadia D'Agati. Project name was made of the first letters of the producers and songwriters' first names : Danilo Giancane, Salvatore Becca and Vito Bonavoglia. Gimme Your Body was released in 1996 under DVS Records. No relationship with Italian project Dav Isa.

Thanks to Gianni



Dabliu Effe
EuroDance Group



I Wanna Feel The Music (1995)

Dabliu Effe was a project built around Wanda Fisher (Dabliu Effe = W.F.). I Wanna Feel The Music (a song inspired from Public Art) was recorded and mixed at Bips Studio, produced by Enzo Carbone, arranged by Mc Maw and Paradise. Label: Discomagic Records



Dad Jeans
EuroDance Group



Naked Dreams (1995)
Across These Mountains (1996)

Label : Fresh music. The single Across These Mountains was composed, written and arranged by Dean Montenegro and Drag Jako, producer by Patrick Brunner. The track Voices on Film was "dedicated to nature, and also to all human beings and animals who did not die a natural death".

The whole team also contributed to the project Naked Dreams

2008 : Dean Montenegro, along with and Dave Macleod, formed the duo Spacetrain. They are based in Zurich (Switzerland). They compose songs for various artists, as well as melodies for TV ads (for instance, for Zurich Help Point, Swisscom or the Deutsche Post).

Dean Montenegro married Daniela Baumann and is still active as composer and producer.

Thanks to Web DJs



Daddy DJ
EuroTrance Group



Let Your Body Talk (2001)

1.Daddy DJ, 2.Where Are You, 3.Over You, 4.Let Your Body Talk, 5.Little Baby Girl, 6.U See, 7.In My Dreams, 8.The Girl In Red, 9.Louder, 10.Nightmares, 11.Daddy DJ (J & B trance club mix), 11.Daddy DJ (J & B trance club mix), 12.The Girl In Red (Chico & Tonio feat J & B club mix), 13.Daddy DJ (Mr Manu Underground Mix),

Folder (10th Dec 2012)

1.In the Mirror, 2.That's the Way Life Goes, 3.Crying, 4.In My Head, 5.Funk You, 6.Rock Machine, 7.Free Your Mind, 8.Take Me Somewhere, 9.Perfect Day, 10.Everyday, 11.We'll Never Stop, 12.Nothing But Love, 13.Perfect Day (HiLo Extended Mix), 14.Perfect Day (G-Box Extended Mix),

Folder (Deluxe Version) (23rd Feb 2015)

1.In The Mirror, 2.That's The Way Life Goes, 3.Crying, 4.Crying (HiLo mix), 5.Crying (Vincent Esteve extended club remix), 6.In My Head, 7.Funk You, 8.Funk You (Nox Nox extended remix), 9.Rock Machine, 10.Free Your Mind, 11.Free Your Mind (Michael Buyens low glow edit), 12.Free Your Mind (Krusty Proders remix), 13.Take Me Somewhere, 14.Perfect Day, 15.Perfect Day (french radio edit), 16.Perfect Day (Hilo extended mix), 17.Perfect Day (G Box extended mix), 18.Perfect Day (Pax 80s mix), 19.Perfect Day (Silveross & K remix), 20.Everyday (Hilo extended remix), 21.Everyday, 22.Everyday (Ange Siddhar remix), 23.Everyday (Pardon My Noize remix), 24.We'll Never Stop, 25.Nothing But Love,


Daddy DJ (2000)
The Girl In Red (2001)
Over You (2001)
Crying (13th May 2013)
In My Head (26th Aug 2013)
Funk You (9th Dec 2013)
Free Your Mind (19th May 2014)
Issues (10th Mar 2023)
Sail On By (1st Sep 2023)


Issues (ElmyX Remix) (2nd Jun 2023)

Daddy DJ is a French dance project created in 2000 by David Le Roy, Jean-Christophe Belval and Charly Merkiled.

David, the vocalist, was born in New Caledonia. After 13 years of classical and jazz piano, he went wild over electronic music. He left Nouméa and came to Paris at the age of 21, after a year of work on productions and remixes of South Pacific artists, and entered the ESRA, a sound engineer school in Paris. As for Jean-Christophe, the keyboardist, he is native from Calais. He discovered electronic music and bought his first synth at the age of 15, after many years of classical piano lessons. After an experience in recording studios, he started producing and remixing (Gigi d'Agostino, Blondie, Dead or Alive, ...). He began to work as a teacher at the ESRA, where he met David. The teacher and the pupil decided to start working together : they listened to each other's productions and finally composed their first track in common in one night. Charly, the DJ and third member of the project, was born in Martinique. He started hosting a radio show on his school local radio at the age of 14, that's how he had his first contact with turntables as a DJ. His first influences were soul, funk and rap. At the beginning of the 90's, the discovery of techno pushed him to released a EP (Black Power EP) under the independent label RadiKal Groov Records. Thereafter, he remixed a single from Gigi d'Agostino for France. The team has also remixed XX's Give It Up, Edsilia's The Second Floor.(under the name of J&B), Blondie, Tom Jones...

Their first single Daddy DJ, released in December 2000, was a huge hit in France. It remained # 2 in the charts for 6 months. 1 million CDs were sold in France. The videoclip is a cartoon that tells the story of a little boy that would like to mix in the parties just like his daddy. On stage, David sings, Jean-Christophe plays the keyboards and Charly mixes. They gave their first show at the Zénith in Paris for the Halloween Techno Party and then took part to the Trophées de la nuit at the Lido (Paris), then they started a tour through France from disco to disco.

2001 : The next single to be released was entitled The Girl In Red, with 9 different mixes. Then came their first album Let Your Body Talk and third single Over You, co-written with Fabien Scarlakens aka DJ Esteban. They remixed Sarina Paris' track Look At Us.

2002 : After two years of intensive touring, the band decided to take a break, and each member went on his own projects.

2003 : the album was released in the US

2007 : the melody of Daddy DJ was covered by Basshunter in his latest single Sitter I Ventrilo Och Spelar Dota (later translated in english under the title All I Ever Wanted)

2008 : Daddy DJ were back, without Charly Merkiled who had left the project. They were working on tracks for their future album Rock Machine.

2009 : their hit Daddy DJ was covered by Crazy Frog. In May, Daddy DJ released the track Everyday as radio promo.

2010 : Daddy DJ released the new single Perfect day.

2012 : fans had to wait 2 more years to see the release of Daddy DJ's second studio album /Folder as well as the song Crying as single.

2013 : singles In My Head and Funk You were out.

2014 : they released the single Free Your Mind.

2015 : a deluxe version of their 2013 album Folder was out.

2022 : the melody from their hit inspired Gabry Ponte & Lum!x's new single We Could Be Together.

2023 : they teamed with the duo Lunis to record the single Issues, released in March under artist name DDJ. An album entitled Rendez-Vous is planned and it will include collaborations with many other artists

Daddy DJ unofficial website

Artists and groups featuring Daddy DJ

Ponte Gabry - We Could Be Together (2022)
T Garcia & DJ Assad - Chocolate (2023)



Daddy K
EuroDance Group



Et C'est Comme Ça (1996)

1.Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi?, 2.Up & Down, 3.C'est Comme Ça, 4.Funky Music, 5.Stand-Up, 6.Une Vie De Clown, 7.Tous Pour Le Funky, 8.Alliance Technics, 9.Les Points Sur Les 'I', 10.Freestyle, 11.Je Vais, Je Viens, 12.Du Reve A La Realite, 13.Money, 14.Le Gangsta Part I, 15.Le Gangsta Part II, 16.Je Me Sens Bien (Interlude), 17.Monsieur Funky (Bonus Track),

Up & Down (1996)

1.Up & Down, 2.C'est Comme Ça, 3.Funky Music, 4.Stand-Up, 5.Une Vie De Clown, 6.Tous Pour Le Funky, 7.Les Points Sur Les 'I', 8.Freestyle, 9.Alliance Technics, 10.Featuring – Cut Killer, 11.Je Vais, Je Viens, 12.Du Reve A La Realite, 13.Money, 14.Le Gangsta Part I & Part II, 15.Voulez-vous Coucher Avec Moi ?, 16.outro: je me sens bien, 17.Monsieur Funky (Bonus Track),

L'Album (2020)

1.We Are The Universe, 2.All I Want Is U, 3.Tous Les Jours, 4.The Anthem, 5.T'es Chelou Toi, 6.Solo, 7.Traaa, 8.I'am The King (Scratch Interlude), 9.1982, 10.Appelle Moi Daddy (Daddy K RNB Smooth Remix), 11.Kool (A.R.T. Remix), 12.90' Lovers, 13.Ariane Grande, 14.The World Needs Love, 15.Plus D'Amour, 16.Freestyle, 17.En Vrai, 18.On Fire (Namto Remix), 19.Bass, 20.Live It Up, 21.We Are The Universe (P.A.F.F. Flip Remix), 22.We Are The Universe (Mondello'G Remix), 23.We Are The Universe (Airdropmusic Remix),


Do You Speak Martien? (1991)
Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi (1995)
Up & Down (1995)
Stand Up (1996)
Et C'Est Comme Ca (1996)
Chacun Fait Ce Qui Lui Plait (1997)
Appelle-moi Daddy (2005)
Getchahandzup (Mar 2011)
Daddy Kool (14th Nov 2011)

Real name : Alain Deproost. Belgian DJ and rapper (he raps in French language) from Bruxelles, he was born on January 8th 1968. He fell in love with hip-hop and started learning breakdance in 1982. In 1985 he became European champion of ground breakdance with his group the "Dynamics three". He started deejaying in 1988 and did appearance in the radio show "Manhattan" on Top FM. He became member of the group BRC (Bruxelles Rap Conventio)

He initially worked at the turntables for rapper Benny B (Mais Vous Etes Fou, Dis-Moi Bébé, Qu'Est Ce Qu'On Fait Maintenant). He won the Belgian DMC championship 3 times, once the French DJ Vestax championship, and was finalist in the world DJ championship. One of his special characteristics is to be able to scratch with his feet !

Afterwards he went solo doing the raps himself and using the skills of writers/producers Vito Lucente & Roger Quyssens for his Euro House and eurodance style releases in the 1990's.

As DJ Daddy K, he released Do You Speak Martien in 1991, Est-Ce Que Je Peux? in 1992 (together with his former partners Benny B and Perfect)

Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi used a very nice melody which reminded a lot of Haddaway's What Is Love. It was released under Private Life Records, and licensed under X-Plode / Bellaphon Germany in Germany.

Stand Up featured vocals by Jayne James and additional ragga voice by Sake.

After 3 years of solo carreer and one album, he suddenly had to stop because of nodules which developed on his vocal chords : he remained voiceless during about 4 years. A terrible period for him, but he overcome by going back to his DJ carreer, winning many DJ championships and releasing remixes. He also produced the project Topazz and released tracks together with Junior Jack. He stands behind the RnB rmx compilations series.

In 2004 he was DJ on the radio station Contact RNB. In an interview he explained that he does not regret his musical past, even if he had to cope with critics and jealousy, and if it was hard for him regain respectability in the hip-hop world. He also planned to record a new single in the future... He performed as support act for many big names of RnB scene : P Diddy, Rihanna, Busta Rhymes, Sean Paul...

2007 : he released a single entitled Appelle-moi Daddy.

2011 : Daddy K released a cover of Boney M's classic, renamed Daddy Kool. He also released the second volume of his DJ Daddy K in the mix compilation

He has two little boys : Anthony and Nathan.

Thanks to Vision
Daddy K interview on Tuner

Artists and groups featuring Daddy K

Benny B - Dis-Moi Bébé (1991), Dix, Neuf, Huit... (1992), Est-Ce Que Je Peux? (1992), Je T'Aime A L'Infini (1993), Parce Qu'On Est Jeunes (1991), Qu'Est-Ce Qu'On Fait Maintenant? (1990), Vous Êtes Fous! (1990)



Daddy Ranks
EuroDance Group



It's Your Life (1995)

It's Your Life featured a female vocalist and a rapper. It was only released on compilation Euro Dance Hits 1 in 1995



EuroDance Group



Only For You (1996)
Day After Day (1997)

Only For You is the only single which has been released by this one-vocalist project. It was written by F. Canneto, E. Pollastri (Ediz Midasol), recorded at the Reddish studio in Italy, released under Soul Expression in 1996, licensed under the label Bit Music in Spain. It was recently revealed that the female vocalist was Nathalie Aarts, The Soundlovers' frontlady.

Thanks to Adam and Marian Stoica



EuroDance Group



The Spirit (1994)
Boom Chaka (15th Sep 1997)
No Promises (1998)


The Spirit (1994)

Dagon is a project of Juan Carlos Pla.

The rap sample used in the single Boom Chaka was also used in a single of 2 Fabiola. Boom Chaka and the follow-up No Promises was released under Lethal Records (Contrasena) in Brazil, Shift in Germany, and by SAIFAM Publishing Group in Italy. No Promises included a B-side called I Promised You All.



EuroDance Member



Four Days Agone (2013)

1.Fireball, 2.Per Aspera Ad Astra, 3.Just For You, 4.Tell Me, 5.L.O.V.E, 6.Broken Heart, 7.I Will Not Forget You, 8.1995, 9.I Miss You, 10.Per Aspera Ad Astra (M.O.D. Alternative Electro Remix), 11.Tell Me (M.O.D. Remix), 12.1995 (EuroHouse Remix),

You Belong to Me (1st Dec 2013)

1.You Belong To Me, 2.Believe In Your Dreams, 3.Give Me All Your Love, 4.Stay With Me, 5.Somebody Dance With Me, 6.We're Back, 7.Give Me All Your Love (remix), 8.Give Me All Your Love (remix), 9.You Belong To Me (remix),

Life Is A Game (5th Apr 2018)

1.Life Is A Game, 2.Second Breath, 3.Honest Me, 4.Share Your Luv, 5.Star Dance, 6.Don't Give Up, 7.Break, 8.You Make Me Better, 9.Forever Mine, 10.Nowh3re 2 H1de, 11.Tattoo, 12.Don't Touch Me, 13.Serdste na chasti, 14.Honest Me (D-Base Rmx), 15.Share Your Luv (EuroDJ Rmx), 16.Forever Mine (D-Base Rmx),

Middle Age Music (7th Aug 2019)

1.One (feat. Jair NJ), 2.Middle Age (feat. FatFoont), 3.Tell Us the Truth, 4.Endless Rain (feat. Tanya Starkova), 5.Turn up the Volume, 6.Sea, 7.More Than Love, 8.Rockin' Through the Night, 9.Dancing Girl, 10.Children, 11.Frozen,

Do What You Like (11th Jun 2022)

1.Identification (Intro), 2.Flip Da Game, 3.Break The Night, 4.If U Love Me, 5.Addicted, 6.In My Head, 7.Willpower, 8.Take Me, 9.Don't Waste Your Life (midtro), 10.Do What U Like, 11.You Can Get It, 12.Nothing Can Stop Me, 13.Time To Change, 14.Feast During The Plague (outro), 15.Willpower (extended Mix), 16.In A Gym (bonus Track), 17.Verʹ v sebya (Hidden track),

Grains of Sand (26th May 2023)

1.Dance Until the Dawn (Extended Mix), 2.You Will Survive (Album Mix), 3.Lights of the City Night (Album Mix), 4.Love the World Around You, 5.My Hometown (Raggarap Version), 6.Unique (Album Mix), 7.With You, 8.No Fear, 9.The Key (Album Mix), 10.Forgive Me, 11.One More Time (D-Base Album Mix), 12.Shine, 13.Green Eyes, 14.Wonder, 15.If U Luv Me (Extended Mix), 16.One More Time (Russian Album Mix), 17.My Name is Dagoth (Outro),


Light 4 My Soul (Apr 2014)
Wake Up (2015)
The Book (2nd Apr 2017)
Share Your Luv (7th Oct 2017)
Don't Give Up (13th Oct 2017)
Tattoo (22nd Oct 2017)
Life Is A Game (2nd Dec 2017)
Honest Me (3rd Dec 2017)
Second Breathe (8th Dec 2017)
Don't Touch Me (11th Feb 2018)
Forever Mine (14th Feb 2018)
Star Dance (4th Mar 2018)
One (23rd Apr 2018)
Middle Age (20th May 2018)
Rockin' Through The Night (22nd May 2018)
Endless Rain (24th Jun 2018)
Dancing Girl (30th Jun 2018)
Sea (19th Aug 2018)
Children (9th Sep 2018)
Tell Us The Truth (14th Nov 2018)
Frozen (13th Jan 2019)
Ya Ne Tot (5th Feb 2019)
More Than Love (16th Jun 2019)
V uzkikh krugakh (11th Aug 2019)
Simple People (20th Sep 2020)
Teach Me (7th Jan 2021)
In A Gym (Oct 2021)
Willpower (27th Nov 2021)
Nothing Can Stop Me (29th Dec 2021)
Under the Sun of 90s EP (16th Oct 2022)
The Key (21st Oct 2022)
One More Time (12th Nov 2022)
Unique (28th Jan 2023)
You Will Survive (3rd Feb 2023)
Lights of the City Night (14th Apr 2023)
Side A (6th Sep 2024)
Broken Heart (27th Sep 2024)

Russian rapper Dagoth aka Ruslan Akhmetov is based in Tyumen. He contributed to eurodance projects Digital Base Project and Good Moov. Versatile rapper, he experiments in a wide range of styles, from Eurodance rap, Westcoast rap, Jazz-rap, to raggae. He is also a lyricist and released some solo works. He published his first solo album Four Days Agone in 2013. In 2014, he recorded eurodance song Light 4 My Soul.

In 2015, he recorded a 4-tracks EP entitled Wake Up featuring female vocalist Zoya. In 2017, he released a new EP entitled The Book featuring vocals by Mi-Lenika.

2018 : he released new album Life Is A Game.

Thanks to Dagoth

Artists and groups featuring Dagoth

Az Project - Dance Until The Dawn (2022)
Digital Base Project - C'est la Vie (2017), Do What U Wanna Do (2013), Moving Faster (2017), The Heroes EP (2013), Try Me Out (2013), Wait, Babe (2014)
Good Moov - Change Your Life (2021), Change Your Life (album) (2022), Eurodance Era (2012), In Your Eyes (2020), Only You (2020), Smell Of Spring (2022), Sweet (2023), Think Positive (2021), Who Made Us? (album) (2024)
Heatboxx - Because I Cry (2014)
Safrany Tina - Dancing In Unity (2024), Love At Distance (2024)



Daik (Joanna)
EuroDance Group



Feel Me (1995)
Mets du funky dans ta vie (1996)

Feel Me was composed by Christophe Sierra, written by Joanna. Label : Flarenasch

The second single was not eurodance at all.

Joanna was featured by the project Party People on the single Superstition. She also co-produced their single Free Your Mind.

Thanks to reBeL



Dais (Francoise)
EuroDance Group



It's In His Kiss (1994)

This cover of The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss), a song released by Merry Clayton in 1963 and popularized by Betty Everett one year later, then by Cher in 1990, probably featured the voice of Simona Baraldo. It was realized by Tutto & Nessuno (an alias for GianLuca Mensi & Max Moroldo). It was released under Juke Box Records in Italy, licensed under Max Music in Spain and Pro DJ International in Australia.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



Daisy Chain
EuroDance Group



Don't Need Your Loving (1995)
Don't Need Your Loving (1996)
I Will Fly (4th Sep 1996)

Label : Not Only Music. The song Don't Need Your Love was written by Emanuele Marascia and Sandro Murru (aka M+M). It was licensed under Contraseña Records, under which it was released as Don't Need Your Loving with a different tracklisting. I Will Fly was recorded and mixed at "Attic" Studio.



Daisy Dee
EuroDance Group



The Album (1992)

1.Crazy, 2.I'm Real, 3.Cool It, 4.Let It Out, 5.Walkin' On That Side, 6.Pump It Up All The Way, 7.Anything 4 You, 8.What Is Dat?, 9.It's Gonna Be Alright, 10.I Got U,

Best Of (6th Jun 1995)

1.Crazy ('95 Wicked Mix), 2.Somebody Real (Vocal Trippy Mix), 3.Back It Up (Club Mix), 4.Pump It Up All The Way (LP Version Remix), 5.I Got You (7' Alternative), 6.I'm Real, 7.What Is Dat, 8.Walking On That Side, 9.Let It Out, 10.It's Gonna Be Alright (Radio Edit), 11.Crazy (Original '91 Chicago Edit), 12.Anything For You, 13.Cool It, 14.This Beat Is Technotronic (Radio Version),

I Am Who I Am (1996)

1.Come Again (Radio Edit), 2.Just Jump (Single Mix), 3.Cool It Down, 4.Natural High (Piano Mix), 5.'Till The End, 6.Angel (Video Edit), 7.Go Bazurk, 8.Delite, 9.Information, 10.Back To Basic, 11.Heaven Says No,


Crazy (1991)
Pump It Up All The Way (1992)
It's Gonna Be Alright (1992)
I Got U (1992)
This Beat Is Technotronic (26th Feb 1992)
Walking On That Side (11th Sep 1992)
Headbone Connected (Nov 1994)
Crazy 96 (1996)
Just Jump (15th Apr 1996)
Angel (10th Oct 1996)
Hey You (Open Up Your Mind) (7th Jul 1997)
Love Is The Answer (10th Jan 2000)
Open Sesame (1st Sep 2000)
The Summer Is Magic 2009 (Aug 2008)


This Beat Is Technotronic (1992)
Angel (1996)
Just Jump (1996)
Hey You (Open Up Your Mind) (1997)

Daisy Rollocks was born on September 4th 1970 in Curacao. She has a sister called Glen and a brother called June (well-known under stage name of Pappa Bear). She weights 70 kg and she is 1,78 m tall. She came to Holland at the age of 8. She used to live in a small village, Roermond, in The Netherlands, where she has a small  boutique with streetwear-clothes (but this information is not confirmed). Her main activity is singing, but she is also a songwriter, an actress, a fashion designer, a dancer and a TV presenter. She speaks Dutch (which is her mother language), but she is also fluent in English, German & Spanish.

After she had graduated from school, she wanted to start interior decoration studies. To pay her studies she worked in a discotheque which was very well-known for its live-concerts. One evening, a group which was performing quitted after the first song. While the assistance was complaining louder and louder, Daisy grabbed the microphone and gave an improvised sample of her skills. Her appearance impressed not only the public, but also some members of a records company which were there by chance. This is how everything began...

Daisy Dee's first singles received irregular success. Her first success was I Got U in 1992. Afterwards, her voice was featured by many dance projects : from MCB Crazy (written by Patrick de Meyer), Blackmale Yeah Yeah, Bit Machine Somebody Real with Karen Jones to U 96 Love Religion & Technotronic's last album with Ya Kid K and Black Diamond (again a collaboration with Patrick de Meyer).

Daisy tried several countries (USA, Italy, Holland, Belgium) before finding a real and deserved recognition in Germany. She took part to Magic Affair's single Energy Of Light. In 1996 Just Jump was the single that made everything go faster in her carreer : it was a European success, and she became one of the major selling artist of Edel Records Germany.

Daisy appeared in the TV-soap "Alle zusammen – Jeder für sich", playing the role of Charlotte Bonalì. The first episode was played on the German channel RTL II on November 25th 1996, the last one on October 30th 1997.

September 1996, Daisy became presenter of VIVA TV weekly Dance show Club Rotation. Her third album I Am Who I Am was ready but only released as promo.

She began to work on new material at the Booya Music Studios, run by her long-term companion, Toni Cottura. Their first product was the single, Hey You (Open Up Your Mind), come out on July 28th 1997. The video of Hey You (Open Up Your Mind) was shot in Gotenburg (Germany) on the 24/25 of June 1997 by Revolver Music Video. Planned were collaborations with Nana, The Free frontman Charles Simmons and Toni Cottura. She also contributed as co-producer to AK Swift's track In The Game.

Daisy married Toni Cottura on October 1997. In Spring 1998, Daisy appeared as a dancer in her brother Pappa Bear's video When The Rain Begins To Fall, a groovy cover of Jermaine Jackson's '80s single.

She also appeared in the soap Alle Zusammen on the German TV channel RTL2, together with the singer Oli P.

In 2000, she was back with a new solo single Love Is The Answer, produced by Mark'Oh, world famous eurotechno artist and DJ. She is also presenting "Club Rotation" and "Night Club" on VIVA TV. Afterwards was released the track Open Sesame, a cover of Leila K's hit. Still on Viva, she presented weekly the TV-programm "Ritmo".

2001 : she appeared as singer for the Lovestern Galaktika project single Are You Ready?.

2003 : she contributed to Starsplash's single Fly Away (Owner Of Your Heart). The TV-programm "Ritmo" that Daisy presented was stopped. She gave birth to her son, Kymani Yade

2004 : Daisy Dee opened her own club on the 6th of March : Da Club, located in Mühlheim a.d. Ruhr (Germany) and left the Club Rotation show, being replaced by Annemarie, then Nela.

2006 : Daisy entered the German channel 9Live. Apparently she remained there only one year since in 2007 she is not among the moderators' list anymore. With her brother June, she started her own production company DDProductions in Belgium, producing international TV programs, as well as developing styling concepts and providing image consultant for artists and brands.

2008 : Daisy Dee recorded a new version of Playahitty's hit single The Summer Is Magic. The track is featured on the compilation Future Trance 44. In November, she presented the show "We Love The 90s" in Oberhausen.

2009 : Daisy Dee is back on German TV station Viva. She presents a show about fashion entitled Fashion Trix.

2018 : Daisy Dee joined Technotronic again for 90s concerts and festivals, sharing the stage with male rapper Nitro

2019 : she announced that she wanted to bring German dance TV show ClubRotation back.

2023 : Daisy Dee is the official ambassador for Austrian luxury brand Valucci. She still tours with Technotronic, now with her brother Pappa Bear as rapper et DJ. There are also rumors according to which she could be back with U96 for one new single and that she is working on a best of album

M's Music Paradise
Shortcub's Daisy Dee page
Fred's Daisy Dee Web Site
Thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin, Anton "MC Ka$per" Skaletsky and Rhythm Ryan

Artists and groups featuring Daisy Dee

Alter Ego - Dance (If You Cannot) (1994)
Bitmachine - Somebody Real (1994)
Blackmale - Yeah Yeah (Influence) (1994)
Cosmo Crew - Back It Up (1993)
Cottura Toni - My Life (1998)
Daisy Project - Do It Better (1993)
Garcia - Vamonos (Hey Chico Are You Ready) (1996)
Lovestern Galaktika Projekt - Galaktika Are You Ready (2003)
MCB - Crazy (1991)
Magic Affair - Energy Of Light (1996)
Reggae Roots - Lover's Reggae (album) (1994)
Starsplash - Fly Away (2003), I Believe (2004)
Technotronic - I Want You By My Side (1996), Move It To The Rhythm (1994), Recall (album) (1995)
Tim Dawes - Crazy 2009 (2009)
U96 - Love Religion (1994), Love Religion (2024)



EuroDance Group



The Rythm Of America (1995)

The Rythm Of America and its B-side Sexy Girls were written by Franzoso Caruso. Label : Discomagic Records.



Dal Gesso (Susanna)
EuroDance Member



Place No Labels On Me (3rd Dec 2008)

4 Languages 4 a Sole Love (2011)

Grazie (25th Feb 2011)

Ama (6th Jun 2016)


All Right (1994)
Gimme Love (1996)
All Right All Night (1996)
Up To The Light (18th Sep 2009)
I Wanna Rock (4th Jan 2012)
Sarò Per Te (19th Sep 2012)
Whatsappami (3rd Jan 2013)
Domine Deus Just Talk to Me (1st Feb 2019)

Italian singer, songwriter, producer, musician, vocal coach, choreographer Suzy Dal Gesso won Zecchino d’oro at the age of 5. Within 13 years she studied flute, traverse flute and dance, from 13 to 15 years she played guitar and sings as lead voice in auditoriums having shows with her own compositions. She attended academy of music under the direction of prof. Rino Bianchi until 21 years old.

1994 : she did vocals for many Italian eurodance projects, such as Signal Positive

1995 : she was the voice on Swann - I Love My Life that she also produced. She took part to projects Blue Heart, Ice Bonfire.

In 1996 she studied at L.A. Music academy under nickname and under teachments of Paula Jones (Mariah Carey’s, Whitney Houston’s and Stevie Wonder's singing teacher). Meanwhile, she kept on doing vocals and productin for some Italian dance projects. From 1996 to 1999 she studied in Los Angeles as choreographer with the most quoted american choreographers. During the following years made a lot of diction and theatre vocal courses.

In 2001, she received certification as pop composer with Mogol's CET University under teachments of Mogol, Chope, Gianni Bella, Giuseppe Barbera, Marco Marrone, Sergio Menegale, Beppe Dati. She’s the lead voice of the group M31. She played a role in movie Ripley's game with John Malkovich and Dougray Scott.

2002 : she attended perfecting course at Mogol’s CET until april as composer. She was a teacher of singing in Music Academy of Padova. She did background vocals in Gianfranco Destro whole album.

2003 : she played a role in in Mandy Moore's Chasing liberty film in Venice.

2004 : she received a certification as vocal power instructor (Elisabeth Howard’s Vocal Power Accademy in Los Angeles California, one of 8th teachers autorized in Europe).

2006 : she organized a seminar for Liz Howard in Padova. She plays for the second time for Formula 1 car pilots at Zeltweg, Austria. For Christmas time she performed with Sweet'n'Low jam quartet.

2007 : she founded Susy Dal Gesso Enterprise. She wrote 5 songs for a Hip-hop album singing with the rapper Oscar Moretti.

2008 : she was voice coach for Walter Fontana and Italian rock group Lost. She released the album Place No Labels On Me.

2009 : she did the Felicidad tour with Yano band and released the EP Up to the Light.

2010 : on February 22nd she released her italian album Grazie completely auto-produced, written and arranged. She did another tour with Yano band. In August she released another album : 4 languages 4 a sole love

2011 : she did backing vocals in many dance productions.

2012 : she released her new single I wanna rock. In May, she wrote pop song Sarò per te for the 5th Festival della Canzone Italiana di New York. She also wrote Io sono con te for Sal Palmeri's New York Music Festival.

She probably sung on the following songs :
Blue Heart - Sing Song Rhyme (1996)
Fidelfatti - D.J. Blues (1990), The Power (1992)
Ice & Fire - All My Love (1997)
Miracle Of Sound - People (1993)
No Service - Show Me Baby (1992)
Ottomix & Yano - Voyage Voyage (2010)
Pauline feat. Jocker - Shine On (1994)
Signal + - The Visitors (1994)
Yano - Alegria, Maydairi (2005)

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Dal Gesso (Susanna)

Alchimia - EP Vol. 1 (1995)
Blue Heart - Sing Song Rhyme (1996), Singin I'm Happy (1995)
Blue Jam - Ride Like The Wind (1990)
Celinda - Chain Of Fools (1999), I Wanna Groove It (1999)
Digital Districs - Summer Breeze (1997)
Dreaming Planet - Colour Your Mind (1996)
Egory - Freedom (1995), Freedom (1995)
Funny Boys - Jacky Mouse (1995)
Globe - Pretty Girl (1999)
Ice Bonfire - Eyes On You (1994), Lifetime (1995)
JT and The Big Family - Foreign Affair (1990), Moments In Soul (1989)
Joy (3) - I Believe (1996)
Loren X - Shake It Up (1994)
MLM - Stay (If You Love Me) (1995)
MXM (2) - Nothing Compares 2 U (1990)
Manos - Inside My Car (2007)
Midi One - Get Away (1992)
Mystic Dream - I Call Your Name (1996)
Nikita Warren - I Need You (1991)
Realizations - Feeling (1995)
Signal Positive - The Visitors (1994)
Star Cruiser - Perfect Feeling (2001)
Susy Dal Gesso - A Solid Love (2013)
Swann - I Love My Life (1995)
Ta-Ma - Together Forever (The Cyber Pet Song) (1998)
The Great Family - Name of the Game (1996), Somebody To Love (1995)
Two Mads - Till The End Of Time (1996)



EuroDance Group



Night Angel (1998)

Label: Volumex. Single was written by Ciro Pisano and Fabrizio Gatto aka Wondercat, produced by El Zigeuner, arranged and mixed by Bob Rob, China B, El Zigeuner and Ierma. It was recorded at Dancework Recording Studio by singer Danila Gimmi.The team also thanked Maria Pia and MariaGrazia. A first demo version was released under project name Danila.

Thanks to Gianni and Andrew-FK



Dallaway Wayne
EuroDance Member

Wayne Dallaway has been playing trombone since he was a child. He had the chance to perform with the biggest names of calypso music, such as The Mighty Sparrow, Duke and Lord Kitchener, and with the bands Blue Ryth'm Combo, Raven, Caribbean Rhapsody, Klangk, Dazz Force... He performed as support act for Cool and the Gang, Bob Marley and the Wailers and the Backstreet Boys.

He was rapper for the project Cardenia. He also contributed to Ragga 2 Sunshine Jambo Jambo Jambo (another Masterboy team production). Then he entered the project Riddim Posse (still a Schleh - Zabler production), and did lead vocals on No Money No Love and on their album Caribbean Party Live.

1996 : he became a member of the band KJ Dallaway & Friends.

2008 : he is a member of band Me and the Heat (vocals, trombone). They've been performing there since 13 years in Session in Walldorf, Germany. One of the other members of this band is Charles Shaw.

He loves computer games and sport.

Artists and groups featuring Dallaway Wayne

Cardenia - Happy Station (1994), Passion (1994)
Ragga 2 Sunshine - Jambo Jambo Jambo (1994)
Riddim Posse - Caribbean Party Live (album), No Money No Love (1993)



EuroDance Group



Do It (4th Oct 1994)

The single Do It was written by Domenico Richini, produced and arranged by Mauro Francescoli, Domenico Richini, Adriano and Leonardo Di Vincenzo. Recorded at Joe Yellow Studio, it was first released in Italy under the label Blackbeard (same label as Laguna, X-fade and Peter Gast), then in Germany under the label ZYX.

Thanks to reBeL and David Nivin "Captain DJ"



EuroDance Group



Beautiful Ones (1996)
Singing (1997)
Crying (2000)

Dama was a project of Claudio Malatesti and Gianluca Vivaldi. Vocalist on Singing (and probably on Beautiful Ones too) was Julia St Louis. Label : DUE Records (Dance Universal Experiment)

Thanks to Marian Stoica



EuroDance Group



I Need Your Love (1994)

Label : Blackbeard. The single was produced and arranged by Datta & De Stefani, Michele Generale and Stefano Amato, written by L. Zoroddu and Michele Generale. Vocals were done by Lucrezia Wilson (aka Lucrezia Isabella Zoroddu).

Thanks to Yane the Greek



EuroTrance Member



I've Been Thinking About You (24th Jan 2005)
Control (12th May 2006)
Not Over You (22nd Jul 2008)
Castles In The Sky (13th Feb 2015)
That Same Old Line (Children) (6th Jul 2015)
Jaaana (3rd Sep 2015)
My Momma Said (5th May 2017)
Phoenix (22nd Sep 2017)
Illusion (17th Nov 2017)
Gimme Your Love (Nanananana) (6th Jul 2018)
Lovin to You (Na Na Na Nei Na) (31st May 2019)
Outta Here (20th Sep 2019)
Wonderful Days (1st Nov 2019)
Survivors (12th Jun 2020)
Breakaway (3rd Jul 2020)


Survivors (Mindblast / Ryan T. Remix) (12th Jun 2020)
Survivors (Cloud Seven Remix) (19th Aug 2022)

German born model, TV presenter and singer-songwriter Daniela Marina Elisabeth Klein was born in Cologne. Her dad was German and her mum was Romanian, originating from Corabia She was discovered by a photographer from the teen magazine BRAVO in Germany at the age of 14. She began modeling and, soon after, she started receiving offers from music and film producers which she declined, preferring to sing and write in a punk band, and to do freelance and studio gigs.

She later met Ramon Zenker, who she admired from Hardfloor project. He invited her to his studio and the musical chemistry between them was so "amazing", as Damae described, that she soon found herself with a record deal as the singer for Fragma. She debuted as a vocalist on the track You Are Alive Following the success of Fragma, she did vocals on the majority of Toca album.

She became the presenter for Dance:District on Onyx TV in Germany between 2003 and 2004, and got to interview Paul Van Dyk, Tiësto, WestBam, Jean Jaques Smoothie, Junior Jack, Boogie Pimps, Milk & Sugar, Mousse T. and many more. After taking some time away from the Fragma project to concentrate on her solo career (recording the songs I've Been Thinking About You, Control and Not Over You), Damae returned to duties as the lead vocalist in 2008. She recorded the songs Deeper Memory, Forever and a Day and What Do You Want.

2012 : Damae left Fragma on September 1st.

2014 : Damae was featured on Dave Kurtis's single Fok Off.

2015 : she did vocals on Saint Tropez Caps's single Human Nature and on Luca Debonaire & Robert Feelgood's cover of Alice Deejay's Better Off Alone.

2016 : she was featured on Dan Winter & Ryan T's song My Wonder.

2017 : she released 3 new singles : My Momma Said, Phoenix and Illusion

2018 : she was featured by Jerry Ropero on Come Closer and by Ryan T & Dan Winter's on You and Me. Then came her new solo single Gimme Your Love (Nanananana)

2019 : she took part to Madison's single Fly Away, to DJ T.H. & Nadi Sunrise's Ordinary World and to Scoopheadz' Getting Up.

2020 : she released the solo singles Survivors and Breakaway (a collaboration with Scoopheadz).

2022 : she collaborated with her son Amaru Klein and with Alfie Cridland on a single entitled High, and did vocals on FSDW's Tell Me Now.

2023 : still with FSDW, she released a Hypertechno Extended mix for the cover of Charly Lownoise and Mental Theo's hit Wonderful Days that she released with Scoopheadz 3 years before

2024 : she visited Ibitaly's single Safe & Sound.

Artists and groups featuring Damae

4Clubbers - Try And Try (2008)
Alex Guesta - Perfect Day (2010)
Alfie Cridland x Amaru Klein - High (2022)
DJ T.H. & Nadi Sunrise - Ordinary World (2019)
Darren Bailie - Ocean Of Love (2010)
Dave Kurtis - Fok Off (2014)
Distant Soundz - Just Wanna Luv You (2003)
FSDW - Tell Me Now (2022), Wonderful Days (2023)
Fragma - Embrace Me (2002), Everytime You Need Me 2011 (2011), Forever And A Day (2009), Man In The Moon (2003), Memory (2008), Say That You're Here (2002), Time And Time Again (2002), You Are Alive (2001)
Ghostbusterz - Human Nature (2023)
Ibitaly - Safe & Sound (2024)
Kyau Vs. Albert - Velvet Morning (2003)
Luca Debonaire & Robert Feelgood - The Key, The Secret (2019)
Luca Debonaire and Mike Ferullo - We're Not Alone (2016)
Luca Debonaire and Robert Feelgood - Better Off Alone (2015)
Madison - Fly Away (2019)
Mekki Martin - Shine (2015)
Ryan T & Dan Winter - You and Me (2018)
Saint Tropez Caps and Robert Feelgood - The Key, The Secret (2017)
Saint Tropez Caps - Human Nature (2016)
Schiller - Lonely (2008)
Scoopheadz - Getting Up (2019)
The Scene Kings - Release Me (2017)



Damage Control
EuroDance Group



Don't You Feel My Pain (26th Nov 1993)
You've Got To Believe (17th Jun 1994)
Trust (24th Jul 1995)


Don't U Feel My Pain (1993)
Trust (1995)

Executive Production by Bass Bumpers Music.
Published by Editon Noiseless/ Warner Chappell. Released by WEA Music
Musical team : Guido Kramer, Dennis Bierbrodt, Thomas Wieczorek, Jens Gayi, Inan
Singer : Kathie D.
Rapper : Mr CBB

Don't U Feel My Pain was the first single to be released by the project. It was followed by You've Got To Believe the next year. The single Trust was released in 1995, it is the best eurodance single they've ever released. All these singles were followed by the release of a remixes vinyls.

Damage Control are also a remixer team : they remixed tracks for Red 5, Sarah Brightman, General Base...

2004 : Damage Control are back with a brand new single called Destroy All The Limits. It features a solo female vocalist and the style is powerful eurotrance.

Remixes done by Damage Control team :

Activate - I Say What I Want, Tell Me
Bass Bumpers - (Keep Me) Runnin'
General Base - Base Of Love, On & On
Kim Sanders - Ride
Miss Peppermint - The Beat Is Rocking, Back In Time
Prince Ital Joe feat. Marky Mark - United, Happy People
Red 5 - I Love You... Stop
Sarah Brightman - A Question Of Honour
U96 - Inside Your Dreams, Love Religion

Thanks to Christian "DTM" NoLimits, Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky, and Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin



Damas (Lorena)
EuroDance Group



Mi Vida Junto A Ti (1997)

Lorena Damas recorded a tune titled Mi Vida Junto A Ti, which was included in 1997 on the Spanish compilations Saturday Night Party /em> and Patricias E Mauricios.

Thanks to Ulysses and Gianni



EuroDance Group



Corps à Corps (1994)

Corps à Corps (means hand-to-hand fight) was produced by Johnny Williams, written by Bruno Bastero and Maryse. Label: WH Records

Thansk to Gianni



Dana E
EuroDance Group



I Only Want To Be With You (1995)

This Dusty Springfield. cover was recorded at Live Music Studio, arranged by Claude "Handcuff" H. Teen and Freddy "Echoman" Reemonts, released under Domino Records, published by Dig It International. Vocals were done by Daniela Ferrari.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Gone Away (1992)
Walk Away (25th Mar 1994)

The singles were released under the label Italian Style, as vinyl only. Gone Away was written and composed by W. Cremonini, A. Gilardi, and C. Varola.



EuroDance Group



Do What You Wanna Do (1994)

Single was produced by Alexis Schaar, Bernd Schöler and Mario Epperson. Recorded in Luna Tonstudio's (Lüdinghausen) and Vast Studio, it featured vocals by Deli. Label: X-Plode / Bellaphon



Dance 2 Trance
EuroDance Group



Moon Spirits (1993)

1.Kayenta, 2.We Came In Peace (Desert Mix), 3.Freaks, 4.Sit Together, 5.Hello San Francisco (Golden Gate Mix), 6.Mr. Cannabis, 7.P.ower Of A.merican N.atives (Ethno Instrumental Mix), 8.Atlantis, 8.Atlantis, 9.Remember Exxon Valdez, 10.Where Is Dag ?, 11.Take A Free Fall (Club Mix), 12.P.ower Of A.merican N.atives (Jam & Spoon Remix),

Revival (19th Jan 1995)

1.Surrealistic Pillow, 2.Purple Onions, 3.Neil's Aurora, 4.Land Of Oz, 5.Enuf Eko (Album Mix), 6.Christopher, who ?, 7.Mrs. Cannabis, 8.Morning Star, 9.Fly, Fly, Dragonfly, 10.Warrior,

Works 1991-1995 (26th Sep 1996)

1.We Came In Peace (Desert Mix), 2.Let's Get Rollin', 3.Where Is Dag?, 4.Hello San Francisco, 5.P.ower Of A.merican N.atives (Vocal Mix), 6.Take A Free Fall (Radio Edit), 7.Remember Exxon Valdez, 8.Warrior [Radio Edit], 9.I Have A Dream (Enuf Eko?), 10.Morning Star (Vocal Mix), 11.Trance-O-Phobia, 12.Deepest Vision, 13.Autumn Dance,


Dance 2 Trance (1990)
Where Is Dag? (11th Jul 1990)
Hello San Francisco (28th Feb 1992)
Let's Got Rollin' (20th Oct 1992)
P.ower Of A.merican N.atives (1st Nov 1992)
We Came In Peace (1993)
Take A Free Fall (1st May 1993)
Warrior (7th Nov 1994)
I Have A Dream (Enuf Eko?) (22nd Apr 1995)
P.ower Of A.merican N.atives 98 (2nd Mar 1998)
Power of American Natives 2009 (2009)


P.ower Of A.merican N.atives (1993)
Take A Free Fall (1993)
Warrior (The Groovecult Remixes) (1995)
I Have A Dream (Enuf Eko?) (1995)

Dance 2 Trance, a trance/techno project from Frankfurt/Germany, was a collaboration of Jam El Mar and DJ Dag (Dag Lerner).

They released many hits, such as Power Of American Natives (# 12 in Israel, # 12 at MTV Europe) and Warrior (# 1 in Israel dance chart ). In 1995 they split up. Since then Jam El Mar and DJ Dag have gone separate ways. DJ Dag (Dag Lerner) lived in Wiesbaden near Frankfurt/Germany for a very long time. He has good contacts to his relatives in South Dakota ('Sioux-Friends'). In 1997 (around May/June) he moved to (or a rural/secluded area near to) San Francisco / USA. He has often worked as a DJ in the 'Dorian Gray' and the 'Omen', one of Frankfurt's biggest and most famous clubs, which has been closed in Autum 98.

2009 : a 2009 version of Power Of American Natives was released.

Vocals on Power Of American Natives by Linda Rocco.
Vocals on Take A Free Fall by Tony Clark
Vocals on Warrior by Vernon
Chi Chi Ordu (of BG Prince of Rap) also took part to the project

Records company : Intercord

© 1995 - 1999 by Stefan Sell
Thanks to Ivo Ivanov
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions



Dance 4 Color
EuroDance Group



More Of The Hot Stuff (1st Mar 1995)

Their one and only single was composed by David Brandes, John O'Flynn and Domenico Livrano, and produced by Davis Brandes and Domenico Livrano. It was released in 1995 by Cosima Music/ Intercord Germany. The rapper featured by Dance 4 Color is no other than Mr. John himself.

Thanks to Dean M Nakanishi (Eurodance N' Other Stuff) and Vision



Dance 4 Joy
EuroDance Group



You Gotta Love Me (1995)
Tell Me The Reason (1996)

Label : DJ Movement records. The CDM contained 3 versions : Radio edit, Euromix, Master mix. Vocals were done by Paola Bianchini, who also appeared on a single by Antartika. The single was arranged by J. Tedesco, P. Bianchini, P. Monti and S. Lucato, produced by P. Bianchini, P. Monti and S. Lucato, written by M. Borgini and S. Lucato.

Thanks to Alex Capilé



Dance Bond
EuroDance Group



Dance Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 (1997)

1.1, 2, 3, 4... Huckelberry! (Full Version), 2.Turn On, Turn On, 3.Eins, Zwei, 4.My Name Is Dance (Dance Bond), 5.Night Arrow (Melody Mix), 6.Africa, 7.Imagine (The Beats Come True), 8.Techno Track No. 1, 9.Follow My Beats, 10.The Story,

Dance Bond is the alias name of Krzysztof Czub, a producer and engineer for Star Maker (his name appears on records by La Strada, Karolina, Power Play, Gizmo, Shock - Shock...). Dance Bond songs are mostly instrumental, with Eurodance-styled beats and random male vocals. Dance Bond scheduled an album in 1997 called My Name Is Dance... Dance Bond but, due to the label's legal issues, it was not released until 1998 under a new title : Dance Bond 1, 2, 3, 4, probably on cassette only. It spawned the tracks My Name Is Dance... Dance Bond, 1, 2,3, 4... Huckelberry!, Eins, Zwei, and Africa. The album itself is VERY rare.

In 1998, Dance Bond released another song to a Dance World compilation CD called Follow My Beats.

According his collaborator in project Karramba, Krzysztof Czub unfortunately passed away.

Thanks to Tyler

Artists and groups featuring Dance Bond

2 Dancers - 2 Dancers Volume 1 (album) (1997)
4 Jumps - Wezmiesz Wszystko (album) (1996)
Alpha Beat - Ta Rozkosz To Ja (album) (1996)
Cosmica - Twoja Gwiazda (album) (1997)
D'Adekoya - Milosc To Wiatr (album) (1996)
Izabela - Love Me Forever (album) (1995), Ukryte Slowa (album) (1996)
La Strada - Slowa To Wiatr (album) (1996)
Lady Dance - Jestem Twoja Lady (album) (1996)
M and M (2) - Kiedy Kochasz, Kiedy Pragniesz (album) (1995)
Shock-Shock - Gdy Radio Gra (album) (1996)
Starmix - Nie Mów... (album) (1997)



Dance Boy
EuroDance Group


Come And Dance ()
I Believe ()
In The Name Of Love ()

Come And Dance was actually a track by project DBP, released on a compilation entitled Dance Boy 3, released on King Record in South Korea. I Believe was probably Copernico's song, since it appeared on the same compilation. And In The Name Of Love belonged to Wienna.

Thanks to Klems



Dance D-Vision
EuroDance Group



The Evolution (Make It Move) (4th Aug 1994)

Dance D-vision featured the raps of Tony Dyer and the voice of singer Gabi Baby. There was a funny mistyping on the record's sleeve where one could read : "Vocals by Gabi Baby raped by Tony Tee", Label: Insania Records. The project was produced by Black Nero (who also produced 2 singles by Beat System).

Thanks to reBeL and Dmitriy



Dance Dept
EuroDance Group



Don't You Want My Love (1995)
Be Free (1995)

Dance Dept was a project of Steve Kokkinis and Steve Lambrinos. The 95 Mania remix of Don't You Want My Love and the S.L. Mix (Steve Lambrinos) of Be Free were included on compilation Mania Vol. 2. Be Free sampled Da Smooth Baron MC raps from 2 Brothers on the 4th floor's hit Can't Help Myself



Dance Factory
EuroDance Group



Pomaluj Moj Swiat (1998)

1.Intro, 2.Pomaluj Moj Swiat, 3.Dotyk, 4.Scigany, 5.Slowa, 6.Jerzy, 7.Nie Moge, 8.Czekam, 9.Wierze, 10.Nie Pozwol (Reggae Version), 11.Bum Shakale, 12.Dlaczego Nie Chcesz, 13.Cofnac Czas,


Nie Pozwol (1997)
Pomaluj Moj Swiat (1997)

Dance Factory was a project featuring Grzegorz Bonder, Krzysztof Niwiński and Magdalena Mielcarska. They released a euro-reggae CD-single, Nie Pozwól (produced by Zbigniew Retkowski) in 1997, and another euro-reggae song, Pomaluj Mój Świat, supported by a music video. They were followed in 1998 by the studio album Pomaluj Mój Świat, released under Omega Music, which contained some nice eurodance tracks, such as Czy widzisz mnie (which opened with a sample of Magic Affair's AK Swift's voice in the intro).



Dance Floor Virus
EuroDance Group



The Ballroom ()

1.Message In A Bottle, 2.Dedododo Dedadada, 3.The Bed's Too Big Without You, 4.When The World Is Running Down, 5.Walking On The Moon, 6.Synchronicity, 7.Every Breath You Take, 8.Spirits In A Material World, 9.Don't Stand So Close To Me, 10.Dedododo Dedadada (Policewoman Mix), 11.Walking On The Moon (Floatation Mix), 12.Message In A Bottle (Castaway Mix),


Message In The Bottle (1995)
Don't Stand So Close To Me (1995)

Label : Sony music entertainement (Spain) S.A/ Copyright Control. DFV are Alex Caracas & Eddie 'Cosmic Debris'. The singles were produced by DJ Gary Casini. Message In A Bottle was originally sung by Sting. It featured the voice of Nek, famous in Italy and in Spain (and in France with the single Laura Non C’é). Nek succesful title La Vita E was remixed by Eiffel 65.

DFV also released an entire album with dance covers of hits such as The Bed's Too Big Without You, Walking On The Moon, Every Breathe You Take etc...

Thanks to Fred, Vision, Abelito and Kizoo



Dance Master Records
EuroDance Company


Distributed by Sonic Distribution. Under this label, a lot of singles featuring raps by A.D. Neal aka Tony Dyer were recorded and released.

A lot of artists were published by DMR but released under Blow Up / Intercord.

Thanks to Necronomic



Dance Mission
EuroDance Group



Finally Free (1995)

Dance Mission featured 2 handsome male vocalist (Jan Toetenel) and rapper (Richard Westdijk). Music was composed by Richard Westdijk, who also produced the record. Label: Sonic Sound Productions

Thanks to EurodanceRage



Dance Music Unplugged
EuroDance Group



We Gotta Come Together (2018)
Movin On (Oct 2022)

Dance Music Unplugged aka DMU was created by Roland Radaelli. Their goal was to produce dance music with original early 90s equipment : AKAI S3000XL samplers, Roland JV, Korg and Yamaha DX sound modules, hardware effects processors, analogue mixing desks and Cubase VST 3.55 running on a Toshiba laptop with Windows 98 or Atari ST with Cubase 3, at DMU Studios in London.

We Gotta Come Together was released in 2018 as digital promo, then vinyl under Disco Magic UK. It was dedicated to Mario Percali. The II Examples mix was real classic eurodance.

In May 2020, a test pressing including 2 versions of the song Shame and 2 versions of We Gotta Come Together was done.

In August 2022, they re-released ASHA's J.J. Tribute. In October, they published a rework of Techno Age's Movin On.



Dance Nation
EuroTrance Group



Sunshine (22nd Jun 2001)
Dance! (15th Apr 2002)
Words (23rd Oct 2002)
You Take Me Away (5th May 2003)
Ridin' High (Aug 2006)
Great Divide (May 2010)
Surround Me (22nd Nov 2010)

It's during the winter 2001 that the Noculan Music production Team were asked to create a massive summer anthem. The Dance Nation project was created, and Sunshine, their first single, scored a big hit worldwide. After this, Kim Vergouwen joined the project. Her artistic corner had begun at the tender age of 5. Some years later, she performed live in a R&B outfit gaining the necessary experience to handle large crowds. Besides music she was also a budding young actress and was keenly interested in the fashion world.

Sean also joined Dance Nation as stage performer. Born in 1979, he started at a young age with his dancing career and later he developed his singing skills. Besides his interest in music he likes Tai-boxing, skating and following the latest trends in fashion. Large crowds have been thrilled by his dancing and singing talents.

The huge second single, debuting at #2 in the O.D.C.(Germany) and spending 10 weeks at number 1 on the dj-playlist Top200, Dance! was a huge success. Then came the single Words, a song about feelings, emotions and reflection.

Their 4th single You Take Me Away was out in May 2003.

Dance Nation are currently finishing their eagerly awaited debut album One Nation, due for release in July 2003...

The new single from Dance Nation will be called I'm Gonna Get You. It will be released at the end of January 2004 and it will include remixes from DJ Zahny, Bradski & Jenski and Chew Fu Phat.

2004 : due to problems with their records company, Dance Nation had to change their name. They are now called Double Nation. They released a brand new single entitled I'm Gonna Get You that they presented to the German TV broadcast Club Rotation in July. The single entered the German DJ playlist at #72.

2006 : Sean and Kim got their old name back, since a single entitled Ridin' High was released under the project name Dance Nation in July. The label was Purple Eye Entertainment in the Netherlands. The clip was shot in Allicante (Spain).

2007 : the single Move Your Love which was originally released in 2005 under the name Double Nation will be released as Dance Nation in the UK in February.

Kim took part to X-Factor 2010 in the Netherlands as one of the contestants.

Thanks to Dance Artist Infos, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin and Kizoo



Dance Nation (2)
EuroDance Group



Dawn (1994)

1.Come On People, 2.True Conviction, 3.Never In My Life, 4.Freed, 5.Let The Rhythm Entrance (Mubla mix), 6.Stellar Symphony, 7.The Eagle Has Landed '94 (Ambient mix), 8.Whirlwind, 9.Subdistorsion, 10.Strange Attractor,


Visitor In the World ()
Lost ()
Technoflight EP (white label) (31st Dec 1992)
Don't Panic (1993)
Extended Play (1993)
Never In My Life (1994)
Freed (1994)
True Conviction (1994)
This Love (Here For You) (Mar 2003)

This project, created back in 1989, features a solo female vocalist called Laura N, along with the composer The Captain and the songwriter and singer Carbon D. Their label was BMG Ariola.

In December 1992 they released a sort of promotional white label EP called Techno Flight EP.

Afterwards, they released several singles, among them Never In My Life which was a very nice eurodance track. The album Dawn was released under BMG. Laura left the project afterwards.

They did a comebcak in 2003 with This Love (Here For You). DJ Patu had joined the project.

No relationship with the German eurotrance/pop group Dance Nation (now renamed Double Nation)

Thanks to Vision
Dance nation at Serious Eurodance



Dance Nature
EuroDance Group



Jungle Fever (Sur mon front coule la fièvre) (1994)
Rhythm Of Love (15th May 1995)

The single Rhythm Of Love features the voice of Lisa Hunt. Lyrics & music were written by Da Furio, Fabio Ragrizzio and Jaccomo. The "Italian nature remix" was done by M2 (Moroldo Mensy), the others by Dance Nature. The producer was Francesco Pinardi. The single was recorded at Harry son studio. It was distributed under the label Trema in France in 1994 and Disco Magic Records in Italy in 1995.

Apparently it's the same project which released the single Jungle Fever. This single was composed and written by L.Bouillet, F.Prabel and P.Jacquot, written & produced by Dance Nature.It was recorded at ICP Studio in Brussels (Belgium), distributed in France by Trema Music

Thanks to reBeL and EuroHit Music



Dance Or Die
EuroDance Group



Satisfy (29th Oct 1993)
Galaxy Of Love (4th Apr 1994)

Dance Or Die is an Italian project created by Ricky Persi, Dr. Rizzatti and DJ Ricci. The singles were released in Germany under the label ZYX and in Italy under DFC. Scarlett Wollenman (who also had some success with her song Independant Love Song) is the voice of Galaxy Of Love. The single was released under Expanded Music srl and included 4 versions : an Extended mix, an A Cappella version, a Techno NRG mix, and a Final mix.

The releationship with the German pop-rock group Dance Or Die (which stands behind records such as 3001, Dance Or Die, Deshumanizer...) is not well established.

Thanks to Vincenzo "Hyperclap" Roselli and MikeBoy from Serious Eurodance



Dance Politix
EuroDance Group



Can You Feel It (1995)

Can You Feel It featured vocals by Zoe. It was arranged and mixed by Corrado Esposito, Sylvio Perrone and M. Marcolin, produced by S. Perrone. Label: Cross Records



Dance Pool
EuroDance Company


Label of Sony Music under which many German eurodance acts such Culture Beat, Jam & Spoon, Pharao, were released...

In 1999 this label has been merged with the Sony subsidaries Epidrome and Adrenalin to form Dance Division.



Dance Revolution
EuroDance Group



Let Me Feel It (1994)
Dreams (1995)
Dance The Dance (1995)

Dance Revolution featured performers Lea Casell, Ramses, Rob Ironwire (probably none other than Roberto Filaferro) and The Dude

Let Me Feel It was licensed in Spain under Blanco y Negro. It was produced, recorded and mixed by Jürg Imhoof and Roberto Filaferro, mastered at Revolution Recording Studio.

Dreams was written by Roberto Filaferro, Rams, Jürg Imhoof & Denzler. It was recorded, produced and mixed at the Revolution Recordings Studio by R. Filaferro & Jürg Imhoof. Label : Mint Records / ZYX.

B-side Reach Out was digitally re-released under project name 90s Revolution in 2005 on compilation Best Of 90s. On the same compilation, track Do It Tonight by Dance Revolution was actually a version of Let Me Feel It

Song Dance The Dance appeared on compilation Hit News Vol. 5/95.

Thanks to reBeL and Gianni



Dance Rhythm
EuroDance Company


Italian label Dance Rhythm was a sublabel of Benvenuto Ed. Musicali.



Dance Street Records
EuroDance Company


Dance Street Records was founded by Dieter Stemmer in 1990. It was home for dance projects such as Activate, Cartouche, Interactive, Bass Bumpers, Daisy Dee, Doop, Dancefloor Syndroma, Harajuku...



Dance United
EuroTrance Group



Reach Out (30th Sep 2002)

This project was formed to help victims of German floods. They released their single Reach Out in Germany on September 30th 2002. The videoclip contained heartbreaking images of the floodings. Many trance and house DJs took part to this project : 4 Clubbers, Aquagen, ATB, Blank & Jones, Brooklyn Bounce, Caba Kroll, CJ Stone, Cosmic Gate, Jurgen Driessen, Essential DJ Team, Future Breeze, Gardweg, Green Court, Groove Coverage, DJ Sammy, DJ Shah, DJ's @ Work, Du Monde, Novaspace, Pulsedriver, RNB, Rocco, Safri Duo, Scooter, Starsplash, Sunbeam, Sylver, Topmodelz, Andre Visior, Woody Van Eyden, Tom Wax & Jan Wayne.

The single contained a West Radio edit (an instrumental eurotrance version), a North Radio edit (nice eurotrance with words by female voice & H.P. Baxxter shouting "reach out" and "side by side"), a South Radio edit, a West mix, a North mix and a South mix. Videos in West & North mixes were played in Germany even before the single release.

Thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin



Dance Universal Experiment
EuroDance Company


Sublabel of DWA Records.

Iventi d'Azzuro Labelmania



Dance World
EuroDance Company


Polish eurodance label, active till 1997.



Dancefloor Syndroma
EuroDance Group



Can't You See (27th Jun 1994)
Power Of Luv (31st May 1995)
Brand New Way (10th May 1996)

Musical team : Jan Peter Odendahl, Guisi Cammarata, Mark Mosmueller & Michael Urgacz

Dancefloor Syndroma is a German project. The single Can't You See was written by Jan Peter Odendahl, Guisi Cammarata, Mark Mosmueller and Michael Urgacz. It featured the voice and raps of Juicy (Guisi Cammarata). The single Power Of Luv was produced by Mark Mosmueller and co-produced by Michael Urgacz, written by Jan Peter Odendahl, Michael Urgacz, Guisi Cammarata, and released in 1995 by Rough Trade Records.

The Dancefloor Syndroma dancers were called Anika Berhang, Sonja Clasen, Steffi Juntgen, and Sascha Lawicki.

In 1997, project split up. Guisi created project 4 Wanted with Markus Cremer. They sung pop, rock and dance covers.

Thanks to WebDJs, Dean M Nakanishi (Eurodance Rage) and Necronomic



EuroDance Group



Make Dance - Not War! (29th Sep 2023)

1.Intro, 2.Princess Of The Night, 3.Free Enough 2 Dance, 4.Everywhere, 5.Two Souls Arise, 6.Follow Your Feelings, 7.Money Decides It All, 8.Cool 2 Be Alive, 9.United On The DancefronT, 10.Let's Stand Together, 11.DancefronT Theme, 12.Money Decides It All (Club Version), 13.Outro, 14.Lillia K. ID, 15.Aaronikk ID,


Free Enough 2 Dance (20th May 2022)
Follow Your Feelings (1st Jul 2022)
United On The DancefronT (17th Feb 2023)
Money Decides It All (12th May 2023)
Let's Stand Together (29th Dec 2023)
Lonely Girl (23rd Feb 2024)


Follow Your Feelings (DJ Magix Eurodance Remix) (22nd Jul 2022)

Eurodance project DanceFronT was created in 2022 by Israelian (ex-Belarus) producer Denis Tereschenko around Canadian rapper Aaronikk (Aaron Katen) and Ukrainian singer Liliia Kysil. But actually the first musical developments, which later became the compositions of the DancefronT project, appeared in the second half of 2021, in the form of instrumental demo mixes composed by Denis.

Liliia had been working as a session vocalist with various musicians and projects from all over the world for several years. Aaronikk was running his own hip-hop project, participated as a drummer in a rock/metal band, plus he worked in the studio. As for Denis, he had been working in his own underground one man metal project for more than 15 years.

The project's name was an anti-war reference - instead of a war front, theirs was a dance front. Thus, the project acted as an anti-war project, which has always been part of the ideology of the Eurodance movement, but was especially relevant these last years.

With Liliia K and Aaronikk's help, the first compositions were completed, and in the Spring of 2022 Their first single Free Enough 2 Dance was released under young label LoVE IT (this was one of the label's first releases) owned by Andy Stead, Maxxima's producer.

Free Enough 2 Dance received good reviews in the Eurodance community, and in July it was followed by another single : Follow Your Feelings.

DanceFronT had to do a several months pause due to problems with the publishing label. Not wanting to wait any longer, Denis decided to work independently. So at the beginning of 2023 the third single United On The DancefronT was finally released. Then in May 2023 came the final single Money Decides It All. Lyric videos for both singles were published as well.

At the time of the release of the third single, the full-length album Make Dance - Not War! was almost completely ready, but due to delays in the album’s design, the material was eventually released in September 2023 on all streaming platforms, the project's Bandcamp page as well as a limited edition of 100 CD copies. The title was a reference to the hippie 60s slogan ("Make love - not war")

DancefronT ended 2023 with the single Let's Stand Together. It included 4 versions, all of them different versions from the one one the Make Dance - Not War! album.

2024 : a new single entitled Lonely Girl was released in February. The song was a musically based on Samotna, a song originallyperformed by Prague's band Neverjoy. This new version featured Liliia's vocal improvisation without words.



EuroDance Group



The Beat (1994)

All titles composed, arranged and texted by Kowatsch. Produced by Black Nero for DMR. Vocals by Patty & Dyer and recorded at Missigan Studios. Label: Insania Records

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



Do It For Love (25th Jul 1997)

The single was recorded and mixed at Synthesis Black Studio (Torino, Italy). Label: Entity Records



EuroDance Group



Mystery Girl (1999)
Walk In The Sunshine (1999)

Walk In The Sunshine and Mystery Girl were produced by Peter Hartmann and Jan Langhoff and released under Scandinavian Records.



EuroDance Group



Faza (1997)

1.Faza, 2.Jestes Doskonala, 3.Moze Zrozumiesz, 4.Magiczna Rzecz, 5.Mam Chec, 6.Strobomania, 7.Przychodze Co Noc, 8.Jak Magnes, 9.Szalony Doping, 10.Strobomania Jungle, 11.Faza Transmix, 12.Szalony Doping (Crazy Mix), 13.Moze Zrozumiesz (Koncert Mix), 14.Strobomania (70's Version), 15.I Want, 16.Strobomania (Extended Version),


Przychodze Co Noc ()

Real name : Daniel Skarżyński

Thanks to Klems



Daniel (Sandy)
EuroDance Group



Mandy (1997)

Label: D.V. Factory. Mandy was a cover of a song originially recorded by Barry Manilow.

Thanks to Gianni



Dannii T
EuroDance Group



Green Day (1995)

Green Day was produced by Roby Arduini, recorded and arranged by A. Puntillo, Massimo Motta and R. Arduini. Label: Union Records.



EuroDance Group


Life Is Just A Stage (25th Jul 1997)

This mysterious project featured a rapper and a female vocalist.

Thanks to Apho



Danny Wilson



EuroDance Group



I Like Chopin (1997)
Abracadabra (1997)
What Can I Do (1998)
Take Me Tonight (1999)
Flying Away (2000)
Dance (4th Nov 2008)

Records company : SAIFAM Publishing Group (label 21st Century). This project features a solo male vocalist (probably the same as Orlando).

The first single I Like Chopin was produced by Mauro Farina, G. Crivellente and F. Turatti. It was originally written by Mazzolini and Giombini.

Abracadabra (a cover of Steve Miller Band) was produced by M. Farina and F. Turatti, mixed at Universal Studios. It included a B-side entitled Katmandu which was composed by the trio Farina, Crivellente and Turatti.

What Can I Do, an original song, was composed by F. Serra and M. Farina, produced by M. Farina and Factory Team, mixed at Factory Sound in Verona (Italy).

In 1999 came Take Me Tonight. It was composed by M. Farina, G. Crivellente and F. Serra, produced by Mauro Farina, mastered at Compotech.

Dante also recorded some tracks, such as the covers I Haven't Stop Dancing Yet (originally composed by Stock, Aitken ans Waterman) and Dance (feat Wildside, composed by Anderson and Ulvaeus)



Dante (Alana)
EuroDance Group



Breaking Out (25th Nov 1996)

1.I'm Breaking Out, 2.Back Where We Belong, 3.Attention To Me, 4.The Promise, 5.Think Twice, 6.They Say It's Gonna Rain, 7.The Mirror, 8.Groove Me, 9.One Heart, 10.Feeling O, 11.What I Do For love, 12.How Can I Win Your Love, 13.Attention To Me (Discoround mix), 14.Think Twice (Xclusive mix ),

Disco-Suppa-Girl (1998)

1.Disco-Suppa-Girl (X-clusive Album Mix), 2.Take Me For A Ride, 3.Stay With Me, 4.Breakin Out, 5.Dream Tonight, 6.Why Don't You Write Me, 7.The Life Of The Party, 8.Lost In Dreams, 9.The Promise, 10.Land Of Eternal Love, 11.Think Twice (Bonus track),

As Time Goes By (3rd Dec 2008)

1.I started a joke, 2.Desperado, 3.I wanna be loved by you, 4.If you can read my mind, 5.Vincent, 6.If, 7.Bang Bang, 8.As time goes by, 9.Fever, 10.Crazy, 11.Cry me a river, 12.Send in the clowns, 13.At seventeen,


Think Twice (1995)
Attention To Me (30th Oct 1996)
Back Where We Belong (1997)
Take Me For A Ride (Oct 1997)
The Life Of The Party (May 1998)
Disco-Suppa-Girl (Oct 1998)
Land Of Eternal Love (1999)
Get Ready For The Sunsand (Apr 1999)
Saturday Baby (25th Jun 1999)
Give You Up (12th Nov 1999)
Star For A Night (2000)
Back In The Summer (2000)
Never Can Say Goodbye (28th Feb 2001)
Sylvia's Mother (2002)
D.I.S.C.O. (2005)

Producer and arrangements : Peter Neefs

Alana Dante (real name : Christel Hoogewijs) was born in Belgium on the 1st December 1972 or 1969, according to biographies.

At the age of 4, she started to sing along with the songs she heard on the radio. She also made up her own songs. When she was 12, she went to the music academy where she studied violin and took singing lessons during almost 8 years. After she had left school, she performed at karaoke club, disco's, etc... Where she soon was discovered by the Belgian dance-producer Peter Neefs.

Peter immediately recognized Alana's talent and they buried themselves in the studio to find songs suited for Alana's voice. Their first choice was Celine Dion's worldwide hit Think Twice, which was Alana's first single released.

Her first album was released in 1996. It sold pretty good in Germany and was released in India under ToCo license, it sold there 106 000 copies.

February 21st 1999 Alana won the pre-selections for Eurovision 1999, with the single Get Ready For The Sunsand. But the following week the Belgian Broadcasting Company VRT selected Vanessa Chinitor to go to Jerusalem. On April 1999 she hit the Belgian Charts with Get Ready For The Sunsand and Vakantie, its Dutch version (Highest Position Number 1). June 25th 1999 : Alana released a new single Saturday Baby and performed during the Radio 2 Zommerhit event on August 6th 1999. On November 12th 1999  she released her new single Give You Up and on November 23rd 1999 she presented it on VRT 'Hitkracht'.

Alana is 1,69 m tall for 54 kg. She is blue-eyed and her hair is dark brown. She loves dog and herserlf owns a Collie. She loves eating spaghettis. Her favourite actors are Sean Connery, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Meryl Streep. She likes listening to Elton John, Phil Collins, Ace Of Base, Roxette, Cappella and Celine Dion whom she really would like to meet. Her musical tastes are very eclectic : she likes classical music, ballads, and of course dance. Her faourite author is Stephen King. She likes fitness and singing. Her favourite car is the Mercedes 500 SL. She likes holidays and happy people, and she can't bear pessimism and arrogance. She hates war. Her favourite colour is Blue and she likes wearing sportswear clothes

2001 : Alana released a cover of Gloria Gaynor's hit Never Can Say Goodbye.

2002 : Alana's new single Sylvia's Mother is about to be released.

2005 : Alana Dante released a nice cover of Ottawan's famous hit D.I.S.C.O.

2006 : in January, Alana got married with Nico, a musician.

Alana goes rock'n'roll... She teamed un with a band called the Forgotten, and does some tours, singing rock'n'roll oldies. She became also a member of the Souldivaz (with Micha Mara and Sandra Kim), who released their first single Dancing In The Street.

2007 : she left the Souldivaz, being replaced by Afi. Alana was quite busy with her group The Forgotten, as well as working as a singer in a luxury hotel.

2008 : in April, Alana was a guest of Radio Donna studios for their "90s week". Wearing her mythic latex outfit, she sung live Take Me For A Ride. She released a brand new album entitled As Time Goes By, under the simple name Alana, at the end of the year.

Alana Dante Online
Alana Dante fanpage
Thanks to Mihail Murgociu



EuroDance Group



Look At Your Man (1994)
Summertime (1994)
I Wish I Could Fly (1995)

Real name : Nuru Magram. Producer : James Dandu (from Cool James & Black Teacher). Danuma is a project of Pierre Jerksten.

In 1994 Danuma contributed to Cool James & Black Teacher's album Zooming You as backing vocalist (on Godfather, Knockin' You, Innocent Children, The Rhythm Of The Tribe, Madame For Me and Coocoo You).

The first track on the single Look At Your Man was RnB, but its S.F.C. Remix was an excellent eurodance track. Summertime was more downtempo. I Wish I Could Fly was a house/garage track.

Thanks to Vision

Artists and groups featuring Danuma

Cool James and Black Teacher - Godfather (1994), The Rhythm Of The Tribe (1994)



EuroDance Member


Darija took part to many German eurodance studio projects : D-Phase, Basic Art, Brainstorm Project... She also appeared on Culture Trance - Cosmica.

2001 : She contributed to Cookies & Cream single Always On My Mind.

Artists and groups featuring Darija

Basic Art - You Better Stop (1994)
Brainstorm Project - Confusion (1995)
Cookies & Cream - Always On My Mind (2001)
Culture Trance - Cosmica (1994)
D-Phase - I Owe You Nothing (1995), Tell My Why (1995)
Pompoos - Pompöös Is My Life (album) (1994)



EuroDance Group



Without You (1995)

The single was released as vinyl. It appeared on the compilation Energy Rush III.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



In My Dreams (5th May 1994)


In My Dreams (1994)

The producer of the project is Tony Cottura. The other production part is Marcello Piaggi which produced several unknown euro acts during the 90s. The music was programmed and arranged by Bülent Aris. The rapper featured by the project is named True (one of the many aliases of Nana Abrokwa, aka Darkman. There were rumors according to which raps had been done by Tony himself). And the sweet female voice in the hit is sait to be non other than... Marie-Anett from Fun Factory. But on the sleeve you can read : "vocals by Cassandra", and vocals probably belong to Fun Factory's real voice Balca.

Their one and only single is an amazing Eurodance track released with several good remixes (a Nightmare mix, a Midnight remix, a Hell comes to your house remix) and a special remixes CD. It reached # 2 in the Israel dance chart and # 5 in Air-play chart. The song also entered top 10 in Brasil and Russia, top 50 in the German dance chart and also # 22 in the Italian single chart. The song was licensed in Switzerland (Phonag), France (Do It), Sweden (Edel/Sony), Spain (Edel/Errece), Italia (Edel Italia), Finland (Edel/Polygramm), and UK (Edel UK/Pinnacle).

2012 : In My Dreams was remixed by Pulsedriver on his album Sound Of Celebration.

Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to DJ Aaron "Euromaster" and ES



EuroDance Group



Gimme The Love (18th Feb 1994)
Jumping In My Fire (1995)

Label : Italian Style. Members : Diego Abaribi, M. Marcolin & V. Gaffurini. The project featured a solo female vocalist.



Darry Hard
EuroDance Group



So Much Baby ()

The single featured a solo female vocalist. It was produced, mixed and recorded by G. Brachini, G. Comelli, G. Gallina, M. Mussetti and P. Carminati at "Hogiga Studio" (Brescia, Italy), written by G. Brachini, G. Comelli and G. Gallina. Label: Discoid Corporation



Dart (Patty)
EuroDance Group



Frederick (1994)
Leave Me or Love Me (1995)
Angel (1996)
You Make Me Wanna Cry (1996)
Breakin' Up (1997)
Love Resurrection (1997)
Love Myself (3rd Dec 2015)
Better When I'm Dancing (23rd Jan 2016)
Rotten To The Core (9th Feb 2016)
Make Me Like You (19th Mar 2016)
Lover (16th Nov 2019)
Lalisa (26th Nov 2021)
Rockstar (27th Sep 2024)
Walk On By (11th Oct 2024)

Label : Lips, Interdance and Union (3 labels of the SAIFAM records company)

Frederick was a cover of the song originally sung by Patti Smith. The B-side Going On was composed and written by Max Persona, Roby Arduini & Andrea Puntillo (it was actually a sort of instrumental version). The single was released in 1994 under Union in Italy and licensed under Polydor in Germany (under the title Frederik).

Leave Me Or Love Me was arranged and performed by Andrea Puntillo and Roby Arduini. It was co-produced by Alessandro Giola, mixed by Alessandro Giola, P. Zollo, producer and mixed by Roby Arduini, written by Alessandro Giola, P. Zollo and Roby Arduini. The single was released under Union in Italy in 1995 and licensed under Blanco Y Negro in Spain.

The next year came the single Angel. It was composed and written by F. Scandolari and L. Carpella. The executive producer Roby Arduini for Union srl. It was arranged and recorded by L. De Preti and Franz Scandolari, mixed by Franz Scandolari at Union Studios in Verona (Italy), released under Lips in Italy.

In 1997 was released Love Resurrection. It was produced by Roby Arduini for Union Srl, arranged, recorded by United Music Industries at Union Studios, released under the label Lips

Then came Breakin' Up, produced by Mauro Farina, Roby Arduini, A. Puntillo, arranged by Roby Arduini and A. Puntillo, mixed at Union Studios and released under Interdance Records in 1997 too.

You Make Me Wanna Cry was written and composed by F. Scandolari and L. Carpella.

Thanks to Visions



EuroDance Group



Fever (1994)

Fever was written by David Knipe and Kevin Alner and featured vocals by Athene Parker.



EuroDance Group



Eternity (1993)

1.North Line, 2.Devotion, 3.Passion, 4.Mystic Motion, 5.East Line, 6.Nu Style, 7.South Line, 8.Yerba Del Diablo, 9.The 7th Allucinacion, 10.Eternity, 11.West Line, 12.Fade To Grey, 13.Yerba Del Diablo - Part II (Juca Rosa), 14.Yerba Del Diablo - Part II (Ariki), 15.Devotion (Karma Marga),

Greatest Hits (1998)

1.Fade To Grey (Feat. Steve Strange), 2.North Line, 3.Devotion, 4.Passion, 5.Mystic Motion, 6.East Line, 7.Nu Style, 8.South Line, 9.Yerba Del Diablo, 10.The 7th Hallucination, 11.Eternity, 12.West Line, 13.Fade To Grey (Album Version), 14.Yerba Del Diablo (Part 2), 15.El Sueño, 16.Yerba Del Diablo (Part 3), 17.Devotion (Extended Version), 18.Eternity (Verdana/Datura's Bloom), 19.El Sueño (LIVE Recorded At Cocorico-Riccone), 20.The 7th Hallucination (Live Recorded at Aquafan-Riccone),


Nu Style (1st Oct 1991)
Yerba Del Diablo (Aug 1992)
Devotion (8th May 1993)
Eternity (18th Sep 1993)
Live Remixes (1994)
Fade To Grey (29th Jan 1994)
The 7th Hallucination (28th May 1994)
Mystic Motion (1995)
Infinity (15th May 1995)
Angeli Domini (27th Nov 1995)
From Here To Eternity (1996)
Mantra (14th Jun 1996)
Voo-doo Believe? (5th Nov 1996)
The Sign (2nd Jun 1997)
Passion (6th Oct 1997)
I Will Pray (22nd Jun 1998)
I Love To Dance (9th Feb 1999)
Yerba Del Diablo Remix (26th Feb 2001)
Will Be One (25th Jan 2002)
El Sueno (15th Nov 2002)
Summer Of Energy (25th Sep 2004)
Nu Style (12th Mar 2005)
Infinity (22nd Sep 2005)
Fade To Grey (Jun 2006)
Infinity 2006 (vs MNS) (18th Dec 2006)
Eternity 25th Anniversary (23rd Nov 2018)


Eternity (1993)
Mystic Motion (1995)
Fade To Grey (Remixes 2019) (29th Mar 2019)

The Datura project was born in the spring of 1991 in Bologna (Italy), being the child of the producers Ciro Pagano and Stefano Mazzavillani. They collaborated with other DJs such as DJ Ricci and Cirillo. Datura is the name of a particular medical grass very well known among ancient (inca or maya) tribes. They featured several vocalists, among them the mysterious Amparo Fidalgo Annalisa (for instance on Will Be One).

Datura's team also stands behind other 2 dance projects. The 1st one is Masoko Solo (which released the single Pessa Pessa during the summer of 1994, followed by Oh Le Le during the autumn). Oh Le Le had been quite successful. Their second project was called Deri (from the name a mysterious Inca city). They released their only single Musica Pasandah (meaning "Music of the Past") in Spring of 2001. They also did remixes for the Italian pop group 883, as well as Moratto or Scooter.

In the October of 1991 they released their first single Nu Style it got many consents, a remixes CD then followed.

But was in the August of 1992 the time to get the first success with Yerba Del Diablo. This single reached quickly the top of every hit-parade awarded Datura their first golden disk, 100000 copies sold. A remixes CD was also released.o Stefano started touring in the discotheques of Europe for live-shows.

In the spring of 1993 was released the track Devotion, which was another good success. It featured the singer Billie Ray Martin who would also take part to the following singles. In the Autumn of 1993, their first only album was out : Eternity sold over 30000 copies only in Italy. The single with the same name got even more success, as it peaked quickly at position # 1, stayed there for many weeks. It was following by a remixes CD.

In the same year, Datura began to be very popular in the rest of Europe, as shows the international success of the single Fade To Grey, with Steve Strange as special guest.

1994 : The follow-up single, entitled The 7th Hallucination, was a real anthem in every European discotheque. In the same year Datura obtained the Best Dance Group award.

In the year 1995, Datura produced the single Infinity together with U.S.U.R.A. It another very successful track. In the same year Datura started to collaborate with Time Records in November was recorded Angeli Domini, featuring latin vocals. In the same period, another Datura song entitled Mystic Motion entered the hit-parades. This track had been recorded some time ago, extracted from the album Eternity, the singer was once again Billie Ray Martin.

In the 1996 came the single Mantra, still following the same mystical theme, Voo-Doo Believe ? After only 3 weeks it had already reached position # 3. It was successful all over Europe especially in France where it reached the 2nd position of the Dance Chart. In the 1998 it was released in USA England too, entered the Top-20 of the official dance-chart.

Afterwards was released a new single entitled The Sign, including 3 remix versions by DJ Fargetta. They also released From Here To Eternity, a cover of a song by Giorgio Moroder.

In 1997 was produced the single Passion, still featuring the voice of Billie Ray Martin, arrived until the 11th position in Italian dance-parade.

During the summer of 1998 they scored another success with I Will Pray many consents.

In the 1999, Datura gave up the religious trend... We saw the release of a hard-house single, featuring this time the singer Ben Volpelier Pierrot (known for taking part to the group Curiosity Killed the Cat). The single was called I Love To Dance contained 3 remixes by DJ Dado .

In the 2001 a millenium remix single of Yerba Del Diablo was released. In 2002 Datura did a small comeback with a track entitled Will Be One.

2004 : In August, Gigi D'agostino Datura released a CD-single entitled Summer Of Energy.

2005 : a vinyl was released under the label SAIFAM Italy in March, a re-release of Nu Style including 2 new 2005 versions on the A-side. A new version of Infinity was released in September, the vinyl contained 2 versions : B-zar remix, Blue Laguna mix.

2006 : Datura featured the voice of Steve Strange for a new cover of Fade To Grey, that they had already covered in 1994.

2007 : an unofficial pirate best of entitled Germenes 1991-2004 was presented on Russian fansites.

Datura's team has also made remixes for many groups:

883 - Nord Sud Ouest Est
Control Unit - Atchooo!!!
C.S.I. - Chi C'é C'é Chi Non C'é Non C'é (A Tratti)
Fiorello - Il Cielo
Moratto - La Pastilla Del Fuego
Scooter - Endless Summer
Spagna - Why Me
The End - Rebel Song

Thanks to Vincenzo "Hyperclap" Roselli Dj Marto Aida
Italo-Dancefloor news



Dav Isa
EuroDance Group



Hugging 'n Kissing (1994)
Planet Earth (1995)

The project features Davide Polettini and Isabella Valentini (who also contributed to the project Isa B). The EP Hugging 'N' Kissing was released in 1994. The single Planet Earth was released in 1995 under the label Unlimited.

Thanks to Emperor Absolutus



EuroDance Group



You (Jun 2020)
Mailbox (12th Oct 2020)
I Can't Believe (23rd Nov 2020)
Full Control (31st Mar 2021)
Shine (12th Jul 2021)
Bondage Boy (1st Sep 2021)
Don't Break A Heart (1st May 2022)
Stay (28th Mar 2023)

D.A.V.E. is a eurodance project created by David Annel, a German DJ and radio speaker born in Völklingen on June 28th, 1980. His first single You, out in 2020, featured vocals by Taraneh. Then came Mailbox and I Can't Believe, including vocal parts from the Lyane Leigh voice package.

In 2021, Full Control featured Kaia.

Thanks to Eurodance Magazine



Dave C
EuroDance Group



I Don't Want To Be A Hero (1995)
All That She Wants (1995)

Real name : Davide Cuttica. Label : In Memory Records. I Don't Want To Be A Hero was licensed in Spain under Max Music.



David Age
EuroDance Group



Ready For My Love (1998)

David Age is a SAIFAM project featuring a solo female vocalist. Ready For My Love was produced and arranged, mixed ans mastered by Pieradis Rossini and Pierpaolo (Paola ?) Peroni at Tram Tram Studio in Italy. The Ottomix version was arranged by P. Rossini and Ottomix DJ. The Groovy Factory Team mix was arranged by Mauro Farina & Factory Team. Label : Tram Tram.

Thanks to Klems



Davies (Jade)
EuroDance Member



We Couldn't Take It (1998)
If I Can't Have You (1999)
Taking Over (I Found Beauty) (9th Sep 2011)

Jade Davies (real name : Heidi Francoise Nancy Pfau) became Unique II's vocalist. She then released 2 solo singles

Artists and groups featuring Davies (Jade)

Hubertus - When You Say Yes (1998)
Unique II - Break My Stride (1996), Break My Stride (1997), Dance All Night (1997), Do What You Please (1996), For Tonight (1996), Free (1995), I Still Go On (1997), Loveline (1993)



EuroDance Group



The Summer Is My Life (1995)

The Summer Is My Life was recorded and mixed at Demo Studio Professional, produced by Maurizzio Pezzotta and Mauro Bonasio, written by Mauro Bonasio and Bob Benozzo.

Thaks to Gianni



Davina (2)
EuroDance Group



Here Comes The Rain (1993)

Italian dance act Davina was produced by Severo Lombardoni, arranged by T. Carrasco, N. Calgary and M. Giannotti. Single Here Comes The Rain (Eurythmics’ hit cover) included track Rainland on A2 Side. It was licensed in Spain under Max Music Records.

Thanks to Ulysses



Davis (Anita)
EuroDance Member


Female vocalist for Magic Affair

The american born Anita Davis studied song, drama and dance in New York. After her studies she worked in Broadway and she has also been working as a background singer. Her Mum is called Dorothy, her Dad is called Wayne, and she has a sister named Valarie. She also attended the Fashion Institute of Technology.

In 1994, she played the role of the black widow in Peter Maffay's musical Tabaluga & Lilli. A track entitled Eis im September was featured on compilation Tabaluga & Lilli Live and credited to her.

Anita Davis has, besides Magic Affair, also sung in the Finnish heavy band Waltari's song Walkin' In The Neon. She also took part to the Centory project, and sung the vocal parts of many songs of the album Alpha Centory. That was her first collaboration with Janet De Lara , who would become her partner in Magic Affair one year after.

More recently she did a duo with the singer Carlos Peron, they sung the song Be With The World.

1999 : Anita was featured by the project Sidestep on the single I Like It.

Nowadays, Anita lives in Cologne.

Artists and groups featuring Davis (Anita)

Ajay - Finally (2008)
Centory - The Spirit (1995)
Frankie Valentine - Lift Your Soul (2000)
Fresh Sydney - Feel The Emotion (1994)
Kay Cee - Millennium Stringz (1999)
Magic Affair - Break These Chains (1997), Energy Of Light (1996), Energy Of Light (1996), Night Of The Raven (1997), PhenOMENia (album) (1996), The Rhythm Makes You Wanna Dance (1995), The Rhythm Makes You Wanna Dance (1995), World Of Freedom (1996)
Sidestep - I Like It (1999)
United Stars - Be With The World (1999)
Waltari - Walkin' In The Neon (1997)
Yanou - Brighter Day (2009)



Davis (Jesse Lee)
EuroDance Group



European Passion (1999)

Unchained (2003)

The Knight on Tour (2005)

Limited Edition (2006)

Unreleased (2007)

Shine (15th Apr 2008)

1.Shine, 2.Love Is The Answer, 3.Night Calls, 4.Days Like This, 5.Runaway Child,

Both Sides of Me (26th Jul 2011)

1.Please Don't Ever Change, 2.Just a Touch of Your Love, 3.Is the Bit In You, 4.Dream Girl, 5.How Wonderful Life Is, 6.Another Day In Paradise, 7.Don't You Worry (He Is Only Right Today), 8.Last Cry, 9.Just One Life (feat. Firewoodz), 10.Nobody Is Perfect, 11.It's Hard to Let You Go, 12.Lovesick In Berlin (Nico feat. Jesse Lee Davis), 13.Please Don't Ever Change (Loomyloo Remix),


Get Up On This (Jun 1991)
Is This Love (1993)
Round And Round (11th Nov 1993)
Like a Flame (24th Oct 1994)
Keep Me Comin (19th Sep 1997)
Baby come back (2001)
Sign Your Name (8th Jan 2008)
We Are The Children (21st Jan 2008)
Summerbreeze (3rd Jul 2009)
I Need A Lady (7th May 2010)
Please Don't Ever Change (23rd Jul 2011)


Get Up On This (1992)

Jesse was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas (and not it Detroit, Michigan) on April 6th, 1964, raised in Texas, and came to Germany in the mid 80's with the US army just like a lot of other eurodance artists... And decided to stay there after the end of his military service in 1988, because he loved the country. He is not only a singer, but also a composer, songwriter, producer, graphic designer and more.

The first single Get Up On This contained a sample of James Brown's voice. It was produced by Avenue (aka G. and M. Cope), keyboards were played by Mr Boom. It was released in 1991 under BMG and appeared on the Canadian compilation Club Cutz Volume 2. A remixes CD was released in 1992.

His breakthrough was the single Is This Love, written, composed and produced by Prophecy (Arnie Friedman & Tom Gee, who also produced Florian Snyder). The B-side Be My Baby was produced by Audicon, written and composed by G. Eckert and Tom Hartmann who were also the producers of Masterjam. B.Alien and Jesse himself co-wrote this last track. The single was released under Dance Pool in Germany. It was pretty succesful in Israel where it reached #2, and #31 in the yearly chart. It appeared on the Canadian version of the Dance Pool Vol. 2 compilation, on the Canadian compilation D.J. Line Plus Vol 8.

Then came Round And Round, once again produced by Prophecy, released the following year under the same label, once again a big success in Israel where it reached #3. It was composed by G. Eckert and T. Hartmann, written by Jesse himself.

The next single was entitled Like A Flame. It was written and produced by Marck Mozart, aka Marc Z, who also contributed to Coco' I Have A Dream, Odyssey's Into The Light and East Beat Syndicate's Love Transmission. It was co-written by Rüdi Fröhling, recorded at Electric Legoland. It entered Top 10 Charts in several European countries.

2005 : Jesse Lee, who had joined the Knights Templar at the age of 25, released an album entitled The Knight on Tour, which contained live recordings from Germany, Netherlands and Spain.

2007 : The album Unreleased came out. Jesse got married.

2008 : He released a 5-tracks album entitled Shine.

2009 : Jesse Lee was featured on several tracks on 11_inch and on Oskar Oskarson's Magenta Luma.

2010 : Jesse Lee appeared on Ron Paul Come We Play and on Senso Summerbreeze. In May, he was featured in Ralfe Sunshine. Jesse Lee recorded some more tracks with 11_inch, which were released on several compilations.

2011 : he performed in the real-TV show The Perfect Dinner on Vox.

2019 : Jesse took part to real-TV show Das Supertalent under stage name Sir Jesse Lee Von Held Davis.

Nowadays, Jess Lee still lives in Germany, in the city of Gevelsberg. He owns his own recording studio. He composes music for movies (and also musicals), designs for videoclips, and stands behind some current dance artists. He is the bassinger of band The Magic Platters.

Thanks to DJ Aaron "Euromaster" and Abelito
Jesse Lee Davis Official website
Jesse Lee Davis on Myspace

Artists and groups featuring Davis (Jesse Lee)

11_Inch - A Chance for Hope (2015), Freaky Little Thing (2011)
11_inch - Can You Feel It (2010), Deep Inside (2010), Horizon (2009), Just An Illusion (2009)
Davis Jesse Lee - Round And Round (1993)
Oskar Oskarson - Magenta Luma (2009)
Ralf-e - Sunshine (2010), Tarantino's Way (2015)
Ron Paul - Come We Play (2010)
Senso - Summerbreeze (2010)



Davis (Lana)
EuroDance Group



Baby Your Love (1996)
Dance Dance Dance (1997)
Spendin Good Times (1998)
The Singles (27th Apr 2009)


Dance Dance Dance ()
Baby Your Love (1996)

Producer : Reigo van Wersch.

Spending Good Times was featured on the French 3 CD compilation Maxi Slows.

Thanks to Eurodance Rage



Davis (Sonia)
EuroDance Group



Just Believe It (13th Apr 2018)

1.Baby Light My Fire, 2.Game Over, 3.Just Believe It, 4.Mickey Mouse, 5.Everybody Wants, 6.Moondriver, 7.I'm Shaking, 8.Hey, 9.If You Want Me, 10.All Around The World,


Bette Davis Eyes (1992)
Are You Ready To Go (1992)
Music Is My Life (1994)
Love Affair (1995)
Such A Shame (1996)

Real name : Sonia Zanzi. Label : Paradise Project.

Bette Davis Eyes was a cover of a hit originally performed by Kim Carnes. It contained a B-side called Tribal Superstar written by M. Frattini, C. Foresti, R. Biffi and L. Bericchia. It was produced and mixed by Marco Fratty, Corrado Presti, Roberto Intralazzi and Luciano Berry, recorded and mixed at Garden Studio. It was licensed under ZYX in Germany, Scorpio in France.

Sonia Davis did vocals on FPI Project - Feel It, Tell Me Why and Come On (And Do It). She also contributed to Universal Tracks' song You Got Me. In 1993, she refused a collaboration with Simply Red.

In 1994, she released Music Is My Life and in 1995, Love Affair. Both were recorded in Garden Studio in Bergamo, produced and mixed by Corrado Presti, Luciano Berry, Marco Fratty and Roberto Intrallazzi for Pipierre Production.

The following year, she recorded with DJ Maurizio Verbeni and Paolo Cimarelli a house cover of Talk Talk's hit Such A Shame under the label Source Of Music.

She never stopped singing, even when she opened a bar, Crudelia di Russi, with her boyfriend Gianni. But Gianni died following a brain aneurysm that left him in a coma for a year. At the age of 39, Sonia had to face a debt 350 000 euros and to raise their son Federico alone.

2007 : Sonia was featured on Crudelia's single You Forever.

2015 : she lives in Ravenna. She performed on stage in Ponte Marino with the pianist Mario Accardo songs ranging from the Beatles to Tina Turner, including big Italian hits. She released a digital album, Just Believe It. She also tours solo, with Gabriele Gazzani, or with her Sonia Davis Quartet (other members are Luca Felloni, Mario Accardo and Enzo Audino). She also works in a fast-food in Ravenna.

2024 : Sonia took part to The Voice Senior blind auditions on Italian channel Rai 1. She sung her first single Bette Davis Eyes and the performance was so amazing that all the 4 coaches turned around for her.

Thanks to Astralys and Gianni

Artists and groups featuring Davis (Sonia)

Crudelia - You Forever (2007)
FPI Project - Come On (And Do It) (1993), Feel It (1992), Tell Me Why (1995)
Fratty Marco - Bette Davis Eyes (2024)
Universal Tracks - You Got Me (1992)



Davoli (Daniele)
EuroDance Producer



House Machine (1987)
Magic (1988)
Magic Atto II (1989)
Attenti Al Lupo (1990)
Take Me With The Funk (1992)
Liberi (1994)

Daniele Davoli (aka DJ Lelewel) was one of the pioneers of the Italian House sound and had major success with Black Box, who were responsible for one of the biggest dance tracks of all time - Ride On Time. At one point Daniele had three tracks under three separate guises in the UK Top 10 in the same week with Black Box, Starlight (Numero Uno) and Mixmaster (Grand Piano)! No mean feat I'm sure you'll agree.

Born in northern Italy, Daniele started DJing at the infamous club Starlight in his hometown of Bologna. He first came to the UK on the back of the success of Black Box, who sold over five million records world-wide, and was soon honoured by being chosen as resident of the legendary, ground breaking club the Hacienda in Manchester where he began wearing his trademark hats. He went on to become one of the biggest and most popular names on the UK club scene playing everywhere from Renaissance, Cream and Hard Times and so on, you name a place and he's been there...

Since 1995 Daniele is been playing in Ibiza where he has become one of the veterans of the island playing every summer at all the main clubs from Manumission and Pacha (being resident for Perfecto for 3 consecutive years) to Amnesia, Eden, Space and Es Paradis.

In 1997 Daniele took time off from the music scene due to exhaustion. Two years later Daniele returned to the studio and 2001 saw the launch of Daniele’s new imprint, Propane.

Daniele was also the resident tour DJ on the Paul Oakenfold live tour supporting his album "Bunkka" taking in dates in Italy, Ireland, France, Greece, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Thailand and Brazil. The 2003 dates on the Heineken Thirst tour started in March taking in the rest of South America then back to Miami for the Winter Music Conference. The rest of 2003 saw him playing alongside Tiesto ,Pete Tong, Deep Dish, Roger Sanchez in South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, China, KL, Japan, the US and Europe. He also played alongside Oakie at Madonna's massive concert at the prestigious Slane Castle in Dublin in August 2004... an experience he will never forget!

Daniele has his own club brand "Rockdaworld," where you will hear him spinning a diverse mix including breaks, rock and electro tunes.

You may have seen him playing at various festivals, from Snowbombing, to Beachbombing, from Ibiza Rocks to Secret Garden via the Carling Reading Festival.

Despite such a hectic schedule of worldwide gigs Daniele has made the time to get in the studio and concentrate on his music. His latest production/writing collaboration with the band Y.O.B, which brought them to support, the Prodigy live on their UK tour!! Then being featured on MTV series A-Cut, and playing festivals through the summer...

Daniele musical talent and knowledge, often gave him a connection with the movie and advertising industry, where his songs and recordings have been used in several movies, tv programs, adverts and major events, like the opening of the American Bowl (to mention one), and Daniele provided the music, as a consultant, for the multi million dollar Warner Bros movie V-VENDETTA.

2008 sees the release of Everybody Everybody - remixes come, courtesy of: Davoli & Kinky Roland, Benny Benassi, Fuzzy Hair and whiteHEAT.

His other passions, besides playing and producing records are cooking, fast cars, and politics (you would not be surprised if he runs for mayor one of these days!).

Daniele Davoli on Ultra DJ Management

Artists and groups featuring Davoli (Daniele)

Bitmachine - It's Time (1992), Somebody Real (1994)
Black Box - Everybody Everybody (1990), Fantasy (1990), Get Down (1990), I Don't Know Anybody Else (1990), Native New Yorker (1997), Not Anyone (1995), Ride On Time (1989), Rockin' To The Music (1993), Strike It Up (1991)
Daisy Dee - Headbone Connected (1994)



EuroDance Group



Carry Me Home (1994)

Carry Me Home was recorded and mixed at Gianburrsca Studio (Milan-Italy), produced and arranged by D. Fix (Alessandro Scali) and Stefano Secchi



EuroDance Group

Puerto Rico


Antifaz (31st Mar 1998)

1.And If Someday You Return, 2.Blue Shades, 3.Antifaz, 4.Volver A Volar, 5.Magia, 6.Luces De Neón, 7.Mírame Bailando, 8.Más Si Regresas, 9.Pídelo De Corazón, 10.Fuego De Pasión, 11.Jerigonza, 12.Dispárame Tu Amor, 13.Amarilli Mia Bella, 14.Antifaz (Blue Eyes Remix), 15.Antifaz (New York Club Remix),


Blue Shades ()
Antifaz (1997)
Mírame Bailando (1998)
Jerigonza (1998)

Dayanara Torres Delgado was born on October 28th, 1974 in Toa Alta, Puerto Rico, into a poor family.

Dayanara started her carreer as winning Miss Puerto Rico competition in 1993, then becoming Miss Universe as she was just 18. During and after her reign, she became an ambassador for UNICEF, traveling through Asia and Latin America in support of the organization. She created the Dayanara Torres Foundation which has provided scholarships to poor students in Puerto Rico and the Philippines. In 1994 she went to Manila to crown the new Miss Universe. During the ceremony, she sang A Whole New World as a duet with Peabo Bryson. She received afterwards many offers from local television and movies producers. She settled down in the Philippines and lived there for five years, becoming a celebrity in that country : more than 10 movies, and regular appearances on the TV shows "ASAP" and "Eazy Dancing", which gave her the title "Dancing Queen" because of her impressive dancing skills.

In 1998, she returned to Puerto Rico and released her first and only album called Antifaz, produced by Arturo Diaz and Don Stockwell, released under Tropix Music distributed by Sony BMG. Filled with very nice eurodance tracks, it reached the top of Billboard charts in Latin America and the Philippines, and went platinum in Puerto Rico. The track Jerigonza featured Puerto Rican rapper Ivy Queen.

She also starred in several theater productions on the island. That same year, a "Dayanara" doll was released and sold out in both Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

2005 : she played a small role in the American soap opera, The Young and The Restless.

2006 : she starred in the drama Watch Over Me and co-wrote a book, "Sonrisas Sanas y Hermosas de Ricky y Andrea" with Steven Fink.

2008 : she published the book "Married To Me: How Committing To Myself Led to Triumph After Divorce",that she co-wrote with her sister Jeannette.

2009 : a Spanish translation of her book "Married To Me" was published. She starred in the movie "The Nail".



EuroDance Group



Thinking About You (1995)
Through The Night (Dec 1995)
Take Me Away (2000)

Label : Next records (licensed under Red Bullet in NL).

Daydream is a project of Luigi Peluzzo, from Vasto (South of Italy), and DJ Albino who's probably Alex Bagnoli, one of the producers of Neja. They released two singles : Thinking About You and Through The Night. Thinking About You was the most successful. It included a sample of a KC & the Sunshine Band Acappella. It spent a lot of time in the Italian charts between November 1994 and February 1995.

Throught The Night was arranged & produced by Luigi Peluzzo and Alex Dee, keyboards were played by Alex Dee.

Take Me Away was released in 2000 under the label X-Energy. It was produced by Riccardo Sada.

Thanks to Vincenzo Roselli and grof pl.



Bubble Gum Group



Superheroes (1998)

1.Superhero, 2.Call Girl, 3.Tamagotchi, 4.Be My Lover, 5.In The Middle Of The Night, 6.Toy Boy, 7.Tic Toc, 8.Sea Of Love, 9.Antonio, 10.Sky Is Blue, 11.Land Of The Living,

They Came To Rule (2001)

1.15 Minutes Of Fame, 2.SEX 2000, 3.N.Y.C.D., 4.Love Attack, 5.Fire & Flames, 6.Mizz Molly Goes To Cuba, 7.Redlight District, 8.Feliz Navidad, 9.2nd Chance, 10.15 Minutes Of Lightforce, 11.Mizz Molly,


In The Middle Of The Night ()
Superhero (16th Jul 1997)
Toy Boy (1998)
Together Forever (Tamagotchi) (5th Jun 1998)
15 Minutes Of Fame (Sep 1999)
2nd Chance (2000)
Fool Me (23rd Jul 2012)
We Own The Universe (22nd Jan 2013)

Daze is a project of Johnny Jam & Delgado (Aqua, Me & My). Daze's career has really turned into a true fairytale for singer Trine Bix and her two partners songwriters/musicians, Sieber and Jesper aka J.T. - the trio which constitutes the turbo-pop-phenomenon Daze.

With their first single - Superhero - Daze broke the sound barrier in their home country, where this song quickly became the fastest selling single of 1997 (if you count out Elton John), reaching for example # 6 in Israel. Since then Superhero has been awarded both Gold and Platinum all over Scandinavia, where Daze continue their quest for the top of the charts. The two follow-up singles Toy Boy and Together Forever (The Cyber Pet Song) - formerly known as Tamagotchi - have both ruled the radio stations in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Together Forever is a tribute to Virtual Pets all over the world and especially the most famous of them all, the Tamagotchi. When the debut album, Super Heroes, was released in October 1997, it immediately charted, in Finland with a peak at No. 1 and in Denmark with a peak at No. 3.

In Norway the album has turned Gold. Scandinavia has taken to Daze in such a way that more than 250,000 copies of the Super Heroes album have leapt over the counter. In February 1998 Daze received a Grammy Award for best Dance Album of 1997 at the prestigious Danish Grammy.

Despite the fact that Daze's career is still new, they have already given loads of concerts all around Scandinavia and are certainly fit for fight now that the fairytale continues outside of the Nordic countries. All over the world the belief in Daze and their hitmaking ability is so high that the group's very first album Super Heroes has become a major priority everywhere - which means that Daze and their energetic pop songs will reach out to all corners of the world, from the US to Taiwan, from the UK to Portugal, during 1998.

First international single Superhero has already gained attention in the US with a peak as #27 in Billboards Hot Dance Music / Maxi Single Sales and a first week entry in the Hot 100 Singles Chart as #88. The video can be viewed at The Box (US only). In the UK, the single peaked in the PopChart as #3.

The recipe for this success is the most classic of pop stories - Bix, Sieber and J.T. write the kind of songs that you simply cannot get out of your head again. And the producers behind the album are amongst the heavyweights of today's modern popmusic - Johnny Jam , Dean'N'&Mögtz (Maria Montell, Me & My) and The Uhlmann Bros (Dr. Alban).

1999 : after almost 2 years of silence, Daze is back with a new single entitled 15 Minutes Of Fame announcing their new album They Came To Rule. But this track didn't have the success expected.

2000 : thier second single 2nd Chance was released. Its radio version was totally reworked by DJ Jurgen (who produced Alice Deejay's first single) and it has fantastic female vocals, and great synths.

2008 : according to rumors, Daze could be back, with their original members. There could be a tour, and an upcoming album featuring old songs as well as new mixes.

2011 : Daze produced a duet between Bulgarian artist Marteen and Trine Bix entitled Promianata si ti.

Thanks to Klems



DB Project
EuroDance Group



If You Could Only See ()

DB Project was a Popular records project. If You Could Only See was only released as a printed CD demo



DB Reloaded
EuroDance Group



Revenge (2004)
Choose Funk (2004)
Catch Me Now (2005)

DB Reloaded was made by the 2 former Da Blitz performers : Viviana Presutti and Simone Pastore. They could not re-use their former project's name, since it was still the property of Bliss Co. So they created this new project as well as their own record company, Presstore.

The first single to be released was Revenge. They proved they were still faithful to eurodance. Then came Catch Me Now.



EuroDance Group



The Great Awakening (1993)

1.Great Awakening, 2.We Must Go, 3.Waging War, 4.Work The Worx, 5.Can You See The Tears, 6.Hope Of Heaven, 7.Come Soon Lord Jesus, 8.Behold The Lamb, 9.I Want To Be A Holy Child, 10.Are You Ready?,

Shout (1994)

1.Circle, 2.Without Your Love, 3.Peace, 4.Shout, 5.Sea Of Love, 6.YO YO, 7.Never Gonna Give You Up, 8.Purify, 9.Crucified, 10.Dance Remix: Circle, 11.Dance Remix: Purify,

Bubble (1996)

1.Spiritual Woman, 2.Time (The Sound Of Music Mix), 3.Universe, 4.Reason Why, 5.Rhythms Of Grace, 6.I Say A Little Prayer, 7.Planet Love, 8.Kiss The Sky (The Up & Away Mix), 9.3-D, 10.? (The Guessing Game Mix), 11.Universe (The Gabbering Ravey Davey Mix),

Spectrum (2001)

1.Little Old Me, 2.Spectrum, 3.Smiling Girl, 4.Cup Of Tea, 5.Millology, 6.Summers Day, 7.Oceans Of Love, 8.Will You Still Be There, 9.When The Light Has Gone, 10.Go With The Sun, 11.Bunsen Burner, 12.Never Say Bye,

Twister (2002)

1.What Is Love 2002 (The Soaring Vox Mix), 2.Smiling Girl (The Hammerhead Mix), 3.Smiling Girl (The Monalisa Mix), 4.Go With The Sun (The Total Eclipse Mix), 5.Go With The Sun (The Burning Rays Mix), 6.Hidden Force (The Virtual Mix), 7.3D 2002 (The One Mix),


Go With The Sun (1998)
Go With The Sun (1999)
Smiling Girl (2000)
What Is Love 2001 (2001)
Hidden Force (2002)
Remember Tonight / Falling (2005)

DBA are Robbie Bronnimann and Shaz Sparks. For a number of years they have been working away in the international dance scene cultivating a trademark euphoric trance sound. With 3 albums and numerous vinyl releases on their current label [dtox] and previous label they have had support from all over the world for their distinctive work.

They started as 65 dBA. Under this name, they released 2 albums. The style was Christian eurodance...

In 1996 they released the album Bubble under the label: Orange / Alliance Music. Recorded and mixed at City Studios, Bristol, UK, it contained some very nice eurodance tracks such as Spiritual Woman.

Notable releases have been Go With The Sun, Smiling Girl, and 3D and the album Spectrum. They have built a strong following for their work which is built on immaculate production standards and the haunting vocal delivery of Shaz. They are currently working on new material and developing their remix reputation with artists such as Chicane, Matt Dareyand Howard Jones.

Most recently the track 3D has been signed to the Tailormade, Euphoria franchise and is currently being remixed for numerous album releases later...

Aslo contributed to Supersaw

Thanks to Gianni, Apho and Petio
DBA Official wabsite



EuroDance Group



I Wanna Be With You ()
Come On And Dance (1997)

D.B.P. meant "Dogg Bone Production". Come On And Dance featured AZ-U-R and Dogg Bone. It was produced, arranged and programmed by Dogg Bone, produced, edited and mixed by T.H.M. at Cherry Production studio in Montreal, and released in Mexico under label Peerless. I Wanna Be With You featured Mary Me. Maybe it's the same project, maybe not.

Thanks to aldo



EuroDance Group



Don't Keep Me Waiting (1993)

DBX featured lead vocalist Janina Mangold (who was only 12 at that time) and rapper Al-Boom (better known as member of other eurodance project Janal). Don't Keep Me Waiting was produced, programmed, arranged, composed and mixed by Michael Scholz (aka Mix-Master "D"), recorded at Sound Art Headquaters. It was written by A.C. Hylton and M. Scholz. Label : Sound Art Records.

Thanks to aldo



DC Mark
EuroDance Group



Baby Love (17th Apr 1996)
Close My Eyes (1997)

Label : X-energy. DC Mark's real name is Marco Di Crescenzio. Baby Love was produced by Federico Scavo and Riccardo Menichetti, recorded and mixed at Black Recording Studio in Pisa (Italy).

Close My Eyes was released on the compilation X-Energy Records Promo-Mix 38. It is not sure wether it was released as a single or not.

DC Mark was featured on the single I Need You by project XS.

Thanks to DJ Marto Aida and Marian Stoica

Artists and groups featuring DC Mark

XS - I Need You (1995)



DC Project
EuroDance Group



Mary's Prayer (23rd Aug 1996)

The project features the voice of a female vocalist named Alexa (her name is sometimes written Aleexa or Alexia). The producing team were DJs at the club Mardi-Gras.

The single was engineered by Mike Brown, produced by B. Rawling and DC Project. It was released under the label Blonde Bombshell (Sony), licensed in Germany under Dance Pool. The CD maxi contained a B-side entitled Come And Get My Loving. Come And Get My Loving was written by David Greenley, Mary' Prayer, a cover of a song originally released by pop group Danny Wilson in 1988, was written by Gary Clark and Simon Stewart.



DC Tools
EuroDance Group



Take My Heart (1996)

Take My Heart was released as promo CDr in 1995, and featured on the American compilation Dance Blitz 96 in 1996. It was written and produced by Axel Breitung, with vocals resembling Christiane Eiben.

Another track called Space Boys was included on the German compilation Italo Boot Mix Space in 1998

Thanks to Gianni and Andrew-FK



DC Wood
EuroDance Group



Teaser (1994)
Treat Me The Right Way (2nd Dec 1996)

Treat Me The Right Way was written by Dave Wooding (maybe DC Wood name comes from him ?), Marvin Tholen, Matthiew Vermeulen, and Ray Slijngaard, 2 Unlimited's former rapper. It was released under Ray's label : X-Ray Records.

Thanks to DJ Kito



EuroDance Group



Mayhem ()

Soft & Tender ()

Take Off ()

Flying High (30th Jan 2008)

1.Flying High, 2.Hold Me (Vocal Radio Edit), 3.Poor Romeo (Radio Edit), 4.Knowing Me, Knowing You, 5.Don't Break My Heart (Album Version), 6.Waiting All My Life, 7.Hold On Tight, 8.I Feel Like You, 9.I Will Come Again, 10.Fortune & Fate, 11.The Choice Is Yours, 12.Poor Romeo (Kalsi Radio Edit), 13.Flying High (Cid Inc Radio Edit),

Flying High (30th Jan 2008)

1.Flying High (99 Radio Edit), 2.Hold Me (D-Tune Radio Remix), 3.Poor Romeo (Dance Cut), 4.Knowing Me, Knowing You (Dacia Remix), 5.Don't Break My Heart (Radio Edit), 6.Fortune & Fate (Alternative Mix), 7.Hold Me (Chorale Rmx Cut), 8.Hold Me (Bluebear Project Remix), 9.Flying High (D-Tune Radio Remix), 10.Flying High (Cid Inc Rmx DRD Dub), 11.Video Don't Break My Heart, 12.Video Knowing Me, Knowing You,

Sampled Stories (1st Dec 2015)

1.On Top of the World, 2.You, 3.Touch the Sun, 4.The Dream, 5.Trust Me, 6.Stars Collide, 7.Follow Me, 8.Love, 9.Fantasy (Dance With You) (Plus10 Mix), 10.Brand New Me, 11.You, Pt II, 12.Should Have Known Better,

Tuned for Road (21st Oct 2016)


And The Base Kicks (1997)
The Real Desire (30th Apr 1999)
Flying High (25th Jun 1999)
Flying High (17th Nov 2005)
Hold Me (12th Dec 2005)
Poor Romeo (9th May 2007)
Knowing Me, Knowing You (20th Jun 2007)
Don't Break My Heart (21st Nov 2007)
Bang Bang Bang (29th Oct 2009)
Flying High (best mixes) (2012)
Fallen Angel (20th Feb 2012)
Erase You (12th Mar 2012)
Lightyears (22nd May 2012)
Intensify (27th Aug 2012)
Keep On Dancing (31st Oct 2014)
Fantasy (Dance With You) (22nd May 2015)
Flames (12th Feb 2016)
Breaking Free (4th Apr 2016)
Eurodance EP (27th May 2016)
All The Time (30th Apr 2017)
Everytime (10th Jul 2017)
Roly-Poly (18th Jun 2018)
Sherpa (4th Aug 2018)
Dreams (Will Come Alive) (21st Dec 2018)
The Mutiny (Mytteriet) (19th Apr 2019)
Out of My Head (1st Aug 2019)
Meet This Day (7th May 2021)
Flying High (21st May 2021)
Let's Mennään (16th Mar 2023)
Here Kitty Kitty (4th May 2023)
Whaddup (Wait For The Drops LOL) (22nd May 2024)
Forever (20th Jun 2024)
Kingpin (18th Jul 2024)


Bang Bang Bang (Handsup Style Mix) (19th Jun 2019)
Don't U Get Me Like This (Handsup Style Mix) (Nov 2020)
Flying High (Ade Square Remix) (1st Dec 2021)
All The Time (22nd Dec 2022)
Flying High (Dreamhouse mix) (12th Oct 2023)
Flying High (Dream Techno Mix) (3rd Nov 2023)
Flying High (Ade Square Sequel remix) (1st Mar 2024)
Flying High (Ade Square Remix Sequel Sped Up Edit) (19th Apr 2024)
Flying High (Mättö Mättö Män Remix) (1st Jul 2024)
Flying High (May Day Techno Phonk Trash Mix) (9th Aug 2024)
Kingpin (Bass Boosted Remix) (4th Oct 2024)

DC-10 was founded at first as a hardcore band on spring 1997 by Joel Kalsi and Ari Myllymäki (aka DJ Dee). Tero Laihanen (aka Floppi) joined the crew soon after the founding of the group. They prepared their first album Take Off between the 1st of March and the10th of June 1997. Dance Current Recordings & Productions followed the creation of DC-10 as a label for releasing the records of DC-10 and as a labelname for other smaller projects.

Whole summer 1997 was spent on composing and partying. Due to starting of the studies on 12th August 1997, the compiling of next album Mayhem was delayed. On 20th August 1997, DC-10 hired a singer, Petra Vallo, one of the 4 vocalists of The Shape. She gave her voice for couple of songs and that material was the kick-start for DC-10's style change from hardcore to eurodance. On 29th August 1997, DC-10 kept a recording session in DJ Dee's home studios when Peppi Lended's voice for couple of tracks. The first shooting star of DC-10 was the song And The Base Kicks which was their first "on-air" play. The album edit was first played on the opening ceremonies of a new ice hall in Kangasala and radio edit got many listeners by the play on radio 538 in Holland. The Second record, Mayhem, was recorded on 12-13th of September 1997 at IT Studios and many technical problems occured during the session.

Various singers took part to the next album's recording between January and April 1998. They found a new singer named Maria to perform as a vocalist on the tracks of Soft & Tender, the new album which was released on 17th May 1998.

At the end of 1998 DC-10 compiled the song The Choice Is Yours as a Radio Mafia entry in Z-Studio with help of P. Sinivuori. The long awaited debut single, The Real Desire, was released on the 30th of April, 1999, at the Mayday parties.

The guys kept a little break before starting to work with the third album. Various singers took part to the next album's recording between January and April 1998. They found a new singer named Maria to perform as a vocalist on the tracks of Soft & Tender, the new album which was published by H. Mäenpää.

At the end of 1998 DC-10 compiled the song The Choice Is Yours as a Radio Mafia entry in Z-Studio with help of P. Sinivuori. The long awaited single, The Real Desire, was released on the 30th of April, 1999, at the Mayday parties. The next single, Flying High, premiered on June 25th 1999 in Rantarock, Vaasa. Pinya Mattila did the vocals for Flying High and the single presents various remixers through europe (Messa, Joyce Inc, DJ Zamo, DNS / 18db productions). The DC crew also remixed songs for other dance artists and acts such as Another World and Joyce Incs.

2001 : DC-10's members finally decided to split up. They were too busy with their other projects. Dexter says : "It's time to move forwards, everything beautiful ends some day." and Laite adds "When I look back few years, this project taught me a lot, though i wasn't so active with DC-10. Even now with my own projects along Jole & Ari, I can still refer to things I learnt from these guys."

2005 : ex DC-10 was back now under the name DCX. Their first official release was a new version from the track Flying High.

2007 : in December, the video for their new single Don't Break My Heart was presented on their official website. Their very first album since they changed their name to DCX was entitled Flying High and it was available on January 30th 2008.

2008 : a promo of the single Fortune & Fate was released. They performed Meet This Day at several summer festivals. The next single ?

2009 : vocalist Katri went solo. The project planned to officially introduce their new vocalist in August, after a farewell show with Katri at Club Fever in Helsinki Finland.

2012 : their 2 new singles was entitled Erase You (that competed to represent Finland at ESC) and Lightyears. Then came Intensify. Then they released a collection of the best version of Flying High

2014 : they contributed to the single Screams with Herbie, Tina Cousins and Applejack. Keep On Dancing was the title of their new single

2015 : they released the single Fantasy (Dance With You). their new album was titled Sampled Stories

2016 : DCX published the singles Flames and Breaking Free, then a Eurodance EP, then a new album called Tuned for Road.

2017 : DCX released a new single entitled Everytime. Then they did a cover of Somewhere Over The Rainbow to celebrate 100th independence day of Finland

2018 : after releasing their own version of K-pop band T-ara Roly-Poly, they covered 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor's hit Dreams (Will Come Alive).

2019 : the project released The Mutiny (Mytteriet) for a Norvegian graduating class. Then they dropped a new version of Out of My Head, this time performed by singer Katri Metso

2021 : a new single entitled Meet This Day was released in May. Then DCX joined forces with Mike Emilio and B3nte to release a new version of Flying High

DC-10 Offical site
DC-10 at Dance Current Recordings
Serious Eurodance
Thanks to Eric-X, Gianni, and Joel Kalsi himself

Artists and groups featuring DC-10

D-Frek - Flying High (2023)



EuroDance Group



D.C.O. (1996)

1.Quisiera, 2.Toda La Noche, 3.No Me Niegues, 4.No Vuelvas A Caer, 5.Me Distraes Y Me Provocas, 6.Ábreme Paso, 7.Fué, 8.Yo Te Pertenezco, 9.Oh, La, La, La, 10.Como Una Nube,


Quisiera (1996)
Sedúceme Hasta Morir (1996)

DCO is a boys band from Mexico. One of the members was Cuba-born Jorge Luis Pila. The other members were Gerardo (from Argentina), Roy, and Mike (from Mexico). No Me Niegues featured Mexican singer and actress Patricia Manterola.

Thanks to Abelito



EuroPop Group



Ride With Me (2000)

Ride With Me featured vocals by Darby. It was written and produced by Maurizio Braccagni and Vitale Elia, with help from Roberto Luppi, arranged and mixed by M. Braccagni, released in 2000 under label I Am Records



DD King
EuroDance Group



Come To Me (1995)

This single (featuring Noise) was produced by Roberto Ferrante (chairman of Planet Records, also producer for projects such as FR Connection). Label : PZ Productions. Thhe track appeared on the compilations Tubo Compilation (Italy - 1994) and Dance Revolution (Canada - 1995).

Thanks to Rhythm Ryan



DD Klein
EuroDance Member


In Up My Body (1996)

D.D. Klein was born Dawn Patricia Clyne in Saint John's, Antigua. She moved to Italy to continue her career as a model in which she achieved great results. The also pursued a singing career, singing Amaro Ramazzotti TV commercials, then appearing on Web's Lovin' Times and on 2 Thousand’s Fire.

1999 : she was featured on Urban Joy - Dangerous. Lyrics were written by Claudio Malatesti, Federico Scavo, Gianluca Vivaldi and DP Clyne (DD Klein), and this song was remixed and recorded in Gallery Studio in Pisa. She also contributed to Exential - Little Love (lyrics of this song were written by Andrea Verona, Cristiano Spinelli and Fabio Pierucci, same producers who were around project 2 Thousand)

2000 : she appeared on 2B - Feel Desire. Lyrics were written by Davide Daccico and Dawn Patricia Clyne.

She still lives in Rome nowadays

Thanks to Marian Stoica

Artists and groups featuring DD Klein

2 Thousand - Emotion (2000), Fire (1999)
2B - Feel Desire (2000)
Alive - Alive (2002)
Beatmatic - This Is Your Dream (2000)
Exential - Little Love (1999)
Funk 'E' FX - Work That Body (1998)
Illusion - Just An Illusion (1996)
La Bionda - Eeah Dada (1998)
Moses - I Believe (2001)
Seven Days - Send Me An Angel (1998)
Simon - Do You Wanna Dance
Tonga - Welcome To Sambatown (1999)
Urban Joy - Dangerous (1999)
Web - Lovin' Times (1999)



DD Why
EuroDance Group



Take Me Over (1995)

Take Me Over was co-produced, arranged and performed by Filippo and Frank Minoia. Vocals were done by Yvonne F. (aka Yvonne Fraschetti). It was written by A. Provenzano, F. Minoia, Paolo Bolognesi and Y. Fraschetti. Label : Discoid Corporation



DDF System
EuroDance Group



Face Of Love (1993)

Vocals were done by D.Rossato, F. Canneto and Dax. The single was produced by Sound Workshop for the label Meet Records.

Thanks to Alex Capilé



EuroDance Company


DDM means Dynamic Dance Music. This Italian label based in Brescia and distributed by Flying Records produces, among others, the projects FB Machine, K-Mono and Wanda Fisher.



De Amicis (Loredana)
EuroTrance Member



Ochtendzon (25th Nov 2016)
Dichterbij (2nd Jun 2017)
Vanavond Gaat Het Down (27th Oct 2017)
In vuur & vlam (5th Apr 2019)
Ti sento (14th Feb 2020)
La Bambola (2nd Oct 2020)
Hou vol (26th Mar 2021)
On My Mind (22nd Oct 2021)
Dreamers (4th Mar 2022)
You Lift Me Up (13th Jan 2023)
Dream In Colours (13th Jan 2023)
Tell Me What Ya Like (4th Aug 2023)
Scared To Fall (16th Feb 2024)
Everywhere We Go (planned for 8th Nov 2024)

Vocalist Loredana De Amicis started her musical carreer in 2002, as she was only 16, by doing vocals on DJ Peter Project's Ride The Rocket.

She took singing lessons from coach Carina Clerinx and competed in many song contests under the stage name Milla Rhei : Pour la Gloire (RTBF), De Gouden Micro, Sanremo Dopo Festival (Italië)...

2005 : she did vocals for DJ David on his Tony Di Bart cover Real Thing.

In 2008 she became, with Viola Furleo, one of the 2 new 2 Fabiola frontladies.

2010 : she left 2 Fabiola to go solo. As Milla Rhei, she toured with a band called Show en Akt that she formed with Beate and Alex, singing soul and disco classics.

2012 : Loredana was back with 2 Fabiola. From Fire Inside in 2013 she was featured alone on 2 Fabiola singles.

2013 : she competed at the Voice van Vlaanderen and was selected by Natalia Druyts.

2016 : she released her first solo single Ochtendzon.

2017 : she released the singles Dichterbij and Vanavond Gaat Het Down, and performed vocals on Nico Parisi's remix of Quadran's classic Unlovable

2019 : she released a new single entitled Vuur & vlam.

2020 : Loredana underwent a surgery to remove a mass on her neck and postponed her single Ti Sento, which was finally out in February. Next single was entitled La Bambola.

2021 : in October, she released the single On My Mind, a duet with the classic pianist Daniel Verstappen

2022 : Her next solo single will be entitled Dreamers. Pat Krimson and her, who have been a couple for a while, announced that were going to get married.

Artists and groups featuring De Amicis (Loredana)

2 Fabiola - Blow Me Away (2008), Fire Inside (2013), Lift U Up 2009 (2009), One Night In Dubai (2014), She's After My Piano (2014), We Love The 90's (2008)
DJ David - The Real Thing (2005)
DJ Peter Project - Ride The Rocket (2002)
Nico Parisi - Unlovable (2017)
Niviro - Night & Day (2021)



De Antoni (Andrea)
EuroDance Producer


DJ and producer Andrea de Antoni was born in La Spezia on 9th of October 1966, under the zodiac sign Libra. He is one of the members of Double You project. He also contributed to many other eurodance projects such as Data Drama, Dolphin Crew, Space Tribe....

Artists and groups featuring De Antoni (Andrea)

Dolphin Crew - The Light Is (1994)
Double You - Missing You (1993), Part-time Lover (1993), Run To Me (1994)
Jhava - Don't Tell Me Lies (1998), Show Me The Way (1997)
Medea - Eternal Love (1996)
Nhose - Hunting High And Low (1996)
Russel Diane - I Love You (1996)
Scarlett - Take Me Up (1998)
Shalee - I Got The Music (1996)
Space Tribe - Better Be Alright (1994)
Susy Be - Tell Me (1998)
Weepie - Sexygate (1998)



De Bie (Silvy)
EuroTrance Member



Baby Bird (15th Jun 2018)

1.Baby Bird, 2.In and out of Love, 3.Do My Thing, 4.Cherry Wine, 5.Say It to Me, 6.Red, 7.Pathetic You, 8.Shut Me Out, 9.Dear Dad, 10.Hopelessly Devoted to You, 11.In and out of Love (Uit Liefde Voor Muziek), 12.Pathetic You (Acoustic Version),


Waar Ben Je Nu (1990)
Ben Waarom Bekijk Je Mij Niet Meer (1990)
De Telefoon Huilt Mee (1990)
Hela Sascha (1990)
Hey, Hey Sprinklie (1991)
Nummer Eén (1991)
Wie Is Zij (1991)
Alle Dagen Dansen (1991)
Liefde Is... (1992)
Hij Is Zo Lief (1993)
Daar Zijn Vrienden Voor (1993)
Love Don't Come Easy (17th Aug 2009)
Selfish (11th Feb 2011)
You Raise Me Up (Dec 2012)
Straight Up (5th Jul 2013)
What's the Time In Tokyo? (3rd Mar 2014)
Declaration of Love (16th Apr 2018)
Dear Dad (23rd Apr 2018)
In And Out Of Love (30th Apr 2018)
Hopelessly Devoted to You (7th May 2018)
Not An Addict (14th May 2018)
You Are (21st May 2018)
Faith, Hope and Love (28th May 2018)
Red (8th Jun 2018)

Silvy De Bie was born 4th April 1981 in Heist-op-den-Berg (Belgium). She started her musical career at the tender age of 9, in the Belgian TV series De Kinderacademie (the children academy). She released 11 singles under the name Silvy Melody. A law forbidding less than 16 years old children work put an end to her early carreer as she was 13.

In 1998, she was featured on the single Find Me An Angel by Lace.

In 2000, she started her collaboration with DJ Wout van Dessel as Liquid feat Silvy, shortly renamed as Sylver. After more than 10 years of existence, they've scored many hits, toured worldwide and sold millions of records.

2001 : she was featured by MNC on the Eurythmics cover Sweet Dreams.

2003 : Sylver released their second album Little Things.

2004 : she did a duet with Linda Mertens from Milk Inc on the single I Don't Care. Sylver released their third album Nighttime Calls.

2006 : Sylver's fourth album was entitled Crossroads.

2007 : Silvy gave birth to a baby girl named Noor in November. She was featured by 4 Clubbers on the single Time.

2008 : in June, Silvy and her husband Khalid have decided to end their marriage after two years.

2009 : Sil's first single single was entitled Love Don't Come Easy. This of course did not mean the end of Sylver, which released a new album entitled Sacrifice, in which Sil showed an image more glamourous than ever.

2010 : there were rumors about Silvy and Linda arguing after a Milk Inc concert. It's a fact that Linda was not invited to perform on the stage on 10 years Sylver mega convert in Antwerp...

2011 : Sil recorded a new solo track entitled Selfish.

2012 : Silvy was featured on David Latour 's single Without You. In JKuly it was announced that she would play the role of Tinkerbell in the musical Peter Pan - The Never Ending Story. In September she opened her own fashion shop Stage by Sil, located Kammenstraat 63 in Antwerpen . End of the year she released You Raise Me Up, one of the songs of the musical Peter Pan

2013 : she apparently left project Sylver and released a new solo single called Straight Up, a cover of Paula Abdul's hit.

2014 : Silvy qualified for Eurosong 2014 semi-final, her song was called What’s The Time In Tokyo. She was featured on one track of Nils van Zandt's new album Bass Addiction.

2017 : she took part to 2018 season of real-TV show Liefde voor Muziek on VTM, along with artists such as Helmut Lotti and Within Temptation

Silvy's favourite sport is Tae-Bo. Her favourite group is Boyz II Men. She loves Italian food. She is 1,60 m tall and weights 46 kg.

Artists and groups featuring De Bie (Silvy)

4Clubbers - Time (2007)
David Latour - Without You (2012)
MnC - Sweet Dreams (2002)
Sylver - Foreign Affair (2009), Forever In Love (2001), Forgiven (2001), I Hate You Now (2009), Lay All Your Love On Me (2006), Living My Life (2003), Love Is An Angel (2004), Make It (2005), One Night Stand (2006), One World One Dream (2008), Rise Again (2008), Shallow Water (2003), Skin (2001), Stop Feeling Sorry (2011), Take Me Back (2005), The One (2007), The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (2002), Turn the Tide (2000), Why Worry (2003), Why (2006), Wild Horses (2003)



De Carey (Bertrand)
EuroDance Producer



Sense Of Living (14th Mar 2024)

DJ, remixer, producer and radio host Bertrand Carrouée started his DJ carreer in parties, then in 1981 he became resident in a disco in the suburbs of Paris. He travelled in New York which led him to meet the greatest names in House music.

He stood behind dance projects Cherry Moon, Shanna, D-Mention, Pussy, Nu Class, DJ Oscar. He also did remixes for Marc Lavoine, Indra and Abyale. Between 1991 and 1997 he produced and hosted radio shows on famous French station Skyrock : Top Dance Megamix, Max Party, Hit des Clubs, Les N°1 Dance

2009 : DJ Bertrand starting posting DJ sets on his blog

2012 : he went back to producing and composing

Artists and groups featuring De Carey (Bertrand)

Cherry Moon - Everybody Get Down (1995), Take It Easy (1994)
D-mention - You're No Good (1995)
Indra - Tell Me (1992)
Shanna - Do Me Boy (1994), Gotta Have It (1995), Your Love (1995)



De Coster (Jean-Paul)
EuroDance Producer


Former recordshop owner, he founded and directs Byte Records

Artists and groups featuring De Coster (Jean-Paul)

2 Unlimited - Faces (1993), Get Ready For This (1991), Let The Beat Control Your Body (1994), Maximum Overdrive (1993), No Limit (1993), Nothing Like The Rain (1995), The Magic Friend (1992), The Real Thing (1994), Twilight Zone (1992), Workaholic (1992)
Bass Expanders - Bounce (1995)
CB Milton - It's A Loving Thing (1994), No One Else (1993), Open Your Heart (1994), Send Me An Angel (1993)
D-Natural - Dr Beat (1995)
Ironic Beat - Move On, Groove On (1995)
Sylver - Why (2006)



De Gregorio (Sandra)
EuroDance Member


Singer and model Sandra de Gregorio was born in Napoli on October 30th 1976. She is 1,65m tall. She became Paradisio's new frontlady in 1999, at the sides of Morena Esperanza. She was featured on the single Samba del Diablo. She left the project in 2001.

2010 : Sandra is currently living in Seraing (Belgium). She tours as a member of the musical "Le meilleur d'Abba".

Artists and groups featuring De Gregorio (Sandra)

Paradisio - Samba Del Diablo (1999)



de Groot (Remy)
EuroDance Producer


Dutch producer Remy de Groot founded project T-Spoon. Name came from a western TV show in which the sheriff was called Teaspoon (maybe The Young Riders ?).

He also released 2 singles with Serge Ramaekers under alias DJ Serge & Remy. He also produced project Spic N Span with his brother Joery

Artists and groups featuring de Groot (Remy)

Cartouche - Miracles (1996)
T-Spoon - A Part Of My Life (1995), Delicious (1999), Fly Away (1997), I Want To Be Your Man (1999), Message Of Love (1997), No Time 2 Waste (1993), See The Light (1995), Someone Loves You Honey (1996), T-Spoon (album) (1999), T-Spoon (album) (1999), Tom's Party (1998), Where R U Now (1994)
Unicorn - Living In A Fantasy (1995), Love Me (1995)



De La Dance
EuroDance Group



You're So Vain ()
Total Eclipse of The Heart ()

Spanish dance act that recorded the covers You're So Vain and Total Eclipse of The Heart. These tracks were included in the Spanish compilations Zona de Baile 6 and 7 respectively.

Thanks to Ulysses



De Lara (Jannet)
EuroDance Member


(real name Janet Schüttler)

Female vocalist for Magic Affair after the departure of Franca Morgano, along with Anita Davis. She left the project in 1996. She contributed to the songwriting of C.O.R. feat. Mike Nova - Paradise.

Jannet has 2 brothers called Frank and Daniel.

2007 : Raul Rincon & Coronabros featured Jannet De Lara in their single called La Verdad.

2011 : Jannet is married with Wilfrid Buerger. She owns the online handbags shop Taschen-Hai. She is a member of the band Brigada Especial.

Artists and groups featuring De Lara (Jannet)

COR - Paradise (1996)
Magic Affair - Energy Of Light (1996), The Rhythm Makes You Wanna Dance (1995)



De Marchi (Fabio)
EuroDance Producer



If You Keep Talkin (1991)

Fabio de Marchi contributed to many Italian eurodance projects, usually with Morris Capaldi, and mostly featuring Sandy Chambers.

In 2000, he founded the project Flying Over Manhattan aka FOM with M. D'Agostino and E. Guerrini. They released 2 singles : It's Love and Stay.

Thanks to Marian Stoica

Artists and groups featuring De Marchi (Fabio)

Barcode - Gonna Get A Moving (1995)
Connie Nice - Heaven (1996)
Head 2 Head - Love Taker (1994)
Seven Seas - Dreamin' On (1995)
Shaw Charles - Gotta Fever (1995), I'm Feeling (1994)
T-Zone - Check Out (1993)
The Pik - Searchin' For Love (1994)
Unsex - I Love You Baby (1995)
Vangelo - Can U See (1994)
Xeya - Sweet Fantasy (1996)



De Meyer (Patrick)
EuroDance Producer


Belgian producer, remixer, arranger and composer Patrick De Meyer was co-producer (with Jo Bogaert ) for project Technotronic. He wasn't credited on the earlier releases. He also produced other projects and singers such as MCB and Daisy Dee, Turbo 99, Jarvic 7, Fatal Error, The Beat Machine, Aeroplane, Anorexia Nervosa, Atomik Locator, Tragic Error, Men In Progress, G-Force, The Gate Crasher, No-Zone, One In A Room, QA 0-127...

Artists and groups featuring De Meyer (Patrick)

Black Kiss - Fun Boy (1990), Jump On The Floor (1989), Orgasm (1988)
Blackmale - Soca House (1990)
Daisy Dee - Crazy (1991)
O-zone - Break Free (1993), Never (1993)
Soul Dance Project - One Day (1993)
Technotronic - Crazy (1997), Work (1991)



De Nature
EuroDance Group



Ne M'oublie Pas (1995)

Project featured singer Natalee. Single was produced, written, composed, programmed and mixed by Johnny Williams and Louis Element (B-One, Miranda...). It included an English version entitled Waiting For You.

Thanks to Gianni



De Souza (Olga)
EuroDance Member



A Cor Dos Teus Olhos (2005)

Olga was born on 16th July 1968 in Rio De Janeiro. Her father is a musician and her mother a cooker. She has 2 brothers : Paulo Roberto who is a guitarist in Rome (Italy) and Ademar who is a dancer (or a singer) in Spain. She took lessons in a samba school. But her first job was not at all artistic, seeing that she worked for a bank in Rio, the Caixa Economica Federal. Soon she had to make a choice : by chance she met the football star Pele who advised her to chose... both ! So during some time, Olga worked in her Bank in the daytime and danced in the night...

Some magazines attribute her a carreer of dancer in the US. Anyway, a producer proposed her to record a Spanish version for the Lambada. Afterwards she lived for a while in Madrid where she presented a TV show.

In the early 90's she came to Italy where her brother offered her a place to stay. She met producer Francesco Bontempi who first signed her as a chorist. Shortly after their first meeting, Olga and Francesco started a new project called 'Corona ' (finding how Olga could dance, he told her 'You dance so well, I give you a crown !'). She had to learn the English accent for her first single The Rhythm Of The Night. After finishing the recording, she went back to Rio for a while. 3 months later her producer called her on the phone : 'The Rhythm Of The Night is number one in Italy !' She now lives in Rome but she comes back to Brazil once a year. She is a real star there and she can't go out without being accompanied by bodyguards.

Olga is 1,78 m tall and finds her legs too long because it was hard for her to find a man tall enough for her ! Now she is married with Mario Luis, a Brasilian dancer, with whom she performed for a show in France. Her favourite color is black. She has a tiny dog called Lipi, so small the she is always afraid to walk on him. Her favourite meal is 'spaghetti a la carbonara'. She loves white roses. She is a fan of Prince, Stevie Wonder, Coolio, Whitney Houston, George Michael and Barbra Streisand.

According to her, her main quality is to be patient, and her defaults are the fact that she spents to much money and that she can't stand authority. She collects handbags and shoes. She drives an Alfa Romeo.

There was a huge debate on the question wether Olga really sings or not. It's a fact that she could be heard singing a capella and live in many broadcasts... She does have a voice and an amazing presence of stage. From the Corona third album, her real voice was used.

Artists and groups featuring De Souza (Olga)

Corona - Angel (2010), Baby, I Don't Care (2006), Back In Time (2006), Hurry Up (2012), La Playa Del Sol (2007), Queen of Town (2013), Saturday (2010)



De Wulf (Fonny)
EuroDance Producer



Jingles (1988)

Solutions '92 (1992)

Alfons Freddy De Wulf born on August 3th 1962. He founded the project Plaza in 1989.

Artists and groups featuring De Wulf (Fonny)

In2lekt - Touch Me, Follow Me (1994)
LA Style - Balloony (1992)
Nuvo Riche - Body 2 Body, Soul 2 Soul (1993), Contact (1992)
Plaza - Do You Want Me (1994), Hey Hey Hey (1991), Hi-De-Ho (1991), Samba (1991), We Want More (1992), Wild Is The Night (1994), YO YO (ten years ago) (1989)
RTZ - Dance Your Ass Off (1991), In The Name Of Love (1993), Turn Me Around (1992)
Robinson Gale - One Heart



De' Ja Vue
EuroDance Group



Soul To Soul (25th Jul 1995)

"Déjà vu" means in French "already seen before". The single Soul To Soul was composed and written by Udo Sandmann, A. Rosenthal and Morgan. Udo Sandmann also did all arrangments, producing and mixing (he also contributed to Inner Dream Love Will Find A Way). Vocals were done by Michaela A, raps by A.D. Morgan. Label : ZYX

Thanks to Hickerman



EuroDance Group



Wonderwall (1996)
Some Might Say (1996)

De-Code featured vocals by Beverley Skeete. Wonderwall was a cover of Oasis' hit released under Neoteric Records Ltd. It was licensed in Spain under Boy Records, where B-side Some Might Say became the A-side.



De-Pausinis Dance
EuroDance Group



Inolvidable (1997)

Inolvidable was a cover of Laura Pausini's hit. It was released on P.J. Lanzagorta's compilation Por La Gloria De Mi Madre Mix (label Snoop) in 1997.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Pleasure (1995)

Pleasure was produced and arranged by Roberto Nardiello, mixed by Pieradis Rossini. Label : DJ Movement records.



Dea (2)
EuroDance Group



Sweet Summer Love (1997)

Label : L.A.R. Records, distributed by Quality Music. Deá is a Canadian project. Sweet Summer Love was written by L. Robson and P. MacNeill.



Dea (3)
EuroDance Group



Somebody To Love (1995)

Someboy To Love was written and produced by Angiaky aka Antonio Verde. Label: Deep Blaze Records.



Dea Blange
EuroDance Group



We Gotta Dance (1994)

We Gotta Dance featured a solo feamle vocalist, probably Emanuela Panizzo. It was recorded and mixed at Mi House Studio in Bassano (Italy), produced and arranged by Dr. Who (aka Alessandro Fain), Emanuela Panizzo, Luigi Toldo and Paolo Verlanzi. Label: Dig It International



Dea Li
EuroDance Member



Hungry As A Hunter (2009)


Calling The Angels (1997)

Real name : Dorothy Lapi. She was the daughter of Italian immigrants from Sicily to Germany. She first discovered dance at the tender age of 5, quickly followed by singing a short while later. She asked her granddad to buy her first vinyl record, Fade To Grey by Visage when she was 8 years old and her passion for electronic music was awakened. She then discovered the 60s, Jazz and Bossa Nova and couldn't get enough of Billie Holliday, Shirley Bassey, Stan Getz, Gilberto... Her hobby was painting (Acryl) and she was a fan of Al Pacino. She lives in Frankfurt.

She started her carreer as a dancer and choreographer for music videos (she did choreographies for Captain Jack) and avant-garde shows and became established in the music scene. She started singing backing vocals for Hip-Hop beats and soon became a sought-after studio singer.

She met producer Alex Christensen for the first time in August 1994 as she was taking vacation in Mallorca, a place unusual for her, because she was taking her vacation most of the time in Africa or India, the places she loves the most. One night she went to a Japanese club with her friend Marina, who bet with Dea-Li she was not daring to sing in public. She sang Smooth Operator, an original song by Sade. People in the club were so impressed by her performance that she had to encore several times. One of the person in the 'audience' who also asked her to encore was Alex Christensen himself. They exchanged addresses and phone numbers, but nothing happened during next twelve months. In the Summer of 1995 Dea-Li with her friend Murat from the Hip-Hop group CodX were visiting Frankfurt (Germany). While she was leaving the studio, she bumped into Alex.

In 1996, she became one of the vocalists for Alex Christensen's project U96. The first single Heaven remained in the Top 5 for months and reached platinum level. This catapulted Dea Li to international fame. Further hits such as Venus in Chains and Seven Wonders followed, which sold just as successfully as the first album Heaven. She aslo released the solo single Calling The Angels produced by Alex Christensen.

Despite the massive success, she then decided to take a break from the music world. She studied historical ethnology and became an actress. After this pause, she went back to musical business, being featured as a singer and songwrtier on various projects. In 2007 she started with the production of her first solo album Hungry As A Hunter. The result was a blend of electro, progressive dance beats, the sound of the 60's and pop.

2008 : she recorded a cover of David Bowie's song Cat People (Putting On Fire) on compliation Hollywood, Mon Amour produced by Marc Collin and did backing vocals on Bianca Calandra's song It's Wrong For Me To Love You from the same CD. The same year, she recorded the videoclip Un anno d'amore (cover of a Mina song) directed by Antony Rizzi.

Thanks to tudi
Dea Li biography on Myspace

Artists and groups featuring Dea Li

Mindsweeper - La Musica (1999)
U96 - Heaven (1996), Seven Wonders (1997), Venus In Chains (1996)



Deadly Sins
EuroDance Group



Together (1991)
We Are Going On Down (10th Feb 1993)
Come Down With Me (1994)
Everybody's Dancing (1994)


We Are Going On Down (Special Remix) (20th Jul 1993)
Come Down With Me (1994)
We Are Going On Down (Remix '98) (1998)

Produced by Walter Cremonini, C. Varola and M. Comis. All maxis was published by Jacomo Music/Lombardini Musik and released in Italy under Italian Style and in Germany by EastWest Records GmbH.

Together was an Italo-house song only released on vinyl in 1991. Vocals were sampled from Omen - Satisfaction. In 1993, We Are Going On Down and Come Down With Me both featured vocals by former Kano singer Glen White. A music video was shot for We are Going On Down, it was a collection of vintage black and white images. Come Down With Me was recorded and mixed in Wollemborg Studio in Loreggia (Padua, Italy). A remixes package followed, including remixes by Tony Catania and Ingo Kays (Scatman).

On Everybody's Dancing, the most eurodance of their releases, the rapper was Asher Senator and the vocalist was once again Glen White.

Thanks to Vision and Necronomic



EuroTrance Group



Shine (2000)
Maybe One Day (2001)

Shine was produced by Daniele Tignino and Pat Legato. Maybe One Day featured vocals by Sophie Barker Label : Time

Thanks to Gianni



Dean 'N
EuroDance Producer


Danish eurodance music producer Dean Niels Nielsen was born February 13, 1969. He stood behind Me & My's first and biggest hits and he was considered as the inventor of bubble gum dance. He also contributed to Dr. Bombay - Girlie Girlie and Rice & Curry, to Victoria Silvstedt - Girl On The Run, to Smile.dk ‎– Doo Be Di Boy, to Dr. Macdoo - Under The Kilt and to some Toy-Box album tracks.

He passed away on May 16, 2015 at the age of only 46 following complications from multiple sclerosis.

Thanks to Morten

Artists and groups featuring Dean 'N

Me and My - Dub-I-Dub (1995), Lion Eddie (1996), Sleeping My Day Away (2001), Touch Of Your Love (1996), Waiting (1997)
Smile - Doo Be Di Boy (2000)



EuroDance Group



Feeling Good (1995)

The A-side was mixed by S. Moschini, Andrea Prezioso, Eugenio Passalacqua. The B-sides were mixed by Moregato, Simone. Label : Dance Groove.

Thanks to Simone Lacrimi



Debbie K
EuroDance Group



I'm Ready (14th Apr 1994)
Standing Here (1995)
Breath Of Life (26th May 1995)
Danger (21st Jan 1997)

Debbie K is an artist produced by Union Records (SAIFAM Publishing Group).

I'm Ready was written by R. Araduini and M. Aventino, released under Union records. It was featured on the Italian compilation Dance Classics Vol. 2 in 2004.

Standing Here was written by M. Persona and M. Corso.

Breath Of Life was written and composed by F. Scandolari and L. Carpella, recorded and arranged by F. Scandolari and L. De Preti, mixed by F. Scandolari at Union studios.

Danger was arranged, recorded and mixed by 5 Guys at Union Studios, written by P. Zollo, A. Gioia, R. Araduini, - M. Aventino, released under the label Lips Records.

Some tracks were never released as singles, such as 1 2 Step.

Thanks to grof pl.



EuroDance Group



Hey Hey Hey (1994)

Hey Hey Hey was written by Jesper Ranum, produced and mixed by Gary Miller (PWL). exectuive producer was Richard Jensen. Vocals were recorded at Hot Sound Studio. It was released under Dancemaniac and licensed in Germany under Hot Records.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Latin Lover (1st Feb 1994)
Save My Soul (19th Sep 1994)
Bailemos (19th Jul 1995)

Decadance is a project of Norbert Reichart, well-know for his project Imperio.

The records were released under EAMS in Germany, Fresh Music in Switzerland, and Echo in Austria (Latin Lover was licensed under Dance Factory in the Netherlands).

Their single Latin Lover was probably one of the most successful dance single of the year 1994. The follow-up Save My Soul (142 BPM) officially gathered Katiuska McLean (vocalist from Trinidad), Lino Quiseppe (panflute player from Bolivia). It was recorded at NR-Recording Studios. Actually, the real voices belonged to Manuela Ray and Michael Harris, who had already recorded the previous single Latin Lover

Their third single Bailemos was been released both in CD and vinyl format (3 months later). It was produced and written by Norbert Reichart.

Thanks to Leonardo, ERT, Necronomic and David Nivin "Captain DJ"



Decadance Records
EuroDance Company


Early 90's dance/house label from Belgium. Sublabel of Hi-Tension Records, home for projects such as LA Style, RTZ...



Decade Records
EuroDance Company


Sublabel of SAIFAM Pubblishing Group. All the singles published under this label were produced by Franco Diaferia.

Iventi d'Azzuro Labelmania



EuroDance Group



Nowhere Girl (1995)

Label : Quality Madrid. Nowhere Girl was originally released in 1982 by the group B-Movie.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Member



All The Way Up (2000)
Want You To Go (5th Feb 2001)

Dilnarin "Dee" Demirbag is E-type's main dancer.

Dee was born 14th November 1973 in Kirvan, a village in Eastern Turquey's region of Kurdistan, from a Kurdish nomadic family. Dilnarin has 3 sisters : Dilbahar (who is a pop singer known in Sweden under the name Dilba), Dilsa (a writer and journalist), and Dilber, and a brother called Azad. They all moved to Sweden in 1976 to go to Uppsala then Karlstad.

Dee left her homecity Karlstad to settle down in Stockholm. The first year she spent on looking for a job, a place to live and money. After working as stage dancer for groups such as Rob'n'raz, she played a role in Swedish TV series NileCity 105.6 in 1995. Then she was noticed by E-type and started to work with him. She showed up to be an extreme exhibitionist on stage and a very talented dancer. Even if she was always lipsyncing on stage and in the videoclips, she never really sung the choruses for the project.

1998 : Dee did some dancing in Staffan Linguist's Swedish TV program Stadskampen.

In 1999 she decided to move on and go solo. The same year, in August, she was featured on the Swedish men magazine Café Magazine cover and also appeared and on the Okej magazine.

People have been speculating about Dee's and E-Type's "break-up" and thought that it was because of arguments and fights. About this Dee says : "We argument pretty often, me and E-Type. We have been working together for such a long time and we are like sisters and brothers, and sisters and brothers argument pretty often, don't they?".

Dee's solo career started seriously in the middle of 1999 when she, together with the record company Stockholm Records, started to look for material for the forthcoming album. She knew exactly what she was looking for, heavy RnB with strong pop melodies in the background and influences from anything between Sisters Of Mercy to Leila K. The lyrics were also very important for Dee. Not seldom has she been fighting with songwriters and record companies about the lyrics : "I don't want to sing about girls that have been heartbroken and hurt by their boyfriends. I sing about strong and independent girls. I'm not here to moralise and become an ambassador for young girls, but I care a lot about those kinds of issues".

The first single was All The Way Up. It was about grabbing things in life and not looking back too much. "I think a lot of people look backwards too often and look at what's behind them in disgust. Human beings remember embarrassing and hard moments, too often the positive moments are forgotten. It's about changing the negative into something positive" she explains. The next single to be released was Want You To Go, out in February 2001.

In 2003, Dee was back with E-type for his tour. She also contributed to the 2005 tour, then appeared once again in 2007 on stage.

Dee is currently married and has 2 children. She works in the A&R department of a records company.

Dee Official Website
Thanks to D-man '94



Dee Dee
EuroTrance Group



Forever (19th Jul 2002)
The One (Dec 2002)
Pour Toujours (Nov 2003)
I Want You Back (Feb 2010)
Where Did The Love Go (3rd Sep 2021)
Stronger (5th May 2023)

The producers behind this project are Christophe Chantzis (Absolom, Ian Van Dahl), Erik Vanspauwen (Ian Van Dahl) and Tommie Kidjemet. The beautiful female singer is Diana Trippaers. Lyrics are written by her, Christophe and Erik. Diana (born on 21st July 1981 in Genk, Belgium) grew up with music, because her father's hobby was DJ-ing. He played on little parties, and Diana was helping her Dad. She learned thereby the DJ-ing from her father and played on some birthday partys

Forever was released July 19th 2001 on vinyl by A&S Recordings (Ian Van Dahl, Lasgo). On August 2nd they entered the Belgian Dance chart at number #6.... On September 3rd, 2001 Forever was released as single on the Belgian market. The single is already signed for the USA and interest from other European countries is coming in... They did their first live apprearance at the TMF Showcase in September 2001, and a video clip has already been shot. Now they start touring in Belgium.

2003 : the new single of Dee Dee was entitled The One and was released in January in the UK and December in other countries. The video was recorded in Prague. In December Dee Dee was working on brand new show together with her dancers from The Move, while her producers were working on the album, finishing 10 demo tracks. The release is planned for spring 2003.

End of 2003, Dee Dee released a french version of her hit Forever called Pour Toujours.

2005 : she became a beauty consultant at Planet Parfum in Maasmechelen.

2006 : Diana Trippaers was featured on Parisi Delvino's single Into The Night.

2008 : a 2009 version of The One was released by Mike Nero.

2009 : Diana gave birth to a baby girl called Moira.

2010 : Dee Dee recorded a single with Ray & van Snyder entitled I Want You Back. Released in February, it peaked as #19 on the German DJ Chart - Dance.

2012 : she was featured on Kimura's single The Chosen.

2013 : Dee Dee did vocals on Pinch & Dash's single Show me love.

2014 : Dee Dee recorded a collaboration with Marsal Ventura, Àlex de Guirior and Submission DJ entitled See the Light

2016 : in February, she did vocals on Dan Winter & Ryan T's handsup single Yamandana. in July, she was featured in Dreamy's single In My Heart and on Maratone's single Time Will Tell. Dee Dee and Daiyon did vocals on Pinch & Dash's new single Music Is Love.

Dancevibes Belgium
A & S productions - www.a-s.be
Thanks to Kizoo and Anders Bøgh

Artists and groups featuring Dee Dee

Amos & Riot Night - Edge Of Love (2017), Never Look Back (2019)
Dan Winter and Ryan T - Yamandana (2016)
Darren Styles & Olly James - Forever (2022)
De-Liver - Give Me A Sign (2013)
Dreamy - In My Heart (2016)
Iversoon & Alex Daf - Forever 2019 (2019)
Kimura - The Chosen (2012)
Maratone - Time Will Tell (2016)
Marsal Ventura, Alex de Guirior and Submission DJ - See The Light (2014)
Pinch and Dash - Music Is Love (2016), Show Me Love (2013)
Roni Meller - The Day After (Will I Be Free) (2010)
Sonic Solutions - Heaven Is a Place On Earth (2018)
Storyteller - Just A Girl (2020)
Van Dutch & Silver Nikan - Follow The Sound (2018)
Van Dutch and Silver Nikan - It's My Life (2013)



Dee Lay
EuroDance Group



One Day (1999)

One Day was produced by Roby Santini and Roberto Gabrielli, recorded and mixed at Queen Theodolinda Studio in Legnano (Italy). Label: Nitelite Records.

Thanks to Gianni



Dee Monk
EuroDance Group



Comin... (1995)

1.Comin' (Intro), 2.Sta Jos Radim S Tobom, 3.Samo Zelim Da Znam, 4.Vise Ne, 5.Dok Tonem U Mrak, 6.Lost Love, 7.Sutra Je Novi Dan, 8.Luda Za Tobom,

Break Thru (1996)

1.Ne Znam Sta Cu, 2.Dala Bih Ti Sve, 3.Dolazi Nam Iz Visina, 4.Der, Die, Er, Sie, Wie, 5.Uzmi Me, 6.Ne Odlazi, 7.San, 8.Rebirth,


Samo Zelim Da Znam (1994)
Tonight (2010)
Sad Znam (2010)

Dee Monk project was made of Saša Novaković and Alma Mićić. Based in Belgrade, they was quite popular in the Balkans

Their major hit was Samo Zelim Da Znam ("I just want to know"), composed for the event Miss Teenage in 1994. A music video was shot for the song. First album Comin... was produced, composed and written by Dee Monk, recorded and mixed by Žika in Studio Akademija in Belgrade, mastered in Studio Laze Ristovskog by Laza Ristovski, released as cassette only under label ITMM in 1995.

In 1996, a second studio album, Break Thru, was released under label Eho Production. It was recorded in Studio M (Novi Sad) by Jan Šaš for DM Beyond Productions. Executive producer was Zoran Marinković. As usual, lyrics and music was composed by Dee Monk. The Saša did a pause from the musical business. He worked several years as a waiter then as a manager on ships. Then he started a teacher carreer.

More recently, he recorded collaborations in 2010 with former Luna female vocalist Ivana Krunic (Sad Znam), Zejna Murkić, another former Luna singer (Tonight) and with Shwarz (Uzmi Sve Sto Ti Dam).

Artists and groups featuring Dee Monk

Shwarz - Uzmi Sve Sto Ti Dam (2010)



EuroDance Group



I Believe (1997)

Label : DFC

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



It's Easy (1994)
Your Love (1995)

Musical team : Alex Strauch, Kian Soltanmoradi, Martin Lechner.

Thanks to steve



Dee-Lay (2)
EuroDance Group



Can't You See (1995)


Can't You See (1995)

Dee-Lay was a project of Jean Marie Julhes and Laurent Taupin. Label : Joker Music. No relation with German project Dee-Lay.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Member



The Planet Meditation (1995)

The Planet Meditation EP was released under ZAC Records. Deelhiria was featured on Black Area Research Turn Your Head

Artists and groups featuring Deelhiria

Black Area Research - Turn Your Head (1995)



Deely-B Dine
EuroDance Group



Love Me Hold Me (26th Mar 1994)

Deely-B Dine (sometimes written Deely.B.Dine) featured a female vocalist (Nathalie Aarts who was not credited) and samples of a male rapper from Hijack - The Badman Is Robbin'. The vinyl contained 3 versions: T-Zone Rmx, D.B.D. Version and Pao Mix. It was arranged by D. Verde, DJ Chicco Cogliati, DJ Fabio Ronco, DJ Robert Down and Morris Capaldi, produced by Roberto Turatti. Label : Bull & Butcher Recordings

Thanks to Nathalie Aarts, Andrew-FK, Alex Capilé and Capitaine



EuroDance Group



Deep In The Night (22nd Apr 1996)

Vocals : Nadine Heyder (aka Deen). Producers : Mike Griesheimer and Thomas Detert. The single contained a sample of Robert Miles' Children.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



Another Brick (1995)

Another Brick, a cover of a song originally released by Fake, was produced by Ray Caze and Joaquim G., arranged and mixed by Joaquim G. Label : Do It Music



EuroDance Group



Gimme A Sign (1997)

Gimme A Sign was written by Matteo Lombardoni (under the name of Zelvox). The song really sounded like Amber's This Is Your Night. It was released under label Hitland.

Thanks to Marian Stoica



Deep Attack
EuroDance Group



Guilty (1993)

Guilty was produced by the Wild Boys, written by Alex Breuer and Andreas Schneide . Label: ZYX Music



Deep Kenley
EuroDance Group



Call Me (1994)
Spirit Love (1995)


Call Me (1995)

Label : CNR Music. Deep Kenley was a dance project built around Emmanuel Bordey and produced by Alain Dopouridis and A. Webber. First single was entitled Call Me, it was written by A. Strete, E. D. Kenley and D. Westley, and was recorded at Black Stone's Studio in London. Ragga was performed by F. Man. Style was eurodance with a touch of house reminding of Quench Dreams. The tracklisting of the CD single and vinyl of Call Me were different. A remixes vinyl was also released in 1995

Second and last single Spirit Love was released in 1995



Deep Obsession
Dance Group

New Zealand


Infinity (1999)

1.Falling Out Of Love, 2.Cold, 3.One & Only, 4.Vanishing Man, 5.You Got The Feeling, 6.Would You?, 7.Lost In Love, 8.Be Real, 9.The Power In You, 10.Experience +, 11.I Surrender,

Infinity (Remix Album) (1999)

1.One & Only (Brian Rawling Remix), 2.Lost in Love, 3.Cold, 4.I Surrender, 5.Vanishing Man, 6.You Got the Feeling, 7.Be Real, 8.Falling Out of Love, 9.Power in You, 10.Would You?, 11.One & Only (Brian Rawling Extended Remix), 12.Cold (Extended Version),


Lost In Love (1999)
Cold (1999)
One and Only (1999)
You Got The Feeling (2000)
I Surrender (2000)
Miracles (2003)
I Am (2004)

Deep Obssesion are a dance New Zealand group who hold the distinction within New Zealand chart history of having their first three singles reach number one; a feat thus far only matched by Scribe.

Formed under the name Insight in 1997 by producer Michael Lloyd and producer/songwriter Christopher Banks, with singers Zara Clarke and Vanessa Kelly, Deep Obsession were the first unsigned New Zealand group to receive widespread commercial radioplay when a demo recording of their first single, Lost In Love (a cover version of a song by Australian bnd Air Supply), was picked up by the nationwide ZM network. They were, in turn, the first New Zealand group to sign with Universal Music, after airplay of the demo brought them to the attention of several major record labels. When Lost In Love was remixed by Malcolm Welsford and released in late 1998, it went to number #1 on the New Zealand singles chart. The next two singles, Cold and One & Only, also went to number #1. A full length album, Infinity, was recorded, with artwork and promotion that focused on Zara and Vanessa’s blond bombshell clubber image; relatively unique in New Zealand marketing at the time. Infinity was released in 1999 and went to number #8 on the New Zealand charts.

In 1999, following the release of Infinity, Christopher Banks left the group, and in 2002, Vanessa Kelly did likewise. Vanessa’s replacement was the equally blond Charlie Lawson, and two more singles were released in New Zealand from a proposed second album that was never released. Miracles reached #34 in 2003, while I Am (co-produced by now-UK based original Deep Obsession producer Michael Lloyd) did not chart.

By 2003, Deep Obsession had parted company with both their founding producer and songwriting partner Christopher Banks, and record label Universal Music.

Thanks to Abelito



Deep Passion
EuroDance Group



Stay (1997)
On And On (1998)

Stay featured vocals by Raquel Gomez and was written by Robert Gerding iin 1997. It was produced by Doug Laurent and Merlin. Label: CNR Music. It was included on CAPP Records digital compilation The Best Of Eurodance Vol. 1 in 2004.

The song On & On was only released on compilation Italo Strikes Back II - Italo Vs Dancefloor

Thanks to Gianni



Deep Six
EuroDance Group


Set Me Free (1997)

The project featured Sandra Barber, a solo female vocalist with a powerful voice. Set Me Free was released under Jellybean Recordings Inc, produced by Brinsley Evans

Sandy B also released some solo singles : Feel Like Singin' (1992), Make The World Go Round (1996), Ain't No Need To Hide (1997) and more recently The Beat Is Inside You. She also contributed to the group Blue Moderne.

Thanks to EurodanceRage



Deep Soul System
EuroDance Group



I Love You Forever (1995)

The single I Love You Forever featured a solo, uncredited female vocalist. It was written by Claudio Collino, Marco Salvaterra and Mauro Coslovich, produced, arranged and mixed by Claudio Collino aka Colinsky. Label : Maniac Records.



Deep Sound Six
EuroDance Group



Sport Is Magic (24th Jan 1995)

Deep Sound Six is a project of Auerhammer, Rafflenheul and Kraater. The single Sport Is Magic was released under the label WEA. It featured the voice of Die Rigidi and Acki Murray.



Deep Vision
EuroDance Group



Sometimes (The Sun Shines) (1995)

Deep Vision is a project of Alexander Hawking in collaboration with Oliver Lieb. The single Sometimes was produced by Alexander Hawking, Oliver Lieb, and Sven "The Bass", written by Alexander Hawking and T. Kirby. Label : BMG.



Deep Wave
EuroDance Group



Power (1997)
Uabalembem (1997)

Power was composed by Juri Bonazzoli and L. Verzeletti. It used the same vocal samples as Kiss The Beat - Power People. Label: National Record.

Uabalembem was mastered by Inzadi, written and arranged by Juri Bonazzoli and Luca Verzeletti, published by National Record Edizioni Musicali S.r.l. and Arkadin Srl.

Thanks to Gianni



Def Dames Dope
EuroDance Group



It's A Girl (4th Nov 1993)

1.Havin' a Good Time (Rap Version), 2.That's Not Enough (Rap Version), 3.Ain't Nothin' To It (Rap Version), 4.You've Got It Wrong, 5.Don't Be Silly (Rap Version), 6.Full Time Lover (Rap Version), 7.It's OK, All Right (Rap Version), 8.I'm Gonna Show You (Rap Version), 9.More! More! (Rap Version), 10.Hungry For My Lovin' (Rap Version), 11.It's OK, It's All Right (Remix Version), 12.Havin' A Good Time (Remix Version),

Wicked And Wild (12th Sep 1995)

1.Changes, 2.Out Of My Mind, 3.Take It As It Comes, 4.Obsession, 5.Show Me What U Got, 6.Take Your Time, 7.Feel Free, 8.I've Got The Hots For U, 9.Join The Party, 10.Never Giving In, 11.Show Me What U Got (Kinky Radio Mix), 12.Show Me What U Got (Rio & Le Jean's Jungle Remix),

Goud van hier (12th Jul 2010)

1.It's ok all right, 2.Feel free, 3.Havin' a good time (7' Edit), 4.Ain't nothin' to it, 5.Never giving in, 6.Don't be silly, 7.Full time lover, 8.Out of my mind, 9.Take your yime, 10.Show me what U got (Radio edit), 11.Join the party, 12.Beep Beep (Radio edit), 13.DDD Unity Megamix (Radio edit),


It's OK, All Right (1992)
Ain't Nothin To It (9th Jun 1993)
Having A Good Time (8th Nov 1993)
Full Time Lover (1994)
Out Of My Mind (1994)
Don't Be Silly (8th Feb 1994)
The DDD Unity Megamix (5th Aug 1994)
Feel Free (1995)
Take Your Time (1995)
Show Me What U Got (29th Mar 1995)
Never Givin In (1996)
Join The Party (1996)
Beep Beep (2002)


Show Me What U Got (1995)

Producers : Phil Wilde and Jean-Paul De Coster (more well-known for the project 2 Unlimited). DDD features 4 girls : singer and songwriter Axana Ceulemans (Snake), her sister Larissa Ceulemans (Can-D-Cash), the dancers Edith verlinden (Tabasco) and Ingrid Gerits (H2O).

Sisters Axana and Larissa Ceulemans used to hang out in a club in Antwerp called Funk You. They were fascinated by the rap and dance battles, and after some praticing they joined in. The name Def Dames Dope came from a passage of rap that they wrote.

Their first single It's OK Alright became an instant hit in Scandinavia, Israel, South Africa and #1 in Holland and in Belgium. The follow-up Ain't Nothin To It was also #1 in Belgium. The first album of DDD sold gold and the fourth single Don't Be Silly reached #9 in Belgium. They performed as support act for LaToya Jackson in South Africa.

After the first album, Can-D-Cash married Berre Bergen bassist, in the band Les Kreuners, and was replaced by Yousra Lemaire (aka TRS). They released a megamix of thieir first singles done by the Unity Mixers in 1994, then came their second album Wicked and Wild the following year. In 1995 too, the DDD contributed to the welfare project De KerstSterren (releasing the single Vreugde In Je Hart).

After some years, Yousra was replaced by actress Barbara de Jonge (aka BB). She did not stay very long, only appearing on the single Join The Party. Then, the project did a long pause... Axana Ceulemans went back to her job of secretary in a company in Antwerp.

1999 : Axana and Larissa contributed to the project So'Da, along with Heidi and Safia. They had some success with the single All I Need and Do What You Do.

2002 : Yousra was back again for a comeback DDD single entitled Beep Beep. Composed by Fred Mast Vander, it did not have that much success.

Axana spent 10 years as choreographer for the group K3. She also owns a gifts shop called La Sorpresa in Herentals with her sister Larissa.

2010 : for the first time since many years, all members of DDD performed on stage of I Love The 90s in Hasselt.

Thanks to Hugues and Paris GayZic



EuroDance Group



Let Me Go (1994)

The project features a solo male vocalist. The single was arranged and mixed by DJ Albyno & Lambi, released unde X-energy in Italy licensed in Spain under Max Music.



Definition of Joy
EuroDance Group



Stay With Me 4 Ever (Dec 1994)

This group has made only one song : Stay With Me 4 Ever. This song was released in december 1994. The raps were done by King Lover, the vocals by Elisha. It was written by Dancability (2 Brothers on the 4th floor), D. Liefting and M. Mijland. The single included 5 versions (original Radio edit, Beat'R Us 7" mix, Original Extended, Beats 'R Us Club mix, and Muic for Lovers mix) and a B-side called 4 Ever More.

Thanks to EmilGreg



Dega (Miguel)
EuroDance Producer


Spanish producer and businessman Miguel Degá Fauré founded Max Music in 1984 with Ricardo Campoy.

In 1998, police announce that Miguel Degá had been arrested on charges of kidnapping and the attempted murder of Ricardo Campoy. He had sent Mexican gangsters to kidnap and beat him, but the gangsters confused with another DJ, Josep Maria Campoy Castells, who drove the same brand of car... Max Music went bankrupcy in 1999, then he created Tempo Music. Miguel Degá's was sentenced to jail in June 2001 and escaped from Quatre Camins prison in March 2005.

In 2014, his son was stabbed to death as he was only 26.

Artists and groups featuring Dega (Miguel)

Aarts Nathalie - Calm The Rage (1996), Take My Love (1996)
Amen - El Club De Los Humildes (1998)
Bandeera - Sister Golden Hair (1996)
Cara y Cruz - Lo Echamos A Suertes (1996)
Company - A Girl Like You (1995)
D-2 - Digital Ace (1996)
DJ Tururu - Just Friends (1997), Love Dreams (1998)
KU Minerva - Llorando Por Ti (1994)
Louis - Dame (1996)
MK Project - Let The Music Play (1996)
Mauro - La Cosa Más Bella (1996)
Mission - Because You Loved Me (1996), Missing (1995), Think Twice (1995), You Are Not Alone (1995), Your Loving Arms (1995)
Piropo - The Promise You Made (1997)
Q-Zone - Tonight (1997)
Revenge - All Together Now (1995)
Reverence - Dignity (1997)
Sally - The Reason (1998)
The Legend - One Headlight (1997)
Viva (2) - Keep On Dreaming (1997), Nirvana (1996)
Zombie - Rescue Me (1998)



EuroDance Group



Wherever You Are (1995)

Wherever You Are was written by Margheriti and Terzi. It was produced, arranged and mixed at DO-RE-MIX studio with contribution of A. Dalbello, C. Giulietti and Francesca Messina. The vocalist was thought at first to be Sabrina Proietti but she was actually Francesca Messina, known for being the vocalist of Lady Violet.

Thanks to Simone Lacrimi and Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Anything 4 Love (Mad Universe) / Turn To Me (1994)

Anything 4 Love was mixed by Marco de Laurentiis, produced by Stefano Severini. The vocalist was called Janey G. Lover. It was recorded at S.M.J. Studios (Cork-Ireland), mastered at Step Musique Studios (Italy).

Thanks to EuroRama



Deja vu
EuroTrance Group



Get To You (2000)

1.Get To You, 2.Against All Odds (Definitive Mix), 3.I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (Definitive Mix), 4.Don't Speak (Definitive Mix), 5.My Heart Will Go On (Definitive Mix), 6.To Deserve You (Definitive Remix), 7.Un-Break My Heart (Definitive Mix), 8.When You Say Nothing At All (Fired Up Mix), 9.If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time (Definitive Mix), 10.No Rhyme No Reason (Poptastic Radio Edit), 11.Hold Your Head Up High (Definitive Mix), 12.The Best I Can Do (Definitive Mix), 13.Uninvited (Definitive Mix),

Get To You (2000)

1.When You Say Nothing At All (Fired Up Mix), 2.Uninvited (Fired Up Mix), 3.Don't Speak (Definitive Mix), 4.If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time (Definitive Mix), 5.The Best I Can Do (Definitive Mix), 6.My Heart Will Go On (Movie Mania Mix), 7.No Rhyme No Reason (Definitive Mix), 8.I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (Definitive Mix), 9.Un-Break My Heart (Definitive Mix), 10.To Deserve You (Mighty Trance Mix), 11.Against All Odds (Definitive Mix), 12.Hold Your Head Up High (Transensual Mix),

Handbag Heaven - Against All Odds (2007)

1.Leave Right Now (Almighty Club Mix), 2.If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time (Almighty Anthem Mix), 3.The Best I Can Do (Almighty Definitive Mix), 4.Everybody's Changing (Almighty 12' Anthem Mix), 5.Hold Your Head Up High (Almighty Definitive Mix), 6.You Raise Me Up (Almighty Definitive Mix), 7.All This Time (Almighty Anthem Mix), 8.Stay (Almighty Definitive Mix) (, 9.That's My Goal (Almighty Definitive Mix), 10.Against All Odds (Almighty Definitive Mix),

Get To You : This Is The Last Time, The 12'' Collection (Mar 2012)

1.To Deserve You (Almighty Ambient Club Mix), 2.Get To You (Almighty Club Mix), 3.Uninvited (Almighty 12' Fired Up Mix), 4.You Raise Me Up (Wayne G & Andy Allder Classic nthem), 5.This Is The Last Time (Almighty Essential Club Mix), 6.Moonlight Shadow (Almighty Essential Club Mix), 7.To Deserve You (Almighty 12' Definitive Mix), 8.My Heart Will Go On (Matt Pop Club Mix), 9.Un-Break My Heart (Almighty Essential Club Mix), 10.If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time (Almighty Definitive Mix),

Get To You : This Is The Last Time, The 12'' Collection (Mar 2012)

1.Moonlight Shadow (Matt Pop Club Mix), 2.This Is The Last Time (Almighty Club Mix), 3.Don't Speak (Almighty Definitive Mix), 4.I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (Almighty Definitive Mix), 5.Somewhere Only We Know (Almighty Boys Club Mix), 6.Against All Odds (Almighty Definitive Mix), 7.No Rhyme No Reason (Almighty Poptastic Mix), 8.Hold Your Head Up High (Almighty Definitive Mix), 9.The Best I Can Do (Dataluxe Mix), 10.Rhythm & Rule (Reason To Live) (Almighty Definitive Mix),

Get To You : This Is The Last Time, The Radio Edit Collection (Mar 2012)

1.Get To You (Almighty Radio Edit), 2.Uninvited (Almighty 7' Fired Up Mix), 3.You Raise Me Up (Wayne G & Andy Allder Classic Edit), 4.This Is The Last Time (Almighty Essential Radio Edit), 5.Moonlight Shadow (Matt Pop Radio Edit), 6.To Deserve You (Almighty Definitive Radio Edit), 7.My Heart Will Go On (Matt Pop Radio Edit), 8.Un-Break My Heart (Almighty Essential Radio Edit), 9.Hold Your Head Up High (Almighty Definitive Radio Edit), 10.No Rhyme No Reason (Almighty Poptastic Radio Edit), 11.I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (Almighty Definitive Radio Edit), 12.If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time (Almighty Radio Mix), 13.Somewhere Only We Know (Almighty Boys Radio Edit), 14.Against All Odds (Almighty Definitive Radio Edit), 15.When You Say Nothing At All (Almighty Radio Mix), 16.Don't Speak (Almighty 7' Definitive Mix), 17.The Best I Can Do (Dataluxe Radio Edit), 18.Rhythm & Rule (Reason To Live) (Almighty Definitive Radio Mix),

Get To You : This Is The Last Time, The Radio Edit Collection (Mar 2012)

1.In The Mix, 2.Hold Your Head Up High (Dataluxe Mix), 3.No Rhyme No Reason (Dataluxe Mix),


Un-Break My Heart (1996)
Don't Speak (1997)
To Deserve You (1997)
My Heart Will Go On (1998)
Uninvited (1998)
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (1999)
When You Say Nothing At All (1999)
Against All Odds (2000)
If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time (2000)
No Rhyme No Reason (2000)
Stay (2001)
All This Time (2004)
Leave Right Now (2004)
Hold Your Head Up High (2006)
Measure Of A Man (2006)
Rhythm & Rule (2006)
That's My Goal (2006)
The Best I Can Do (2006)
You Raise Me Up (2006)
This Is The Last Time (2012)
Moonlight Shadow (2012)
Somewhere Only We Know (8th Dec 2013)

Label : Almighty records. Déjà Vu is a creation of Martyn Norris, Jon Dixon, Bob Mitchell, Phil Radford and Graham Willcocks. The project featured the singer Tasmin (real name : Jacqueline Rawe) and was specialized into dance covers of famous pop hits.

After only 2 years of existence, they had already scored 4 Pop-Tip top 20 hits. More recently, they enjoyed their first American single in the US Billboard Top 75

1997 : they covered with Bette Midler’s classic anthem To Deserve You. On both sides of the Atlantic, Almighty supporters congratulated the team for taking this "hard-to-find" song and making it a true crossover success... and the DJs loved it.

1998 : they released a brilliant, pumped up version of Aerosmith’s hit I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing.

1999 : they did another 2 quality pop covers : When You Say Nothing At All (the Ronan Keating song) and If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time (the R Kelly chart hit).

2000 : Deja Vu also scored another club sensation with the Phil Collins masterpiece Against All Odds , plus the non-cover title No Rhyme No Reason, both taken from their debut album Get To You.

2001 : they released a cover of the Shakespeares Sisters' hit Stay.

2003 : Tasmin joined a band called The New London Choral.

2004 : after 3 years of silence, they were back with the single All This Time, shortly followed by Leave Right Now. Tasmin released a soul-jazz solo album entitled My Truth under her real name Jackie Rawe.

2006 : after a shorter pause, they released not less than 6 singles the same year (most of them digitally) : among them, Hold Your Head Up High, Measure Of A Man and Rhythm & Rule.

2008 : Tasmin teamed with some other Almighty vocalists to form the Almighty Showgirls. They released the album We Love Kylie (a collection of Kylie Minogue covers).

Thanks to Abelito



Del Barba (Gabriele)
EuroDance Producer


After producing Taty G's single Vibrations (IS Records) in 1993, Gabriele Del Barba contributed to many projects released under the label DDM Records such as Tenax (Movin in 1994), Jayme (Don't Leave Me in 1994) and FB Machine (Heaven in 1994). He co-wrote lyrics for Magic Land's single Loose Hard. He was executive producer for Iesha's singles Easy Love and Harmony, and for Q-Q Biko's Picture Of Me. He produced Mad Angels single All My Love and We Can Make It All Right, Manico I Don't Know, and many more.

Artists and groups featuring Del Barba (Gabriele)

Alexandra - It's A Friday Night (... Dut, Dut, Dut) (1995)
FB Machine - Heaven (1994), Make Me Feel Allright (1994), Movin Non Stop (1995)
Franky B - Love Is The Answer (1994)
Future Brain - Get Ready (1994)
Iesha - Easy Love (1994), Harmony (1995)
K-Mono - Take My Body (1995)
Lovin Motion - Sittin' On (1994)
Mad Angels - All My Love (1994), Down Dedown (1996), We Can Make It All Right (1994)
Manico - I Don't Know (1995), Turn Me On (1994)
Missis Scarlet - I Wonna Be With You (1994)
Q-Q Biko - Picture Of Me (1995)
R To R - My Romance (1995)
Roggero - Dreams And Doubts (1994)
Tenax - Movin (1994), You Got to Fight (1994)



Del Junior
EuroDance Group



Duet (1996)

1.Dotyk Twoich Rak, 2.Zaklety Blask, 3.Przez Blekit Nieba, 4.Plomien, 5.Chcialam Gwiazda Byc, 6.Krople Deszczu, 7.Twoja Wyspa, 8.Moj Kochanek, 9.Za Szczesciem Gonisz, 10.Kawalek Wlasnego Nieba, 11.Pozadanie, 12.Ulica Pelna Ludzi,

Zamkniety Krag (1997)

1.Zamkniety Krag, 2.Wielkie Slowa, 3.Jeszcze Blizej Badz, 4.New Love, 5.Nie Zostawiaj Mnie, 6.Zaklety Glos, 7.Oszukani Soba, 8.Everybody Wants To Be The One, 9.Moj Cien, 10.Sun Of Jamaica, 11.Wiara, 12.Dotyk Twoich Rak (Remix),

Rapper Remigiusz "Junior" Adekoya aka Remi Adekoya was the leader of this project of records company Star Maker. He is the cousin of Dariusz Adekoya, frontman of project D'Adekoya, which were both formed in 1996 and produced by Jacek Kraszewski (same producer as Kaśka Myszkiewicz). He also did guest raps and songwriting on other Star Maker projects sur as Karina Sędkowska.

Del Junior released 2 albums. Duet was recorded in July and August 1996, it featured female vocals by Magda Gleinert, and mastered by Grzegorz Piwkowski, written by Dariusz himslef and by Piotr Sznura, released in 1996. Next album Zamkniety Krag Wydany Przez featured vocals by Cat and was out in 1997. A videoclip was shot for Dotyk Twoich Rąk. Del Junior and D'Adekoya tracks were often featured on the same Star Maker compilations.

Del Junior did vocals on Monika Sewioło I Nietykalni album Wiatr ‎in 2001.

Thanks to Tyler



Del Pilar (Gladys)
EuroDance Member



Movin' On (1996)

1.Better Than You, 2.What About Me, 3.Movin' On, 4.Touch Our Heaven, 5.Waiting For The Stars, 6.Woman In Love, 7.If I Was Your Lady, 8.The Love That Is True, 9.Wait For Hours, 10.Hold Me Tonight, 11.A Goodbye Song, 12.Better Than You (Karaokeversion), 13.What About Me (Karaokeversion), 14.Movin' On (Karaokeversion),


Better Than You (1996)
Movin' On (1997)

Eva Gladys del Pilar Werner and her twin sister Ann Consuelo were born in October 11th 1967 in Guayaquil (Ecuador) and grew up in a nunnery in northern Ecuador in difficult circumstances. They were adopted to Örebro, Sweden at age 7.

Gladys mother noticed Gladys had an interest in music and made sure she attended a local music school. She was asked to provide back-up vocals for Big Deal, a popular local rock band. Gladys and the sound engineer at Big Deal’s recording studio formed the house music group Real Power. They soon became associated with the Nordik beat scene and signed to SweMix Records. Real Power released the single Trust which received plenty of radio play.

Gladys then did backing vocals for many Nordik beat/SweMix acts such as Kayo. Gladys began working with Denniz Pop and he wrote the single Made Up My Mind, which became a huge hit and topped the charts. She toured in Europe as a guest artist with Dr Alban (she contributed to the choir on It's My Life). In 1992 she was named Best Newcomer at DJ Music Awards. The following year she appeared on stage for musicals "Abba-the True Story" at Berns, and Fame at the China Theater.

In 1994, Gladys ended #2 with her song The most beautiful thing I know in Melodifestivalen (the Swedish pre-selection for ESC. The next year she performed as part of the cabaret Hot'n Tot up at Berns, along with Blossom Tainton-Lindquist, Vivian Cardinal, and Francesca Quartey. The show was a success, so it was followed by a tour across Sweden. Meanwhile, she kept on performing on many recordings as part of a group, back up vocals or as a featured vocalist on house/club records.

In 1996, she released her first solo album, Movin 'On, on Eagle Records. Since the late 90's Gladys has been visiting various gospel choirs. She also lended his voice to Disney movie Hercules.

She joined Blossom Tainton-Lindquist and Kayo Shekoni to form the group Afro-dite. At first they concentrated on the business job, but gradually it became even more public concerts. Afro-dite won Melodifestivalen 2002 with the song Never Let It Go, so they participated in the Eurovision Song Contest in Tallinn, Estonia. The single sold platinum in a few months, and full length CD was #13 on the list of the 40 best-selling albums in Sweden.

2003 : Afro-dite took part to Melodifestivalen again with the song Aqua Playa. In the spring, Gladys left Afro-dite and began to work on her own with gospel and big bands all over Sweden. She participate in 2003 edition of the Stockholm Jazz Festival with gospel group Servants.

2004 : As a solo artist she entered the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest with Baby I Can not Stop.

Gladys has a huge interest in food and owns and operates a food and music catering business. She married Christer Bergh. She has also been featured in various Swedish television shows such as Så ska det låta, Postkodkampen cooking show Teatersupén .

2007 : she appeared in on stage in musicals Carmen and Hairspray in Stockholm.

2009 : she was featured by Carola on her album Christmas in Bethlehem.

2012 : she was on Melodifestivalen stage again with Afro-Dite, but their song The Boy Can Dance was not selected.

Gladys nowadays lives in Huddinge.

Artists and groups featuring Del Pilar (Gladys)

D-Flex - Don't Disrespect (1999)
Dori Cristina - Tell Me Why (2000)
Dr Alban - It's My Life (1992)
Look Twice - Move That Body (1994), Mr Dance And Mr Groove (1994)
Reel Power - Do It! (1989), Trust (1990)
Roman Andrén - Amber Lady (2006)
The Central Bank - Suspicious Minds (2005)



Del Rio (Maria)
EuroDance Member


Maria Del Rio was born in Brussels in 1973, with Spanish roots. Since 1996, Maria del Rio has been working for French-speaking channel RTBF during seven years.

Maria Del Rio became Paradisio's new frontlady in 2003. She was featured on the single Luz De La Luna.

Maria moved to channel AB3, to finally end up at RTL-TVi in 2005. For RTL-TVi Maria del Rio hosted the show "Ils sont fous ces Wallons!", a search for the most extravagant Walloons. The show also featured former Belgian Eurovision Song Contest representatives Sandra Kim and Mélanie Cohl in the jury.

2007 : Maria competed to be selected as Belgian candidate at Eurovision.

Artists and groups featuring Del Rio (Maria)

Paradisio - Luz De La Luna (2003)



Delaude (Morgana)
EuroDance Group



Three Years Of Madness (2005)

Rose Of Jericho (2011)


Morgana (1988)
Rock Steady Beat Medley With Orinoco Flow (1995)

Roberta "Morgana" Delaude started her carreer in the 80s as Epic Heavy Metal singer in Italy. Her first band was called Hurtful Witch and was formed in 1985 in Chieri. Then she started her own band Morgana in 1987, releasing self-titled EP in 1998.

In 1995 she released eurodance single Rock Steady Beat Medley With Orinoco Flow under label Drohm. It was produced, mixed and arranged by Alessandra Argentino, Mr. Polon and Roberto Ferrante

Back to rock music, she released a solo album entitled Three Years Of Madness in 2005 and another one called Rose Of Jericho in 2011

Thanks to Gianni



HiNRG Group



The Promise Of Love (1979)

1.The Promise Of Love, 2.You've Been Doing Me Wrong, 3.Mr. Heartbreak, 4.Let Me Take You To The Sun, 5.Back Door Love, 6.Where Is The Love (We Used To Know), 7.Soul Trippin', 8.Oh Honey, 9.Someone Oughta Write A Song (About You Baby), 10.Love Is Like A Flower,

Eau De Vie (1980)

1.Heartache No. 9, 2.Sho' 'Nuff Sold On You, 3.One More Step To Take, 4.Blue Girl, 5.Darlin' (I Think About You), 6.You And I, 7.Stand Up (Reach For The Sky), 8.Welcome To My World, 9.Put A Little Love On Me,

Delegation (1981)

1.Feels So Good (Loving You So Bad), 2.A2 Dance, Prance, Boogie, 3.In Love's Time, 4.Singing, 5.12th House, 6.The Night, 7.Turn On To City Life, 8.Free To Be Me, 9.I Wantcha Back, 10.Gonna Keep My Eyes On You,

Dueces High (1982)

1.What Took You So Long, 2.I Figure I'm Out Of Your Life, 3.If You Were A Song, 4.Gonna Bring The House Down, 5.Tell Her, 6.Dance Like Fred Astaire, 7.No Words To Say, 8.Would You Like To Start A Thang With Me, 9.Dance-Time U.S.A.,

The Classic Collection (1994)

1.Darlin' (I think about you), 2.Put a little love on me, 3.In the night, 4.Gonna'bring the house down, 5.Where is the love (we used to know), 6.I wantcha'back, 7.You and I, 8.If you were a song, 9.It's your turn, 10.One more step to take, 11.Heartache number 9, 12.Stand up (reach for the sky), 13.Dance, prance, boogie, 14.I figure i'm out of your life, 15.Welcome to my world,

Encore (Apr 1996)

Golden Classics Edition (25th Jun 1996)

1.Promise of Love, 2.You've Been Doing Me Wrong, 3.Mr. Heartbreak, 4.Let Me Take You to the Sun, 5.Back Door Love, 6.Honey I'm Rich, 7.Wher Is the Love We Used to Know, 8.Soul Trippin', 9.Oh Honey, 10.Someone Oughta Write a Song (About You Baby), 11.Love Is Like a Fire, 12.You and Your Love,

The Best Of (12th Nov 2003)


Darlin' (l Think About You) ()
Can't Let You Go ()
The Promise Of Love (1976)
Where Is The Love (We Used To Know) (1976)
You've Been Doing Me Wrong (1977)
Honey I'm Rich (1978)
Oh Honey (1979)
Put A Little Love On Me (1979)
You And I (1980)
Heartache Number Nine (1980)
In The Night (1981)
I Wantcha' Back (1981)
Singing (1981)
It's Your Turn (1984)
Thanks To You (1985)
Where Is The Love '86 (1986)
The Mix (1989)
Wanna Be The Winner (1994)
Call Me (1995)
Searching (1999)
You And I 2000 (2000)


Can't Let You Go (23rd May 1995)

Delegation, one of the UK's leading soul/funk acts have successfully stood the test of time since their inception in the mid-1970's. Beginning their career as a three-place vocal group in the tradition of the most successful USA soul acts founder and leader Ricky Balley has guided the group, through several personnel changes, into one of Europe's most respected bands.

Ricky Bailey was born in Jamaïca and spent his early childhood years growing up there before moving with his parents to the UK. His passion in life had always been singing and in the early 1970's he put together his first group - The Five Star Cadets - in his home town of Birmingham, England. Gaining much experience from his live work with this group he eventually founded Delegation in the mid-1970's with two other singers from Birmingham - Len Coley and Roddy Harris. It was with this line-up that Delegation first came to the attention of songwriter/producer, Ken Gold who had been searching the UK for a three-piece soul act following the massive success he had achieved with another UK act, The Real Thing. After seeing them perform live, he immediately secured them a recording contract with State Records in the UK and their first record, The Promise Of Love was released in the surnmer of 1976. Although the record received good reviews and airplay, it was not until the release of their second record Where Is The Love (We Used To Know) that Delegation achieved chart status in the UK.

Following the success of Where Is The Love the group toured Europe extensively gaining the respect of audiences wherever they appeared and during 1977 their third single You've Been Doing Me Wrong was released, giving them their second hit in the UK. At this point Roddy Harris quit the group and was replaced by Ray Patterson. 1978 and 1979 saw the release of further singles, in particular Honey I'm Rich (written by Ray Parker) and Oh Honey , and the group's first album, The Promise Of Love. 1978 also saw the departure of Lon Coley who was replaced by Bruce Dunbar. Although further chart success in the UK eluded the group their fortunes were to change at the end of 1979 with the release of their first single in the USA, the haunting Oh Honey . This record went to #5 in the Billboard R&B chart and was also a hit in the Billboard pop chart, eventually notching up sales of 500 000 units. The album The Promise Of Love also sold in excess of 250 000 units in the USA.

The marriage between Delegation and producer Ken Gold continued when in 1979 the group signed to Gold's production company and through this association secured a recording contract with Ariola Records. Eau De Vie, the first album recorded under this new deal and released in 1980 is a success story in itself, still selling in respectable quantities throughout Europe 15 years after its initial release. The group released many singles from this album and their popularity around the globe increased with the release of each new record. Several of the songs featured on this album were hits for the group in many territories and became classics over the years with titles such as Darlin' (l Think About You), You And I, Heartache Number Nine and Put A Little Love On Me still receiving radio airplay ail over Europe.

1981 saw the release of the second Ariola album entitled simply Delegation and from this album two singles, In The Night and I Wantcha' Back became hits for the group. At this point in their career Delegation were performing at concerts all over the world and in addition to their live work in France, Germany, Scandinavia and other European territories, their success took them to continents such as Africa, Asia and South America. Their third Ariola album, Dueces High was released in 1982.

A change of personnel and record label took place in 1983-1984 when Bruce Dunbar quit the group to return to his native USA and Kathy Bryant (also from the USA) became the new member of Delegation. Ricky discovered Kathy in Germany where the group were performing and after hearing her voice immediately offered her a place in the band. Once again through Ken Gold's production company Delegation were signed to Epic Records through which a single It's Your Turn was released. This title, although not achieving the chart success of previous records, went on to, become a classic track for Delegation particularly in the territory of France where it is still played by top club DJ's.

Throughout the rest of the 1980's Delegation continued touring Europe and in 1986 re-recorded Where Is The Love in Frankfurt, Germany. The record was an immediate success in many European countries and has now become another classic for the group being featured on many current soul compilation albums. In 1989 further success was achieved when The Mix was released in France on the Scorpio label. The Mix was a segued compliation, re-recorded and repackaged, of five of the band's biggest hits and went on to become a hit in France and Germany.

With their continued commitment to live work Delegation survived through the early 1990's when soul music was eclipsed by the huge global success of rap music and it was through this music medium, ironically, that Delegation's name was also kept at the forefront of popularity with rap artists in the USA such as Coolio and The Ghetto Boys achieving massive success with the "sampling" of Delegation's original recording of Oh Honey.

Through a partnership between Ricky Balley and Ken Gold a record label, Euro-jam, was established in 1994 and from this label the definitive package of Delegation material - The Classic Collection - was released . Many of the titles featured on this album were available for the first time in CD format and sales in France and Germany were considerable. 1995 will also see the re-birth of Delegation with plans to record new material in the original Delegation style.

With their astonishing track record both in record sales and live work Delegation will soon celebrate twenty years of success in the record business and with the release of The Classic Collection and the collaboration with Mauro Farina - Fabio Turatti & Factory Team (label One-Way records) that have produced the new album Encore we can expect their new legion of fans to substain their success into the next century.

Encore has been recorded at Factory Sound Studios (Verona) Italy and released in April 1996 on One Way Records (S.A.I.F.A.M. Publishing Group). One of the new singles to be released was Wanna Be The Winner which is a real Eurodance song.

SAIFAM website
Thanks to reBeL and Leonardo Marmolejo Maldonado



Delgado K
EuroDance Producer

With his collaborator Johnny Jam he produced, wrote or remixed for dozens of Scandinavian eurodance and bubble-gum projects. Johnny Jam & Delgado have been producing hit music since 1994. They work in their own studios in London called Skylab Studios, which used to be in Aalborg (Denmark) until late 1998.

3-2-1 : The Ski Song
45 Degress : All I Have To Do Is Dream, Deeper Love, Everything U Want, Forever Girl, I'll Never Let You Go, It's Just A Matter Of Time, Never Give Up, No One In This World, One In A Million, This I Swear, The Sky Is Falling Down, Turn It All Around
Ace Of Base : Cruel Summer, Tokyo Girl, Travel To Romantis
Aqua : Barbie Girl, Calling You, Didn't I, Doctor Jones, Good Morning Sunshine, Happy Boys And Happy Girls, Heat Of The Night, Lollipop, My Oh My, Turn Back Time
BND : Here I Go Again
Camilla : Summertime Girl, At The Weekend
Camille : Baby It's You
Aaron Carter : Surfin' USA
Billy Crawford : Urgently In Love
Cometz : Scooby Dooby Boy
Corinne : I'm 4 Real, I Keep Getting Higher
Daze : Call Girl , In The Middle Of The Night, Sea Of Love, Superhero, Tamagotchi, Toy Boy
Evelyn : Funny Bunny Boy
Freya : It's Already Wednesday, Little Miss, Mother, Mr. Opposite, No Pity From The Flowers, Oranges, She Was Always On Her Mind, Sir Oliver, Stupid Liar, The Laws Of Digging, Tongue Tied, Why Girls Like Me Eat Boys Like You, Yellow Ladybird
Hit'n'hide : Space Invaders, Sundance
Jampack : Be My Baby, Coming Back, Deeper Love, Don't Break My Heart, Feel The Power Of Love, Inspiration, Lost, Love Lift Me Up, Love.Com, Loveline,
Never Say Never, Over & Over, Tomb Raider, You And Me Together, Farewell My Summer

Kathie Lee : Love Never Fails
Los Paraguayos : Guantanamera '96
Marian : Commitment Of The Heart, Every Beat Of My Heart, If Lovin' You Is Wrong, Let A Good Thing Die, Like A Woman, Love Me Or Leave Me, No Way Out, Rainy Night, Reminds Me Of You, Tell Me Why, When Love Keeps Calling
Me & My : Close, Dub-I-Dub, I Belong To You, Lion Eddie, Magic Love, Show Your Love To Me
Mero : All You Gotta Do
Mexico : Some Like It Hot
Mirah : Blaming Myself, Gimme Your Love, I Can Hear Your Heartbeat, I Don't Wanna Wait Anymore, How Long, Let's Forget It, Light In My Life, Love Life Nobody Loves You, Someday, Soon It's Gonna Be Too Late, This Feeling, You Came & Broke My Heart, You Don't Have To Love Me
Maria Montell : And So The Story Goes (Di Da Di)
Mandy Moore : Everything My Heart Desires, The Way To My Heart
New Londonbeat : I've Been Thinking About You, Read Between Your Eyes
Olivia Newton-John : No Matter What
Plazma : Getting Married (Ding Dong Ding)
Adam Rickitt : Everything My Heart Desires, Good Times, You Make Me Believe In Love
Phoenix Stone : I Want You Tonight, Never Fall In Love Again, Nothing Good About Goodbye
Jon Secada : Love's About To Change My Mind
Tolu : Unless You're Serious
Toolex : Fly Away, Open Your Heart
Kristine W : Lovin' You
Lee West : Wishing
Zoom : I Can't Help Myself

The Johnny Jam & Delgado website

Artists and groups featuring Delgado K

Aqua - Barbie Girl (1997), Didn't I (1998), Good Morning Sunshine (1999), Lollipop (Candyman) (1997), My Oh My (1997)
Hit'n'Hide - Space Invaders (1998)
Toolex - Fly Away (1994), Open Your Heart (1995)



Delgado (Trixi)
EuroDance Member


Trixi Delgado's real name is Beatrice Dagmar Obrecht. She was born in Davos (Switzerland). Her dad was a musician (he taught her how to sing) and her mum was a dancer. She used to be a taxi driver. She's been singing since the age of 15 in different rock groups. She joined Masterboy between 1990 à 1996, then she left the group. The rumor said she wanted to create a family... But we soon heard again about her : she started a solo carrer under the name of La Tour and  released a single Falling For Your Love (produced by Double AA). She also collaborated to the Enflame project for a duet with Nancy Rentzsch.

She likes sports, especially jogging. She reads a lot and loves cats. She is fascinated by Madonna. She also likes Kate Bush and Liza d'Abello. She lives in Stuttgart.

Trixi also recorded commercials for the Deutscher Bundestag, Blaupunkt, H & M and AOL.

2001 : Trixi was back with Masterboy ! They released one single together : I Need A Lover Tonight

2005 : new single Revolution (We Call It) from Klubbingman (Tommy) was released in April and it featured vocals of Trixi Delgado. The collaboration went one with the release of a new single (a cover of Love Message's collective single) : Love Message.

2006 : a third single was recorded in collaboration with her former Masterboy partner : Ride On A White Train.

2007 : she did vocals on Klubbingman's single Never stop this feeling.

2008 : Trixi Delgado did vocals on a track by Store n Forward, no info wether it will be released or not as single

2009 : The Store'n'Forward single featuring Trixi Delgado that she recorded a few monthes ago is entitled Hello World and it was released on April 15th

2013 : Trixi published the photo of a forthcoming chillout album entitled Inside Out.

2015 : Beatrix did vocals on Phonkworx's single Why Don't You Love Me.

Thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkine and Klems
Trixi Delgado official website

Artists and groups featuring Delgado (Trixi)

Chimera State - Afraid (2020), All Alone (2020), Fallen Souls (2020), Free (2022), Out Of Nowhere (2024), Set You Free (2021), We're All Gonna Need Someone (2021)
DJ Bobo - Together (1999)
Enflame - Hold On To Your Dream (1998)
La Tour - Falling For Your Love (1996)
LayZee - You Are My Destiny (2015)
Love Message - Love Message (1996)
Masterboy - Anybody (Movin' On) (1995), Are You Ready (We Love The 90s) (2018), Baby Let It Be (1996), Different Dreams (album) (1994), Different Dreams (1994), Everybody Needs Somebody (1993), Fall In Trance (1993), Feel The Heat Of The Night (1994), Generation Of Love (1995), Generation Of Love (album) (1995), I Got To Give It Up (1993), I Need A Lover Tonight (2002), Is This The Love (1994), Land Of Dreaming (1996), Megamix (1995)
Phonkworx - Why Don't You Love Me (2015)
Schleh Tommy - Love Message 2k16 (2016), Love Message (2005), Never Stop This Feeling (2007), Revolution (We Call It) (2005), Revolution Reloaded 2k13 (2013), Ride On A White Train (2006)
Urbano All Stars - 90's Feels Like Home (2024)



Delhysa (Lory)
EuroDance Group



Love Is Forever (2000)
Eja Më Bind (2001)

Single was written, produced, managed and arranged by Francesco Puglisi (AM Productions) in Milan. Label: Alta Marea

In 2001, she took part to 40th RTSH festival in Albania with the song Eja Më Bind .

Thanks to Gianni



Delicious Love
EuroDance Group



Love Of My Life (1997)

Label: XSV Music. The project featured a solo female vocalist, Ingrid Simons, famous for her contribution to project T-spoon. It was written, arranged and produced by Franswa and van Overbeek, with contribution from Henri, Ronald (probably Ronald Fiolet from FLO), Robert and Edwin. Love Of My Life appeared on the compilations Dance Mania 97 (Portugal - 1997) and Euro Heaven (Canada - 1997)

Thanks to reBeL and Krasi



EuroDance Group



Czas (1995)
A Moze Tobie Zawroce W Glowie (1996)
Zabawa Trwa (1996)
Sprobujmy Razem (1996)
Glupie Klamstwa (1996)
Jaskólka (1997)

Delilah is a project from Blue Star, active from 1995 until 1997. The singer of Delilah is rumored to be named Barbara Rynkiewicz, who was also the vocalists of the project Starmix, also under Blue Star, and the Dance World projects Layla and Cosmica.

Delilah's first song Czas was released in 1995. Following it, Delilah released the song Glupie Klamstwa, a song that became Delilah's most well known song and a music video was filmed for the song. Also during 1996, Delilah released the songs A Może Tobie Zawrócę W Głowi, Spróbujmy Raze and Zabawa Trwa, which is actually almost identical to the Starmix song of the same time. Both tracks have the same vocalist. Delilah was also featured in a song with different Blue Star singers and groups called Podajmy Sobie Ręce, which was released under the project name Dance Stars. She also visited song Podajmy Sobie Ręce on La Strada's album Słowa To Wiatr.

Also during 1996, Delilah's debut album Glupie Klamstwa was supposed to be released, however, it is unknown if it was released or not. Many Blue Star collectors have said they have no information about this album at all and believe it may have been cancelled.

In 1997, Delilah was featured as part of a music festival in Poland called Folk Dens, a folk music festival that featured Eurodance acts that year. Delilah performed a new song called Jaskolka, which would have remained unknown if this song would've been featured on compilation Folk Dans.

Nothing further is known to have came from Delilah after 1997. Subsequently, also in 1997, the projects Starmix, Cosmica and Layla also went inactive.

Thanks to Tyler



Dels (Anita)
EuroDance Member



Reality (2000)

1.This Is Reality, 2.Lifting Up My Life, 3.Open Up My Eyes, 4.Only You, 5.Lovin' Every Day, 6.Say What You Mean, 7.Universe (Believe In Yourself), 8.Virtual Love, 9.Enter Love, Delete The Hate, 10.I'm Not Your Fool, 11.Now Is The Time, 12.I've Given You Everything, 13.Why Should I Lie, 14.Every Little Step, 15.Lifting Up My Life (y2k mix),


Universe (26th May 1999)
Lifting Up My Life (2000)
This Is Reality (2001)
Next Level (20th Dec 2012)
Level Up (20th Jan 2023)

Anita was 2 Unlimited's female vocalist until 1997. Her real name is Anita Daniëlle Doth. She was born on 28th of December 1971 in Amsterdam. Her family's origins are in Surinam, a former Dutch colony. Lydia, her mother, had also another daughter. Anita has been involved with music since she was very young. 'When I was small I was always singing at family gatherings.' She also recalls singing in a contest in front of 1 200 kids. She didn't win, 'but it was a kick!'. Before starting her musical career, she had a job as secretary at a Dutch police station, in the parking ticket division.

It wasn't long after that when she was tapped to join Trouble Sisters, an all-female rap group. Then Marvin D asked Anita to join his group as a dancer and back-up singer. 'It was my first taste of show business' said Anita of the job. But she was soon tired of 'standing around just looking sexy'. She wanted to perform. Marvin asked her if she'd like to make a record. He said a friend of his (Ray) was doing a project, and needed a female singer. 'Of course I said yes'', and what happened then was nothing short of history. 2 Unlimited was born. Ray and Anita didn't really know each other before the group was formed, although they had seen each other at clubs.

She is 1,69 m for 60 kg, and she is brown-haired and brown-eyed. She likes to dance (and go to the discotheques), to sing and to swim, but also bungy jumping. She does one hour of sport exercises per days, this is how she keeps slim. She loves to play Monopoly. She doesn't considere herself as an intellectual person, and she says she is arrogant and ill-tempered.

In the 90s, she had a cat. She used to drive an Opel Calibra (she had her driving license in 1994). She had a love story with a painter. Her favourite actors are Eddy Murphy, Richard Pryor and Meryl Streep. Her favoured movie is Gone With The Wind. She likes to listen to Led Zeppelin. Her 2 preferred colours are red and pink. She likes every kind of food that contains rice. She dedicates the few time left to an orphan house in Surinam directed by her a friend of her mother : she sends clothes and goods as needed.

This was the beginning of a friendship and a professionnal complicity... and even beyond, as revealed in an interview in BN de stem 20 years alter. As one half of the most successful dance duo in the world ever Anita toured all across the world and reached top positions in more than 50 countries with hits like No Limit, The Real Thing, Get Ready 4 This and Tribal Dance. 5 long years did Anita Doth and Ray Slijngaard move people all around the world as 2 Unlimited. In 1996 it all came to an end. Their contract ended and they both decided not to extend it for another 5 years. After they left 2 Unlimited, they were going to call them self the A & R Foundation or just simple Ray & Anita. Many record companies offered them a lot of money to go on together, but because Anita wanted to do more dance stuff and Ray wanted more Hip Hop/R&B they refused.

Anita was busy with her own production company. She used to have her own dance program on The Music Factory, a Dutch music television station. She has  appeared as a guest vocalist on dance singles like That's When I Stop Loving You from Dutch artist Rene Froger. There was also a project of  a telefilm on Dutch TV. In 1999 she released a solo single entitled Center Of Your Universe and not the title track of her show called Welcome 2 The Pleasure Zone. This song, an upbeat happy hardcore track, was produced by Digidance (better known as the Klubbheads), who also made remixes for Jump For Joy and Spread Your Love.

Anita explained : 'Winter '98 I went to New York to write some songs together with Todd Terry. My sister came along with me as a representive for our production company and of course also for some family support. It was she who had established the contact with Todd Terry in the first place. After meeting Todd Terry, (which was scary at first,  but turned out to be great) and listening to lots of his musical material, Todd played us this fantastic tune, at that time it was of course only a basic beat, with some beautiful strings and a fantastic baseline! Rolanda and me went totaly crazy right away in the studio. We took the idea back to the hotel and played it only about 5 million times that night.The next morning we woke up feeling all happy; here we were in Manhattan on the 33rd floor of the New York Palace hotel. Just looking out of the window made us feel like the world was at our feet. My sister got up to take a bath, and I put the track back on and played it really loud. So while my sister was sitting in the tub praying something fantastic would come out of this exiting trip, the melody and the words to Universe just came to me like a gift. The music was so inspirational that it wasn't difficult at all to find a melody and words to it. When I wrote the words I didn't think of a subject to write about at all, like I said the words just came to me. After writing the song I read it over and over again and thought this is not something I often think about, were did it come from? Ever since that moment the song has become such an inspiration and encourigement for me. Whenever I felt' life was though and I was feeling down' this song has always made me feel good about myself, like I am special. I sincerely hope the song has the same effect on you !!!!

Anita wrote all songs for the her solo CD by herself. "It is my vision on dance music... poppy songs with a hard beat underneath."

When asked if she ever missed the times she had with 2 Unlimited, she answers "Those 5 years went incredibly fast. They were really hectic. I needed a long time to recuperate and I'm glad that I can walk across the streets nowadays without being recognized too often. What I do miss are the performancesv!". About the new 2 Unlimited : "It's just not my style. The first single (Wanna Get Up) was very catchy, but I think it's becoming all too poppy. 2 Unlimited used to be a lot more violent.".

Anita recorded a few songs with Jamaican raggae artist Mad Cobra. She had a modest success with her second solo single Lifting Up My Life which was released in Holland. Anita is convinced she can manage herself as a solo-singer, and achieve success all by herself. In 2000 she finally released her first solo-album, Reality. She wrote most of her songs together with producers Steve Mac, Todd Terry (who also wrote songs for Jocelyn Brown) and Adamski... Recording sessions for the album took place in Amsterdam, London and New York. The album contains tracks with elements from UKdance, pop, drum'n' bass and even chemical beats. Anita chose to work with different producers for good reasons. "With 2 Unlimited we used to work with just one producer, which pins you down on just on type of sound. I didn't want that to happen this time around. The track Adamski produced sounds very mysterious, while Todd Terry created a very groovy sound. The variety of sounds we created that way, works surprisingly well." Musically, Anita chose a new direction, partially breaking free from her past.  "The songs still sound very accessible and are very danceable, which also applies for 2 Unlimited-material. They're nice popsongs, but the basis of this record were influences from different kinds of modern day dance styles for instance".

"It turned out to be a diverse record", she says "This album really is my personal thing. This is the music I like myself. From now on, I just want to find out what I'm capable of". She adds "'I want to stay who I am. I haven't seen it all... no way. I want to prove to myself I can do it on my own, too. That's a huge challenge to me. As a solo-singer, I haven't proved anything yet. People still see me as 'Anita from 2 Unlimited'. I can imagine that, but I hope it'll change. Hopefully people will start seeing me as Anita."

2002 : Anita joined Des'ray (of 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor) and Linda Estelle (from T-Spoon) for a project called Divas Of Dance. They sdid remakes of old songs, but also hitmixes of their greatest hits in their shows.

2004 : Anita declared that she would not be against joining 2 Unlimited again.

2005 : Anita gave birth to a baby boy called Destyno in April. The father is her boyfriend Willy de Leon Agramonte. During her pregnancy, Denise (ex Vengaboys) replaced her on stage with the Divas of Dance. In June, she was already back with the Diva's.

2006 : the Divas of Dance recorded a videoclip entitled Falling into the Groove.

2009 : In April, for the first time since 13 years, Anita performed with Ray on the stage of the show I Love The 90s.

2010 : she took part in the new single Cancion Del Mariachi by D-Rashid & Roberto Da Costa, with a brief appearance in the video.

2012 : Anita Doth recorded a duet with Jeroen. This love song competed for Valentine on Q-music MorningShow. Later the same year, she recorded a single with French DJ Richard Salinas entitled Surrender, and one with Nils van Zandt (former Starstylers) and John Van Noten entitled Ain't Gonna Wait For Love. Her new solo single was entitled Next Level. It was released on December 20th under NAP Music.

2015 : in May, Anita recorded vocals for a song by Dutch producers duet Rät N FrikK. In August, she appeared on DJ Galaga's song Is This Love.

2016 : Anita Doth left 2 Unlimited (again) officially to focus on her solo carreer, but also because of disagreement with JP de Coster and Ray, and finally because of a new breast tumor. This will allow her to be present on weekends for her kids Destyno and Ameerah.

2017 : she recorded a duet entitled Marathon with Dutch rapper Jebroer. She's been a teacher at Herman Brood Academy since 4 years.

2018 : in February, Anita Doth joined another former member of original 2 Unlimited team : Phil Wilde. She sung vocals on his single Take Me To Your Rhythm. In July, Anita did vocals on OJKB's single Like A Lion.

2019 : Anita founded her own booking agency : Doth Agency. She promotes eurodance projects such as Cappella, Urban Cookie Collective, U96... Danzel and her were featured on the anthem of Kamping Kitsch Club festival in Kortrijk.

Next Dance Generation © 1997-1998 by CJ Pelupessy
Mike Delaney-Crook Website
Anita and Ray homepage
Anita Doth Official page

Artists and groups featuring Dels (Anita)

2 Unlimited - Do What's Good For Me (1995), Faces (1993), Get Ready For This (1991), Get Ready (album) (1992), Here I Go (1995), Hits Unlimited (album) (1995), Jump For Joy (1996), Kids Like You And Me (1995), Let The Beat Control Your Body (1994), Maximum Overdrive (1993), No Limits (album) (1993), No Limit (1993), No One (1994), Nothing Like The Rain (1995), Power Tracks (album) (1994), Real Things (album) (1994), Sin Limites (album) (1994), Spread Your Love (1996), The Magic Friend (1992), The Real Thing (1994), The US Remixes (album) (1994), Tribal Dance (1993), Twilight Zone (1992), Workaholic (1992)
D-Rashid & Roberto Da Costa - Cancion Del Mariachi (2010)
DJ Galaga - Is This Love (2015)
Donnie - Vieze Belletjes (2022)
Jebroer - Ein Marathon (2018), Marathon (2017)
Nils van Zandt & Mark Laurenz - Breaking All The Rules (2014)
OJKB - Like A Lion (2018)
Outsiders & Bass Chaserz - Popcorn (2021)
Rat N FrikK - Can't Hold Us (2015)
Ray and Anita - In Da Name Of Love (2010)
Van Noten and Van Zandt - Ain't Gonna Wait On Love (2013)
Wilde Phil - Take Me To Your Rhythm (2018)



EuroDance Group



U Love Me (1994)

U Love Me was written, arranged and mixed by A. Gilardi, R. Signorelli and W. Cremonini. Executive producer was Giacomo Maiolini. Label : Italian Style Production



EuroDance Group



My House (1994)
Touch My Body (1996)

Demiro features a rapper and the female vocalist Irène Gumpp (who used to be Andreas Nager's wife). The song In My House was composed by Eugster, written by Eugster and Andreas Nager, released as CD maxi.

Thanks to WebDJs



Dena Bass
EuroDance Group



If You Were Mine (1994)

Label : 21st Century

The vinyl of If You Were Mine contained a different tracklisting : Factory Team Edit, Instrumental, Radio Version, Extended Version and Chicago Version. Written by André Terry for Jumping Production/B. Mikulski Publ.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



Dance City (1996)

1.Intro, 2.Desire, 3.Fashion, 4.Popular Techno, 5.The Night Girl, 6.The Sound, 7.Bungalow Man, 8.Energy, 9.Alone, 10.Naked, 11.Want You, 12.Voices From The Past,

DenCity was a Romanian project involving composer, singer and lyricist Andor Sebastian (Andy) and female vocalist Simona Diaconescu. They released one album on cassette format in 1996 under label Roton. Album was recorded in studio Sound Expert

2000 : with DJ Project members Florea Ovidiu and Handke Giuseppe, Andor Sebastian contributed to their first album Experience.

2002 : Andor Sebastian collaborated again with DJ Project : he composed and wrote 3 songs on their second album Spune-mi Tot Ce Vrei

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



...To Be Continued (1993)

1.I Remember You, 2.Tell Me Boy, Tell Me Girl, 3.I Only Wanted To Love You, 4.I'll Never Get Over You, 5.All Cried Out (feat. Collage), 6.One More Shot, 7.Tearshed '93, 8.I'll Never Be The Same, 9.Baby I Love You, 10.I'll Never Get Over You, 11.I Only Wanted To Love You,


I Remember You (1993)
All Cried Out/I Only Wanted To Love You (1995)
Love Of A Lifetime (1996)
I Believe (1998)

Denine is a Canadian project made of Adam Marano. They teamed up with Collage to release the eurodance track Love Of A Lifetime in 1996

Thanks to reBeL and Eric-X



EuroDance Group



Free Girls (1992)
Stay With Me (1994)

Label: Benvenuto Ed. Musicali. Stay With Me was produced by Andrea Denti and Roby Benvenuto. Free Girls was written by F. Ranzani M. Catalano and R. Bonizzoni, recorded and mixed by M. Catalano at Gian Burrasca Studio.

Thanks to EuroRama

Artists and groups featuring Denise

Garage Foundation - Satisfaction (1995)



Dennis (Eileina)
EuroDance Member



Never Forever (1992)

Vocalist Eileina Dennis was raised in Birmingham, England and grew up in a strong gospel music background. She sung in church as a child and several family members, including her father and siblings, are musicians. This self-taught professional artist had a notable career as an RnB and pop singer performer, before falling in love with jazz.

With Paul Rabiger, Richard Bodkin, Eileina Dennis was part of The Unknown Heroes, a welfare project to help feeding Somalia. As a session singer she sang in the studio for several dance music groups featured for Cappella, Chase and BS Project among others. On Cappella's version album of You And Me, she performed the additional vocals. On the versions included on the U & Me single, only the sampled voice of Vicki Shepard can be heard.

Eileina has been parts of seminars world-wide, including workshops in Brazil, Italy and France and presented The American Songbook. Nowadays, she performs live with the Eileina Dennis Quartet

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Dennis (Eileina)

BS Project - Heartbeats (1996), Passion (1996)
Cappella - Don't Be Proud (1995), Move On Baby (1994)
Chase - Love For The Future (1993), Take My Soul (1994)
Continental Breakfast - Music In My Mind (1995)
Inspiration - Sufferin' 4 Nuthin' (1993)
Ram Groovers - Taste My Love (1995)
The Unknown Heroes - Give A Little Peace (1993)



Denniz PoP
EuroDance Producer


Denniz PoP was born Dag Volle in April 26th, 1963 to the Norwegian immigrants Jarl Gregar Volle and Anna Innstøy. He was a DJ, remixer, producer and songwriter. He took the name "Denniz" from a comic book and then added "pop" to it.

He started his career as a DJ in the early 80's in the local youth recreation centre in Tullinge, a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden. He soon became one of the most famous DJ's in the Stockholm dance scene for years. He played in all the famous clubs (such as the Alphabet street where he discovered Dr Alban).

In 1985, together with some of the other among the best DJ's in Stockholm, he came up with the idea of creating a remix service just like the DMC (Disco Mix Club in UK) or the US Disconet and Hot Tracks. And in the beginning of 1986, with René Hedemyr, StoneBridge, Emil Hellman, Rob Below and JJ, he founded SweMix. Denniz PoP fast became one of Sweden's most wanted remixers. SweMix fast became well-known and record labels and artists (such as Michael Jackson himself) soon approached them with their songs to remix their work.

In 1989 SweMix started to sign own artists and the company was divided into SweMix Records & Publishing and SweMix Productions. Wanting to work with more mainstream pop acts the producer left Swemix in 1992 to form another imprint. With Tom Talomaa, he founded the Cheiron Studios on Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

Denniz PoP was responsible for the success of artists like Ace Of Base, Dr Alban, E-Type, Safe, The Backstreet Boys, N' Sync (I Want You Back), Solid HarmoniE (I'll Be There For You), 5ive (Slam Dunk Da Funk), Ultimate Kaos (My Lover), Jessica (Tell Me What You Want), and many more wellknown artists. Jessica Folcker was his girlfriend

In December 1997 he was diagnosed with stomach cancer and he was operated just weeks later. In February 1998 he was too sick to be able to collect his Grammy at the Swedish awards. He was only 35 years old when he passed away, on August 30th 1998 at Karolinska Sjukhuset Hospital.

1999 : in the Swedish Grammis Awards, the music industry honored Denniz PoP's memory with a very nice summary of his life and career. E-Type received an award for best Swedish Dance act and in his very short speech he thanked Denniz and said how much he really missed him. During the 1999 MTV European Music Awards, Britney Spears dedicated one of her awards to the loving memory of Denniz Pop.

2000 : on December 21st, the Cheiron studios were closed down. His close friend and former associate Max Martin started a new studio : Maratone Studios

2013 : the Denniz Pop Awards was founded to honor his memory and also to raise money for the Denniz PoP Foundation. Every year, these awards will promote next generation of songwriters, producers and artists.

2016 : Denniz PoP was honored and elected into the Swedish Music Hall of Fame

Denniz PoP productions :

3T : I Need You, It's Gotta Be You
5ive : Don't You Want It, Everybody Get Up, It's The Things You Do, My Song, Partyline (555-On-Line), Slam Dunk Da Funk, Straight Up Funk, Switch
Ace Of Base : All That She Wants, Beautiful Life, Blooming 18, Lucky Love, Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry, The Sign
Army Of Lovers : Sexual Revolution

Backstreet Boys : 10 000 Promises, Everybody (Backstreet's back), I Wanna Be With You, Nobody but you, That's the way I like it, We've Got It Going On
Dayeene : Is this Love?, Revelation
Discovery : Straight Up Funk
Dr Alban : Away From Home, Cash Money, Fire, Hard Pan Di Drums, Hard To Choose, Introduction, It's My Life, Look Who's Talking, Mata Oh Aeh, Om We Rembwe, One Love, Reggae Gone Ragga, Roll Down Di Rubber Man, Sing Hallelujah
Draxx : Pumpin
E-Type : Fight It Back, Forever Wild, Free Like A Flying Demon, I'm Not Alone, Me No Want Miseria, Set the world on Fire, So Dem A Com, This Is The Way, We've Gotta Go
George : The Things You Do, Up & Down
Herbie : Big Funky Dealer, Change, Clap Your Hands, Come Together, I Believe, Gangs To The Max, Pick It Up, Rainbow Child, Right Type Of Mood, The Skank
Jessica Folcker : A Little Bit Longer, Goodbye, I Do, Private Eye, Tell Me What You Like
Leila K : Blacklisted, Ca Plane Pour Moi, Carousel, Check The Dan, Close Your Eyes, C'mon Now, Electric, Glam!, Massively Massive, Open Sesame, Pyramid, Rude Boy, Slow Motion
Michele : Do Me Baby
N'Sync : I Want You Back
Papa Dee : I Surrender, The First Cut is The Deepest, The Journey
Rednex : Wish You Were Here
Robyn : Do You Know (What It Takes), Show Me Love
Sandelin : Secrets

Artists and groups featuring Denniz PoP

Carousel - Save Your Love (1994)
Dr Alban - Away From Home (1994), Hello Afrika (1990), It's My Life (1992), Look Who's Talking (1994), No Coke (1990), Sing Hallelujah (1993), Sing Shi-Wo-Wo (Stop The Pollution) (1991), U & Mi (1991)
E-Type - Free Like A Flying Demon (1996), Set The World On Fire (1994), So Dem A Com (1995), This Is The Way (1995)
Folcker Jessica - I Do (1998)
Herbie - Big Funky Dealer (1995), Clap Your Hands (1996), I Believe (1995), Pick It Up (1994), Rainbowchild (1995), Right Type Of Mood (1995)
Leila K - C'Mon Now (1996), Ca Plane Pour Moi / Check The Dan (1993), Carousel (album) (1993), Close Your Eyes (1993), Open Sesame (1992), Slow Motion (1993)
Michele - Do Me Baby (1996)
Rednex - Wish You Were Here (1995)
Sash! - Hello South Africa (2010)
Shekoni Kayo - Another Mother (1990)



Denny (Simone)
EuroDance Member



The Stereo Dynamite Sessions, Vol. 1 (2015)

1.Your Love Fades Away, 2.Black Roses, 3.Tease Me, 4.Shelter In Your Arms, 5.This Ain't Our Time, 6.One Last Midnight, 7.She Don't Care About You, 8.Just Like Lightning, 9.The Look Of Love, 10.Breathe Again,


Cliché (2005)
Luv Sick (19th Jul 2016)

Singer and songwriter Simone Denny was born and raised in Toronto (Canada). Her parents are of Guyanese heritage. As a very young girl she listened to diverse types of music including calypso and classical music, and enjoyed artists ranging from as Billie Holiday to Puccini. She discovered her passion for music while competing in a a talent show in the 6th grade. She quickly developed a following in local bands and landed the role of "Mama" in the Canadian production of "Mama, I Want to Sing!".

She met Chris Sheppard and between 1993 and 1995, she contributed to Outta Control's Tonight It's Party Time in 1995 and to several BKS singles, along with the violinist Ashley MacIsaac. She was a member of Killer Bunnies, a project of Barry Harris and Rachid Wehbi. She also did vocals for other Canadian projects such Maestro Fresh-Wes and Jazmin. As a testament to her versatility, she also recorded and performed with Canadian heavy metal band Damn 13...

In 1997, she became the vocalist of Love Inc project, created by DJ/remixer/producers Chris Sheppard and Brad Daymond. 2 albums (the first selling platinum) and many successful singles followed (for instance You're A Superstar which was #1 in Canada, Australia and Spain)...

2002 : she recorded I Don't Want You as Widelife's feat.Simone Denny. It peaked #2 in the US Billboard Dance Charts.

2003 : she provided the vocals for Widelife's track All Things (Just Keep Getting Better), which was used as theme for the TV show "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy".

2004 : Simone released her first solo single entitled Cliché. It went #4 in the US Billboard Dance Charts. The same year, she performed Lady Marmalade at Fashion Cares (an event to raise fund for AIDS Committee of Toronto) with Divas Patti Labelle and Jocelyn Brown.

2009 : Simone's new solo single is entitled Luv Sick, a collaboration with Jean Maxwell.

Artists and groups featuring Denny (Simone)

10Digits - Calling Your Name (2016)
BKS - Astroplane (1996), Dreamcatcher (1993), Square Dance Song (I Wanna Go Higher) (1995)
Base Line Syndicate - Could Be Good (1996)
Damn 13 - Scarecrow Kid
Get Smartt - Spy In the House (1993)
James Bradshaw & Andy Reid - Twilight For Some (2019)
Jay Frog - Break Free (2013)
Kev Cannon x Andy Reid - Sensation (2023)
Killer Bunnies - I Can't Take The Heartbreak (1997)
L-Bo Room - J'Ouvert (1994)
Love Inc - Broken Bones (1997), Here Comes the Sunshine (2001), Homeless (1998), Into The Night (2000), You're a Superstar (1998)
Maestro Fresh-Wes - Conductin' Thangs (1991)
Max Vangeli & Digital Lab - Your Love (2009)
Micky Modelle - 48 Hours Running (2020)
Outta Control - Tonight It's Party Time (1995)
The Katch - Did You Lie (1995)
Widelife - All Things (Just Keep Getting Better) (2003), Haven't I Cried Enough (2003), I Don't Want U (2002)



Der Zar
EuroDance Group



Heino Wir Geh'n Nach Kairo ()

Heino, Wir Geh'n Nach Kairo was composed by Andreas Nager, written by A. Nager and Waser.

Thanks to WebDJs



EuroDance Group



In The Colour (1st Jan 1995)

Label : Discomagic. IOn The Colour was arranged by Federico Scavo and Riccardo Menichetti, producer by Federico Scavo, Paolo Deri and Riccardo Menichetti

Thansk to Marian Stoica



EuroDance Member



Classics (2006)

1.Let's Stay Together, 2.Fantasy, 3.Laughter In The Rain, 4.Suddenly, 5.We Can Work It Out, 6.Angel, 7.Morning, 8.Route 66, 9.Baby Come To Me, 10.Both Sides Now, 11.Satisfaction, 12.Lovin' You, 13.Imagine,

Dreams Of Magic (30th Sep 2022)

1.My House, 2.Magic, 3.Leap of Faith, 4.Her Time To Fly, 5.You Make Loving Fun, 6.Forget, 7.Sweet Rain, 8.Deeper Well, 9.Memory Lane, 10.Out Of Pressue, 11.Diving Deep, 12.Sunset of Gold feat. Don Mescall, 13.All Over Again feat. Don Mescall, 14.Be The Change, 15.Love Is A Healing Flame, 16.Take Some Time, 17.Angel,


What About You (Mar 2010)
My Heart (3rd Mar 2014)
You Can Be Loved (20th Dec 2015)
Home For Christmas Day (2nd Dec 2020)
Diving Deep (31st May 2022)
My House (23rd Sep 2022)
Leap Of Faith (28th Apr 2023)
Magic (8th Dec 2023)

Desirée Claudette Manders aka Des'ray is the singer and frontwoman of the 2 Brothers on the 4th floor project.

She was born on October, 28th 1969 in 's Gravenhage. her family moved to Hoeven in Brabant when she was 6 years old. She lived there during her school period : that's the time when she knew she wanted to become a singer. Each friday afternoon they had a 'celebration' on school where the little children did a performance. "My girl friends and I played a scene from the movie Grease with singing, dancing, changing clothes. You know, just to be the star of that day. In that time I learned to play my first tunes on the piano and I had flute lessons. In that time animals & music (especially singing) were my biggest hobby" she explains. Desirée grew up and at the age of 12 she did go to the M.A.V.O. in Oudenbosch. "That was a difficult time, because all my friend of school did go to the H.A.V.O. so I didn't see them anymore. When I finally did feel a little comfortable, we had to move again, this time to Limburg because of my father's work" she tells.

The family settled in Horst-Meterk and Desirée was back again in a class where she didn't know anyone, and even didn't understand what they where saying. "Even when the teacher Dutch did read something to let us write down, I didn't know what he was talking about ! I was a lonely teenager, a Dutch one !!! Happily, the girls from the village - with whom I did ride to school on my bicycle - where very kind to me and bit by bit I did feel myself on my place and I did got some great girl friends. We did write complete books of pieces of paper to each other ! You know; down-under-the-table-pass-through-system" she remembers. A little later, Desirée joined the schoolband and took piano lessons on the music school, while working on her condition at the sportschool. "Beside this all, my dream became truth, I did got my own pony from my family ! Hiddy was her name and I joined the horse riding club. I that time I spend my day with going to school, make home work and horse riding. With a girl friend I did set up a small danceclub. We tried to imitate all the songs of the serie 'Fame' and on village afternoon we did gave a performance. (Also videoclips of Michael Jackson were a great inspiration)" Desirée says.

Beside that Desirée had to sing in the church choir. The singing did go very well and a girl friend of her mother taught it was a great idea to write her in for a talent contest. "I was very unsure and nervous, 'cause singing for a big audience was a dream, a fantasy. But now when it really would happen, I was a bit frightnend. I was shaking on my legs and had to go to the toilet continuesly. The moment was there... I was singing Woman in Love of Barbara Streisand... and... while I sung my latest note, I run off the podium and backstage I heard a big applause and I ended with the 1st price. The first price was a perfomance on the yearly village party between other great artists from the neighourhood. Again a scary great performance !!! In Limburg a lot of party's where organized and ofcourse with a lot of music, so from one thing came another and I increased my skills with others of my favorite artists like Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson and my father told me to take a look in the music library to search for other usefull numbers" she remembers.

Music always had played a big role in Desirée's family. Her father and mother both played the guitar (her father still does!!) and there was a piano in the house. And with family party's everone spend the night at our house and they made music. It was even a tradition to perform a show every year at the birthday of Desirée's grandmother and act like artist such as The Everly Brothers and Kate Bush. Because all kind of music styles where played at home like country and gipsy music she did grew up with all these kind of styles.

After the M.A.V.O., Desirée went to the M.E.A.O. With the encourgement of her parents she often took part to talent contests with her father as "TourManager". In that time Henny Huisman did get famous with the 'SounMixShow' and he did travel the country looking for talents. Desirée made it trough the first rounds and did her TV debut performing Anita Meyer's song They Don't Play Our Love Song Anymore. "I became 1st in place and made it through the finals. It took me to the 3th place. Not bad, isn't it ?".

At school it didn't go so well. Desirée decided this wasn't the right education for her. She followed a education as beauty specialist of 3 years. She had more time left to do what she preferred, singing ! Because of the SoundMixShow she got to know more people from the 'music scene'. She performed a lot in discos and company parties, and did her first TV perfomance at Frank Masmeyer. "In the meanwhile there where made big plans about my carreer, nevertheless I've been on television and was known as 'The Anita Meyer of the SoundMixShow'. The only problem was that I looked too much like Anita Meyer, so we had to come up with something different".

She contributed to a duo called TOTB (meaning "Totaly Organized Trendy Bobbers", with singer Nando van Heiningen, The "George Benson" of the SoundMixShow). She did also had her own fanclub, just like the other artists of the SoundMixShow.

In that time she met Martin Boer and they became good friends. Martin mixed the duo's first single The Best of My Love. The single made it to the TipParade, what was a lot that time and TOTB visited a lot of radioprograms. The second and last single was Rap Around The World which never came out. It didn't go very well for TOTB so they decided to split up and Desirée went solo again. In the meanwhile the end of her education for beauty specialist was in sight.

She did solo performances, for instance on a boat which shipped between England & The Netherlands. There she did get in contact with musicians who gave lessons on several conservatoria : they adviced her to do auditions. She thought 'This ain't something for me. This will never work". However, she tried and was admitted to study on the conservatorium in Hilversum. Her great wish to get into music became reality.

Desirée had to do all kind of jobs to keep herself supported. With sometimes only ten guilders left in a week, she was studying notes. "The conservatorium time was stormy and I learned a lot from other collegues and good friends. It was a time where I did get more mature and surely of myself. Most of all my value as singer. I did graduate with a exame to be proud of and that counts also for the people I did get to know during my study".

Desirée still had contact with Martin Boer. In 1993 Martin and Bobby asked her to sing vocal part of a song. It would also contain rap, since they knew a good rapper. A little later, Desirée met him for the first time in the studio. His name was Renee Philips (D-Rock), and Desirée's artist name would become Des'Ray. Together we would become the face of the 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor. The first song was named Never Alone. First everyone saw this as a project. There came some dancers and on January 1st 1994 they had their first performance together. "I'll never forget this; we didn't have enough to perfom on stage. So, we put up a show of 25-30 minutes with 3 times Never Alone in it ! We looked awefull ! Renee in his Jeans and I with my gathered artist-outfit. Because we didn't knew each other really good, we talked trough each other and the big disaster when a dancer broke his feet".

But Never Alone did became a great hit and immediatly made it to #2. After this they had some highlights like Dreams which stayed 2 weeks #1. After 5 years together, Renee and Desirée had become like sister and brother. "We shared some love and hate. Together with Martin and Bobby we became a real close team, which is something not a lot of people could say".

After 2 albums and a lot of hits, the 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor were gradually losing popularity. Desirée started again doing solo appearances or to collaborate with other artists.

1999 : Herman Brood, a Dutch singer, performed a song together with Des'ray and Nance. The three did Here There And Everywhere from the Beatles. This song could be seen on Dutch television at the end of November on La La La Live!

2002 : Des'ray joined Anita Doth (former vocalist of 2 Unlimited) and Linda Estelle (from T-Spoon) for a a one time project called Divas Of Dance. They will do remakes of old songs, but they will also do hitmixes of their greatest hits in their shows. She also created her production company Soul Made Music with his "soulmate" Jeroen, and is presenting a new show : Natural Woman - A tribute to Aretha Franklin. A mix of soul and classic dance...

Des'Ray created the project Killer Queen along with 3 other artists : Laura Vlasblom, Linda Caminita and former Haddaway background vocalist Lisa Noya. The project was produced by Des'ray's label Soul Made Music.They sing new versions of Queen's biggest hits and a part of the benefits were ceded to the AIDS fund.

2004 : Des'ray is still with Divas Of Dance. She performed a duet with Laura Vlasblom as Back To Waterloo (ABBA). She moved to a new house in May.

2006 : on 15 July, Des'ray & Friends were guests in on the blues festival in Bellingwolde. Des'ray's solo jazz album is ready, it will be released in September. D-rock and Des'ray are still doing performances in Holland. They are speaking with a record company to make a 2 Brothers DVD or maybe a best of CD. Nothing has been confirmed yet.

2007 : Des'Ray's new album is called Des'Ray Classics. It's a compilation including all Des'ray's favourite jazz tunes.

2008 : Des'ray also works as musical coach. She developed a musical Body & Mind workshop called "Sing-go".

2009 : DesRay herself is still singing old classics with her band under the name DesRay & Friends. She likes soul and jazz music and performs live hits like Beautiful Day, All Night Long, Time After Time and Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Her next concert will be on May 3rd in Gooiland te Hilversum. DesRay had also recorded two dance tracks : I Want It All (by Queen) and Respect (by Aretha Franklin) and still takes parts in the bands Diva's Of Dance and Killer Queen

2010 : Des'ray released a single entitled What About You to support the welfare cause "Samen voor éen better leven in Soedan" to bring help to South Sudan. She was vocal coach in the real-TV series Sterren.nl Academie 2010.

2011 : Des'ray is still involved in welfare actions to help Sudan. She is a member of the Sing That Song project.

2012 : Des'ray is among the candidates to Dutch real-TV show The Winner Is on SBS 6.

2014 : Des'ray took part to a new musical real-TV program, The Hit, on Dutch TV RTL 5. The concept : authors and composers write songs for well-known artists, who will chose the song they prefer. She chose song My Heart, composed by Bas Silos. Single was released on March 3rd

2016 : she recorded a song entitled Anna for Dutch movie Fabula. She divorced from her husband, after 25 years of marriage

2019 : Des'ray was diagnosed with breast cancer. Sje had to undertake 6 months of chemo and a surgery. She released officially her solo single You Can Be Loved and became a columnist for Beauty & Lifestyle Magazine

2020 : She announced that her breast tumor had almost disappeared.

Des'Ray Manders InterNet FanClub
Thanks to Eric-X and Tavi Meran
NDG Eurodance Times

Artists and groups featuring Des'ray

2 Brothers on the 4th floor - Christmas Time (1996), Come Take My Hand (1995), Do You Know (1998), Dreams (1994), Fairytales (1996), Fly (Through The Starry Night) (1995), Heaven Is Here (1999), I'm Thinkin' of U (1997), Let Me Be Free (1994), Living In Cyberspace (1999), Mirror of Love (1996), Never Alone (1993), One Day (1997), The Sun Will Be Shining (1998), There's A Key (1996), Wonderful Feeling (2000)
Fun Da Mental - Dancin' On A Higher Ground (1993)
X Generation - Eye Of The Tiger (1996)



EuroDance Group



When I Lose Control (31st Dec 1997)
Why Me (2003)

Music: David Brandes, John O'Flynn
Lyrics: Thea Austin, D. Labarile
Label: Intercord

Thea Austin is the voice of the project. The single was a huge hit, especially in Finland where it reached # 20 in the local sales chart. The original CD-maxi included a Radio Edit, an Extended Version, and a Club Version.

A remixes CD was released in April 1997. The CD included a radio edit, a Ramon Zenker Radio mix, a Ramon Zenker remix, a Jay Ray remix, a Jay Ray dub, and an Extended version.

Another single was planned, recorded in Bros Music studios in Germany, entitled Why Me, and it was finally out in December 2003 along with a videoclip. It was written and composed by David Brandes, Jane Tempest and John O'Flynn.

Bros Music
Thanks to Tomas Näslund and Tavi Meran



EuroDance Group



You Love (1993)

You Love was written by M.Percali and S.Lombardoni, recorded and mixed at Mary House Recording Studio. Records mentioned special thanks to Sland and Claudio C.D. Jay Diva. Label: Out



Desrochers (Sylvie)
EuroDance Member


Singer, composer and songwriter Sylvie Desrochers (aka Sylvia) was the frontlady and songwriter of Jefferson Project. She is nowadays living in Longueuil, Québec and working as a colorist and hairstylist at Concept Elite Coiffure.

Artists and groups featuring Desrochers (Sylvie)

Jaade - Burning Through The Night (1996)
Jefferson Project - All I Need Is The Night (1995), Believe In My Dreams (1996), Do It With Me (1996), You Got Me (1995)



Desy D
EuroDance Group



Any More (1994)

Anymore was written by Emanuela Berti and Nicolosi.



Detert (Thomas)
EuroDance Producer


Thomas Deters is co-producer of the eurodance project Activate, for Deen, and more recently for the techno project 666.

Thomas was born in 1969. He began his musical carreer as computer games music composer : after leaving school, he did some jobs to earn money and to build up his own little studio. Together with some friends of his brother liked the idea of building up a little C64 group to create games and demos on computers (first C64 then Amiga, PC & Playstation). After some demos they did their first own game : Gordian Tomb. His first music in a game was Blue Angel 69 by Blue Byte.

In 1993 he founded his own records company : Activate Music productions. In 1994 he created the A-Team with the 3 others producers and songwriters Mike Griesheimer, Andreas Hoetter and Alexander Stiepler. The fruit of their collaboration was the amazing euro project Activate.

All the singles they released were was produced by Airbase recording.

Then he started his more successful act, 666, which sold several millions records worldwide.

More recently he started the project Vinylsharkerz, still with Mike Griesheimer.

Interview by Remix64
Thanks to Yassine

Artists and groups featuring Detert (Thomas)

666 - Alarma (1997), Amokk (1998), Bomba!  (1999), D.E.V.I.L. (2000), Dance 2 Disco (2000), Diablo (1998), Get Up 2 Da Track (1999), I'm Your Nitemare (1999), Insanity (2003), Paradoxx (1998), Policia (2005), Rhythm Takes Control (2002), Supa Dupa Fly (2001), The Demon (1999), The Millenium Megamix (2000)
Activate - Beat Of The Drum (1994), I Say What I Want (1995), Let The Rhythm Take Control (1994), Save Me (1994), Tell Me (1995)
Deen - Deep In The Night (1996)
Eddy N - Just Be Good To Me (1996), Really On My Mind (1996)
In-motion - Hold Me (1996)
Jump and Joy! - Let's Roll (I Like It) (1999), Sunny Day (2001), Vamoz Everybody (2000)



EuroDance Group



On The Loose (1995)

1.Call It Love, 2.On The Bible, 3.No Surrender, 4.Talk To Me, 5.Be What You Wanna Be, 6.Rumours, 7.Let's Call It A Day, 8.I Need You, 9.Boyfriend Girlfriend, 10.I'll Be There For You, 11.I Was Wrong, 12.Kiss It,

On The Loose (1995)

1.Deuce Megamix, 2.On The Bible (Wand 12' remix), 3.No Surrender (Ace extended dance mix), 4.Call It Love (JX kissy kissy mix), 5.I Need You (Red man city vocal mix),

On The Loose! (Expanded Edition) (30th Aug 2024)

1.Call It Love (Teen Sparkle Mix), 2.On The Bible (Full Length Album Version), 3.Talk To Me (Album Version), 4.Be What You Wanna Be (Album Version), 5.Rumours (Vocals Up Album Version), 6.Let's Call It A Day (Album Version), 7.I Need You (Eurostar Mix), 8.Boyfriend Girlfriend (Album Version), 9.I'll Be There For You (Album Version), 10.I Was Wrong (Album Version), 11.Kiss It (Album Version), 12.Call It Love (Movin' Melodies Spank Mix), 13.I Need You (Red Man City Vocal Mix), 14.On The Bible (Wand Remix), 15.Call It Love (Primax One Night Stand Mix), 16.I Need You (KC Rockit Unfinished Mix), 17.On The Bible (J-PAC Remix), 18.Rumours (CHAPS Surprise 12' - Version 1), 19.Call It Love (Diss-Cuss Boris Or Doris Mix), 20.Let's Call It A Day (7' Edit), 21.Call It Love (JX Vocal Mix), 22.Call It Love (J-PAC Mix), 23.I Need You (Tod Bossa Mix), 24.On The Bible (Jerusalem Remix), 25.Call It Love (JX Pumpin' Vocal Club Mix), 26.I Need You (Red Jerry Mix), 27.On The Bible (Kenny C Remix), 28.Rumours (CHAPS Surprise 12' - Version 2), 29.Call It Love (JX Kissy Kissy Mix), 30.Talk To Me (7' Edited Eurovison Version), 31.On The Bible (Wand 7' Edit), 32.Life On The Street, 33.Call It Love (Movin' Melodies Mix), 34.I Need You (Tod Bossa Dub), 35.On The Bible (Franco & Grimm Remix), 36.Call It Love (J-PAC Youth Yob Mix), 37.Let's Call It A Day (7' With Drums), 38.I Need You (Eurovision 7' Version), 39.Call It Love (Unreleased Radio Promo Version), 40.Rumours (Rob's Dub), 41.On The Bible (Lazonby Secular Perversion), 42.Call It Love (J-PAC & KC Rockit Mix), 43.Boyfriend Girlfriend (Instrumental), 44.I Need You (Red Man City Dub), 45.Call It Love (Phil's Alternate 7'), 46.On The Bible (Choir Edit), 47.I Need You (Eurovision Instrumental Backing Track), 48.Call It Love (Primax & Power Syndicate Instrumental Mix), 49.On The Bible (Wand Dub), 50.Call It Love (Diss-Cuss Instrumental Mix), 51.On The Bible (Wand Alternative Mix),


Call It Love (23rd Jan 1995)
I Need You (21st Apr 1995)
On The Bible (25th Aug 1995)
No Surrender (22nd Jul 1996)


Call It Love (1995)

The origins of English group Deuce lay in a work experience placing for singer Kelly O'Keefe (born in 1977 in England) at Massive Management. As an assistant to former Bros and East 17 manager Tom Watkins, she used the opportunity to ask if she could put her own band together. She recruited friend and experienced dancer Lisa Armstrong (born 1978 in England). Then they did a casting to find ex-actor and lifeguard Craig Young (born 1976, Nottingham, England) and Paul Holmes (born 1979, Liverpool, England) to complete the line-up. They made their debut in January 1995 with Call It Love, an instant UK Top 20 hit. Their follow-up was released in July 1995 : the single On The Bible, which featured several remixes from dance artists such as Pete Lazonby and Franco and Grimm.

In 1995 they toured all over Europe, doing gigs in France, Belgium, Sweden and Denmark. In an interview for a French magazine, Kelly explained that, for her, the best dance group was M' People. Her favourite activities were playing, writing (she had a mini-studio in her bedroom) and listening to music.

The same year, their single I Need You competed for the Eurovision contest.

Deuce also contributed on the collective charity single A Gift Of Christmas as part of The Childliners, which also featured Peter Andre, MN8, Ultimate Kaos, East 17, Dannii Minogue, C.J. Lewis, Boyzone, and Michelle Gayle. The single reached #9 and profits went to the British charity Childline. Deuce also sang on the Coronation Street anniversary album, performing a track called Life On the Street, featuring actress Sherrie Hewson (Maureen Holdsworth).

1996 : Deuce signed to Mike Stock's Love This label four months after splitting from London Records. Manager Tom Watkins said the act is being reshaped for a more mature audience for relaunch later this spring, adding that former frontwoman Kelly O'Keeffe has been replaced by dancer Amanda Perkins. The band recorded their first single for Love This label produced by Stock and Matt Aitken, with a release scheduled for April. Watkins, of Massive Management, says, "It's much better for us to be associated with a hit-making label rather than one that doesn't want a pop act on its roster." Deuce were planning a headline tour in the summer, he added. Mike Stock said he approached Watkins after seeing the outfit performing live. "I hate the idea of wasting a good pop band", he said. However No Surrender was less succesful than expected : it struggled to number 29 on the UK charts...

Anyway they released an album gathering all their hits in 1998. It contained all their hits, plus a bonus CD with a megamix including I Need You (Red man city vocal mix), On The Bible (Kenny C remix), On The Bible (Wand 12" remix), Call It Love (JX kissy kissy mix) and No Surrender (Down to earth mix).

Craig Young went on to pursue his acting career, appearing in Much Ado About Nothing at the Queen's Theatre. He also appeared regularly on MTV UK including stints as a presenter of "Select", the "UK Top Ten Countdown" and "Watch Out For GMTV". He then secured a role as Alex Wilkinson in the long-running football soap "Dream Team". Other appearances include "Lost", "MTV's Spyder Games", "Charmed", "Sabrina The Teenage Witch" and "The District". His latest project is another soccer drama called Just For Kicks on Nickelodeon.

Lisa Armstrong is now a make-up artist and wife of Ant McPartlin of Ant & Dec, whom she married on 22 July 2006.

Paul Holmes went on to pen songs for many international pop artists, including Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees.

2009 : in August, DJ and remixer Armand Deluxe has sampled Deuce's 1995 hit Call It Love on a forthcoming dance track.

2024 : they released an expanded edition of their album On The Loose! featuring 51 tracks.

Thanks to Rachel
Deuce at Mobius
Deuce in Encyclopedia of Pop Music



EuroHouse Group



Feeling (2001)

According to rumors, DD Klein did vocals on Feeling. It also appeared on compilation Bum Bum Energy in 2001. Label: Melodica.

Thanks to



EuroDance Group



Wonderwall (1996)

Label: Max Music

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Makes Me Feel (1994)
Move Me (1995)
Higher (1995)


Makes Me Feel (1994)

Devotion featured of singer Silya (Cecilie Hafstad) and rapper "Jimmy James" Ekgren, both form Norway. Together with DJ Lars Holte and DJ Hanza, Jimmy James introduced House & Rap music to Norway in the 80’s, involved in radio broadcast, DJ, studiowork and live gigs. He also contributed to the projects Box 7, D.A.C, El Condor and Snikksnakk. He also produced Ace Of Base's track C'est La Vie (Always 21).

Their producer was Hans Olav Grøttheim (formerly of YBU and Photon, later a producer for Norwegian pop acts such as Sissel Kyrkjebø and Espen Lind). They released a total of three singles during 1994-95 under the Sony label Dance Pool: Makes Me Feel, Higher and Move Me. A video clip was shot for Move Me, but it did not prevent the single from flopping. Silya left the group, and the project was discontinued.

In 2006, Silya appeared on Bermuda Triangle's album 33rpm.

2008 : after leaving Norway and moving to New York, Silya nowadays composes music under the scene name St. Cecilie.

Eurodance Norway and Björn



Devotion (2)
EuroDance Group



Fadin' Away (9th Nov 1995)

Fadin' Away was released in Germany under Edel Records. It was produced by The Universe Team (among them, the famous DJ Deep).



Devotion (3)
EuroDance Group



Starchild (1996)

Their only single Starchild was composed and produced by Andreas "Gordon" Behle, Christian Kundschaft and Markus Siemon. Lyrics sere written by Andreas "Gordon" Behle and, Dee-La (aka Simge Bagdatli). released under label Good Vibration, distributed by SPV GmbH.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Love Is The Power (1996)
Somebody (1998)

Love Is The Power was Devotional's first single. Somebody was written, produced, mixed and arranged by Cristian Piccinelli and Tiziano Giupponi



EuroDance Group



Set Me Free (1995)

The project Dexterity (sometimes wrongly spelled Dextery) features a solo female vocalist called Maria Aimo. The single Set Me Free (Freedom) was written by C. Breviglieri and Mario Gallo, produced, arranged and mixed by Mario Gallo and Roberto Sorgno. Label : Diva Records.



EuroDance Group



Keep In My Way (11th Feb 1994)

Label: Out. Keep In My Way was producer, written and arranged by C. Giordano, mixed by Luigi Barra, A. Caramiello and D. Paone.

Thanks to reBeL



DFC Records
EuroDance Company


DFC means Dance Floor Corporation. This Italian techno and house label was founded in 1987. It's a sublabel of Expanded Music based in Bologna, Italy. Among their releases, a few eurodance tracks...

Catalog (between 1990 and 2000)



EuroDance Group



Ou Ee Ou (1994)
Me Lay Lo (1996)
The Hustle (1996)
Beat Of The Night (1997)


Ou Ee Ou (1994)

DFS are Ricky Oss & Alex Schiefke.

Ou Ee Ou was released in Germany under BMG in 1996, in Belgium under ARS, and in Italy under Union records in 1995. I was produced, mixed and remixed by Jefferson.

Me Lay Lo was produced by Jean-Francois Leprise.

The Hustle was not eurodance but hip-hop. Apart from the usual vocals and raps by Ricky and & Alex, it featured French rap by Woody Word. It contained a reggae B-side entitled Don't Let It.

Thanks to Mike "EuroBoy" and Eurodanceboy



EuroDance Group



Keep On Movin (24th Jun 1994)

Dhama was a project of Maurizio Braccagni and Roberto Gallo Salsotto (aka MBRG), featuring a solo female vocalist (Nathalie Aarts, who was not credited) and a rapper. The single Keep On Moving was released under the X-Energy label, licensed in Spain under Max Music and in Germany under ZYX.

Thanks to Leonardo Marmolejo Maldonado and Nathalie Aarts



EuroDance Group



Quiero Respirar (2000)

1.Quiero Respirar, 2.Shut Up, 3.Dha Dha Tune, 4.Street Life, 5.I Wanna Be Free, 6.Love For Love, 7.Somebody To Touch Me, 8.One Day In Paradise, 9.Ride On, 10.What You Do to me?, 11.Ready To Fly, 12.Quiero Respirar (Extended version), 13.Love Is Here, 14.I Need Your Love, 15.One Day In Paradise (Gamba club extended rmx),

E-motions (2007)

1.Miles Of Love (Radio edit), 2.Your Extasy, 3.Let It Go, 4.Back It On Up, 5.U & I, 6.Come Back Home, 7.Promised Land, 8.Live Today, 9.Wherever You Will Go, 10.Saturday, 11.Miles Of Love (B-side digital version), 12.Let It Go (B-side digital version),

Travelling In The 90s (14th Oct 2022)

1.Show Me Love, 2.Lady (Double Soul radio rework), 3.Keep On Moving, 4.Your Loving Arms, 5.Finally, 6.3 Is Family, 7.Free, 8.Sing It Back, 9.Rhythm Is A Dancer (Double Soul rework), 10.Missing (Double Soul rework), 11.Sing It Back (Lopez & Albamonte remix), 12.Missing (Van Der Kirche radio edit Rmx),


Dha Dha Tune (1998)
Quiero Respirar (1999)
Shut Up (2000)
Miles Of Love (24th Jul 2006)
Let It Go (2007)
U & I (15th Feb 2008)
Break The Wall (17th Mar 2008)
What Is Love (12th Mar 2021)
Dhany (21st Mar 2021)
I Don't Want To Know (14th May 2021)
Know That I Remember (18th Oct 2024)


Dha Dha Tune (DJ Nukk remixes) (6th Jul 2020)
Quiero Respirar (DJ Hermann Remix) (25th Jul 2023)

Dhany's real name is Daniela Galli. She was born in Reggio Emilia on October 23rd. She went to university for a while to study literature but she realized that her real vocation was music. She began performing live around Italy, first in an acoustic duo called Twin Duo, then in an acid-jazz group called Dr Groove. After experimenting with various genres, she met the producer Larry Pignagnoli, with whom she began a fruitful collaboration.

Dhany is described as an enterprising and sociable girl who likes spending her free time with friends or playing volley-ball. Her favourite colour is black, like the music she loves most. Her favourite singers include Whitney Houston and Aretha Franklin. She goes crazy for Chinese food, Mercedes and Paris where her favourite clubs are.

KMC's Somebody To Touch Me (including a Classic Mix, a Goetz Remix, a Hi-Lux Remix and a Original Mix), Street Life, and more recently I Feel So Fine featured her voice. In 1998, Dhany did backing vocals also on Mietta's Album La Mia Anima.

Meanwhile, Dhany's producers decided to work on a solo album project for her. They are concocted a highly personal club-soul sound designed to bring out the unique style and temperament of one of the most promising new singers on the scene. Her first solo single Dha Dha Tune (with dazzling video to match) became a pan-European clubland must and is a modern classic. Her second single One Day In Paradise / Quiero Respirar showed the "caliente" soul of this superb performer. In 2000, Dhany guested on I Wanna Be Free, the debut single by Mumm. Her third solo single Shut Up was also released to international dance-floor acclaim.

In 2000, a first album was released. Entitled Quiero Respirar, it was only available in Mexico.

2001: Dhany created the group Links. Their first single was entitled Liberamente. Her voice also appeared on Dakka's single Ready To Fly and KMC's I Feel So Fine (#1 Club Charts in the UK)

2002: Dhany's Italian group Links, come out with their first album: Pioggia Di Polvere. Another single called Seguimi (including dance remix) was released from this album. Dhany's also appeared on Al.Ben - Run To Me (a project of Alessandro Benassi) and Mystic Diversions - Song From The Love Dance, (an Italian chillout project).

2004 : Dhany was featured on Benassi Brothers' very succesful single Hit My Heart (oiginally sung by JK).

2005 : the collaboration with the Benassi Bros went on. Dhany appeared on the 4 tracks of the new album ...Phobia. Among them, the 3 singles Make Me Feel (once again a JK cover), Every Single Day, and Rocket In The Sky. Dhany also appeared on Aeroplani Italiani's single Unioni Fragili.

2008 : Dhany's new single is entitled U&I . "It’s very emotional and it talks about a true story", Dhany says. She also recorded a duet with Sandy Chambers produced by Benassi Bros called Break The Wall. We performed together in live and that was great, so we thought it could be a good idea to make it also on a record and luckily the record company agreed", she explains

Dhany will appear as a guest on the album of an Italian ensemble called Kikkombo, that's going to be released soon in Italy.

2011 : Dhany visited DJ Micro's single On Your Road. She was also featured on Leave This Club Alone, a track on Benny Benassi's new album Electroman. In August, DJ Micro's single On Your Road was released . In November, Dhany did vocals on Mike Crystal's The Hottest Emotion. In December, Dhany and Karl Wolf were featured on Marc Mysterio's Everything Is All Wrong.

2012 : In April, Dhany was featured on Matteo Sala & Stylus Robb's new single Only You. Then she recorded vocals for DJ Aldo's Dancing In The Twilight. In July she was featured on Dayro Phonix's new single What If. In September, she sung for Martin Silence's new single Live & Take Control. In October, she was featured by Gil Foster And Roby Montano on the single I Won't Surrender

2013 : Dhany was featured on Roby Montano - Runaway Getaway, Marco Frattini - Universe, Matteo Sala - Travel from my heart, Krist Van D - Hangover, Giulia Regain & Daresh Syzmoon - My Memories, Alex Berti & Ceedes' - New Horizon, The Matt Project - Never.

2014 : Dhany did vocals on Andrea Ferrini's new single As One.

Songs co-written by Dhany

Ally & Jo : Nasty Girl
Ann Lee: 2 Times, Top Of The World
Benny Benassi: Able to Love, Love is Gonna Save Us, No Matter What You Do
In-Grid: You Promised Me, Souvenir D'été
JK : Make Me Feel, You Got Me Dancing
Mietta: Angeli Noi, Una Strada Per Te, Musica Che Scoppia, Un Passo Falso, Ancora Insieme A Te
Whigfield: Doo Whop, Givin All My Love, Unbelievable

Thanks to Kizoo, Alessio Primavesi, Tavi Meran, Alexander Pavlov and TanYa
Dhany Russian website

Artists and groups featuring Dhany

Aarts Nathalie - A Christmas With Love (2021)
Aeroplani Italiani - Unioni Fragili (2005)
Al.Ben - Run To Me (2002)
Alex Berti and Ceedes - New Horizon (2013)
Ally and Jo - Nasty Girl (1997)
Andrea Ferrini - As One (2014)
BLM - Crazy For You (2012)
Benassi Bros - ... Phobia (album) (2005), Every Single Day (2005), Hit My Heart (Best Of Dhany) (album) (2021), Hit My Heart (2004), Make Me Feel (2005), Pumphonia (album) (2004), Rocket In The Sky (2005)
Bsharry - Breathe Again (2017), Breathe Again (2017), My Heart Beating (2017), My Heart Beating (2017)
Cityflash - Summer Party (2016)
Coll Selini & Lucas Black - Waiting (2018)
DJ Aldo - Love For The Summer (2013), Sunshine (2015)
DJ Coach - Golden Sand (2017), People Help & Posted On Youtube (2017)
DJ Hermann - Verano (2023)
DJ Micro - On Your Road (2011)
DJ Simon Weeks - New York City (2014)
DJ Smash - Moscow Never Sleeps (2008)
DNF - Hit My Heart (2020)
Dakka - Ready To Fly (2001)
Damian William - Dangerous (2010)
Daresh Syzmoon and Giulia Regain - My Memories (2013)
Dario Daniele - Love Is Getting Down (2012)
Dario Trapani - Another Lifetime (2013)
Dayro Phonix - What If (2012)
Del Principe and Roby Montano - Summertime (2014)
Dhany - Quiero Respirar (1999)
Dibona - Self Control (2023)
Double Soul Experience - Daydream (2021), Funk Yourself (2020), Keep On Moving (2021), Lady (2021), Missing (2021), Piece Of Gold (2021), Show Me Love (2022)
Falaska Contest - All My Life (2023), Flying (2022), Running (2022)
Francolino - Prisoners (2024)
Frizzy Sounds - The Love You've Got (2010)
Ganzo Bros - Connected (2021)
Gil Foster And Roby Montano - I Won't Surrender (2012)
Giulia Regain - We Are Colors (2024)
Gordon Annerley - One Night With You (2022)
I Scream - Take My Body (2012)
I-Team - Love Tonight (2012)
Iacopo Misuri - Complete (2013)
JK - Go On (1998), You Got Me Dancing (2000)
Jack Bernini - Waiting For Tomorrow (2014)
Jean Clemence - One More Chance (2019)
KMC - I Feel So Fine (2001), Somebody To Touch Me (1995), Street Life (1996)
Krist van D - Hangover (2013)
LeadbacK - Getaway (2023)
Leadback - Do You Remember (2022), Forever (2024)
Links - Liberamente (2001), Pioggia Di Polvere (album) (2002), Seguimi (2002)
Luki - Will I (2012)
Marc Mysterio - Everything Is All Wrong (2011)
Marco Frattini - Universe (2013)
Mari Ferrari - I Wanna Make It (2014)
Mario Koan - Hideaway (2024)
Martin Silence - Live and Take Control (2012)
Matteo Sala & Stylus Robb - Only You (2012)
Matteo Sala - Fall In Down (2019), Travel From My Heart (2013)
Maximilian Tux & Erick Mercuri - Set Me Free (2013)
McEndoz - Aguas De Marco (2018), Circle (2018), Entwined By The Moon (2018), Geghege (2017), Hold My Hand (2018), I'll Never Fall Again (2019), Le Tue Mani (2018)
Michele Musillo, Tony-S - Night Generation (2022)
Mietta - La Mia Anima (album) (1998)
Mumm - I Wanna Be Free (2000)
Mystic Diversions - Song From The Love Dance (2002)
Oceana - Endless Summer 2k19 (2019)
Rico Bernasconi - Incomplete (2021)
Robby Castellano and Gamma DJ - Sensitivity (2013)
Roby Montano - Believe (2020), Runaway Getaway (2013)
SalaDorigo - Make Your Move (2020)
Samus Jay - Electricity (2024)
Simone Di Bella & Stephan F - Stand Up & Go (2018)
Sintesy - Poison (2022)
Soncini X R.M. - Goodbye (2023)
Stefano Pain vs Mattias - Until The Sunrise (2011)
Stefy de Cicco - Deep Down Inside Of You (2012)
Stefy - I Am Here (Io Ci Sono) (2015)
Tech-Nique - I Need Your Love (2000)
Two Mad Bros - Time For Summer (2019)
Veronika - I Wanna Feel (2023)
Walter G - In The Sunshine (2018)



EuroDance Group



Love Song (1995)

Love Song was produced and arranged by Bruno Cardamone, Paolo Colombo and Pier Bertuzzi. Label : ZAC Music. A second single, Save Me, was planned but it was releaased by mistake under unother Bruno Le Kard project, Humanize.

Thanks to Yane the Greek



EuroDance Group



You Are My Babe (1998)

Dhonna is a Italian euro project, from 1998. This project featured female vocals (mabye by Carina Federici, who is credited for songwriting) and a bouncy, happy beat. It was produced and composed by Claudio Malatesti, Gianluca Vivaldi and Riccardo Salani (aka MVS) and released under Extravaganza Records.

Thanks to Alex Capilé and Marian Stoica



Di Bart (Tony)
House Group



Falling For You (1996)

1.Falling For You, 2.The Real Thing, 3.Secrecy, 4.Turn Your Love Around, 5.Do It, 6.Father, 7.Why Did Ya, 8.What Am I Gonna Do, 9.We Got The Love, 10.Stay A Little While,

Falling For You (Dance Rmx) (1996)

1.The Real Thing, 2.Do It, 3.Why Did Ya, 4.Turn Your Love Around, 5.We Got The Love,


The Real Thing (28th Mar 1994)
Do It (19th Jul 1994)
Why Did Ya (18th Apr 1995)
Turn Your Love Around (11th Jan 1996)
Love U More (21st Apr 1997)
We Got The Love (21st Nov 1997)
The Real Thing Remix '98 (11th Sep 1998)
I'll Take You There (29th Nov 2000)
Breaking My Heart (18th Apr 2002)
I Live For You (Jul 2005)


The Real Thing (1994)

Musical team : Mark Drayton, Adam Blisset, Tony Di Bart

Antonio Carmine Di bartolomeo was born in Wexham park hospital in Slough, near Maidenhead (UK) on April 27th 1964 (and not in Italy in 1967 as sometimes mentioned), from Italian immigrants. He used to be a plumber or a bathroom salesman (depending on sources) before beginning his artistic career. In 1994 he teamed up with the 2 British eurodance producers Adam Blisset and Mark Drayton and he realesed his first single, an euro-trance / progressive track entitled The Real Thing which became a hit instantly. It reached #1 in UK, #8 in Israel, #5 in the European official singles chart, #19 in the US chart (which is a huge succes for an Eurodance track). After that he released second single, Do It which arrived #7 in UK, #19 in Israel and #5 in Ireland.

In 1995, he released the single Why Did Ya, which came to #17 in Israel, #24 in UK and #20 in Romania. Then came Turn Your Love Around in 1996 (which was remixed by 2 Brothers team, adding some backing vocals of Des'ray). After that he released his long-awaited album entitled Tony Di Bart which sold 50 000 copies world wide. It contained a CD bonus containing some remixes. Another version of the album was released without the second CD, under the name since of Falling For You.

In 1995 he recorded with Joe Taffi the excellent eurodance Show Me, with a sound reminding a little of Haddaway. The single was co-written by Franco Diaferia, released under the label Circus. The song, in Italo-dance style, reached #1 in Israel, Italy and Spain. Joe Taff's sister is nowadays Tony's wife. In 1997, he teramed with Stefano Colombo and singer Elaine Jackson to release the garage house single Everyday under DC Project, that he co-wrote and co-produced (he also did vocals on it).

Then he disappeared until 1999 when he released a remix of his huge hit The Real Thing. This year he was back for good with a new single entitled I'll Take You There.

2004 : a cover of The Real Thing was released with different lyrics, under the name of Petrol Boy. Finally, new Tony Di Bart's single was entitled I Live For You and it was at first released in September 2004 under the label Le Bien Et Le Mal. It written by none other than Roby Arduini, R. Marchesini, A. Puntillo, and T. Di Bart himself. It was produced by Roby Arduini & Raf Marchesini. The executive producers were Alex 'Latino' Zullo & Stefano 'Colombo's Touch'. The Doc Phat remixes were done by M. Holzäpfel, P. Reimann, and M. Schulze.

Another cover of The Real Thing was done by the Australian artist Matthew Snowden feat Nico-D, this time in chill-out still. It was featured in the compilation Real Ibiza 2.

2005 : The Real Thing was (once again) covered by DJ David feat Loredana. I Live For You was released in the UK on the 18th June and was out elsewhere in July.

2008 : Sunchasers did a cover of The Real Thing.

2011 : Jerry Ropero & Ross Paterson feat. Kash did a cover of The Real Thing.

Nasty rumors were spread according to which Tony was nowadays jobless and alcohol-addict. Fortunately, this proved to be wrong : recently he was among the jury of Iver's Got Talent and regularly sings live at Brum club.

2016 : he teamed with Deejay Time for a new version of Real Thing.

2021 : Tony was featured on a track of Ago's forthcoming album Opera Fourty.

2022 : Jay-P Jonas & Rinaldo Montezz recorded a cover for The Real Thing.

Thanks to Trisha, DJ Aaron 'Euromaster', Anders Bøgh, Capitaine, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkine, Andrew-FK and Nico
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions

Artists and groups featuring Di Bart (Tony)

AGO - She Told Me (2021)
D.C. Project - Everyday (1997)
Deejay Time - The Real Thing (2016)
Di Bart Tony - Everyday (1997)
Joe Taff - Show Me (1995)



Di Bonaventura (Federico)
EuroDance Producer



East and West (1989)

1.It's My Time, 2.Lost In Paris, 3.Never Too Late, 4.Heartbeat, 5.One Day, 6.No More Lies, 7.Imagine, 8.Wind Of Change, 9.Late Night Train,

Sus Mejores Años (1993)

Disco Modernism 1983 - 2008 (2008)


Zeit (1984)
The Years (Go By) (1985)
Leave Me Alone (1986)
Wind Of Change (1986)
Night And Day (1987)
Night And Day (1987)
Imagine (You'll Never Change Your Mind) (1987)
Lost In Paris (1988)
Heartbeat (1988)
It's My Time (1989)
One Day (1989)
When I Let You Down (12th Dec 2007)
Undercover EP (23rd Dec 2010)
The Years (Go By) (2011)
Alice (23rd Jun 2011)
Memories Of The Future (25th Feb 2013)
Don't Give Up (2014)

Artists and groups featuring Di Bonaventura (Federico)

Alba - Without You (2011)
Adams Anita - All My Love (1992)
Ajello - My Rhythm (2010)
Alden Tyrell - Don't Stop (2012)
Cobra - Born 2 Love U (1995)
D-Inspiration - Life Love & Soul (1994), Matter Of Time (1992)
DRAMA - Won't You Find A Way (1993)
Jinny - Feel The Rhythm (1993)
Jones Carol - Make A Change (1992)
Lee Marrow - I Want Your Love (1992)
Prado Sonia - For Love (1994)
Unrest - Feel So High (1995)
Usura - Drive Me Crazy (1994)
Yama - Keep On Movin' (1995)
Zanetti Roberto - Don't You Want Me (1994)



Di Bronx and Natali
EuroDance Group



Zona Vsemirnoi Vecherinki (1996)

1.Intro: Klyuch Na Start, 2.Find The Feelings, 3.Energia Lyubvi (Energy Of Love) (Album Version), 4.Pochuvstvui Ritm (Find the rhythm), 5.Fight 2 Right, 6.Dva Serdza, 7.Energia Lyubvi (Dance 2 Trance remix), 8.Poliet - World of XTC, 9.Tvoya Zvezda (Your Star) (Album Version), 10.Pokolenie Svobody, 11.Ulitsy Bronksa (Streets Of Bronx), 12.Jivesh Tolko Dvajdy, 13.Outro: Otboi, 14.Tvoya Zvezda (Up-Down mix),

Zemlya Mechti (1997)

1.Prolog, 2.Izo Vseh Sil, 3.Zemlya Mechti (The World Of Dreams), 4.Ya Khochu Byt Zvezdoi (I Wanna Be A Star), 5.Dvigaisya, 6.Ya Lyublyu Lyubit' Teba (I Love To Love You), 7.Vozvrashchayas' V Te Dni, 8.Balalaika, 9.Na Linii Ognya (In The Line Of Fire), 10.Ne Ostanavlivai Menya, 11.Trance Dance, 12.Epilog, 13.Ya Khochu Byt Zvezdoi (Groove mix),

Potomu Shto (Because) (2002)

1.Intro, 2.Begi Ot Slyoz (Run Away From Tears), 3.Potomu Shto My Vernulis' (Cause' We're Back), 4.Lyubov' Idet Domoy (The Love Goes Home), 5.Budesh (You'll Be), 6.My Byli Vmeste (We Were Together), 7.Navsegda (Forever), 8.Ne Ostanavlivay Menya (Don't Stop Me), 9.Sneg Na Ladon' (Snow on a Palm), 10.Tam, Za Gorizontom (There Behind The Horizon), 11.Kupalinka, 12.My Byli Vmeste (ClubZone Remix), 13.Koda,

Potomu Shto (2002)

1.Intro, 2.Begi Ot Slyoz (Run Away From Tears), 3.Potomu Shto My Vernulis' (Cause' We're Back), 4.Lyubov' Idet Domoy (The Love Goes Home), 5.Budesh (You'll Be), 6.My Byli Vmeste (We Were Together), 7.Navsegda (Forever), 8.Oblaka MM, 9.Ne Ostanavlivay Menya (Don't Stop Me), 10.Sneg Na Ladon' (Snow on a Palm), 11.Tam, Za Gorizontom (There Behind The Horizon), 12.Kupalinka, 13.My Byli Vmeste (ClubZone Remix), 14.Koda,


Noviy God Zovyot ()
Aleksandra ()
Nadejda ()
Energia Liubvi (1994)
Balalaika (1996)
Vremya Bystree Vetra (2003)
Bez Tebya (2003)
Balalaika '04 (2004)
Sever I Yug (2004)
Ot Serdtsa K Serdtsu (25th Jul 2014)
Energia Liubvi 2015 (1st Jan 2015)
Idi Na Golos Moy (5th Nov 2015)
Bolshe Schastlivykh Lyudey (25th Oct 2024)

Di Bronx and Natali (Ди-Бронкс & Натали) is a eurodance project whose main originality is to rap and sing in Russian. The story begins in 1994. D-Bronx (real name : Denis Shpitalnikov) worked in Minsk (Belarus) as a DJ. In his head came the idea to create an eurodance project that would be as good as a the western ones. It took some time to find the female vocalist, but first duo experience was great at once. They teamed up with DJ AleX who wrote all songs from the 2 first albums before stopping working with Bronx. The producer was Valeks Buyak. There was a succession of 2 vocalists both of them being called Natali. First was Natali Artemova, a jazz singer born in Stavropol, who later moved to Paris and even took parto to a lyrical competition at the opéra Bastille. Then Natalya Kudrina (Natali) who was featured on Zemlya Mechti.

Energy of Love, the first single, was also the young project's major breakthrough. At the beginning of 1995, they appeared live for the first time on a stage in Belarus. At the beginning of 1996 the first album Energy of Love was ready. They took the decision to move to Moscow, the only way for them to achive a career. They released their first album under the Polygram Russia label and the first video was shot. They enjoyed a massive success, and after a few months they became one of the most fashionable groups in Moscow and in the whole Russia.

August 31st 1996 : D-Bronx and Natali took part to a live concert entitled 'Dancing City' that took place in Moscow, with other Eurodance artists such as E-Type, Snap, Boney M, Masterboy or 740 Boyz. They left Minsk to settle down in Moscow.

On the 1st september 1997 they released their second album named Zemlya Mechty (The World of Dreams). The album included a cover of Alla Pugacheva's 80s hit Balalaika (a video was shot for this song). The replacement of the first Natali (who was fired) by the second was almost unnoticed by the audience. In 1998 was also recorded the song Nadejda (Hope) with the vocalist Lena Zosimova.

They call the Masterboy as their "fathers". And effectively some of their songs had some Masterboy inspiration : Zemlya Mechty (reminding of Land of Dreaming), and Vozvraschajas V Te Dni (reminding of La Ola Hand In Hand).

In 1998 Natali left the group but in November 1999 on a large musical festival in Mogilev ' the Gold Hit ' Di-Bronx and Natali appeared together again, which was completely unexpected for everyone, singing completely new songs !

In 2000 the group was planning to release a new album entitled Forever.

January 2001 : Bronx & Natali spend Christmas with their family. However, they could be seen performing on the 1st of January in the Paradiz Club in Minsk. Afterwards Natali flew to Bahrayn for some concerts she had to give. She came back in April to join D-Bronx team and start working on new material for the group.

June 2001 : on the 11th June, after some efforts to match their schedules, Di-Bronx & Natali and Leonid Bortkevich recorder together some songs. More precisely, Bronx supervised while Natali and Leonid sang. Bronx and Natali were delighted with this recording, they had dreamed of for a long time.

July 2001 : Di Bronx and Natali were invited to take part to their country's greatest musical festival : Slavyanskiy Bazar that will stand in Vitebsk from the 20th to the 26th of July. They should have the time to come back from their tour in the USA. They should also be in Minsk for he Bielarus Independance Day, the City Day and the Youth Day, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July. Meanwhile, the group has started working with DJ Aleksi in studio on new songs.

The same year, Nataly Artemova released a solo-song : Slova Lyubvi (Words of love) on Belarussian compilation Bulba hit. According to rumours, there could even be a full album. She then settled down in France, doing gigs in cabarets.

2002 : the new album, including 13 songs, was entitled Potomu Shto. In June it was finally released, but only available in Russia and in Germany. Only 3 songs were pure eurodance, the other ones were good euro-pop. Almost every song included Bronx's rap. Natali's voice in some songs sounded like singer from Russian band "Virus"...

The same year, they released a song entitled Vremya Rozhestva (Christmas time).

2003 : their new single was entitled Vremya Bystree Vetra (meaning "Faster then the wind"). The follow-up single should be entitled Ya Hochu Ostatsa Odna (I want to be alone). They also recorded a song entitled Bez Tebya (Without you) which was released on a compilation.

2004 : the song Balalika '04 was released. Di-Bronx also recorded with Inna Afanasieva the song Sever I Yug (North & south) and released it in Belarussia.

Natalya Kudrina released some solo singles : Ty and Bez Tebya. In 2004 she announced that her first solo album was almost ready for release.

In 2005 : Natalya Kudrina released a single with Street Masters entitled Ya Odna (I'm Alone).

2006 : on the 8th March, Bronx had a son. He worked for the Belarussian TV channel STV as musical director. Natali also had a daughter some time ago.

Natalya Artemova is now known as Natali Art. She went back to studio to record her first album, Par delà les frontières (Beyond borders), a blend of traditional Russian songs that she finally released in 2008.

More recently, Natalya Kudrina released the single Vse proydet (Everything has gone away), a cover of old Russian song by singer & actor Michail Boyarsky. She is now known as Venera.

2013 : on October 11th, Di Bronx & Natali performed a remix of Balalaika during International schlager festival in Ice Palace, Mogilev (Belarus).

2024 : the project announced that they were back with a new single : Больше счастливых людей

D-Bronx & Natali official Russian website
Masterboy fansite
Thanks to Yef, Klems, Anton MC Ka$per Skaletsky, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin, D-Man'94, Alexander Selyanin and Viktor "Rico"



Di Giacomo (Mario)
EuroDance Producer


Thanks to

Artists and groups featuring Di Giacomo (Mario)

Hypn-o-matic - Solution (1994)
Lancini Vince - It's Only Your Love (1995)
Masquerade - Run To Me (1996)
The Medicine Factory - Enjoy (1993)



Di Marcantonio (Davide)
EuroDance Producer



Time Machine (4th Oct 2024)

Italian producer and composer Davide Di Marcantonio worked for labels TIME, Vibration and Domino. He founded Dima Music recording studios in 1994 in Porto Mantovano.

Artists and groups featuring Di Marcantonio (Davide)

Fireman - Believe In Fireman (1996)
Hyena - My Life (1995)
Kinzica - My Love (1998)
Magnitudo - Jam It Baby (1994)
Masquerade - Touch Me (1994)
Viva - Je T'Aime I Love You (1995)
Xeya - Kiss Me (1995)



Di Martino
EuroDance Group



You'll Never Know (1996)
Little Bird (1997)

Di Martino was a project created by Martín Serrano Adsuar. 2 singles were released, with sleeves inspired from the Martini bottles.You'll Never Know featured vocals by Nathalie Aarts. Label : Chin Chin Pum

Thanks to Nathalie Aarts



Di Martino (Johnny)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer, DJ and composer Johnny Di Martino aka Johnny mix contributed to many eurodance tracks released under SAIFAM labels (among them, singles by Heartclub and Kate Project).

Artists and groups featuring Di Martino (Johnny)

A Kay B Jay - Sleeping In My Car (1994)
Bandido - Get Into The Groove (1998)
Barbie Young - If You Can Say Goodbye (1991)
DJ Miko - Rhythm (1994)
Dante - What Can I Do (1998)
Heartclub - Baby Forever (1999), Don't Go Breaking My Heart (1994), Everlasting Love (1994), Looking For You (1999), Stay Another Day (1995)
James Shannon - Far Away (1995)
Kate Project - Ecstasy Of Flight (1993), Time After Time (1993), Wuthering Heights (1992)
Kikka - I Say No More (1994), Little Bird (1993), Sweet Dreams (1993)
Little Adrian - To You (1994)
Marton - Get Up And Do It (1993)
Masquerade - It's My Love (1993)
Morales Angelo Maria - I'd Do Anything For Love (1994)
Paradise Fall - 7 Seconds (1994)
Red Garden - High (1998)
Sensitive - Feelings Feelings (1993)
TH Express - Missing In The Rain (1995)
Victor and Co - Living On A Prayer (1994)
Wildside - Heartbeat (Be My Baby) (1995)



Di Trani (Franco)
EuroDance Producer


Artists and groups featuring Di Trani (Franco)

Jada - Always (1996)



EuroTrance Member


Diablo aka René Behrens used to be a go-go dancer. He was spotted in a disco in 1996 by the producers of 666. He became the frontman of the project, then he left in 2000 to replace Damon as a member of Brooklyn Bounce : "After some meetings with the producers of Brooklyn Bounce it was clear to me that I have to join the band" he explains.

"The frontman of the group, Diablo, known for his mystical shows, inspires not only his female fans but also creates with his tough and lashy voice the right atmosphere to send all people ready to party into ecstasy", here is how he is usually described.



Diaferia (Franco)
EuroDance Producer


This Italian producer stands behind many eurodance projects, such as Active Box, Karen B and Positive Division (and all projects of the SAIFAM sublabel Decade records). He also did eurodance remixes for the Image's singles Les Démons de Minuit and Jaloux de Vous. He co-wrote the Bit Machine single Any Kind Of Vision.

Projects produced by Franco Diaferia

2 Kind - Wakin' up
Active Box - Driving Through The Night (1994), Love Sensation (1997), Sha La Li La (There's a Spirit in Your Mind)
Algebra - The Children Blue Eyes (1995)
Annie Joice - Make Me Feel (1990), Call It Love (1991)
Byzantine - Let's Get Down
Church Sisters - Rock your body
Cindy Jones - Take Me Up (1987)
Cleo & Marcus - I've Got The Music In Me (1995), Move Your Body (1995)
DPR : Call Me (1995), Hit The Floor (1995)
Eddy "2two" Face - My Fantasy
Ethik - My Heaven
Expression 4
Georgia Lewis - Hit The Floor (1995)
Houseland - I Love U Tonight
Increase Joy
Indio - Cherokee Dream
K3M feat. Sheena Jefferson - Don't Stop The Music
Karen B - Natural Woman, The Rhythm Of Love, Not The End
Katherine E - Then I Feel Good
Lenny - Tell Me The Reason (1990)
Lilac - Losing My Mind (1990)
Linda Hayden - That's My Paradise (1990)
Marika - Wonderful City (1989)
Max Mad Feat KS25 - Don't Let Me Down (co-production)
Positive Division - Movin' On (1994), Got To Move It (1995), Don't Let Me Down (1997), Angel Of Love
Raf G feat M2R - Over and Over
Supersonic - Do It 4 Luv (1994)
The Real Mandy - This Is My Time (1991)
U52 - Cause I Love You, I Was Made For Loving You
United Power - Ev'ry time
Valentino - You Are The Sunshine (1990)
Valley 68 - Dreaming Your Love (1994)
Wella - Holdin' Out For Love

Thanks to Nico and Capitaine

Artists and groups featuring Diaferia (Franco)

24 Hours - I'm Gonna Feel You (1997), You And Me (1997)
7 Company - Get This Party (1995)
Active Box - Driving Through The Night (1994), Sha La Li La (There's a Spirit in Your Mind) (1997)
Algebra - The Children Blue Eyes (1995)
Bambolina - Onky Di Donky (1997)
Brown Dylia - Baby I Need Your Love (1997), Destiny (1996)
CUVA - The Rhythm Of The Dance (Is Gotta Move To The Trance) (1994)
Church Sisters - Rock Your Body (1994)
Cleo And Marcus - I've Got The Music In Me (1995)
DPR - Call Me (1995)
Evelyne - Feel The Music (1996)
Expression 4 - Fade To Grey (1993), Honesty (1993), I Can Dance And Fall In Love (1994)
FISA - Dance, Keep On Dancing (1997)
Giusti Raffaele - Casanova (1995), Heroes (1992)
Increase Joy - Feel The Magic (1993), I Need Your Love (1995)
Indio - Cherokee Dream (1996)
J Latino - Sexxx Plastixxx (1994)
Jody G - Sleeping Satellite (1994)
Jones Amanda - Jumpin Dancin Shoes (1997)
Karen B - All By Myself (1997), Heaven In A Place On Earth (1997), Love Is All Around You (1997), Natural Woman (1994), Not The End (1995), The Rhythm Of Love (1994)
Miracle Of Sound - People (1993)
Positive Division - Don't Let Me Down (1997), Got To Move It (1995), Movin' On (1994)
U 52 - 'Cause I Love You (1997), I Was Made For Lovin' You (1997), The Colour Of Love (1996)
Valley 68 - All Over This World (1995), Dreamin' Your Love (1997), It's Gonna Be Love (1994)



EuroTrance Group



Reason (2005)

Diamond was a side-project featuring Nathalie Horler from Cascada. Reason was their only single, and it sounded pretty much like Lasgo's Something. End 2014, it was re-recorded and released as Cascada.



Diamond Dogs
EuroDance Group



Honked (1994)

As Your Greens Turn To Brown (2000)

Too Much Is Always Better Than Not Enough (2002)

That's The Juice I'm On (2003)

Black River Road (2004)


Blue Eyes Shouldn't Be Cryin' (1993)
Good Time Girl (1994)
Honked (1994)
Need Of Ammunition (1996)
Among The Non Believers (2000)

Sören Karlsson (vocals), Anders Lindström (guitar), Kent Axen (guitar), K. Marcus (bass), Honk (keyboards), Fredrik Lundberg (drums).

The Diamond Dogs are firstly a hard rock group, but their single Good Time Girl was nicely remixed by Rednex to a eurodance way. It could be the only intersting song of their discography for eurodance lovers.

Thanks to reBeL



Diamond (Lucy)
EuroDance Group



Dirty Love (1999)
Nitelife (2000)

Label : Houzy Records. Project's name was maybe a homage to the Beatles...

Nitelife was written by Marco Biscarini, Ciro Pagano, Daniele Furlati and Stefano Mazzavillani. Original Mix of Nitelife was recorded at Tora! Tora! Tora! Studio in Bologna, arranged by Marco Biscarini, Daniele Furlati and Davide Napolitano, mixed by Davide Napolitano. Club mix was recorded at Sound Planet Studio in Bologna, arranged by Gabriele Ferranese and Luca Peruzzi, produced by Dollar Team. It was licensed in Germany under ZYX.

In 2003, a single entitled One More Try was released. Maybe it's the same project, maybe not...

Thanks to Gianni



Dian (Stefano)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer and composer Stefano Dian took part to eurodance projects Amparo, PO Box and The Creatures, among others.

Artists and groups featuring Dian (Stefano)

49ers - I Got The Music (1997)
Amparo - El Ritmo Del Universo (1993), La Magia De Mi Musica (1994)
Diana - All I Got (1995)
Eva Ninety Four - Open Your Eyes (1995)
Madame K - Stars (1995)
PO Box - Get Up And Dance (1996)
Sharada House Gang - Real Love (1998)
Simply At Work - Come On (1995)
The Creatures - Call Me (1995)
Thor - Gibil (1994)



EuroDance Group



All I Got (1995)

All I Got was mixed by Francesco Vaccari and performed by Roberto Guiotto, at Team Records Studio. It was produced by Sandy Dian, written by Claudio Causin, Roberto Guiotto, Sandy Dian and Yvonne Fraschetti. Label: Team Records



EuroDance Group



All I Need Is Love (1995)
You Are My Angel (1996)


All I Need Is Love (1995)
All I Need Is Love (Ultimate Remixes) (9th Nov 2013)

Diana's was the new name of Italian project Indiana under which All I Need Is Love was re-released the same year. Single was composed and written by Vito Ulivi, Ciro Pisano and N. Merletti. It was produced by the Sonora team (Alex Bertagnini, Vito Mastroianni Ulivi, Ciro Pisano) and performed by Nicoletta Merletti (Danila Gimmi was only the face of the project) and released in 1995 under Volumex, and licensed under ZYX in Germany.

The second single You Are My Angel was produced by Alex Bertagnini and Vito Ulivi, created by Ciro Pisano, released in 1996 under Dancework S.R.L. then on CD-maxi by ZYX.

Thanks to Francesco Racanati, Dean M Nakanishi (Eurodance Rage)



Diaz (Shelby)
EuroDance Member

Hispanic-Italian vocalist Maria Del Rio became Paradisio's new frontlady in 2008. She did vocals on Bailando Me Dices Adios, that she also helped to re-write.

Artists and groups featuring Diaz (Shelby)

Paradisio - Bailando (Me Dices Adios) 2010 (2010)



Diesel Action
EuroDance Group



D.O.Y.M (Dance Of Your Mind) (1995)

1.Over The Heavens (Intro : Fly Vision), 2.U Gotta Keep, 3.Acceleration, 4.Speed House (Instrumental), 5.Get Up ! (Jam version), 6.UGK (6-TH mix), 7.Dance Of Your Mind, 8.Music 4 Me (Woman single), 9.Go On, 10.Outro, 11.U Gotta Keep (Trance mix), 12.Sample human,

Toplivnyy Bit (1999)

1.Move It Now (Road Mix), 2.U Gonna... (Guitar mix), 3.Always Believe, 4.Go On, 5.Feel The Groove, 6.Boom Boom (House mix), 7.Slow It Down, 8.Stand On, 9.Party, 10.Music 4 Me (radio mix),

Best of Diesel (29th Jun 2016)

1.Night in Motion, 2.U Gonna... (Guitar Mix), 3.Move It Now (Road Mix), 4.Stand On, 5.It's a Party, 6.Music 4 Me (Radio Mix), 7.Dance of Your Mind, 8.Always Believe, 9.Music 4 Me,

Diesel Action (1st Sep 2017)

1.Over The Heavens (Intro: Fly Vision), 2.U Gotta Keep (Radio Edit), 3.D.O.Y.M. (Album Version), 4.Music 4 Me (Woman Single), 5.Speed House, 6.Get Up! (Jam Version), 7.U.G.K. (6-th Version), 8.Acceleration, 9.Music 4 Me (Let Me Be Free), 10.Go On!, 11.U Gotta Keep (Trance Mix), 12.Outro, 13.Sample Human, 14.Theme D.A., 15.Stimorol #1, 16.Ты И Ночь, 17.Тусовка, 18.Khuli-Gun'y, 19.Vremya Vecherinki, 20.Stimorol #2, 21.Khuli-Gun'y (Latino Mix), 22.Тусовка (Instrumental),

Diesel Action (1st Sep 2017)

1.Move It Now (Road Mix), 2.U Gonna... (Guitar Mix), 3.Always Believe, 4.Feel The Groove, 5.Boom! Boom!, 6.Slow It Down, 7.Stand On, 8.It's A Party, 9.Music 4 Me (Radio Mix), 10.Night In Motion, 11.D.O.Y.M. (Part II Mix), 12.S.D.S.D. (Extended Version), 13.S.D.S.D. (O.S. Hip-Hop Mix), 14.S.D.S.D. (Radio Edit), 15.S.D.S.D. (O.S. Hip-Hop Mix Instrumental), 16.S.D.S.D. (Acapella),


Ty i Notch ()
Tusovka ()
Iron Men ()
S.D.S.D (1997)

This Bielorussian project, created on the 10th October 1992 by Dmitriy and Dmitriy, was produced by the same team as D-Bronx & Natali. The project featured the rappers Sir Chuck Walker and Jeff B (who also wrote the lyrics).

They did their first live appearance in Dzerjinsk then released their first 3 singles : Ty i Notch (You and the night), Tusovka and Iron Men

They released 2 albums, the first one D.O.Y.M (Dance Of Your Mind) in 1995 (featuring female vocals by Helena), the second one Toplivnyy bit in 1999. They shoot video for the track Delay Svoe Delo in 1997. They planned to release a megamix album entitled Deti Notchi (children of the night) with DJ Mitya, but it maybe has never been released.

In 2000, Diesel Action recorded a track entitled Leto (Summer). It was released on a compilation. In May, they also did the first part of Eiffel 65 for a concert in Minsk.

Later, they turned to hip-hop style under the name Chuck & Gek. In 2001, Chuck played a role of gangster in one episode of the Russian TV-serie Kamenskaya.

2016 : A best of was digitally released in June. Some digital versions of their 2 first albums were also released with new cover art.

2017 : they released a double best of CD. It was a limited edition.

Thanks to D-man '94 and EuroSlave



Dif (Rene)
EuroDance Member



The Uuh Uuh Song (2002)
Let It All Out (2007)
Jamaica Ska (2007)
All Up To You (2009)
Til Døden Os Skiller (27th Feb 2012)
Der Er Ingenting, Der Er For Sent Nu (14th May 2012)
Mit Hjerte Kalder (4th Feb 2013)
Dance All Night (26th Aug 2013)
Vinterbarn (8th Jun 2017)
På Vej Op (27th Aug 2021)
Jeg Sværger (3rd Dec 2021)
Way Up (27th May 2022)

(Rene aka Handsome, Påsan, Diffedrengen)
Male singer of the group Aqua.

Rene was born on 19th of October 1969 in Copenhagen. Brown eyed and dark haired, he is 1,89 m tall and weights 89 kg. He has one sister and two brothers. His father is Algerian and his mother Danish, both worked in a hospital. He never liked school and was thrown out by several. He left primary school after 9th grade and started working on a cruise ship. He also worked as a window cleaner, a butcher, and a chef. While in Barbados, René heard a local DJ on the radio and decided he wanted to be a DJ. From 1987 to 1995 he deejayed in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Greece. He had a daughter called Daniella, born in 1990. Then he became the rapper for Swedish eurodance project Factual Beat.

According to an interview in 1998, he likes reading Stephen King, listening to the Babyface, watching the Jerry Springer show, eating hot'n spicey food. He drives a Ferrari 355 F1 Berlinetto. His favourite film is Moonbase Alfa. He has no pet for the moment, but he would really love to have two dogs. His favourite hobbies are cooking, watching video and sleeping. He has a bad habit : biting his nails. In many years, he thinks he'll keep on working on music, probably remixing for others.

Gravel voiced René played the Ken to Lene's Barbie in the band's massive first hit. He was also a Hip Hop DJ in his native Denmark, and it was while he was spinning platters in the studio that he first ran into Claus and Soren, eight years before. He made his own particular contribution to the band when he found Lene Nystrom and asked her to join them. And the rest, as they say, is (rather long) history.

René's own musical influences are chiefly rap and soul. When asked what the best thing about being in the band was, he replied,  'Everything! It's amazing that you can travel so much and meet people from all over the world.' He was particularly chuffed when the band were given a gold disc for selling a squillion copies of Barbie Girl in the States, and their record company threw a huge party for them in Hollywood. One drawback about life in the fame fast lane, though, is being separated from his family. René acknowledges the support all their parents gave to them before they made it big and now he spends time with his family 'every free minute'. When the band are away, he said they all telephone home every day.

René was in a relationship during 3 years with fellow Aqua band member Lene Nystrøm, they split in 1998. Then he started dating model and actress Ibi Støving.

2003 : he published his autobiography entitled "Popdreng - Ud af skabet" (Pop boy - Out of the closet). He broke up with Ibi Støving and was sentenced to 30 days' imprisonment for domestic violence. Later, he started dating model and choreographer Stine Kronborg

2004 : he began an acting career in 2 Lasse Spang Olsen films : "Den gode strømer" and "Inkasso".

2006 : he opened a restaurant called Oil in downtown Copenhagen

2007 : René released a song last summer Jamaica Ska under the name Mista Dif. He starred in the movie "Pistoleros". He met health coach Rikke Maija and together they had a daughter called Mabel.

2008 : end of March René released a second single under the same name All Up To You. His restaurant closed after going bankrupcy, and he started a coaching company, Entertainment Coaching. He took part to a TV show entitled AllStars 2008 on TV2 and won the final. He was awarded DKK 250,000, which he had chosen to donate to the residential institution Sirius on Bornholm. When Sirius was closed, the playground for which the money was used was moved to Østermarie, which contributed to René being named honorary artist in the city. He even got a private road named after him.

2009 : in September he participated in the 6th season of TV show "Vild med dans", where he danced with Luise Crone Dons and finished in 6th place.

2011 : Rene Dif appeared in the comedy serie "Kvægræs" on Danish TV2 Zulu. He married his girlfriend Rikke Maija.

2012 : he released a solo rap single in Danish entitled Døden os skiller. he starred in the movie "Det grå guld".

2013 : he produced a single under the name Ferrish Key feat. Tina Stachowiak entitled Mit Hjerte Kalder. Follow-up Dance All Night featured Kaya Jones (formerly from the Pussycat Dolls). Then he launched a jewels collection under name Dif Jewels. With Rikke Maija, he had another daughter named Hailey.

2014 : he got divorced from Rikke. One year later, he met Linet Jo

2017 : he released the single Vinterbarn

2019 : he co-wrote and performed on Wictor Watz's single Celebrate Your Feet

2021 : he released the singles På Vej Op and Jeg Sværger under his label Dif Music

© Aqua Official Homepage
© Aqua Heaven

Artists and groups featuring Dif (Rene)

Aqua - Around The World (2000), Back To The 80's (2009), Barbie Girl (1997), Bumble Bees (2000), Cartoon Heroes (2000), Didn't I (1998), Good Morning Sunshine (1999), Lollipop (Candyman) (1997), My Oh My (1997), Roses Are Red (1996), We Belong To The Sea (2000)
Factual Beat - I Believe (1995)
Wictor Watz - Celebrate Your Feet (2019)



Dig It International
EuroDance Company


Label producing, among others the Italian projects Time Out, Chris, The Sun Company, United Kingdom Of Dance... Many European projects released their singles in Italy under this label : Captain Hollywood Project, Nina, Intermission, the Bass Bumpers...



EuroDance Group



Let The Night Take The Blame (15th Feb 1993)
Give You Love (29th Oct 1993)
Touch Me (22nd Dec 1994)

Musical team : Alessandro Angeletti, Alessia Aquilani, Claudio Malatesti

Produced by DWA Records. Alexia took part to the singles Let The Night Take The Blame, Fashion et Give You Love as vocalist and co-producer. Touch Me featured another vocalist (maybe the same as Tina Washington, Soraya and Charlotte ?). It was released under the label Italian Style.

Thanks to Alex S



Digital Base Project
EuroDance Group



Eurotrip (The Album) (Mar 2012)

1.Life Is A Speedway, 2.No Desire For Revenge, 3.Sunshine, 4.Positive Anthem (Radiomix), 5.Movin' Up And Down, 6.Close 2 U (Album Edit), 7.Unity, 8.Celebration, 9.Fight, 10.Love Will Return, 11.Eurotrip,

Remix Album (May 2012)

1.Mystery Will Return (Intro), 2.Life Is A Speedway (Accelerate Version), 3.Sunshine (Power Mix), 4.Close To You (Eurodacer Electro Mix), 5.Love Will Return (Dj Walkman Remix), 6.Positive Anthem (Ultimate Mix), 7.Sunshine (Poison Beat Remix), 8.No Desire To Revenge (Realthing Remix), 9.Sunshine (Dj Walkman Remix), 10.Positive Anthem (Take A Break Mix), 11.Sunshine (Base Stress Remix), 12.Fight (Shinobee Mix), 13.No More, 14.Close To You (Fantomaxx Remix), 15.Sunshine (Martik C Rmx), 16.Close To You (Eurodj Remix),

We Are Together (18th Oct 2014)

1.The Mission Begins, 2.We Are Together, 3.Wait, Babe, 4.Happy, 5.Do What U Wanna Do, 6.Fight 4 Your Love, 7.Night City, 8.Rainy Day, 9.Don't Care, 10.Woman of Passion, 11.What's Going On, 12.Hope, 13.Try Me Out, 14.Keep Your Nose Up, 15.Last Christmas, 16.Wait, Babe (Base Mix),

3reedom (27th Dec 2016)

1.Airplanes, 2.Love Me Online, 3.Never Again, 4.Run Away, 5.Stay With Me Tonight, 6.Dreams, 7.Party, 8.Street of Freedom, 9.The Way of Ninja, 10.Live 4 Today, 11.Your Mind Has Power, 12.Love Me Online (RemiX),

Call 4 The Stars (27th Apr 2018)

1.The World On Fire (Original Mix), 2.Call For The Stars, 3.C'est la Vie (Original mix), 4.Black Town, 5.Come Alive (Album Edit), 6.Movin' Faster (Euromix), 7.This Is What You Want, 8.Out Of The Time, 9.Happy Birthday, 10.The World On Fire (Remix), 11.This Is What You Want (Second Mix), 12.Out Of The Time (Remix by Freeze),

High Five (16th Jun 2023)

1.High Five (Album Version), 2.Our Summer (Album Edit), 3.Do You Remember?(Album Mix), 4.Rhythm Takes You Higher, 5.Stay Safe, 6.Short Days (Overnight Mix), 7.Imagine, 8.Pay To Win (Album Mix), 9.Loneliness, 10.It's Gonna Be Alright, 11.Go Caveman Go!, 12.High Five (High Mix), 13.Short Days (Album Mix), 14.Stay Safe (Bass Mix),


Close To You (Jun 2011)
Life Is A Speedway (Sep 2011)
Positive Anthem (Oct 2011)
Sunshine (Feb 2012)
Where Are You (7th Jan 2013)
The Heroes EP (7th Apr 2013)
Do What U Wanna Do (1st Nov 2013)
Try Me Out (9th Dec 2013)
Wait, Babe (2014)
Stay With Me Tonight (8th Nov 2015)
Live 4 Today (19th Dec 2015)
Party (8th May 2016)
Run Away (16th May 2016)
Love Me Online (3rd Jul 2016)
Airplanes (2nd Sep 2016)
Never Again (18th Sep 2016)
C'est la Vie (18th Aug 2017)
Moving Faster (25th Nov 2017)
The World On Fire (22nd Dec 2017)
Come Alive (19th Jan 2018)
Out Of The Time (23rd Jan 2018)
Pay to Win (16th Oct 2020)
Short Days (12th Feb 2021)
High Five (3rd Dec 2021)
Our Summer (14th Jul 2022)
Do You Remember (5th Nov 2022)

Initiated by D-Base, a eurodance remixer, Digital Base Project started in May 2011. The idea was born in 2010 while participating in X-Change project together with rapper FatFoont. They decided to produce songs with original vocals and raps under the name Digital Base Project. In May 2011, band started working on their first single, entitled Close To You. The author of the text was Viper, music was written by D-Base, vocals were performed by Lorda and raps by FatFoont. The single was released on June 23, 2011 and contained two versions of the track and a remix by EuroDacer.

After that Lorda left the band for family reasons. Ira Vain became the new vocalist of Digital Base Project. The next single was Life Is A Speedway, released in late August 2011. In October 2011 they released the single Positive Anthem, which included three versions of the track.

In late February the single Sunshine was released. It included all of the best remixes of this song. In March 2012 the band released their debut album, entitled Eurotrip with 12 tracks inside. In May 2012 Remix Album was released. It contained the best remixes of the group's songs.

2013 : in April, Digital Base Project released an EP entitled The Heroes feat. Kate Lesing on. In December, they released a new single entitled Try Me Out

2014 : in March, a new single called Wait, Babe was out. Then in October, they released their second studio album We Are Together

2015 : in November, they published recorded a euro-reggae song entitled Stay With Me Tonight in collaboration with Jair NJ (from J&V) and Viper (from Free 2 Night). In December, their new single Live 4 Today, featuring Lithuanian singer Rasa Kausiute was available for free.

2016 : Digital base Project release several songs : 3reedom, Never Again, Airplanes, Love Me Online, Party and Run Away, then a complete album entitled 3reedom.

2017 : After C'est la Vie in August, Digital Base Project released their new single Moving Faster in November

Thanks to D-Base and Madenn



Digital Circles
EuroDance Group



You (1994)
One Chance (1995)

The project featured the voice of Andrea. The single You was released in 1994 under the label Discomagic (MIX 1112), produced by Flexter, T. Carrasco, M. Giannotti and K. Moczulska. It was also released under Andrea's name

Another single entitled One Chance was released in 1995 under the slightly different project name Digital Circle, under the same label. It reminded a little bit of Alexia's Summer Is Crazy.

Thanks to grof pl.



Digital Dictator
EuroDance Group



I Can't Wait ()

Label : Atomic Energy records.

Thanks to Astralys



Digital Disorder
EuroDance Group



Mandy (1995)

Mandy was a cover of Barry Manilow's hit produced at Fieldzz Discos studios in São Paulo (Brazil). Label: Discomagic Records

Vocals were done by Fernando Carreiro de Mello, better known by the stage name of Maestro Billy or Billy Umbella. Maestro Billy was born in the city of São Paulo. He started learning the piano at the age of 8. After graduating from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado, he worked as a phone operator in Radio Band FM during daytime, and in a recording studio during the night. He became a DJ, sound designer, music producer, podcaster and presenter, known for being one of the creators of the program Pânico from Jovem Pan FM - São Paulo and for his work on the TV shows Caldeirão do Huck, on TV Globo, and on the reality show Batalha de DJ's on the Multishow channel.

Maestro Billy sang an entire album for the Digital Discord project on the Fieldzz label which did not release it. Only the song Mandy was released in Italy as a single by Discomagic Records. Other songs with his voice are on the CD Pânico, by Jovem Pan FM. He sang other songs that the Brazilian label Cri Du Chat released it in the 90s. He also kept on recording songs for Digital Disorder.

2005 : Billy launched the first corporate pocast in Brasil, Rádio Heineken

2010 : he passed a dgree in audio specialist for videogame in Berklee College of Music

2017 : Billy released an album based on 3H audio theories, Commute

Thanks to Andrew-FK



Digital Explosion
EuroDance Group


Take Me Away To Paradise ()
Electric Dreams ()



Digital Sappers
EuroDance Group



Pick-Mind (1992)
Out Of Control (1993)
Take Control (1994)
Dream About Your Love (1995)
I Tell You (1995)

Digital Sappers was a project of Diego Abaribi, Giuseppe Lo Buono, Mauro Marcolin, Sergio Olivieri and Valerio Gaffurini. Their singles featured many samples from other well-known records. Their first single Pick-Mind was released in 1992. The came Out Of Control in 1993. Follow-up Take Control was out in 1994 under In Out Records. Raps were sampled from Public Enemy - Hazy Shade Of Criminal while the chorus was sampled from Sissy Penis Factory - Everybody Fuck Now. In 1995, they released Dream About Your Love and promo track I Tell You.

Thanks to Garry H



Digital Scream
EuroDance Group



The Mixx (1992)

1.Calypso (Odysseus Hard-Tekhno Mix), 2.A Kör (Melan-Co-Mics), 3.Menekülj, 4.Nagy Szerelem (LP. Version), 5.Ha Akarod (Extended Version), 6.Induljon A Banzáj (Der Kraft Mix), 7.Hé Várj (Video Version), 8.Vadászat A Vörös Októberre,

Túlélem Én (1993)

1.Túlélem Én (1/2 X - Mix), 2.Hé Várj (Gold Mix), 3.Nagy Szerelem (Romantic String Mix), 4.Tegnap Összetört Egy Álom (Nightmare Mix), 5.Rólad Álmodom (Fred Krüger Mix), 6.Várok Rád, 7.Magányos Vágy (Original Edit), 8.Az Élet Megy Tovább (Tuti-Animal Mix), 9.Mindennap Elhagytál (No Pop Fest Version), 10.A Kör, 11.Calypso, 12.Hé Várj (Ragga-Gipsy Mix), 13.Túlélem Én (Titanic Mix), 14.Ha Akarod (Ragga Tekk Mix), 15.Nagy Szerelem (Pi-Ya-No Mix),

Made In Hungary (1994)

1.Made In Hungary (Euro-Mix), 2.Nem Voltál Ilyen (Blue-Soul-Mix), 3.Mindent Megtehetsz (Masterboy-Inspiration Mix), 4.Nem Vagy Te Júlia (Én Sem Vagyok Rómeó) (Shakestory Mix), 5.Mondd Azt, Hogy (Heart In Love Mix), 6.Megteszem Neked, 7.Ébredj Fel, 8.Mondd El, 9.Az Első Nyár (Túlélem Én II. Rész), 10.Nagy Szerelem (Apocalypso Mix), 11.Magányos Vágy (Mas-Turbo Mix), 12.Tegnap Összetört Egy Álom (Crazy-Pietro Mix) 4:10, 13.Calypso (Dark-Mystic Mix), 14.Mindennap Elhagytál (Don't Stop Mix), 15.Túlélem Én (Fresh-Dance Mix), 16.Hé Várj! (Batacuda Version),

Digital Scream (1995)

1.Vörös Dögös, 2.Történet (Extended Mix), 3.Súgd Meg..., 4.The Music Is Scream, 5.Transatlantic Exp., 6.Iminimi, 7.Miért Lazsálsz?, 8.Get Up, 9.Balaton, 10.Sorsvonat (Extended Mix), 11.Balaton (Karaoke), 12.Get Up (Karaoke), 13.Sorsvonat (Housemix), 14.Sample,

Reboot, Remixed & Remastered 2014 (2014)

1.Calypso (Dark Mystic Mix), 2.Hé Várj 2014 (DJ Rezi Remix), 3.Magányos Vágy (Mas-Turbo-Mix), 4.Made In Hungary (Cut Version), 5.Tegnap Összetört 1 Álom (Crazy Pietro Mix), 6.Nagy Szerelem 2014 (Jankes Club Mix), 7.A Kör, 8.Mindennap Elhagytál (Dont Stop Mix), 9.Induljon A Banzáj, 10.Ha Én Gazdag Lennék (Ethno Dance Mix), 11.Indián Nyár (Promo), 12.Túlélem Én 2k7, 13.Sóhajok Szállnak (Cut Version), 14.Valami Megvadít, 15.Hé Várj (Ragga-Gipsy MIx),


Maxi-Mixx (1993)
Ha Én Gazdag Lennék (1993)
Tekkno-Shock A Hazteton (1994)
Történet (1994)
Visszatèrès (1996)
Reboot 2006 (2006)

Digital Scream was a project featuring 2 members : singer Hovodzák János (aka DJ Yano) and rapper/keyboardist Ungyi Attila. Their first album The Mixx was released in 1992 under label Aréna Records, it was produced by Lajos Zoltán.

Next album Túlélem was released in 1993.

Third album Album Made In Hungary was produced by Lajos Zoltán and Virág Sándor and released in 1994 under Saxon Records/Aréna Records. It was at first released as cassette, then a CD version with some additional remixes (which were also released separatly as cassette under title DJ Yano remixes). Third track Mindent Megtehetsz borrowed samples from DJ Bobo - Somebody Dance With Me and used melody from Masterboy - Everybody Needs Somebody.

Their last album Digital Scream was released in 1995 under label Quint. Recorded at J. B. Session Studio, it featured raps by Gigi Brown (who appears on the sleeve's photo), Tóth Mihály and Varga Tamás and vocals by Csukás Attila (aka Czuky).

In 1996, they released a videoclip for song Sóhajok szállnak a szélben, a Hungarian cover of Killing Me Softly. It was included on EP Visszatérés.

2006 : they released a promo EP entitled Reboot 2006.

2014 : Digital Scream self-released Reboot, Remixed & Remastered 2014, a compilation of their biggest hits remixed



Digital Service
EuroDance Group


I've Got It (1994)
Back Bone (In The Air) (1995)

Both tracks were featured on Japanese House Revolution compilations (Avex Matrix). Vocalist on Back Bone (In The Air) reminded a little bit of Annerly Gordon.



Digital Soul
EuroDance Group



Misery (1995)

Raps were done by Dee Cee Gallen and vocals by Maxine Maye (Minna Björn). The CD actually contains the title-track, a B-side, and 2 IDs in which the group introduces themselves, first in English and then in Finnish).

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



After The Storm (1989)
Tuxedo (16th Apr 1992)
Sound Of Magic (1994)
In Spirit (1996)

Dilemma are Davide Sabadin, Elvio Moratto and Claudio Collino. In Spirit was produced by Dilemma, mixed by Pete Davis and Adrian Bushby for Sabotage Management at Eden Studio, written and composed by D. Sabadin, G.P. Reverberi, E. Moratto and C. Collino. Label : Extreme Records, licensed under Panic Records in France.

Thanks to Apho and Gianni



Dillard (Greg)
EuroDance Member


Gregory Lawrence Dillard was born on the 17th of May 1963 in Detroit, US. He has four brothers. He studied in Adrian High School. Greg started playing instruments like the guitar, keybords and drums, at a very young age. He also started writing and producing songs when he was still very young. When he was 18 he already toured America with his own band.

At the age of 21 he met a Dutch girl with whom he became friends. He eventually looked her up in the Netherlands and he liked the country so much that he decided to stay in Holland. He continued his passion for music, founded a new group and wrote songs for several groups.

1994 was the year that he met Linda Estelle of T-Spoon. They kept in touch throughout the years. And when T-Spoon was looking for a new rapper in 1998 to replace Shamrock, Remy and Linda contacted G-Money to audition for T-Spoon. Of course there were more people who aiming for the empty spot in T-Spoon... but it became evidently clear that Greg was and still is the man for T-Spoon. In the very short time that Greg had been with T-Spoon, he had already been very successful. On stage he proved to be a very talented singer, dancer and rapper... fitting perfectly in the T-Spoon team.

In an interview at that time, he told that he was living in Nijmegen (The Netherlands). He is 1,85 m tall. His favorite singer was Prince, and he drove a Smart car. He played basket ball and his favorite country remained the USA.

In 2000 Greg left the band. During the Summer, the T-Spoon crew had a lawsuit against him. He was accused of not keeping his appointments, so the crew kicked him out of the group. He claimed to be unable to be present at the bands concerts because of family issues. Greg got to court and won the case but the Judge said that he couldn't force the crew to take him back. T-Spoon did not publish the crisis on their website.

2007 : he did vocals on a Carl Fath song entitled I Don't Know.

2013 : he recorded a single with Lightwarrior (Shamrock, other T-Spoon member), entitled Ooh Yes !

Artists and groups featuring Dillard (Greg)

Fath Carlo - I Don't Know (2019)
Shamrock - Ooh Yes (2013)
T-Spoon - Delicious (1999), I Want To Be Your Man (1999), T-Spoon (album) (1999), T-Spoon (album) (1999)



Dream House Group



Nature (1996)

The project of Marc-André Dubois, Marc Deslauriers and Louis St-Laurent featured vocals by Maria Lisa. Nature was mixed by Frank Levine. Label : Numuzik.

Thanks to Klems and Eurodanceboy



EuroDance Member



Dion Todd (16th Sep 2005)

1.Never Surrender, 2.Well Rehearsed Good-Bye, 3.One Night Stand, 4.Sometimes Is Not Enough, 5.In Another Lifetime, 6.Maybe, 7.If You Could Only See Me Now, 8.So Close, 9.Magic, 10.This Is Now, 11.I Can't Go On, 12.In Another Lifetime (Nucleus Radio Mix), 13.Never Surrender (22 Green Radio Mix), 14.Well Rehearsed Good-Bye (Urban Mix),

Dion Todd (Club Mixes) (16th Sep 2005)

1.Maybe (22 Green Club Mix), 2.Magic (D&G Club Mix), 3.Never Surrender (22 Green Club Mix), 4.Never Surrender (Alien DJ Club Mix), 5.One Night Stand (22 Green Club Mix), 6.So Close (Freestyle Club Mix), 7.Well Rehearsed Good-Bye (22 Green Club Mix), 8.I Can't Go on (Club Mix),

Wings of Love (18th Nov 2018)

1.Jesus the Beautiful, 2.Heart to Heart, 3.So Good to Me, 4.My Redeemer, 5.Prayer Closet Blues, 6.Forever, 7.Come Save Me, 8.I Long to See Your Glory, 9.Face to Face, 10.Wings of Love,


Maybe (1998)
Magic (1998)
Never Surrender (16th May 2005)
Well Rehearsed Good-Bye (19th Jun 2007)
Rocketship State of Mind (30th Sep 2017)
Remedy for Insanity (2018)
Survive (9th Feb 2018)
Be Alright (7th Aug 2019)


Rocketship State of Mind (Extended Club Mix) (30th Sep 2017)
Rocketship State of Mind (Phoenix Rebirth) (15th Dec 2017)
Remedy for Insanity (Club cure EP) (13th Nov 2018)

Canadian singer Dion Todd had a very tough and miserable childhood as he had to live in a shelter with his mother and sister. As he was 8 years old, child support worker informed his mother, while he was present, that he was destined to mature into a complete and utter disaster. He proved the contrary as becoming a musician, then and entrepreneur. He started to sing and play various instruments : this was a way for him to escape his negative surroundings. He entered the Cambridge Kiwanis Boys Choir. He became the choir’s head soloist and toured around North America and Europe with the choir. he was even chosen to sing a solo on one of the Choir’s albums, Christmas Favorites. Then he attended a high school for the performing arts where he studied vocal and learned to play more than 10 instruments.

His first solo release was a beautiful eurodance song entitled Maybe and it was a hit in his home country. Next single Magic (released again on the same vinyl as a song by Emjay) earned him a Canadian East Coast Music Award nomination. In 2000, he did vocals on Turbo!'s song Angel Tonight.

In 2005, he did a comeback under his complete name with a cover of Corey Hart’s 1985 hit Never Surrender. It had a lot of success on Canadian radio stations and once again got him nominated at Canadian East Coast Music Award. Single wen #28 on the Canada Top 30 CHR/POP chart. He also released his first studio album, simply entitled Dion Todd.

A new pause followed, during which he worked as regional director of operations for tour operator Transat A.T. Inc. He also founded Solauro Industries Inc., an environmentally conscious mining company. He also received multiple Guinness World Records for his rare gemstone collection. More recently, he graduated from the MIT (The Massachusetts Institute of Technology) with an MBA (Master of Business Administration).

2017 : he was back with a new single, a dance ballad named Rocketship State of Mind that he co-wrote with his mother and with Tiffany Fred to support a campaign to bring awareness to human trafficking and domestic abuse. Song peaked at #22 on the Canadian Top 100.

2018 : his next single was entitled Survive. Then he released single Remedy for Insanity. It did well in the iTunes Top 200 Dance charts of several countries. A remixes package called Club Cure EP followed. Afterwards, he released his second album Wings of Love.

2019 : his new single Be Alright was a collaboration with Maya

2020 : Dion was named MusicNL (Music Newfoundland) Telegram Fan’s Choice Entertainer of the Year.

Artists and groups featuring Dion

Turbo! - Angel Tonight (2000)



EuroDance Group



The Only One ()
Give Me Your Lovin (30th Nov 1994)
Do It Higher (1995)

DIP stands for Dance In Peace. The project is made of a rapper (probably Tony Dyer) and a female vocalist called Susi, who also took part to Mr John's 2 first singles Get It On and It's Not Too Late. In spite of her talent and her powerful voice, Susi never appeared on the stage, she was only a studio singer. She comes from Sri Lanka and is married with a Swiss man. She also works as singer in bands that play in bars and restaurants, covering well-known hits of the moment.

Their debut single was a gorgeous eurodance track entitled Give Me Your Lovin. This track was written, composed by Daniel Peyer, Carsten Kowatsch and Gerd Jakobs, produced by Daniel Peyer, mixed by Fulvio Zafret. The following singles were less stunning : especially Do It Higher which was in house-garage style.

A remix version of Give Me Your Lovin was released on Dance Master Records's Promo Compilation Vol. IV in June 1996. Though it was also a great eurodance song and probably featured Tony Dyer's raps, it had no common lyrics with the original version. It may be a mislabelled track...

2003 : the hookline of Give Me Your Loving was used by the trance project Groove Coverage for their single The End. 33 % of the composition rights went to Daniel Peyer and Carsten Kowatsch.

Thanks to Gianni, Daniel Peyer and Crazy Z



Direct 2 Dance
EuroDance Group



Burning Up (23rd Mar 1995)


Burning Up (1995)

Musical team : G. Marshall, Louis Element, Johnny Williams (same team as the one which stands behind the projects B-one, Davis and Miranda). The female vocalist was Rachel Taylor aka Ijana. The label was WH Records in France, UDP-Discopiù in Italy and 4th Dimension in Germany. Even if it was promoted in France (they even performed live at Dimanche Martin on France 2) and licensed on many compilations, the single was not successful enough to be followed by a second one

Thanks to Vincenzo "Hyperclap" Roselli



Direct Drive
EuroDance Group



Music Is My Life (1996)

Song Music Is My Life featured a female vocalist and a rapper believed to be Tony Dyer (he recorded many songs for Dance Master Records label). It was featured on the label's Promo Compilation Vol. IV

Thanks to Gianni



Direct Input
EuroDance Group



Big Lips Baby (1994)

The project is made of Joe la Greca, Denis Lepage and maybe his wife Denyse Lepage. The single was released under Future-Tell in 1994.

Thanks to FDL



Direct To You
EuroDance Group



The Light Of The Moon (1994)

The Light Of The Moon featured a solo female vocalist. It was written by Mauro Bonasio, arranged by Maurizio Pezzotta and Mauro Bonasio. Label: Lombaroni Ed. Mus./Discomagic Records.



Dirty Mind
EuroDance Group



The Killer (LP) (1991)


The Killer (1990)
The Dream (1990)
What Time Is It? (1991)
Everybody Let's Go (1991)
Alleluja (1991)
Mamamello (1993)
Back To Future (1993)
Transiberiana (1994)
Make It Funky (1995)
Millenium (Dj Dado Remix) (6th Nov 1997)

Dirty Mind is a project of Andrea Puntillo, Dall'Ora & Roby Arduini. Label : Italian Style

A remixes vinyl for The Killer was released the same year. The single was released under the label Buzz in Belgium.

Back To Future was licensed under Jelly Street Records to be distributed in the UK.

Mamamelo (also known as Mama Melo) was arranged and mixed by M. Marcolin, V. Gaffurini & S. Perrone

Transiberiana was a mainly instrumental track with a catchy melody, and a female voice speaking.



EuroDance Group



We Don't Talk Anymore (1992)
Never Let It Go (1994)

First single We Don't Talk Anymore was a cover of Cliff Richard's hit featuring a solo (and non-credited) male vocalist, and was produced by L. Money. Second single Never Let It Go was composed, arranged and mixed by W. Cremonini, A. Gilardi and D. Abaribi, produced by W. Cremonini and A. Gilardi, released under Italian Style Production. Giacomo Maiolini was executive producer.



EuroDance Group



All Around My Hand ()
Heat It Up (1991)
Set Me In Motion (1995)


Heat It Up (1991)
Set Me In Motion (1995)

LABEL: Upfront Music/ZYX Music

This Swiss (from the French-speaking part of Switzerland) euro project featured a female vocalist (Miyagé), and a male rapper (Raz).

Their very first single was released in 1991. Heat It Up was written and composed by Lorenz Ruegsegger, Partrick Obrist, Elizabeth Brown, arranged by E. Hartenstein, U. Mailschewski, produced by E. Hartenstein, L. Ruegsegger, and P. Obrist. A remixes CD was released the same year, inlcuding a Techno Mix, Groove Mix and Massive Mix.

Set Me In Motion featured vocals by Tesla and raps by Raz Chrizt. The CDM contained 6 versions: Airplay Edit, Extended Mix, Transformer Mix, Club Dance-Remix, Miyagé's Atmosfear Mix and Deep Underground Mix. It was written by Lorenz Certa and Stefan Wittwer, arranged, mixed and produced by Lorenz Certa at Upfront Studio (Suisse). Creativ-Direction produced by Miyagé. Support by Stefan Wittwer. It went #13 in the Swiss charts.

A G Hot Dance mixes followed : it contained a Radio Version, a DJ Transformer Mix, an Unlimited Club Remix, an Unlimited Dream Mix, and Extended Version and a German Techno Remix.

All Around My Hand was written by Miyagé & Lorenz Certa/Stefan Wittmer, produced by Lorenz Certa. Vocals were done by Sylvia.

Miyagé also appeared on Silverspin's La Caza Del Amor. She released 3 solo singles : Dream Within A Dream in 1994, Touch Me With Your Aha in 1995, and Electrodelic (Open Up Your Lovin' Arms) in 1997. More recently, she contributed to the songwriting of 2 Yvonne Catterfeld songs.

Thanks to Alex Capilé and WebDJs



Disc-O-Very Records
EuroDance Company




EuroDance Group



Move On Now (1994)

Actually written Dis.co, this Italian eurodance project from Out Records, feated a female vocalist called Rachael (according to rumors, could be Rachel Doran) and a rapper called Ricky. The single was recorded at Pop Life Studio, produced, arranged and composed by Lorenzo Vignato, Paolo di Lello aka PDL, Riccardo Sada and Roberto "Gabry" Gabrielli. It was written and mixed by Paolo di Lello and Roberto Gabrielli.

Thanks to EuroRama



Disco Magic UK
EuroDance Company


Disco Magic UK is an independent UK record company founded by Roland Radaelli. It licensed back catalogue from big Italian labels such as Discomagic SRL, Out, Ra-Re, and Italian Style in the 90s. There were also many original releases which were never released on Italian labels. In 2018, they reprinted and re-released as digital downloads a part of their catalogue.



Disco Terrorists
EuroDance Group



Happiness ()
F.U.N.K. (1999)

Song F.U.N.K. was actually Killer Shadow's cover of Human League - Don't You Want Me. Label : D. H. Recordings

Thanks to Gianni



Disco Vip's
EuroDance Group



Without You (2000)

Disco Vip's makes reference to a Club located in Calafell, Tarragona (Spain). J. Francisco Paredes Azor also know as DJ Skryker produced single Without You in 2000. Vocals were done by Alicia Alomá Llosa. Label: Bit Music.

Thanks to Ulysses and Andrew-FK



Discoid Corporation
EuroDance Company


Italian house and eurodance label Discoid Corporation was started in 1992. Discoid Corporation was a member label of Flying Records Productions.



Discomagic Records
EuroDance Company


This Italian label started at the end of the 80's. Run by Severo Lombardoni, it released a lot of Italo-disco, then in the 90s went eurodance. Around 1996-97 Discomagic Records went bankrupcy and afterwards Hitland bought its publishing rights (sublabels are inclusive).

Iventi d'Azzuro Labelmania



Discoshop Productions
EuroDance Company


Discoshop Productions was a Spanish dance label and distributor located in Valencia, sublabel of Discoshop Llíria, S.L. . It closed in 1998.



EuroDance Group



Guru (1993)

Guru was written and composed by Stevo Djuric. Produced by S. Djuric, W. Lagler & J. Fronczek. Performed by Gamze T. and B-Nice. It was released under Club Play / Sony Music.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



74-75 (1995)
Never Gonna Say Goodbye (1997)
Thinkin' About You (1997)

Label : Italian Style. 74-75 is a cover of the famous hit by the Connels. Vocals on Thinkin' About You and on Never Gonna Say Goodbye could have been done by Simone Jay.

Another song featuring MC J and entitled Can You Feel It was recorded. It is actually the same song as Toolex Can You Feel It

2000 : Index feat Carla released a makina version of Thinking About You.

Thanks to Marian Stoica



Diss Miss
EuroDance Group



Show Me (15th Oct 1994)

This single was produced by Francis Baez (Crizz-P), Wasia Schultz & Wolfen (Diss, Miss!). Recorded and mixed by Norbert G. Yanicke at Studio Eichstätt, Friedrichsdorf. All songs published by Bernd Reisig Musikverlag (BRM). The vocals were done by Natasha Hay & Lizwer Beck, and the raps by Doc. The song was produced in Friedrichsdorf and dedicated to Crizz-P's little sister Lina-Anna.

Thanks to reBeL and Alex Capilé



EuroDance Group



The Sun Always Shines On TV (1994)
Stand And Deliver (1995)
Everybody (Move Your Body) (1996)

Diva are Helene Sommer & Elene Nyborg, coming from Drammen.

The Sun Always Shines On TV was originally released by the Norwegian pop group A-ha in 1985. The single was licensed under EastWest Records UK.

The follow-up Everybody (Move Your Body) was remixed by Clock.

Elene Nyborg nowadays is said to work as a webdesigner.

Thanks to Vision



Diva records
EuroDance Company




Divas Of Dance
Dance Group


Diva's of Dance is made of famous eurodance divas Anita Doth (from 2 Unlimited), Linda Estelle (from T-Spoon) and Des'Ray (from 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor) who joined together for a one time project, which they started just for fun. At the same time they became ambassadrices for the foundation "Doe Een Wens" (Make a wish), a foundation that allows sick children to realize one of their biggest dreams. They did remakes of old songs like Lost In Music and We Are Family, but also hitmixes of their greatest hits in their shows. And because there's no rapper... they assist each other in the songs...

They gave concerts at the Amsterdam Gay Pride on the 3rd of August 2002 and on the 5th of August they did a live gig at the Eindhoven stadium.

October : Diva's of Dance were asked to perform at the opening show of Holiday On Ice in the Netherlands. Unfortunately for the fans this show is a private party after the ice show...

2004 : in November Denise, one of the former Vengaboys vocalists, joined Divas of Dance. And of course when Denise is part of the show, she will perform her favorite Vengasong We Like To Party (The Vengabus!).

2005 : in June, Anita came back with the Diva's. in December, Linda, Denise and Anita took part to Lovedance, a musical event against AIDS.

2006 : on the 1st on April, they opened the Diva's of Dance Club. The Club will include a Brazilian BBQ restaurant, a Tabohi bar, an Amsterdam Cafe, and a discotheque. The same month, they recorded a videoclip for their new song Falling Into The Groove.

They performed on Saturday June 10th at the Mega PANN party in Utrecht (Netherlands) but this time instead of Des'ray, it was vocalist Shaydie who joined the Divas of Dance. With DJ Paul Elstak Shaydie had once a big hit in the Netherlands with Rainbow In The Sky, so she did perform that song during the show (thanks to Robbert Graner).

2009 : the divas will keep on singing in 2009 again. In the last few years they had a huge success in Holland with the hits Deeper Love, Lost In Music and Falling Into The Groove. Nevermind that the divas still have arrangements with their old bands or with their solo careers, they decided to keep the project alive.The new idea is to make concerts together with their former rapper partners, singing the biggest eurodance hits. So this year we will have Anita & Ray, DesRay & D-Rock and Linda & Shamrock on the scene...

Dancevibes.be forum
Divas Of Dance Official website
Divas of Dance at Rene Frijters
Thanks to Robbert Graner for the latest informations



EuroDance Group



Hot Stuff Fever (1986)
Baby Blue (1986)
In The Night Together (1987)
You'll Be Mine (1993)
Just One Minute More (1993)
Spacer (20th Jan 1997)
Free 4 Love (25th Jul 1997)
Time To Go (Que Basilon) (19th Jan 1998)
Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum (2nd Jul 1998)
Around My Heart (15th Jul 1999)
In The Night (10th Apr 2000)
Can You See (13th Jan 2018)
Head Above Water (3rd Nov 2018)
Original (5th Apr 2020)

Label : SAIFAM Publishing Group under the label Interdance Records. Location : Union studios, Verona. The first singles were only released as vinyls.

You'll Be Mine and Just One Minute More were probably performed by Sabrina Proietti. Just One Minute More was also released under project name Karen B.

Free 4 Love was produced, composed and written by Mauro Farina, Roby Arduini and Antonio Puntillo, it was arranged and mixed by Roby Arduini. The female vocalist who can be heard on this superb eurodance track could the one of Jenny.

There was also a single called Spacer (cover of the disco song originally released by the French artist Sheila), released in 1997, produced by Roby Arduini, under the label Union records.

Time To Go was arranged, produced and mixed by Alex Gioia & Roby Arduini. "El Basilon heclo" by Marcelo Araya and Miguel Sette Digital. The mastering was done by Carlo "Crazy C" Saoncelli. The female vocals were probably done by Betty. On the vinyl one can find a Hard Tune Mix, an Instinctive Mix, a Cocoloco Mix, a Tiempo Latino Mix and a Do It Again Mix.

The follow up was Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum, a cover of Middle Of The Road group, released in 1998, including a B-side called Tartan, as well as a Dance Attack Mix and a Urban mix. It was produced by the trio Farina-Arduini-Puntillo.

Around My Heart was released in 1999. It was a cover of Sandra's song. It included a Def In Mix and the Original Mix, as well as Free 4 Love as B-side.

Then came In The Night, a very nice original eurodance song, produced and composed as usual by Farina-Arduini-Puntillo. The vocalist who can be heard could be Melody Castellari.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



Divine Rhythm
EuroDance Group

Divine Rhythm was founded in 2022 as a collaboration between singer Lori Glori (Intermission, DJ Bobo) and Zooom

Thanks to Zooom



EuroDance Group



Fool About You (1995)

Divo was a Spanish eurodance act arranged by Rafael Ferrer, Gustavo Ibañez and Juan Belmonte. It released the single Fool About You in 1995. Single was recorded and mixed at Redhouse Digital Studios. Label: Lucas Records.

Thanks to Ulysses



Dixie's Gang
EuroDance Group



Run Away ()
El Ritmo Tropical (22nd May 1998)
Party Time (13th Apr 1999)

The project is produced by Serge Ramaekers together with Danny Corten and Patrick Bruyndonkx. Label : OK records.



Dixon (Thania)
EuroDance Group



Funky Music (1996)
Show Me The Way (1998)
I Miss Heaven (1999)

The daughter of a stylist and taylor from Guadeloupe and a californian mum, Thania Dixon was born in the Abimes, Guadeloupe on July 27th. She was a single child, a rebel at school, and the divorce of her parents was a very hard moment for her. She arrived in mainland France as she was 7 to follow her dad. She sung in a choir, then in 1994 met Philippe Boumat in New York, who was searching for new talents. She recorded songs in Italy ands worked in 1995 as singer, chorist and dancer on the stage of the 3 Maillets. She became the frontlady for the project D-mention. She also appeared on stage along with Silver. Then she was featured on DJ Pierre's single Can You Touch Me in 1996. Her first solo single was entitled Funky Music and was released the same year. Then came Show Me The Way which was produced by Philippe Perron, remixed by Pascal Maton.

In 2000, she collaborated to house project Lady and scored hits such as Easy Love. The song appeared in the movie "La Vérité si je mens 2". She enjoys soul music and RnB, her favourite TV series is Charlie's Angels and she loves makeup.

2016 : she launched a concept-store called Patronyme / Costumiers des Costumiers.

2019 : now known as Tania Claire, she opened a vintage clothes shop in Paris called Merguiller, a tribute to the lady who educated her

Thanks to Marian Stoica and Klems

Artists and groups featuring Dixon (Thania)

Feroldi Pierre - Can You Touch Me (1996)
L.I.F.E - Viva La Vita (2017)
Lady - Can You Feel It (album) (2000), Dance To The Music (2001), Easy Love (2000), I Need You, I Want You (2000)
Luka Turco - I Don't Know Why (2020)



DJ Akhenaton
EuroDance Group



Destiny (1995)
Under Myself (1996)
Energyzer (1997)
Pyramid (1997)
Password (1998)

Under Myself featured vocals by Nefer.



DJ Alba
EuroDance Group


Night Power '95 (1995)

The single Night Power is actually a re-release of Night People's In The Night, featuring Tony Dyer's raps and Mrs Zafret's vocals.




DJ Aligator
EuroDance Member



Payback Time (2001)

1.The Whistle Song, 2.Turn Up The Music, 3.Payback Time, 4.Water In The Ocean, 5.Welcome To Future, 6.Lollipop, 7.Bounce 2 This, 8.Temple Of India, 9.Doggy Style, 10.Calling Out Your Name, 11.Black Celebration, 12.Temple Of India (Krystal Remix), 13.Lollipop (Darude vs. JS 16 Mix), 14.The Whistle Song (Musical Suspects vs. Krystal),

The Sound Of Scandinavia (2002)

1.Intro, 2.Stomp, 3.Mosquito, 4.Secrets Of The Space, 5.I Like To Move It, 6.Interlude (Human Beatbox), 7.Baloon, 8.Amleto, 9.Dreams, 10.Flatline, 11.Outro,

Music Is My Language (2005)

1.Intro (Part 2), 2.Davaj Davaj, 3.Do You Realise, 4.Protect Your Ears, 5.Angel, 6.Music Is My Language, 7.Here Comes The Rain, 8.Screw You, 9.Fading Beauty, 10.Countdown, 11.Close To You (Dance Version), 12.Outro, 13.Davaj Davaj (Blyant & Tusch Remix), 14.Close To You (Classical Version),

Dance Lollipop (2006)

Kiss My B-ass (2009)

1.Intro (Part 3), 2.Meet Her At Love Parade, 3.Kiss My B-ass, 4.Beyond The Eternity, 5.I'm Coming Home, 6.Shine 2009, 7.Never Forget, 8.The Sound Of Halay, 9.Nikagda (Never), 10.Running Around My Brain, 11.Kaos, 12.Lose It, 13.Calling You, 14.Outro,

Next Level (19th Nov 2012)

1.Intro, 2.Resurrection, 3.Starting Over, 4.Trash the Club, 5.The Sound of Persia, 6.The Perfect Match, 7.So Far from Home, 8.Alone, 9.Moments of Life, 10.Be With You, 11.Cyrus the Great, 12.Against All Odds, 13.The Perfect Match (Dennis Pedersen Remix), 14.The Perfect Match (Aligator's Chillout Remix),


The Whistle Song (2000)
Doggy Style (2000)
Lollipop (2000)
Turn Up the Music (2000)
Temple of India (2001)
I Like To Move It (2002)
Dreams (2002)
Mosquito (2002)
Stomp (2002)
Davaj Davaj (2004)
Countdown (2005)
Music Is My Language (2005)
Music Is My Language (2005)
Protect Your Ears (2006)
Meet Her At The Loveparade 2007 (2007)
Kaos (2008)
Calling You (2009)
Shine (3rd Aug 2009)
Gi' Det Til Dig (24th May 2010)
Trash The Club (2011)
Starting Over (23rd Jun 2011)
The Perfect Match (4th Jun 2012)
Be With You (22nd Apr 2013)
Fist Pump (3rd Mar 2014)
Heaven Is Falling (26th Feb 2016)
Put Your Lights Up (25th Nov 2017)
Agmal Hayaa (Beautiful Life) (5th Jan 2018)
Drop The Bass (29th Jun 2018)
Put Your Hands In The Air (25th Jan 2019)
You Know Me (21st Mar 2019)
Beshkan (Snap Your Dirty Fingaz) (21st Jun 2019)
Follow Me (10th Jan 2020)
Bang That Drum (5th Jun 2020)
Where Are You 2020 (21st Nov 2020)
Bassland (7th May 2021)
Bassland pt 2 (2nd Jul 2021)
Hey! (3rd Dec 2021)
Impetus Viscus (3rd Mar 2023)
Feel Like Coming Home (7th Apr 2023)
Turn Up The Heat (8th Sep 2023)
Jump (26th Jan 2024)
Clap (23rd Feb 2024)
Do The Helicopter (29th Mar 2024)
Salam Alaikum (17th May 2024)
Danser Natten Ung (1st Aug 2024)
Take Your Shirt Off (27th Sep 2024)

DJ Aligator (real name : Ali Asghar Movasat) was born on March 10th 1975 in Tehran, Iran. He was the youngest member of a rather large family, howaver he describes his childhood as a happy one, surrounded by music. Ali got a toy keyboard for his tenth birthday, and soon, without receiving any lesson, he became able to pick up any melody he'd hear here and there and replay it. He managed soon to acquire some fame in the neighborhood, known for his natural talent, and the ability to entertain. As he was only 13, he moved to Copenhagen, Denmark, where his older sister already resided. There, he attended introductory courses in jazz and classical. Upon graduating from high school, he entered the Rhythmic program at the Danish Music Conservatory. He then took a loan in order to purchase his first mixer and a few other devices. To pay this expensive loan, he had to work multiple evening jobs right after school to make the payments. One job in particular turned out to be just right for Ali. A local nightclub was on the lookout for a new DJ. He auditioned for the job and was hired.

The opportunity to work as a DJ not only brought Ali to the conclusion that it was the dance music that fascinated him the most, but also gave him the chance to meet other professionals in the field. Among them, René Dif. Together, they collaborated on Factual Beat and released an album in 1995. It did not hit the charts and the two decided to go their separate ways. René set about forming Aqua, and Ali began to produce music for himself other artists. He contributed to eurodance project Zoom in 1998.

On a November night in 1999, as Ali was DJing, he noticed some guys on the dancefloor blowing at whistles to the beats of the music. The combination seemed to work quite well and Ali was struck by a sudden idea. The Whistle Song was born. But no record company showed any interest, so he burnt over 180 copies on CD and shipped them out to every single DJ he knew in Denmark. Gradually but quickly the song became quite popular. He eventually signed a contract with Kenneth Bager (FLEX/EMI Records), and The Whistle Song (featuring explicit raps by Al Agami aka Ral) was released under DJ Aligator Project. It topped the dance chart of most countries in Europe.

In order to send a message to all the record companies that originally refused to give him a chance, Ali chose to name his album Payback Time.

In the year 2002, The Whistle Song became a huge hit in the UK ending up as #5 on the official UK single sales chart. He was asked to perform live on Top Of The Pops, being the 4th Danish artist ever to appear on the world famous TV-show. Shortly after came a second album, The Sound Of Scandinavia, selling more than 2 million copies worldwide. DJ Aligator is considered the first Danish and Iranian artist ever to have won awards in Russian Music Awards, Danish Music Awards and Danish Dance Awards along with a nomination in MTV Europe Music Awards.

He turned one of his 2 villas in southern Sweden into his private recording studio that he calls Gator Records. He did remixes for Me & My, Infernal, Nik & Jay, O-Zone and Medina.

2005 : he released Countdown under the name DJ Aligator.

2007 : his new single was Meet Her At The Loveparade 2007. He was also featured on Jeckyll & Hyde's Freefall (No Gravity).

2008 : he released the single Kaos.

2009 : after Calling You, his new single was Shine, feat. Heidi Degn.

2010 : he shortened his project name again, being now known as Aligator, and released the single Gi' Det Til Di, feautring Jinks.

2011 : he released the singles Starting Over and Trash The Club (feat. Al Agami).

2012 : his new single The Perfect Match was a collaboration with Daniel Kandi, featuring vocals by Julie Rugaard.

Artists and groups featuring DJ Aligator

Factual Beat - Groove Your Soul (album) (1995), I Believe (1995)
Jeckyll & Hyde - Freefall (No Gravity) (2007)
Kidd, Tessa - Fløjt'ne (2023)
Steve Aoki, Timmy Trumpet - The Whistle (2022)



DJ Andre and DJ Renzo
EuroDance Group



Get The Funky Beat ()
At Midnight (1993)
Get Up (1995)
What A Feeling (1996)

DJ André's real name is André Meunier. DJ Renzo's real name is Renzo Filippi. They featured a different vocalist at every single they released. Together they remixed Emjay's track Fascinated (Underground Mix).

Renzo Filippi is currently working in Montreal at Club Lounge Leblanc and at The B Club. He is also working with French urban group Phenomen.

Thanks to Klems and Eurodanceboy



DJ Approved
EuroDance Company


DJ Approved is a division of Dieffe Publishing Srl.

Iventi d'Azzuro Labelmania



EuroDance Group



Here Comes The Hotstepper (1995)

Label : Italian Style Production. Single was a cover of Ini Kamoze's hit produced by Benny DJ, Mitia and Umberto Benotto aka Benotto DJ, recorded and mixed at Gian Burrasca Studio.

Thanks to Gianni



DJ Black
EuroDance Group



Movin Up (1994)
Medley Movin' Up With If You Have Let Me Down (1994)
You Catch My Broken Heart (1995)

Label : Dig It International. This euro project featured vocals by Andrea Delfino, credited as Giorgia Barrows because her voice was sampled by a Giorgia Barrows eurobeat single on DJ Blacks's first single Movin Up.

Next single called You Catch My Broken Heart was released in 1995 under the same name (label : Domino Records). It was produced by Claudio Accatino and Frederico Rimonti. It was recorded at Live Music Studio.

Thanks to Alex Capilé and Andrew-FK



DJ Bobo
EuroDance Group



Dance With Me (7th Oct 1993)

1.Intro, 2.Somebody Dance With Me, 3.Take Control, 4.Everybody, 5.Keep On Dancing, 6.I Want Your Body, 7.Uh Uh, 8.Let's Groove On, 9.Somebody Dance With Me (Italian Remix), 10.Music, 11.Move Your Feet, 12.Keep On Dancing (New Fashion), 13.Somebody Dance With Me (DMC Remix), 14.BoBo ID 1 (English), 15.BoBo ID 2 (German),

Live And Remixes (1994)

1.Intro (Live), 2.Music (Live), 3.Take Control (Live), 4.Everybody (Tribe Mix), 5.Somebody Dance With Me (Heaven Trouble Mix), 6.Take Control (DMC Mix), 7.Keep On Dancing (New Fashion Mix), 8.Everybody (Nasty Mix), 9.Somebody Dance With Me (DMC Mix), 10.Take Control (Trime'n'Delgado Mix), 11.Keep On Dancing (DMC Mix),

There Is A Party (21st Oct 1994)

1.Technology, 2.Let The Dream Come True, 3.There Is A Party, 4.Everything Has Changed, 5.Freedom, 6.Give Yourself A Chance, 7.What About My Broken Heart, 8.I Know What I Want, 9.I Feel It, 10.Love Is All Around, 11.You Belong To Me, 12.Deep In The Jungle, 13.Too Many Nights, 14.There's A Paradise,

Just For You (6th Oct 1995)

1.Everything Has Changed (Raggadag Mix), 2.There Is A Party (A&R House Mix), 3.Love Is The Price, 4.Freedom (Feel the Spirit Mix), 5.Let's Come Together, 6.Love Is All Around (Hyper NRG Mix), 7.Let The Dream Come True (Luke's Mix), 8.It's Time for Christmas (Christmas Mix), 9.DJ Bobo Megamix,

Limited Editon (1996)

1.Intro (German), 2.Let The Dream Come True, 3.There Is A Party, 4.Everything Has Changed (Raggadag Mix), 5.I Know What I Want, 6.Give Yourself A Chance, 7.Deep In The Jungle,

World In Motion (30th Sep 1996)

1.Respect Yourself, 2.Pray, 3.World In Motion, 4.It's My Life, 5.Let Me Feel the Love, 6.We Are Children, 7.Midnight, 8.Shadows Of The Night, 9.Don't Stop the Music, 10.For Now and Forever, 11.Tell Me When, 12.The Colour of Freedom, 13.Interlude, 14.Wonderful World, 15.World in Motion (Gira el Mundo),

World In Motion - Winter Edition (7th Oct 1997)

1.Shadows Of The Night (Extended Version), 2.Can You Hear Me, 3.Pray (B & B Remix), 4.Respect Yourself (Extended Mix), 5.World In Motion, 6.It's My Life, 7.Radio Ga Ga, 8.Don't Stop The Music, 9.For Now And Forever, 10.The Colour of Freedom, 11.We Are Children, 12.Let Me Feel the Love, 13.It's Time for Christmas (Christmas Mix),

Magic (6th Apr 1998)

1.Where is Your Love, 2.Around The World, 3.Love Of My Life, 4.Black Rain, 5.Mystery (Interlude), 6.Heyamama, 7.This World Is Magic, 8.Here Comes Tomorrow, 9.I'll Be There, 10.Another Night Without You, 11.Jealousy, 12.Return To Silence, 13.Open Your Heart, 14.Happy Birthday,

Ultimate Megamix 99 (1999)

1.Intro, 2.There Is A Party, 3.Everybody, 4.It's My Life, 5.I Feel It, 6.Around The World, 7.Respect Yourself, 8.Deep In The Jungle, 9.Radio Ga Ga, 10.Where is Your Love, 11.Somebody Dance With Me, 12.Celebrate, 13.Pray, 14.Take Control, 15.Love Is All Around, 16.Everything Has Changed, 17.Freedom, 18.Let The Dream Come True, 19.Shadows Of The Night, 20.Love Is The Price,

The Ultimate Megamix'99 (8th Sep 1999)

1.Freedom, 2.Celebrate, 3.Pray, 4.Everything Has Changed, 5.Take Control, 6.Let Me Feel The Love, 7.Where Is Your Love, 8.Somebody Dance With Me (Version '98), 9.Radio Ga Ga, 10.There Is A Party, 11.Around The World, 12.It's My Life, 13.Everybody (Version '97), 14.Respect Yourself, 15.I Feel It, 16.Deep In The Jungle, 17.Another Night Without You, 18.Keep On Dancing (Version '98), 19.The Color Of Freedom, 20.Too Many Nights, 21.Shadows Of The Night, 22.I Know What I Want, 23.Love Is All Around, 24.Let The Dream Come True, 25.Love Is The Price,

Level 6 (Oct 1999)

1.Together, 2.Lies, 3.Music Is My Life, 4.Do You Believe, 5.I'll Be Waiting, 6.I Want You Back, 7.Indestructible, 8.Last Day Of 1999, 9.Mystasia, 10.Summertime, 11.Best Of My Life, 12.Invincible, 13.Don't Break My Life, 14.Come Take My Hand,

Hits & Remixes - The Remixes (2000)

1.Intro (Live), 2.Music (Live), 3.Take Control (Live), 4.Everybody (Tribe Mix), 5.Somebody Dance With Me (Heaven Trouble Mix), 6.Take Control (DMC Remix), 7.Keep On Dancing (New Fashion Mix), 8.Everybody (Nasty Mix), 9.Somebody Dance With Me (DMC Remix), 10.Take Control (Trime'N Delgado Remix), 11.Keep On Dancing (DMC Remix),

Hits & Remixes - The Hits (2000)

1.Intro, 2.Somebody Dance With Me, 3.Take Control, 4.Everybody, 5.Keep On Dancing, 6.I Want Your Body, 7.Uh Uh, 8.Let's Groove On, 9.Somebody Dance With Me (Italian Mix), 10.Music, 11.Move Your Feet, 12.Keep On Dancing (12"), 13.Somebody Dance With Me (DMC Remix), 14.Bobo ID 1, 15.Bobo ID 2,

Planet Colors (2001)

1.Let The Party Begin, 2.What A Feeling, 3.Hard To Say I'm Sorry, 4.Man In The Mirror, 5.Colors Of Life, 6.Moscow, 7.Say It Again, 8.Top Of The World, 9.Way To Your Heart, 10.Tell Me Why, 11.Dreaming Of You, 12.Time To Turn Off The Light, 13.What About (Hidden track),

Celebration (2002)

1.Celebration, 2.Somebody Dance With Me (2002 Version), 3.Everybody (with Emilia), 4.Tell Me Why (with Gölä), 5.Where Is Your Love (with No Angels), 6.Pray (2002 Version), 7.Love Of My Life (with Melanie Thornton), 8.Together (with ATC), 9.There Is A Party (2002 Version), 10.Freedom (2002 Version), 11.Love Is The Price (Spanglish Version), 12.Respect Yourself (2002 Version), 13.What A Feeling (with Irene Cara), 14.It's My Life, 15.Lonely 4 You (feat Tone), 16.Let The Dream Come True (2002 Version), 17.Around The World, 18.Wonderful Day, 19.Shadows Of The Night (with Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Project),

Celebration (2002)

1.Colors Of Life (Pure Mix), 2.Take Control (New Version), 3.Radio Ga Ga, 4.Celebrate (Latin Version), 5.Come Take My Hand (The New Atlantis Version), 6.Love Is All Around (UK Radio Version), 7.Lies (Video Version), 8.Keep On Dancing (New Version), 9.I'll Be There (Single Version From Spain), 10.Hard To Say I'm Sorry (Video Version), 11.Nightfly, 12.B&B Megamix,

Visions (24th Feb 2003)

1.I Believe, 2.Rock My World, 3.Do You Remember, 4.One Vision One World, 5.Chihuahua, 6.Discovery, 7.Visions, 8.Change The World, 9.Let Me Be The One, 10.Let's Come Together (We Are Family), 11.Angel, 12.Music Is My Passion, 13.I'm Living A Dream, 14.Like A Bird, 15.I Believe (Pop Version),

Chihuahua Summer Edition (Jul 2003)

1.Chihuahua, 2.Rock My World, 3.I Believe, 4.Everybody, 5.What A Feeling (with Irene Cara), 6.Around The World, 7.Let The Party Begin, 8.Together, 9.There Is A Party, 10.Celebration, 11.Angel (with Patricia Manterola), 12.One Vision One World, 13.Music Is My Life, 14.Do You Remember, 15.Where Is Your Love,

Live In Concert (8th Sep 2003)

1.Rock My World, 2.Pray, 3.Change The World, 4.I'm Living A Dream, 5.It's My Life, 6.Celebrate, 7.I Believe, 8.Your Heart Is My Home, 9.Do You Remember, 10.One Vision One World, 11.Somebody Dance With Me, 12.Take Control, 13.Let The Dream Come True, 14.Around The World, 15.Chihuahua, 16.Everybody, 17.Together, 18.Love Is The Price, 19.What A Feeling, 20.There Is A Party, 21.Celebration,

Pirates Of Dance (2005)

1.Pirates Of Dance, 2.Amazing Life, 3.Pura Pasion, 4.Dance Into The Light, 5.No Matter What People Say, 6.Give Peace A Chance, 7.Hey Nanana, 8.One Night In Heaven, 9.Ghost Ship, 10.Garunga, 11.I need Your Love, 12.1000 Miles, 13.Live Medley, 14.Album Megamix, 15.Amazing Life (Commander Tom Remix),

Pirates of Dance (Jan 2005)

1.Pirates Of Dance, 2.Amazing Life, 3.Pura Pasion, 4.Dance Into The Light, 5.No Matter What People Say, 6.Give Peace A Chance, 7.Hey Nanana, 8.One Night In Heaven, 9.Ghost Ship, 10.Garunga, 11.I Need Your Love, 12.1000 Miles, 13.Party Delight, 14.BONUS Live Medley, 15.BONUS DVD Making Of 'Pirates Of Dance' Show,

Greatest Hits (2006)

1.Chihuahua, 2.Secrets of Love feat. Sandra, 3.Love Is All Around, 4.Freedom, 5.Celebration, 6.Everybody, 7.What A Feeling feat. Irene Cara, 8.I Believe, 9.There’s A Party, 10.Pirates Of Dance, 11.Pray, 12.Let The Dream Come True, 13.Games People Play, 14.Amazing Life, 15.Somebody Dance With Me, 16.Respect Yourself, 17.Feels Like Heaven, 18.Together, 19.It’s My Life, 20.Where Is Your Love, 21.Shadows Of The Night,

Greatest Hits (2006)

1.Chihuahua (XTN Remix), 2.Radio Gaga, 3.Take Control, 4.Freedom 2002, 5.Pray 2002, 6.Let The Dream Come True 2002, 7.Shadows Of The Night (Radio Remix), 8.Chihuahua (Rikki & Daz vs. JJ Mason Remix),

Greatest Hits (17th Mar 2006)

1.Secrets Of Love, 2.Freedom, 3.Everybody, 4.What A Feeling, 5.I Believe, 6.There's A Party, 7.Pirates Of Dance, 8.Pray, 9.Chihuahua, 10.Love Is The Price, 11.Let The Dream Come True, 12.Games People Play, 13.Amazing Life, 14.Somebody Dance With Me, 15.Respect Yourself, 16.Feels Like Heaven, 17.Together, 18.It's My Life, 19.Where Is Your Love, 20.Shadows Of The Night,

Vampires (basic edition) (May 2007)

1.Vampires Are Alive, 2.Rock The Night, 3.Because Of You, 4.Vampires Celebrate, 5.We Gotta Hold On, 6.Dangerous, 7.I'm Crazy, 8.We Are What We Are,

Vampires (11th May 2007)

1.Vampires Are Alive, 2.Welcome To Eternal Youth, 3.Vampires Celebrate, 4.Because Of You, 5.Creatures Of The Night, 6.We Gotta Hold On, 7.I'm Crazy, 8.Rock The Night, 9.Dangerous, 10.Angels Of Darkness, 11.We Are What We Are, 12.Beautiful, 13.Blood On Fire,

Olé Olé - The Party (11th Apr 2008)

1.Olé Olé, 2.The Sun Will Shine On You, 3.The Last Vampire, 4.Let The Games Begin, 5.Chihuahua, 6.It's My Life, 7.Pura Pasion, 8.Everybody (Summer Sunshine Mix), 9.There Is A Party, 10.Together (Unreleased Version), 11.Let The Music Take Control, 12.Vampires Are Alive (EAPM Remix), 13.Party Hitmix, 14.Allez Allez,

s'Bescht für Weihnachten (2010)

1.Energia, 2.It's time for christmas, 3.Love of my life (Duett mit Melanie Thornton, Version 2006), 4.Give peace a chance, 5.It's christmas time, 6.We are children, 7.Colors of life (Pure Mix), 8.This world is magic, 9.Come take my hand (Christmas Time Mix), 10.Merry christmas, 11.Amazing life (Radio Pop Version),

Greatest Hits Chile (5th Feb 2010)

1.Freedom, 2.Everybody, 3.What A Feeling, 4.Take A Control, 5.There Is A Party, 6.Pirates OF Dance, 7.Pray, 8.Amazing Life, 9.Where Is Your Love, 10.Let The Dream Come True, 11.I Believe, 12.Vampires Are Alive, 13.Chihuahua, 14.Somebody Dance With Me, 15.Respect Yourself, 16.Because Of You, 17.Together, 18.It's My Life, 19.Shadows Of The night, 20.Love Is All Around,

Fantasy (26th Feb 2010)

1.This Is My Time, 2.The Voice Of Freedom, 3.Roll Up, 4.Superstar, 5.Take Me To The Top, 6.Tarzan Boy, 7.Ready To Fly, 8.Forever, 9.Tonight, 10.Fantasy, 11.A Good Heart, 12.Upside Down, 13.A Moment To Remember,

Dancing Las Vegas (25th Nov 2011)

1.Everybody's Gonna Dance, 2.I Love My Radio, 3.Gotta Go, 4.Everybody's Free, 5.Love Never Dies, 6.La Vida Es, 7.Hypnotic, 8.You Drive Me Crazy, 9.I'm Living To Love You, 10.Dead Or Alive, 11.Robin Hood, 12.Hero Of The Night, 13.Viva Las Vegas,

Reloaded (20th Sep 2013)

1.Somebody Dance With Me 2013 (Remady Mix), 2.Pray (King & White Mix), 3.Take Control 2013, 4.Everybody (with Inna), 5.Love Is All Around (David May Mix), 6.I Believe (with Kim Wilde), 7.There Is A Party (King & White Mix), 8.Chihuahua (with The Baseballs), 9.Freedom (King & White Mix), 10.Shadows Of The Night (King & White Mix), 11.What A Feeling (Bodybangers Mix), 12.Respect Yourself (with Jessica Folcker), 13.Let The Dream Come True (King & White Mix), 14.Megamix Radio Version,

Circus (10th Jan 2014)

1.Are You Ready To Party, 2.Good Life, 3.Fiesta Loca, 4.Welcome To My Crazy Circus, 5.For Once In My Life, 6.Try Try Try, 7.Summertime, 8.The Soundtrack Of Our Lives, 9.Fly With Me, 10.Born To Love You, 11.Volare, 12.Love Is Killing Me,

Best Of (2nd May 2014)

1.Freedom, 2.Love Is All Around, 3.Everybody, 4.Somebody Dance With Me, 5.Pray, 6.Respect Yourself, 7.Keep On Dancing, 8.Take Control, 9.Let The Dream Come True, 10.There Is A Party, 11.Chihuahua, 12.Where Is Your Love, 13.Shadows Of The Night, 14.It's My Life, 15.I Believe, 16.Secrets Of Love, 17.Vampires Are Alive, 18.Love Is The Price, 19.Superstar, 20.What A Feeling,

Megamix (12th Sep 2014)

1.DJ BoBo – Megamix (Continuous Mix), 2.Everybody, 3.Respect Yourself, 4.It’s My Life, 5.There Is A Party, 6.Around The World, 7.Deep In The Jungle, 8.Pirates Of Dance, 9.Olé Olé, 10.Pura Pasion, 11.Where Is Your Love, 12.Somebody Dance With Me, 13.Keep On Dancing, 14.Dance Into The Light, 15.Secrets Of Love, 16.What A Feeling, 17.Everything Has Changed, 18.Take Control, 19.The Sun Will Shine On You, 20.Amazing Life, 21.Vampires Are Alive, 22.Because Of You, 23.Shadows Of The Night, 24.Pray, 25.Freedom, 26.Let The Dream Come True, 27.Love Is All Around, 28.Together, 29.Chihuahua,

Mystorial (23rd Sep 2016)

1.Mystorial, 2.Life Goes On, 3.Freedom Is..., 4.Get On Up, 5.Believe, 6.Never Stop Dreaming, 7.Good Time, 8.Take My Breath Away, 9.Love Will Lead The Way, 10.Time Machine, 11.Dancing Through the Night, 12.Bye Bye Bye, 13.Now or Never, 14.Hypnotized, 15.Mystorial in the Mix (Megamix),

25 Years - Greatest Hits (21st Apr 2017)

25 Years - Greatest Hits (21st Apr 2017)

The Ultimate Collectors Edition (16th Jun 2017)

1.Chihuahua, 2.Celebration, 3.Somebody Dance With Me, 4.Everybody, 5.Where Is Your Love, 6.Pray, 7.Together, 8.There Is A Party, 9.Freedom, 10.What A Feeling (feat Irene Cara), 11.It's My Life, 12.Let The Dream Come True, 13.Around The World, 14.Colours Of Life (Pure mix), 15.Take Control, 16.Radio Gaga (feat Queen), 17.Celebration (Latin version), 18.Love Is All Around, 19.Lies, 20.Hard To Say I'm Sorry, 21.This Is My Time, 22.The Voice Of Freedom, 23.Superstar, 24.Roll Up, 25.Take Me To The Top, 26.Ready To Fly, 27.Tarzan Boy, 28.Forever, 29.Tonight, 30.Fantasy, 31.A Good Heart, 32.Upside Down, 33.A Moment To Remember,

KaleidoLuna (21st Sep 2018)

1.Colors of the World, 2.1000 Dreams, 3.Can't Beat the Feeling, 4.Save You, 5.Senorita, 6.Take Me Higher, 7.Like a River, 8.KaleidoLuna, 9.Yaa Yee, 10.Un Ultimo Baile, 11.Fireflies, 12.This is My Day, 13.Hits in the Mix,

Greatest Hits - New Versions (16th Apr 2021)

1.Somebody Dance With Me, 2.My Life (It's My Life Remix), 3.What A Feeling (Filatov & Karas Remix), 4.Everybody (Greatest Hits Version), 5.Let The Dream Come True, 6.There Is A Party (Greatest Hits Version), 7.Freedom (Greatest Hits Version), 8.Love Is All Around (Greatest Hits Version), 9.La Vida Es (Greatest Hits Version), 10.Fiesta Loca (Greatest Hits Version), 11.Pray (Greatest Hits Version), 12.Take Control (Greatest Hits Version), 13.Gotta Go (Greatest Hits Version), 14.Secrets Of Love (Retouch), 15.Together (Greatest Hits Version), 16.Keep On Dancing (Retouch), 17.We Are What We Are (Greatest Hits Version), 18.Superstar (Retouch), 19.Vampires Are Alive (Retouch), 20.Happy Birthday (Radio Edit),

Greatest Hits - New Versions (16th Apr 2021)

1.Let The Dream Come True, 2.Everybody, 3.Somebody Dance With Me, 4.Freedom, 5.There Is A Party, 6.What A Feeling, 7.Take Control, 8.Shadows Of The Night, 9.Love Is All Around, 10.It's My Life, 11.Chihuahua, 12.Keep On Dancing, 13.Secrets Of Love, 14.Pray, 15.Where Is Your Love, 16.1000 Dreams, 17.Respect Yourself, 18.La Vida Es, 19.Superstar, 20.Together,

Evolut30n (11th Nov 2022)

1.Evolut30N, 2.Better Days, 3.Together We Fly, 4.Love, 5.Daga Daga, 6.Crazy World, 7.Dance Dance Dance, 8.Look Into My Eyes, 9.Splash, 10.I Wanna Be With You, 11.You're Not Alone, 12.Be My Angel, 13.Daga Daga (Bonus Edit),


I Love You (1990)
Let's Groove On (1991)
Ladies In The House (1991)
Somebody Dance With Me (Feb 1993)
Keep On Dancing (1st Aug 1993)
Take Control (Nov 1993)
Everybody (6th Jun 1994)
Let The Dream Come True (Sep 1994)
Everything Has Changed (1st Dec 1994)
Love Is All Around (23rd Jan 1995)
There Is A Party (19th May 1995)
Freedom (6th Sep 1995)
Love Is The Price (1996)
Pray (1996)
Respect Yourself (18th Feb 1997)
It's My Life (28th Apr 1997)
Shadows Of The Night (22nd Aug 1997)
Where is Your Love (30th Mar 1998)
Around The World (31st Aug 1998)
Celebrate (1st Oct 1998)
This World Is Magic (1999)
Together (27th Aug 1999)
Lies (19th Nov 1999)
What A Feeling (19th Jan 2001)
Hard To Say I'm Sorry (4th May 2001)
The Way To Your Heart (Jul 2001)
Colours Of Life (6th Aug 2001)
Chihuahua (2002)
Celebration (Apr 2002)
I Believe (17th Jan 2003)
Chihuahua (Mar 2003)
Chihuahua (Apr 2003)
Pirates Of Dance (Jan 2005)
Amazing Life (4th Apr 2005)
Secrets Of Love (3rd Mar 2006)
Vampires Are Alive (Mar 2007)
We Gotta Hold On (6th Jul 2007)
Because Of You (17th Oct 2007)
Olé Olé (11th Apr 2008)
Superstar (5th Feb 2010)
This Is My Time (7th May 2010)
Volare (11th Mar 2011)
Everybody's Gonna Dance (11th Nov 2011)
La Vida Es (9th Mar 2012)
Somebody Dance With Me 2013 (19th Apr 2013)
Take Control 2013 (6th Sep 2013)
Fiesta Loca (11th Apr 2014)
Everybody 2015 (7th Aug 2015)
Believe (26th Feb 2016)
Life Goes On (6th May 2016)
Get On Up (22nd Sep 2016)
Yaa Yee (4th May 2018)
Together We Fly (28th Oct 2022)


Somebody Dance With Me (1993)
Take Control (1994)
Let The Dream Come True (1994)
Chihuahua (2003)

Dancers : Curtis J. Vincent (Kurt Burger), Dani Burkart
Vocals : Lori Glori, Emel, Natascha Wright, Lisa Abbott, Christiane Eiben, Theresa Kästel, Nancy Baumann, Jocelyn Brown...

DJ Bobo (real name is Peter René Baumann) is a producer, composer, writer, singer and dancer in one person. He was born on the 5th January1968 as the son of a Swiss mother (Ruth Baumann) who works as a floristand an Italian father (Luigi Cipriano) in Kölliken (Kanton Aargau, Switzerland). His father left his family when Rene was one year old.

Rene started with collecting moss in the forest for a gardening business, which allowed him to buy  his first pair of football shoes. In the middle of the 80's breakdance and spraying painting was becomingmore important for the music fanatic teenager than his hobby playing football. From that time he sprayed his logo 'BoBo', taken from his favourite comic figure 'BoBo, king of the out-breakers', on walls and railway waggons.At the same time he started DJing in a club, and naturally his friend began to call him 'DJ BoBo'. Anyway, to please his mother he started an apprenticeship as a baker. Afterwards he decided to dedicate himself to him main passion : music. 5 days a week BoBo worked as a professional DJ for 3000 Swiss Francs. In 1988 DJ Bobo took part to the yearly Disco Queen/King Corporation in a club called Tropic located in Memmingen (Germany). and was nominated for a Grand Prize. Based on this, he was invited to the 'Top 10 Disco King' in Ibiza,where he received Third place in the category of: dance, look and style. At that time he was still using his real name. Being only 18 years old, he became Swiss DJ Vice Champion.

DJ Bobo is 1,73 m tall and has green-brown eyes. He has no brothers or sisters. His favorite meal is made with Italian spaghetti and chicken and fruitjuice. DJ Bobo as well as members of his group (Curtis J. Vincent and Daniel Burkat) do not smoke or drink alcohol and are really into sport (soccer, badminton and ski). He lives a few miles from Zürich. When time permits he listens to Michael Jackson, Elton John, James Brown and Steve Wonder. DJ Bobo is described as a very gentle and polite guy. He likes being with his fans, signing authographs and posing for pictures. He is trying to be a normal, preppy guy even if his popularity makes his life pretty tough. His hard work has been fully recognised. He already received many gold and platinum records including the title of best European male Singer of 1995. His favorite song from his repertoire is Let The Dream Come True. When in tournee he prefers to use buses over aeroplanes because he can sleep better and get some relax.

In 1989, under his artist name DJ BoBo, and with his team (that time : Percy and Curtis) he released his first single entitled I Love You. The single took 9 monthes to be produced, featured vocals by Miriam Russo and Sandra Studer. But it was absolutely not succesful, selling less than 100 copies... Sandra Studer was the Swiss singer at the Eurovision Song Contest 1991. She is now a major Swiss television personality. The same year, BoBo married his first wife Daniela

Even the next 2 singles Ladies In The House (featuring vocals by Luana) and Let's Groove On (his first professional single released in 1991, with the team he works with nowadays) only sold a few hundred copies. His first musical experiments being musical rarities are stored in the cellar of his Swiss House (even if he himself consideres them as very bad).

The decisive breakthrough came with the superhit Somebody Dance With Me (based on the melody of Rockwell's Somebody's Watching Me), which exceeded all expectations. Produced by Gutze Gaustchi, composed by Daniel Peyer, released at the beginning of November 1992 it made the bound on Position 1 in the Swiss Single Charts. In many countries the song reached the Top 10 (#1 in Portugal and Sweden, #2 in Czech republic, #3 in the NL, Austria and Norway, # 4 in Israel and Germany, #5 in Finland) and Bobo's extraordinary success was awarded with several gold discs in Australia, Germany, Israel, Sweden and of course in Switzerland. It featured Emel as female vocalist (later Emel will sue DJ Bobo to get some credits for the use of her voice and she will win the trial)

But DJ Bobo proved with his second hit that he wa not a nine-day wonder: Keep On Dancing became #1 in Finland, #2 in Switzerland, #3 in Norway and Hungary, #4 in Israel, #5 in Germany, #7 in Sweden and Austria, reached the Top Ten in many other European countries and was awarded with Gold Discs for 250,000 singles sold in Germany. Switzerland awarded his long expected album Dance With Me and it was to be found in the European Charts for some time.

Take Control - the next release - reached very high chart positions such as #1 in Hungary, #4 in Switzerland and Czech republic, #9 in Austria, #12 in Germany, and #2 in Israel (his biggest hit there to date) and again got Gold in Germany. Accroding to rumors, the girls one see in the video was not Emel but Jennifer Ruesch.

In 1994 then Bobo got #1 in Finlan, Hungary, Latvia, Brazil and Croatia, up to #3 of the Swiss charts, #2 of the German Single charts and # 4 in Israel with his slow dance reggae Everybody, remaining there for many weeks and was awarded with the Platinum Disc for 500,000 singles sold in Germany.

In 1994 Bobo began to work with Axel Breitung. In Autumn of 1994 the second album There Is A Party (500.000 copies sold alone in Germany) was released containing the smash hit Let The Dream Come True which also reached Gold, #1 in Switzerland, and # 22 in Israel. The same year, Daniela and him they got divorced. Love Is All Around was released in January 1995, gained Top 10 positions in many countries, reached # 30 in Israel, and was awarded with sixth Gold Discs in line in Germany.

In February and March of 1995 DJ Bobo was on tour in South America with great response from the fans. When he was in Sao Paolo he performed a gorgeous dance-act in front of a 120,000 people and everybody took active part inhis lively show. At the beginning of May he got the World Music Award in Monaco for being the 'World's best-selling Swiss recording artist of theYear'. The new single There Is A Party was climbing up the charts;together with a video produced in Caribbean by the Miami Vice camera team.

In Summer 1995 an extended Asia tour followed with stage acts in Seoul (South Korea), Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. Their next stay was the promotion tour in Australia. 'There is A Party Tour '95' started in September of 1995 with 25 people acting with a most costly tour equipment. DJ Bobo performed an extraordinary show with a live crew of 9 people with a perfect choreography and transformed each hall into one huge dance party. The success of this tour set new standards in the European dance scene : more than 35 shows in Germany alone, appearances in Eastern and Northern Europe, and, as the high point, a sold-out concert for 13,000 visitors in Zurich Hallenstadion ! Hurrying from stage to stage, giving interviews, press conferences and signing autographs were the main occupation for DJ Bobo and his team last autumn. As a reward for his efforts he received enthusiastic applause and standing ovations after each concert but what made him most happy were the all over happy faces of his fans and groupies. With his shows on stage he filled his audience with enthusiasm. 90 minutes of pure Dance, based on a perfect choreography, giant firework, light and laser effects and even a conjuring trick that really caused a sensation. The highlight of his tour in the sold out Zürcher Hallenstadion in Switzerland on October 6th 1995, where the audience was celebrating their star. The applause for the artist was overwhelming. During this mega event his new video Live On Stage was shot : here you can find 60 minutes of pure Dance Entertainment.

At the press conference after the show he presented his special album Just For You containing Dance Remixes of already known productions as well as the special X-Mas Song It's Time For Christmas and Love Is The Price. While singing this ballad 13000 fascinated fans were lighting their sparklers and the Hallenstadion was transformed into an ocean of little lights.

1995 ended with one of his better hits of all times : Freedom. Powered by the voices of Natascha Wright and Lisa Abbott, it awarded another gold record to DJ Bobo in Germany.

In January 1996 DJ Bobo was awarded in Davos in Switzerland with his8th Golden Record in line for Germany for his 7 brilliant singles and thegorgeous album There Is A Party. With his single Love Is ThePrice he proved his unbelievable creativity. It was a ballad whichhe presented to the world in the biggest and most famous game show WettenDass..?' in Bremerhaven in front of millions of viewers watching DJ Boboand his group. Then  the 'Love is the price tour'  began in Switzerland,was continued in Germany and was finished with a performance at the charityconcert 'Hand in Hand for Children' in Frankfurt on April 7th.

The little time between his shows DJ Bobo worked on further productions in the studio as a new album : World in Motion was planned for release on October 7th. Among the vocalists, there were Lori Glori, Natascha Wright, and Christiane Eiben, with guest vocals of Jocelyn Brown.

The first single released before was Pray. It was presented on September 2nd and peaked #2 in Switzerland, and #5 in Israel. Followed the superb single Shadows Of The Night, #7 in Switzerland and # 5 in Israel.

In September 1997 the album World in Motion - Winter Edition was released. DJ Bobo released the new single Where Is Your Love on March 30, 1998 and the new album called Magic was released on April 27. Teresa Kaestel, Tanya Danker, Christiane Eiben, Mandy Sharp and Maxene Burrows took part to the album as female vocalists.

In 1998 we saw the first single release taken from the forthcoming album Magic. The song was Where Is Your Love and had a combined Eurodance beat/andan 80's beat to. The result was amazing, and it gave the fans a new hopefor a pure Eurodance album. On April same year the new album was released,but its contents was quite deceiving for Eurodance fans : in fact Bobo totally changed his style with very serious songs where you could feel a lot of emotions.

In March 1999 he surprised his fans with the special shaped CD www.djbobo.ch - The Ultimate Megamix. Right after that DJ BoBo was rewarded with the World Music Award for being the 'World's best selling Swiss Artist of the Year' for the fifth time in a row.

The other big thing in this year was the opening of the 'Magic' tour. At this show DJ BoBo introduced new members of his team. One of them was Joe, replacing the non-member from the 'WIM' album Jocelyn Brown . His voice fitted perfectly into the songs. The show was some sort of a Magic fantasy world. The stage had a weight of 80 metric tons, seven articulated lorries were necessary for the transport and seven hours for the construction. At the end of the same year DJ BoBo once again surprised us all with the release of Celebrate : a real Eurodance song which was not on the album.

The publicity has been trying to keep the rumour alive that DJ BoBo could not read any musical notes. This is false : this producer, composer, lyricist and singer took flute, piano and drums lessons. Even though headmits : 'The computer is a great assistance to me but it does not do anything automatically.' Normally the artist records his ideas, melodies and lyricsimmediately on a dictaphone to process them with the computer at his studio.DJ BoBo who is titulated by the press to be a genious 'Workaholic' and'Perfectionist' sees strictly to his musical and business independance: he is his own manager and leads in this function also his record companyYES-Music in Switzerland. He has also created the DJ Bobo Dance Factory, a gathering of dance schools in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

In April 1999 the double album Hits & Remixes was released.The first cd contained the hits and the second cd contains remixes by fo rexample Robyx and Dakeyne.

October 1999 : the new album Level 6 was released. It also includeda hidden track 'What about?' and a cd-rom track. Again Eurodance lovershad to face the evidence : DJ Bobo has changed his style however withoutlosing any talent. Teresa Kastel, Christiane Eiben and Anna Lena Bjørklundwere the new female vocalists. Immediately after its release it hit numberone in the Swiss Charts and was awarded Platinum (Switzerland) and Gold (Germany). The pre-release Together reached top positions in thecharts.

The Mystasia 'The Land Beyond Your Dreams' show, fascinated more than 110.000 people in than 19 concert arenas in Europe. Simultaneously with the beginning of the new tour, the second single Lies was made available; it was, by the way, DJ BoBo's favorite track on the album. On a multi-storey main stage and a second stage the height of which can be alternated the audience is given the experience of a story in fivesettings with almost unbelievable pyros, two extraordinary earthlings, a rainbow spanning the world 'Mystasia', ten giant monsters and a mystically flying DJ BoBo. It took one year and four months of intensive work to designand build this new dimension in the history of pop music.

In Spring 2000 DJ Bobo earned his 6th World Music Award as 'World'sbest selling Swiss recording artist'.

Summer 2000 : DJ Bobo was in studio working on his next album, set forrelease in spring 2001. Some tracks' names have already been revealed,such as Let The Party Begin, Moscow, Hard To Say I'm Sorry,ColoursOf Life, or Say It Again. The name of his 2001 tour will bePlanetColors and the video of his next single will be shot on November 4thin the EuropaPark.

He also wrote an autobiographic book entitled Gestatten, RenéBaumann which will be available in November 2000. He is the first Eurodancestar to write a book about his life.

The name of next album was Planet Colors. It was released on February 5th 2001. The first single of the album was a duet with Irene Cara on her 80s hit What A Feeling, out on 22nd January 2001. It featured backing vocals from Axel Breitung, Claire Dallison, Christiane Eiben, Linda Fields, Veronica Lee, Juliana Megma, and Previn Moore. He performed in 'Wetten Dass' one of Europe's biggest live show, on January 20th in Bremen. On 22 April, the concert at the Hallenstadion in Zurich (which was presented live on the Internet) marked the beginning of the Planet Colors tour. The next single to be released will be Hard To Say I'm Sorry on the 14th of May.

The third and last track to be released as single from the album Planet Colours was Colours Of Life, planned for release on August 6th. This is DJ Bobo's favourite track. The CD included a previously unreleased B-side entitled Lean On Me.

In July, DJ Bobo also released a duo with Betty Love called The Way To Your Heart.

After many years of common life, he married Nancy Rentzsch who is a part of his dance team, in 2001. They knew each other when Nancy with her group 3-O-Matic performed for DJ Bobo.

2002 : DJ Bobo won the World Music Award for the 7th time in Monaco. His new single Celebration was released in April, it also included an album Shortcut Megamix a B-side called Wonderful Day. It's a remake of the Kool & The Gang hit. The next album will be released in 2 versions : simple or double CD.

On June 10th DJ Bobo released a VHS & DVD called DJ BoBo - Celebration - The 10th Anniversary Show. It's 160 minutes long and contains several bonus materials.

In September DJ Bobo released a single in Spain : Chihuahua, which was very successful. Therefore on the 14th of September he came to Spain for some promotion activities (such as a show in an underground-station in Madrid), radio-interviews, TV-shows and of course to shoot the video for his single.

Like the DJ BoBo Visions Tour 2003, the new DJ BoBo-CD was called Visions. It was released in February 2003. Chihuahua was chosen for a Coca-Cola TV commercial all over Europe, and the single reched #1 in Mexico (he went to Mexico for a tour in April), #8 in Belgium, #9 in Italy, #10 in France, and #31 in the Eurocharts. 10 years after, with a non-eurodance single, DJ Bobo came back to France...

Thanks to the massive promotion organized by TF1 and Coca Cola, Chihuahua was a summer hit, reaching #1 in sales charts (#19 only in Germany). Unfortunately, this contributed to classify DJ Bobo as one-hit wonder, as nobody seemed to remember or recognize the artist who stood behind hits such as Freedom or Let The Dream Come True. On the official Chihuahua website, it was impossible to find a biography of DJ Bobo. And finally all the concerts planned in France were cancelled.

A nice dance song called No More Pain was included as 16th track on the Swiss version of the Visions album, whereas the German version of the album only had 15 tracks. Since German fans complained about it, the track was finally released on the German version of the Chihuahua CD maxi.

2004 : DJ Bobo took a year of rest : no new single or album was released this year. In April, DJ Bobo was already back in the studios to record some new material for year 2005. In June the name of the forthcoming album (planned for release in January 2005) and tour were revealed : Pirates Of Dance.

2005 : the album Pirates Of Dance was released. All songs were composed and written by René Baumann and Axel Breitung, as usual. Some of them were a contribution with Syndicate Music (a team gathering N-dee, D-fact and Frank Lio). They were produced by the Belgian Phil Wilde & A.J. Duncan.

The follow-up single was the wonderful track Amazing Life. Between April and June, DJ Bobo toured across Germany. On the scene, a boat of 36 meters long and 10 m large. A 3rd single to be taken from the album was at first announced, maybe Pura Pasion, but finally nothing came out...

For the 10th time, DJ Bobo won the World Music Award 2005 for being the best-selling Swiss artist. His next single will be a duet with Sandra entitled Secret Of Love. The new single and the new album Greatest Hits will be released during Spring 2006. The release of the Pirates Of Dance Tour DVD was also postponed to 14th of October.

2006 : DJ Bobo played his own role during a short appearance in the Swiss movie Handyman. Secret Of Love was released at the beginning of March.

On August 1st, DJ Bobo did a special concert in Engelberg for his fans. The tickets were offered in every Greatest Hits album.

DJ Bobo lost his trial against his former producer Gutze Gautschi about the royalties on the songs they had written together. He will have to give him back a part of the amount that gained on them for Germany. An audio-book entitled Die Vergessenen Jahre (the forgotten years) was released under Fresh Music. It contained many interviews with people who used to work with DJ Bobo : Percy Busby, Mark Wyss or Gutze Gautschi, as well as the first single I Love You as bonustrack. Nancy Baumann, DJ Bobo's wife, gave birth to a baby girl called Kayley on 26th September.

In October, 90% of the readers of the Swiss newspaper Blick voted yes to the question "Would you like DJ Bobo to represent Switzerland to Eurovision Contest ?". So DJ Bobo listened to popular demand, was among the candidates and he got selected. The song he presented to the contest was entitled Vampires Are Alive.

2007 : The new album was released on the 11th May and it was entitled Vampires. Unfortunately, it did not contain that much real eurodance songs, however some good danceable tracks... Second deception, DJ Bobo did not pass the semi-finals at ESC. The second single from the album was We Gotta Hold On, a slow song.

The excellent dance track Last Vampire, which was among the five tracks presented to fans a few monthes before the album was finished, was not finally included since it was not completely completed. According to rumors, it would appear on the next maxi CD. But it proved to be wrong when the next single, the beautiful dance song Because Of You, was out. In October, the release date of the next album was revealed : March 21st 2008. It could already be pre-ordered from the official website. At the end of November, DJ Bobo gave a series of concerts in EuropaPark.

2008 : A DVD entitled Vampires Alive - Making The Show will be soon released. DJ Bobo's new album release, initially planned for the end of March, was postponed, because he would like to deliver a perfect album and the tour's preparation currently takes him too much time. He will release his first earbook (a photo-book with 2 CDs and DVDs) on April 25th. Ole Ole, one of the 2 songs that DJ Bobo had recorded for soccer championship Euro 2008, will probably be available in April too. It could include Let The Games Begin as bonus track.

2009 : DJ Bobo not only contributed to the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua by releasing a new version of his hit Chihuahua, but his also among the voices on the movie's German version. He organized a real-TV casting on German TV channel Pro7. Entitled "Germany's next Showstars", it allowed him to select who will take part to his 2010 tour. The 2 other members of the jury were Elton and Verona. He wrote a new song entitled Take Me To The Top, used as theme for the show.

In June, he announced that his new tour would be entitled Fantasy, and that it would be more spectacular then ever... The next album was released on January 29, 2010. In November, DJ Bobo shot the videoclip of his new single Superstar at Europa Park Rust (Germany). A casting of 1000 dancers was at first planned, but the videoclip rather turned out to be a summary of the greatest moments of the Fantasy tour presentation concert.

2010 : Superstar was released at the beginnning of February, followed 3 weeks later by the album, which went top 10 in Gemany and Switzerland. DJ Bobo's hit Together was covered by a project from SAIFAM publishing Group called Marton

2011 : DJ Bobo recorded a cover of Domenico Modugno's song Volare. The song was released worldwide as download on March 11th.

2011 : Title of DJ Bobo's new album and 2012 tour will be Dancing Las Vegas : "This tour will be even more spectacular, even larger, even more glamorous and it will offer a lot more entertainment". On November 25th, DJ Bobo will release the book + DVD Das grosse DJ BoBo Buch. The first single to be released from his forthcoming album was entitled Everybody’s Gonna Dance.

Dance Artists Info © Niklas Adolfsson 1996-1999
© Denmark's DJ Bobo Official Page
© The Norwegian DJ BoBo fansite
© DJ BoBo Swiss Offical Fansite
DJ Bobo France
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to nolimits, carver, DJ Sokol, Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky, Apho and Yef for the latest informations

Artists and groups featuring DJ Bobo

2 For Good - I'll Be Waiting For You (1997)
DJ Bobo - Everybody (1994), Let's Groove On (1991), Love Is All Around (1995), Love Is The Price (1996), Somebody Dance With Me (1993), Take Control (1993), Together We Fly (2022)
Hand In Hand For Children - Children Need A Helping Hand (1997), Children Of The World (1998), Children (1996), Future In Your Hand (2001), Never Give Up (2002)
JAM - Thinking About You (1997)



DJ Brunno
EuroDance Group



Where Do You Go (1996)
We Want Some Pussy (1996)
Do You Miss Me (1996)

Where Do You Go was a cover of No Mercy, themselves covering La Bouche. Do You Miss Me was a cover of a song originally released by Jocelyn Enriquez.

Thanks to Gianni



DJ Candy
EuroDance Group



You Got To Move (1995)

You Got To Move featured vocals by Gloria and was released in 1995 under Sound Records Ltd.

Thanks to Gianni



DJ Carlos
EuroDance Group



Still Can't... (1996)
End Of The Road (1997)
I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight (1997)
Still Can't... / I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight (1998)

Label : Chin Chin Pum Records

Carlos is a Spanish DJ who has been DJing in some important clubs in Alicante (Spain) such as Revival, Hook, KKO, and Karamelo. The project featured a female vocalist, called Karry (who did vocals for DJ Tururu) and was actually Nathalie Aarts. The songs were released in vinyl format only.

DJ Carlos released the first single in 1996, called Still Can't.... The vinyl contained 2 mixes (Extended Mix and House Mix) as well as the Terror Mix of Ready to Kick a song of the project G.R.G.

The second single End of the Road (a cover of the Boyz II Men hit) had 2 versions : English Mix and Hard Mix, and a B-side called Quay

I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight is from 1997 too. According to rumors, it featured another vocalist called Michelle but it is more likely that Karry aka Nathalie Aarts performed again the vocals. The vinyl contained 2 songs : I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight (DJ Carlos Mix) which was originally sung by Cutting Crew, and KKO's (DJ Carlos Mix) which was composand by C. Garcia Torralbo and M. Gonzales Almodovar.

A vinyl gathering Still Can't... and I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight was released in 1998.

Thanks to Alex Capilé, Andrew-FK and Gianni



DJ Cartoons
EuroDance Group



Bip Bip (1992)
Arriba Arriba (1993)
Popeye (1993)
Batman (1994)

Label : Italian Style Production



DJ Cellulitis
EuroDance Group



Popo Streicheln (2000)
Scusi... Scopa? (2000)

This project created by Christian Gmeiner and Thomas Bacher released an very nice eurodance track called Popo Streicheln, mainly instrumental with samples of male voice in Italian (for the Italo Orangenhaut versions) or German language. It was composed by LJ Thunder and DJ Cellulitis, produced by Sergio Buzza. Italo mixes were created by G. Piunaldi and P. Scampini in Basement Studios in Italy. Single was subtitled "the Austrian answer to Tschuldigung... F***' (maybe the Danke Anke feat. Georg S. track). It was released under label Balloon Records.

A follow-up entitled Scusi ...Scopa? was released afterwards. Italo mixes were done once again by G. Piunaldi and P. Scampini. Maybe it was just a new packaging for the previous single's Italian mixes. It was released under Cut Records in Italy.

Producers also contributed to projects Beat Checkazz, BJ & Mac, Brain Crackers, Exos, Morbus Neisser, Stomper, Störfaktor and Tecno Gekkos

Thanks to Mikoo



DJ Choice
EuroDance Group



Don't Try To Tease Me (1991)

DJ Choice is a project of the label Italian Style. Producers : P. Feroldi, M. Marcolin, L. Gelmetti, C. Paitoni. The main theme was borrowed from an old Italo disco song, Animation I Engineer.

Thanks to grof pl.



DJ Company
EuroDance Group



DJ Company - The Album (1995)

1.Holiday In The Land Of Love 2, 3.Hold Me Now Forever, 4.Fly Away, 5.Cybersex-Lovegame, 6.Do You Believe In Dreams, 7.Can You Feel The Spirit, 8.Hey Everybody, 9.Number One, 10.Rhythm Of Love (Groovecult Maranello Mix), 11.Let It Go With The Flow,

Rhythm Of Love (30th Sep 1997)

1.Intro, 2.Forever Young, 3.Hey Everybody, 4.Rhythm Of Love, 5.Wishing On The Same Star, 6.I Can Be Your Lover, 7.Fly Away, 8.Can You Feel The Spirit, 9.Number One '97, 10.Holiday In The Land Of Love,


Hey Everybody (Out Of Control) (14th Feb 1994)
Rhythm Of Love (27th Sep 1994)
Fly Away (1995)
Cybersex-Lovegame (11th May 1995)
Holiday In The Land Of Love (4th Sep 1995)
Rhythm Of Love '97 (1997)
Forever Young (1997)


Hey Everybody (Out Of Control) (1994)
Rhythm Of Love (1997)

The production team that makes up DJ Company is made of Paul Strand, Stefan Benz, and Louis Lasky.

The vocalist for DJ Company is January Ordu. The rap on the tracks Rhythm Of Love, Hold Me Now Forever, and Holiday In The Land Of Love is Carlos Cool-Rage. The rap on Hey Everybody was performed by Soul SK. The ragga chant on Fly Away was performed by Mark Jeffries. The ragga poetry on Number One was performed by Michael Romeo, former member of Le Click . Brian Thomas and Michael Fielder, as well as Giovanna Deiana (background vocals) also appear on the album Rhythm of Love.

DJ Company was introduced to the music scene in 1994, when their debut hit Hey Everybody went to #1 on the Canadian Dance Chart for 3 weeks. It was released as a CD Single and on Dance Pool Vol. 3 (a Canadian compilation), then a remixes CD was released the same year. Though they were from Germany, Canada was the only country where DJ Company became successful (that year).

Their second release was at the end of 1994, a song called Rhythm Of Love that has brought DJ Company a lot of popularity (in two different years). This song instantly became a huge success in Canada and went straight to the Top 5 (possibly #1) on the dance chart. The song also had huge staying power until about July/August of 1995. The song was released as a single and was also available on the compilation Euro Dance Pool. It ranked #27 on Billboard Charts and top 10 in Europe. A Brazilian version was recorded by project Amarildo.

Their third single Cybersex-Lovegame was released in about May of 1995, but did not do as well as the previous two songs because Rhythm Of Love was still very popular. After Rhythm Of Love’s long run in Canada. Cybersex-Lovegame was played for a few weeks.

DJ Company’s fourth and fifth release’s Holiday In The Land Of Love and Fly Away were released at approximately the same time. Fly Away was released on Euro Dance Pool 2 and Holiday In The Land Of Love received some aiplay during Hi-NRG and Euro radio programs, was released as a single, but never became popular. Fly Away started receiving airplay in about early November and immediately became a hit, but was only released on vinyl. Fly Away went to the top five of the Canadian Dance Chart and hit approx. #2. Like Rhythm Of Love, Fly Away also had staying power until about April.

In mid November of 1995, The Album was released. It included 10 songs, an intro and a special remix of Rhythm Of Love. Jam El Mar has written and produced some songs of the album. It was mainly recorded in Northend 22, Frankfurt

1997 became the year when DJ Company hit big in America. They signed to Mariah Carey’s new record label Crave. The record company demanded a new version of Rhythm Of Love to be created, with more vocals and no rap. It was released and went to #53 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #8 on the Dance Maxi Single Sales (a big success for a dance artist with their debut hit). Rhythm Of Love also was re-released in Canada and became a hit again.

The new album titled Rhythm Of Love was finally released on September 30, 1997. It included re-created versions of Hey Everybody, Hold Me Now Forever, a remake of Alphaville's Forever Young and a few new songs. The second single Forever Young was released at approx. the same time as the album.

Holiday in the Land Of Love was so successful in Brazil that was featured into the soundtrack of Malhaçao, a soap opera that has been broadcasted for more than 10 years.

January Ordu left the project just before the Asian tour for health reasons. This was the end of DJ Company

DJ Company Fanclub
Thanks to DJ Alex Calboy



DJ Cornelius
EuroDance Group



Down Town (1992)
I Like It (1994)
Make Me Fly (1995)

Label : Italian Style Production. This Italian euro project created by Giuseppe Lo Buono, Mario Albanese, Pierre Feroldi and Sergio Olivieri featured a female vocalist and a male rapper. Their first single was called Down Town, released in 1992. Then came singles I Like It and Make Me Fly in 1995 (spelled Make My Fly in some version), licensed in Spain under Max Music.

Thanks to Alex Capilé



DJ Cube
EuroDance Group



Love Me (1996)

Label : Benvenuto Ed. Musicali. Vocals were done by Linda Kay. The single was written by C. Vavassori and G. Cornali.

Thanks to Yane the Greek



DJ Cuca
EuroDance Group



Out You Go (1999)

Out You Go was written by Iovine, Mancone Donatino and Scafati. It featured a female vocalist hiding behind the alias Angel.

Thanks to Gianni



DJ Dado
EuroDance Group



The Films Collection (1995)

1.X-Files, 2.Mission impossible theme, 3.Metropolis, 4.The legend of Babel, 5.Once upon a time in america theme, 6.Dreaming, 7.Twin peaks theme, 8.Temple of fire, 9.Solar wind, 10.Dreamscape, 11.Broke your heart, 12.Desert of sadness, 13.Floreal world, 14.The end of journey,

The Album (2nd Jul 1996)

1.Metropolis, 2.The Legend Of Babel, 3.X-Files, 4.Dreaming, 5.Mission Impossible Theme, 6.Temple Of Fire, 7.Solar Wind, 8.Dreamscape, 9.Broke Your Heart, 10.Twin Peaks Theme, 11.Desert Of Sadness, 12.Floreal World, 13.Once Upon A Time In America Theme, 14.The End Of Journey,

Greatest Hits & Future Bits (25th Aug 1998)

1.Shine On You Crazy Diamond, 2.X-Files Theme, 3.Revenge, 4.Mission Impossible Theme, 5.Metropolis, 6.The Legend Of Babel, 7.Hour By Hour, 8.Dreaming, 9.Desire, 10.Give Me Love (Antiqua Club Mix), 11.Coming Back (Club Mix), 12.More Than A Woman, 13.I'm In Love, 14.Angels,

Greatest Themes '99 (1999)

1.X-Files theme, 2.Shine on you crazy diamond, 3.Revenge, 4.Mission impossible theme, 5.Give me love (Antiqua club mix), 6.Metropolis, 7.The legend of Babel, 8.Hour by hour, 9.Dreaming, 10.Desire, 11.Coming back (Club mix), 12.I'm in love, 13.More than a woman, 14.Angels, 15.Ready or not,

DJ Dado (3rd Mar 2020)

1.X-Files, 2.Mission impossible theme, 3.Metropolis, 4.The legend of Babel, 5.Once upon a time in america theme, 6.Dreaming, 7.Twin peaks theme, 8.Temple of fire, 9.Solar wind, 10.Dreamscape, 11.Broke your heart, 12.Desert of sadness, 13.Floreal world, 14.The end of journey, 15.Metropolis (extended vocal mix), 16.X-Files (DJ Dado Paranormal Activity mix),

The Best Of DJ Dado - New Collection 2022 (1st Jul 2022)

1.X-Files, 2.Metropolis, 3.Mission Impossible Theme, 4.Theme From The Warriors (feat Dr Feelix), 5.Face It, 6.Hour By Hour, 7.Dreamscape, 8.Desire, 9.More Then A Womann, 10.I'm In Love, 11.Guilty For Love, 12.Shine On You Crazy Diamond, 13.My Love,


This Generation (1993)
Rhythm Of Pleasure (1993)
Peace & Unity (1993)
Check It Up (1994)
The Same (15th Apr 1994)
DJ Experiment (1995)
Face It (6th Nov 1995)
Dreaming (1996)
The X-files (25th Mar 1996)
Metropolis (11th Jun 1996)
Mission Impossible (9th Oct 1996)
Revenge (30th Dec 1996)
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (15th Jan 1997)
Coming Back (7th Jul 1997)
Give Me Love (22nd Jun 1998)
Ready Or Not (9th Jan 1999)
Forever (3rd May 1999)
Where Are You (18th Sep 2000)
You And Me (14th May 2001)
X-Files Theme 2002 (22nd Apr 2002)
Theme From The Warriors (5th Mar 2004)
No More Rain (2014)
Flying Higher (19th Nov 2021)
My Love (27th Jun 2022)


The X-files (1996)
Give Me Love (1998)
Give Me Love (Remix II) (1998)

DJ Dado (Flavio D'Addato) was born on January 6th 1967 in Milan. His passion for music started when he was only a child. As a teenager, he started hanging out in discos of his home city, meeting Roberto Turatti who taught him how to mix. He then became his assistant and sometimes replaced him. In 1988, his dad encouraged him to take over the management of the records shop DJ Choice, located viale Monza 233 in Milan. The following year, he bought the shop. Beginning of 90s, he met Roberto Gallo Salsotto. He'd been looking for a partner to publish his composition for a while. Under the alias Flavio Dado he released the eurodance songs Rhythm Of Pleasure and This Generation under the label Out.

His first single as DJ Dado was entitled Peace & Unity and it was once again a eurodance collaboration with 2 System aka Francesco Becchetti. Then came The Same and Check It Up in 1994 and Face It in 1995. He changed his musical style to dream dance with the follow-up single Dreaming, featuring uncredited vocalst by Susanna Dubaz. But his major breakthrough was his dream dance version, still in collaboration with Roberto Gallo Salsotto, of Mark Snow's X-Files theme song. The single was a top 10 hit around the globe (#1 in Israel, #1 in Italy and #8 in the UK, #16 at MTV Europe), with more than 2 000 000 copies sold. The follow up single (and cover of the theme that Giorgio Moroder wrote for the 1984 version of the Fritz Lang movie) Metropolis (The Legend Of Babel) also reached the top 10 position at international level. After such encouraging results, the album was released consolidating his image as an internationally recognised artist. By the end of 1996 Dado signed at Time records. His first single released under this new label was Revenge. This track remained in the Italian top 10 for about 2 months. Then came the Pink Floyd cover Shine On You Crazy Diamond with DD Pink.

Spring 1997 marked a turning point for DJ Dado : the new single called Coming Back was about to be released. For the first time it was a full vocal track with a pop flavour and a splendid vocal interpretation from Michelle Weeks. The track was recorded in New York and produced in his own recording studios in Italy. Finally DJ Fargetta from radio Dee Jay was commissioned to remix the track, adding to the versions already produced by the duo Dado/Salsotto.

January 1998 : following Millenium, a new single featuring Michelle Weeks intitled Give Me Love was released. It also contained some versions club and dub produced by famous remixer as Full Intention and Kamasutra. In November 1998, DJ Dado's team decides to join an artist of international fame such as Simone Jay in order to create a new project to be launched in October in Italy. The track entitled Ready or Not was presented with great ambitions to the Italian dance music lovers. Steve Silk and Jaydee contributed to the remixes. Since the middle of March the single was one of the most played and danced in the German and Londonian clubs, and has been reviewed in many magazines. In March DJ Dado team left to New York to record Forever, once again performed by Michelle Weeks. Already on airplay on the major radionetwork from the 15th of April, it was released at the beginning of May, including several remixed versions. The second album Greatest Hits & Future Bits was released in 1998 and that contained both old hits and new tracks.

DJ Dado has also done his own versions of Mission Impossible and Twin Peaks themes and remixed many artists such as Alexia, Imperio, Molella, Bibi Schön, Datura, Vasco Rossi, Boy George (When Will You Learn) and Jean-Michel Jarre.

1999 : he began collaborating with Molella for the Megamix column on Radio DeeJay, a collaboration that continued until 2003.

2001 : DJ Dado released his new single You & Me featuring J. White on May 14th.

2002 : DJ Dado released a 2002 version of his hit X-Files Theme. The same year, he released a single vs Nina Badrić, entitled One & Only.

2004 : DJ Dado released a new single entitled Theme From The Warriors. It featured Dr Feel X.

2014 : after 10 years of silence, DJ Dado teamed up with Elettro Latino and Steph B to record a new song : No More Rain

2021 : DJ Dado and Simone Jay joined forces once again to record a new single entitled Flying Higher.

2022 : his new single My Love featured British singer B'Wani.

Time Records
Thanks to Florent "v_uba" and Carver
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions

Artists and groups featuring DJ Dado

DJ Dado - You And Me (2001)
Dirty Minds - Millenium (1997)
Dirty Mind - Millenium (Dj Dado Remix) (1997)
Nina (2) - One & Only (1999)
Simone Jay - Good Times (1999)



DJ Dakota
EuroDance Group



Baila Ibiza (1997)

Baila Ibiza was a mostly instrumental track featuring voice samples. It was composed by PJ Lanzagorta and OB Cuesta. It appeared on compilation Por La Gloria De Mi Madre Mix (label : Snoop).

Thanks to Gianni



DJ Dali
EuroDance Group



Shosholoza (1996)

1.Shosholoza, 2.Haba Haba Zooty Zooty, 3.Pokerember, 4.Hallgass A Szivedre, 5.Ludwig Von, 6.De Jo, Hogy Elhagysz, 7.Sivatagi Lány, 8.Almodozo, 9.Csodakandur, 10.Shosholoza (Remix), 11.De Jo, Hogy Elhagysz (Szaxi Dub), 12.Szuperharashow,


Shosholoza (1996)
Love Me Forever (2006)

Album Shosholoza was released in 1996 under BMG Ariola Hungary. It featured backing vocals by Czerovszky Heni, Kozma Orsi, MC Zorro, Tóth Edina and WonderLíz and was mastered by Tőzsér Attila. Famous singer Szolnoki Péter could have contributed to the album, though he was not credited.

Thanks to Gianni



DJ Dorlock
EuroDance Group



Dance With Me (1995)

Dance With Me was written by Flexter and Krystyna Moczulska. Label : Discomagic Records



DJ Duck
EuroDance Group



Oh, Pretty Woman (1994)

DJ Duck was Mauro Caldetto, Dr Fish was Paolo Pesce. This cover of the famous Pretty Woman movie theme was performed by Mara, produced by Bruno Tibaldi, arranged by Mauro Caldetto and Paolo Pesce

Thanks to Andrew-FK



DJ Duckpower
EuroDance Group



Get The Duck Out Of Here (Move It) (8th Jan 1996)

Get The Duck Out Of Here is a very funny and happy eurodance track. It was written and composed by T. Acardi and Robin Drost, produced by Prince Robin D for Pink Pizza. The vocal parts were produced by T. Acardi

This song was released in 3 formats : single vinyl including a 12'' mix, a 7'' mix, an Instrumental version. A CD Single with a Radio mix, an Extended mix, an Instrumental version. And a single 12'' with a K-Board Mix, a Out-Board Mix, and a Ola Ola Mix. It was produced by DB ONE Dalmine - BG - Italy, licensed by Dureco Holland, and Polygram France. Label: EXS Records (K-Tel in some countries).

Thanks to EuroBoy, David Nivin "Captain DJ", Klems and Alex Capilé for the informations



DJ Edo
EuroDance Group



I Need Your Love (1993)

The single featured the voice of Janet (actually Simona Pironi). It was mixed and arranged by Graziano Pegoraro and Marco Biondi, produced by Graziano Pegoraro, Marco Biondi, E. Leoni and S. Clammarughi. Label : B4 (Before).

Thanks to reBeL



DJ Encore
EuroTrance Group



Intuition (1st Oct 2001)

1.Intro, 2.Open Your Eyes, 3.I See Right Through To You, 4.High On Life, 5.Talk To Me, 6.Intuition, 7.You've Got A Way, 8.Walking In The Sky, 9.Chemistry, 10.Out There, 11.Show Me, 12.Stay, 13.Another Day, 14.You've Got A Way (DJ Encore Pop Mix), 15.High On Life (UK Single Mix), 16.Walking In The Sky (DJ Encore Pop Mix), 17.Contradictions (You've Got A Way),

Unique (May 2007)

1.You Can Walk On Water, 2.Sweeter Than Beauty, 3.Falling, 4.Wanna Fly?, 5.Follow In Your Footsteps, 6.On Your Own, 7.Nobody Wants To Try, 8.Catch Me, 9.Point Of No Return, 10.You Make Me Feel Alive, 11.Changes, 12.Out There - (Bonus Track), 13.Liquid Sky - (Bonus Track),


Walking In The Sky (2001)
I See Right Through To You (Mar 2001)
High On Life (Nov 2001)
You've Got A Way (2002)
You Can Walk On Water (2005)
Out There (2008)
Falling (2008)


I See Right Through To You (Faustix remix) (1st Apr 2022)
Walking In The Sky (10th Feb 2023)

DJ Encore (encore means "again" in French) is a eurodance producer who was born in 1979 in Copenhagen (Denmark) and now lives in Germany. His real name is Andreas Hemmeth. His first single was released on March 2001 and it was titled I See Right Through To You, a great eurodance hit featuring the Danish born female vocalist Engelina. It was a first written for the real-TV show Big Brother. The single reached #1 in Finland #4 in Norway and entered top 30 in Sweden. After he saw the great success DJ Encore decided to go on releasing eurodance hits and his new single out this week in Europe was similar to the previous and also featuring Engelina. It is called Walking In The Sky. The single entered directly to # 5 in Finland on first week and # 1 in both dance charts of Norway and Sweden.

Their album Intuition was released back in October 1st, 2001. Fans of full-throttle eurotrance sound will enjoy this offering very much.

DJ Encore released the single High On Life in November 2001, which became #12 on the danish dancechart. Then came the single You've Got A Way which also became a hit in Denmark in 2002.

They split up in mid 2002, and Engelina became a member of the girl pop trio Sha Li Mar. In 2003 DJ Encore released a track under the name of Saphire called There's Someone Watching. It was once again a track for the danish version of the TV-show Big Brother. This time he had Linnea Handberg-Lund on vocals, and the sound reminded a lot the times of DJ Encore.

2005 : DJ Encore is back with a new single called You Can Walk on Water. The featured vocalist is the Swedish singer Johanna Stedt. The song is a cover of the danish danceact Catch's big hit Walk On Water. Actually, Andreas had co-written the original song with Catch.

2007 : he released the single You Can Walk On Water in the US. A new album called Unique was released in the US in May 2007. "I think the songs are fantastic, and I have a new vocalist to sing them. Her name is Johanna, she is from Sweden, and she has a beautiful voice. Can not wait for you to hear it!" says DJ Encore.

2008 : DJ Encore wrote a song entitled Den Jeg Er for an artist called Charlie, competing at the Danish preselections for Eurovision Song Contest. It's a 80's inspired rock song with DJ Encore on keyboard and guitar. The song was selected for the final broadcasted on Danish station DR1 on February 2nd, but it did not win.

Thanks to DJ Aaron "Euromaster", Tavi Meran, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkine and Anders Bøgh



DJ Filo
EuroDance Group



The Time Is Right (1994)
Feel Your Soul (23rd Mar 1995)

DJ Filo is a project of the Swiss producer Gutze Gautschi. DJ Filo's real name is Filippo Giani, he composed the first single The Time Is Right. The rap parts were performed by Amadou Bah (aka DJ Amadeus), the texts were written by Vicious MC and DJ Amadeus. The CD contained a radio mix, a maxi mix and a B-side entitled Timeless. It was co-produced by Salvatore Battiato.

The second single Feel Your Soul was released the following year : it was composed by DJ Filo and Fabio Antoniali, the lyrics were written by Damiano Banfi, and the female vocalist was Lee B (Laura Bernasconi).

Thanks to WebDJs and reBeL



DJ Fruchtzwerg
EuroDance Group



Hanschen Klein (1995)

Label : Dino Music. The single was written by Uwe Metzner, composed by Tomas Marin and Uwe Metzner, produced by Tomas Marin.



DJ Galaxy
EuroDance Group


Tell Me Why ()

Tell Me Why appeared on compilations Дискотека Вояж 27 and Italian Deejay Parade (Vol.2) .

Thanks to EuroKidala



DJ Halibut
EuroDance Group



Get Ready (1995)

Label : Basic Mix.

Thanks to Abelito



DJ Heat
EuroDance Group



Sometimes (1996)

The project features vocals by Baby Love. Label : Chin Chin Pum.



DJ Hush
EuroDance Group



Party ()
Encore Une Fois ()
Keep Control ()
Meet Her At The Love Parade ()
Fire (1999)
Never Mind (2000)
Your Loving Girl (2003)
Everytime We Touch (2006)
Rollerblade Disco (4th Jan 2008)
Phat Bass (28th Jan 2008)
Let's Dance (7th Feb 2008)
Pulp Fiction (3rd Mar 2008)
Message In A Bottle (15th Apr 2008)
Supernature (15th Apr 2008)
Some Kinda Rush (6th May 2008)
Got No Reason (20th May 2008)
Something To Make You Feel Allright (20th May 2008)
Bad Boy (10th Jun 2008)
Feels Good (24th Jun 2008)
I Like The Way (28th Aug 2008)
Don't You Want It Right Now (23rd Sep 2008)
Lift Me Up (1st Oct 2008)
Forbiddens Colours (14th Oct 2008)
Menergy (11th Nov 2008)
Gipsy Woman (11th Sep 2009)
Sing Hallelujah (7th Mar 2010)
Something Good (22nd May 2010)
Go Right For (23rd Jun 2010)
Take On Me (21st Jul 2010)
Young Forever (22nd Jul 2010)
Back & Forth (7th Aug 2010)
After Love (7th Aug 2010)
The Sound Of Nature (7th Sep 2010)
Open Your Eyes (30th Sep 2010)
DJ Got Us Falling In Love (2nd Oct 2010)
Out A Space (2nd Oct 2010)
I Wanna Go Crazy (9th Oct 2010)
Killer 2000 (29th Oct 2010)
It's A Fine Day (7th Feb 2011)
Blast The Speakers (14th Feb 2011)
Stereo Love (11th Mar 2011)
What A Feeling (30th Jun 2011)
Chariots Of Fire (19th Jul 2011)
Little Bad Girl (9th Sep 2011)
That's The Way I Like It (9th Sep 2011)
Loca People (17th Sep 2011)
I Can Only Imagine (11th Oct 2011)
Encore Une Fois (10th Nov 2011)
Shake That (20th Dec 2011)
Rock The Boat (18th Feb 2012)
California Dreaming (14th Jun 2012)
Everything's Gonna Be Alright (29th Sep 2012)
Last Christmas (29th Sep 2012)
Back In Time (25th Oct 2012)
Don't You Worry Child (10th Nov 2012)
Every Day (4th Jan 2013)
TNT (5th Jun 2013)
Little Talks (31st Aug 2013)
This Is What It Feels Like (16th Dec 2013)
The Harlem Shuffle (11th Jan 2014)
Under Control (29th Jan 2014)
Selfie (15th Apr 2014)
Power Glove (14th May 2014)
Your Love (20th Jun 2014)
Countdown (2nd Sep 2014)
Where Are U Now (12th May 2015)
Sun Goes Down (26th May 2015)
You Know You Like It (17th Jun 2015)
The Only Way Is Up (30th Jun 2015)
Sweet Escape (14th Jul 2015)
Sun Is Shining (6th Aug 2015)
Don't Stop The Madness (9th Sep 2015)
Faster Harder Scooter (27th Oct 2015)
Stay (29th Jan 2016)
Be Right There (9th Feb 2016)
Place On Earth (18th Feb 2016)
Talk (13th Jul 2016)
Let's Go (16th Dec 2016)
We Wanna Party (27th Jan 2017)
Move Ya Body (17th Mar 2017)
Good Vibrations (31st May 2017)
There For You (6th Jul 2017)
Perfect Illusion (1st Aug 2017)
Push (21st Sep 2017)
Sweet Caroline (27th Jan 2018)
Sick Boy (23rd Feb 2018)
Jungle Bae (14th Jul 2018)
Are You Gonna Go My Way (27th Oct 2018)
Wow (16th Nov 2018)
Here We Go (8th Feb 2019)
Give It A Go (15th Mar 2019)
Kamikaze (22nd Mar 2019)
Make It Louder (29th Mar 2019)
Launch (4th May 2019)
Bad Guy (19th May 2019)
Sweet Child O Mine (30th Jun 2019)
Blame It On Your Love (18th Sep 2019)
Drop It (8th Jan 2020)
Ring The Alarm (9th Jan 2020)
San Frandisco (18th Feb 2020)
Bored In The House (4th Jun 2020)
Live The Night (14th Jul 2020)
Habanera (29th Jul 2020)
Anthem (2nd Sep 2020)
Whip It (5th Oct 2020)
In The Sky (11th Dec 2020)
Run Away (Smalltown Boy) (8th Jan 2021)
Turn Up The Bass (29th Jan 2021)
Gimme What You Got (26th Feb 2021)
Rump (5th Mar 2021)
Mad World (12th Jul 2021)
Ready 2 Dance (8th Oct 2021)
Party Olimpics (3rd Dec 2021)
Surrender (15th Apr 2022)
Stand By Me (10th Mar 2023)
DJ Turn It Up (13th Oct 2023)

DJ Hush is a SAIFAM Publishing group project. Most of their songs were released on compilations. Party is very nice eurodance track. The vinyl of Never Mind included a B-side called Let The Rhythm. Never Mind contained a sample from Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds

Your Loving Girl was only released on a compilation of Klone Records. It featured the voice of Jessica Jay.

Not to be confused with the American disc jockey DJ Hush.

2008 : a lot of tracks, mostly electro and house covers, were recorded and digitally released. There were also 2 Cascada covers, featuring Jessica Jay.

2009 : DJ Hush covered Crystal Waters' hit Gypsy Woman

2010 : DJ Hush covered Dr Alban's hit Sing Hallelujah



DJ Igo
EuroDance Group



Freude Herrscht (Ohne Wenn Und Aber) (1994)
Far Away (1994)

Freude herrscht was produced and published by Quivelda, engineered by Peter P.I.T.C.H.B, written by Peter Bächinger and Steve Wiesli for the Soccer World Cup. It stayed 17 weeks in the charts and even peaked #1.

When the DJ Igo project started gaining popularity, the team needed a face for their promotional tour. So they organized a casting through the newspaper "Blick"...

Far Away was produced and published by Quivelda, engineered by Peter P.I.T.C.H.B., written by Peter Bächinger and Steve Wiesli, cover illustration was done by Orlando. It stayed 7 weeks in the charts, reaching #18.

Thanks to WebDJs



DJ J Coll
EuroDance Group



I'm Loving You (1995)

Spanish deejay José Coll recorded the song I’m Loving You in 1995. It featured vocals by Mari Carmen Fernández. Executive producers were Vicente Monte and Francisco Javier Moreno. Recorded at Macro Studis S.L. Distributed by Contraseña S.L. Label: Macro Discos.

Thanks to Ulysses



DJ Jane
EuroDance Group



In Visible Touch (1994)

In Visible Touch was produced by Hybrid Record (New Zealand), programmed by Vertigo John/DJ Jane. Label : S.O.B. (Sound Of The Bomb)



DJ Jerry
EuroDance Group



I Don't Wanna See No Oba San (22nd Nov 1994)

1.Obasan, 2.China Girl, 3.DJ Jam, 4.Walking Down the Street, 5.Baby Baby Be My Own Baby, 6.Dead Fish, 7.Don't Control Me, 8.Buyaka, 9.Thank You! My Friend, 10.Sailing to the Sea, 11.Where's Earth,

Boom (1995)

1.Shaka Laka, 2.Boom, 3.1000 Roses, 4.Forever Loving You, 5.Tang Shr, 6.Hidden Love, 7.The Chinese Thing, 8.A Hot Day, 9.Songs of Hope, 10.Happy Birthday to You,

Friday Night (1996)

True Love (1st Nov 2003)

1.True Love), 2.A-Lie-Lu-Yah, 3.My Heart, 4.Get Drunk, 5.So High, 6.Come On, 7.Boring, 8.Super Bass (Chinese Version), 9.50/50 Love (English Version), 10.Never Give Up (Cantonese Version), 11.Hard to Tell You My Love, 12.Unrequited Love,

DJ Jerry Best Hits (28th Sep 2005)

1.Live For Today, 2.Sunday Girl, 3.Umbrella (DJ Jerry Remix), 4.Say Yeah, 5.Aluba, 6.Ding Ding Ding, 7.Rise and Fall, 8.Dschinghis Khan, 9.Seven Years Amor, 10.Pieces of Heaven, 11.Everytime We Touch, 12.Bizarre Love Triangle, 13.Little Girl, 14.1000 Years, 15.10000 Lovers, 16.Romeo & Juliet, 17.Circle in the Sand,

Dance In Life (11th Jan 2008)

1.Chiqita Girl, 2.Night Tour of Shanghai, 3.Move Your Butt, 4.Do Not Leave the Tear On the Face, 5.Lovesickness People, 6.Come Back, 7.Blue Summer Vacation, 8.I Miss You, 9.Dusk Touch the Moon, 10.Feel the Music Cuda,

Training Shock (17th Jul 2009)

Hot Girl (15th Jan 2010)

Superman (1st Aug 2011)

1.Superman, 2.Where Is Su Wei, 3.You Take My Heart, 4.Love's Hard, 5.Take Me to See the Stars, 6.Break Out (Dance Version), 7.It's My Way, 8.DJ! Play the Song, 9.Every Kiss, 10.Dance,

Real name : Jerry Lo (羅百吉; pinyin: Luó Bǎijí) Singer and songwriter, born November 19, 1972, Los Angeles, California. He was one of the first American born Taiwanese singers to become famous in Taiwan. During the late 90s, he changed his style into electronic music and started going by the name of DJ Jerry. He has composed music for many artists, movies and commercials such as 7-Eleven and the Japanese station NHK. He also has recorded in Madonna's studio with producer John Freyer and has been asked to DJ for the leader of Taiwan. He is now a DJ in one of the largest clubs in Taiwan.

2011 : Jerry and 156 partygoers at the Taipei nightclub DV8, notorious for drug use, were taken to the local police station for questioning and urine tests on New Year’s Eve.

Thanks to Sasha



DJ Jordan
EuroDance Group



Every Breath You Take (1994)

Every Breath You Take (a cover of The Police's hit) featured a female vocalist called Veronique. Label: Kiwi Records



DJ Kharma
EuroDance Group



Slip & Slide (1994)
A Name (1995)
Nobody Else (2006)

DJ Kharma's real name is Piero Scognamiglio, a DJ and producer based in Bologna. His first single was a collaboration with MBG (Gio Canepa), a trance song entitled Dream's Wave released in 1994. Then he released eurodance song Slip & Slide with Niki X (Mauro Barnabei aka DJ Noah)

Then came A Name in 1995, a eurodance single written by G. Canepa, P. Manners and P. Scognamiglio, featuring an solo female vocalist called Hellen whose vocals were recorded at Byte Studio in Riccione (Italy), mixed and mastered at Density Studio (located in Riccione too), released under Over records and distributed by Zac Music.

Thanks to Gianni

Artists and groups featuring DJ Kharma

Enerjay - Just Say No (1998)
MBG - Dream's Wave (1994)
Spacenoah - Outside (2006)



DJ Leo and DJ Masker
EuroDance Group



I Need Your Love (1994)

I Need Your Love was written by Alessandro Bonsignori, mastered by Inzadi, mixed by M.Giannino, produced and mixed by DJ Leo and DJ Masker at K. Studio. It was published by Lombardoni Edizioni Musicali, released under Out. Team thanks Coccode.



DJ Mago
EuroDance Group



I'm Lonely Tonight (1994)

DJ Mago was a project of Victor Manuel González Rodríguez featuring the voice of Raquel Piñango. I'm Lonely Tonight was written by Paloma and Pato, composed by DJ Mago and Forbidden Fruit (a trio consisting in DJ Patxi, Ramón Alvaro Ferrandis & J.Tecles aka Juan Giménez Cerezo), mixed in Alameda Studios and released in 1994 under label Discoshop. Executive producers were Javier Pascual, and Manuel J. Fernandez.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



DJ Martin
EuroDance Group



Explosive Melody (1995)
More And More (Apr 1996)

DJ Martin is Enzo Martino, an Italian DJ, working for a quite famous radio network (Kiss Kiss Radio, located in Naples). The team also included R. Procaccini, M. Curatolo, F. Cleopatra, and G. Magurno.

The first single to be released was entitled Explosive Melody in 1995. This awesome eurodance track featured the voice of an Italian girl (probably from Naples also). Mabruka meant "my lady" (maybe in Indian language), as she explained during an interview when the second single was released, in April 1996. Entitled More And More, the second single stayed in Italian dance chart during a few weeks, it had less success than the first single because in that period eurodance was being replaced by mediterranean progressive. It was one of the last real eurodance records to be released in Italy.

More And More was written by E. Martino, R. Frocaccini, M. Curatolo, G. Magumo & F. Cleopatra, arranged and mixed by P. Maresca, E. Martino, R. Procaccini, M. Curatolo and Umbertino DJ, all tracks arranged, mixed and remastered at Key Project Studio. Both singles were released under Drohm, a label member of Flying Records (such as UMM).

Afterwards Enzo became the J&Q label manager and launched other successful Italian dance artists, such as Gaya' and Bibi Schön, and created a new dance project named Underfish.

Thanks to Vincenzo, Gianni and reBeL

Artists and groups featuring DJ Martin

Jola - Moon And Sun (1998)



DJ Max V
EuroDance Group



Let's Dance (1992)
Children Of The Revolution (1993)
Move Your Body (1993)
Feel For Me (1994)
On My Mind (1994)
Technological Experience EP (1997)
House Track (1998)
In My Deep (2012)
Up (17th Sep 2012)
Elektro (25th Mar 2013)
Funky Groove (14th Jun 2013)

Label : Wicked Rhythm Records. DJ Max V's real name is Massimo Vanoni. Italian DJ and producer, he was born in Gazoldo degli Ippoliti, Mantua (Italy). He founded label Atop Records.

He released 2 solo singles under name Max V : Let's Dance and Move Your Body.

Then came Children Of The Revolution, eurodance song which featured a solo female vocalist. The vinyl format contained 3 versions: Revolution Mix, Radio Edit and Trance Mix. It was produced by P. Rossini, G. Fanelli and Paola Peroni.

In 1994 was released another single called Feel For Me, produced by P. Rossini and M. Vamoni, including a remix by DJ Pierre. It was licensed under Noculan Records in the Netherlands.

In 1997, DJ Max V released a E.P. called Technological Experience under the label Gravity Force Records, but it was not eurodance.

DJ Max V also produced Boss System, H.I.R.A. - Funk The Beat, Absolution - Make It, JV Project - Feel All Right, Sensoryah - Turn Around and many other Italian eurodance songs.

Thanks to Alex Capilé

Artists and groups featuring DJ Max V

Absolution - Dance To The Beat (1994), Make It (1993)
Boss System - Fire In My Heart (1994), No Time To Criticize (1994), Pom Pom (1993)
Escape From - Melody To Escape (1994)
G-force - Everybody Move (1994)
JV Project - Joy (1994)
Lucille - Do Right (1995), T.Na.Ta (1994)
Yes No Yes - Keep Together (1994)



DJ Maxx
EuroDance Group



In The Army Now (1996)

The project featured a male vocalist. The single In The Army Now, a cover of the Status Quo hit, was in the Italian eurodance style. The vinyl was released in 1996, the CDM and CD format in 1997. Produced by Konz and DJ Maxx, they contained 2 versions : Radio Edit and Original Mix. The label was Shift Music (S & F Entertainment GmbH/BRD)

Thanks to Alex Capilé




DJ Mickey
EuroDance Group



Sonic Breaker (1998)

Single was released under House Nation/Dance Street. Raps on Sonic Breaker were done by Michael Poertner. Vocals on Bring It On Down were performed by Keziban Kacan. Single was written by Michael Poertner, mastered by John Cremer. It was produced, arranged and mixed by DJ Mickey.

Thanks to Gianni



DJ Miko
EuroDance Group



The Last Millenium (1999)

1.What's Up 2000 (The Ultimate Mix), 2.My Sharona, 3.Keep On (BPM 140 Mix), 4.Sky High, 5.Superboy (Factory Team Dance Mix), 6.Lovely Lullaby (LP Version), 7.Radio Star, 8.Dreaming (Original Mix), 9.Hot Stuff (Factory Team Edit), 10.Clementine, 11.Rhythm, 12.What's Up (Original Mix),

The Last Millenium (9th Sep 2002)

1.What's Up 2000 (The Ultimate Mix), 2.My Sharona, 3.Keep On (BPM 140 Mix), 4.Sky High, 5.Superboy (Factory Team Dance Mix), 6.Lovely Lullaby (LP Version), 7.Radio Star, 8.Dreaming (Original Mix), 9.Hot Stuff (Factory Team Edit), 10.Clementine, 11.Rhythm, 12.What's Up (Original Mix), 13.What's up 2000 (the ultimate mix), 14.Sky High (Extended version),


What's Up (30th May 1994)
Rhythm (11th Jun 1994)
Hot Stuff / Lovely Lullaby (10th Feb 1995)
Clementine (5th May 1997)
Superboy (1998)
What's Up 2000 (8th Jun 1998)
Dreaming (1999)
My Sharona (10th May 1999)
Ruby Tuesday (2000)
Shout (1st Aug 2000)
Sky High (2001)
Forever Young (18th Jan 2002)
Venus (27th Sep 2014)
Zero Gravity (8th Aug 2015)
America's Sweetheart (27th Oct 2016)
Walking On Broken Glass (28th Apr 2017)
Sweet But Psycho (12th Jan 2019)
All I Know So Far (18th Jun 2021)
Higher (3rd Sep 2021)
Escapism (24th Feb 2023)
Never Giving Up (23rd Aug 2024)

Records company : SAIFAM Publishing Group . Musical team : Mauro Farina, G. Crivellente, M. Stecca, M Artusi.

Project was officially fronted by keyboardist Monier Quartararo Gagliardo and British vocalist Louise Anne Gard from Tunbridge Wells. The first singles were released in 1994 in Italy under Hotline Records (Dig It International) and in Scandinavia by Remixed records. What's Up (4 Non Blonds cover) was probably sung by Maria Capri. Success was big, it even entered Billboard Hot 100 and went #6 in the UK. They were invited to perform the song at Top of the Pops in August.

Hot Stuff was #5 in Israel. The CD included 12 tracks with several remixes and Lovely Lullaby as B-side (Love Is Everywhere on some other versions). The lead vocals were done by Louise Gard. Rhythm was sung by Annerley Gordon and Cristina Dori.

When Dig It International closed in 1997, DJ Miko became a 100% SAIFAM project. Vocals on Clementine, My Sharona (and its 2 B-sides Keep On and Radio Star), Ruby Tuesday, Superboy, Shout and Sky High were probably sung by Jackie Bodimead.

In 1998, Louise Anne Gard became the frontlady of the project Miss Jane.

Some other songs, such as Forever Young, featured Melody Castellari. In 1999, album The Last Millenium was released.

After a long pause, DJ Miko project was revived to release pop-dance covers of nowadays hits

Thanks to Ana Paula, Vincenzo "Hyperclap" Roselli, Gianni, Klems, Sacha Busch



EuroDance Group



Give It To Me Baby (1994)

Give It To Me Baby featured a female vocalist called Hillary. It was recorded, produced and mixed DJ MM, DJ Art and Riccardo Stecca. Label: Kiwi Records.

Thanks to Gianni



DJ Movement Records
EuroDance Company


Italian label that produced many Eurodance and italo projects, such as Space Master, TFO and Beat Pressure. They also produce the acts Dance 4 Joy, Amyna & the DJs, The Hard Concert, David Age, Aziz, Emergency, Paul Harris, High State Logic, Onyx, Jay Sex, House Traffic, 4 Non Bonds, D'n' Joy, Ladiva, DJ Play, Antartika, Verity Riders, Ars Nova, Fargetta, Hi Basic, 2 Mistakes, Dea.

Thanks to Alex "Energy" Laba



EuroDance Group



Eye To Eye (1988)
Don't Go Away (1992)
The Music (1994)

DJ. M.T.'s first project was italo-disco song Eye To Eye produced by Giovanni Colombi, with uncredited vocals by Giancarlo Pasquini and Mauro Farina. Then came 4 years later hip-house track entitled Don't Go Away produced by Raff Todesco and released in 1992 under label Ra.Re. Eurodance single The Music featured vocals by Lory Lee and was released under label Dance Rhythm in 1994. Rap parts came from Doug Lazy's Let It Roll.



DJ Norman B
EuroDance Group


I Wish I Could (1995)



DJ Novus



Bad Girl (19th Nov 2021)
Lost On You (6th May 2022)
Worth the Wait (2nd Sep 2022)
Changed The Way You Kiss Me (7th Oct 2022)
Castle Of Sand (9th Dec 2022)
Baby (15th Sep 2023)

Markus Schaffarzyk aka DJ Novus was born on 7th November 1976 in a Bavarian monastery in Germany. Even from earliest childhood DJ Novus showed big interest in music and therefore he owned his first record-player already at the age of eight, though then it was all about Elvis Presley and Madonna. In 1995, inspired by various rave parties in Munich, he started his DJ career within the four walls of his parental home. Under his pseudonym "Novus" (Latin for "new") rapidly cast a spell on the regional crowds with his "Hands-up-Party Trance" and generated (unknowingly during an interview during TV show Club Rotation) the term for today's handsup musical style. Friends and fans followed him on buses to his appearances and numerous bookings far beyond the borders of his home state of Bavaria soon followed.

In 1996, while those booking- and resident activites, he got to know Axel Konrad at one of his gigs in his homebase at that time. By a very short time they both knew that they were on the same wavelength – in music matters as well as interpersonal – and a friendship far beyond the "Dj-thing" developed.

In cooperation with his friend Axel Konrad from Suprime Music in Ingolstadt, the project Groove Coverage was founded overnight in summer 2001. The debut single Are u ready entered the Dance/Club charts both in Germany and abroad. With the second single Moonlight Shadow came the final major breakthrough and a success that nobody would have even dared to imagine...

Markus is Director General Manager of the agency Novus Booking.

Groove Coverage Official website



DJ Panda
House Group



Dreaming Of Fantasy (21st Nov 1995)
My Dimension (15th Jul 1996)
True Life (10th Apr 1997)
Listen part II (1998)
Listen part I (16th Mar 1998)
It's A Dream '98 (21st Jul 1998)
Paradise Motel (1999)
Look At The World (24th Nov 2017)
My Dimension 2k19 (25th Oct 2018)
Destination (29th Mar 2019)
Solar System (23rd Aug 2019)
White Planet (8th Nov 2019)
Prometheus (2nd Dec 2019)
Biosphere (3rd Feb 2020)
I Can't Fall (10th Feb 2020)
Reminder (2nd Mar 2020)
Skyline (13th Apr 2020)
Safaera (1st Jun 2020)
Sinless (24th Aug 2020)
Elaborate (7th Sep 2020)
Overstate (12th Oct 2020)
Tensing (28th Jun 2021)
Tarida (5th Nov 2021)
Hartal (19th Nov 2021)
Wake Me Up (23rd Feb 2024)
Milleluci (25th Apr 2024)
Xolution (26th Apr 2024)
Memories (6th Jun 2024)
Xtill (24th Jun 2024)
We'll Go Back (28th Jun 2024)
Reunion (27th Sep 2024)


My Dimension (1996)
My Dimension (The Remixes) (1996)
True Life (The Summer Remixes) (1997)
It's A Dream (T78 & Don Paolo 2024 Rmx) (4th Oct 2024)

DJ Panda's real name is Ermanno Mainardi. He began his DJ carreer as he was only 18, working in many discotheques in the province of Bologna. In 1992 he worked in the disco Cellophane in Rimini and in other trendy discotheques such as Matis, Ecu, Gheodrome and Menhir. Then, he entered Radio Italia Network, becoming a member of the radio show Masterquick. Infuenced by the new techno-progressive sound in 1992 he was featured by The Kingdom of Heaven on the single On High, that he also produced.

The next single was a collaboration with Universe Of The Melody, entitled The Light, which was licensed to many compilations abroad.

In October 1994 he was featured on World Inside The Music's It's A Dream, composed by Palumbo, featuring vocals by Jeorgia. Success was unexpected : #7 in the Spanish sales chart, and #21 in the German charts, and massive airplay rotation in many foreign countries. It was re-released in 1995, with new mixes, using the voice of a vocalist named Aleexa (and not Alexia as it is often mentioned), whose real name was Silvie Carter.

The first "solo" single to be released was Dreaming Of Fantasy, probably the most well-known track among eurodance lovers. Vocals were was also done with Aleexa. It was written by Annerley Gordon, composed by A. Palumbo, produced by Alex Bagnoli with DJ Panda. It went #14 in the German charts.

Then DJ Panda began to collaborate with Nadir. For some, DJ Nadir's real name is Fabrizio Foti. For others, Nadir is Desiré Petrocchi, the songwriter and probably vocalist. The track My Dimension was written and composed by S. Linari, released undr Outta Records. A remixes CD was also released. It entered the Radio Deejay and Italia Network charts, and landed in the Top 20 in the salescharts, while reaching #63 on the European Top 100 Billboard charts. It was included on not less than 18 compilations, and it was released in more than 10 countries.

Then came the single True Life. It was licensed under Bit Music in Spain, and the single's title was mis-spelled "True live" on the sleeve.

The last singles to be released with Nadir were entitled Listen (in 2 parts, the second one contained also a megamix), sung by Anastasia, composed by E. Mainardi, R. Nanni, L. Confetta, and Paradise Motel.

In the summer of 1999 Panda strated working as resident DJ in the Ecu, a disco in Rimini, and worked with guests DJs such as Jeff Mills, Dr.Motte or Commander Tom. He also continued to work as freelance DJ in the discotheques of the Veneto and the Friuli regions.

During the seasons 2001 and 2002, he was resident DJ in the Fedexx in Lugo. Then he worked in the new disco MP3 in Conselice, where he played techno-trance with famous DJs like Luca Antolini, Moka, Gianni Parrini etc... He also worked as freelance in various other discos, such as the Kristal, the J&J, and more recently in the Cap Creus of Imola.

DJ Panda also remixed Different Elements' I Believe and Dyewitness & The Nightraver's The Future.

2017 : DJ Panda was bakc with a new single entitled Look At The World.

DJ Panda's official website

Artists and groups featuring DJ Panda

AxelPolo - Back To The Future (2022), Good Looking (2024), Myslf (2024)
Dog'z & Pig'z - Inferno (2018)
Dr Peacock - It's A Dream 2K19 (2019)
The Kingdom of Heaven - On High (1992)
Universe Of The Melody - The Light (1994)
World Inside The Music - It's A Dream (1994), It's A Dream (1995)



DJ Pelos
EuroDance Group



El Golpe (1996)
Dime Lo Que Bailas (Déjate Llevar) (1997)
Noche Mágica (1998)
La Bomba (2008)

Jorge Maldonado Venegas (aka DJ Pelos) is mexican disc jockey. He did remixes for importants latin artists, such as Molotov, Moenia, Lu, Belanova, Fey, Mark Anthony, Paulina Rubio, Los Tucanes De Tijuana, Mariane Seoane, Noelia, Chayanne, Ricky Martin, Thalia, Alejandro Fernández, L.B.M., Fase, Desvío, among others.

In 2008 he released a remixes compilation called La Bomba, containing his single of the same name. Dime Lo Que Bailas (Déjate Llevar) featured vocalist Prema. Noche Mágica featured K-Rla.

Nowadays he presents a show on a radio station called Exa FM.

Thanks to Abelito



DJ Penn
EuroDance Group



Come On Move It (1995)
Halleluya Tokyo (1996)
Music Fever (1996)

DJ Luke Penn released Come On Move It in 1995, feturing vocals by Marlene aka Elena Gobbi. Follow-up single Halleluya Tokyo was a fast-paced euroboeat track.



DJ Play
EuroDance Group



Song For Me (1993)
I Wanna Dance All Night (1994)
Memories (1995)

Label : DJ Movement records.

Song For Me was arranged, recorded and mixed by Graziano Fanelli, producer, arranged and mixed by P. Rossini, recorded by Pierpaolo Peroni.

I Wanna Dance All Night featured a vocalist called Ladiva (who also released a solo track) and a rapper.

Memories was arranged by Graziano Fanelli, producer by Pieradis Rossini; manufactured and marketed by Remake Edizioni Musicali. Concept by Garbelli, Livella, Jeannin.



Dj PoLe
EuroDance Group



Lovelines ()

This very mysterious project, active between 1993 and 195 featured a vocalist called Tara and a rapper. It is not sure wether Lovelines (sometimes written Loveliness) was officially released or not. Some more songs were recorded, such as Don't Break My Heart and Give me Anything.

Thanks to Gianni



DJ Professor
EuroDance Group



We Gotta Do It (1991)
Life Is Life (2nd Mar 1991)
Runner (27th Sep 1991)
Rock Me Steady (10th Dec 1991)
Public Demand EP (1992)
Rockin' Me (1994)
Everybody (10th Sep 1997)
Walkin'on Up (21st Oct 1997)

DJ Professor is a DJ and remixer (real name : L. Lauri) who worked alone (he remixed some of the best Cappella, Sharada House Gang and 49ers tracks, he also did a remix for Felix Don't You Want Me) or in collaboration with other artists, such as C. Piccinelli (they did remixes for Cappella and for Baby D under the name of T.S.O.B.) and Francesco Zappalà (with whom he co-created We Gotta Do It in 1991).

A track called Life is Life associated DJ Professor and Sharada House Gang, another Media Records project. It was published in 1991.

Rockin' Me was a very original track using the Cappella style and adding electric guitars ! Not surprising, the team from Media Records was as usual behind this project : G. Bortolotti, M. Picotto, G.P. Viani, S. Zucchini, L.Cittadini, M.Braghieri, S.Pagliari were credited. Rockin' Me, released in 1994 was in fact a remix of a previous production : Rock Me Steady, released in 1992 under Media Records.

Thanks to Nico



DJ Project
EuroDance Group



You Came (1996)

This italian euro project featured a female vocalist called Katla. This song is a cover of a big hit from 1987 by Kim Wilde. It was produced by Gianluca Viviani and only released in vinyl format with 4 versions : European Mix, Dance Mix,Original Mix and a Radio Version. It was released under the label Hitwave Music Records/Musicali Edizioni.

No relationship with the Romanian project.

Thanks to Alex Capilé



DJ Project (2)
EuroPop Group



Experience (2001)

1.Te Chem (Radio), 2.Visează, 3.Te Chem (Maxi), 4.Aș Vrea (Să Te Pot Uita) (Radio), 5.Experience, 6.Aș Vrea (Să Te Pot Uita) (DJ's Vers),

Spune-mi Tot Ce Vrei (2002)

1.Spune-mi Tot Ce Vrei (Radio Edit), 2.As Vrea (Sa Te Pot Uita), 3.Te Chem (Maxi), 4.Viseaza, 5.Experience, 6.As Vrea (Sa Te Pot Uita) - DJ's Version, 7.Spune-mi Tot Ce Vrei, 8.Te Chem (Radio Edit), 9.Spune-mi Tot Ce Vrei (Extended Mix), 10.Spune-mi Tot Ce Vrei (Videoclip), 11.Te Chem (Videoclip),

Soapte (2005)

1.Privirea Ta, 2.Vorbe Reci, 3.Nu, 4.Soapte, 5.Zile Si Nopți, 6.Privirea Ta (Extended Version), 7.Printre Vise 2005 (Club Version), 8.Feel Me, 9.Privirea Ta (DJ Raoul Remix), 10.Privirea Ta (DJ N!men! Remix),

Povestea Mea (2006)

1.Povestea Mea, 2.Inca o noapte, 3.Prea Naiv, 4.Loosing You, 5.Falling Down, 6.Esti Tot Ce Am, 7.La Noche, 8.Ethiopia, 9.Silence, 10.Esti Tot Ce Am (Extended), 11.Inca o noapte (Club), 12.Inca o noapte (Extended), 13.Forever And A Day (Extended), 14.Prea Naiv, 15.Before I Sleep,

Doua Anotimpuri (2007)

1.Doua Anotimpuri (Radio), 2.Departe De Noi, 3.Prima Noapte, 4.Wherever U Go (Radio), 5.Lacrimi De Inger, 6.Tell My Why, 7.Un Singur Drum, 8.Take My Soul, 9.Free Your Mind, 10.Doua Anotimpuri (Extended), 11.Wherever U Go (Extended), 12.In My Heart (Mootoo Rmx),

In The Club (2009)

1.In The Club, 2.Hotel (Radio Version), 3.Let U Go (Radio Version), 4.Say Good Bye (DJ Project RMX), 5.Miracle Love, 6.Mii De Cuvinte, 7.Here I Am (DJ Project RMX), 8.Latino Girl, 9.Hotel (Extended Version), 10.Let U Go (Extended Version), 11.Don't U Know (DJ Project RMX), 12.Something's Gotta Give, 13.Departe De Noi (Video Version),

Best Of (2011)

Best of 15 ani (2015)

1.Spune-mi Tot Ce Vrei, 2.Soapte, 3.Vorbe Reci, 4.Privirea Ta, 5.Zile Si Nopti, 6.Esti Tot Ce Am, 7.Inca O Noapte, 8.Lacrimi De Inger, 9.Doua Anotimpuri, 10.Hotel, 11.Miracle Love, 12.Departe De Noi, 13.Prima Noapte, 14.Over And Over Again, 15.Nu, 16.Regrete, 17.Mi-e Dor De Noi, 18.Bun Ramas, 19.Fara Tine, 20.Suflet Vandut, 21.Hard On You (A Paris), 22.Zile Si Nopti,


Te chem (2002)
Spune-mi tot ce vrei (2002)
Lumea ta (2004)
Printre vise (2004)
Privirea ta (2005)
Soapte (2005)
Inca o noapte (2006)
Esti tot ce am (2006)
Before I sleep (2007)
Doua anotimpuri (2007)
Lacrimi de inger (2008)
Prima noapte (2008)
Tell me why (2008)
Departe de noi (2008)
Hotel (2009)
Over And Over Again (2009)
Miracle Love (5th Mar 2009)
Nu (28th Nov 2009)
Regrete (22nd Apr 2010)
Mi-e dor de noi (22nd Apr 2011)
Crazy In Love (2012)
Bun Ramas (24th Feb 2012)
Vraja Ta (30th Jan 2013)
Fara Tine (8th Jul 2013)
Suflet vandut (18th Oct 2014)
Sevraj (14th Apr 2016)
Ochii care nu se vad (13th Oct 2016)
O Secunda (3rd Mar 2017)
Duminica (6th Jul 2017)
Omnia (18th Nov 2017)
Inima Nebuna (23rd Mar 2018)
4 Camere (5th Mar 2019)
Slabiciuni (9th Jun 2020)
Cheia Inimii Mele (8th Jul 2021)
La Timpul Lor (25th Jan 2022)
Iubirea Mea (8th Jun 2022)
Fulgul (31st Jan 2023)
Supranatural (8th May 2023)
Nimic Mai Mult (5th Jul 2024)
I Need You (23rd Aug 2024)

Romanian pop dance group DJ Project was founded in 2000 by Gino Manzotti (Handke Giuseppe) and DJ Maxx (Ovidiu Florea) in Timișoara. They released their first album Experience in 2001 featuring voices by Claudia Pavel and Giulia Anghelescu. Andor Sebastian from DenCity also contributed to the album.

Next year, their second album Spune-mi tot ce vrei was released.

In 2005, third album Șoapte was out under label Cat Music. Female vocalist Elena Baltagan (aka Ellie White) was the project's new voice.

2006 : they won Best Romanian Act at MTV Europe Music Awards 2006. Same year, ther received the award for the best dance group at the MTV Romania Awards. They released album Povestea mea.

2007 : they won best dance group award at the MTV Romania Awards again. At the end of June they released their sixth album, Două Anotimpuri.

In early 2008, Robbins Entertainment picked up DJ Project for their first American release, Before I Sleep. The album is dubbed under the name "Elena", the same advertising name used in England. The album was released on iTunes on March 18, 2008 and was available in CD format on April 1, 2008.

2009 : Ellie White left the project for a solo career. She was replaced by singer Giulia Anghelescu (ex-Candy). New album In The Club was out.

2011 : Giulia left the project in December to become mother. She was replaced by Adela Popescu.

2015 : They released a Best Of album.

2016 : their new single Sevraj featured vocals by Ela Rose.

2017 : single O Secunda saw the returm of Giulia. Then came Duminica featuring Elena Gheorghe. In September, they were involved in a serious car crash in Vâlcea county, Romania. In November they teamed with vocalist Mira to release new song and video entitled Omnia.

2018 : new single was entitled Inima Nebuna

Artists and groups featuring DJ Project (2)

Alexia (3) - Cronic (2020)
Anlora - Hard on You (A Paris) (2014)
Annais - Numai Tu (2023)
Ioana Ignat - Am Vrut Să Te Sun (2024)



DJ Quinn
EuroDance Group



Desire ()
Everybody (1994)

The project featured vocals by Denyse. The single Desire was already covered by Capital Sound



DJ Rabbi
EuroDance Group



Chiri Bim Bom (1995)

Label : One Way Records. Chiri Bim Bom was written by Asher Lugassi, Fabio Turatti, Mauro Farina and Ron Tichon, produced by Dov Zeira, Ilan Ben-Shahar. Remixes were produced by Factory Team and Mauro Farina. Daniel Sous probably performed the rap parts. It was re-released digitally in 2009.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



DJ Raidi Rebello
EuroDance Group


He produced some eurodance projects such as Pollyanna, Metallicos Atomicos and Amarildo. He also released some very nice eurodance tracks, such as Vem Comigo or Romance Dance, which was a cover in Brazilian of Odyssey's Riding On A Train, featuring the voice of Deisy. On Romance Dance, sample raps were done by Raidi Rebello, power raps by DJ Adailton. The label was Dance Mix Records

Thanks to Alex Capilé



DJ Ramezz
EuroDance Producer



My Heart (20th Jun 2023)

1.My Heart, 2.Rocking To The Beat, 3.Take Me away, 4.Live It Up, 5.Believe Me, 6.Lessing, 7.Nobody, 8.Take a Chance, 9.Writing On The Wall, 10.Waiting For You,


Living In Cyberspace (24th Mar 2023)
Scream (28th Mar 2023)
Feel Your Loving (31st Mar 2023)
Only One (11th Apr 2023)<