
M and M M and M (2) M and M Crew M and M Orchestra M Dacal M Gi M M Square M-Key M-Pact M-Proud Action M-System Ma'radscha Ma-Su Maad Records Mac Project Mach 7 Maclaren Roy Mad MAD (2) MAD (3) Mad (4) Mad Angels Mad Bob Mad Box Madame K Made 2 Fade Madeline Madell Madia Lawrence Madisa John Madison Madmax Maduar Madunga Madura Magdalena Magenta Maggey EC Maggi MJ Magic Affair Magic Artists Magic Beat Magic D Magic DJ Magic Dream Magic E-motion Magic Fly Magic Friends Magic Illusion Magic Kefir Magic Motion Magic Nation Magic Paper Magic T Spark Magic Vision Magik Brothers Magik Force Magma Records Magnet Patrick Magnetic Pulstar Magnetik Magnetik II Magnitudo Magnolia Magoni Petra Maguire Sean Mahoney Mahurewa Mainstream Maiolini Giacomo Major T Majuri Malanga Franco Malatesti Claudio Mali Mallorcams Malone Nomi Maloy MaMa Nation MAMA Project MAN Man 2 Man Mandengu Malvern Mandurha Mangerich Paul Mangione Claudio Manian Manico Manila ManiRock Manpea Manuela (2) Many Machines Many More Mara Maracash Marasma Marc Marc Z Marcelo Marchetti Francesco Marco Polo Marcolin Mauro Mareen Marena Margen XXI Margheriti Alberto Maria Lisa Mariana Marie Marie Anett Marie Lee Marin Simona Marina Marina (2) Marion Marisa Marissa Marissal Marklund Petra Marky Mark Marlboro Music Marlowe Frankie Marmelade Marrey Fanny Mars Plastic Marscha Marsh Sally Anne Marsha Marsilio Davide Martha E Marti Eva Martin Angela Martin King Martin Laura Martin Marc Martin Max Martine Martinelli Franco Martinez Martinez (2) Martinez and Laure J Marton Marvellous Melodicos Marvin Mary Mary Hola Mary House Mary Jay Mary L Mary Lisa Maryelle Maryland Marys Marzal Digital Project Masada Mascotte Music MASH! Masha Masha (2) Masia Mason Vanessa MaSong Masoni Giada Maspons Santi Masquerade Massaro Antonella Massiah Zeitia Mastaman Master and Seven Master B Master B (2) Master Beat Master Freez Master Mind DJ Master Mokamba Master Tracks Masterboy Mastered Paul Masterjam Masters Of Vision Mata Hari Matchboxx Matilda Matisse Matiyash Roman Mato Grosso Maton Pascal Matrix Matrix '94 Matrix 10 Matthew EL Matthiesen Kai Mattisa Maui Mauri Graciela Mauro Mauthe Charlie Max Impact Max Mad Feat KS25 Max Music Max P Maxcess Maxima Maxima (2) Maxplane Maxx Maxxima Maxxine May 23 May Day May Day (2) May Maria Maya Maya (2) Maya Edward Mayabel Mayda Mayra Mazar Mazelle Kym Mazzamauro Ricky MBO MBRG MC BeatBox MC Bla MC Claude MC Cuzco MC Eric MC Erik and Barbara MC Fear MC Fixx it MC Flash MC Hi-Hat MC KGB MC Licia MC Major MC Morris MC Mystery MC Sar and the real McCoy MC X McCray Lane MCD MCD and The Lady Lovers McDonald Carin McFarlane Rachel MCI McIvor Kathy McLaine Chantal MCM (1900) McQueen Lyv Me and My Me and You Meanstreet Boys Medea Media Luna Media Records Medina Carol Medium Medusa (2) Medusa (3) Meek Linda Meet Records Meet The Beat MEGA Mega Records Megafont Records Megaforce Megaherz Megamorph Megatronic Meister Robert Melando Melanie Melina Melinda Melissa Melissa (2) Mell Mellgren Kajsa Melloni Silvio Melodie MC Melodika Melomania Melone Antonella Meloona Melotti Ana Paola Melrose Melrose Ave Meltdown Memory Of Sound Men Behind Mendy Lee Menichetti Riccardo Mensi Gianluca Mentronix Mephisto Mer Dyana Merletti Nicoletta Merryant Mertens Linda Mery J Mesopotamia Messalina Messiah Messina Messina Francesca Metrix Metro 7 Metrovinyl Mezzaluna MFM Independent Records MG MGK MGM MI Projekt Mia Minx Miani Michaela Michele Micheli Federica Michelle Michelle (2) Micky Micro Mania Microbots Microcosmica Mida Midnight Affair Midnight Affair (2) Mig29 Mighty Marvels Mighty Reel Miisa Mike Miki Miko Mission Miky Mouse Milano Donato Giovanni Milcor Mind Miledi Miles Robert Milk Inc Miller Tina Milton Lisa Mimania Mimmo Mix Mimosa Minca Dario Mind Affair Mind Control Mind's Eye Mingardi Claudio Ministry Of Sound Minneapolis Minnesota Mira Miracle Base Miracle Of Sound Mirage Miranda Mireille Mirror Mirza Anila Misar Misomega Miss 'X' Miss Blondie Miss Jane Miss Ketty Miss Love Miss Manu Miss Mitchell Missing Heart Mission Mission Blonde Mission Control Missis Scarlet Mister Fun Mister Owl Recordings Mister X Mister X (2) Misteria MisterY Mistic Man Mistika Mistral Mitch Mitrache Paula Miura Mix Age Mix Factory Mix Max Mix-Mate Mixdown Mixed Image MK Project MKS Records MKZE MLM Mo Beat Mo-Do Mobius Loop Moczulska Krystyna Modem Modern Art Modern Talking Moggi Alberto Mohammed Gina Molella Molinaro Roberto Molla Jose Vicente Moltocarina Mona Dee Mondano Monika Monitors Monni Monomatix Montana Moon Moon (2) Moon Bass Moon's Girl Moonroad Moor Diana Moore Pete D Moova Morales Angelo Maria Morales Elena Moran Sally Moratto Elvio More Morena Moreno Diaz Maria Moreno Leila Morgan Morgan Ina Morgana Morgano Franca Morhotronic Morissa Moroldo Massimiliano Moroni Clara Morozoff Morpheus Morphosis Morrison Julie Mosaic Moscardini Jenny Moskobeat Mother Mother Of God Motion Motiv Motiv8 Motivate 8 Moulligan Gerry Move 2 Groove Movement G Movetron Moving Faders MPH Mr Beat Mr Black Mr French Junior Mr Fuzz Mr Ghana Mr Ghiss Mr Happyman Mr Jam Mr John Mr Kash Mr Kwa Mr Manila Mr Melody Mr Perfect Mr Polon Mr President Mr Saturday Mr Shah! Mr Signo Mr Six Mr Spectre Mr Trash MRX MS Klang MT Production MTC MTJ MTS Mueller Karin Muenzing Michael Multi Cult Munzert Klaus Murble Jungle Murphy Must Mutinae Muzik Masters MXM MykoTank Myndy K Myra Myra Bro Myriad Mysia Mystah Munroe Mystery Records Mysterya Mystic Mystic (2) Mystic Dream Mystic Eyes Mystic May Mystic Minds Myszkiewicz Kaska Mytho


M and M
EuroDance Group



Lemon Tree ()
Don't Give Me Up (1996)

The project was founded by Antonio Martin, Jose Luis Hernandez and M. Cárceles. It featured Marian Dacal, a female vocalist who hides behind the pseudonym of Infinity and released 2 solo singles : It's So Good and Take Me Now.

Don't Give Me Up was written by Luis C. del Pino, Victor A. del Pino, J.P. Salcedo, M. Dacal, M. Cárceles, A. Martín and JL Hernández. Executive Producer : Miguel Dega , Ricardo Campoy. Producer : Sloom Productions. Label : Max Music.

Don't Give Me Up was re-released in 2005 under the name Infinity.



M and M (2)
EuroDance Group



Kiedy Kochasz, Kiedy Pragniesz (1995)

1.Kiedy Kochasz, Kiedy Pragniesz, 2.Dlaczego, 3.Czy Kochasz Mnie, 4.Kochaj Swiat, 5.Czy Ty Mnie Juz Nie Kochasz, 6.Zawsze Naj, 7.Kochaj Mnie, Sex Mi Daj, 8.Pod Latarnia, 9.Poki Muzyka Bedzie Grac, 10.Kazdy Musi Wierzyc W Siebie, 11.Musisz Zrozumiec, 12.Are You Ready,

Project featured singer Magda Durecka and rapper Michał Gielniak. Their only album Kiedy Kochasz, Kiedy Pragniesz was released under Snake's Music in 1995, re-released in 2002 under Property & Music.



M and M Crew
EuroDance Group



Electric Live (1990)
Forget About Fashion (1991)
Do What You Want (1991)
Move On (8th Dec 1995)
Hot / It's Time (27th Apr 2001)


Electric Live (1990)

The single was composed and written by the members of Triple M : Mike Michaels, MM Dollar (the same team as Slam) and Cali Gold (who is also the female vocalist), produced by Mike Michaels and MM Dollar, co-produced with Mark Tabak. It was published by Triple M-EMI Edition and recorded at Kit-Cat Flower studio, LA.

This project constantly changes vocalists.

Thanks to MelodyMan



M and M Orchestra
EuroDance Group



I Can Feel The Rhythm (1997)

Project featured a female vocalist and a rapper. Label : Popular Records

Thanks to Gianni



M Dacal
EuroDance Group



Bizarre Love Triangle (1994)
I Promised Myself (1994)
Breathe (Apr 2003)
Rhythm Takes Me High (26th Nov 2021)
The Key 2024 (2nd Jul 2024)


Bizarre Love Triangle (Xaviplastik Remix) (29th Nov 2022)

Marian Dacal was born and raised in London, where she started singing at a very early age for family and neighbors. She's been living in Barcelona since 1991. Apart from her solo singles Bizarre Love Triangle (a cover of a song originally released by New order) and Nick Kamen cover I Promised Myself, Marian "Diva" Dacal also contributed to writing and singing the lyrics of M&M - Don't Give Me Up. She did vocals on Latin Spirit's cover of Independent Love Song. She was uncredited vocalist for many Spanish eurodance and makina projects such as Infinity, Scanners and Speed Limit, recording more than 100 songs.

2000 : Marian Dacal was featured on the single Gun Shy. Bizarre Love Triangle was re-released under label Insolent Tracks as 2 Rhythm featuring M. Dacal.

2001 : Marian did vocals for Wax - This Is Real.

2002 : Marian appeared on X-Treme's single - Here Comes The Night

2007 : she contributed to DJ Francis's single Stratovarius. She contributed to a Beatles tribute album entitled Las Mejores Canciones Chill Out.

2008 : Marian was featured on Force 10 - Taking Me Higher.

2013 : she recorded a duet with Brian Cross entitled More Than A Lover, which appeared on his album Pop Star.

2014 : she teamed with Monica Naranja to record single Eurovegas, which was featured on movie Torrente V: Misión Eurovegas.

2019 : Marian visited Rolo & Ruboy's single Love 4 Harmony.

2021 : Marian was featured by Lonsdale on single Colour Of Life

2022 : Marian and for long-time friend Eva Marti did vocals on Julio Posadas' cover of Motiv8's Searching For The Golden Eye.

2024 : Marian, Eva Marti and DJ Neil a remake of The Key (originally released in 2001 with Scorpia.

Thanks to Abelito and Gianni

Artists and groups featuring M Dacal

2 Rhythm - Bizarre Love Triangle (2000)
DJ Francis - Stratovarius (2007)
Dany BPM - Coliseum Anthem (2012), Sleeping In My Car (2024)
Fifteen Of May - Once A Dream (1996)
Force 10 - Taking Me Higher (2008)
Gerard Requena - Suddenly (2012)
Guillermo Argento Dani Jr & Julio Posadas - Sister Golden Hair (2015)
Infinity (4) - It's Magic (2000), It's So Good (1998), Take Me Now (1997)
Juanra Martinez & Gerard Requena - One Of Us (2010)
Julio Posadas - Searching For The Golden Eye (2022)
Koke - Love To You (1996)
Latin Spirit - Independent Love Song (1995)
Logic Beat - I Wanna Cry (1996), I Want Your Love (1996)
Lonsdale - Colour Of Life (2021)
M and M - Don't Give Me Up (1996)
Marti Eva - 74-75 (2023), Alas Prometidas (2024), Angels (2024), I Drove All Night (2023)
Memory Of Sound - Maniac (1995)
Monica X - Driving To The Future (2005)
Open - Where Is Love (1996)
Pont Aeri - Flying Free (1999)
Rolo & Ruboy - Love 4 Harmony (2019)
Scanners - All I Want (1996), Big Area (1995), Gun Shy (1994)
Scorpia - The Key (2001)
Speed Limit - Cry For Your Love (1995), Paradise (1996), Remember (1996)
The Providers - Gun Shy (2000)
Wax - This Is Real (2001)
X-Treme - Here Comes The Night (2002)
Xavi Pasquina & Luis de Frutos - There For You (2010)



M Gi M
EuroDance Group



Be Good To Me (1995)
Hungry For Pamela (1995)
Eat & Run (1996)

This Canadian project and remixers crew (also known as M.Gi.M. Big Time) was composed of Mac Thornhill, Gino Crescenza and Maurizio Nalli. Be Good To Me featured the voice of Christine. The single was written by M. Thornhill and G. Crescenza and released under Numuzik. It appeared on the compilations DJ Club Mix Volume 7 and DJ Line Volume 18.

The team contributed to the projects Soul Glow (Funky Horn) and to Christine's solo single Into The Fire.

Thanks to EuroBoy and Klems



M Square
EuroDance Group


Always Illusion ()

Always Illusion featured a solo male vocalist. It was released on Brazilian compilation Dance



EuroDance Group



With You (1995)

Label : Discomagic Records. Vocals were sung by G. Vendramin. The single was written by Severino Lombardoni (aka Flexter) and M. Tessaro.



EuroDance Group



A Dream Come True ()
Dreams (1997)

The single Dreams was produced, mixed and written by the Dutch producer Richard Westdijk (who also created the project Phantasia). Label : ID&T.

Dreams was also featured on compilations under the title A Dream Come True, in an awesome eurodance version.



M-Proud Action
EuroDance Group



U and Me (1996)

U & Me was produced and arranged by D. Valbusa and R. Bogni, composed/written by Al Barbero and M. Poletti who were also additional producers, recorded and mixed at Rockhattle Music Studios in Novara (Italy). Vocals were probably done by Rachel Fellini. Label: Domino Records

Thanks to Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Keep Right Now (24th Sep 1994)
I Can Fly (29th Jan 1996)
Let Me Feel the Groove (28th May 1996)
Nice Warm (1997)

The group M-System is from Italy and they released their singles only on vinyl by X-Energy and Extreme Records. I Can Fly featured a vocalist whose voice sounded a little like Sandy Chambers.

Thanks to Dean M Nakanishi - Eurodance 'N Other Stuff



EuroDance Group



Right Now (23rd Jan 1995)
Cuckoo 4 Your Luv (25th Sep 1995)


Cuckoo 4 Your Luv (1995)

Records company : MCA Music / Multi Culture / Capellmeister. Ma'radsha was a project of Ollie Stan and Tobias Maack.

Right Now was released under the name of Ma'radsha and the Sham with many remixes : Airplay Edit, X-Tended, Casa Milano House, Futurology Style, Kingston Mix, UK Soul Anthem, Boombastic Dubin House, Bhangra Ethno. The lyrics were written by M. Petersman. The music was composed and arranged by Redd Tobby (who also did the keyboards and programming) and M. Petersman. The single was produced by M. Petersman, R. Tobby and Paisley.

Cuckoo 4 Your Luv was composed & written by Tobias Maack, M. Petersman, Stan, Delight and Gee, programmed & arranged by Tobias Maack at Top Tune Studio, then mixed by Joe M. at Delight Studio. The single was produced by Tobias Maack, M. Petersmann, Stan, Selitsch and M. The CD included an Airplay Edit, an Extended Mix, a Dance House Mix, a Future Rave Mix, a Progressive House Mix, a Club House Mix, a Kingston Mix and an Antheme.

Thanks to MelodyMan



EuroDance Group



Lies In My Life (1995)

Ma-Su was built around vocalist Susy Martelli (the project's name is made of the 2 first letters of her first and last name). Lies In My Life was produced by Ciro Pisano and F. Monteleone. It was written by Ciro Pisano, Claudio Breviglieri and N. Merletti, arranged by Ciro Pisano and Vito Ulivi.



Maad Records
EuroDance Company


Division of Warner Music Group Germany Holding GmbH, Maad Records closed in 2001. Its sublabel was DAAM Recordings



Mac Project
EuroDance Group



Everybody (1996)

This group only produced one song, a fast paced eurodance track entitled Everybody. The single included an Extended version, a Single version, a Hard version, an Easy Listening version and an Easy Listening Extended. It was released under CNR.

Thanks to Alex "Energy" Laba



Mach 7
EuroDance Group



Real Love (1994)
Dangerous (26th Oct 1994)
Alacazam (1995)
United States of Japan (11th Apr 1995)

Location : Stockholm, Sweden. The members are Stevie James who does the rap and 2 girls, Ida and Malin.

The first 2 singles Real Love and Dangerous were written by Lars Lundgren, Andy White and Stevie James and were released by Virgin. Alacazam was written by the duo Eliasson and Eriksson (of Solid Base) and released by Remixed Records.

United States Of Japan was recorded in January 1995 in Future Crew Studio, and released the same year under Virgin Records Sweden. It was produced and mixed by Pat Reiniz, written and composed by Pat Reiniz, Stevie James, R. Colgate, and Lars Lundgren. It included 2 remixes by Statikk.

Thanks to Christian Stödberg



Maclaren (Roy)
EuroDance Group



Serenade (1995)

Spanish dance act produced and arranged by Oscar Montesinos and Pablo Gil Poveda. They recorded a sort of EP titled Serenade that included some remixed Steve Miller Band's hits.

Thanks to Ulysses



EuroDance Group



I Think Of You (9th Feb 1995)
Think of You (22nd Feb 1996)

The first single released by Mad is I Think Of You. Released in 1995, it features the voice of Jennifer Romero. It was produced by Tim Dobrovolny and engineered by Michael Schendel. The music was composed by Andre Treffert , Tim Dobrovolny and Michael Schendel. The lyrics were written by Andreas "Schnippes" Herrmann.

The second single released by Mad is entitled Think of You. It is a slightly different and revamped version of the original I Think of You without any rap. It's implicitly a remix but it doesn't say that. The remix tracks on Think of You were done by Logo and another group. The vinyl was released on 13th March 1996, preceeded by the CD on th 22nd of February.

Thanks to Dean M Nakanishi - Eurodance 'N Other Stuff
Thanks to MelodyMan



MAD (2)
EuroDance Group



Living In A Dream (28th Jul 1995)

M.A.D. stands for Madness And Dizgrace. All the tracks of the single Living In A Dream were written by Mangroove, Hatrain , and M.A.D. The vocals were done by Susanne Hedenius. The single was released in 1995 under Warner Music Sweden.



MAD (3)
EuroDance Group



Todo Por Ti (1996)

The single Todo Por Ti was mastered by Pedro Vidal, producer, arranged and recorded by A. Louis and Quite Man and Tension 808, mixed by Tension 808. Vocals were done by Denise Stahile, who also contributed to another project of the same team, House Of Dreams.

Thanks to EurodanceRage



Mad (4)
EuroDance Group



Slave Tonight (1994)

Slave Tonight featured vocals by Dax. It was arranged by David Rossato and Franco Canneto, produced by Mario Di Giacomo. Label: CUT Records



Mad Angels
EuroDance Group



All My Love (1994)
We Can Make It All Right (1994)
Down Dedown (1996)

Label : DDM Records.

All My Love was produced, recorded and arranged by F. Minelli and Ricky Romanini. Executive producer : G. Del Barba.

We Can Make It All Right was arranged and recorded by P. Grazioli at Stage Studios for Farm, produced by G. Del Barba and G. Bonardi, realized by G. Minelli and R. Romanini, written by G. Minelli, G. Del Barba, G. Bonardi and R. Romanini R.

Down Dedown was produced by L. Nabissi and O. Pizzoli. The executive producer was G. Del Barba, G. Bonardi and P. Polara. It was recorded at Queen Theodolinda Studio (Italy), mixed and arranged by L. Vignato and R. Gabrielli.

Thanks to Gianni



Mad Bob
EuroDance Group



Nightmare (1994)
Adelante (1994)

Label : General Bit. Adelante was arranged and mixed by Giacomo Orlando (who also contributed to Blackmaster - Baby Don't Cry) and Luca Bernini. Both were also behind the single (To The Land Of The) Day Dream by House Of Love.

Mad Bob was featured by Dr. DJ Cerla on the single ¡Mi Boca!

Thanks to David Nivin "Captain DJ"



Mad Box
EuroDance Group



Touch The Sky (1994)

Touch The Sky, a nice eurodance track with a touch of happy hardcore, featured a solo female vocalist. It was produced by La Bionda, Massimo Zucchelli and Mauro Bonasio. Label : Let It Beat records

Thanks to Gianni



Madame K
EuroDance Group



Stars (1995)

The single was written by Gaffurini, Dini and Fidelfatti, released under Dance Factory Italy.

Thanks to reBeL



Made 2 Fade
EuroDance Group



Love Explosion (1995)

Love Explosion was composed by Roby Colella, Claudio Paoloni and Ricky Mazzamauro, written by Claudio Paoloni, Ricky Mazzamauro and Kevin Ettienne. It was produced by Massimo Sierra.



EuroDance Group



Lascia Suonare La Musica (1994)

Lascia Suonare La Musica was a Spanish cover of Let The Music Play (originally sung by Shannon in 1984).



EuroDance Producer


Madell is a French Canadian dance music producer who worked with many of his country best dance artists : Emjay (In Your Arms, Be My Man, Point Of No Return, So Far Away...), Roxxy (We Can Touch The Sky, I Feel Love, I'll Never Stop), Solina (Breakout, Give It Up, Summer Nights, Forever In Love, Everynight, The Music Comes Alive...), Julia, Samtronix, Jay Jay, Sun Jam, Neural Beat, Thing Big... From 1994 to 1999, he wrote and produced over 35 songs that were all released on various compilations, CD singles and vinyls in Canada and many countries.



Madia (Lawrence)
EuroDance Member

Lawrence Madia became the new Imperio rapper and dancer in1996.

He was born on the 7th of October 1971 in Johannesburg. His mother is South-American et his father Australian. He has a sister. He is 1,81 m tall and weights 79 kg. His hair is black and his eyes dark brown. Lawrence lives in Linz (Austria). He has a daughter, and is nowadays a bachelor. His hobbies are dancing, swimming and roller-skating.

Before entering Imperio team, Lawrence was a dancer, rapper and a professionnel model. In 1991 he was vice world champion of  freestyle dancing, 3 times champion of Austria for freestyle dancing, and national champion for lambada...



Madisa (John)
EuroDance Member


DJ, rapper and songwriter John Madisa aka DJ Keez is based in Aalborg (Denmark). He took part to eurodance project Toolex. He worked as resident DJ at Ministry of Sound

Artists and groups featuring Madisa (John)

Toolex - Can You Feel It (1995), Fly Away (1994), Open Your Heart (1995)



EuroDance Group



Borderline (1995)
Just Do It (1996)
Embrasse Moi (1996)

Label : Joker/MCA. The single Borderline was written by Armand Mondjo, Teddy Addeyo, Willy Louis Sidney and Fred Brigaud. Vocals were done by Annick Tangorra, ragga vocals by Teddy Addeyo, recorded at "Toute la clique" studio. Madison was the name of the blond model on stage, known as being the sister of model and TV-moderator Marlène.

In 1995 Madison appeared in the summer show 40° à l'Ombre, along with 2 dancers and chorists, broadcasted on the channels France 3 and internationally on TV5.

A second single was released, entitled Just Do It, featuring Double B.

Later, Annick Tangorra started a solor carreer, chosing to sing in French. She released an album entitled Etadam in 1999, followed by the single Ode à Ella. In 2005 came the second album Colorada.

Nowadays, Madison Mourreau could be leading an event-marketing company based in Paris called Magical Dreams Company.

Thanks to Apho and Klems



EuroDance Group



Madmax (1996)

1.Wiktor, 2.Oliwa, 3.Dzień Za Dniem, 4.Powiedz Mi, 5.Ivetta, 6.Cyfrowy Świat, 7.Hiszpania, 8.Alpha Dance, 9.Serce, 10.Magic Dance,

Madmax only released one self-titled album in 1996. It featured vocals by Magda Wiśniewska and Neckman, and raps by Arkadiusz Zych. It was recorded in Horn Music Studio, engineered and programmed by Arkadiusz Zych and Piotr Adamczyk (who also contributed to composing some of the tracks), released as CD and cassette under Koch International.

Piotr and Arkadiusz also stood behind project La Belle.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



I Feel Good (1994)

1.Do It, 2.Born In A Ragga Ridim, 3.I Feel Good, 4.Peace Love Unity, 5.Love Me, 6.It's A Day, 7.Dance Now, 8.Crying Rain, 9.Prva Dama, 10.Anjel, 11.Pár bielych ruzí, 12.Ragga Dansa, 13.Requiem Pre Zuzanu, 14.Netreba, 15.La Bamba (live'86),

Space (1995)

1.Mystic Party, 2.Peace In My Soul, 3.Space, 4.Move To The Trance, 5.Love Is On The Way, 6.Africa, 7.Small Roulette, 8.Maduar Machine, 9.Prosba, 10.Afrika, 11.Mesacna Noc, 12.Mystic Party (Special Ragga Mix),

Ten (1996)

1.Hello, 2.Love, 3.Hafanana, 4.Move It, 5.Baby, 6.Nothing Will Bring You Back, 7.Jump, 8.Power Of Ecstasy, 9.Celebrate, 10.Niè a nevráti spä, 11.Hello (easy mix), 12.Play That Game,

Hafanana - The Best Of (1997)

1.Hafanana, 2.Do It, 3.Mystic Party, 4.Anjel, 5.Space, 6.Hello, 7.Prosba, 8.Love, 9.Small Roulette, 10.I Feel Good, 11.Born In A Ragga Ridim, 12.Love Is On The Way, 13.Jump, 14.Love Me, 15.Move To The Trance, 16.Ragga Dansa,

La Chita (1997)

1.La Chita, 2.Party, 3.Freedom, 4.Crying rain, 5.the Beat, 6.No time, 7.Every man, 8.Ramaya, 9.I Wanna, 10.The Question is ..., 11.La Chita (House Mix), 12.Lucia, 13.Hladam,

La Chita (1998)

1.La Chita, 2.Party, 3.Freedom, 4.Crying Rain, 5.The Beat, 6.No Time, 7.Every Man, 8.Ramaya, 9.I Wanna, 10.Hafanana, 11.The Question is..., 12.La Chita (House Mix), 13.Summer '98 Mix (Hafanana, La Chita, Ramaya),

Walk This Way (2000)

1.Walk This Way, 2.If You, 3.Drivin' Away, 4.Posledné ráno, 5.Start it Up Again, 6.Ty, 7.Tapee, 8.When The Light (Meets The Night), 9.When comes The Wind, 10.Too much, 11.Stretli sa priatelia, 12.Walk ths way (Acoustic),

007 (2007)

1.One Way Ticket 007, 2.Crying Rain 007, 3.Freedom 007, 4.Every Man... 007, 5.Start It Up Again 007, 6.Hafanana 007, 7.Hello 007, 8.La Chita 007, 9.Prosba 007, 10.I Feel Good 007, 11.Do It 007, 12.Anjel 007, 13.Mystic Party 007, 14.Space 007, 15.Ramaya 007,


I Feel Good (1994)
Do It (1994)
Mystic Party (1995)
Space (1995)
Small Roulette (1996)
Hello (1996)
Hafanana (1996)
La Chita (Oct 1997)
Every Man (1998)
Ramaya (1998)
The Last Morning (Aug 2000)
Walk This Way (Oct 2000)
Start It Up Again (2001)
Hafanana 2006 (2006)
One Way Ticket (2007)
Crying Rain 007 (2007)
Slovakia goes to South Africa (2009)
Do it 2k9 (8th Sep 2009)
Champions go to South Africa (31st Oct 2009)
Saturday Party Time (2nd Nov 2009)
Dance & Kiss (17th May 2010)
I'm a Rock (13th Sep 2010)
Náš čas (25th Jan 2011)
Can U Feel It (10th Nov 2016)
Pohodový song (23rd Jun 2017)
Party In Da House (17th Oct 2017)
Show How Mad U Ar (14th Jun 2023)

Maduar was created in 1986 in Rimavská Sobota by Juraj Matyinkó (bass, vocals, music and lyrics), Ladislav Matyinkó (keyboards, vocals) and Ladislav "Laco" Dulovič. They hesitated between the names Hurikán, Atlantic, and Adept. They did their rehersals in the Matyinkó's appartment. The were searching for a 4th member, a guitarist. Roland Kelemen, then Peter Strečka applied but they did not stay long.

Then one year after, in 1987, they chose Maduar when Erik Aresta joined the project. The name was invented by the Matyinkov brothers' dad, who suggested to form it with the member's names : MA tyinkó, DU lovič, AR esta. At first they were only performing live.They gave their first concert in 1988 in the Youth Club of Rimavská Sobota. Then they took part to regional, then national contests and talent shows. From October 1990 to April 1991, Maduar did a pause : Erik and Laco Dulovič were busy with their university studies, while Ladislav Matyinkó had to do his military service. They joined again in 1991, without Erik, and Ladislav Matyinkó purchase his first synthetizer. They started performing again. The same year, they were able to buy an Atari 1040 STFM. In June 1992, Erik came back in the project, as an external consultant.

They decided to change their style to eurodance, to be the first in Slovakia to perform this kind of music. Then in 1993 they did their first studio recording (at the Slovakian radio) with the songs Dancefloor and Requiem Pre Zuzanu (Requiem for Susanne). They needed a female vocalist : they welcomed the singers Lyda Balcarová et Janka Dúžiková. But Janka did not stay very long, due to family reasons...

All really started in 1994. Their first single was I Feel Good. The follow-up Do It went platinum. They were elected band of the year 1994 in Slovakia and got signed under label Prolux.Barbara Hašcáková became the frontlady and female singer of the project. In August, they sho the videos for their 2 first singles. Then they released their first album I Feel Good, recorded in October and November in Savid studios in Košice, and which was also very successful. End of 1994, they did a shot tour in Czech republic

The following year they got 1st place in the survey of the most popular Slovak bands. In February 1995, Barbara and Erik announced they left Maduar to create MC Erik and Barbara. Anna-Katarina Schatzl became the new singer, she did vocals on the album Space. Mystic Party was released in May, along with a videoclip shot on Slovak TV. It was once again platinum record.

They performed in Mega Dance Festival in Prague, together with such stars as East 17, DJ Bobo, Fun Factory, E-Rotic, Technotronic, Rednex, Mr President, Whigfield, Snap, Worlds Apart, Culture Beat. In May also, they were once again awarded at Rock Pop Festival. Then came the single Space, recorded in August in studio Bonton in Bratislava, and it was certified gold. The music video was shot in Prague in October and was awarded best clip 1995 during Triangel session. In December, they took part to the Bravo Super Show Tour.

In January 1996, they recorded Samml Roulette in Savid studios which was released the next month. They also shot the music video in the studio, also including some footage from a concerts they did with E-rotic in Košice. In May, they shot the video for Love Is On The Way, then performed a series of 15 concerts in Slovakia. They took part in July to the contest Nebezpečné pády (Dangerous fall) and some of the project members even did a parachute jump with the winners. In August, they were back in Savid studio to record the single Hello and the third albumTen (for the project's tenth anniversary). The contract of Anna-Katarína ended the same month, so for the first time they hired session vocalists : Katka Dvořáková, Beata Zamrijová, Soňa Hanzlová, Dada Vološinová and Dagmar Rostand (who was the voice on Hello, but was not credited, because of strong disagreements between her and the Maduar members). Hafanana was the next single to be released, in December, as a male trio, along with a best of under BMG Ariola. Its music video was shot the previous month in Štúdio Pokrok in Prague, with dancers from Tanečné štúdio Xoana Prievidza.

In 1997, they did a radio tour in Hungary. They signed a 2-years contract with Monitor-EMI and released a new album entitled La Chita. They performed again at Bravo Super Show in Prague.

1998 saw them invited at Top Show, the most prestigious in Hungary, along with Chris Rea. They shot the videos for the songs Every man (a balled) and Ramaya (a happy pop-party song with Afric Simone). Both were paid by the project. Juraj ended his engineer studies in Economy University of Bratislava, while Ladislav graduated from Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. They started working on a Maduar Tour 99

The negociations for a Maduar Tour 99 failed. In April, they were awarded Best Foreign Artist in the Hungarian Black Box Gála. Ladislav Dulovic left the group in June 1999. The Matyinkov brothers started working on the fifth album Walk This Way.

Their contract with Monitor EMI ended so they had to pay themsleves for the recording of the new single The Last Morning. In September, they got signed under Millenium Records and could record the new album at studio JMP in Košice, which release was preceeded by the eponymous single in October.

In February 2001, they recorded the single Start It Up Again. A music vidoe was shot in Prague the following month.

Then everything became very quiet around Maduar... New century saw the Matyinkov brothers travelling and meeting music professionals all around the world.

2006 : they were back with a 2006 version of Hafanana under M&M Brothers.

2008 : Maduar released a remake of one of their songs : Crying Rain '08.

2009 : Maduar recorded a brand new single entitled Saturday Party Time.

2011 : the Matyinkov brothers moved to Florida to open a travel agency. Maduar released a ballad entitled Náš čas.

2014 : they were back on stage and did about 140 live appearences worldwide.

2016 : after many years of silence, Maduar were back with a new single entitled Can U Feel It. It featured vocalst by Ivanna Bagova (the Voice of Czechoslovakia 2012 winner).

2017 : in June, they released Pohodový song with girls band Holki. Then in October, Party In Da House was out, still featuring Ivanna Bagova.

Thanks to Dancing City, Jeremy Jarko Budiac and Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky



EuroDance Group



On Bended Knee (1995)

Thanks to Abelito



EuroDance Group


Love Me ()

Madura project featured a ragga-rapper and a female vocalist.



EuroDance Group



Live To Tell (1996)

The project is made of a solo female vocalist. Live To Tell was a cover of Madonna. Produced by M. Mazzassa and Max Gavioli, it was licensed in Spain by Stralight records (Media Records sublabel) under Bit Music.



EuroDance Group



Secrets In Motion (1994)

Secrets In Motion was mixed by Charlie Glas, producer and written by Carl Helmberger. Label: ZYX Music



Maggey EC
EuroDance Group



Don't Walk Away (1997)
Show Me That You Love Me (1998)

Label : Dance Pool. Don't Walk Away was written and composed by G.A.M., was recorded, mixed, engineered and produced at Cook Avenue Studio in Vienna (Austria) by Gerry Edmond



Maggi (MJ)
EuroDance Group



Destiny ()
Passion And Feeling (1995)

Passion And Feeling was recorded, arranged and mixed at Circe Digital Studio by Fabio Verardo and Felix Ricci. It was written by Alex Bertagnini, Fabio Verardo, Felix Ricci and Vito Ulivi.



Magic Affair
EuroDance Group



Omen - The Story (1989)

1.In Nomine (Intro), 2.Das Omen (Teil 1), 3.Requiem, 4.Humunkulus (Men Of Glass), 5.The Beyond, 6.Carmen (Omen 2), 7.Fallen Angel, 8.Don't Fly Too High, 9.Heaven's Door, 10.Requiem (Instrumental Mix), 11.Humunkulus (Dub Mix),

Mystic Mountains (1991)

1.Welcome, 2.High On Mystic Mountain, 3.Lovin' You, 4.Awaken, 5.Spirits, 6.Atlantis, 7.Magic, 8.Love Town, 9.Mystery Of Mysteries, 10.Devil's Fight, 11.Welcome, 12.High On Mystic Mountain (Dub),

Omen... The Story Continues (Limited edition double CD) (1994)

1.The Commutation, 2.Omen III (Single Edit), 3.In The Middle Of The Night, 4.Homicidal, 5.Fire, 6.Water Of Sin, 7.Under The Sea, 8.Carry On, 9.Make Your Mind Up, 10.Give Me All Your Love, 11.Wonderland, 12.Thin Line, 13.Fall Out, 14.Fire (Trance Mix),

Omen... The Story Continues (Limited edition double CD) (1994)

1.Omen III (Tweek Dub Mix), 2.Give Me All Your Love (Plus Staples Mix), 3.Omen III (Magic Domingo Mix),

Omen... The Story Continues (16th May 1994)

1.The Commutation, 2.Omen III (Single Edit), 3.In The Middle Of The Night, 4.Homicidal, 5.Fire, 6.Water Of Sin, 7.Under the Sea, 8.Make Your Mind Up, 9.Give Me All Your Love, 10.Wonderland, 11.Thin Line, 12.Fall Out, 13.Fire (Trance Mix),

PhenOMENia (1996)

1.Stream of Life (Intro 1), 2.Break These Chains, 3.The Rhythm Makes You Wanna Dance, 4.Wait In Vain, 5.Love Will Find A Way, 6.World Of Freedom, 7.Magical Love Affair, 8.Can You Feel It, 9.Control Magic (Intro 2), 10.On The Other Side, 11.Energy Of Light, 12.Miracle, 13.Take Me Away (to Paradise), 14.Passion and Desire, 15.No Escape,

20th Century Complete Works (2008)

1.In Nomine (Intro), 2.Das Omen - Teil I, 3.Requiem, 4.Humunkulus (Men Of Glass), 5.The Beyond, 6.Carma - Omen II, 7.Fallen Angel, 8.Dont Fly To High, 9.Heaven's Door, 10.Requiem - Instrumental, 11.Humunkulus Dub Mix, 12.Requiem (Jam ElMar Remix - Club Remix), 13.Carma - Omen II (Jam ElMar Remix), 14.The Omen (Mike Staab Remix), 15.The Omen (Ben Liebrand Remix - Voguemix),

20th Century Complete Works (2008)

1.Welcome, 2.High On Mystic Mountain, 3.Lovin' You, 4.Awaken, 5.Spirits, 6.Atlantis, 7.Magic, 8.Love Town, 9.Mystery Of Mysteries, 10.Devil's Fight, 11.Welcome (Inst. Mix), 12.High On Mystic Mountain (Inst. Mix), 13.Awaken (Dub Mix), 14.Lovin' You (New Mix), 15.Awaken (Remixed By DJ Wag And Arno Müller),


Tears Of Joy ()
Omen (Sep 1989)
Carma (Omen 2) (Nov 1989)
Lovin You (1990)
Requiem (1990)
Omen III (14th Jan 1994)
Give Me All Your Love (May 1994)
In The Middle Of The Night (16th Jul 1994)
Fire (29th Oct 1994)
The Rhythm Makes You Wanna Dance (7th Jul 1995)
Energy Of Light (16th Jan 1996)
World Of Freedom (25th May 1996)
Bohemian Rhapsody (8th Nov 1996)
Break These Chains (10th Mar 1997)
Night Of The Raven (26th Sep 1997)
Sacrifice (11th May 1998)
Miracles (2nd Mar 1999)
Fly Away (10th Dec 2003)
Stigmata (Of Love) (21st Oct 2008)
Hear The Voices (11th Jul 2014)
Rebel Yell (13th Aug 2022)


In The Middle Of The Night (1994)
Fire (1994)
Omen III (1994)
Give Me All Your Love (1994)
Omen III (The Cyber-Remixes) (1994)
The Rhythm Makes You Wanna Dance (1995)
Energy Of Light (1996)
World Of Freedom (1996)
Omen III (the new mixes) (2008)

Magic Affair was formerly known as the Mysterious Art project (M.A.!). Mike Staab produced this band's hits like Omen and Karma (Omen II) which (according to the legend) were created around a camp fire, on a Friday 13th. Omen entered Top 100 on May 13th 1989, and reached #1. It was at place #2 for the whole 1989 year (right after Kaoma's Lambada). At this time, the project was made of Nicole Boeuf, Stephanie Trautmann, Michael Krautter and Tillmann Uhrmacher.

Omen II had the same success a year later. 2 albums were released, Omen - The Story in 1989 and Mystic Mountains in 1991.

The project Magic Affair was created in 1994 with the singer Franca Morgano and the rapper AK Swift (rap) after auditionning 3 rappers and 5 singers. Successful in less than 2 years, Magic Affair climbed from highlight to highlight. They sold numerous of records and they had many chart-triumphs all over the world. The first song Omen III reached number 1 in the German chart six weeks after the being on the market, and top 10 in several other countries. For instance it was # 5 in Israel, # 9 at MTV, and # 18 in UK. The video was on high rotation on TV channels like VIVA, MTV, Disney, DSF and RTL. The single sold gold and platinum in Germany, gold in Austria.

The follow-up Give Me All Your Love entered top 40 in UK, top 5 in Germany (it reached # 7 on the German charts), and reached # 6 at MTV. It sold gold once again in Germany and won the prestigous Echo Award in 1995 for the "single of the year". Then came In The Middle Of The Night which was # 43 in UK and entered Top 30 on the German charts. The last single from this album was Fire, a little weaker than the previous ones, which went # 4 in Israel's dance chart. A remixes CD was released on month later, in December. End 1994, due to a dispute between AK and Franca who wouldn't bear his macho temper, AK Swift was replaced by Alfonso Daniel Morgan. But this new rapper had no success, so AK Swift came back in a few months. Then in February 1995 both Franca Morgana and AK Swift were fired.

Summer 1995 : Magic Affair got two new faces : Anita Davis and Jannet De Lara. Their first song to be released with their voices was The Rhythm Makes You Wanna Dance, but this single did not very well in the charts. A remixes CD was released in October, however. The follow-up was Energy Of Light, a great eurodance track. After that the single World Of Freedom was released. It was a summer hit. The second album released in 1996 was called PhenOMENia, produced by Mike Staab and co-produced by the megaeuro producer Cyborg. The producer and writer Axel Breitung, and the vocalists Lori Glori and Daisy Dee also took part to the album.

Jannett de Lara was fired in September 1996, and again a new member came in Magic Affair : the rapper Raz-ma-Taz . Then the track Bohemian Rhapsody was released. This cover was featured on the Queen Dance Traxx I, which is an album with dance remakes of some of Queen's greatest hits by several great dance artists (like Music Instructor and Blümchen). This song did not have any vocals. After that, the single Break These Chains was released from the album PhenOMENia, before Magic Affair changed from Dance Label C.D.L. (EMI) to Dutch Dance Label CNR, where the song Night Of The Raven was released September 1997. It was a song in real Magic Affair style where this time we could hear Raz-Ma-Taz's rap. Unfortunately, nothing followed, apart from Sacrifice, an instrumental track released under the number CNR 598899, probably only on vinyl and in Holland.

2000 : DJ Valium has released a cover/remix of Omen III.

2003 : After more than 6 years of silence, Magic Affair finally came back with a brand new single entitled Fly Away (La Serenissima). The sound was eurotrance, reminding a little the dream-house style (like Zhi-Vago). It was inspired by Rondo Veneziano. The single featured the voice of a solo vocalist who was no other than... Franca Morgano herself ! It was released as vinyl with 2 versions : a Yanou mix and a FFM Club mix, under the Mr Popper label. The producer of the project is still Mike Staab.

2004 : Fly Away reached #13 in German DJ Playlist and entered Swiss charts at position #75. The maxi was released in March and included a CD ROM part including the video clip, apart from 4 mixes, and a track called Prelude on which one could her the voice of a rapper... Magic Affair appeared live in Club Rotation (Viva) on the 13th of March.

2008 : on April 18th, Magic Affair released The New Mixes of Omen III, 14 years before their hit. It contained remixes by the Nightshifterz, Pussylickerz, Dirty Boyz and Blackzone.

In October, Magic Affair were back with a brand new track (actually an unreleased song originally recorded in 2003), entitled Stigmata (Of Love) featuring AK Swift and an unknown vocalist.

2009 : in February, Franca and AK performed live at RTL Ultimative Chart Show (Omen III reached #24 from the top 100 most successful dance floor hits of all time). They started working on a new album. Producers will be Mike Staab, Rainer Kempf and Bernd Waldstadt. In May, Mike Staab died.

2010 : Magic Affair started working on new tracks for their new album.

2013 : Magic Affair featured a new rapper : German MC and songwriter Nitro replaced AK Swift.

Dance Artists Info © Niklas Adolfsson 1996-1998
Magic Affair Russian unofficial site
AK Swift's official website
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to Fred Oudoul, Anton "MC Ka$per" Skaletsky, Klems, Abelito and Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin for the latest informations



Magic Artists
EuroDance Group



Rock You Like A Hurricane ()
Movin' Through The Night (1998)

Vocals on Movin' Through The Night were done by Jeanette Curta, Katja, Björn Anton and Silke Brandstätter. Single was written, arranged and produced by Bernhard Wittmann-Welsch and Björn Anton. It was recorded at Blaufabrik Projektstudio. Label: Monaco Records

Thanks to Gianni



Magic Beat
EuroDance Group



Koik Mis Olnud (1996)

1.Intro, 2.Miks ootan sind, 3.Ma Sinu Juurde Jään, 4.See öö, 5.Kui Kaua Kestab öö, 6.Ei Vii Keegi Lahku Meid, 7.Sinuta Tühjaks Jääb Mu Päev, 8.Koik Mis Olnud, 9.Kui Kohtuda Loodad,

Magic Beat was a eurodance project from Estonia. They released an album entitled Kõik Mis Olnud in 1996. It was composed by Martti Meumers and Kaido Nigol, written by Martti Meumers, it was recorded in Orbital Vox Studio.

They released a song entitled Ei vii keegi lahku meid which was featured on compilation Eesti hit 6.

Thanks to



Magic D
EuroDance Group



Stay With Me (1995)
Wishing On A Star (1996)

Magic D was a project of Robin Drost. Label : Dureco. Stay With Me was composed by Johann Pachelbel, Robin Drost and Tony Acardi, producer by Robin Drost (aka Prince Robin D). Wishing On A Star was a cover version from Manfred Mann's Earth Band Davy's On The Road Again.




Magic DJ
EuroDance Group



The Dream Of A DJ (1995)
Give Your Body Up (1995)

Magic DJ was a project of Eduardo Barrera. Label : Contraseña Records.

Thanks to Abelito



Magic Dream
EuroDance Group


Dance Across The Floor (1994)

Label : Columbia

Thanks to Gianni



Magic E-motion
New Group



Magic E-Motion ()
Give Me What I Want ()

Magic E-Motion was created in 1997 by Mikael (songwriter, vocalist), David (composer), and Isabelle (female vocalist).

In 1997 and 1998, they toured in partnership with the French radio stations MCM and Fun Radio in many clubs in Auxerre, Paris, Dijon, etc. Their songs aired during several weeks on Fun Radio Bourgogne. They took part to the National Music Tour '98 contest and came across the finalists with 15 other groups (more than 1500 groups initially competed)

In 1998, the project Sunn was created. It was made of Mike, David and the vocalist Coumba.

In 1999 they were once again among the finalist of the National Music Tour '99 contest, and did once again a successful tour in clubs.

2001-2002 : The 2 groups fused together, now consisting of Mike, David, and the vocalist Aurélie.



Magic Fly
EuroDance Group



I Like You (1997)

I Like You was included on German compilation Dance Paints 2 (Red) in 1997.



Magic Friends
EuroDance Group



Dreams (1996)

Dreams was a eurodance track with a touch of rave/happy hardcore composed by Chris Götzki and Mathias Fiedler, produced, recorded and mixed by Mathias Fiedler and Stephan Bösken Bentrup, written by Frank Cornelis and Stephan Bösken-Bentrup.

Thankt ot Steve



Magic Illusion
EuroDance Group



Love Me In The Space (1995)

Love Me In The Space was produced by F. Bassoli, M. Mazzassa and M. Gavioli, written by Alex Baraldi and Claudio Zennaro (aka Einstein Doctor DJ).



Magic Kefir
EuroDance Group



Magic 1.5 (1996)

1.Intro (DJ Special), 2.Késo Uzenet (Dance Mix), 3.A Szél (Maxi-Party Mix), 4.A Lány Nem Rád Vár..., 5.Hegyek Között (424 Remix), 6.This Beat Is Magic Kefir, 7.Életem A Tánc (Táncolj! Part 2.), 8.Égjen A Tüz! (Absolute Remix), 9.Késo Uzenet (Rave Edit-Sitt Mix), 10.Elmúlt A Nyár (84 Bpm Remix), 11.Csak Fúj! (Szél Techno Edit),

Best of 1994-98 (21st Feb 2007)


Tancolj (1994)
Az ido (1995)
A szel (1995)
Elmult a nyar (1995)
Hidd el (1995)
Hegyek kozott (1995)
Egjen a tuz (1996)
A lany nem rad var (1997)
Keso uzenet (1997)
Eletem a tanc (1997)
Feltamad a szel (1997)
The Remix '97 (1997)
Ohio (1998)
Alom (1998)

Magic Kefir are DR.Kal-Man (Böröczk Kálmán), MC. Bálint (Czikora Tamás), Renner Gabor (aka Mr Eer), Ms. Panni (Renner Anikó) and the female vocalist Andi. DR.Kal-Man and MC. Bálint were previously members of projects Technocool Rapid and DJ Horse

Project started in 1994. Tancolj (means Dance in Hungarian) was their first music video to be released. It was shot on Margit-sziget island in the middle of Danube. Single was released on label Williem's Records .

In 1995, they released video for song A szel (means the wind in Hungarian). It was shot in Kecskemét, in a ancient Russian casern and weather was pretty cold. In July, they started working on their first EP.

In 1996 they released their first studio album Magic 1.5. It was recorded in Kecskemét and Budapest.

In 1997 they released a EP entitled The Remix '97

On December 2013, after 13 years of silence, Magic Kefir project was back on stage.

According to Tamás Czikora, Gabor died in 2021.

Thanks to Klems, BroderTuck and Eric-X



Magic Motion
EuroDance Group



The Magic Ride (1998)

1.The Magic Ride - Introduction, 2.Wonderland, 3.Show Me Heaven, 4.Lift You Up, 5.Tell Me Why, 6.Take a Ride, 7.Far Away, 8.Stay With Me, 9.Calling For You, 10.Don't Wanna Lose You, 11.Move My World, 12.Show Me Heaven, 13.Tell Me Why (Future Tone's Club Mix),


Don't Fly Away (1996)
If You Need Me (1996)
Wonderland (1997)
Good Love (1997)
Show Me Heaven (1998)
Unreleased (7th May 2019)
Alive (10th May 2019)
Are You Ready (For The Night) (3rd Mar 2023)
Don't Go Away (21st Apr 2023)

Magic Motion was founded in 1996 by songwriters Pierre Ahlm, Fredrik Granelli, and Anders Nyman. They had also contributed to projects such as Future Tone, Logic Devotion, Miracle Base. Female vocalist was Zetma Donoghue, rapper was Fredrik Granelli. Their records were published by Warner Chappell Music Scandinavia AB/ Westin Production.

Their first single Don't Fly Away was released in 1996. Then came single If You Need Me. Third single Wonderland was dropped in 1997, followed by Good Love. In 1998, Show Me Heaven hit the stores, along with album The Magic Ride.

2019 : an EP containing some previously unreleased tracks was released digitally under label MNM Records. A new single entitled Alive was released. It featured their new vocalist Sandra "Sannanda" Oldenstam.

2023 : Magic Motion were back with a new vocalist, Anna Dror, and 2 new eurodance singles : Are You Ready (For The Night) and Don't Go Away.

Thanks to Gianni



Magic Nation
EuroDance Group


Love Me (1996)

Love Me was recorded in 1996, produced by the famous team Cyborg DMP (Intermission, Captain Hollywood Project). It was released digitally under the label Tricko Tracko.

Thanks to Abelito



Magic Paper
EuroDance Group



Tonight Is The Night (1994)

Label : Dig-It/Lime. In Canada, this cover of Le Click Tonight Is The Night was released under the label Quality Music & Video. This track was featured on the compilation Dome Club Mix.

Thanks to reBeL



Magic T Spark
EuroDance Group



Birthday (1994)
My Way (1994)
Penguin (1995)

Label : ADA Records. Magic "T" Spark composes himself all his melodies.

Birthday was a very energetic, mainly instrumental, eurodance track with an uplifting melody and a techno touch.

Then came the single My Way, released the same year.

Penguin (a sort of EP which actually contained 2 versions of 2 tracks : Music For A Found Harmonium and It's All Right) was rather makina. It's All Right was composed by Noise. Penguin is the name of the orchestra with whom he collaborated on this EP.

Thanks to DJ Brothers and Gianni



Magic Vision
EuroDance Group



Stay Another Day (1995)
Here Comes The Hotstepper (12th Feb 1995)
All I Have To Do Is Dream (24th Apr 1995)
Have A Break (10th Jul 1995)
Nana Hey Hey (Goodbye) (10th May 1996)
You're Breaking My Heart (25th Jan 2001)

Label : Shift Music. Magic Vision is a project founded by Ronald Bähr and Volker Lindner.

All I Have To Do Is Dream was originally sung by Everly Brothers and Roy Orbison. The B-side Magic Dream was composed by V. Lindner & A. Horn.

Here Comes The Hotstepper was a cover of the famous Ini Kamoze hit.

Stay Another Day was a cover of East 17. The B-side Yeti´s (Just Not Born Mix) was composed by V. Lindner & A. Horn.

Have A Break! was used in a TV commercial for the famous chocolate bar.

NaNa HeyHey (Goodbye) featured MC Soccer.

You're Breaking My Heart was the comeback single of Magic Vision. It featured the voice of Linda, and was released in 2001 uinder the label Shift Music, and under ZYX in Germany.

Thanks to Leonardo Marmolejo



Magik Brothers
EuroDance Group



Zodiac (2000)
Never (2004)

Magik Brothers is a project of Ared Arzumanian's records company silvernoteentertainment. Eilona Skvirsky was the female vocalist of the project. Ared Arzumanian was at the same time member and producer of the project, together with Maciej Kaniewski.

Zodiac, released by Universal Music Canada, in the spring/summer of 2000, was a very nice eurodance/trance song. It was also released under BMG Poland and peaked #4 in the Polish charts.

In 2004, they released the single Never. It entered the Polish top 20 once again, reaching #11.

Apparently, other tracks were recorded, such as In My Dreams and So close. Zodiac was re-released under the title Look At The Moon.

Thanks to Ared Arzumanian
CBC Radio Canada



Magik Force
EuroDance Group



Body & Soul (17th Jun 1996)
Body & Soul '97 (16th Jun 1997)

Body & Soul was produced, written and composed by Götz von Sydow, Michael Scheuber and Udo Selber. Label: Chlodwig Musik. It was re-released in 1997 with new remixes.



Magma Records
EuroDance Company


Italian label Magma Records was founded by Raffaello Todesco and Sergio Bonzanni



Magnet (Patrick)
EuroDance Producer


German producer Patrick Magnet contributed to eurodance projects E-base, Loc-8, Space Pilots and Sub Zero.

Artists and groups featuring Magnet (Patrick)

E-base - Fire of St Elmo (1994)
Loc-8 - Message On Air (1996)
Space Pilots - Trip to Orion (1995)
Sub Zero - Legalize (1994)



Magnetic Pulstar
EuroDance Group



Pulse (1st Aug 1995)
Secret Love (18th Sep 1996)
Let Me Take You (30th Apr 1998)

The singles were released under Dos Or Die label. Secret Love was released on vinyl, with 3 versions : Single Edit, Club Mix and Extended Mix. Then as maxi-CD, with the same 3 versions. It was written and produced by O. Dieckermann, P. Kammer and D. Vorih, published by Edition Magic Wonderland / BMG UFA.

Let Me Take You was released in April 1998, in vinyl then in CD (in June), with a B-side called Pacemaker.

Remixes by Magnetic Pulstar :

Vigo - To Be House
Mark'Oh - The Right Way



EuroDance Group



Some Day (1993)

Some Day was produced by Massimo Perini and Stefano Amerio, vocals were done by Sigrid Zuleger. Label : Out



Magnetik II
EuroDance Group



You Feel Good (1994)

You Feel Good featured keyboards by Agostino Sbardellini, and vocal sound samples. It was produced, composed and written by Cristiano Trabujo and Peter Valdi.



EuroDance Group



Jam It Baby (1994)

Label: Inner Records. Jam It Baby featured a female vocalist and a rapper. It was written by Novani DJ, Davide Di Marcantonio, Gino Caria and Stefano Castagna.

Thansk to aldo and Gianni



EuroDance Group



Turn Away (1995)
You Can Say Goodbye (1995)
Music Around Me (1995)

Label: Dance Floor Corporation (DFC). The single was composed and produced by D. Sambadin. Vocals were done by Nadia.

Thanks to reBeL and BroderTuck



Magoni (Petra)
EuroDance Member



Petra Magoni (1996)

1.E Ci Sei, 2.Se Mancassi Tu, 3.Ed Il Treno Va, 4.Tornerò, 5.Ti-Ri-Ri, 6.Quando Mi Cercherai, 7.Che Natale Sei, 8.Ormai È Tardi, 9.E Ci Sei (Instrumental),

Mulini A Vento (1997)

1.Mulini A Vento, 2.Chi È, 3.Vuoto, 4.Voglio Un Dio, 5.Burqa (Nell'anima), 6.Dimmi Dove Sei, 7.Rosa Di Marea, 8.Che Natale Sei,

Musica Nuda (2004)

1.Eleanor Rigby, 2.Roxanne, 3.Prendila Così, 4.Run With Me, 5.I Will Survive, 6.Guarda Che Luna, 7.Maledetto Sia L'Aspetto, 8.Blackbird, 9.Sacrifice, 10.How Intro/How Insensitive, 11.Voglio Di Vita Uscir, 12.Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head, 13.Nessuno, 14.Nature Boy, 15.Imagine,

Musica Nuda 2 (2006)

1.Come Together, 2.Io Sono Metà, 3.5 + 7, 4.Non Andare Via (Ne Me Quitte Pas), 5.Couleur Café, 6.Never Can Say Goodbye, 7.Dindiandi, 8.Like A Virgin, 9.Lascia Ch'Io Pianga, 10.Il Cacio Con Le Pere, 11.Splendido Splendente, 12.Le Due Corde Vocali, 13.Sirene, 14.La Vie En Noir, 15.Il Cammello E Il Dromedario, 16.Over The Rainbow, 17.Why Judy Why, 18.Some Other Time, 19.I Almost Had A Weakness, 20.Modena Park, 21.Take A Bow, 22.Anima Animale, 23.Non Arrossire, 24.Pensieri Di Niente, 25.Anninnia, 26.L'Amore Arancione, 27.My Favourite Things,

Musica Nuda - Quam Dilecta (2006)

Musica Nuda 55/21 (2008)


Don't Give Up ()
E Ci Sei (1996)
Ti-ri-ri / Che Natale Sei (1996)
Rosa DI Marea (1997)
Con te Livorno (1998)

Italian singer Petra Magoni was born in Pisa, July 28th. She sung in a children's choir. Then, she was member of various vocal groups. Se studied singing at the Conservatory of Livorno and the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Milan, specializing in ancient music with Alan Curtis. She took part twice in Sanremo festival (in 1996, with the song E ci sei and in 1997, with Voglio un dio). She appeared in many TV programs during the same period. She also had a role i a n theater tour and a movie, Bagnomaria.

Under the pseudonym of Artepal, among others, she also did vocals and wrote lyrics on dance music songs. She released 2 albums under his own name (Petra Magoni in 1996 and Mulini a vento in 1997). She also released an album under the pseudonym Sweet Anima in January 2000

She is believed to have taken part to the following songs :
New System - This Is The Night (1995)
Lunja - Close Your Eyes (1995)
Senza Freni - Lo Strano (1995)
Sweet Anima - Skay (2000), Self (2000)
Artepal - Don’t give up (2000)
Bitter Suite - Run With Me (2002)

2004 : together with Giampaolo Antoni, she recorded electro-pop album Still Alive released in November under name Aromatic. She founded jazz project Musica Nuda with former Avion Travel contrebassist Ferruccio Spinetti. Together, they released 5 albums covering pop songs.

2006 : Musica Nuda was awarded Targa Tenco prize as best performers, and a PIMI award for best tour. Petra Magoni also visited one track of Banda Osiris' album Banda 25. In December, she released sacred music EP Quam Dilecta. She still lives in Pisa

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Magoni (Petra)

Lunja - Close Your Eyes (1995)
Musica Nuda - Banda Larga (album) (2013), Leggera (album) (2017), Little Wonder (album) (2015)
New System - This Is The Night (1994)
Pacifico - Caffè (2006)
Stiv - Acqua Corrente (1998), Il Funky Nobel (1998), L'accordo Dei Sensi (1998)
ZEN (2) - Fly Today (1994)



Maguire (Sean)
EuroDance Group



Sean Maguire (26th Nov 1994)

1.Someone To Love, 2.Love By Candlelight, 3.Take This Time, 4.My Heart Won't Let You Go, 5.No Choice In The Matter, 6.Suddenly, 7.As Soon As You Know, 8.The Sun Shines From You, 9.Devotion, 10.It's Always Christmas Time,

Spirit (3rd Jun 1996)

1.Good Day, 2.Treat Me, 3.You To Me Are Everything, 4.If You Really Care, 5.I'll Be Good For You, 6.If I Surrender, 7.Now I've Found You, 8.Your Love, 9.Don't Pull Your Love, 10.Sweet Town (Mister Cab Driver), 11.Where Do Broken Hearts Go, 12.Make It Right,

Sean Maguire Greatest Hits (18th Jun 1998)

1.Good Day, 2.Someone To Love, 3.You To Me Are Everything, 4.Take This Time, 5.Suddenly, 6.Now I've Found You, 7.Don't Pull Your Love, 8.Lean On Me, 9.Love By Candlelight, 10.The Sun Shines From You, 11.I'm The One For You, 12.Count On Me, 13.Party Zone, 14.Stay, 15.Devotion', 16.Good Day' (Motiv 8 Southside Dub), 17.You To Me Are Everything (Extended Re-Mix),


Someone To Love (14th Aug 1994)
Take This Time (30th Oct 1994)
Suddenly (13th Mar 1995)
Now I've Found You (12th Jun 1995)
You To Me Are Everything (6th Nov 1995)
Good Day (19th May 1996)
Don't Pull Your Love (22nd Jun 1996)
Today's the Day (17th Mar 1997)

Label : Parlophone. Born 18 April 1976 in Ilford, Essex (UK), Sean Maguire is an actor and a singer of Irish descent.

Sean started his career at a very young age, one of six children; his first appearance was in the film "A Voyage Round My Father" with Sir Laurence Olivier when he was just five. His next big break came when he was 10. His agent put him up for a lead role in the long running children's series "Grange Hill". He got the part and played Tegs for four years. His next roles were Simon Leighton in the drama series "Dodgem", Jason in "Growing Pains" and appearances in the films "The Secret Garden" and "Waterlands" with Jeremy Irons.

In 1993 he joined the cast of the British soap "Eastenders" playing Aiden Brosnan, a young Irish footballer.

In 1994, Sean left the show to take a starring role in the BBC drama series "Dangerfield" playing Marty Dangerfield. Then he started a musical carreer, releasing the single Someone To Love. His first, self-titled album was then released. It included a calendar.

The single Suddenly was released in 1995. The single Now I've Found You was released as a double CD, including a stickers sheet. Then came the single You To Me Are Everything. It was a cover of a song originally recorded by a UK pop group called The Real Thing back in June 1976. It was released as a 2 CD set including a tour poster and some bonus tracks.

Then came Good Day, his most successful single, in the usual double-CD format, reaching #12 in May 1996. It included remixes by Motiv-8. The follow-up was Don't Pull Your Love, including a tour photo diary. A second album entitled Spirit was then released.

During this time, Maguire appeared on the Childliners charity record The Gift Of Christmas, alongside acts such as the Backstreet Boys, Boyzone, E.Y.C., MN8, Deuce, Ultimate Kaos, Let Loose, East 17, Peter Andre, Michelle Gayle, Dannii Minogue and many more.

His last single Today's the Day doesn't appear on any of Sean's albums. The song was a change of style in Sean's music, while his first two albums had been pop music, Today's the Day was almost britpop in style. Unfortunately for him, the single was unsuccessful.

In 1997, he returned to acting playing Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet", Hal in the Joe Orton comedy "Loot" and Darren in the UK tour of "Funny about Love" with Stephanie Beecham.

In 1998, came the best of album Sean Maguire Greatest Hits

1999 : Sean starred in the British film "Out of Depth"

2001 : he played the title role in "Prince Charming" for TNT opposite Christina Applegate, Billy Connolly and Martin Short. He then played the part of Euan in the WB sitcom "Off Centre” alongside Eddie Kaye Thomas.

203 : He appeared in three series of "Eve" playing the part of Donovan, a nightclub owner.

2006 : he appeared in "The Class", a sit-com about a group of twentysomethings, airing in the UK on E4.

2007 : Sean played a role in the movies "The Dukes" and "LA Blues".

2008 : he appeared in the comedy movie "Meet the Spartans" (released in France under the title "Spartatouille"), spoofing the movie "300", and in the TV series Mr Eleven.

2009 : Sean Maguire casted as the lead role in "Kröd Mändoon and The Flaming Sword of Fire", on channel Comedy Central. He also apeared in the TV series "Cupid".



EuroDance Group



Let's Go On Holiday (1995)

Mahoney was produced by DB One and Flying Dutchman. Executive producer was by A. Santori. The single was written by A. Blanchi and P. Pasquarella. Label : Lombardoni Ed./ Timanfahja for General Bit Records. Distributed by Discomagic Records.

Thanks to Alex Capilé



EuroDance Group



I Feel You (1995)

I Feel You included vocals samples from Zhana - Sanctuary of Love and was produced by Luca Fattoretto. Label: Soul Xpression



EuroDance Group



I Want You Now (Oct 1995)

Mainstream is a dance music project composed by Self-Delusion's staff and Joan Márquez, sound engineer and MIDI programmer. They won the "Primera Línea's magazine Demos Contest" with a cover of Depeche Mode's song, I Want You Now, recorded in October 1995. It was released by Max Music in November 1995.

Mainstream at Self-Delusion
Thanks to Gianni



Maiolini (Giacomo)
EuroDance Producer



Welcome (Into My World) (1993)

Chairman of Time Records Srl.

Artists and groups featuring Maiolini (Giacomo)

Adams Anita - All My Love (1992)
Aladino - Brothers In The Space (1993), Call My Name (1994), Stay With Me (1995)
Andromeda - Do You Wanna Right Now (1994), Sending All My Love (1994)
Antares - I Want Your Love (1997), Let Me Be Your Fantasy (1996), Ride On A Meteorite (1995), Whenever You Want Me (1996), You Belong To Me (1995)
B Master J - Dreaming In Your Eyes (1995)
Bailey Carol - Feel It (1994), Fever (1995), I Can't Make You Love Me (1996)
Black House - That Is Really Mine (1994)
Coleman Silvia - All Around The World (1994), Feeling Now The Music (1994), Take My Breath Away (1994)
Copernico - I Believe (1995)
D-Inspiration - Keep Me Going On (1994), Life Love & Soul (1994), Matter Of Time (1992)
DJ Cartoons - Batman (1994)
DJ Cornelius - Make Me Fly (1995)
Darkwood - Gimme The Love (1994), Jumping In My Fire (1995)
Deadly Sins - Everybody's Dancing (1994), Together (1991)
Digilove - Touch Me (1994)
Digital Sappers - Pick-Mind (1992)
Dirty Mind - Transiberiana (1994)
Dis-Cover - Never Let It Go (1994)
Etoile - I Want Your Love (1994)
Glamour - Giving My Heart (1993)
Humanize - Do You Know My Name (1994)
Jinny - Wanna Be With U (1995)
KC Spirit - Sex Appeal (1994)
LOV - I'm Losing My Mind (1994)
Marvellous Melodicos - Sing Oh (1994), The Sun + The Moon (1995)
Morena - Everyday (1992), Got To Feel It (1994), Music Takes My Breath Away (1996), Open Your Heart (1991), Stop Me (1993)
Mr Signo - Loverboy (1994)
Nevada - Make My Day (1994), Take Me To Heaven (1994)
No Name - Promise (1994)
Nouvelle Frontiere - The Big Beat (1995)
Open Billet - Give Me Love (1995), I Need Love (1994)
Phase Generator - All I Wanna Do (1995), Suicide (1993)
Prezioso - Emergency 911 (2001), In My Mind (2002), Let's Talk About A Man (2001), Rock The Discothek (2001), Somebody (2002)
Prophecy - I Keep Calling You (1994)
Rajah - Eyajalua (1994)
Ricchini Domenico - I'm Your Lover (1986)
Swann - I Love My Life (1995)
Synthesis - Can You Feel The Beat (1995)
Tatanka - Open Your Hands (1994)
The Dog - Come On Let's Go (1995)
Usura - Drive Me Crazy (1994)
X-Sample - Dreamin' In Buristead Road (1991)
Zero PH - I Like The Music Pumping (1995)



Major T
EuroDance Group



Keep The Frequency Clear (14th Mar 1994)
I Can Only Give You My Heart (5th Sep 1994)
Tell Me Why (5th May 1995)
Dicky Down (19th Apr 1996)


Keep The Frequency Clear (1994)

Major T is a dance project produced by the producer, composer and songwriter Dieter Bohlen (using the pseudonyms Dee Bass and Art Of Music).

Keep The Frequency Clear featured "the voices of DJ Bobo and Intermission". One could understand at first that it was the voice of Lori Glori, since she took part to both projects. But, since the voice is quite different to Lori's, one can also understand that it was Intermission's rapper and the voice of Emel, the first DJ Bobo singer. Which was recently confirmed by Emel herself. The CD maxi included 3 versions, and a remixes vinyl was also released.

I Can Only Give You My Heart featured the female vocalist Shelina and the rapper D-Tok. Label: Hansa

Both Tell Me Why and Dicky Down was written and composed by Dee Bass. They were published by Warner Chappell Music/Blue Obsession Music, produced and arranged by Art of Music, recorded at Jeopark by Jeo & T.Brötzmann. These two tracks were happy-hardcore. The choir that sings in the song Tell Me Why is sampled from a song called Tornero by the italian band I Santo California, although that choir sings a little bit faster than the original version.

Thanks to DJ Dusty (WebDJs), Niklas Adolfsson, Ivo Ivanov, Crazy4Music, Vision and Necronomic



Dance Group



Simply Me (6th Mar 2022)

1.Bette Davis Eyes (Acoustic Version), 2.Sunday Morning (Acoustic Version), 3.Georgy Porgy (Acoustic Version), 4.Light My Fire (Acoustic Version), 5.Love Yourself (Acoustic Version), 6.Songbird (Acoustic Version), 7.Landslide (Acoustic Version), 8.Hallelujah (Acoustic Version), 9.Hit the Road Jack (Acoustic Version), 10.Hound Dog (Acoustic Version), 11.Sunday Morning (Papik Funk Rework), 12.Georgy Porgy (Da Lukas Remix Radio Edit),

Tina Turner Tribute (31st Aug 2022)

1.Proud Mary (Live), 2.Disco Inferno (Live), 3.We Don't Need Another Hero (Live), 4.Addicted to Love (Live), 5.What's Love Got To Do With It (Live), 6.I Can't Stand The Rain (Live), 7.Whatever You Want (Live), 8.I Don't Wanna Lose You (Live), 9.Goldeneye (Live), 10.Steamy Windows (Live), 11.Typical Male (Live), 12.Let's Stay Together (Live), 13.Two People (Live), 14.Missing You (Live), 15.Private Dancer (Live),

Blue Vibrations (19th Apr 2024)

1.Satisfaction, 2.This Is Not A Love Song, 3.Angie, 4.Fool To Cry, 5.Sex Machine, 6.Mas Que Nada, 7.Sam The Samba Man, 8.Angie (Alternate Version), 9.This Is Not A Love Song (Alternate Version), 10.I Got A Feeling (Chill Version),


Happiness (30th Jun 1999)
Shake And Dance (2002)
The Look (2012)
What a Feeling (3rd Jun 2013)
Sunday Morning (15th Jul 2021)
Light My Fire (8th Sep 2021)
Georgy Porgy (9th Nov 2021)
This Christmas (7th Dec 2023)
Let's Get Physical (8th Jan 2024)


Sunday Morning (Papik funk rework) (19th Nov 2021)

Majuri's real name is Loredana Maiuri. She was born in Tivoli, near Roma. She currently sings in the Italian TV program Sarabanda.

In 1999 she released a dance single called Happiness. She also sung 2 songs which were featured on the soundtrack of the film Délit Mineur. More recently she contributed to a song called Shake And Dance, written by Maurizio Abeni for the soundtrack of the film Voci, released in 2002.

2003 : She did backing vocals for Sig V's Strani Sogni.

2004 : Loredana released a new song called Isolation. It was featured on the compilation Good Music (label : Idyllium), and Spot Grammy.

2007 : Loredana's new single is called Shock Me. This collaboration with Cincinnati was out in September on Molto Records.

2008 : Majuri did vocals on Andrea Carissimi's Can't Wait Another Day. Under the name Lory Maiuri, she also collaborated with Amnesia on the single Look Into My Eyes.

2009 : Majuri was featured on Floorphilla's single Star. The then did vocals on Kris Reen 's single Lift Me Up. She contributed to Second Life's A Second Chance.

2010 : In February she appears on D.O.N.S. first album Design on Sound with the single I can Fly. In April, she visited I'm The One, a single of Andrea Tarsia, produced By Gabry Ponte & Sergio D'angelo. In May, she did a collaboration with the internationally recognized duo Promise Land for the single Push The Feeling On. In June, she was the voice of The Sense Of Life with French producer Lucas Reyes. In October, she took par to the single Deep In My Soul with Tom Novy & Jerry Ropero.

2011 : among her collaborations and featurings, she took part to Kim & Matteo Mascioli Do U Feel The Same, Gemini Station So Free, Novy Freakxx & Strobe - Hiding From The Sun, Paul Cutie & Silvano Del Gado I Got A Feeling, Andrea Tarsia Make It Real, St. Toon Project E La Luna Busso... She also recorded a cover of Last Night A DJ Saved My Life with Ducci.

2012 : Majuri was featured (among others) on Andrea Marchesini's single Free Your Love, on SL Curtiz & Domovnik's To The Sky, Andrea Ferrini's Dancing On The Clouds, Soulbeats' Supernatural, Stereo Frames' Feel Your Lovin, Joseph Sinatra vs Matteo Petrone Heaven, and Fuzzy Hair Keep Your Dream Alive.

2013 : Majuri wrote a song for Romanian singer eCaterina in collaboration with Dj Brizi and Dj Nick Daniel entitled I Need You. She also recorded vocals for Fratty & Nicola Belli's upcoming single. She was featured on SandMan' What a Feeling and on Michael Salamon's Club Lonely. She worked on a single with DJ Hakan Kabil. She co-wrote lyrics and did backing vocals on Andrea Paci with Barbara Tucker Free to be Loved. She was featured on DKS' new single, a rework of one of the most successful song by Prince, to be released on EGO

Thanks to Alex Sullivan, Gianni, Alessio Primavesi and Loredana Maiuri

Artists and groups featuring Majuri

Alex Berti - You (2012)
Alex Dolby & Maskio - U Make Me Sick (2007)
Amnesia - Look Into My Eyes (2008)
Andrea Carissimi - Can't Wait Another Day (2008)
Andrea Ferrini - Dancing On The Clouds (2012)
Andrea Tarsia - I’m The One (2010), Make It Real (2011)
Andres Diamond - Don't Keep Me Waiting (2011)
Andrew Bennett - Let Me Breathe Again (2010)
Anton Pars - Let's Make It (2016)
Argento - Can't Go Wrong (2012)
Belmondo - No Satisfaction (2013)
Blue Vibration - Fool To Cry (2010)
Brown Sneakers - You Get What You Give (2010)
Cannyrok - Jump (2007)
Cincinnati - Shock Me! (2007)
DJ Blitz - Love Trap (2014)
DJ Miky Bionic - Everywhere (2019)
DJ Nejo - Sunshine Day (2017)
DKS - Nasty Girl (2013)
DONS - I Can Fly (2010)
Da Lukas - Nasty Girl (2021)
Da Silva Gunn - Into The Storm (2013)
Danny Merx - Bring The Sunshine (2010)
Deep Kris - Follow Me (2015)
Double Fab & Brass - Magic (2016), Shine (2016)
Double Fab - Raindrops (2018)
FKM - Find A Way To Carry On (2012)
Fancybeat - Shake Shake (2013)
Fathers Of Sound - One Kiss (2013)
Floorphilla - Star (2009)
Francesco De Argentis - Can You Feel The Funk (2014)
Francesco Sparacello vs Libert - Storm (2015)
Fratty and Mancino - Light Inside Your Soul (2012)
Funky Judge and House Bros - So Fool (2014)
Fuzzy Hair - Keep Your Dream Alive (2012)
Gemini Station - So Free (2011)
Glideness - Imagination (2011)
Hakan Kabil - Beautiful (2013), My Love (2022)
Jerry Ropero & Caesar's Scissors - Organ Of Love (2009)
Joseph Sinatra and Matteo Petrone - Heaven (2012)
Kim & Matteo Mascioli - Do U Feel The Same (2011)
Kris Reen - Lift Me Up (2009), Misunterstanding (2010)
LBJ - Lose You (2016)
Look@F - Feel The Beat (2016), Fire (2015)
Loopus K - Lost On You (2018)
Lucas Reyes - The Sense Of Life (2010)
Majkol Jay - Without You (2015)
Marchesini - Free Your Love (2012)
Michael Salamon - Club Lonely (2013)
Nicolas Belli - Feel Me (2013)
Nightstylers - No More Lies (2010)
Orazio Fatman - Smalltown Boy (2019)
Paul Cutie & Silvano Del Gado - I Got A Feeling (2011)
Pray For More - When I Fell In Love (2014)
Promise Land - Push The Feelin' On (2010)
Quatrini, KIM and Tya Cee - Time for Love (2015)
SL Curtiz and Domovnik - To The Sky (2012)
Sandro Tommasi - Give Me Love (2024), This Is What You Get (2024)
Second Life - A Second Chance (2009)
Soulbeats and Manyus - Keep Holding On (2014)
Soulbeats - Captured (2012), Supernatural (2012)
Souljet - I Don't Believe You (2008)
Sovrana Prod - Meteor Man (2021)
Stefania Del Prete - What Christmas Means to Me (2022)
Stefano Pain - Brighter Days (2022)
Stereo Frames - Feel Your Lovin (2012)
Tom & Jerry - Deep In My Soul (2010)



Malanga (Franco)
EuroDance Producer



You Got Me Now (1994)

Italian composer and producer Franco Malanga was member of Discomagic Studio.

Artists and groups featuring Malanga (Franco)

Cadeo Fanny - Another Chance (1993)
Capri Maria - All That She Wants (1993), Touch Me Now (1992)
Facchinetti Rino - Love Is Like A Dance (1991)
Innocence - I Feel On Your Heart (1994)
Le Lips - Rhythm (1994)
Malanga Franco - You Got Me Now (1994)
Prado Sonia - For Love (1994)
Rayder Sheena - Without You (1993)
Saraiva Regina - Do You Wanna (1993)
Sirago Masha - Boogie Time (1994)
Skoot Lisa - Sugar Baby Love (1993)
The Creatures - Maybe One Day (Remix '94) (1994)
Valery (2) - Get It Together (1993), I Will Always Love You (1993)



Malatesti (Claudio)
EuroDance Producer


Claudio Malatesti took part to many Italian eurodance projects, such as Digilove, Ice MC, Fourteen 14, etc

Artists and groups featuring Malatesti (Claudio)

Becker Elena - All Right (1999)
Black and White - Do You Know (1994)
Cassiel - Day After Day (1996)
Cheyenne - Love Resurrection (1995), The Money Man (1995)
Dhonna - You Are My Babe (1998)
Digilove - Give You Love (1993), Let The Night Take The Blame (1993)
Dynamic Power - Believe (1993)
Fourteen 14 - Don't Leave Me (1994)
Galactica - Music Is My Life (1994)
Glow - I Am Gonna Be (1997)
Gray Neve - I Need Your Love (1993)
Naomie Dee - Shut Your Mouth (1994)
PoLo - Together Forever (1995)
Simone Jay - Love Is The Key (1993)



EuroDance Group



Set Me Free (1994)

Set Me Free was composed and written by Puntillo, Scandolari and Avantino. Rap parts were sampled from the acapella of Dupree's 1991 single Brass Disk. The sound reminded of 2 Unlimited's first singles. The single was released under In-Out records.

Thanks to grof pl. and Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Voulez Vous... (2000)

Mallorcams was a promotional project created to advertise about a website featuring the models of the docu-soap Mallorcams The Model House. Single Voulez Vous... featured female vocalist Gina and offered 3 days of free membership on the site. Label: Flatfoot

Thanks to



Malone (Nomi)
EuroDance Group



Come Back And Stay (1996)

Come Back And Stay was a cover of the Bad Boys Blue's hit. Vocals were probably done by Regina.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



EuroDance Member



No Boobs (In This Video) (13th Dec 2013)
Party People (22nd Aug 2014)

Maria Lucia 'Maloy' Moreno Lozañes was born December 13th 1976 in Manila, Philippines. She not only sings, but also plays the keyboards and drums, dances, and is a composer and songwriter. She comes from a family of musicians. Her dad, Efren Lozañes, is a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist who travelled the world most of the time, and one of her brothers Antonio Lozañes, is a keyboardist.

Maloy had never dreamt of a singing career, even if she took part to singing contests with her brother. She was almost always in the hospital due to her asthma, which did not prevent her from doing good studies. It wasn't until before she finished High School that she thought of pursuing a singing career.

She was a member of the showband XPO and toured the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Her father, who had been living in Germany since the late 1970s with an all-Filipino funk & soul band called Please, decided to get her and her brother, Tony, to join him in 1993.

She did some backing vocals on the project Le Click's album, and contributed to ToyBox Love To The Limit.

In 1999, whe became Captain Jack's new female singer. She did vocals on the singles Dream A Dream, Get Up and Only You, and on the album The Captain's Revenge. In 2000, Maloy left the group.

Maloy appeared on the charity CD Artists Together for Kosovo. She nowadays resides in Büttelborn, Germany.

2006 : Maloy did vocals on Shaun Baker's single V.I.P.

2007 : another collaboration with Shaun Baker, on the single Power.

2008 : Maloy did vocals on Shaun Baker's next single Hey, Hi, Hello. She appeared at Sopot Hit Festival (Poland) in August, at Shaun Baker's sides.

2012 : Shaun Baker teamed with Maloy again for his new single There's Nothing I Won't Do, a cover of JX' hit.

Artists and groups featuring Maloy

Captain Jack - Dream A Dream (1999), Get Up (1999), Only You (1999), The Captain's Revenge (album) (1998)
Gloria Jones vs Steve Erinle - Tainted Love (2018)
Le Click - Le Click (album) (1997)
Shaun Baker - Give (2009), Hey, Hi, Hello (2008), Power (2007), There's Nothing I Won't Do (2012), V.I.P. (2006)
ToyBox - Love To The Limit (1997)



MaMa Nation
EuroDance Group



Don't Make Me Wait (1993)

The project featured the vocalist Laura Bernes. The single was produced by Luciano Zucchet and Gabeauty (aka Massimo Gabutti), recorded and mixed by Angelica Villella (aka Diabolica), written by Angelica Villella, M. Galleggiant, Massimo Gabutti, and Maurizio Lobina. Label : Bull & Butcher Recordings.

Thanks to David Nivin "Captain DJ"



MAMA Project
EuroDance Group



Dolce Vita (1995)
Come In 2 My Space (1997)

Label: Ongoing. M.A.M.A. Project's first single was a eurodance cover of Ryan Paris' hit Dolce Vita, produced by Skay and featuring vocals by Arya and Marie T. Second single Come In 2 My Space was a progressive trance track produced by Agostino Scarfò, Andrea and Orlando Bigagli. A videoclip was shot for each single.



EuroDance Group



Down Under (1995)
Wish You Were Here (1995)
Kung Fu Fighting (1996)
Stay (11th Sep 1996)
Mandolay (1997)

M.A.N. is a project of SAIFAM Publishing Group. All singles were released as vinyls under the label One-Way records.

Their first single Down Under (a cover of the Men At Work song) was released in 1995. It was produced by M. Farina, F. Turatti and Snake's Music. It featured a F.T. & Company Edit and a Flaute Raggamix. The vinyl included a B-side entitled Groove Under (available in 2 version : Dance Attack Mix and On The Beat. It was recorded and mixed at Mela Studios (in Verona).

The next single was entitled Wish You Were Here, a cover of a Pink Floyd song originally released in 1975. It was produced by M. Farina and G. Crivellente. The vinyl included 2 versions : Factory Team Remix and a Reggae Mix, plus a B-side entitled The Groove I Wish.

Stay is their most well-known single. It was also released in 1996 under the label ZYX in Germany. The vinyl featured 3 versions (F.T. & Company Edit, a 12" Up Mix and a 12" Up Mix) and a B-side called Don't Stay.

The follow-up Kung Fu Fighting was released the same year. It was a cover of a song originally recorded by Carl Douglas. It was produced by M. Farina and F. Turatti. On the vinyl one could find a F.T.& Company Edit, a Slow Mix and a Sun Mix. There was also a B-side entitled Rap Fu Fighting.

Their last single was called Mandolay. Apart from 2 remixes (Latin Funky Long Edit and a Latin Funky Short Edit) there was also a B-side called The Groove Of La Flavour.



Man 2 Man
EuroDance Group


Show Me (1997)

Song appeared on Bulgarian compilation DJ Hits 333



Mandengu (Malvern)
EuroDance Member

Malvern Nyasha Mandengu was one of Flexx's rappers. He also appeared on Waldo's People tracks. He still works as a songwriter nowadays.

Artists and groups featuring Mandengu (Malvern)

Elephant And Castle - Wake Up (C.L.U.B. Unite) (1997)
Eurobeat - Night And Day (1997)
Flexx - Flexxible (1994), Runner-Up (1994), Spider (1995), The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1994), Wake Up (1993)
Future House - Be My Lover (1999)
Waldo's People - Bounce (To The Rhythm Divine) (2000)



EuroDance Group



Dreaming Your Love (1995)

Dreaming Your Love was written by P. Altin, recorded at Black Out Studio, produced by Quasar Production.

Thanks to Gianni



Mangerich (Paul)
EuroDance Producer


German producer and songwriter Paul Mangerich took part to eurodance projects such as Riverside People and Reflex.

Artists and groups featuring Mangerich (Paul)

Future Beat - Dancin Factory (1996)
Plastic Age - All Boys (1994)
Reflex - Over And Over (1994)
Riverside People - Fantasy Dancing (1995), Welcome To The Riverside (1995), You Got To Move (1997)



Mangione (Claudio)
EuroDance Producer


Composer and producer Claudio Mangione's life in music started early with a classical education on guitar and bass. In 1990 he recorded his first single Joystick - My Girl which went right away #1 in the radio charts and put him on the bigger clubs' scene. In 1993 Mangione produced a breakthrough with I.Q. - Psycho. The track reached chart positions previously unknown for Trance and quickly brought sought after local DJ gigs in the most important clubs in Europe. The follow up release Indoor - Last Night A DJ Saved My Life again rocked the official French Charts and the German dance charts. Then he collaborated on the eurodance project Face II Face.

In the summer of 1996, Claudio Mangione created dream dance Zhi Vago project with Gottfried Engels. Celebrate The Love sold over 1,000,000 copies around the planet. The worldwide success of his productions made him into a sought after DJ on the European circuit in Rome, Athens, Ibiza and Berlin. He started to travel extensively, further developing his personal style. He is also well received by commercial brand builders, spinning & organizing for Puma and becomes a contractual partner in Volkswagen Autostadt GmbH with the MTV event series Mondo Club.

2006 : he worked as music director from Mövenpick Lounge Compilation Glücksmomente (200 000 units sold worldwide). He produced, composed, played and did vocals on Tatana's Dance/Pop album Electrify, which achieved Gold status. He produced Tatana's single Free feat. Onita Boone (17 weeks Top Ten Swiss Charts, Top 15 Radio Swiss Charts). Him and Svan Taurus composed and produced Mondo Grande feat. Karima Music.

2007 : he produced and composed for Kentucky Neo Funkster Ray! Scott album. He composed a soundtrack for the Oscar Winning director Florian Gallenberger from Berlin, for his unreleased City Yoga clip.

2008 : he did recording sessions for Menino's album Universo. He produced artist Tino Tomas from Louisiana, and he got nominated for the Hollywood Music Awards. He produced, arranged and co-authored What's On Your Mind which was nominated. He contributed to Brazilian Song Quando on Cintia Rodriguez's album Arco Iris. He was special guest on album Toots Thielemans Toots, played and recorded with names like Quincy Jones, Ella Fitzgerald, Bill Evans, Paul Simon, Billy Joel, Astrud Gilberto and others.

2009 : The National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences nominated him for the 2009 Grammy Awards the following categories : Record of the Year (for his production work with Tino Tomas), Song of the Year (for Tino Tomas' Hands Up) and Production of the new Tino Tomas album Stay.

2010 : Claudio and his artist Tino Tomas were once again nominated for 2010 Grammy Awards : Record of the Year and Song of the Year.

Artists and groups featuring Mangione (Claudio)

Eternal City - Get What You Want (1996)
Face II Face - I Want You (1994), You're Livin' In My Heart (1994)
IQ - Extasy (Will Bring Us Back Together) (1993), Psycho (Get Out Of My Life) (1993)
Zhi-Vago - Celebrate The Love (1996), Dreamer (1996), Teardrops From Heaven (1997), With Or Without You (1996)



EuroDance Producer



The Singles 2004-2010 (2010)

1.Welcome To The Club, 2.Ravers In The UK Loco, 3.Like A Prayer, 4.5th Symphony, 5.Ravers Fantasy, 6.Heaven, 7.Another Day, 8.Colours Of The Rainbow, 9.Turn The Tide, 10.Bounce, 11.To France, 12.Outta My Head, 13.Forever Young, 14.Désenchantée, 15.Have You Ever Been Mellow, 16.City Beat, 17.Hold Me Tonight, 18.Drop My Style, 19.Noche Del Amor,

The Singles 2004-2010 (2010)

1.Odyssey, 2.To The Moon & Back, 3.Love Song, 4.Dance, Dance, 5.Rock!, 6.Feel Fine, 7.Reason, 8.Rhythm & Drums, 9.Star, 10.Basstest, 11.Heat Of The Moment, 12.Sky, 13.What's Up!, 14.Jump!, 15.Fall In Love, 16.Ride On Time, 17.Ain't That Enough, 18.Start The Game Again, 19.Freak Show, 20.Club Inferno,

Best Of (4th Feb 2011)

1.Loco, 2.Welcome To The Club, 3.Lovesong, 4.Forever Young, 5.Ravers In The UK, 6.Odysee, 7.Heaven, 8.Ravers Fantasy, 9.Like A Prayer (Cascada Radio Edit), 10.Feel Fine, 11.Fall In Love, 12.Turn The Tide (Cascada Radio Edit), 13.Outta My Head, 14.Drop My Style (Tune Up! Radio Edit), 15.Dance Dance, 16.Colours Of The Rainbow, 17.Have You Ever Been Mellow, 18.Another Day, 19.Hold Me Tonight, 20.Désenchantée (Cascada Radio Edit), 21.Heat Of The Moment, 22.Star The Game Again, 23.Noche Del Amor, 24.Ride On Time, 25.5th Symphony, 26.Citybeat (Tune Up! Radio Edit), 27.Bounce, 28.Rock!, 29.Jump!, 30.Rhythm & Drums,

Hands Up Forever (15th Feb 2013)

1.Hands Up Forever, 2.Don't Stop The Dancing, 3.Party Nonstop HandsUp, 4.Just Another Night [Anthem 4], 5.Bite My Tongue (King & White Remix), 6.Tonight (R.I.O. Remix), 7.Speed Of Light, 8.Burn Down The House, 9.Awesome In A Box, 10.I'm In Love With The DJ, 11.Don't Wake Me Up, 12.Feel Free, 13.Saturday Night, 14.Taking Off, 15.FAQ (Manian Remix), 16.Cold As Ice (Empyre One Remix), 17.Toca Me (Dan Winter Remix),

Hands Up Forever (15th Feb 2013)

1.Don't Stop The Dancing (Rob & Chris Remix), 2.I'm In Love With The DJ (David May Remix), 3.Just Another Night [Anthem 4] (Brooklyn Bounce Remix), 4.Tonight (Alex Megane New Dance Remix), 5.Hands Up Forever (Giorno's G! Remix), 6.Saturday Night (ItaloBrothers Remix), 7.Don't Stop The Dancing (Pulsedriver's Oldschool Flavour Remix), 8.Hands Up Forever (Black Toys Remix), 9.Just Another Night [Anthem 4] (Floorfilla Remix), 10.Party Nonstop (DJ Gollum Remix), 11.I'm In Love With The DJ (Basslovers United Remix), 12.Burn Down The House (Crystal Lake Remix), 13.I'm In Love With The DJ (Money G Remix), 14.Bite My Tongue (RainDropz! Remix), 15.Don't Stop The Dancing (Ronny Bibow's Well Known Retro Style Remix), 16.Feel Free (Whirlmond Remix), 17.Speed Of Light (Jorg Schmid Remix), 18.Tonight (Manox Remix), 19.Just Another Night [Anthem 4] (Ivan Fillini Remix), 20.Ravers Fantasy (Jorg Schmid Remix), 21.Hold Me Tonight (Whirlmond Remix),

Hands Up Forever (15th Feb 2013)

1.Darius & Finlay feat. Nicco - Do It All Night (Dan Winter Remix), 2.Manox - Autumn Shine, 3.Black Toys - 5th Symphony, 4.Ray Silver - Happy People (CCK Remix), 5.Headcase - When The Love (Ryan Thistlebeck vs. Rick M. Remix), 6.Master Blaster - Back To The Sunshine (Monday 2 Friday vs. MB Remix), 7.Rob Mayth - Feel My Love, 8.Ayhouse & Tomkay feat. Tommy Clint - Still Believe (Dan Winter's Trance In The Air Remix), 9.Ryan Thistlebeck  Rising (Zooland Bootleg Mix), 10.DJ Gollum feat. Scarlet  Poison (Empyre One Remix), 11.Partytrooperz feat. Il Caesar  Silencio, 12.Basslovers United - Forever Is Over (Giorno Remix), 13.Crystal Lake - Your Style, 14.Master Blaster - Let's Get Mad (Monday 2 Friday vs. MB Remix), 15.Marc Korn vs. Trusted Playaz feat. Mel W. - Call Me (Ryan Thistlebeck Remix), 16.Manian - Toca Me (Dan Winter Remix), 17.Mel W. - Under The Rainbow, 18.Rob Mayth - Another Night, 19.MG Traxx - I Like, 20.Michael Newton - Wow! [Hey, Hey] (CCK Remix), 21.DJ Gollum vs. Basslovers United  Narcotic (Black Toys Remix), 22.Criss Sol & J. Foster - Every You, Every Me (DJ THT Remix), 23.Stacccato & Rainy - Move Your Body (AlexKea Remix), 24.Monday 2 Friday - Come On, 25.Crystal Lake - Handzup Motherfuckers, 26.Dan Winter - Was Fühlst Du, 27.Basslovers United - Ghetto Supastar (DJ Gollum Remix), 28.Manian - Welcome To The Club, 29.ItaloBrothers - Radio Hardcore, 30.Manila pres. Partytrooperz - You're Disgusting (RainDropz! Remix), 31.ItaloBrothers feat. Carlprit  Boom,

Hands Up Forever (15th Feb 2013)

1.Scarf!  Odysee, 2.M.Y.C. - Moon Patrol, 3.Danielle Paris - I Can't Stand It (Cascada Remix), 4.Phalanx - I'm Alive (DJ Manian Remix), 5.DJ Cyrus - Don't Break My Heart (M.Y.C. Remix), 6.Kareema - Cool Your Engines, 7.Bulldozzer  Dance, 8.Manyou - Take Me Home, 9.Scale  Fight (Rob Mayth Remix), 10.Akira - Piece Of Heaven, 11.Base Attack - Techno Rocker (Rob Mayth Remix), 12.Plazmatek - Star, 13.M.Y.C. - Drop My Style (Tune Up! Remix), 14.Floorburner - Kickin Da Base, 15.Bulldozzer - Face The Base (Tune Up! Remix), 16.Scarf! - Club Inferno, 17.Diamond  Reason (Bulldozzer Remix), 18.Manyou - Drifting Away, 19.Pattern Mode  Citybeat (Tune Up! Remix), 20.Scarf! - Hithouse 1 (Tune Up! Remix), 21.M.Y.C.  Freakshow (Tune Up! Remix), 22.Floorburner - Heaven, 23.Bulldozzer - Bboy MC (DJ Manian Remix), 24.Tune Up! - Ravers Fantasy,


Love Song (17th May 2004)
Heat Of The Moment (16th Sep 2005)
Heaven (17th Jul 2007)
Turn The Tide (12th Nov 2007)
Hold Me Tonight (6th Apr 2008)
Welcome To The Club (20th Feb 2009)
Ravers Fantasy (1st May 2009)
Ravers In The UK (30th Oct 2009)
Loco (7th Jul 2010)
Don't Stop the Dancing (7th Dec 2011)
Hands Up Forever (2012)
I'm in Love With the DJ (15th Feb 2013)
Tonight (24th May 2013)
Cinderella (26th Jul 2013)
Just Another Night (Anthem 4) (16th Sep 2013)
We Don't Care (20th Sep 2013)
Welcome To The UK (26th Feb 2016)


Hold Me Tonight (Toneshifterz, Suae And Pulsar Remix) (31st Aug 2018)

Manuel Reuter got his nickname Manian in his table tennis club. He kept it when he started deejaying at the age of 17. In order to pay for turntables and vinyls as a pupil of a strictly Catholic grammar school, he turned his passion for sports into a part-time job as a table tennis coach, training countless youth teams (today, he sponsors his local club).

In 2000, Manuel started studying public economics at the University of Bonn, even though at that point he already cared much more for DJing and producing. He passed his intermediate exam as one of the best of his grade. Two years later, after meeting Sven Petersen (his mentor for quite some time) and Yann Peifer aka Yanou (his partner ever since), he shocked his family by permanently leaving university. Sven Petersen invited Manuel to work at Yanou’s studio for three months a sort of apprenticeship. This was the beginning of a fruitful collaboration.

In 2004 Yanou and him founded the project Cascada around vocalist Natalie Horler (a childhood acquaintance of his).

In October 2005, Manuel and Yann founded their own label, Zooland Records, which by now also encompasses two sublabels, ZooGroove for House/Electro releases and ZooDigital for digital-only releases, with All Around The World at Blackburn/UK being their most important international partner.

In 2007 they created the RIO project along with rapper Neal Antone Dyer. In 2007 they were honoured by winning the World Music Award in Monte Carlo for Cascada being the best selling German artist.

Manian also stands behind many club track releases and remixes for Moby, P Diddy, Sugababes, DJ Tiësto, Sash!, Michael Gray, Scooter, September and many, many more. Some of these remixes are well known under the name of Spencer & Hill, a House project founded with his close friend Manuel Schleis, also his partner at producing the world-renowned "Vengeance-Series" of audio sample CDs, indispensable working tools for many a professional club tunes producer or home recorder.

Artists and groups featuring Manian

Cascada - A Neverending Dream (2006), Au Revoir (2011), Bad Boy (2004), Dangerous (2009), Evacuate The Dancefloor (2009), Everytime We Touch (2005), How Do You Do (2005), Miracle (2004), Night Nurse (2010), Perfect Day (2009), Pyromania (2010), Ready For Love (2006), San Francisco (2011), Summer Of Love (2012), Truly Madly Deeply (2006), What Do You Want From Me (2008), What Hurts The Most (2007)
Crystal Lake - F.A.Q (2010)
Darren Styles - Outta My Head (2010)
Manian - Welcome To The Club (2009)
Yanou - Brighter Day (2009)



EuroDance Group



Dance (1994)
Turn Me On (1994)
I Don't Know (1995)

The singles were released under the label Dynamic Dance Music.

Their very first single Dance was produced by Tiziano Giupponi. The follow-up Turn Me On was produced by L. Verzeletti. Vocals were sung by Ana Paola Melotti, even if she was not officially credited. Rap parts were sampled from Whodini - Big Mouth.

The last single I Don't Know was arranged by M. Poiatti and M. Bonardi. The executive producer was G. Del Barba. It was produced by MM System at C.o.M.A. Studio, written by D. Poiatti and S. Inverardi.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



I Think And Feel (4th Apr 1995)

Manila was a project of DJ Carlo Vanni and DJ Bola. The single was written by C. Esposito and C. Paitoni, arranged and mixed by C. Esposito and DJ Carlo Vanni. Label : Reflex records.

Thanks to Alex Laba "Energy"



EuroDance Producer


Dutch producer and composer Mark Nieuwenhuijzen, aka Mark Simmons was part of Team 3, along with Masong and Riffi. Together, they stood behind many great eurodance productions : Club Factory, 3 II One, Class-X...

Mark also contributed to many dance and house projects and producers teams, among them 4 Aces, 4T D-Greez, Active Force, Beat Reality, Communi-Gate, Da Groove, Discovery, DJ Rene & Da Groove, Donald & Giles, Eve@, Exclusive System, Expension, Factor 9, Index, M-Jam, M-Tik, Mantira, Mystique, Nature, P-Nuts, P.I.D., Phonomatic, Pool Players, Rage At Dawn, Rockefeller, Sample Dudes, Savalle, Silverstone, Soca Boys, Soul Corporation, Symphony Of Strings, Those 3, Universe, Urban Riot, Velocity, Vinyl Freakz, Zzlamm.

2000 : he took the alias MacMark and created the producers trio Master Freakz with Errol Lafleur (who was renamed Deekai) and Thijs Adrichem (aka Mastermind) and they released the single Let Yourself Go. He also he formed BeatFreakz with Errol Lafleur and Dennis De Laat.

2001 : he teamed with Errol Lafleur (Deekai) and Jaco van Rijswijk (Exor) as Project Medusa. Between 2001 and 2003 they released 3 singles.

2002 : with Dimitrie Siliakus and Errol Lafleur, he released 2 singles as Creative Lab and one as Alternate. Meanwhile, with Errol Lafleur and Steven Renes, he released 2 singles as Nightlife.

2003 : same trio released a single as Mundane Men (Joy), another one as Pascal Lasini (No Satisfaction - Lasini was a combination between their first names' first syllabs) and one as Radical Noiz.

2004 : Mark, Dimitrie and Errol formed the trio 8Ball. They released 4 singles betwwen 2004 and 2005. The same team also made 2 trance records under name Love Fist.

2005 : with Dennis De Laat, Mark founded the duet Simmons & Christopher. Same year, Mark, Dennis and Dimitrie Siliakus released house single No Big Deal under project name White Men Don't Funk.

2010 : Mark and Dennis are now known as Ex-Presidents.

Artists and groups featuring ManiRock

2B Or Not 2B - All Right Now (1994), Tonight, Tonight (1995)
3-II One - Make Love (1994)
Class X - Find A Way (1996)
Club Factory - I Think I Wanna Rock (1994)
Eclipse - (You Just Got To) Let The Rhythm Move You (1994), I Want You Forever (2014)
Sophia - Gimme The Night (1994), Running So Hard (1992), Take It Or Leave It (1992)



EuroDance Group



Shocked By The Rhythm (1996)

Shocked By The Rhythm was arranged and mixed by Claudio and Cristian Carollo, produced by Cristian DJ, Mauro La Buglia and Sante Rossi. Label : Soul Xpression. The track was included on the compilation Transamerica Adrenalina.

Thanks to DJ Marto Aida



Manuela (2)
EuroDance Group



Stand Up (1994)

Stand Up was composed and written by Gian Carlo Alati, Paulino Pennacchioli and Karen Jones (Bitmachine), it featured vocals by Nathalie Aarts. B-side Stand And Dance (Now Or Never) was composed and written by Marcello Catalano. Label: Mister Owl Recordings.

Thanks to Nathalie Aarts, Andrew-FK and Abelito



Many Machines
EuroDance Group



Infinity (1995)

Infinity appeared on compilation Vector Dance Vol.1 released in 1995 under Canadian label Tox.

Thanks to Gianni



Many More
EuroDance Group



Dream On (1st Feb 1994)

This project features the singer Jasmine and the rapper Marcellous. Many More was founded by the well known DJ Deep (creator of the Deep Dance compilations series). He also produced Chary T - Love's Gonna Get The Feeling and is a member of the Universe Team (who made a remix for Garfield's single Cool Cat, and for K.da´Cruz Love Is Lifting Me Higher).

Thanks to Björn



EuroDance Group



Callin' U (2000)

Callin' U was composed by Joe T Vannelli. Label : Muzic Without Control Records

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



This Time (Hamba Yoh, Hamba Yeh) (1996)

Music was composed by P Kayser & B.Pasbrig. Lyrics were written by F.Taylor, B.Pasbrig, P.Kayser & P.Vogiatzoglu Publisher : Zosel Musikverlag, Get Ready Musikverlag. The song was featured on the compilation Future Trance Vol. 1.

Thanks to Vision



EuroDance Group



Let's Get It (1993)

Producer : Walter Cremonini.

Thanks to Klems



EuroDance Group


Open (1999)

Open was included on Croatian compilation Europlus vol. 1. It featured a solo male vocalist.



Marc Z
EuroDance Producer



Time Is On My Side (1994)

Producer and songwriter Marc Mozart has worked with and for artists like Sean "P.Diddy" Combs, Eiffel 65, Bro'Sis, No Angels and many others - he has produced and written records for every major label in the world releasing records in all major markets. Since the year 2000 every record he has produced entered the Top 10 Charts of the release country.

Shortly after Marc left high school he signed his first major record deal in 1993 with Sony Music Germany (which led to his first club-Hit Love Transmission with East Beat Syndicate).

Being the producer and one half of the R&B duo ZED 1994 brought him a summerhit in Greece with the track Groovy Little Thing. More remixes and productions followed, including club hits with acts like Odyssey, Jesse Lee Davis, Zed and Morphosis. Only a couple weeks after he had his first major label release, Polygram Germany offered him a worldwide co-publishing deal that helped him to further develope his own production company and infrastructure.

Under Polydor, Marc Z released a single entitled Time Is On My Side, featuring Coco and the voice of Jon Williams. Music was composed by Sabine Speisekorn & Rainer Haensch, lyrics was written by Rainer Haensch.

In 1996 he started the boys band Sensation, who's debut single was tragically overshadowed by the death of one of the band members. 1997 brought him a huge club-hit with the track Everyone. The track made its way through the club-underground and was finally licensed by Sony.

1998 - He produced and wrote an album for Clubtronic (still for Sony). A single/EP called Brothers In E was released.

1999 - He started working on a concept called "global online music production in the 21st century".

2000 - He included the software-concepts of the californian company Rocket Network into his online-concept. Rocket Network, a company started by Will Henshall (who had a world-hit with his Band London Beat I've Been Thinking About You) and financed by Paul Allen (of Microsoft) had developed a system that enabled producers to simultanously work on the same project in different studios around the world through use of Internet Connections.

The system had it's debut on a major label production when Marc used it for a production with Peach & Eiffel 65. He also got some very positive feedback from Sean "P.Diddy" Combs' Label. He did a couple of remixes and productions, including a remix for P.Diddy's girlband Dream (He Loves U Not - # 3 US Billboard Single Charts). Marc also could test his Producer Networking Concept in a Creativ Camp at Park Avenue that was financed by Handprint Entertainment/Benny Medina (at that time Jennifer Lopez' manager) and ABC.

The real-TV series Popstar (German version) brought Marc back to Germany in December 2001; just before the members of Popstars-Band Bro'sis became superstars by selling 1.2 million singles with their debut-single I Believe. Marc produced their tracks Walkin' With You and Peace Of Soul.

2002 became a big year for Bro'Sis and Marc Mozart. Almost every second month brought a new Top 10 record for that dream-team. In November 2002, they had already sold more than 500 000 albums and received multi Platinum-Awards. They will finally sell close to 2 million records in Germany, Austria and Switzerland during the year. On top of that, in the same year, Marc had found the time to produce the Swiss girlband Tears, who then became the most successful newcomer in Switzerland. Their Album En Rouge hit the Top 10 and received a Gold Award in Switzerland.

The year 2003 brought more success for the Marc Mozart/Bro'Sis-collaboration: the hit-single Oh No, produced and written by Marc, reached #7 on the german single charts, the following album once again enterted the Top 10 in Germany. In October 2003, Marc split up from his management futurehit.com to make new plans for his producer career.

2004 - Marc Mozart teamed up with UK-based songwriter Steven Foster and one of the UKs leading businessmen and record-label owner, multi-millionaire Bob Patmore. The London-based team Mozart-Patmore-Foster has already started to produce and co-write tracks for Liberty X and other high profile artists. They are also developing and producing artists signed to the label Better The Devil which is owned by hitmaker-legend Mike Stock and Bob Patmore.

Marc Mozart official website
Thanks to reBeL

Artists and groups featuring Marc Z

Coco - Everyone (One Nation Under One Groove) (1995), I Had A Dream (1994)
Davis Jesse Lee - Like a Flame (1994)
East Beat Syndicate - 1000 Nights And One (1995), Love Transmission (1994)
JIL - You Can Find Yourself (1994)
Morphosis - Caught in A Dream (1995)
Peach - Anywhere (2000)
Zed - Groovy Little Thing (1994), Teach You 2 Love (1995)



EuroDance Group



Sabor De Amor (1996)
Muñeca Cruel (1996)
Solo Pienso En Ti (1997)
Perdi mi oportunidad (2013)

Spanish dance act Marcelo was produced by Tony Martínez, Pedro Valencia y F.J. Moreno. They released the singles Sabor De Amor (Danza Invisible’s hit cover), and Muñeca Cruel (Enrique Iglesias’ hit cover) in 1996. Single Solo Pienso En Tí (Erasure’s hit cover) was released one year later. Label: Lethal Records/Contraseña Records.

Single Solo Pienso en Tí was re-released in 2009 together with The Viajero’s Amante Bandido. In 2013, was released the single Perdí mi oportunidad in digital format.

Thanks to Ulysses



Marchetti (Francesco)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer and composer Francesco Marchetti contributed, with Max Moroldo, to dance/garage project Regina. He did the Ghost mixes for Miranda's single Eldorado. He founded label Ghost Studio.

Artists and groups featuring Marchetti (Francesco)

Konica - See You In My Dream (1994)
Kupido - Ich Liebe Dich (1995)
Once Off - Command Your Soul (1994)
Saraiva Regina - Day By Day (1997), Up On The Floor (1998), What Can You Do (1998)



Marco Polo
EuroDance Group



Love Peace And Melody (1996)

1.Intro, 2.Melody House, 3.Thunderstorm, 4.Secrets, 5.Move Up Your Freedom, 6.Stay With Me, 7.Vibes Of Marco Polo, 8.Harder And Harder, 9.Power Of Violin, 10.Living For Fantasy, 11.Love Peace and Melody, 12.Outro,


Deep Adventure (1994)
Living 4 Fantasy (1995)
Oporticus (24th May 1996)
Love Peace and Melody (7th Nov 1996)
Let There Be Snow (12th Oct 1998)

This project is also known under the name of Marcopolo, or Marc o Polo. Andreas Tanner started his carreer back in 1984 behind a turntable, under the name DJ AT69. After discovering house music in Rimini, he specialized in this style, and renamed himself DJ Marco P. In the 90s, he started his own style : a blend of violin with electronic sound, combined with his passion of ice-skating.

With Hubi Knüssel and Tomas Marin, he released their first eurodance single, Deep Adventure, in 1994. It was produced by Andreas Tanner and S. Athanas, with Jackhie as female vocalist. The second single to be released was entitled Living 4 Fantasy. It was produced by Rutz & U. Zumbühl, composed by U. Zumbühl, H. Knüssel and Andreas Tanner and featured the voice of Tina. It was followed by an album, Love Peace And Melody, released in 1996. In this album we could also hear the voice of a third female vocalist named Tamara Canovo. The musical team that took part to the album was composed of H. Knüsel, U.Zumbühl, Don Juan and of course Andreas Tanner himself. On stage, Andreas was accompanied by famous figure skaters.

The song Let There Be Snow was selected as official song for the Mövenpick Art On Ice. It was sung by Sheryl Hackett.

The new millenium saw him retiring from musical business, and moving to Canada to concentrate on his carreer of short track speed skater.

2006 : Marco Polo is back with new sounds...

Thanks to Web DJs
Marco Polo official website



Marcolin (Mauro)
EuroDance Producer


Italian songwriter, composer and producer Mauro Marcolin took part to many eurodance projects : Aladino, House Corporation, KC Spirit, Phase Generator, Zero PH...

Artists and groups featuring Marcolin (Mauro)

ADAM - Nothing Sacred (1996), Zombie (1995)
Adams Anita - Got To Feel Good (1993)
Aladino - Brothers In The Space (1993), Make It Right Now (1993)
B Master J - Can't Stop (1992)
BS and The Family Stone - Dreams (1993)
Contact One - Play My Games (1992)
Copernico - Good Morning (1992), Got The Power (1993), I'm Your Memory (1993)
Dance Politix - Can You Feel It (1995)
Darkwood - Gimme The Love (1994)
Digital Sappers - Out Of Control (1993), Pick-Mind (1992)
Dirty Mind - Alleluja (1991), Back To Future (1993), Mamamello (1993)
Glamour - Giving My Heart (1993)
House Corporation - Do You Want My Love (1993), I Let You Go (1993), Waste Your Time (1992)
Humanize - Do You Know My Name (1994)
Jones Carol - Don't Look Back (1993), Fever (1991), Make A Change (1992)
KC Element - Let's Spend The Night Together (1993), Like Like This (1991), Won't You Come With Me (1994)
KC Spirit - Are You Ready (1992), Sex Appeal (1994), What's Your Name (1993)
Kaline - For Love (1999)
Lee Marrow - I Want Your Love (1992)
Lorraine Silvie - Tarirarà Tararirà (1999)
Louis Creole - I Love Music (1993)
Master Mind DJ - It's A Party (1994)
Mr Signo - Loverboy (1994)
Open Billet - I Need Love (1994)
Perrone - Life (1995)
Phase Generator - Suicide (1993)
Price Alison - I Need I Want (1993)
RAF - Energetic Mix (1990), The Rhythm, The Rebel (1991)
Synthesis - End Of Time (1994), Let's Get Together (1992)
Teknol OG - I Want You (1995)
Transit - Pump It Up (1993), Somebody (1993)
Zero PH - For Your Love (1993), I Need To Know (1993)



EuroDance Group


Love Spy / Back To Spy ()

A track entitled Love Spy had been released in 1986 by German disco artist Mike Mareen

Thanks to Apho



EuroDance Group



Be Your Lover (2000)

Be Your Lover was written by M.. Persona, released in Italy under Personalize and licensed in Spain under Vale Music.

Thanks to Gianni



Margen XXI
EuroDance Group



I'm Keeping The Hope ()
It's My Own Style (1993)
Hot Temptation (1997)

It's My Own Style was produced by Javi & Rafa Perez and Jose Piqueras, composed by Diego Atambillet, Oscar Goñi and Ricardo Segura. Lyrics were written by Piluca Calero.

This team also released eurodance song Gonna Be The Same on compilation Top Hits Eurodance vol 4 in 2012, along with Margen XXI song I'm Keeping The Hope.

Some other (proably unreleased) songs can be found on the web : El Afilador, Gonna Be The Same, Plastic People, Vas A Conseguirlo.

Thanks to Abelito and Gianni



Margheriti (Alberto)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer, composer Alberto Margheriti is General Manager in charge of records and publishing for his company, Smilax Publishing founded in 1994 and DJ Seven Productions.

Artists and groups featuring Margheriti (Alberto)

Collusion - Angel (1996)
DR Demon - Get Out (1994)
Degirl - Wherever You Are (1995)
Elektra - Dancing Through The Night (1995)
Fiction - Times And Times (1995)
Galactica - Music Is My Life (1994)
Houston Erika - Keep On Dreamin' (1999)
Nell - Every Time You're Feeling Down (1997)
Photo - Don't Give Up (1997), Your Lover (1996)



Maria Lisa
EuroDance Group



You Make Me Feel (1996)
Dreaming Of You (1996)
Find A Way (1997)
Let It Hit Ya (1998)
Just For The Night (1998)

Real name : Stéphanie Auclair aka Stephany O'Clair. She has a brother who is also in the musical business. Apart from her solo singles, Maria Lisa contributed to the projects Dimension and Creative Partners. She also did vocals on Karloff Play The Music Loud, and to Plutonium Give Me Your Soul.

In 1997 Maria-Lisa changed record labels : she had been signed on with Primus Records and switched over with Tycoon Records.

In 1998 she recorded the track Just For The Night which was featured on MC Mario's compilation Mixdown 98. The record sold gold and a clip was shot for the song.

2009 : She recently teamed with guitarist Benjamin Carr to create the band Soul Addiction. She nowadays works as a nurse.

Thanks to Klems and Eurodance Rage

Artists and groups featuring Maria Lisa

Creative Partners - It Takes Two (1996)
Dimension - Nature (1996)
Maria Lisa - Dreaming Of You (1996), You Make Me Feel (1996)



EuroDance Group


Sonhos (2000)

1.Le Le Le Oh, 2.Amazonia, 3.I Love You Too Much, 4.Crianças, 5.Make Me Feel, 6.Amore, 7.La Fiesta, 8.Sonhos, 9.Oh Le, Oh La, 10.Ye Ye Brasil, 11.Le Le Le Oh (Vencarte Mix), 12.I Love You Too Much (Bonus Track),


Oh Le, Oh La (1998)
Ye, Ye Brasil (2000)
Le Le Le Oh (13th Jun 2000)

Mariana (real name Marianne Biana Rosmiarek) released her first single Oh Le, Oh La in 1998. Backing vocals were done by Cordula, and Rodrigo Tobar. It was a nice and happy eurodance song. The follow-up Ye, Ye Brasil was latino.

Thanks to Abelito



EuroDance Group



I Don't Want A Lover (25th Jun 1996)

Label : Bit Music. I Don't Want a Lover was a cover of a song originally released by Texas.

Thanks to Gianni



Marie Anett
EuroDance Member



Be The One (8th May 2000)

Marie-Anett Mey was born on the 3rd June 1971 in Paris, France. She has both nationalities : German and French.

After taking part to Darkness in 1994, she became Fun Factory's official female vocalist in 1995, replacing on stage the studio singer Balca. She left the group in 1997, with all the other former members. In 2000 she released a solo-single called Be The One, written by Stefan Benz and Heinz Felber, and composed by Stefan Benz,Heinz Felber and Peter Müller, published ny BMG/UFA. Backing vocals were done by Franck Bülow, Ardell Johnson, Amy Zahedi, Chantal Hartmann and Annabell Krischak who had just left the project Masterboy.

She had also teamed up with her former FF partner Steve, and the rapper Ray Horton, to create a project called Fun Affairs.

2010 : Marie-Anett nowadays lives in Hamburg, Germany. She has 2 kids (2 boys). She workas as a make-up artist at the famous make-up store MAC.

Thanks to ES



Marie Lee
EuroDance Group



I Need Your Body (1996)

Marie Lee features a solo female vocalist.

Thanks to Ninja



Marin (Simona)
EuroDance Member


Italian vocalist Simona Marin worked with producers Lino Lodi, Stefano Mango, Paolo Martini and Demi Vian. She may also have performed vocals, without being credited, on Mesopotamia - Show Me Your Body.

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Marin (Simona)

Envoy - Do You Want Me (1995)
Face The Bass - Shock Da House (1996)
Lime Inc - Babe We're Gonna Love Tonite (1995)
Night Fly - Bang (1994)
Pan Position - Babe, We're Gonna Love Tonite (1993)
Valery J - You'll See (1995)



EuroDance Group



Um Lotty Da (1st Dec 1999)

1.Dream Lover, 2.Um Lotty Da, 3.Stay Away Too Long, 4.Limit Of Love, 5.She Knows You're Lyin', 6.Strut, 7.Gotta New Love, 8.Love Is A Way Of Life, 9.Kyrie, 10.Try Some Love, 11.Best Friend For Life, 12.Um Lotty Da (Vanilla Mix),

Under Her Covers (1st Jul 2000)

1.Foolish Games, 2.The Last Song, 3.Ti Amo, 4.Do Ya Wanna Dance, 5.Fly, 6.Rocket To Your Heart, 7.Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves, 8.Shame, 9.Get Up, 10.Ti Amo (Ballad),

The Mixes (2001)

1.Trance I, 2.Totally Fabulous (R, 3.Totally Fabulous (Leonard Trujillo), 4.Totally Fabulous (A la Mode), 5.Totally Fabulous (Original Club Mix), 6.Sisters Are Doin' For Themselves (Rios/Mayfield), 7.Sisters Are Doin' For Themselves, 8.Sisters Are Doin' For Themselves (PMS), 9.Dream Lover (Brutal Bill), 10.Dream Lover (Velvet Mix), 11.Dream Lover (Rios/Mayfield), 12.Dream Lover (Leonard Trujillo), 13.Dream Lover (Mechanized Mix),

Planet Body (2008)

1.Planet Body, 2.Passionate Lies, 3.Talk to Me, 4.Loaded, 5.The Tenderin' Kind, 6.Letting Go, 7.Mumbo Jumbo (Mad & MD Mix), 8.My Philosophy, 9.Mediterranean, 10.Heaven, 11.Today I Believe,

Walk At the Mall (2008)

1.Que Paso, 2.Walk At the Mall, 3.Put a Little Bounce In Your Step, 4.Constantinople, 5.Angel, 6.Don't Be Crazy, 7.Make It Happen, 8.Essence of Your Love, 9.Star, 10.Carpe Diem, 11.My Obsession, 12.Play All Night Ba, Ba, Ba,

Om (2008)

1.Om, 2.Namah Shiviya, 3.Darbari Raga, 4.Perah Ha Shalom, 5.Ab Uno Disce Omnes, 6.Baruch, 7.Shanti Shanti, 8.Annus Mirabilis, 9.Say Om, 10.Om Sahana Vavatu, 11.Ma Vidvisha Vahai,

Livin' In Motion (2008)

1.Livin' In Motion, 2.Work It Out, 3.Over, 4.Quiet Times, 5.Shining Star, 6.Drive Thru, 7.Elliptical Illusion, 8.Typical, 9.Addiction, 10.Come Together, 11.Life,

Step On Out (2008)

1.Daddy's Girl, 2.Playin' With Fire, 3.Buggin' Out, 4.Playing for Real, 5.The Shape of My Love, 6.Entertain You, 7.Hate Is Wrong, 8.Step On Out, 9.Watch Out, 10.The Fight, 11.Don't Ya Stop,

America for Life (2008)

Heaven (2008)

1.Letting Go, 2.Heaven, 3.Mediterranean, 4.C'est la Vie, 5.Le Bas, 6.Wilkomen (Welcome!), 7.What I Want (Dub Mix), 8.Make Me Holla, 9.Try Tonight,

Shine (2008)

1.Lift Me Up, 2.Don't Quit, 3.Try Once More, 4.No Procrastination, 5.Can't Take It With You, 6.Sacred Defiance, 7.Crazy, 8.Got No Time Today, 9.Take It Slow, 10.Love Your Body, 11.Keep It Up, 12.Shine,

Writings On the Wall (2008)

1.Writings On the Wall, 2.The Silent Night, 3.Unspoken, 4.Stay Away Too Long, 5.Strain, 6.Work the Muscle, 7.Troubled Times, 8.Cryin' Time Again, 9.No Other Way, 10.This Time,

The Glory Of Your Life (2008)

1.All Forgiven, 2.The Glory of Your Life, 3.God's Own Creation, 4.Heaven, 5.Keep It Up, 6.Save Me from the Night, 7.People Get Up - Come Together, 8.It's a Miracle Man, 9.Lost Along the Way, 10.Halleluyah, 11.Through the Eyes of a Child,

Reach For The Top (2008)

Feel The Power (2008)

1.Never Ever Say Too Much, 2.Not This Time, 3.Play By Myself, 4.Tie Me Up, 5.Time, 6.Don't Ya Let It Get Ya, 7.Feel the Power, 8.Get Excited Today, 9.I Wanna Dance, 10.I'm On Fire, 11.Compadre, 12.Tell Me Do,

La Vuna (2009)

1.La Vuna, 2.Shanti Shanti, 3.Kyrie, 4.That's My Lamore, 5.Pain & Agony, 6.Intuition, 7.Stretch, 8.Forever My Friend, 9.Moratorium, 10.Adieu,

Notion Of The Motion (2009)

Walkin' In A Sandy Jungle (24th Aug 2012)

Never Stop Movin (7th Sep 2012)

1.You Are The Best, 2.Nothin' Without You, 3.No Need To Run, 4.Dance, 5.On Your Mark Lets Go, 6.Together, 7.Join Me Tonight, 8.Never Stop Movin, 9.A Break Today, 10.You Know What To Do, 11.Lost Along The Way,

Go Loco Tonight (14th Sep 2012)

1.Tu Eres Mi Vida (Radio), 2.El Tiempo (Radio), 3.Limbo (Radio), 4.Volar (Radio), 5.Go Loco Tonight (Radio), 6.Try Tonight (Radio), 7.Shambhala (Radio), 8.Fandango (Radio), 9.City Lights (Radio), 10.Fiesta (Radio), 11.Ole' (Radio),

Evolution (21st Sep 2012)

Body Sculpting (28th Sep 2012)

Cardio Blast (28th Sep 2012)

Safe & Warm (12th Oct 2012)

Kool Car Radio (19th Oct 2012)

On The Move (26th Oct 2012)


Do Ya Wanna Dance (1st Jun 1997)
The Silent Night (11th Nov 1997)
Dream Lover (Jan 1998)
Totally Fabu (7th Jul 1998)
Um Lotty Da (15th Sep 1998)
Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves (21st Jan 1999)
Mumbo Jumbo (2001)
Totally Fabu (11th Jan 2013)

Records company : MRK records. Marina Kamen started dance at 4, added violin and piano at age 7, and then went on to study opera and violin at the prestigious Manhattan School of Music. She pursued a career as a singer/dancer/actress, supplementing her income by teaching aerobics at Body Design By Gilda.

In 1983 she met her partner for life, recording engineer Roy Kamen, at The Music House, a major music/audio production studio in NYC. In 1987 the two launched their own studio, Kamen Entertainment Group, Inc. Over the years, Marina has written, cast, and produced thousands of commercials, often doing voiceovers and jingles for companies including Snicker's Ice Cream, Footlocker, Coty Stetson, Cherry Coke and VH1. This unique opportunity allows Marina to work with some of the best studio musicians, singers, and actors that New York City has to offer. After giving birth to 3 children, she had to lose 100 pounds, and achieved this goal by dancing and fitness training.

Marina is a singer, songwriter, violonist, keyboardist and producer. Her first single Ti Amo was a cover of the famous Italian love song,  released on Valentine's Day 1997. From the writers, Bigazzi & Tozzi, responsible for Laura Brannigan's Gloria, this song comes this eurodance style anthem. Her next single is Do You Want To Dance, the Bobby Freeman hit, with rap from Kraze, who is known for his big hit The Party from the eighties. Then she released the singles The Silent Night and Rocket To Your Heart, which contributed to establish MRK in the world of Europop.

Then followed a 3-title project called The Dream Lover EP, including Marina's Dream Lover, Um-Lotty-Da, and a cover of Jewel's Foolish Games (featuring an extra-special string arrangement 'a la Marina'). The EP was released in late January 1998.

In January 1999 Marina released a single called Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves, a cover of an Eurythmics song. Finally her debut album entitled Um Lotty Da was released. It contained 12 tracks, 9 MP3 extended tracks and the music video for Stay Away Too Long. Available exclusively online at MRK Records from December 1, 1999 it was released in record stores from January 15, 2000.

In June 2000 Marina released an album in which she covered some famous singles. Entitled Under Her Covers, it was dedicated to all her fans. At the same time, a remixes album was released.

2005 : Marina won People's Choice Podcast Award in Health & Fitness. She has grown her catalog of over 400 songs for fitness and more than 40 albums. She hosts a "high-nrg fitness" cable TV show which airs in various states though out the US

2017 : Marina launched "High-nrg LIVE! - The Musical" that she choreographed and directed.

© Dance Artist Info
© Eurodancemix
© M's Music Paradise
Marina at MRK Records

Artists and groups featuring Marina

Flambe - Ti Amo (1996)



Marina (2)
EuroDance Group



Entender El Amor (1997)

Thanks to Abelito



EuroDance Group


Marion (Marjon van Iwaarden), born 18th June 1974, became one of the new 2 Unlimited singers in 1998 (the brunette one). At that time, she was 23 years old. Before joining this project, she sung for a band of  5 boys named Try-Out.

Marion kept on singing in 2 other bands besides 2 Unlimited. She still lived with her parents in Kruiningen (The Netherlands) She likes soul and jazz music, and she absolutely loves performing live. She is an excellent live-singer judging of the pieces she sang on Dutch radio and on television where she sang the chorus of Tribal Dance. She just loves to do jam sessions with a groovy bands now and then.

After the end of the 2 Unlimited episode, she played a major part in a Flairck musical, visiting about 60 theatres in a short season. She also was the voice of an international Brunotti commercial and is a welcome guest in a lot of studios and bands.

2002 : Marjon appeared on not less than 3 CDs : Liefs uit zeeland, Tunneltje, and The New Orpheans To Be Continued.

2005 : she contributed to Jazz Connection's CD A Morrison Feeling.

2006 : Marion appeared in a Jazz festival, the Meeùs Big Jazz Night, on the 25th March 2006 in Mezz, Breda (Netherlands)

2008 : Marion is working with her own band called STUNNING!, as well as the M4 Jazz quartet. According to rumors, the following year she would become part of a major dance project.

2009 : In October, she and Romy announced officially that they were joining again, under the project name Two, and that they were working on a new single that could be followed by an album. In December, the name of the forthcoming single was revealed, it would be entitled I Said Yes.

2010 : the presentation of Two's single was initially planned to March, but it was postponed. In May, she was diagnosed with a tumor on hypophyse, causing acromegalia. She underwent surgery to remove the tumor in June.

2011 : Two's first single Wonder Why was finally released under label Carka Records CRM on a compilation entitled Music Flower

Next Dance Generation © 1997-1998 by CJ Pelupessy
The2Unlimited.com - Richard from 2 Unlimited official fansite

Artists and groups featuring Marion

2 Unlimited - Edge Of Heaven (1998), II (album) (1998), Never Surrender (1998), Wanna Get Up (1998)



EuroDance Member



Love & Melody ()
Bonito (1992)
Chante Brother (1992)
Chocolate Cafe (2000)
Copa De Champana (3rd Sep 2001)
Mister E Misterio (4th Apr 2019)
Sin Permiso (10th Aug 2019)
Latin Paradise (7th Jul 2020)
Destino (29th May 2021)

Maria Isabel Garcia Asensio aka Marisa was born in Malaga, Spain, but currently resides in Belgium. She composed her first melody on the guitar at the age of 12. She created project Marisa with 2 other friends, sent a demo and released two singles : Vivre avec toi and Love and melody. She presented Bonito show in the early 90s. She shot her first video clip in the Forest National. With Power People, she took part to the charity song Chante Brother (Song for Life) to support the wounded spirits from Ex-Yugoslavia.

New producers discovered her thanks to the Belgium show "10 qu’on aime". Their aim was to find a female singer for a parlando (speaking in Spanish on a musical piece). So Marisa listened to the instrumental but she could not help but starting singing and spicing it up her own way. This track was soon to be heard by Radio Contact, which decided to make it its hit. Un Clima Ideal was released on air in 1995 and became the summer hit.

She explains : "I wrote Bailando in my bathroom. My father was a welder and was working nights. So, in order to not disturb him while he was sleeping during the day, I would isolate myself in the room that was the furthest away from his in the house. The tiles, the space and the echo from the bathroom inspired me. They gave a huge size to my songs. "

After being the female vocalist for the Paradisio project (with her, the group scored hits like Bailando or Vamos A La Discoteca), she went solo and released 2 singles : Copa de champana and Chocolate café. They were composed and arraged by Patrick Hamilton. The executive producer was Patrick Vanderhallen.

2008 : she nowadays lives in Alleur in Liège region (Belgium). She got married with DJ Charley, that she met in 2002.

Artists and groups featuring Marisa

Paradisio - Bailando (1996), Bandolero (1996), Dime Como (1997), Un Clima Ideal (1994), Vamos A La Discoteca (1997)



EuroDance Group



It's Over (2000)

It's Over was released on the same vinyl as Frank Logan & Mucci The Frog Song. Label : Tycoon records



EuroDance Producer


Benoît Marissal is a Belgian producer. He stands behind many projects such as X-Kameron, Melomania, Firenze, Tanaka, Pleasure Game, Le Park, Yanso, The Fog, Sun Box, Mundo Vision.

Artists and groups featuring Marissal

Go! Sister Dreams - Imagination (1995)
Kymelle - Knock Me Out / Fly Away (1995), Show That Body Baby (1995)
Les GO Culture - Darla Dirladada (1993), Na Na Na (1993)
Melomania - Flash In The Night (1994)
Sun Box - I Feel (Light Is Blue Light) (1994)
X-Kameron - I Wanna Be Your Lover (1994)



Marklund (Petra)
EuroTrance Member



Teen Queen (1999)

1.Laser Beams, 2.Candy Kisses, 3.We Two Belong Together, 4.Dee Daa Daa, 5.Will You Be Mine, 6.Teen Queen, 7.Sunny Day, 8.Wild Wild Heart, 9.Bim Bam Boom, 10.Queen of the Night, 11.You Win,

Inferno (17th Oct 2012)

1.Easy Come, Easy Go, 2.Sanningen, 3.Nummer, 4.Förlorad värld, 5.Kom tillbaks, 6.Fred, 7.Aska i vinden, 8.Vad som helst, 9.Krig, 10.Händerna mot himlen, 11.Svarta moln,

Ensam Inte Stark (13th Nov 2015)

1.Ensam inte stark, 2.Som du bäddar, 3.Gråta i neon, 4.Du, 5.Slowmotion, 6.Täcket, 7.Alla känner apan, 8.Vilda fåglar, 9.Vem vänder vindarna, 10.Kidz (feat Linnea Henriksson), 11.Love,


Händerna mot himlen (14th Sep 2012)
Det Som Händer i Göteborg (Stannar i Göteborg) (8th May 2015)
Som Du Bäddar (18th Sep 2015)
Alla känner apan (20th May 2016)
Som Isarna (19th Oct 2019)
Broarna Som Bär Oss Över (26th Oct 2019)
Rosa Moln (2nd Nov 2019)
Du äger ditt skimmer (1st May 2020)
Panna Mot Panna (Forever Young) (7th Aug 2020)
Maneter (16th Oct 2020)
Pengar (9th Apr 2021)
Ocean Of Love (28th Jul 2023)

Petra Eos Marklund was born in September 1987. She is half Swede, half Slovene. She comes from a tradition of folk musicians (her mum once took part to a Slowenian song contest) and in really into space exploration (her dad is professor in astronomy). Her sister designs clothes. Her singing career began in 1998 when Petra was discovered by Swedish producer and songwriter Hans Edler. She then recorded her first album Teen Queen, produced and written by Edler. The sound was dance with a touch of bubble-gum. She had just completed three years of musical training and education. The biggest mistake about her ? "People think I am stupid just because I have blond hair and and sing dance music" she explains.

Since 2003, she's been fronting the project September. And according to rumors, Petra has a superstition: before concerts, she doesn't want to see any calendar that shows any other month but September.

Artists and groups featuring Marklund (Petra)

Berdie - Birdie Num Num (1998)
Peter Jöback - Illusioner (2022)
September - All Over (2004), Because I Love You (2009), Can't Get Over (2007), Cry For You (2006), Flowers On The Grave (2006), It Doesn't Matter (2006), La La La (Never Give It Up) (2003), Looking For Love (2005), Resuscitate Me (2010), Satellites (2005), September All Over (2004), Until I Die (2007), Until I Die (2009)



Marky Mark
EuroDance Member



Music for the People (1991)

1.Music for the People, 2.Good Vibrations, 3.Wildside, 4.Bout Time I Funk You, 5.Peace, 6.So What Chu Sayin, 7.Marky Mark is Here, 8.On the House Tip, 9.Make Me Say Ooh!, 10.I Need Money, 11.The Last Song on Side B,

You Gotta Believe (1992)

1.The Crisis, 2.You Gotta Believe, 3.Gonna Have a Good Time, 4.Loungin', 5.Don't Ya Sleep, 6.I Want You, 7.The American Dream, 8.The M, 9.Get Up (The Funky Bunch Theme), 10.Super Cool Mack Daddy, 11.I Run Rhymes, 12.Ain't No Stoppin' The Funky Bunch, 13.Last Song on Side B Pt 2: Go On, 14.The Solution,


Good Vibrations (1991)
Wildside (1991)
I Need Money (1991)
Peace (1991)
You Gotta Believe (1992)
Gonna Have A Good Time (1992)
On The House Tip (1992)
No Mercy (The Fist Of The Tiger) (1995)
Hey DJ (1996)
Feel The Vibe (1997)
Best Of My Love (Jul 1997)


No Mercy (The Fist Of The Tiger) (1995)
Hey DJ (1997)

Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg was born in the poor working class district of Boston known as Dorchester. He was born on June 5th, 1971; the youngest of nine children, with siblings Arthur, Jim, Paul, Robert, Tracey, Michelle, Debbie, and Donnie. His childhood was rough. He dropped out of highschool at the age of 14 and up til the age of 18, he was involved in several cases of stealing and drugdealing. In the late 1980's he finally got himself into the music industry. In fact he was an original member of the smashing boyband New Kids On The Block, together with five other guys including his brother Donnie Wahlberg. But Mark backed out early on that project, before the big success. It was his departure that eventually allowed Joe McIntyre to take his place as the 5th member of the group

Mark founded his own project with a group of dancers calling themself the "Funky Bunch". "Marky Mark feat. the Funky Bunch" released several hitsingles and one album in the early 1990's. The most famous single was Good Vibrations featuring diva Loleatta Holloway, released in the spring of 1992. Produced by his brother Donnie, it was #1 on The Billboard Hot 100, later becoming certified as a Platinum single. The second single, Wildside, peaked at #5 on Billboards Hot Singles Sales chart and at #10 on The Billboard Hot 100. It was certified as a Gold single. It was based on a sample taken from the Walk on the Wildside by Lou Reed.

Marky Mark opened for the New Kids on the Block during their last tour. His second LP, You Gotta Believe, wasn't as successful as the prior, yielding only a minor hit single in the title track. Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch even had their own video game in the Marky Mark: Make My Video game series on the Sega Mega-CD.

Wahlberg was known for his impressive physique. He first displayed it in the Good Vibrations music video and most prominently in a series of underwear ads for Calvin Klein shot by Herb Ritts, following it with Calvin Klein television ads. He also made a workout video titled The Marky Mark Workout: Form... Focus... Fitness

Wahlberg then began an acting career, making his debut in the 1993 TV movie "The Substitute". His big screen debut came the next year, with the Danny DeVito feature "Renaissance Man".

In 1993, he teamed up with Joe Paquette, Prince Ital Joe feat. Marky Mark was born. Together they released many eurodance hits, among them Happy People, United, Life in the Streets, and Babylon.

Then he went back to his solo carreer, still produced by Alex Christensen and Frank Peterson, releasing in 1995 No Mercy (The Fist Of The Tiger). He was featured on That's The Way I Like It by One Love. In 1996, he released Hey DJ. The next year, came Best Of My Love and Feel The Vibe (produced by Toni Cottura and Bülent Aris).

Nowadays Mark Wahlberg has worked his way up in Hollywood, starring in bigger movies like Perfect Storm (2000), Planet Of The Apes (2001), The Italian Job (2003) and more recently Ted (2012) and Transformers (2014).



1994 : Renaissance Man
1995 : The Basketball Diaries
1996 : Fear
1997 : Traveller
1997 : Boogie Nights
1998 : The Big Hit
1999 : The Corruptor, Three Kings
2000 : The Yards, The Perfect Storm
2001 : Planet of the Apes, Rock Stars
2002 : The Truth About Charlie
2003 : The Italian Job
2004 : I Heart Huckabees
2005 : Four Brothers
2006 : The Departed, Invincible
2007 : Shooter, We Own the Night
2008 : The Happening, Max Payne
2010 : Crazy Night, The Lovely Bones, The Other Guys
2011 : The Fighter
2012 : Contraband)
2012 : Ted
2013 : Broken City, Pain and Gain, 2 Guns, Lone Survivor
2014 : Transformers: Age of extinction
2015 : The Gambler
2015 : Ted 2

Thanks to Abelito

Artists and groups featuring Marky Mark

One Love - That's The Way I Like It (1995)
Prince Ital Joe feat Marky Mark - Babylon (1995), Happy People (1993), Life in The Streets (1994), Rastaman Vibrations (1995), United (1994)



Marlboro Music
EuroDance Company


Sister label of Boombastic Records. A division of IDE International Design & Entertainment GmbH



Marlowe (Frankie)
EuroDance Producer


Italo producer, composer and arranger Frankie Marlowe (Francesco Racanati) was born in Genova on November 14th 1961. He currently lives in Massa. His first succesful project was Elaine Laye's cover of How deep is your love (originally by the Bee Gees), released in Europe and Japan in 1989, which also contains the unreleased September Love. Among other productions, let's mention Spring Rain by Nine 2 Six, republished in 2011 on DJ Josè Padilla's compilation album "Bella Musica Vol. 6, and No "Cindy" Joke's Don' t make me cry, also released in Japan, as well as CD single Lupi Cattivi in 1998, featuring raps by famous goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon, a benefit project for "Blue Telephone" association (for which Frankie has written the text in Italian - Stop violence against children).

2012 : Frankie reunited with his friend Vito Ulivi (Indiana), and together they create the team M & M Project, which publishes the first dance release: Like a Star.

Writing & Arrangement

Elaine Laye - How Deep Is Your Love (1989)
No "Cindy" Joke - Don't Make Me Cry (1996)
Gian Luigi Buffon - Lupi Cattivi (1998)


Elaine Laye - How Deep Is Your Love ‎ (1990)
2 B Blue - It's Cold Out Here (1990)
E.L. Gang - Japanese Love (1991)
Nine 2 Six - Spring Rain (1991), Slave To The Rhythm

Artists and groups featuring Marlowe (Frankie)

FM Project - You're The One (1994)
No Cindy Joke - Don't Make Me Cry (1996)



EuroDance Group



You Are The Star (1995)

You Are The Star was a cover version of Rod Stewart's hit. It was arranged and produced by Fabio Turatti and Mauro Farina, licensed under ZYX in Germany.

Thanks to Gianni



Marrey (Fanny)
EuroDance Group


I Don't Care (1995)

I Don't Care featured a solo female vocalist. It appeared on Polish compilations Promotion Dance Hits Of December (Snake's Music). It was licensed from Unlimited Records.

Thanks to Gianni



Mars Plastic
EuroDance Group



What You Wanna Be (24th Jun 1992)
Find The Way (8th May 1993)
Model With Me (19th Jan 1995)
Wonderland (30th Jun 1995)
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes (2003)
Can You Gimme More Time (Nov 2009)

Real name : Steven Zucchini. Mars Plastic is the name an eraser... and of a DJ and remixer who worked for the Italian company Media records. He did remixes for virtually all the Cappella singles. He also remixed for Fargetta, 49ers, DJ Professor...

Find The Way was written by M. Aventino, R. Arduini, L. Cittadini, M. Persona, L. Picccinelli & B. Leoni. It was published by Mhara SRL & B. Mikulski Publ.

His solo singles were released under UND Italy, and ZYX in Germany. In 2003, almost 10 years after Cabballero, he covered the Ultravox hit Dancing With Tears In My Eyes.

Thanks to reBeL

Artists and groups featuring Mars Plastic

49ers - Hanging On To Love (1995), Rocking My Body (1994)
DJ ProfXor - Walkin' On Up (1996)
DJ Professor - Rockin' Me (1994)



EuroDance Member



Summerlove (1997)

Marscha's solo single Summerlove, produced and writte by Richard Westdijk was released in 1997 under label High Voltage. The same year, she took part to Hit-O-Matic's single My First, My Everything!

Thanks to Gianni

Artists and groups featuring Marscha

Hit-O-Matic - My First, My Everything! (1997)



Marsh (Sally Anne)
EuroDance Group



In The Summertime (1995)
Windmills Of Your Mind (1996)

British singer and actress Sally Ann Marsh came to fame originally as a member of a girlband called Faith Hope & Charity (with Diana Barrand and Dani Behr). Afterwards, she fronted the dance band Xpansions, whose major hit single Move Your Body reached #8 in 1991, before being remixed and rereleased several times over the 90s due to demand. Sally then became the lead singer of house group Ariel who were formed by Tom Rowlands of The Chemical Brothers, with whom she appeared on seminal UK 90s TV show The Word.

In 1995, she recorded two singles with producers Mike Stock & Matt Aitken on their Love This Records label. These were a cover of the Mungo Jerry hit In The Summertime and a dance version of Windmills of your Mind.

In 2002 she worked as lead vocalist for Brand Violet.

In addition to her musical career she is a freelance voiceover artiste who does work for GCap Media and EMAP radio, as well as the Tindle Radio Group.

As an actress she has appeared in many children's programmes as many characters including Vicky in Bodger and Badger (in which she played a drumkit), Kitty in Hilltop Hospital, Lucy in BBC's Tricky Business and Cecile Lefevre in Grange Hill . She was also the voice of Princess Irene in the 1993 The Princess and the Goblin. Sally Ann Marsh also voiced the character of Snow White, in the 2006 Picha production of Snow White the Sequel acting alongside Stephen Fry.

Thanks to Abelito



EuroTrance Member

Ex-female vocalist for the Ian Van Dahl project (she has never been credited for her contribution to the hit Castles In The Sky), she has now started a solo carreer.

2002 : the single Distant Places was the result of a cooperation between Russ Reign, Justin Time, Marino Bragino (together LD30) and Marsha. The track was released at Webster Hall Records on April 2nd 2002. The 12" vinyl featured the Original mix and Mike Rizzo's dub & "Global" dub). The same year Marsha was featured on the track Moments by DJ Philip (produced by DJ Philip and Regi Penxten (Milk Inc).

2004 : Marsha was featured by the project NeXiZ for the single Eternity

Thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin



Marsilio (Davide)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer and songwriter Davide Marsilio contributed to eurodance projects FUNO, Black Rose, Ella G. and 7th Virgin, among many other projects. He works for Avalon Studio.

Other contributions by Davide Marsilio

Producer, writer and recording :

Alexandra - Envie De Toi (Time For Love) (1995)
Funny Boys - Gsuffa (1994)
Shiva - Voice Of Asia (1994)
Xenofoby feat. Rossella - I'm Going On (1993)

Co-production,co-writer co-arrangement,... etc:

Aleena - Babe (1997)
Easy Lady - My Body Dance (2000)
Kriptones - Superman (2001)
Okaloosa - Florida sky (1998)
Sammy B - Oh My My (2002)
Santos & Sabino - Lararari.... (Canzone Felice) (1998), Electrobeat (1999)


Artists and groups featuring Marsilio (Davide)

2-FM - I Can't Stop (1994), More Than You (1996)
7th Virgin - Living By Numbers (1995)
Aleena - Babe (1997)
Black Rose - Born To Be Loved (1997), If I Could Only Be With You (1996), Melody (1994)
Easy Lady - My Body Dance (1999)
Ella G - Forever (1994)
FUNO - Bee In My Bonnet (1994)
OUNI - Gonna Dance With You (1996)



Martha E
EuroDance Group



Deliver Me (1994)

Deliver Me was arranged by Roberto Guiotto (The Professor), produced by Francesco Mencia, Luca Fregonese, Roberto Bozzo and Roberto Guiotto, written by Roberto Guiotto. Label : Out Records



Marti (Eva)
EuroDance Member



Looking For Love (2nd Nov 2003)
I Drove All Night (14th Jul 2023)
74-75 (13th Oct 2023)

Spanish singer Eva Martí Ferré aka Annia was born in Barcelona on May 29th. At the age of 14, she started taking theater, singing and dancing lessons. She attended theater school Memory Escuela as well as Institut del Teatre de Barcelona to improve her vocal technique. She started her singing and voiceover carreer in 1991. She contributed in 1996 to Joy's single Cry With Me. In 2000, under stage name Annia, she became XTM's vocalist, releasing several trance singles such as the hits Fly On The Wings Of Love (#1 in Ireland, #8 in the UK), Walk Right Back and 74-75. In 2001, she did vocals on Pont Aeri's Take A Trip.

In 2003, she released Looking for Love with Jean Paul. With proder Emilio Alquézar, whe got nominated at Goya Awards for best song for the movie La Colina del Dragón. The following year, she appeared on DJ Xava's No More Games and on DJ Sonic & Ivan Dark's Bitch Remix. In 2005 she was the voice on DJ K-Rrion's Whispering and on DJ Fix's The Dark and on DJ Sety & Charles Destroy's Stay. In 2006, she performed vocals on My Freedom for DJ Rompe

As voice-over, she recorded ads for many companies such as Procter & Gamble, Orange, Oral B, Conforama or Ikea

With her long-time friend Marian Dacal, she created the musical concepts Marievi Stories (to share their adventures in the places they visit when they perform on the stages of 90s concerts), Dance at Night, Dance at Light (dance music and sportive activities) and 74 - 75 Vibes (to promote dance music). They also released many duets

Artists and groups featuring Marti (Eva)

Carlo Bandini - Be With You (2003)
DJ Capa & Klonder - Imagination (2004)
DJ Kajjin - I Feel Alive (2009)
DJ Napo - You've Made Me Cry (2002)
Fraktal - Alas Prometidas (2024)
Gerard Fortuny vs DJ Piku - A New Project (2005)
Joy (3) - Cry With Me (1996)
Julio Posadas - Angels (2024)
M Dacal - Breathe (2003), Rhythm Takes Me High (2021), The Key 2024 (2024)
Skudero & Xavi Metralla present Pont Aeri Vol. V - Take A Trip (2001)
XTM & DJ Chucky - Give Me Your Love (2003), When The Rain Begins To Fall (2002)
XTM vs DJ Chucky - Walk Right Back (2001)
XTM - 74-75 (2001), Fly On The Wings Of Love (2000)



Martin (Angela)
EuroDance Group



Moon Moon / Woe Is Me ()
New Style Romance (1992)
Reach Out (1993)


Reach Out (Brothers Remixes) (1993)

Angela Martin's voice was featured by the project B.O.S. for the single Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) (a cover of Rozalla's hit). She could also have been the voice of MC Sar & the Real McCoy's single Let's Talk About Love.

She released a few singles between 1992 and 1994. The first one was New Style Romance, released in 1992 under East West in Germany. Then came Reach Out a nice dance track with a touch of house. It was licensed in France under Scorpio, East West in Germany and elsewhere under Ultraphonic. It was featured on the French compilation Power Beat.

Thanks to Alex Capilé

Artists and groups featuring Martin (Angela)

BOS - Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) (1991)
Construction - Sex Is Like Fire (1992)
Eclipse (4) - Change Your Love (1994)



Martin King
EuroDance Group



San Francisco (Dec 1992)

Label : 21st Century Records. The song was a cover of Scott McKenzie's classic. It was produced by Florian Fadinger, Giuliano Crivellente and Mauro Farina.



Martin (Laura)
EuroDance Member


Born in Spain, Laura Pozo Martin has been working as an hotel reservation sales agent. She started her singing carreer as a member of her school's jazzband. She's been travelling throughout Europe, sharing the stage with a number of bands for years. She toured as background vocalist with Sweetbox on their Asientour, and also contributed to the Jessica Wahls Band.

Laura took part to the 4th season of German reality show DSDS. She then became Captain Jack's new vocalist in 2009. Meanwhile, she could record her debut album. Her musical genre is mainstream rock-pop with meaningful lyrics in Spanish and a live-band sound. Laura describes herself as "positive, crazy, loud and always in a good mood".

2011 : she took part to The Voice Of Germany 2011.

Laura lives in Neu-Isenburg. She is the mother of a girl called Taleesa, born around 2000. Her favourite artists are Rod Stewart, Stevie Wonder and Eva Cassidy.

Laura Martin on DSDS Fanpage
Captain Jack official website
Laura Pozo Martin on Facebook

Artists and groups featuring Martin (Laura)

Captain Jack - I Was A Fool (2011), Saturday Night (2011)



Martin (Marc)
EuroDance Producer


Marc Martín Arráez is a Spanish producer from Barcelona. He used to work for label Code Music. He produced singles for eurodance projects Speed Limit, Mission and Trax.

Artists and groups featuring Martin (Marc)

Amen - El Club De Los Humildes (1998)
Mission - My Heart Will Go On (1998), You're Not Alone (1997)
Speed Limit - Cry For Your Love (1995), Don't Give Me Up (1996), Remember (1996)
Trax - Come Follow Me (1997), I Want You Back (1997)
Zombie - Rescue Me (1998)



Martin (Max)
EuroDance Producer


Born Martin Karl Sandberg on February 26th 1971, Swedish music producer and songwriter Max Martin was raised up in Stenhamra, Ekerö Municipality, a suburb of Stockholm (Sweden). As a teenager he sang in a variety of bands before joining a glam-style/ heavy metal band called It's Alive in 1985 as their singer and frontman. It's Alive were formed by ex-LAZY members Per Aldeheim and Kim Björkgren on guitars, and John Rosth who had been a member of Lineout. Martin eventually dropped out of high school to pursue a career in music with his band under the nickname "Martin White". In 1988 they participated in the national rock championships and played as the in-house band at a disco in Cyprus. The band got a breakthrough in 1991, as Dave Constable of Megarock Records offered them to make a demo-record. The later debut album was originally pressed in 1,000 copies and later on given away as a free cover tape in the UK by the Metal Forces magazine. The decision to focus on a music career paid off as they landed a record deal on producer Denniz PoP's label Cheiron Records, a BMG affiliate. After recording their second album Earthquake Visions, they released three singles in conjunction with the record and toured through Europe in 1994 supporting Kingdom Come. Earthquake Visions sold a disappointing 30,000 copies, despite being released in as many as 30 countries. More importantly though, Martin also began collaborating on songs with PoP. Recognizing a talent for writing pop songs in the young rocker, PoP renamed his new protegé Max Martin and eventually became his mentor.

"I didn't even know what a producer did, I spent two years - day and night - in that studio trying to learn what the hell was going on." he recalls in a 2001 interview. In 1993 Martin was hired by Cheiron Studios for a 5-year contract and spent some time learning the basics, before the first production collaboration between Pop and Martin: the Rednex song Wish You Were Here in 1994. They both worked on Ace of Base's second album The Bridge shortly thereafter, as well as on albums by 3T, E-type, Army of Lovers and Leila K. To date, The Bridge has sold more than six million copies worldwide, including one million in the United States. When Martin eventually left his band It's Alive in late 1995, he was replaced by Anders Jansson.

In 1995, the Cheiron Studios was hired by Zomba to work on Backstreet Boys' self-titled debut album Backstreet Boys. Zomba became the main working partner since the success in 1995. Martin took part in the production of Quit Playing Games (With My Heart), co-written with Herbie Crichlow, a single which quickly went platinum and climbed to #2 on the Billboard Hot 100, as well as the singles As Long As You Love Me and Everybody (Backstreet's Back). The album was not released in the U.S. until 1997, but was released overseas and caught on all across Europe, eventually selling around 8 million copies worldwide. This led to the Backstreet Boys being relaunched in their home country later on, this time more successfully. Later that year, Martin co-produced Robyn’s hit Show Me Love which ended up on the Billboard top 10. In 1998, Cheiron Productions worked on albums by Five, Bryan Adams and Jessica Folcker. Jessica Folcker had first been hired as a backing singer for tracks with Ace of Base and Dr. Alban, and her debut album Jessica became an instant hit with singles like Tell Me What You Like and How Will I Know Who You Are which both sold platinum. After Denniz Pop died of cancer that same summer, Martin took over as director of Cheiron Studios. He soon started working with writer/producer Rami Yacoub, who has been his partner since.

In 1998, Martin wrote Britney Spears' hit ...Baby One More Time for her album with the same name, (the hit single was originally offered to both the Backstreet Boys, who turned it down, and to TLC). He worked on Spears' first three studio albums which were made in the style of teen-oriented pop.

1999 was a big year for Martin. He wrote, co-wrote and co-produced 7 out of the 12 songs on the album Millennium by the Backstreet Boys. I Want It That Way, a hit song Martin co-wrote with Andreas Carlsson and co-produced with Kristian Lundin, became the group's biggest single to date and it is still popular today. Martin again received ASCAP's award "Songwriter of the Year" both in 2000 and 2001, and is the first songwriter ever to receive the award three years in a row. In late 1999 Céline Dion released That's the Way It Is, a song co-written by Max Martin to promote her greatest hits album All the Way... A Decade of Song. The song became a hit, going to number 1 on the adult contemporary charts in the United States and Canada, and reaching top 10 all over the world.

Despite the success, Cheiron Studios was closed down in 2000. The Cheiron songwriters went their separate ways. Max Martin and Tom Talomaa started a new production company together named Maratone in January 2001

2004 : former American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson traveled to Sweden to collaborate with Max Martin and Lukasz "Dr. Luke" Gottwald on songs for her album Breakaway.

2005 : Max Martin collaborated with the Norwegian singer Marion Raven for the release of her debut rock album entitled Here I Am. He also collaborated on 4 of the 12 songs on Backstreet Boys' comeback album Never Gone. Martin also wrote and produced songs for Pink's very successful and critically acclaimed platinum selling fourth album I'm Not Dead.

2008 : Max Martin contributed to Pink's fifth studio album, Funhouse, released in October. He produced and wrote for Britney Spears' new album Circus, released on December 2nd.

2009 : Dr Luke and Max Martin contributed to Ke$ha's album.

2010 : Max Martin worked with Avril Lavigne on several songs for her 4th album Goodbye Lullaby including the lead single What the Hell, which was released on January 10, 2011.

2001 : Max Martin is the executive producer (along with Dr. Luke) of Britney Spears' new album Femme Fatale out on March 29th.

Artists and groups featuring Martin (Max)

E-Type - Free Like A Flying Demon (1996), Russian Lullaby (1995), So Dem A Com (1995), This Is The Way (1995)
Herbie - Big Funky Dealer (1995), Clap Your Hands (1996), I Believe (1995), Rainbowchild (1995), Right Type Of Mood (1995)
Leila K - C'Mon Now (1996)
Michele - Do Me Baby (1996)



EuroDance Group



Just A Runaway (1994)
Tough Girl (29th Apr 1994)
Head Over Feet (1996)

Musical team : Franco Tripodi, Bobby Flexter, R. Saraiva. The single Tough Girl was released under Lombardoni Ed. Musicali/Dance Action Music and Soon Records/Discomagic, produced by Severo Lombardoni. It was licensed in France under Panic Records, and in Spain under Max Music.

On the sleeve, one could read: "Special thanks to Annalisa". The vocalist's real name ? Actually, it was revealed much later that the real voice belonged to Maria Capri. Tough Girl was used as soundtrack for a brazilian soap called A Próxima Vítima. That's why the song was quite popular in Brazil, where Martine performed live in the main musical TV shows.

Just A Runaway was released under Discomagic.

A third single was entitled Head Over Feet, not her best however.

Thanks to reBeL, Klems, Alex Capilé and Augusto Vilar



Martinelli (Franco)
EuroDance Producer


Italian DJ and producer Franco Martinelli contributed to many eurodance projects such as Nite Beat, Black House, D-Fence, Pharaoh and X-Sample.

Artists and groups featuring Martinelli (Franco)

Black House - I Feel The Friction (1991)
D-Fence - Love For You (1994)
Lucas Jennifer - Take On Higher (1992)
Nite Beat - Don't Walk Away (1994)
Pharaoh - Dance Like An Egyptian (1991)
X-Sample - Dreamin' In Buristead Road (1991)



EuroDance Group



Uio Uio (1994)

Uio Uio was produced by Aldo Martinelli and Fabrizio Gatto. Label: Beat Club Records



Martinez (2)
EuroDance Group



I Wanna Know (1997)

I Wanna Know was featured on Canadian compilation 30 Dance Divas.



Martinez and Laure J
EuroDance Group



My Fire (1999)

My Fire was written by Lorenzo Cantisani and Steve Lucato, arranged by Steve Lucato, mixed by Davide Primiceri and Renzo Dettoni. Label: Spy Rec.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Together ()
Happy People ()
Get Up And Do It (1993)
Everybody Say Yeah (1994)
Leavin' (8th Jul 2008)
How Do You Sleep (10th Aug 2009)
Another Chance (4th Nov 2009)
Remedy (3rd Sep 2021)
Don't Forget My Love (6th May 2022)

Label : New Meal Power (SAIFAM). Vocals on Get Up And Do It were done by an uncredited Annerley Gordon. The single was composed by Mauro Farina and G. Crivellente. It was arranged and produced by FCF. Additional Production by Johnny Mix and Fabio Serra. It was mixed at Factory Sound Studios in Verona (Italy).

The follow-up was entitled Everybody Say Yeah. This mostly instrumental track with a few samples was composed and written by C. Hornbostel, C. Calvello, M. Sasa, M. Farina.

The House mix for Another Chance appeared on BMG compilation Euro Hits 2000 Vol 9 in 2001, then the extended version was digitally released in 2009.

The songs Together and Happy People were available for CD-R compilations on-demand.

Leavin' was digitally released in 2008, then came How Do You Sleep published on a Saifam Digital compilation entitled Hits On Dance: Vol 3 the same year.



Marvellous Melodicos
EuroDance Group



Sing Oh (15th Jul 1994)
The Sun + The Moon (1995)
Over The Rainbow (1995)
Say It Ain't So (30th Mar 2020)
Time (To Move On) (16th Dec 2020)

Sing Oh! was their biggest hit... one of the summer smash hits in 1994. It was composed and written by G. Trivellato.

The Sun & The Moon was released in december of 1994, vocals were done by Mireille. The tracks were produced and written by G. Trivellato and G. Sacchetto, arranged and mixed by The Indian & J&J Brothers, the executive producer being Giacomo Maiolini. It was released under Italian Style / Time Records in Italy, licensed under Chocolate Records in Germany.

The follow-up and last single Over The Rainbow wasn't that successful.

Thanks to grof pl.



EuroDance Member



This Good Life (10th Jan 2008)
Good Life (12th Dec 2013)
Vento d'estate (20th Jun 2014)
Un'Estate Al Mare (10th Jul 2015)
Come Ad Agosto (1st Jul 2016)

Alessandro Moschini aka Marvin was born on August 2nd during the 70s in Rome, where he goes back everytime he can. He fell in love with musich at the age of 12, when he discovered Duran Duran and the new wave. After playing and singing with a few bands during the 80s, he turned to electronic music composition and working in recording  studios. In 1995, he met Andrea Prezioso, who was looking for a musician. They become best friends and produce together several records, while extending each others mixing and listening skills. He also collaborated with Joe Smooth, House Music pioneer from Chicago, during his stay in Rome for a few months.

In 1998, Alessandro and Andrea started working with Giorgio Prezioso. In 1999 they composed Tell me Why.

Marvin likes music, Italian movies (Ciao Albertone), happiness, honesty, animal (and his dog Irvin), fashion, sex, pizza, sleeping, the sea, Z3, good books, radio, Rome and Nanni Moretti. He doesn't like being called Sandro.

2014 : Marvin's solo single was called Vento d'estate.

2015 : Marvin's new single Un'Estate Al Mare was out in July.

2016 : Marvin released a new single entitled Come Ad Agosto.

Artists and groups featuring Marvin

DJ Kubik - Con Un Deca (2021)
DJ Ross - Baker Street (2013)
Format - Take A Ride In The Sky (1995)
Prezioso - Alone (2010), Emergency 911 (2001), I Wanna Rock (1998), Let's Talk About A Man (2001), Rock The Discothek (2001), Somebody (2002), Tell Me Why (1999), Voices (2000), We Rule The Danza (2002)
Skar & Manfree x DJ Matrix - A World So Magical (2021), Un Mondo Magico (2021)



EuroDance Group



Stop (1997)

Spanish dance act fronted by vocalist Maria Benaches. Single Stop was produced by brothers Sebastian Rios and Jose Vicente Rios (New Limit, Kriss). Label: Contraseña Records

Thanks to Ulysses



Mary Hola
EuroDance Group



Automatic Lover (1999)

Automatic Lover was composed and written by Luca Galiati, programmed by Bobo Mario Borgonovo, arranged and mixed by Gallo DJ Galioso and Jimmy Nicoli, released on compilation Dancemania X6 then as digital release under label D.V. Factory



Mary House
EuroDance Group



The Cuts (1988)
Acid Oil (1988)
Channel (1990)
Searchin Dreams (1990)
DJ For Survival (1990)
Bustle On Love (1992)
Stay Mine (1994)

Mary House(also written Maryhouse) was a project created by Mario Percali. 2 first singles were collaborations with Tano DJ releaaed in 1988. The came Channel in 1990.



Mary Jay
EuroDance Group



Hey, Call Me Now (12th Dec 1994)

Mary Jay's single Hey, Call Me Now was released in Italy under label Wicked & Wild and in Germany under ZYX the next year. The concept was created by Claudio Rossi and Davide Piatto. The single was recorded and mixed at Alby Studio in Modena (in Italy), arranged and performed by Alex Bagnoli. The executive producer was Fabio Carniel. The vocalist's voice really sounded like Martine so it probably belonged to Maria Capri, as the name Maria was mentioned in the thanks section. Other persons thanked by the team were Bruno Magnani (who did the male voice on the phone), Mad DJ, Morena and Ugo.

Thanks to reBeL Andrew-FK and Marian Stoica



Mary L
EuroDance Group


Call Me ()

The projects features a solo female vocalist.

Thanks to Xavier



Mary Lisa
EuroDance Group



Bette Davis' Eyes (1996)

Spanish dance act that was produced by Contraseña S.L. Label: Lethal Records.

Thanks to Ulysses



EuroDance Member


Maryelle's real name is Mary Elin Mellemseter. In 1999 she joined Linda Gaathje, Jan Lindvaag and Thomas Ekle as member of the group Di-mico. The group released five singles during their short time active before disbanding at the end of the year. Debut album Dreams was never released.

2004 : she founded the project Ice along with Thomas Ekle and did vocals on the album Gorgeous.



EuroDance Group



This Is The Night Baby (1995)

Label : State & Street (SES). The song was featured on the Brazilian compilation Dance Your Body Vol. 22. It was arranged and written By L. Vio and M. Giunta, produced and mixed by Roberto Turatti and Morris Capaldi.

Thanks to EuroRama and Alex Capilé



EuroDance Group



My Fantasy (1994)

My Fantasy featured an uncredited solo female vocalist. It was written by Alberto Cassotti, recorded at Rent Music Studio, produced, mixed and arranged by Alberto Cassotti, Ben DJ (Simone Bergamelli) and DJ Fabietto (Fabio Carrara). Label : RMS Productions.



Marzal Digital Project
EuroDance Group



No He De Llorar (1992)
Luna De Verano (1992)
Nada Mejor Que Tu (1993)
Es Un Sueño (1993)
I Just Don't Have The Heart (1994)
Don't You Want Me Remix 94 (1994)
Corazón De Cristal (1994)
Just Can Get Enough (1995)
The Power (1995)
If You Take My Love (1995)
Dreams & Dreams (1996)

Marzal Digital Project (aka Marzal Digital) is a project of Vicente Miguel Marzal Almarche, singer and producer from Valencia. Vicente Marzal released the singles Luna De Verano and No He De Llorar as Marzal, under the label Area International in 1992. Then 2 singles, I Just Don't Have The Heart (Cliff Richard cover) and Don't You Want Me (a rework of Savage) were released in 1994 under name Marzal Digital Systems. Afterwards, he changed project name again, releasing 2 singles under name DPM.

Dreams & Dreams featured a rapper and a male singer. It contained 2 B-side tracks : Japanesse Bass and Come Back And Stay (a Bad Boys Blue cover). Label: Lucas Records.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Ruby Rain (1995)

Ruby Rain featured a solo female vocalist. It was a cover of a song by Pino Donaggio, produced by Bass Corporation. Label: World Direction



Mascotte Music
EuroDance Company


Sublabel of French label Scorpio Music



EuroDance Group



U Don't Have To Say U Love Me (29th Apr 1994)
Let's Spend The Night Together (11th Jan 1995)


U Don't Have To Say U Love Me (1994)
Let's Spend The Night Together (1995)

Members : Wickham, Millar
Produced by Simon Napier-Bell (former manager of the group Wham), Nkono Teles

The project included 2 boys (among them the rapper MC Valentino, from the group Notting Hill Gate, who had also been featured by Stephane Malca's Pursuit Of Happiness), and a black female vocalist called Merrit Crawford. Another vocalist contributed to the track : Taffy, who had previously released some solo singles such as I Love My Radio. The very powerful You Don't Have 2 Say U Love Me, released in 1994, entered top 10 in Israel and top 40 in UK. A maxi-CD including some Cappella mixes was also released. It was a cover of a track originally released in 1966 by Dusty Springfield (and which had been written by Simon Napier). A videoclip was shot, but it is extremely rare.

Let's Spend The Night Together (a cover of the Rolling Stones) only featured female vocals. It had been released with a nice video clip. Nothing has been released since then.

MASH has absolutely no relationship with the Italian techno project Mash (Rock The Disco, Are You Ready, Music Is Playing So Loud...).

Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to Duck, WebDJs, BroderTuck and Nico for the latest informations



EuroDance Group



Anymore (1995)

Label : ZAC. The single was produced by Danny Rodia, G. Miani and R. Doran, mixed by Jack Angel and M. Parafioriti at Spherica Studio, licenced in the US under Lime rec.

2 singles were released under the same name in 1991 : Never Before and Full Of Devotion. It does not seem to be the same artist, even if the label (Stil Novo Records) was Italian too.



Masha (2)
EuroDance Group



Just For Me (1995)

Just For Me was composed by Hauttegroel (alias of Miki Chieregato) and produced by Lovercraft (aka Marco Marsili). Label : Red Rocket Coal.

Thanks to Alateos



EuroDance Group



In The Middle Of The Night (1994)
Masia (2005)

Label: Area International. In The Middle Of The Night was composed by Antonio M. Goterris and recorded at See You Studio (Castellón). Masia makes reference to a club in Castellón. A self-titled Album EP was released in 2005 under CHR (Contraseña Hardocore Records). It included hard house tracks composed by various DJs.

Thanks to Ulysses



Mason (Vanessa)
EuroDance Member



Du & Ich (22nd Jan 2000)

Female vocalist of Real McCoy till 1998.

Born in Berlin on December 23rd 1976. She started singing at the age of 16 and when she turned 18 she became an officail member of the group. Before, she was a member of a High School. She does aerobic whenever she can and loves to keep in shape at the gym. Besides that she loves to spend time with her friends. She is the lucky mother of a baby who was born in December 1999. Maybe some day she'll do a solo album. Before that, she took part to the first solo album her former partner O'Jay is about to release.

In 2000 Vanessa released her first solo single, entitled Du & Ich along with D-flame. It was produced by Carsten Schedler.

2011 : Vanessa recorded a duet with German rapper Peter Fox entitled Zucker.

She worked for dance school Charlottes Boogie Stube.

Artists and groups featuring Mason (Vanessa)

Real McCoy - One More Time (1997)



EuroDance Producer


Producer and composer Judith Samson Kruit aka Ma$ong was part of Team 3, along with ManiRock and Riffi. Together, they stood behind many great eurodance productions : Club Factory, 3 II One, Class-X... The trio also released tracks such as Butter & Jelly as P-Nuts in 1995, C'est Toothbrush-Rave as Those 3, still in 1995 and Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? as M-Jam in 1997.

She also contributed part to trance and house projects 4 Aces, 4T D-Greez, Active Force, Communi-Gate, Da Groove, DJ Rene & Da Groove, Exclusive System, Rage At Dawn, Soca Boys, Universe, Urban Riot, Velocity and Zzlamm.

Artists and groups featuring MaSong

2B Or Not 2B - All Right Now (1994), Tonight, Tonight (1995)
3-II One - Make Love (1994)
Class X - Find A Way (1996)
Club Factory - I Think I Wanna Rock (1994)
Eclipse - (You Just Got To) Let The Rhythm Move You (1994), I Want You Forever (2014)
Sophia - Gimme The Night (1994), Running So Hard (1992), Take It Or Leave It (1992)



Masoni (Giada)
EuroDance Producer


Giada Masoni contributed as vocalist to Prime's To Be Free, Tenessee Tell Me and The Sun Company In The Name Of Love. She also co-wrote a song for Elena Becker, and probably did vocals for the project too.

2000 : she wrote Land Of Freeways for project Blue Bell and probably did the vocals too.

2002 : Giada was featured on F-99's single You.

Thanks to Marian Stoica and Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Masoni (Giada)

Alma - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next (1998)
Becker Elena - All Right (1999), Here We Are At Last (1997)
Blue Bell - Land Of Freeways (2000)
Chica Bahia - Paradise Mi Amor (1995)
De Marco - No One Sleeps Tonight (1998)
Endurance - Ever Dream (2006)
Fourteen 14 - A Night In Paradise (1999)
Gilda Blidge - Look At Me (2009)
Gilly B - Tonight (1995)
Jo-Jo Club - Shake Your Bum (1999)
MTJ - Life (1999), Now Or Never (2000)
Prime - To Be Free (1995)
T-Move Experience - Let Me Love You Now (1997), My Baby, My (1996), Running In Real Time (1996)
Tenessee - Let Me Love You For Tonight (1997), Tell Me (1995)
The Sun Company - In The Name Of Love (1995), Looking For Love (1995)



Maspons (Santi)
EuroDance Producer


Santiago Maspons Bonet is a Spanish producer based in Barcelona. Along with Francesc Pellicer and Marc Martín, he was a member of label Code Music. He contributed to eurodance projects Speed Limi, Trax and Mission

Artists and groups featuring Maspons (Santi)

Amen - El Club De Los Humildes (1998)
Mission - My Heart Will Go On (1998), You're Not Alone (1997)
Speed Limit - Cry For Your Love (1995), Don't Give Me Up (1996), Paradise (1996), Remember (1996)
Trax - Come Follow Me (1997), I Want You Back (1997)
Zombie - Rescue Me (1998)



EuroDance Group



It's My Love (24th May 1993)
Touch Me (25th Mar 1994)
Touch Me RMX'95 (11th May 1995)
Sailing (15th Oct 1996)
Run To Me (10th Dec 1996)
I Hate Myself For Loving You (1997)
So So So Long (23rd Jun 1997)
Black Eyed Boy (3rd Nov 1997)
Square Room (1998)
Inside Of Me (27th Jul 1998)
Liar (8th Mar 1999)
We've Got Tonight (24th Dec 2008)
Never Say Never (26th Mar 2011)
Love Love Love (11th Apr 2011)
Boys Boys Boys (Summertime Love) (12th Jun 2012)
She Makes Me Go (25th Apr 2013)
Queen Of The Night (16th Dec 2016)


It's My Love (6th Jul 1998)

Produced by SAIFAM PublishingGroup. According to their official biography, the project was composed by young people from different countries and personalities, uses and methods of singing. Maybe, this was the reason of their success. Each member of the group contributed with his own personal touch.

First single It's My Love was released in May 1993. Recorded and mixed at Factory Sound Studios in Verona (Italy), it reminded to Visage's hit Fade To Gray.

The Sutherland Brothers (later made famous by Rod Steward) cover Sailing featured for once a male vocalist and a ragga-rapper. It was mixed by F. Turatti at Mela Studios in Verona.

1996 : Run To Me was written by F. Canneto, Halbertras (aka Mario Di Giacomo), Michele Anselmo, A. Terzi, R. Tucciarelli and featured an uncredited (as usual) vocalist.

1997 : So So So Long was released. This was one of the biggest hits by Mark Farina in the last decade, now back with female vocals and produced by himself. Although the original version was not released in Brazil, it became an instant hit in this country, with massive radio play.

Many vocalists took part to the project. Among them, there could be Annerly Gordon (on Touch Me) and Jenny, for So So So Long, Square Room, Black Eyed Boy and Inside Of Me (the voice of this mysterious singer could be also heard on Plastika Love And Heart and some Kate Project singles).

The project continued under the name Sarah and with various vocalists (Valeria, Rachael Fellini, Miriam Cossar, Isabella Branca, Antonella Erbini, Debora Cinquepalmi, Melody Castellari, Emily Guerra), releasing a lot of eurobeat songs between 2008 and 2016

Thanks to Yef and Klems
Masquerade biography on SAIFAM website

Artists and groups featuring Masquerade

Asia Gang - Ever 2000 (2000)



Massaro (Antonella)
EuroDance Member


Antonella Massaro was born in Pisa on December 1st. She was the daughter of Antonio Massaro and Franca Massaro Spadafora. She did her studies in ITS C.Gambacorti.

She contributed to writing the lyrics and to vocals on Italian eurodance project Tracy. She probably also sung on New System's third and fourth singles

She is also believed to have performed vocals on :
India - The Dance Of The Angels (1994)
Expected Two ‎- Don't Break My Heart (1995)
T-Rex - Looking Over (1995)
Screen - I Wait For You (Movin' On Baby) (1995)
Kim - I Wanna Know ‎ (1996)
Nick Ray - Don't Break My Heart (1996)
N.T.N. - Heartbeat (1997)
New System - Let You Dance (1997), Angel Guy (1998)
Tracy - Summertime (1999)

Antonella likes to travel, swim, go to the beach and dive. She loves wine, cats and theater. Her favourite bands are Guns'N'Roses, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Rod Stewart, Muse and Natalie Imbruglia. She does not work in the musical business anymore, she's been working in Ipercoop Cascina in 1999. She lives in San Piero A Grado.

Thanks to Rikardo Music and Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Massaro (Antonella)

Ray Nick - Don't Break My Heart (1996)
T rex - Looking Over (1996)
Tracy - Push (1996)



Massiah (Zeitia)
EuroDance Member



Juice (12th Aug 2014)

1.Whatever This Is, 2.Too Busy, 3.When You Were Mine, 4.A Tear in the Rain, 5.You Drive Me Crazy, 6.Guinness and Black, 7.Magic Mambo, 8.Wildkat, 9.Devil Inside, 10.He Called Me Baby,

Maybe Tomorrow (4th Apr 2016)

1.Cry Me a River, 2.Fever, 3.One for My Baby, 4.What a Difference a Day Made, 5.Here in You, 6.Mona Lisa, 7.Under My Skin, 8.Butterfly, 9.Never Never Never, 10.Every Time We Say Goodbye,

Wat A Ting (18th Nov 2022)


Sing The Blues ()
A Love Like Yours (1980)
We Got A Good Thing Going (1980)
(Homegirl) Sing The Blues (1991)
(Homegirl) Sing The Blues (1992)
Feel My Love (1992)
Feel My Love (1992)
This Is The Place (1994)
Sexual Prime (1996)
A Little Love (1996)
Wat A Ting (4th Feb 2022)
Something I Can Feel (29th Apr 2022)
Bad Guy (10th Jun 2022)
Cry Me A Riddim (26th Aug 2022)
Baby Girl (18th Nov 2022)
Start (17th Mar 2023)
Sistas (12th May 2023)
Lemmy (25th Aug 2023)


Sexual Prime (1996)

Zeitia (real name Zeeteah) Silveta Massiah was born on December 24th on the island of Barbados. She grew up in London where she started her singing career.

In the late 70's she recorded her first singles with an independent record company. One of her first records was a cover of The Jackson 5's We Got A Good Thing Going in a reggae style. Another was a Diana Ross cover, I'm Still Waiting. Then she became the lead singer of the band Lady Love, which allowed her to tour as the support band to Mungo Jerry, even in Poland. Then she got a residency in the Beachcomber restaurant at the Mayfair Hotel in London.

She also portrayed Chiffon in London's prestigious Comedy Theatre in the musical "Little Shop Of Horrors." Shortly after that she worked as an "additional vocalist" for the first time. Together with Kim Wilde she went on the European leg of Michael Jackson's legendary "BAD" tour and performed in some of the biggest European arenas and stadiums, singing in front of 80,000 people

She did backing vocals for non eurodance artists like The Thrashing Doves (1989), One Nation (1989), Johnny Hallyday (1992-1993), ABC, Richard O'Brien (in 1996), Barry Adamson (background vocals on Oedipus Schmoedipus in 1996), Right Said Fred (background vocals on Smashing in 1996) and some Japanese projects such as Eikichi Yazawa.

In the early 90s, she was featured as a female vocalist for many projects such as Arizona (Slide On The Rhythm released in 1993 and which went #1 on the American Billboard Charts, I Specialize In Love, Let Me Show You released in 1994).

Zeitia also took part to Media Records projects such as Anticappella and Sharada House Gang (Keep It Up). She appeared on Fargetta's singles Mr Moon, Midnight and Beat Of Green. She was said to have done backing vocals on Cappella's Do You Run Away Now, but it is probably not the case. She keeps excellent memories of that time.

She was featured on Minnesota song I Feel Love. She appeared as background vocalist on Haddaway's single Rock My Heart. and toured with him, but they did not get well together and she keeps bad memories of that time. She also did vocals on JK's Sweet Lady Night.

Then she started her solo carreer : she released her first solo single in 1994, entitled This Is The Place, written by Jackie Rawe & Dave James. It was followed by Sexual Prime. Her song A Little Love was nominated for the British pre-selection for the Eurovision contest in 1996 (the same year as Gina G with Ooh Ah Just A Little Bit) but did not win. Then came Wishing On A Star in 1997.

She has been living in Cologne, Germany since 2001. She works as a full-time singer, doing many live performances every year, mainly for fancy corporate gala/dinner events for renowned companies (Coca Cola, Porsche...). She regularly tours with her own "James Bond Show," which is a 45-minute-program consisting of various James Bond theme songs.

2008 : Zeeteah is a member of the gala dinner show Fantissima in Phantasialand, a leisure park in Brühl (Germany)

2001 : Zeeteah moved back to London. She is now member of a new band, with a new sound : soul jazz.

2014 : Zeeteah Massiah released her first solo album entitled Juice

2016 : her new album was entitled Maybe Tomorrow

2018 : Zeeteah Massiah's released her new single All You, a a collaboration with her husband Paul Caplin.

2022 : her new album was entitled Wat A Ting

Background vocals done by Zeitia Massiah

ABC - Abracadabra (1991)
Adeva - Rejoice (1998)
Barry Adamson - Oedipus Schmoedipus (1996)
Barry Manilow - Keep Each Other Warm (1989)
Boy George - Generations Of Love (1994)
Cappella - Do You Run Away Now (1996)
DJ Pierre - Can You Touch Me
Eikichi Yazawa - Maria (1996)
Haddaway - Rock My Heart (1994)
Happy Clappers - Born Free (1996)
Louise - Naked (1996)
Minnesota - I Feel Love (1994)
Nightcrawlers - Let's Push It, Should I Ever (1995)
One Nation - Strong Enough (1989)
Patti Day - Hot Stuff (1991)
Richard O'Brien - Absolute O'Brien (1999)
Right Said Fred - Smashing (1996)
Roger Chapman - Hybrid And Lowdown (1990)
Soup Dragons - Sweet Meat (1990)
Trashing Doves - Trouble In The House (1989)
Tyrrel Corporation - You're Not Here (1994)
Vic Reeves - Born Free (1991)

Thanks to Klems, Alexander Pavlov from Syktyvkar and Zeeteah herself
Zeeteah official website

Artists and groups featuring Massiah (Zeitia)

4Tune Twins & Lorenz Rhode - Lovely Deep (2006)
Arizona - I Specialise In Love (1994), Slide On The Rhythm (1993)
Caplin & Massiah - Dance To It (2024)
Caplin - All You (2018)
Cappella - Do You Run Away Now (1997)
Curtis and Moore - Wishing On A Star Part 2 (1998), Wishing On A Star (1997)
Fargetta Mario - Beat Of Green (May-day May-day) (1996), Midnight (1995), You Got It (album) (1997)
Haddaway - Rock My Heart (1994)
JK - Go On (1998), Sweet Lady Night (1996)
Loren Rhode & 4 Tune Twins - Lovely Deep (2006)
Minnesota - I Feel Love (1994)
Nightcrawlers - Let's Push It (1995), Should I Ever (1995), You Lift Me Up (1995)
North on 41 - Baby Come Back (1998), You Came (2000)
Patti Day - Hot Stuff (1991)
Sharada House Gang - Keep It Up (1995)
Silverland - Give A Little (2024), Love Shine (2023)
With It Guys - Sweet Love (1996)



EuroDance Group



Sixties Styla (1994)

1.Wipe Out, 2.Peter Gunn, 3.Wooly Bully, 4.Don't You Just Know It, 5.You Gotta Dance, 6.Topsy, 7.Bulldog, 8.Wipe Out (Slow Mix), 9.Peter Gunn (Extended Mix), 10.You Gotta Dance (Extended Mix),

Seventies Styla (1995)

1.This Flight Tonight, 2.Spirit in the Sky, 3.Barracuda, 4.Sabre Dance, 5.School's Out, 6.Jeans On, 7.Mamy Blue, 8.Mama Loo, 9.Loop di Love, 10.Foe Dee Oh Dee, 11.Theme, 12.Barracuda (Slow Mix),


Barracuda ()
Wipe Out (1994)

Written by Wilson, Wilson, Fisher and De Rosier. Produced by Double P with special thanks to G. David. Label : Bellaphon/X-Plode. The track Barracuda was not included on their album Sixties Styla.

Mastaman released 2-3 more singles but it's not known wether those are euro or not. Among them, Wipe Out, which featured Insert Coin and Starsky Claw and vocals by Safi. It was licensed under Blanco Y Negro in Spain and WOX Records in Italy.

Thanks to reBeL and Bijou



Master and Seven
EuroDance Group



The Power Of Dreams (2nd Jul 1994)

The Power Of Dreams was produced, arranged and mixed by G. Pollo (maybe a mistyping of Germano Polli) and S. Fasolo. It was programmed by Charles Burgi. Label: Dig It International



Master B
EuroDance Group



So Far Away ()
Dancing In The Night (1996)

There may be several projects called Master B. One of them released Dancing In The Night, a very nice eurodance track, under the German label Nice Records. It was produced by Robin Masters (Mr President), written by Arndt Bienek, recorded a Tonart Studio. The 2 other performers were Tobias Heinze and Jonard Puno. The follow-up was entitled So Far Away.

There were also 2 progressive house tracks featured on the compilation Las Tardes En Pacha Ibiza 2001 : Take Me To The Limit (with Brother Can) and Electronic Ethnic Dance (with D. Moreno, J. Mur). Maybe it's the same project, maybe not.

No relationship with Polish project Master B.

Thanks to EuroBoy



Master B (2)
EuroDance Group



Badz Ze Mna (1995)
Yea Yee O Yea (1995)
Odjezdzamy (1996)

Song Bądź Ze Mną was released on Power Dance Vol.4. It was a very nice eurodance song featuring a rapper and a female vocalist.

No relationship with German project Master B.



Master Beat
EuroDance Group



Rakkaus Antaa (1995)

The single was composed and written by A. Alhainen.

Thanks to EurodanceRage



Master Freez
EuroDance Group


His real name is Davide Bucci. He's been a rapper and breakdance champion since 1987, #92 in 1991 and #76 in 1994, he took part to the eurodance projects :

Vi-King - Do The Dance
FR Connection - Listen Up, Without Your Love
Chris - All Nite Long
Silvia Coleman - Take My Breath Away
Beat Pressure - Rhythm, Something On Mind

He released the hip-hop single Don't Want Cha with T.J. Sanders, and 2 solo singles : Feel Dat Funky Groove and Listen To The Bass. He also took part to the hip-hop projects Moodlife - Movin' On, Maude - Get On The Move and Moz-Art & Master Freez - Let The Music Move Me. He also appeared on a DJ Fede compilation called The Beatmaker : he did a duet called Hanz up (for the Hip Hop) with DJ Double S.

2001 : with Susanna Dubaz he contribute to the single Listen To The Music by Brad Davis.

2005 : Tommy Vee featured the raps of Master Freez on his single Hit That Dancefloor.

Thanks to Necronomic



Master Mind DJ
EuroDance Group



Hello Vicky ()
It's A Party (1st Jul 1994)

Label : Aries records.

It's A Party was arranged, recorded and mixed by Riky Vallini, M. Maffioletti and Tiziano Giupponi (who was also producer), and composed by Mauro Marcolin. It was licensed by Media Records under Flarenasch in France.

A limited promo edition was released, only 123 copies were manufactured around the world, they contained a bonus track entitled Hello Vicky.

Hello Vicky was later released as vinyl. It was arranged and written by Pierre Feroldi (who was also producer) and S. Zucchini, mixed by S. Zucchini.

Thanks to Alex Capilé anbd Astralys



Master Mokamba
EuroDance Group



Fly Away (1996)

Fly Away was written by Marc De Bodt and Pierre Mokamba. It was produced by Hottown Productions at Studio Garage, Belgium, marketed and distributed by EMI Music Belgium. Executive producers : Luc Standaert and Tine Lecompte. Label : Melting Pot Records.



Master Tracks
EuroDance Group



You and Me (2000)
Sometimes Magic (2000)

Master Tracks was a project created by Alessio Esposito and Stefano Maccarelli. Single You & Me ‎featured vocals by Silvia. Follow-up single Sometimes Magic was writtten by S. Maccarelli and S. Fusè, srittan, arranged and produced by MasterTracks. Label : E-Music



EuroDance Group



The Masterboy Family (1991)

1.Dance To The Beat (remix), 2.Indian Grave, 3.Pump It Up, 4.Masterboy Theme, 5.Summer-Night, 6.I Need Your Love, 7.Shake It Up And Dance (remix), 8.Keep On Dancing, 9.Cause We Do It Again, 10.Twilight Zone, 11.Dance To The Beat (rap version),

Feeling Alright (16th Jul 1993)

1.Fall In Trance, 2.M.B.O.Y. (Give It Up), 3.Feel My Life, 4.Hey, Hey, Hey (You Around Me), 5.Where Are You Now Boy, 6.Reach Out - I'll Be There, 7.Fall In Trance (organ mix), 8.Come On Come On (I Feel Inside Me), 9.Cause We Do It Again ('93 version), 10.Masterboy Theme (The second), 11.Welcome To The Future Of Paradise, 12.Fall In Trance (remixed by Bass Bumpers), 13.Everybody Needs Somebody,

Different Dreams (28th Oct 1994)

1.Waterfall (Intro), 2.Different Dreams, 3.I Got To Give It Up, 4.Everybody Needs Somebody, 5.Is This The Love, 6.Masterboy Theme (The Third), 7.And I Need You, 8.Feel The Heat Of The Night, 9.Do You Wanna Dance, 10.No Way Out (Outro), 11.I Got To Give It Up (Guitana Mix), 12.Feel The Heat Of The Night (Shark Mix),

Generation Of Love (27th Oct 1995)

1.Intro, 2.Give Me Your Love, 3.Anybody (Movin' On), 4.Baby Let It Be, 5.Land Of Dreaming, 6.Masterboy Theme (The Third), 7.Generation Of Love, 8.Feel The Fire, 9.Get It On, 10.Feel The Force (House version), 11.Generation Of Love (Fly Away remix), 12.Anybody (Movin' On) (F,

Colours (26th Oct 1996)

1.Intro, 2.Show Me Colours, 3.Ocean Bizarre, 4.La Ola Hand In Hand, 5.Mister Feeling, 6.I Want To Break Free, 7.Children Of The Night, 8.Dreams Within A Dream, 9.Just For You, 10.Energy, 11.Mister Feeling (Fresh Remix Maxi), 12.Outro, 13.Baby Let It Be,

Best Of limited edition (2000)

1.Feel The Heat 2000, 2.Porque Te Vas, 3.Generation Of Love, 4.Land Of Dreaming, 5.I Like To Like It, 6.I Got To Give It Up, 7.Is This The Love, 8.Everybody Needs Somebody, 9.Anybody (Movin' On), 10.Different Dreams, 11.Feel The Heat Of The Night, 12.El Ritmo, 13.Masterboy Theme, 14.Dance To The Beat, 15.Shake It Up And Dance, 16.Mister Feeling, 17.Show Me Colours, 18.I Want To Break Free, 19.La Ola Hand In Hand, 20.Nights On Broadway, 21.Just For You,

Best Of limited edition (2000)

1.Intro, 2.Anybody, 3.Generation Of Love, 4.Feel The Heat Of The Night, 5.Is This The Love, 6.I Got To Give It Up, 7.Different Dreams, 8.Show Me Colours, 9.Feel The Heat 2000, 10.I Like To Like It, 11.Dance To The Beat, 12.Porque Te Vas, 13.Mister Feeling, 14.Land Of Dreaming, 15.Outro,

Best Of (3rd Jul 2000)

1.Feel The Heat 2000, 2.Porque Te Vas, 3.Generation Of Love, 4.Land Of Dreaming, 5.I Like To Like It, 6.I Got To Give It Up, 7.Is This The Love, 8.Everybody Needs Somebody, 9.Anybody (Movin' On), 10.Different Dreams, 11.Feel The Heat Of The Night, 12.El Ritmo, 13.Masterboy Theme, 14.Dance To The Beat, 15.Shake It Up And Dance, 16.Mister Feeling, 17.Show Me Colours, 18.I Want To Break Free, 19.La Ola Hand In Hand, 20.Nights On Broadway, 21.Just For You,

The Heat Of The Night (28th Mar 2001)

1.Land Of Dreaming, 2.Show Me Colors, 3.Feel The Heat Of The Night, 4.I've Got To Give It Up, 5.Anybody, 6.Ocean To The Beat, 7.Keep On Dancing, 8.Summernight, 9.Everybody Needs Somebody, 10.Is This The Love, 11.Do You Wanna Dance, 12.Feel My Life 13, 14.Welcome To The Future Of Paradise,

Greatest Hits Of The 90s And Beyond (3rd Oct 2005)

1.I Got To Give It Up, 2.Feel The Fire, 3.I Need A Lover Tonight, 4.Anybody (Movin' On), 5.Feel The Heat Of The Night 2003, 6.Show Me Colours, 7.El Ritmo, 8.Land Of Dreaming, 9.I Like To Like It, 10.Generation Of Love, 11.Is This The Love, 12.I Want To Break Free, 13.Masterboy Theme, 14.Ride Like The Wind, 15.Feel The Heat Of The Night, 16.Mister Feeling, 17.Nights On Broadway, 18.Shake It Up And Dance, 19.Different Dreams, 20.Porque Te Vas, 21.Masterboy Theme,

Greatest Hits Of The 90s And Beyond (3rd Oct 2005)

1.Intro, 2.Anybody, 3.Generation Of Love, 4.Feel The Heat Of The Night, 5.Is This The Love, 6.I Got To Give It Up, 7.Different Dreams, 8.Show Me Colours, 9.Feel The Heat 2000, 10.I Like To Like It, 11.Dance To The Beat, 12.Porque Te Vas, 13.Mister Feeling, 14.Land Of Dreaming, 15.Outro,

US Album (2006)

1.Intro, 2.Everybody Needs Somebody, 3.I Got to Give It Up, 4.Feel The Heat, 5.Land of Dreaming, 6.Generation of Love, 7.Dreams Within a Dream, 8.Nights On Broadway, 9.Just for You, 10.Children of the Night, 11.Mister Feeling, 12.Show Me Colours, 13.Anybody, 14.I Want to Break Free, 15.Outro,

The Best (2006)

1.Feel The Heat Of The Night, 2.Generation Of Love, 3.Anybody, 4.Dance To The Beat, 5.Shake It Up And Dance, 6.Is This The Love, 7.I Got To Give It Up, 8.Mr. Feeling, 9.Show Me Colours, 10.Land Of Dreaming, 11.Porque Te Vas, 12.Just 4 You, 13.I Need A Lover Tonight, 14.Feel The Heat Of The Night 2003, 15.Different Dreams, 16.Everybody Needs Somebody, 17.Ice Ice Baby, 18.Say Yeah, 19.Lucky Lie,


Dance To The Beat (Jan 1990)
Shake It Up And Dance (Nov 1990)
Cause We Do It Again (1991)
Masterboy Theme (1991)
I Need Your Love (Jul 1991)
Noche Del Amor (1992)
Keep On Dancing (Mar 1992)
Fall In Trance (Jul 1993)
Everybody Needs Somebody (Aug 1993)
I Got To Give It Up (Sep 1993)
Feel The Heat Of The Night (24th Jun 1994)
Is This The Love (21st Oct 1994)
Feel The Christmas Night (Nov 1994)
Different Dreams (Dec 1994)
Megamix (Apr 1995)
Generation Of Love (2nd Jun 1995)
Anybody (Movin' On) (18th Sep 1995)
Land Of Dreaming (8th Jan 1996)
Baby Let It Be (May 1996)
Mister Feeling (15th Jul 1996)
Show Me Colours (Oct 1996)
Just For You (27th Jan 1997)
I Want To Break Free (Apr 1997)
La Ola Hand In Hand (6th Jun 1997)
Nights Of Broadway (Jan 1998)
Dancing Forever (Aug 1998)
Porque Te Vas (28th Jun 1999)
I Like To Like It (30th Nov 1999)
Feel The Heat 2000 (16th May 2000)
Ride Like The Wind (27th Feb 2001)
I Need A Lover Tonight (26th Sep 2002)
Feel The Heat Of The Night 2003 (2003)
Are You Ready (We Love The 90s) (27th Apr 2018)


Dance To The Beat (1990)
Shake It Up And Dance (1990)
Everybody Needs Somebody (1993)
Fall In Trance (1993)
I Got To Give It Up (1994)
Feel The Heat Of The Night (1994)
Feel The Heat Of The Night (re-re-mix) (1994)
Is This The Love (1994)
Anybody (Movin' On) (1995)
Generation Of Love (1995)
Land Of Dreaming (1996)
Mister Feeling (1996)
Show Me Colours (1996)

Masterboy are Tommy Schleh, Enrico Zabler and the singer Trixi Delgado. Let's add the co-producer Skywalker (Lukas Cordalis, the son of schlager legend Costa Cordalis) who works with Enrico and Tommy in the studios. Skywalker also started a few projects on his own with him as singer. For example a freestyle single called Magic Summer Night under the name of JT featuring Luca. This song was produced by Masterboy beat production (JT means Joker Three and is a synonym for Enrico, Tommy and Lucas - the Joker is taken from the symbol of Masterboy). And contrarily to many artists, they really love dance music.

Summer 1989. The sound creator Enrico Zabler met DJ Tommy Schleh in a club of London and afterward decided to start working together. At that time Rico lived in Heidelberg and Tommy in Sinnsheim.

January 1990. Enrico and Tommy formed now officially a group called MASTERBOY (a reference to the master fader on mixing consoles, and to the fact that they were 2 boys) and released their debut single Dance To The Beat. At the beginning this track was written for the opening of the discotheque 'The Kinki' and was supposed to be sold only in this club. They hired the rapper David Atterberry (who would later be involved in the project Comico Base) and the vocalist Mendy Lee to represent them on stage.

July 1990, Dance To The Beat landed in Hit Charts and remained there for 16 consecutive weeks. In November, the Masterboy returned to their recording studio. Their hobbies (tennis, squash, fast cars...) were put away. Their fans wanted more music. The results was second single Shake Up And Dance released in November 1990. In December video to accompany the single was made.

January 1991. Shake Up And Dance was climbing high in charts. So, in March, Enrico and Tommy started working on their debut album, along with David and Mendy. Meanwhile they were participating in never-ending gigs, TV shows, radio broadcastings and parties. The Masterboy wave now flooded Europe.

Summer 1991, Masterboy were celebrating their charts success all over the Europe. They were approached by British group Pet Shop Boys that wanted single Shake Up And Dance to be released in England on their label Spaghetti Records. In July 1991, Third single I Need Your Love was released, followed by Noche Del Amor (when Enrico appeared under the name of Rico Novarini), which contained a rap version of the track Summer Nights. In September, their first album The Masterboy Family was released.

Year 1992. Masterboy were performing in and outside of Germany. Enrico was searching for new, innovative sound for the group. Tommy was looking for right beats. Both of them spent most of their time behind the turntables preparing new production to be released.

July 1993. Second album Feeling Alright was released. The first single from this album, Fall In Trance, immediately catapulted to high positions in Dance Charts in countries like : France, England, Austria, Italy and of course in Germany. There was also a single released, entitled Cause We Do It Again. In this song for the first time appeared Trixi Delgado.

August 1993. The single Everybody Needs Somebody, a second one from Feeling Alright album was released. Everybody Needs Somebody climbed into # 41 position in TOP 100. Single was also present in all European Dance Charts with good ranking, hitting Top 10 In France, Brazil, Top Twenty in Sweden, Israel (where it reached # 17), Canada, Austria, Switzerland and Top Thirty in eleven other countries. It was the first Masterboy single to have a video clip shot.

September 1993. Masterboy's single I Got To Give It Up was in production.

February 1994. The video to I Got To Give It Up was made in London. This video was highly rotated in MTV and VIVA TV channels. In March this track reached position #13 in MM charts and stayed several months on the top of official European dance charts. It was #41 in France, #17 in Switzerland.

July 1994. Masterboy released their chartbreaking single Feel The Heat Of The Night. The single started at position # 34 in New Singles from Media-Control Charts and soon climbed to Top 10 (position #8), went # 13 in Israel, #16 in Switzerland, #37 in Sweden. It did even better in France where it peaked to #2 and remained at that position for four consecutive weeks. Then it stayed six weeks in the Top 10, and ten weeks in the Top 20. It re-entered French charts in May 1995 for almost eight months. It was remixed by the Bermann Brothers (the Shark mix).

August 1994. Masterboy released their third album Different Dreams. This album once released got into Top 20 (at position #13) and remained on that list for several weeks.

September 1994. Masterboy received in Germany gold for more than 300 000 copies of Feel The Heat Of The Night single being sold. This single was storming almost any dance floor in Europe.

October 1994. Masterboy was in tour all over Germany : 40 gigs in 4 months proved that the group did not lose contact with their fans. The new single Is This The Love released in the end of the year immediately found its place on Top 20 and stayed in Top charts for several weeks, peaking to #12 in France, #37 in Sweden.

Meanwhile, in France erupted genuine Masterboy hysteria. After Feel The Heat Of The Night, Is This The Love was released in France followed by the title song from the album Different Dreams. The single Different Dreams was released, reaching #16 in France. It was followed by a Megamix which reached #11 in France.

In January, Angela, Enrico's wife, gave birth to a baby boy called Nicolas. In March 1995 this album received gold status in France. With position #7 in Album Charts and three singles with high positions in French TOP singles charts Masterboy became the most successful foreign group in France with 2 Unlimited.

March 1995. Masterboy went on tour to Brazil. What happened there exceeded their imagination. Their songs for four weeks stayed at #1 position of Brazilian charts. Everyday their songs were aired at least 20 times a day. The group became a headliner for two Brazilian festivals. In downtown of Sao Paulo and Ipanema beach of Rio De Janeiro almost 70 000 of Masterboy fans sang and clapped their hands during the group performance.

June 1995. The new single Generation Of Love was released simultaneously in Germany and France. The video for this single was shot in Oil-Factory Studios in London, directed by Jonathan Bate. The team finally did find some time to do shopping in London, a city which had a special meaning for Enrico and Tommy who first met there in 1989. Enrico says: 'To be here is like returning to the roots'. That recording session in London was actually quite hectic. They arrived to London from Frankfurt (Germany) after two hours delay. They went for shopping spree to exclusive Carnaby Street. In 'Flashpoint' they were entertained as old friends by Chinese manager. Tommy went to male department that was selling velvet jackets, cotton shirts and pants. In 'Quarzo' Enrico was astonished by Scottish chequered cloth. Trixi  was spending all her money buying gourmet tea in 'Wittards'. Tommy won the competition of who was going to spend most money in shortest time. He spent 800£ in 1 hour.

In Germany Generation Of Love climbed to #16 of German Charts and stayed there for several weeks. This single was not only a success in Germany. In France it entered the Top 100 Charts as rising hit, finally reaching #8. Also in Austria, Sweden (#20), Switzerland (#19) and Belgium it was Top 20. Later in 1995 Masterboy went on tour to major French cities with the boys group East 17.

Generation of Love was an announcement of the Masterboy's fourth album under the same name that was released in 1996. Artists were working on it in Walldorf. The Solid Rock Baptist Church Gospel Choir from Heidelberg participated to the recording. Most of the text and music were written and composed by Enrico and Tommy with a help of Skywalker.

October 1995. New single Anybody was released. It peaked #20 in France, #22 in Sweden, #29 in Switzerland. In the end of October the fourth Masterboy album: Generation Of Love was released. Many of the tracks of this album were covered by other Eurodance projects : Feel The Fire was re-recorded by The Forest, Land Of Dreaming was adapted in Russian by Di Bronx & Natali.

January 1996. The new year Masterboy started with a hit : Land of Dreaming was released. This single had a heavy rotation on VIVA and MTV channels. This track was like the third mostly airplayed song on the radio and reached position #12 on MM-charts. It was a world-wide success, reaching #19 in the Netherlands, #20 in Switzerland, #22 in France, #32 in Sweden. In States, U.S.remixes of this song went to position #12 of Billboard Dance Charts.

Besides that they begun their collaboration with other Eurodance groups, for example Worlds Apart. Kyra from Pharao recorded with them her first solo single (no-one knows if it was really released). Stay C from Twenty 4 Seven is an another example. And in the middle of 1995 they appeared in a TV commercial for a new CD player.

Due to their success, they had to establish more recording studios. They built another one in Walldorf near Heidelberg and a third one in Rome. "Italy is and always has been one of the most important and creative music markets in the world". And Tommy adds : 'Beside that, there is always wonderful weather in Italy'. They also released a combined production with other hot Eurodance groups. Entitled Love Message, it also appeared on a CD Compilation under same name, whose benefit were collected to help research against AIDS. This record brought a gold Record award for this group. The Masterboy team also stands behind the Cardenia project.

In order to conquer new markets, Masterboy came to Miami Beach, Florida. They performed before audience representing South American branch of Polygram to determine if the style of music Masterboy represents would be popular in South America and if their tour there would be a success. The answer was yes, of course, and they started their tournee in Mexico, followed by Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela.

In May, the new single Baby Let It Be was released in France only. It topped #27 there.

July 1996. Trixy Delgado left the group to care about her family with her long time friend Thomas (actually she began a solo carreer). Linda Rocco (the voice of Dance 2 Trance's Power of American Natives) joined Masterboy and replaced Trixi. Masterboy and Linda did their first shows in Germany, to present the first single featuring her voice : Mister Feeling an euro-reggae hit. The release was accompanied by a video shot in South Spain. Within a week it jumped to position 44 in German Hit list. Masterboy went also to Russia for a couple of gigs in clubs in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

September 1996. Masterboy as well as Captain Jack, Mr President, DJ Bobo (one of their best friends), Backstreet Boys, Caught In The Act, were headliners for Mega Dance Festival. This festival started their German tour which last until middle of October. During this tour Masterboy visited 18 major cities. Meanwhile they were also working on the new album and also composed a new hit for Ice MC called Give Me The Light, and 2 songs for Indra.

October 1996. The new Masterboy's album Colours was released on October 28th in Germany along with the new single Show Me Colours. The group did a short promotional tour in Asia and returned to Germany for the new album release, for a short promotion tour in Germany that ended in October 31st. The new Masterboy album was definitely a eurodance album by all means, Show Me Colours being definitely the most eurodance song from this album. It went #31 in France, #42 in Switzerland, #44 in Sweden.

January 1997. Masterboy was nominated as the most successful German single Act of 1996. They also got a Chartbreaker Prize of 1996 (DJ TOP 40). Meanwhile the ballad Just For You, third single from the album Colours was released. The beautiful video was shot in Göteborg cathedral (Sweden). Just For You was #50 in Switzerland.

July 1997. The next single La Ola Hand In Hand recorded in euro-reggae style was a Masterboy's offer for Summer 1997. The bonus track in the CD-5 was a more progressive sounding song : Set Me Free (previously unreleased). It went #44 in Germany.

November 1997. Between the 24th and 29th Masterboy stayed in Mexico and played in several TV-shows. In the first week of December they travelled to Prague for 3 days for a live appearance in a big festival. In December they were also working on new singles for the boys band Worlds Apart.

January 1998. The single Nights Of Broadway, a cover of a Bee Gees track, was released. This one is recorded in R&B style with Euro influence. Slow, maybe not exactly what fans would have liked to hear from this group.

August 1998. The follow-up Dancing Forever was released. This single, recorded in disco-house style featured exclusively Linda's vocals.It was written by Willi Morrison and Bruce Ley. It was once again an interesting single but too different from what we heard before. In last days of September 1998 Masterboy released a video for Dancing Forever.

June 1999 : After almost a year of silence the group came back to the dance scene with Porque Te Vas. Once again a cover, but with a great music, Tommy's rap and a new female vocalist : Annabell K (Annabell Krischak). The 'bonus' track on this CD was another new track from the group : Make Me Feel Good, an NRG afterhours instrumental track. Porque Te Vas was #21 in Switzerland.

2000 : a new release entitled I Like To Like It (#69 in Switzerland) was followed by a remake of their huge 1994 hit Feel The Heat Of The Night : Feel The Heat 2000. A Best Of album was also released, with a limited edition CD including a megamix. Then Annabell left Masterboy to begin a solo carreer.

2001 : a new single was released, once again a cover : Ride Like The Wind only features Rico's voice. The forthcoming album was entitled The Heat Of The Nigth and it was released on the 26th of March. Unfortunately once again a "best of" album... In August a rumor announced that Trixi was about to come back with Masterboy. That wouls be the first time in Eurodance history that a female vocalist that left a project to begin a solo carrer comes back. It turns out to be that they also have a new single coming out called Living On Video, an another cover, which should be released in September or possibly later into fall.

After Living On Video, the following single should be entitled Ice Ice Baby. The new single is a style between dance and pop music with the voices of all 3 members of Masterboy" explains Tommy. Another single is already planned. It is called I Need A Lover and, Tommy explains "it's a Bomb. 140 BPM power Dance Floor for the whole wide World".

2002 : the long-awaited new single was at last released. Entitled I Need A Lover as expected, it was a very nice euro-trance track. All fans were very pleased to hear Trixi's voice again. Released in the end of September, it climbed to #18 of German DJ top 200 in October. On the 16th they appeared in Leipzig at Radio Jump Festival.

2003 : Masterboy's new single will probably be Feel The Heat Of The Night 2003.

2005 : a double CD entitled Greatest Hits Of The 90s And Beyond was released in Asia.

2006 : a best of album of the Masterboy was released in Russia without authorization of the Masterboy members. It contained some unreleased tracks. At the end of the year, the rumors that the Masterboy were back in studio and could release a brand new single at the very beginning of January 2007 started to spread.

2011 : the Masterboy were in studio working on new songs. A new single could be released for September.

Remixes by the Masterboy team :

Activate - Save Me
Ann Lee - 2 Times
Blue System - Laila
Captain Hollywood - Love And Pain
Cymurai feat. Thea Austin - Magic Touch, Let Go
DJ Phantasma - Sing Another Lovesong
François Feldman - Destination
Men BehindHow Can I?
Stay-C - Wham Bam!
Weather Girls - Party

© Eurodancehits
Masterboy FanPage
Thanks to Alexander Melnik, Alex "€uroMaxx", Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky, Kizoo, Tavi Meran, Klems and Yef for the latest informations
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the Charts positions

Artists and groups featuring Masterboy

Hand In Hand For Children - Children Need A Helping Hand (1997), Children (1996)
Tommy & Tibby - Dance To The Beat 2k11 (2011)



Mastered (Paul)
EuroDance Group



Come With Me (1995)

Come With Me vocals were credited to a singer called Simona Jackson, but not Simone Jay the voice of Netzwerk. The single was arranged by Menia Ragone, engineered by Daniele Chiariello, produced by Alberto Pizzarelli di Tomasso di Tofano. Label : Dolphin Records

Thanks to Marian Stoica and Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Rhythm's In Your Mind (26th Jan 1994)
I Wanna Know (9th Jan 1995)
Live It Up (1996)

Masterjam are the American rapper Mark Harris and the female vocalist Tanya Hits. Behind them are the producing team George Ecker (who also produced Jesse Lee Davis), Ben Allen, Tony Hartmann and Rodney Beyer. Their first single Rhythm's In Your Mind was released in 1994, following the Masterboy style. This great, melodic and successful eurodance track reached # 45 in Germany,  # 6 in Russia, # 1 in Israel's dance chart, and  # 10 in Romania. It was written and composed by R. Beyer, T. Hartmann, George Eckert and B. Allen, released by ZYX.

After that came the second single, as amazing : I Wanna Know that was released in 2 versions (a Radio mix and  an Eurotracks eurodance maxi edit). Both were great eurodance tracks but the second edit was the most popular and reached N°  4 in Russia, N° 6 in Belgium and Austria and N° 1 in Romania. The lyrics were written by R. Moore, the track was arranged & produced by Peter Ballweg, and released by ZYX. On the sleeve one could read "vocals by Chrissie Rap by The Infinite One". Single I Wanna Know contained a instrumental B-side called Sibhudai. The track was arranged & produced by Bamboota & Asaris.

Finally in 1996 came a third and very disappointing single entitled Live It Up, a pop track with no raps and (of course) no success...

Thanks to DJ Aaron 'Euromaster', Dean M Nakanishi and Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions



Masters Of Vision
EuroDance Group



Good Thing (1996)

The single was released under the label Ariola Records America. It appeared on the compilation Beatclub: A Celebration Of New Canadian Dance Music in 1996. The Club mix was produced by big names of German eurodance : Uli Brenner and Amir Saraf (La Bouche), remixed by Misar and Uwe Wagenknecht (Magic Affair). The project featured the voice of Jazmin and was produced by Brad Daymond and Vincent Degiorgio .

Thanks to Klems



Mata Hari
EuroDance Group



Spy In The Name Of Love (1995)
Power Of Love (1996)

Spy In The Name Of Love was written by Z. Robinson, Wilde and Sinclair. It was produced by Sinclair & Wilde and recorded at Rheinklang Studios in Germany, except for the first two tracks that were recorded and remixed at the Magic Studios in Belgium. Published by Arcade Publishing / Olli's House Publishing. Design by C'Moi A'Dam (P) & (C) CNR Music 1995.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



Love Peace And Harmony (13th May 1997)

Records company : EMI. Lyrics were written by Dwight Hayden and J. Lowien. The single was composed and produced by Holger Grauel, Johannes Lowien, Misar and Uwe Wagenknecht.



EuroDance Group



Give Me Your Love (1995)

Matilda was produced by Michael E. Caisson. The single Give Me Your Love was written by M. Recuan and Pascal Maton. Vocals were done by Andy Chase and Carole Fredericks.

Thanks to Marian Stoica



EuroDance Group



I Wanna Lose My Mind (1995)

The project was made of a solo female vocalist : Sandy Chambers.

I Wanna Lose My Mind was arranged and concepted by Lorenzo Vio, M. Giunta, produced and mixed by Morris Capaldi. It was written by Lorenzo Vio, M. Giunta, Morris Capaldi and S. Chambers herself. It was released under Satellite records. It was featured on the Spanish compilation Top Model Mix in 1996.

Some singles such as Indigo Girl and Fool For Love were released during the 80s. Myabe it's the same project, maybe not.

Thanks to EuroSwede



Matiyash (Roman)
EuroDance Member


Ukranian rapper Roman Matiyash (Роман Матіяш) was born April 23rd 1975 in Khmelnitsky. He used to live in the US. Then he came back to his homeland. He worked as driver for diplomatic cars in Lwov. He became member of band Turbo-Techno Sound, then was rapper for project Fantom 2.

After Fantom 2, Roman worked as a fitness coach in a sports club, and bodybuilder. He married fitness champion Olga Kitsenyuk and had 2 children. In 2012 he had a car accident which resulted in the loss of his 2 kidneys. He had to wait until 2017 to get a graft and did a crowdfunding to pay for his daily dialysis. But graft was a failure. He died on July 8th 2017 in Ivano-Frankivsk.



Mato Grosso
EuroDance Group



2016 (1993)

1.Intro, 2.Jungle, 3.Thunder, 4.Talk Down, 5.Titanic, 6.Space Overdrive, 7.2016 Fall-Out, 8.Neverland, 9.Feel The Beat (Remix), 10.Woodanga, 11.Jungle (1993 House Mix), 12.Finale,


Neverland (1991)
Thunder (1991)
Neverland Remix 92' (Jul 1992)
Feel The Beat (Sep 1992)
Jungle (Oct 1992)
2016 (Apr 1993)
Love (Dec 1993)
Mistery (18th Apr 1994)
Pyramid (Nov 1994)
Moai (Mar 1995)
Stonehenge (Oct 1995)
Destiny (Jun 1996)
Cliffs Of Moher (Oct 1996)


Pyramid ()
Feel The Beat (1992)
Jungle (1993)
Love (1994)
Mistery (1994)

Members: Graziano Pegoraro, Marco Biondi, Psycho Team, Tarantola.

The labels under which they released their music were B4 Before and D&W (for the songs Thunder and Neverland). It seems that they changed their record company in
1991 or 1992.

Thanks to EmilGreg and Crazy4Music



Maton (Pascal)
EuroDance Producer



Hollywood Scratch (1984)

Producer, remixer and composer for the French eurodance artists Norma Ray and Léa Kiss. He had also took part to Indra's first hit Let's Go Crazy a few years before.

He also wrote music for the artist Gyle Waddy and released a few singles (such as Pump Pump It Up, Mr New Beat and Ready Or Not) and an album (The First) in the early 90s under the name of Hypnoteck (in collaboration with Patrice Ghidi). In 1995, he produced a dance-oriented album for François Feldman, entitled A Contre-Jour.

After 1995, Pascal Maton did a pause, in order to improve his knowledges in new musical technologies. In 2003 he created a new recording studio in Paris. He is currently working on a new album for his project Hypnoteck. He also produces a part of David Soul (former actor in the TV-series Starsky & Hutch). The album has a World music flavor with strong RnB influences, and a lot of well-known featured artists such as Snoop Doggy Dog and Mory Kanté.

2005 : Hypnoteck's album is almost complete. 3 tracks from it will be presented at Cannes Midem at the end of January. The album will feature the voices of Kimberly Covington, Kelly and Punchy Anderson.

Thanks to Pascal Maton himself

Artists and groups featuring Maton (Pascal)

Clarke Rozlyne - I'm On Fire (1997)
Deep Kenley - Call Me (1994)
Indra - Let's Go Crazy (1991)
Lea Kiss - Don't U Want Love (1994), Sexy Woman (1994)
Matilda - Give Me Your Love (1995)
Norma Ray - Crazy About U (1994), I Believe In You (1993), I Need Love (1994)
Noway - Come Back To Me (1997)



EuroDance Group



Can You Feel It (15th Dec 1993)
Follow Me (1994)
Take A Piece Of Your Heart (29th May 1995)


Can You Feel It (1994)
Can You Feel It (1994)

On April 1993 RCA records signed Matrix for a promo single release only. Can You Feel It, featuring the vocalist Natasha Maimone (who did vocals for Gazebo, and released solo singles such as AM-FM under the name Natasha King) and the rapper Eric Gould, had an unexpected and huge success on radios and clubs, a remixes CD was even released in May 1994. It contained 4 new versions which this time featured vocals by Noah Sow.

RCA records wanted to sign them for a full day-view album. The album was never made because of legal issues with thier producer David Novik. The album was on hold so long, the project was finally aborted.

The vocals on Take A Piece Of Your Heart were done by Noah Sow, the text was written by Noah and Eric Gould. The music was composed by Marc Cassandra, Noah Sow, Fritz A. Wollner and Oliver Preusche. The single was recorded at FM Studio in Frankfurt, produced my Matrix. It included an Airplay Edit, an Extended edit, a Double Speed edit, a Mainhattan Divas dub and an Airplay Reggae.

Thanks to Klems



Matrix '94
EuroDance Group



Music Is Light (1994)

Music Is Light was produced, mixed and written by Maurizio Braccagni and Roberto Gallo Salsotto. It was published by Lombardoni Ed. Musicali, released in Italy under label The Ultimate, licensed in Spain under Boy Records.



Matrix 10
EuroDance Group



She Really Loves Me (1995)

She Really Loves Me was produced by Severo Lombardoni, written and arranged by Franco Tripodi, performed by Maria Capri who was not credited. Label : Discomagic Records



Matthew EL
EuroDance Member

Rapper and songwriter Matthew E.L., also known as Matthew F. contributed to the eurodance projects Power Process (Satisfaction) and C-12 (I'm Gonna B Your F).

In 1995, he also did raps on Eddy Wally's single Als Housekramer Ben Ik Geboren.

Artists and groups featuring Matthew EL

C-12 - Allright (1997), Life (1998)
Power Process - Satisfaction (1994)



Matthiesen (Kai)
EuroDance Producer


Producer of the project Mr President along with Robin Masters.

From his early childhood, he played the bass guitar in a number of bands until he embarked on a career as a DJ in the mid-80s. He created his own recording studio in Bremen. He composed some music for advertising, amongst others for Reemtsma, Sat 1 and Lufthansa.

He stood behind many acts and projects, the most succesful being Mr President. He also produced Scatman John's album Take Your Time. He also produced Satellite One, Reset, Nicky Nyce and RM & KM Joice. His team worked for many artists such as Toni Cottura, Rosenstolz, Lesiem, Aqua, Tamptations, David Hasselhoff, Alphaville, X-Perience, Crispy, The 5.1 Projekt, Münchener Freiheit, Tristan, Bonita J. Louw, Nackt, B-Charme, Polizei, Dr. Fummel, Wavediver, NP5, Carmen, Jill Bee and Eu Jeene.

He also did remixes for Robert Meister.

Artists and groups featuring Matthiesen (Kai)

Crispy - Kiss Me Red (1999), Licky Licky (1998), Mr Dinosaur (2000)
Eu-Jheene - This Is The Night (1994)
Jil Bee - Break Those Chains (1995), Magic (1994)
Mr President - 4 On The Floor (1995), Coco Jamboo (1996), Forever And One Day (2003), Give A Little Love (1999), Gonna Get Along (Without Ya Now) (1995), Happy People (1998), I Give You My Heart (1996), I'll Follow The Sun (1995), JoJo Action (1997), M.M. (1993), Nightclub (album) (1997), Show Me The Way (1996), Take Me To The Limit (1997)
Pyromaniacs - Dance The Night Away (1997)
Reset (2) - You Got The Key (1997)
Scatman John - Ichi Ni San... Go (1999), Take Your Time (album) (1999)



EuroDance Group



Malanovamutivenimutipigghia (1994)
Heart (Light In The Night) (1996)
Rhythm's Got The Power (1996)

Mattisa (also spelled Mattiza) was a project or Renato Rizzo and G. Matterazzo. First single was entitled Malanovamutivenimutipigghia and it was released under Out in 1994. Then came Heart (Light In The Night) under label Dangerous, and Rhythm's Got The Power under label No Limits.



EuroDance Group



Feel Me Tonight (1995)
Libertango (1997)

Label: Interstate. Feel Me Tonight was arranged by M. Ferro, M. D'Aniello and Lambi. Keyboards, engineering and mix were done by Lambi. It was recorded and mixed at Energy Studios in Milano. Vocals by Deborah Quattrini. Libertango was maybe released by another project of the same name

Thanks to reBeL



Mauri (Graciela)
EuroDance Group



Graciela Mauri (1988)

1.Contigo, 2.Quién De Los Dos, 3.Te Encontraré, 4.Misterio, 5.Oasis, 6.No Puedo Más, 7.Vuelve Por Favor, 8.Distraído, 9.Amiga Mía, 10.Me Enamoré,

Entre Tú Y Yo (1989)

1.Entre Tú Y Yo, 2.Por Primera Vez, 3.Amor De Verdad, 4.Volando Entre Nubes, 5.Te Extraño Irremediablemente, 6.Supersticiosa, 7.Sin Compromiso, 8.Recuerdos, 9.Yo Soy Free, 10.Cuando Es Amor, 11.Vete Ya,

Graciela (1996)

1.Intro, 2.Quién Lo Hará, 3.Desde Siempre, 4.Cómo Me Es Difícil, 5.Demasiado Tarde, 6.Es Amor, 7.Sin Parar, 8.Déjate Ir, 9.Dios En Mí, 10.No Sé Cómo Olvidarte, 11.Imaginando,

A Mi Manera (1998)

1.Cuéntame Otra Historia, 2.Entre El Miedo Y El Amor, 3.Las Dos Caras Del Amor, 4.A Mi Manera, 5.Ana, 6.A Nadie Más, 7.Mentiras, 8.Una Amiga De Verdad, 9.Ángeles Sin Cielo, 10.El Final,

El Cubo De Donalu (2005)

1.Aludonalu, 2.Ninos Como Tu, 3.A Mover, 4.Quiero Saber, 5.Juegas Conmigo, 6.Tu Imaginacion, 7.Mi Mama Me Mima, 8.Soy Espejo Y Me Reflejo, 9.La Playa, 10.Pronto Volveremos, 11.Megamix De Guayo, Tijo Y Piolo, 12.Data,


Sin Parar (1996)
Quién Lo Hará (1996)
Como Me Es Difícil (1996)
Cuentame Otra Historia (1998)
A Mi Manera (1998)
A Nadie Más (1998)
No Puedo Más (1998)

Graciela Eugenia Mauri Villariño was born in México on 8th September 1967. She is a singer and an actress who appeared in many telenovelas. She is the sister of actor Antonio (Toño) Mauri.

She started her actress carreer in 1974, appearing in "Mundo de juguete", playing the role of Cristina... 4 years later, she was Ana María in "Gotita de gente". Then, in 1987, she appeared in "Cómo duele callar".

She released her first self-titled album in 1989 under CBS Columbia. A second album followed the next year. Then, she went back to her actress carreer, playing a role in the series Esclavos de la pasión in 1995.

In 1996 she was back with very nice eurodance tracks such as Sin parar.

2005 : Graciela appeared in 1 episode of the series "Sueños y caramelos" and she presents the children show El cubo de Donalú.

Thanks to Abelito



EuroDance Group



La Cosa Más Bella (1996)

Executive producers were Miguel Dega and Ricardo Campoy. The single was recorded at Ten Production. Label : Max Music.

Thank to Abelito



Mauthe (Charlie)
EuroDance Producer



Touch Me (2013)

1.Life, 2.Touch Me, 3.You And I, 4.Give Me, 5.Crime Of Passion 2010, 6.The Rich, 7.Mad Lover, 8.Never Mind, 9.To The Top, 10.Life (Club mix), 11.Touch Me (Dagma 90s rmx), 12.Give Me (Pianoappella),


Give Me (21st Jun 2011)
Touch Me (25th Jul 2012)
Life (11th Aug 2012)
Mad Lover (21st Dec 2012)
Fear Of Sin (17th Jun 2013)
The Sun Always Shines on Tv (12th Aug 2013)
With You (26th Jan 2015)
Freedom Man (16th Jun 2015)
Canonica (Devil Inside) (23rd Dec 2015)
Fever (6th Oct 2017)
Heaven Has Your Name (10th Jul 2020)
Only One (24th Jan 2024)

Italian DJ, songwriter, rapper, producer and remixer Charles Mauthe von Degerfeld was born in Palermo, Sicily. In 1989 he won 1st place AID (Association of Italian Disc Jockey), with the qualification DJ beatboxer. Then he started writing pop music for the festival Trinacria Gold & Cantamare.

He started to compose dance music in 1994. He co-founded projects Crystal Dreams and Bamble B. He also took part to BM Decoder, Knick Knack, Kick Feat. Gabes, Potatoes & Tomatoes, Digital Sugar, Human Beatbox and Claus. As a DJ, he visited many clubs such as Planet in Milano and Privilege in Switzerland.

2009 : he created the project Dual Jam, featuring Marzia Crawel on vocals, and launched DualJam Production with his long-time friend Joe Hill.

Artists and groups featuring Mauthe (Charlie)

BM Decoder - Believe In My Word (1994)
Bamble B - Crime Of Passion (2000)
Crawel Marzia - Crime Of Passion (2010), You and I (2009)
Crystal Dreams - Every Woman (1995)



Max Impact
EuroDance Group



Love And Desire (1994)
Talking About It (1994)

Label : X-Plode. Talking About It was released under Polygram, Vienna. It was produced and mixed by He Productions, lyrics and music by Max Impact. This single was dedicated to Andy P.A.P.P. Cover by Karin Juran.

Thanks to reBeL



Max Mad Feat KS25
EuroDance Group



Don't Let Me Down (1995)

This italian project featured a female vocalist called Florentia (nickname K.S.25 "kiss two-five"). The vinyl contained 4 versions: Euro mix, Raf-Fah mix, Leo Mayhem X-Otik Tribe Mix and Leo Goes In Heaven Mix. It was produced by Max Mad and Poppy, written by F. Diaferia, G. Valenta and R. Sansone, co-Produced by Franco Diaferia, recorded and mixed by Nino Giuffrida and Roberto Fontolan at Synthesis Studio Black (Italy).

The single Don't Let Me Down was release under Over Records (like projects such as Expression 4 or Sensitives). It is not sure that the second single Neverending Love (released as a vinyl in Italy) is from the same project.

Florentia released a solo single as K.S.25 under the label Big Noise : It's Time To Have Fun.

Thanks to reBeL and Alex Capilé



Max Music
EuroDance Company


Spanish independent record company founded in 1984 by Miguel Degá and Ricardo Campoy. Established in Barcelona, this dance oriented label launched in 1985 its most popular product: the Max Mix series. The two first volumes were made by Mike Platinas and Javier Ussía, and then replaced by Tony Peret and Josep María Castells in 1986.

Many eurodance releases, mostly Italian, were licensed under Max Music in Spain.

Together with another Spanish labels, Max created the 'Sabadell Sound' with its own autochthon artists like David Lyme, Alan Cook, Kristian Conde, and Steve Clark. Campoy left Max Music in 1997 and founded Vale Music. The company was closed down in 1999 by legal issues, and Degá created Tempo Music short time after.



Max P
EuroDance Member


Max P is a rapper / singer / songwriter and producer from Sittard (The Netherlands). Max P.'s real name is Harald Bruystens aka Jeff Gorthe. In the early eighties, his TV introduced him to music and dance-moves. Fascinated by the Rock Steady Crew, Afrika Bambaataa, Kurtis Blow, it's when he saw the New York City Breakers performing for President Reagan that he knew that this new music lifestyle would influence him for the rest of my life. In 1984, at the age of twelve, he wrote his own first rap, using Herbie Hancock's Rockit as backup beat.

"In the beginning (1984, 1985), most people around me didn't think much of hip hop, b-boying or rapping. When you're a white kid from a small town in the south of The Netherlands you can't rap ! But after a while, when hip hop tracks of Run DMC, Beastie Boys, Salt-N-Pepa and DeLa Soul, topped the European charts people began to understand and appreciate rap music. For me life couldn't get any better. There was a great underground hip hop scene that was growing and growing and we could even go to concerts of 'Ice-T' and 'Tribe called Quest'. Eventhough I like it all, from 2 Live Crew to N.W.A., what inspired me most was rap music with a message, like Grandmaster Flash and Public Enemy. I like it when music is about someone's life, culture, religion. It starts me thinking and it makes me grow as a person, trying to understand other people through music.", Max P explains.

In 1990, during his militairy service near Hilversum he frequently visited the Roxy Club in Amsterdam. "What once fascinated me in hip hop I rediscovered here in the form of house parties. A new way of people going out and communicating with eachother and along came a new sound" he recalls. In 1991 he got introduced to a producer-trio called Team 3 (Errol Donald Lafleur and Mark Nieuwenhuijzen and Judith Samson Kruit) and he was asked to rap on one of their hip-house dance-tracks. Their first single even reached the dutch charts and so they continued our collaboration for quite some time. He was rapper for many eurodance projects.

C.I.P. - Say No To XTC
Club Factory feat Max P - I Think I Wanna Rock, Love 4 Lovin
Eclipse - Let The Rhythm Move You
E-Base - Fire Of St. Elmo
Exclusive System feat Max P - Get On Down
Supersonic - Do It 4 Luv

His raps in Club Factory's tracks were sampled and used in many other eurodance songs, among them :

Dana Tusk - Come On (rap part of I Think I Wanna Rock)
Scanner - Don't Break My Heart (rap part of Love 4 Lovin)
Funny Girl - Woman In Love (rap part of I Think I Wanna Rock)

"One of the highlights was our TV performance at The Golden Stag Festival in Romania. I learned a lot about the dutch music industry from working with Team 3, but later I discovered that the dance music we were making was not my thing. It was something in between the hip hop I loved and the house music I loved, but combined it was some sort of commercial nothingness. It briefly satisfied the entertainer in me but it left the rapper feeling empty. I guess we all learn from our mistakes" he tells.

By the end of 1992 he joined a local funk band called Honky Soul. Their first and final album (Assoulted) was released in 1996. Since 1999, Max had been been creating breakbeats with DJ Ramon.

2000 : Max got back with his former Team3 producers, now called Beatfreakz. He did the rap for a breakdance track for a group of BBoy Maxim a.k.a. Kid Fresh, called Rockin' Nation. In spite of the videoclip and a tour with Radio538, the track was not very successful in the Netherlands. The record company decided to sell the track to German-based breakdance group Flying Steps and in Germany it did become a bit of a hit record. That was the end of Rockin' Nation...

Max P recalls : "In the first three years of the new millennium I put most of my energy in recording and producing dance tracks. Somehow I got in touch with Garry again, my former turntablist. He was now totally into remixing and producing dance records. For a couple of years we have been working together and made some very succesful remixes (Fragma - Toca's Miracle remix, Blank & Jones - Desire remix, Headroom - City Nature remix, G-Park - Got me Falling in Love remix and many more)". Garry Krasovec was also known as Bahama Kitchen.

Nowadays, he is the frontman and founder of ALIZE (with Nick McGrath, Randy Straube, Dave Janssen and Thijs Schrijnemakers) and MC for DJ Ramon / Fat Beat Injection

2012 : he performed on stage of Hard Bass 2012 Just As Easy and Lose My Mind by Brennan Heart.

Thanks to Necronomic and Klems
Max P biography on Myspace

Artists and groups featuring Max P

Club Factory - I Think I Wanna Rock (1994), Love 4 Lovin (1995), Lovergirl (1997)
E-base - Fire of St Elmo (1994)
Eclipse - (You Just Got To) Let The Rhythm Move You (1994), I Want You Forever (2014)
Exclusive System - Get On Down (1992)
Funny Girl - Woman In Love (1997)
Tusk Dana - Come On (Make My Day) (1994)



EuroDance Group



Party Your Body (12th Sep 1994)


Party Your Body (1994)

This German project features the voice of Cherokee (who could have released a solo single entitled One Small Stepp / Liberty). The single was released under BMG and featured on the compilations Mega Dance Mix II and 200% Energy. A remixes CD was released in November. It was written by L.A. Raider, TJ Wesley & Cherokee, produced by L.A. Raider & TJ Wesley (who also produced Systematixx, The Musketeers and Day By Day (HipHop Tragedy) by In-Tense Feat. Icy Bro). Additional production was done by Adrian Rodriguez.

Thanks to Ninja



EuroDance Group



Move Your Body (1994)
You Set My World On Fire (1996)

Real name : Lex Van Coeverden (also producer for Room 4 2). The single was released in the Netherlands under Dance Factory.

Thanks to Eurodance Rage



Maxima (2)
EuroDance Group



Ibiza (1993)

Ibiza featured vocals by Lily. Single was produced and written by Nicky Graham. Label: Yo!Yo! Records



EuroDance Group



In Your Eyes ()

Label : Second Label. The project featured a solo female vocalist called Tamara C. The song was unfortunately never realesed in Switzerland, only on the sampler Two Labels - More Hits.

Thanks to Web DJs



EuroDance Group



To the Maxximum (1994)

1.To The Maxximum Part I, 2.To The Maxximum Part II, 3.No More (I Can't Stand It), 4.No More, 5.I Can Make You Feel, 6.Getaway, 7.Suddenly, 8.Heart Of Stone, 9.Fight, 10.Voodoo Child, 11.You Can Get It, 12.Ritmo De La Casa, 13.Do You Want Me, 14.Should I Stay, Should I Go, 15.I Want You, 16.Maxximum Extasy, 17.The Maxx Experience,


Get-A-Way (1st Nov 1993)
No More (I Can't Stand It) (1st Mar 1994)
You Can Get It (12th Sep 1994)
Power Of Love (Nov 1994)
Let's Go (Apr 1995)
I Can Make You Feel Like (26th May 1995)
Move Your Body (26th Oct 1995)


Get-A-Way (1993)
Get-A-Way (UK remixes) (1993)
No More (I Can't Stand It) (UK remixes) (1994)
No More (I Can't Stand It) (19th Jun 1994)
You Can Get It (Remixes) (Nov 1994)
Get-A-Way (reloaded) (10th Nov 2017)
Get-A-Way (17th May 2024)

Maxx stormed the Eurodance scene in 1994 with two huge hits Get-A-Way and No More (I Can't Stand It). The name Maxx, which stands for 'max-imum X-tasy', represents the work of  the co-producers The Hitman (David Brunner), Dawhite (no-one else than O'Jay , the rapper and co-producer of Real McCoy who actually was not really involved in the project), female vocalist Linda Meek, and the rapper Gary Bokoe (Boris Köhler). The songwriting team was known under name "The Movement", and formed of Jürgen Wind (George Torpey), Frank "Quickmix" Hassas (Dakota O'niel). 2 other members contributed without being credited : Douglas John Wilgrove and Bruce Hammond Earlam (from 80s British duo Bruce & Bongo) actually wrote some of the ragga rap texts, without being credited because they were tied by a contract with another records company, EMI. Bruce taught the rapper Gary B how to rap and coached him vocally, while Bongo worked as secondary dialect coach for Gary outside of the studio and helped him perfect his accent when in recording session. They also had 2 dancers called Emelle and Louise. The hook in their music was a creative mixture of reggae, rap and speed muffin. Maxx was signed on Blow Up (Germany) and their records were licensed under Critique Records.

In one year, Maxx became one of Germany's most successful musical exports in pop history. The dance floor anthem Get-a-Way ensured that Maxx became a trademark of first-class dance music, almost overnight. It sold more than 400.000 units in Germany alone and reached Gold Status. In whole Europe it sold more than 1.100.000 units. It was # 11 in Israel, # 1 in many French charts and # 5 in UK. The British were so enthusiastic about Maxx that they invited the band to the prestigious TV Show Top of the Pops no less than three times. With 18 million viewers per show, this was a milestone even for the English. There was even a special UK remixes CD contained many unreleased mixes : Naked Eye Extended, Red Jerry Dub and Red JerryMix. On its release, Get-A-Way entered the significant Radio One A Playlist, and remained as the most frequently played single for three weeks. After worldwide Top 10 positions, including Top 5 in Eurocharts Get-A-Way has earned numerous gold discs, paving the way for No More (I Can't Stand It) to join the triumphant Golden March.

Get-A-Way featured vocals by Samira Besic. She did not have enough experience as a live performer so that's why Turkish model and dancer Alice Montana (real name was Eliz Yavuz) appeared in the video clip, lipsyncing over her voice. She was said to be Olaf Jeglitza's wife at that time and would later take part to Zhi-Vago. As for Gary, he performed with great conviction his ragga/rap and speedmuffin aka 'maxxamuffin'. The combination of both these talents and song ideas, along with the skills of their producers working with the most modern of computer and studio technology, all culminated in the making of Maxx.

Samira was also member of project Slam, which scored a hit with We Get Around. Maxx needed a new vocalist and Bruce Hammond Earlam started the researches. English singer Linda Meek was working in West Germany as a secretery on a military base during daytime, and touring as a singer in clubs and pubs in the evenings. She had just been offered a record deal for a different project, but she finally chose Maxx. She went to Berlin for an audition and her look finally convinced the producers. No More (I Can't Stand It) also reached No. 5 in the Eurocharts, # 5 in Israel, and # 8 in UK. One of its remixes was done by Damage Control. Once again a special UX remixes CD was released, containing a Capri Dub Mix, a Ferrari F1 Mix, and an Overworked Mix. Videoclip was shot in Marseille, France.

Debut album To The Maxximum was recorded during summertime, and reactions worlwide were euphorical. Rather than trying to reproduce the success of the first two singles, it effectively attempted to present a wide musical range of variations and insistent innovation. Despite two massive hits, few people still really knew who or what Maxx was. A mystery which Maxx gleefully enjoyed maintaining.

You Can Get It reached # 21 in the UK. Videoclip was shot in Budapest, Hungary and it took 3 weeks for the filming crew to prepare everything for the shooting, including the casting of 90 years-old men in the streets of the city. Unfortunately the following singles I Can Make You Feel Like and Move Your Body (a single imitating the Reel to Real style) didn't have the same success. The Christmas single Power Of Love was a very nice eurodance track that could have some success if it had been released not only on the Bravo Dance X-mas compilation. Record company Intercord took poor strategic decisions and there were some internal disputes among the project's members. Furthermore, the producers did not appreciate Gary B's behavior. And finally, the producers were already too busy handling Real McCoy's massive success at the same time. Therefore, after the outstanding 1994 year, this promising, talentful and original group disappeared from the dance music scene. Gary B nowadays lives in Berlin.

2000 : their album track Voodoochild was covered by a project called Flexx (no relationship with the Swedish eurodance group)

2002 : a new album was said to be released in February 2002 by Sony Music in Germany. Entitled Long Time Ago, it contained 14 songs. According to the rumors, it was produced by the Bermann brothers, David Brunner and Gary Bokoe himself. The new album was described as being full of eurodance and europop songs. The new members werre said to be Lilieth Acosta and Dude Spencer. Unfortunately nothing was mentioned on Sony website, for one good reason : this new album was a hoax.

2004 : there were rumors about remixes of the old hits of Maxx that would be released this year. But no company agreed to release them.

2009 : Russian remixer Go She Style did a remix of Get-A-Way.

2014 : after more than 15 years of silence, Gary B and a new singer performed as Maxx in Finland at Club Onniteekki. He kept touring with various vocalists, but Maxx producers did not like his lack of professionalism so they finally forbade him to use the project's name for his performances.

2016 : original vocalist Linda Meek teamed with several rappers to tour as Maxx. Among them, UK rapper Elijah MC

2017 : Maxx released a reloaded version of their hit Get-A-Way.

2018 : end of June, a new rapper called Twitch entered the project to perform during concerts and festivals, but Linda Meek is still the only official member of the project. Musician and DJ Twitch (Michael Latham) had his first big gig as he was only 16. He supported many local artists in the rave scene. He then attended Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies in Nottingham and did studies to become a music producer. Afterwards, he toured with Ultra 90s.

©1995 Remixed Records
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts position
Jürgen Wind interview by Juha Soininen in book Move Your Body (2 The 90's): Unlimited Eurodance
Thanks to Mike "EuroBoy" and onlydance for the latest informations



EuroDance Group



Resurrection (11th Dec 2020)

1.Maxxima Intro, 2.No More Chances, 3.In My Mind, 4.U Got 2 Believe Me, 5.Rule The World, 6.Feeling Happy, 7.On The Beat, 8.What We Gotta Do, 9.Talk To Me, 10.Sorry, 11.Take Me Away, 12.No More Chances (Club X remix), 13.In My Mind (Eurosoul remix), 14.Maxxima Megamix, 15.Kristina Safrany ID, 16.MC Fixx It ID,

Remixed Collection (16th Apr 2021)

1.What We Gotta Do (AM 1979 Mix), 2.U Got 2 Believe Me (Newborn 90s Remix), 3.Rule The World (Dolls Euro Remix), 4.In My Mind (Extended DJ Mix), 5.No More Chances (Extended Mix), 6.Take Me Away (Original Mix), 7.U Got 2 Believe Me (Mykotank Remix), 8.Rule The World (Eurosoul Remix), 9.In My Mind (Eurosoul Remix), 10.Sorry (Original Mix), 11.What We Gotta Do (Club X-Tended Mix), 12.U Got 2 Believe Me (Club X-Tended Mix), 13.Rule The World (Club X-Tended Mix), 14.In My Mind (Club X-Tended Mix), 15.No More Chances (Club X-Tended Mix),

No Regrets (19th Nov 2021)

1.Intro, 2.No Regrets, 3.Let Me Be Free, 4.Burning up, 5.Do U Like 2, 6.Jump!, 7.The Ride, 8.Everything's Gonna Be Alright, 9.Music Was My First Drug, 10.Move Your Body, 11.Fight No More, 12.Sorry (Am 1979 Mix), 13.No Regrets (Newborn 90s Mix), 14.Let Me Be Free (24/7 Remix), 15.The Power Play Megamix,

No Regrets (1st Jun 2024)

1.Maxxima Intro, 2.No Regrets, 3.Let Me Be Free, 4.Get Ready!, 5.Jump!, 6.The Ride, 7.Do U Like 2, 8.Everything's Gonna Be Alright, 9.Music Was My First Drug, 10.Move Your Body, 11.Fight No More, 12.Angel Of Cappella (Airplay mix), 13.Maxxima Powerplay Megamix, 14.Everything's Gonna Be Alright (Dolls Disco mix), 15.Let Me Be Free (AM1979 mix), 16.Kristina ID, 17.Ricardo ID,


No More Chances (31st Jul 2020)
In My Mind (16th Oct 2020)
Rule The World (15th Jan 2021)
U Got 2 Believe Me (12th Mar 2021)
What We Gotta Do (16th Apr 2021)
No Regrets (20th Aug 2021)
Let Me Be Free (29th Oct 2021)
Everything's Gonna Be Alright (8th Apr 2022)
Sorry (4th Jun 2022)
Jump! (Enjoy The Sound) (29th Jul 2022)
Get Ready! (21st Oct 2022)
Take Me Away (18th Mar 2024)
Do U Like 2 (15th Apr 2024)
Angel Of Cappella (29th Apr 2024)
The Ride (1st Jul 2024)
Move Your Body (2nd Aug 2024)


U Got 2 Believe Me (19th Mar 2021)
No Regrets (20th Aug 2021)
Sorry (the Euro remixes) (8th Jul 2022)
Sorry (The Alpha 73 Remixes) (22nd Jul 2022)
No More Chances (Revisited) (27th Feb 2024)

Maxxima is a eurodance project produced by Andy Stead. Their first single No More Chances featured singer Tina Safrany (Cabballero, Master Jam, First Base, J.A.P. Davis and Megatronic) and rapper MC Fixx it (Cappella, Anticappella, Twenty 4 Seven)

2020 : First singles were No More Chances (along with a videoclip) and In My Mind. Then Maxxima's first album Resurrection hit the stores.

2021 : In January, Maxxima released their third single Rule the World. Then came U Got 2 Believe Me in March, and a new version of What We Gotta Do with new vocals recorded by Kristina to replace the vocal samples used in the album version. Follow-up single was entitled No Regrets, announcing the second album of the same name. Then came the single Let Me Be Free in October.

2022 : they released a new single entitled Everything’s Gonna Be Alright and got signed under LoveIt Records. They are working on a live show.



EuroDance Group



The Wings Of Love (1992)


The Wings Of Love (1993)

The project featured a solo female vocalist who was probably Emanuela Gubinelli aka Taleesa. The Wings Of Love was written and arranged by Antonio Summa and M. Dalleluche, written by S. Lomabrdoni and R. Facchinetti, released in 1992. Remixes vinyl (remixed by Last Rhythm at Deep Studio) were released the next year. Label: Discomagic Records

Thanks to Andrew-FK



May 23
EuroDance Group



Get Out Of Here (1995)

Label : Dig it. The project features the voice of Joann. It was composed and written by D. Goddia, A. Morando and A. Colciago. This song is on the same tune than Mike Oldfield's old hit Family Man.

Thanks to reBeL



May Day
EuroDance Group



Everybody Moves ()
Don't Break My Heart (1995)

Don't Break My Heart appeared on the compilation Valencia Dance 2 and on a Snake's Music compilation. It was arranged and produced by Carlos Schmukler, engineered and produced by Esteban Lucci, composed and written by Maria Hernandez Maraver. Label: Bol Records

Thanks to Gianni



May Day (2)
EuroDance Group



Noc Sa Tobom (1994)

1.Ostani Tu, 2.Ja Samo Želim Nekog (Ko Sanja Iste Snove), 3.Noć Sa Tobom, 4.Ne Znam Kad I Ne Znam Gde, 5.Bez Tebe, 6.To Što Sada Osećam, 7.Vatra, 8.Noć Je, Ludilo Je, 9.Još Se Sećam Tvoga Pogleda,

Tornado (1996)

1.Tarzan, 2.U Vrelini Noći, 3.Voli Me, 4.Mogu Da Se Lažem Da Sam Srećna, 5.Tornado, 6.Kada Mislim Da Te Znam, 7.Kad Tad, 8.May Day, 9.Noć Sa Tobom, 10.Ne Znam Kad I Ne Znam Gde, 11.Još Se Sećam Tvoga Pogleda,


Noc Sa Tobom (1994)

Based in Belgrade, May Day featured the rapper Nenad Jovanović and Aleksandar Kostur. Before becoming the member of a dance project, Nenad Jovanović was the member of rock band Revolt ’68 and was a big rap fan.

They recorded several eurodance tracks such as U Vrelini Noci, Ostani Tu, Noc sa Tobom and Voli me (with contribution from Zoran Antonijević aka Dr Cool). Their song Noć Sa Tobom premiered during a big concert in Taš, broadcasted live on RTS. The song, sometimes known under the title Sedi Tu Kraj Mene. was a big hit and a music video was shot.

Songs were gathered on 2 albums which were released under Jugodisk : Noć Sa Tobom and Tornado. Žarko Radosavljević and Dee Monk rapper Saša Novaković took part to the first album.

In 1995, Nenad teamed with Vukan Stojanović to create a new eurodance project : Out. They released 2 videoclips. In 1996, he visited 2 songs of the rap artist GRU (Srce and Dosta Mi Je Svega)

2009 : May Day was on stage of Rtro Party at Expo Centar on 14th February.

No relation with the Spanish project May Day



May (Maria)
EuroDance Group



SOS (1994)


SOS (1994)

SOS was composed by Giorgio Spagna and Ivana Spagna, produced by Teo (Giorgio) Spagna and Ivana Spagna for Structura S.r.l., published by Aisha Music Gnam Gnam - Alamode. Vocals were probably done by Maria Capri.

Thanks to Marian Stoica



EuroDance Group



Feel Good (1993)
M-Usic (1994)
Come Into My Heart (1994)

M-Usic contained raps samples from Heavy D. & The Boyz - We Got Our Own Thang which was also sampled on Cappella - Shake Your Body. It was written by Marius Percali, Severo Lombardoni, produced by Maryhouse (Marius Percali). Label: Hot Records

Come Into My Heart included a short rap sample from Hijack - The Badman Is Robbin'. Originally released in 1994, it was re-released in 2018 with new versions (Techno, Alternative, Instrumental) and the previously unreleased song Take My Love re-sung by vocalist Jay Rome.

Thanks to BroderTuck and Garry H



Maya (2)
EuroDance Group



Mirame (1995)
Stranded (1995)

Stranded was a dance cover of a song originally released by Manfred Mann's Earth Band. It was released under the label Wicked & Wild Records.

Thanks to Abelito



Maya (Edward)
EuroPop Group



The Stereo Love Show (3rd Dec 2013)

1.Stereo Love, 2.This Is My Life, 3.Mono In Love, 4.Happy For You, 5.Friends Forever, 6.Twinheart, 7.Nostalgy, 8.Stay Longer, 9.Back Home, 10.Close Your Eyes, 11.Next Door, 12.Alunelu, 13.Vision Of Maya, 14.The Other Life, 15.Mono In Love,

Angels (4th Nov 2014)

1.Angel of Love, 2.Angel of Healing, 3.Angel of Happiness, 4.Angel of Compassion, 5.Angel of Peace, 6.Angel of Patience, 7.Angel of Freedom, 8.Angel of Knowledge, 9.Angel of the Miracle of Love, 10.Angel of Intuition, 11.Angel of Creativity, 12.Angel of Harmony, 13.Angel of Wisdom, 14.Angel of Prayer, 15.Angel of Light, 16.Angel of Courage,

Hyperborea (The Land of Gods) (28th Nov 2022)

1.Awakening, 2.Hero, 3.Rebirth, 4.Viria, 5.Omu, 6.Alunelul, 7.Tilinca, 8.7500 Bc, 9.Goddess on the Throne, 10.Edge of the Earth, 11.Eternal Spring, 12.Spherical Temple, 13.Chariot of the Sun, 14.Matriarchy, 15.Three Priests, 16.The Sun God, 17.Portals, 18.Tărtăria, 19.Priests of Apollon, 20.Treasures of the Gods, 21.Rites of the Seven, 22.Black Sea, 23.North Wind, 24.Apollo, 25.Beyond Boreas, 26.Hyperborean Sea, 27.Zalmoxis, 28.Eternal Youth and Abundance,


Stereo Love (9th Jul 2009)
This Is My Life (Sep 2010)
Desert Rain (22nd Jun 2011)
Mono In Love (9th Jul 2013)
Feeling (16th Dec 2013)
Colombian Girl (12th Apr 2014)
Love Of My Life (4th Jul 2014)
Historia De Amor (14th Aug 2014)
You And Me (18th Mar 2015)
Universal Love (4th Jul 2015)
Harem (3rd Dec 2018)
Be Free (11th Sep 2019)
The Show Must Go On (13th Jul 2020)
Rebirth (29th Jun 2021)
Awakening (7th Jul 2021)
Live Alive (9th Jul 2021)
Hero (14th Jul 2021)
White Sand (26th Jul 2021)
In My Dreams (13th Jan 2022)
Kiss Me Darling (Sine) (20th Jan 2022)
Light Drops (26th Jan 2022)
Never Say Never (4th Feb 2022)
Prisoner of Time (14th Feb 2022)
Days of Thunder (21st Feb 2022)
Prayers (28th Feb 2022)
I'm In Love (7th Mar 2022)
Adeus (16th Mar 2022)
This is Our Life (22nd Mar 2022)
Young Together (26th Mar 2022)
Angel in Stereo Disguise (11th Apr 2022)
Heart (18th Apr 2022)
Miracles of Life (11th May 2022)
Procession (28th May 2022)
Love Life (7th Jul 2022)
Someone Like You (22nd Feb 2023)
Don't Sleep Yet (15th Mar 2023)
Knocking At Your Door (2nd Jun 2023)
Love Stereo Again (21st Jul 2023)
Summer Heart (13th Oct 2023)
Wonder Women (7th Nov 2023)
Paparazzi (8th Dec 2023)
Zilevo (12th Jan 2024)
Beautiful Things (1st Mar 2024)
Diamonds (22nd Mar 2024)
Nah, Nah, Nah (26th Apr 2024)
Show Me Love (31st May 2024)
Como Tu (24th Jul 2024)
Rom Bim Bom (25th Jul 2024)
Palace (27th Jul 2024)
Madhurkashtakam (28th Jul 2024)
Just Like A Song (16th Aug 2024)
Addicted To Love (26th Aug 2024)
Endlessly (13th Sep 2024)
Beautiful (22nd Sep 2024)
Want It So Much (4th Oct 2024)
Never Enough (17th Oct 2024)
Moments Away (1st Nov 2024)


This Is My Life (2010)
Desert Rain (26th Apr 2022)
Be Free (15th May 2022)
Stereo Love (Sean Finn remix) (10th Jul 2023)

Romanian DJ, musician, producer, performer, and composer Edward Maya (real name Eduard Marian Ilie) was born on June 29th 1986. He graduated from George Enescu Music High School in Bucharest and is currently a final year student at the Bucharest Conservatory.

In and around 2006, Maya worked with many other Romanian artists such as Akcent, Vika Jigulina, Blaxy Girls, DJ Sava, DJ Rynno, Payam Forghani and Liviu Hodor. He worked also on the song Tornerò, which was performed by Mihai Trăistariu in the Eurovision Song Contest 2006.

In the summer of 2009, Maya launched his first song as an artist, Stereo Love, featuring vocalist Vika Jigulina. The accordion melody was a quotation from "Bayatilar" by Brilliant Dadashova, also used in Akcent That's My Name the same year. Success was massive worldwide, and single entered the top-5 singles charts in many European countries.

2010 : on May 13th, Maya released his second single This Is My Life under his own record label, Mayavin Records

2011 : he released the song and video for his third single Desert Rain.

2014 : next single Mono in Love was released on 29 November, still featuring Vika Jigulina

Artists and groups featuring Maya (Edward)

Akcent - Stay With Me (2009)
Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Timmy Trumpet - Feel Your Love (2021)
Léa Zelia - Plus L'Time (Stereo Love) (2024)
Pascal Letoublon - That Song (2024)



Dream House Group



Run Out Your Life (1996)

Label : DUE. Run Out Your Life featured a solo female vocalist called Elle. It was produced by Alessandro Costa, Francesco Alberti and Roberto Nardiello.



EuroDance Group



My Fantasy (1995)

Label: Ra-Re / 6th Floor Records

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Keep On Dancing (1997)

Label: Blue Dog Records. Mayra's real name is Miranda Verhagen. She took part to happy hardcore project Wonderland. She also did vocals on Rhythm Dancers - What A Feelin'.

Raps on Keep On Dancing were performed by Vince-The Greatest-Kemper. The single, a fast-paced eurodance song, was composed and written by Richard Westdijk and Vince Kemper, produced, arranged and mixed by Richard Westdijk.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Without Your Love (1996)

Without Your Love was a eurodance track with a touch of rave/happy hardcore composed and written by Damian Konietzny and Holger Scheiker

Thansk to Steve



Mazelle (Kym)
EuroDance Member



Brilliant ! (1989)

1.Useless (I Don't Need You Now), 2.Got to Get You Back, 3.Never in a Million Years, 4.Wait, 5.Treat Me Right, 6.Don't Scandalize My Name, 7.Was That All It Was, 8.Love Strain, 9.Can't Make Nobody Love You (bonus track), 10.Crazy 'Bout the Man (Krazy Club Mix) (bonus track),

Crazy (1989)

1.Love Strain, 2.No One Can Love You More Than Me, 3.This Love Will Never Die, 4.Don't Scandalize My Name, 5.Wait, 6.Just What It Takes, 7.Treat Me Right, 8.Was That All It Was, 9.Don't Make Me Over, 10.Got To Get You Back, 11.Crazy 'Bout The Man, 12.Never In A Million Years, 13.Useless (I don't Need You Now), 14.Can't Make Nobody Love You,

Brilliant ! (1991)

1.No One Can Love You More Than Me (Boilerhouse Mix), 2.Useless (I Don't Need You Now), 3.Don't Scandalize My Name (US Remix), 4.Skin I'm In, 5.Love Strain, 6.If It's Love You Want, 7.Never In A Million Years (Doc & Jamie's Remix), 8.Crazy 'Bout The Man (The World Remix), 9.Was That All It Was (Def Mix Edit),

The Gold Collection (1996)

1.Woman Of The World, 2.No One Can Love You More Than Me, 3.Useless (I don't need you now), 4.Don't Scandalize My Name, 5.Love Strain, 6.Never In A Million Years, 7.Was That All It was, 8.If It's Love You Want, 9.Skin I'm In, 10.Crazy 'bout The Man, 11.This Love Will Never Die, 12.Wait, 13.Just What It Takes, 14.Got To Get You Back,

The Pleasure Is All Mine (2005)

1.Tears, 2.Let The Sunshine In, 3.On My Own, 4.Love Magic, 5.Feel Like Dancing, 6.Diamond Life, 7.You Don't Know Me, 8.Searching For The Golden Eye, 9.Let Your Will Be Done, 10.Young Hearts Run Free, 11.Let Yourself Go, 12.I Love To Love,

Destiny (21st Sep 2010)


I'm A Lover (1988)
Useless (I Don't Need You Now) (1988)
Wait (1989)
Got To Get You Back (1989)
Love Strain (1989)
Was That All It Was (1989)
Useless '90 (1990)
Don't Scandalize My Name (1991)
No One Can Love You More Than Me (1991)
Woman Of The World (1991)
No More Tears (Enough Is Enough) (1994)
Gimme All Your Lovin' (1994)
Young Hearts Run Free (1996)
Love Me The Right Way '96 (1996)
Big Baby (1997)
Have A Nice Day (1997)
A Place In My Heart (1998)
Love Me The Right Way '98 (1998)
Dance Little Dreamer (2001)
Feel Like Dancin' (2003)
Don't Bother Me (2004)
Love Magic (6th Dec 2004)
Searching For The Golden Eye (DJ Chus 2005 Mixes) (13th May 2005)
On My Own (18th Jul 2005)
Here Come's The Light (2009)
Quality (27th Aug 2021)

Raised in Gary, Indiana, Kym Mazelle grew up around the corner from one of pop music's reigning dynasties, the Jacksons. While the future success of the entire Jackson family may have already been written in the stars, early interactions with Michael, Janet, Tito, LaToya and the rest also marked Kym Mazelle as a future diva. Unintimidated by the family's star status, Mazelle and the Jacksons would sing songs that the former had written, as they played together. Her mother would find her singing along with recordings by Aretha Franklin.

Intially, Kym studied opera at the mundelein college of music in Chicago, Illinois. Disillusioned by a genre that attempts to impose equal discipline upon the spirit as it does upon the voice, Mazelle quickly realized that she would have to take a different path to divadom. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Landing a job with DJ International Records, it wasn't long before she met Marshall Jefferson. The two formed a collaboration that resulted in the her first two singles, Taste My Love and I'm A Lover, which were released in 1988. It wasn't until her third release, though, that she would receive chart recognition in the United Kingdom. Following the success of Useless (I Don't Need You Now), Mazelle released Wait which sixty-eight spots higher on the charts, to #7. She relocated to the UK in the early 90s.

Kym Mazelle began to tour Europe, with ten city live performances that were even more dynamic that her recordings helped to establish a considerable following and Mazelle scored two more hits with Got To Get You Back and Love Strain. With a number of successful singles under her belt, Mazelle released her debut album, Crazy, in 1989. Was That All It Was and a remixed Useless (I Don't Need You Now) spun off from Crazy and established her as one of house music's favorite divas. a collaboration with soul II soul produced the single Missing You, which appears on their vol. II-1990 : A New Decade. writing credits, coupled with dates on soul II soul's world tour, drew even more attention to the talents of this rising star.

In 1991, Mazelle switched from Syncopate Records to EMI'S Parlophone. This moved resulted in the release of her U.S. debut, Brilliant!. featuring remix versions of many of the Crazy songs that had made her name a household word in England, Brilliant! was quick to establish Mazelle similar recognition in the United States. Collaborations with some of America's leading producers such as C+C Music Factory, Steve Hurly and David Morales-helped to establish Mazelle as a global dance diva of renown. Another collaboration, with fellow disco diva Jocelyn Brown , produced the gem No One Can Love You More Than Me.

Her international status was recognized again with the release of Love Me The Right Way, a collaboration with the Rapino Brother's outfit, Rapination. Reaching number twenty-two in the U.K., Love Me The Right Way was a dancefloor staple through Europe and the United States, the year of its release. 1994 saw a reunion with Jocelyn Brown on cover versions of Barbara Streisand's No More Tears (Enough Is Enough) and ZZ Top's Gimme All Your Lovin. In 1995, Love Me And Leave Me was released, scoring her another hit. the following year, Mazelle was featured on the highly successful soundtrack to 1996's Romeo + Juliet with Young Hearts Run Free. Since then, she has released A Place In My Heart, which perfectly sums up her standing among dance music affecionados. Showing no signs of slowing down, Mazelle has become a constant within the ever-changing landscape of dance music. With distinctive and powerful vocals, mad style and a heart of gold, Kym Mazelle as established herself among the panthaeon of disco divas which includes Gloria Gaynor, Sylvester and Loleatta Holloway.

Kym Mazelle also recorded with Robert Howard (of The Blow Monkeys) Soul II Soul, Maceo Parker (Life On Planet Groove), Dr Robert (Wait), Todd Terry (The House Music Movement in 1999), Matt Bianco, Peshay and Motiv8 (Searching For The Golden Eye).

In 2001, Kym's voice was featured by Infinito for the single Dance Little Dreamer.

In 2004, Kym recorded a brand new studio album The Pleasure Is All Mine, which was a collection of some of her greatest hits, plus some covers of House and Dance Classics remixed in a refined and innovative electro-pop sound by the DJ producer Roberto Intrallazzi and Luca Provera on Stefano Secchi Records. The same year, she released the promo single Don't Bother Me, followed by Love Magic. She’s also done voice-over work for The Famous Grouse Scotch whisky brand

2005 : In May she released under her own name the 2005 remixes Motiv8's Searching For The Golden Eye. Lazy Boy featured Kym Mazelle on the single I'm Gonna Getcha.

2010 : in July 2010, she appeared on the BBC Television series, Celebrity MasterChef.

2011 : she headlined Liverpool Pride on August 6th. On November 3rd she headlined Prince Charles's Prince's Trust Ambassador Ball In Glasgow and helped to raise £93,000.00 for the Charity on the night.

2015 : she contributed to the lead vocals on David Morales presents The Face's single Lovin', a song based on the disco classic Lovin' Is Really My Game originally recorded by Brainstorm

2016 : she did vocals on Crookers' single A Place In My Heart

Projects featuring Kym Mazelle's voice

Dr Robert - Wait
Infinito - Dance Little Dreamer (2001)
Lazy Boy - I'm Gonna Getcha (2005)
Maceo Parker
Matt Bianco
Motiv8 - Searching For The Golden Eye
Soul II Soul
Sunray - Perhaps (2001)
Todd Terry - The House Music Movement (1999)


Artists and groups featuring Mazelle (Kym)

BFI - Why Not Jazz (1992)
Crookers - A Place In My Heart (2016)
David Morales presents The Face - Lovin' (2015)
Funk Cartel - Party Out (2021)
Guru Josh and DJ Igor Blaska - Eternity (2010)
House To House - Taste My Love (1988)
Junior - Can You Feel It (2021)
Kamasutra - Love Me Or Leave Me (1995)
Matt Bianco - Lost In You (1998)
Motiv8 - Searching For The Golden Eye (1995)
Paradise People - Free Gay And Happy (1997)
Peshay - Truly (1999)
Rapination - Love Me The Right Way (1992)
Ray Hurley - Quality (1997)
Soul II Soul - Missing You (1990)
Sunray - Perhaps (2000)
The Lazyboyz - Bitch (I'm Gonna Getcha) (2006)



Mazzamauro (Ricky)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer and musician Ricky Mazzamauro was member of Bapsy team. He contributed to eurodance projects Anat, Indiana, Jenny Lee, Made 2 Fade and more.

Artists and groups featuring Mazzamauro (Ricky)

Anat - I'll Give You My Heart (1996), Without You (1995)
Gitana - Tell Me Way (1996)
Indiana (2) - I Wanna Be Loved (1996), Tears On My Face (I Can See The Rain) (1995), Together Again (1995)
Lee Jenny - Turn Back The Clock (1994), You Got The Rhythm (1995)
Made 2 Fade - Love Explosion (1995)
Nature - It's Magic (1995)
Norad - Sending All My Love (1995)
Quasar - Reachin' Up The Sky (1996)
Sanderson Miki - Everybody Change (2000), On The Radio (1999)



EuroDance Group



I Was Made For Lovin' You (1993)
For Your Love (1994)
Eleanor Rigby (1996)

Label : 4th Dimension. German project MBO released 3 singles. Each of them featured one famous eurodance performer : Rodney Harris (and not Rod D from Fun Factory as believed), AK Swift (Magic Affair), Linda Rocco (Masterboy).



EuroDance Producer


MBRG stands for the producers team Maurizio Braccagni and Roberto Gallo Salsotto. They have done tons of remixes for other groups including JK, Charlotte, the Great Family, Whigfield, and a bunch of others. Roberto Gallo Salsotto still produces a lot of new eurodance like the recent hits No Time For Lies by Salsotto feat. DJ Stella and Downtown by Sals-8 in 2000.



MC BeatBox
EuroDance Group



Go For It! (1997)

1.Dance, 2.Candy Dandy, 3.Le, La, Le, 4.Speed Up, 5.Uh, Yeah, 6.Everlasting Need, 7.Worrier, 8.Crazy,


Le La Le (1994)

MC Beatbox was an Austrian project produced by M.C. Mangold. Rapper was called Ingo Wang (and not Allon) and female singer was Suzie Zmölnig (and not Clarice). After one single, they released also album 1997, Go For It!. Label : Goblin Records. Song Dance (renamed Dance One Dance) appeared on Austrian compilation Get Up An' Jam.

Thanks to black_orion and Dusan Maslarevic



MC Bla
EuroDance Group


Got To Move ()
Dreamer ()
Get Ready ()

Got To Move was remixed by Axel Breitung. It is said the MC Bla also took part to 3-O-Matic's album. According to some other rumors, MC Bla could have never existed, maybe all his singles were wrongly attributed to him and actually belong to other artists.

Thanks to Klick EuroHolic



MC Claude
EuroDance Group



No Lies (6th May 1994)

No Lies was composed, written and arranged by W. Cremonini, A. Gilardi and D. Abaribi, released under Italian Style and published by Jacomo Music

Thanks to grof pl.



MC Cuzco
EuroDance Group



El Ultimo Inca (1997)

MC Cuzco was a project of P.J. Lanzagorta featuring a solo female vocalist. El Ultimo Inca appeared on compilation Por La Gloria De Mi Madre Mix in 1997. It was composed in 1996 by P.J. Lanzagorta and O.B. Cuesta, produced by Snoop Productions.

Thanks to Gianni



MC Eric
EuroDance Member



As Far As I’m Concerned (2000)

1.Old Fashioned, 2.Twist Of Fate, 3.La La Hey, 4.Game Plan, 5.Robin Hood, 6.Chapters, 7.Thats The Flex, 8.In My Room, 9.Do You Know, 10.Message 4 U, 11.Frenemy, 12.The Feel Good One,


Before We Get Started ()
Gain Some Knowledge (1991)
Jealous / R U Conscious (1991)
Our House (1991)
Old Fashioned (1999)
Game Plan (1999)
Frenemy (1999)
In My Room (2000)
Still Concerned (2005)
The Last Number (2012)
Be (20th Feb 2017)
Retro Flows 83 (30th Jul 2021)
Believe (7th Mar 2022)

DJ, MC, music producer and songwriter Eric Martin was born in Cardiff and raised in Brooklyn. He is the son of an Irish/Hispanic mother born in Kingston, Jamaica and a Black Jamaican Pentecostal minister from Port Antonio. He started his musical carreer as a programmer for Zomba/Jive Records. In 1989 he contributed to Technotronic's first album Pump Up The Jam : he appeared on Pump Up The Jam, Tough, This Beat Is Technotronic, and Wave. He later married Ya Kid K and they have a son together

In 1991, he released 2 solo singles : Jealous / R U Conscious (under the name of Me One) and Gain Some Knowledge. As Me-One, we wrote and produced for Maxi Priest, Capleton, and Jeff Beck among others. He recorded a solo album I Beg Uno Cease Fire which was never released.

During the late 80s, he was member of the Hardrock Concept, alongside MCs Jaffa, Leroy Bishop, DK, 4DEE, and Bubba - rocked jams in Cardiff over the next few years. In 1988, Jaffa and Eric moved to London in search of a record deal and were quickly snapped up by Jive. Honing their talents, they worked alongside label mates the Master Mixers, DJ Crip, DJ Cashmoney, Blade and The She Rockers. After two years in London, Jaffa and Eric went their separate ways.

In 1994, he appeared on Sirius - This Is My Life under the name Eric B.

2000 : he released his first album as Me One, entitled As Far As I’m Concerned

More recently, he did recordings with Gang Starr, Lil Dap and The Roots in New York.

2005 : he released an EP entitled Still Concerned as Me One

2012 : he released a promo single called The Last Number / Who Said under his stage name Me One.

Eric has taught at the London College of Contemporary Music, lectured at Glamorgan University and is currently teaching song-writing techniques for the Amy Winehouse Foundation. He currently gives master classes as 4-hour lyric writing workshop, as well as music production courses.

2017 : as Eric Martin, he released house single Be featuring male vocalist Lifford. He already announced a second release, a collaboration with Shaun Escoffery entitled “Oh.”

No relationship with Erik Aresta from MC Erik & Barbara, nor Erik MEGA Trinkaus.

Thanks to Necronomic

Artists and groups featuring MC Eric

Sirius - This Is My Life (1994)
Technotronic - This Beat Is Technotronic (1990)
Utopia - Lesson In Love (1994)



MC Erik and Barbara
EuroDance Group



U Can't Stop (1995)

1.U Can't Stop (Radio edit), 2.I Love This Game, 3.Save The Jungle, 4.I Wish An Another Day, 5.Forever Friends, 6.My Dream, 7.I'm Free, 8.Ked Préde Láska, 9.Be Happy, 10.Summer Nights '95, 11.U Can't Stop (7" Mix),

Second (1996)

1.It's Your Day, 2.Dancing Queen, 3.Never Gonna, 4.Living In a World Of Love, 5.Hey You, 6.'Cause I Love You, 7.Good Vibrations, 8.I Like It, 9.Got To Be Friends, 10.I Don't Wanna Lose You, 11.Fire For Love, 12.See The Light, 13.Sen,

U Can't Stop 96 Version (1996)

1.U Can't Stop (Radio edit), 2.I Love This Game, 3.Save The Jungle, 4.I Wish An Another Day, 5.Forever Friends, 6.My Dream, 7.I'm Free, 8.When Love Is Calling, 9.Be Happy, 10.Summer Nights '95, 11.Hideaway, 12.Let The Party Go On, 14.Anjel II, 15.Ked Préde Láska,

Second And More (1997)

1.Dancing Queen (My Funk Mix), 2.It's Your Day (7" Mix), 3.Here I Come, 4.Never Gonna, 5.'Cause I Love You, 6.She's Faithful, 7.I Don't Wanna Lose You, 8.Hey You, 9.I Like It, 10.Raise Your Hands, 11.Come On Baby, 12.Good Vibrations, 13.It's Your Day (Album Version), 14.Living In A World Of Love, 15.Dancing Queen (Album Version), 16.Sen,

Gold - Zlat¸ Hity (1999)

1.Sugar Sugar, 2.Summer Nights '99, 3.Ja Ta Velmi Chcem, 4.Kiss Me Honey, 5.Dancing Queen, 6.I Can't Be With You, 7.Anjel II, 8.I Love This Game, 9.I'm Free, 10.It's Your Day, 11.Never Gonna, 12.Sen, 13.Ked Pride Laska, 14.Save The Jungle, 15.Hey Man, 16.Tajne Miesto, 17.U Can't Stop, 18.Summer Nights '95, 19.Sugar Sugar '99 (Unplugged),

Ked Pride Laska (2004)

1.Summer Nights, 2.U Can't Stop, 3.Save The Jungle, 4.I'm Free, 5.Anjel II, 6.Keï Príde Láska, 7.Dancing Queen, 8.It's Your Day, 9.Never Gonna, 10.Good Vibrations, 11.Sugar Sugar, 12.Sen, 13.Ja a Velmi Chcem, 14.Tajné Miesto, 15.I Love This Game, 16.Forever Friends, 17.'Cause I Love You, 18.Let The Party Go On,

2010 (2010)

1.U Can't Stop 2007, 2.I Feel Good 2010, 3.Keď Príde Láska 2010, 4.Save The Jungle 2010, 5.Do It 2010, 6.I Know What I Want, 7.Sen 2010, 8.It's Your Day 2010, 9.It Will Be Fine, 10.Lady Of Your Life, 11.Do It (Reggae Remix), 12.Save The Jungle (Remix), 13.I Wish Upon A Star, 14.You Will Not,


Ked Pride Laska ()
I'm Free (10th Jun 1995)
U Can't Stop (Jul 1995)
Summer Nights '95 (27th Nov 1995)
Save The Jungle (19th Feb 1996)
It's Your Day (19th Aug 1996)
Dancing Queen (14th Oct 1996)
Never Gonna/Sen (9th Dec 1996)
Sugar Sugar 2000 (2000)

Producer : Július Kinèek

The collaboration between the composer and rapper Erik Aresta and the female vocalist Barbara Hascakova begun as they met in Erik's previous group Maduar (which most famous hits were Do It, I Feel Good and Anjel). Their good music and Barbara's beautiful voice immediately attracted attention of the audience.It was promising perspective that had opened to Maduar. However Erik and Barbara decided to leave Maduar and on 4th March 1995 they officially established a new formation : MC Erik & Barbara. Maduar, although without Erik& Barbara, kept its original name consisting of the first letters ofthe group's members (Matyinko, Dulovic, Aresta).

MC Erik a Barbara signed a contract with Polygram for 3 albums till the end of 1997 and released their first single I'm free including the bonus-track Anjel II. The second single U Can't Stopgot to the highest positions in hitlists of several radio stations. In December 1995 MC Erik & Barbara took part in Bratislava Beat Mass inthe Cathedral of St Martin, Bratislava.

Finally, on 4th September the album U Can't Stop was released.It joined the list of the bestsellers and also brought the next hits : a remake of the song Summer Nights from the musical movie Grease, and the only song in Slovak entitled Ked Pride Laska. The video of Summer nights '95 was shot in Tunis. The song was very popularespecially in Estonia and Namibia. Save The Jungle, released February 1996, is the most unusual video they made. Erik and Barbara appear here as very bored astronauts on their journey through deep space and time.

Exactly half year after the album U Can't Stop first release, its reedition with a new cover and four extra tracks was released : Hideaway, LetThe Party Go On, Anjel II (previously released on the singleI'mFree) and When Love Is Calling (English version of Ked PrideLaska). On 11th March the album (with subtitle '96 Version ) was released in whole Europe. Full marketing support was guaranteed by Germany, Belgium, Finland, Switzerland with other countries joining gradually.

This year MC Erik & Barbara took part in the Eurovision Song Contest preselection but were not chosen to represent Slovakia. Marcel Palonder was chosen instead.On 21st March 1996 they went to Moscow, where they gave two performances. Followed a big tour in Czechia and Slovakia. In May they received the SilverOtto prize.

During the summer, Erik and Barbara went back to recording studio to prepare their new album. A pilot single and video entitled It's your day saw the light of the world as first. On 29th September, all the work on the new album was finished and one month later the album named Second was officially released. It was followed by a single which was the coverversion of Abba's famous song Dancing Queen. There is another coversong on the album : Good Vibrations originally sung by the BeachBoys. On this album, Barbara presents three songs she composed together with her brother Andrej. Erik's participation on them was reduced to short rap parts only. One could also hear Erik's solo song I Don't Wanna Lose You he composed for his girlfriend.

On 16th June 1997 they released a video tape entitled Videos And More, featuring the videos of the singles U Can't Stop, Summer Nights'95, Keï Príde Láska, Save The Jungle, Anjel II, It's Your Day, Dancing Queen, Never Gonna and Sen.

The release of the album was followed with a concert tour : 10 performances in Czechia in November and December and 10 performances in Slovakia in February 1997. For the first time they were accompanied by a live band. More recently, the group had a great success in Japan so they got an offer to extend the original contract from three to four albums (just for Japan). There was no album scheduled for 1997 because Erik and Barbara were preparing their own solo projects.

MC Erik and Barbara Website
Thanks to D-Man '94, EuroBoy and Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky



MC Fear
EuroDance Group



Temptation (1993)

Label: Out records. MC Fear's real name is Alex Pagnucco. The single Temptation, a nice euro track with a touch of house, featured a solo female vocalist called Valery.



MC Fixx it
EuroDance Group



Let's Move (1990)
Rock The Discotex (1990)
You Can Love It / Bring It Back (1991)
Set Me On Fire (1996)

His real name is Ricardo Overman. He took part to Twenty 4 Seven's first single I Can't Stand It in 1990. The same year, he released a solo single entitled Let's Move. Followed the singles Rock The Discotex and You Can Love It / Bring It Back.

In 1994, together with his friend Guan Elmzoom, Ricardo helped remixing and re-writing Cappella's hits Move On Baby and U & Me ( he probably also did the raps for these 2 singles), just like they did previously with Anticappella's Move Your Body.

He released a solo single called Set Me On Fire in 1995 produced by Twenty 4 Seven's producer Ruud Van Rijen under the simple name of Fixx it. He could also stand behind a cover of Sagat's Funk Dat.

Ricardo collaborated with Jay Delano on another act called R'n'G (produced by Alex Christensen) which was very successful in Germany. His friend Guan started working as a DJ in a nightclub of Amsterdam called the iT. Ricardo also started a carreer of life coach in Eindhoven.

2012 : he was featured on Plumbers' single I Want Your Love.

2020 : he took part to eurodance project Maxxima.

Thanks to nolimits and Krasi
Next Dance Generation

Artists and groups featuring MC Fixx it

Anticappella - Move Your Body (1994)
Cappella - Move On Baby (1994), U & Me (1994)
Maxxima - Everything's Gonna Be Alright (2022), Get Ready! (2022), Let Me Be Free (2021), No More Chances (2020), No Regrets (2021), Resurrection (album) (2020), Sorry (2022), U Got 2 Believe Me (2021), What We Gotta Do (2021)
One Shot - Set You Free (1994)
Plumbers - I Want Your Love (2012)
Samus Jay - Never Give You Up (2023)
Transit - Somebody (1993)
Tripleteam - Find The Way (1992), People (Make It Funky) (1992)
Twenty 4 Seven - I Can't Stand It (1989)



MC Flash
EuroDance Member

See Michael Williams.



MC Hi-Hat
EuroDance Group

He took part to the project Future Beat : he appeared on the single X-Tasy (the Future Mix and the Present Mix). He was also ragga-rapper for Plastic Age - All Boys and Cabballero - Gimme Gimme More And More. He rapped for Megatronic - Power Of Dancing and Riverside People - You Got To Move. He also has rapped in the single N-Trance - Turn Up The Power under the pseudonym T-1 K.

Thanks to Necronomic

Artists and groups featuring MC Hi-Hat

Cabballero - Gimme Gimme (More And More) (1994)
Megatronic - Power Of Dancing (1994)
Plastic Age - All Boys (1994)



EuroDance Group



Sila Milosci (1995)
Badz Ze Mna (1996)
Twoj Dobry Dzien (1996)
Dobra Rzecz (1996)
Samotnosc (1996)
Chce Zawsze Byc Przy Tobie (1996)

MC KGB's songs were only released on compilations. Songs were written by Grzegorz Bonder and Krzysztof Niwiński (maybe the project's name comes from their initials ?)



MC Licia
EuroDance Group



Pokemon In My Dreams (29th Dec 2017)
Estonia (7th Jun 2019)
Secretly (25th Sep 2020)

Singer and rapper MC Licia (real name Felicia Prehn) was born in New York City, USA on November 19th. She is blind, but this never stopped her chasing her dream of becoming a eurodance artist. She moved to Finland in 2011 to follow her husband, after graduating high school. There, she found a job, had a baby and she met her current producer, Jukka Ranula. Afterwards, she also met DJ Tony, and they performed together on the stages of festivals such as Provinssi and Summerdance, sharing the stage of famous eurodance acts like Ice MC.

Her first single, entitled Pokemon In My Dreams, was released end 2017. In June 2019 came EP Estonia, a collaboration with Chorale and Rama.

She lives nowadays in Pori.

Artists and groups featuring MC Licia

Rama - Light My Fire (The 25th Anniversary) (2021)



MC Major
EuroDance Group



Show Me The Way (1st Mar 1995)

MC Major studio project featured rapper Patrick Marot. Show Me The Way was written and produced by Bill K., Logic Lee and Oxo Gramm, recorded at Dynamix Sound Studio, mastered by Rick Essig, mixed by the Unity Mixers. It was released in Belgium under labels Dance Development and Indisc, licensed in France under CNR Music and in Canada under Numuzik.

Success was massive in Canada : it was nominated at the Canadian Juno Awards for Best Dance recording of the year 1995 and reached #10 on the Canadian Dance Charts in the same year.

Thanks to Eurodance Mag



MC Morris
Dream House Group



Chariots Of Fire (1996)

Label : DUE. Chariots Of Fire was a cover of Vangelis' famous anthem. It was recorded and mixed at Gallery Recording Studio, produced by Maurizio Raffaelli, arranged by Gianluca Vivaldi, Maurizio Raffaelli and Riccardo Salani, engineered by C. Mingardi, distributed by ZAC Music.



MC Mystery
EuroDance Group



Take My Breath Away (Na Na Na Na Na Na) (1995)

Label : Strictly Dance Recordings. Take My Breath Away was produced and written by Lovercraft, co-produced by Carpe Diem, co-written by Dolce, mastered by Inzadi.

MC Mystery was featured on Dream Factory's single Hands Up.

Thanks to David Nivin "Captain DJ"

Artists and groups featuring MC Mystery

Dream Factory - Hands Up (1995)



MC Sar and the real McCoy
EuroDance Group


Cf. Real McCoy



EuroDance Group



The Night Is Mine (1995)

Label : ARS Productions

MC X is a project of ARS Belgium. Their single The Night Is Mine was erroneously attributed to the project MC Bla. The project featured a female vocalist called Dana and the male rapper MC-X. Lyrics were written by Hamid Abbouz and Jean-François Hustin, music was composed by Hamid Abbouz, Jean-François Hustin and Destinoble Dorsainviz, produced by E2W, published by BRIC Publ/S.O.M.G.

Thanks to Klick/EuroHolic, Alex Capilé



McCray (Lane)
EuroDance Member



Heartbeat: The Album (7th Aug 2017)

1.Dreamer (Chrizz Morisson Future remix), 2.Sweet Dreams (Radio mix), 3.Heartbeat (Maestro Riko radio edit), 4.Angel Of My Life (Ballad version), 5.Part Of Me (Main edit), 6.I Can Feel It (Bmonde NW House edit), 7.Pump It 2015 (Classic mix), 8.Dream (Radio mix), 9.If I Could Look Through Your Eyes (Ballad version), 10.Heartbeat (Alexandra Damiani edit),


I'll Give (2014)
Heartbeat (26th Aug 2014)
Angel Of My Life (1st Dec 2014)
Part Of Me (30th Jan 2015)
Sweet Dreams (21st Aug 2015)
Dream (20th May 2016)
I Can Feel It (18th Nov 2016)
Dreamer (7th Aug 2017)
Thankful (15th Dec 2017)
I Know U Know (17th Feb 2020)
Save My Life (18th Jun 2021)
I Keep Running (1st Oct 2021)
Waiting (28th Jan 2022)


Angel Of My Life (22nd May 2015)
Sweet Dreams (16th Oct 2015)

Singer, dancer and rapper Lane McCray was born in Anchorage, Alaska or Fort Bragg, North Carolina, U.S. according to sources. His parents were Lane McCray Sr. and Joyce McCray. and his has 2 sisters, Doreen and Deidre. In the US, Lane performed in musical theaters and also showed his talent as a rapper as a member of group Cold Cut. He played in musicals like West Side Story, A Chorus Line, Sophisticated Ladies, La Bohème and Guys and Dolls in the States. He was stationed in Germany with the American Air Force, then left to pursue his musical career full-time. He met Melanie Thornton in Saarbrücken and began performing with her in a band called Groovin' Affairs.

"I can say proudly, that I sang with the big ones like Bob Hope, Dolly Parton and Boyz II Men" says Lane. "But when Melanie asked me to sing for La Bouche, I didn't wait a second to make a decision. Over eight months I worked in the daytime for the Air Force and on the weekends in the studio. Some evenings we also had club shows to do. It was just a matter of time, to decide to stay with La Bouche. Nobody can stop us anymore". He had the talent and striking looks to complement Melanie's diva-powered vocals and sultry beauty, thus completing the concept of La Bouche.

He now lives in Luxembourg. But, as a proud veteran of the United States Air Force, Lane returns yearly to the Air Force's prestigious entertainment showcase "Tops in Blue" and has created cutting edge choreographies, developing raw talent into world class performers. His efforts were rewarded when he received the Golden Roger, a lifetime achievement award from the US Air Force

2000 : La Bouche comes back with a new single and Lane is still a member of the crew. He produces 3 tracks of the forthcoming new album. He is also planning to release a solo single in the next 18 months. The title will be Songs In The Key of Love, the release date has not been determined yet.

2001 : her partner Melanie died in a plane crash.

2005 : Lane moved back to Washington D.C., while Natascha started a solo carreer. It seemed to be the end of La Bouche... But it later appeared that Lane kept on touring with a new vocalist. He has been actively involved with local, national and international AIDS foundations meeting with those diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. Passionate about this cause, his goal is to help educated young people on the pervasive issues and developments in AIDS research.

2007 : Lane is still a member of La Bouche and keeps on touring in Europe with a new singing partner, Dana Rayne.

2009 : Lane is working on his first solo album, entitled Life In The Fast Lane. He describes it as "an elegant and classy collection of songs echoing his dance roots, his urban tinged beats of rhythm and blues, and his heart pounding ballads".

2010 : Lane was featured on DJ Blaine and Barona's single Pump It. He is currently living in Nashville, Tennessee.

2012 : in February, he announced he would continue touring throughout the world "performing for thousand of adoring fans". He just returned from Berlin "where new music will make it's mark the summer" as he says.

2014 : in June he published the videoclip of a new song : I'll Give. In August, he released single Heartbeat. In December Lane and Tanja Geuder released a Xmas duet entitled Angel Of My Life.

2015 : Lane's next single will a vocal house song entitled Part Of Me and it is planned for January under DMN Records, along with 10 mixes. A real videoclip will be shot and a solo album is scheduled for summer

2017 : in May, Lane officially retired from US Air Force where he worked as a Technical Sergeant.

La Bouche Online
Dance Artist Info
Lane McCray Jr on Myspace

Artists and groups featuring McCray (Lane)

DJ Blaine & Barona - Pump It (2010)
DJ Blaine - Pump It 2015 (2015)
Holmes Ives - Boom (2009)
La Bouche - Be My Lover (1995), Fallin' In Love (1995), I Love To Love (1995), In Your Life (2002), One Night In Heaven (2020), SOS (1999), You Won't Forget Me (1997)
Spellbound Music Group - 04:13 AM (2023)



EuroDance Group



Careless Whisper (1992)
Give Me Your Love (1993)

MCD featured an uncredited Cristina Dori. Give Me Your Love was a duet with Wildside, produced and arranged by Starr (probably vocalist Tameka Starr who was featured on Wildside's first single the same year), Mauro Farina, Max Artusi and Ricky Stecca. Label : New Meal Power



MCD and The Lady Lovers
EuroDance Group



Can You Feel The Passion (1996)

Can You Feel The Passion appeared on Dance Master Records's compilation Promo Compilation Vol. IV



McDonald (Carin)
EuroDance Group



Africaine House (1990)
Tropikal Theme (1991)
Together (1993)

The project featured vocals by Sandra Chambers. Lyrics were written by Antonio Summa and Sandra Chambers herself. 2 singles called Africaine House and Tropikal Theme had been previously released in 1991 under the same artist name, maybe it's the same project, maybe not.

Thanks to David Nivin "Captain DJ" and Gianni



McFarlane (Rachel)
EuroDance Member


Evolution (14th Aug 2021)

1.I Appreciate You, 2.A Friend, 3.Amazing Grace, 4.Great Is Thy Faithfulness, 5.Sweet Spirit, 6.You've Been Good (feat. Bishop John Francis), 7.Your All, 8.Praise Him, 9.I Surrender, 10.High Place,


Lover (21st Mar 2005)
Let Nothing (25th Jul 2016)
Praise Him (11th Dec 2020)
Sweet Spirit (23rd May 2021)

Rachel McFarlane was born and raised in Manchester, UK. She started singing at the age of 12 years old in gospel choirs. 3 years later, as she was only 15, she recorded How Sleep the Brave with MC Buzz B. In 1991 she was featured on 808 State's song 10 x 10. Then she did vocals for Family Foundation, a group signed to Pete Waterman’s 380 Records. Her powerful voice was also featured by N-Trance on eurodance hit Turn Up The Power...

She then became the female vocalist for the band Loveland (Let The Music Lift You Up, Don't Make Me Wait, I Need Somebody, The Wonder Of Love). Afterwards, she replaced Diane Charlemagne in Urban Cookie Collective, and was also featured by K-Klass on single K2 in 1998. The same year, she released a solo single entitled Lover, with remixes by Forthright, Truman & Wolff, Allister Whitehead.

Then in 2000, everything stopped. Rachel suffered from Grave's disease, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid and generates a goiter, and was unable to sing during more than 2 years. While recovering, she became a vocal teacher in Manchester and Cheshire.

In 2004, Rachel's voice was featured by the project LMC for the song Take Me To The Clouds Above. She also appeared on the video. LMC (stands for the Large Magellanic Cloud, and also for the first letters of the producers' first name : Lee, Matt and Chris) is a remixers project who did remixes for Scooter, Lasgo and Robert Palmer. Take Me To The Clouds Above, released on the 26th of January, combined a sample from U2's With Or Without You (released in 1987) and and the lyrics from How Will I Know by Whitney Houston (originally from 1986). It went up to #1 in the UK charts in February and sold over 200 000 copies in this country. Then it was released in other countries, such as Ireland where it went Top Five in Ireland, and Top Ten in Australia. It peaked at #9 on the Danish singles chart and #2 on the Danish dancechart. She also appeared in West End musicals and recorded some solo tracks planned for release in 2004.

2006 : Rachel's voice was once again featured on a LMC single. You Get What You Give entered the UK charts end of January at #30.

2015 : in December, Rachel collaborated to charity single Echoes of Love with Greater Manchester Churches Together.

2016 : new from Rachel, single Let Nothing, a collaboration with Nick Hussey.

2020 : Rachel released a gospel single entitled Praise Him

Interview by Juha Soininen in book Move Your Body (2 The 90's): Unlimited Eurodance
Rachel McFarlane's official website
Thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin and Anders Bøgh

Artists and groups featuring McFarlane (Rachel)

808 State - 10 x 10 (1991), Gimme Shelter (Live In Tokyo) (2002)
Colour Climax - Ignorance Is Bliss (1997)
Dubvice - Can't Get Enough (1999)
Gems For Jem - Lift Me Up (1997)
Greater Manchester Churches Together - Echoes of Love (2015)
K-Klass - Burnin' (1998)
LMC - Take Me To The Clouds Above (2004), You Get What You Give (2006)
Loveland - (Keep On) Shining (1994), Don't Make Me Wait (1995), Hope (Never Give Up) (1994), I Need Somebody (1994), Let The Music (Lift You Up) (1994), The Wonder Of Love (album) (1995), The Wonder Of Love (1995)
MC Buzz B - How Sleep the Brave (1988)
N-Trance - Turn Up The Power (1994)
Quo Vadis - Sonic Lover (2000)
Ray Keith & Nookie vs. S Gurley - Express '95 (1995)
Restricted, Amen UK - Lover (2023)
Serial Diva - Gotta Love For You (1997), Keep Hope Alive (1995)
Side-Effect - Don't Stop Me Now (2009)
The Family Foundation - Express Yourself (1992), One Blood (1992)
Urban Cookie Collective - Ain't It A Shame (1998), Champagne Supernova (1996)



EuroDance Company


This German record label was founded by Frank Farian. It features, among others, releases by Boney M, No Mercy and La Bouche. The label is distributed by Sony Music or its predecessors Hansa, BMG, BMG Ariola and Sony BMG.



McIvor (Kathy)
EuroDance Group



Let Your Rhythm Flow (1996)

Let Your Rhythm Flow was composed by a Belgian team : Peter Bauwens and Joey Balin, written by Joey Balin. Label: Max Music Records GmbH.

Thanks to Gianni



McLaine (Chantal)
EuroDance Member



Getup And Dance (1996)

Her real name is Birgit Knoll, and she is also known under the names Chantal Dupree and Birgit Grosch. Born in Höchstadt an der Aisch (Germany), Birgit did her first live appearances as she was fifteen years old, at karaoke shows in discotheques. At that time funk and soul were her main music styles and she often won prices and certificates for her singing. Later she joined a five-persons band, which specialized in rock music. Her music career was interrupted due to professional reasons.

Then Birgit started a new career at NF Music-Production with the producer Nick Freund. With two other members, Ulrike Freund (background) and James M. Garden (rapper), the project For Fun was established. Rapidly For Fun made a name for itself in and outside Nürnberg. Then she became lead vocalist for project Steinberg, doing vocals on single Energy. She also recorded solo single Getup And Dance.

Artists and groups featuring McLaine (Chantal)

For Fun - Dance And Move (1995)
Steinberg - Energy (1997)



MCM (1900)
EuroDance Group



Tell Me Baby (1995)

MCM actually means 1900, written in Roman figures. Lead vocals on Tell Me Baby were done by Sandy (not Sandy Chambers). It was produced by M. Talini and M. Galeazzi.

Thanks to Marian Stoica



McQueen (Lyv)
EuroDance Member

Born from an Italian father and and Afro-American mother, Lyv McQueen was recently revealed as being Jinny's main vocalist. She met the producers Gilardi,Cremonini and Varola as she was singing garage-underground.

1995 : Lyv took part to the Silvia Coleman project. She went to settle to the United States, keeping on coming back to Italy for recording sessions

1997 : she became vocalist for the project Double X and recorded the single Give It Up.

2009 : Lyv is back and performs in discos Jinny's and Silvia Coleman's hits along with a rapper.

Thanks to Tavi Meran



Me and My
EuroDance Group



Me & My (1996)

1.Touch Of Your Love, 2.Dub-I-Dub, 3.Baby Boy, 4.Lion Eddie, 5.I Belong To You, 6.Waiting, 7.Magic Love, 8.So Many Times, 9.Show Your Love, 10.Show Me, 11.You and I,

Me & My (1996)

1.Baby Boy, 2.Lion Eddie, 3.I Belong To You, 4.Waiting, 5.Magic Love, 6.Dub-I-Dub, 7.So Many Times, 8.Close, 9.Show Your Love, 10.Show Me, 11.You and I,

Waiting (16th Jan 1997)

1.Waiting (Flex Remix), 2.Waiting (Original Mix), 3.Dub-I-Dub (Diddy's Radiant Radio Mix), 4.Baby Boy (Flex Club Mix), 5.Lion Eddie (Extended Version), 6.Lion Eddie (Club Remix), 7.Touch Of Your Love (Extended Version), 8.Touch Of Your Love (Club Remix), 9.Dub-I-Dub (Karaoke Version), 10.Baby Boy (Karaoke Version), 11.Lion Eddie (Karaoke Version), 12.Touch Of Your Love (Karaoke Version),

Let The Love Go On (1999)

1.I'm On My Way, 2.Loving You, 3.I'm Going Down, 4.You Left Me (with Pipe from the Wailing Souls), 5.Let The Love Go On, 6.Take Me Back, 7.That's The Way Life Is, 8.Every Single Day, 9.So Many Men, 10.You Do That Thing,

Let The Love Go On (27th Jan 1999)

1.I'm On My Way, 2.So Many Men, 3.Loving You, 4.That's The Way Life Is, 5.Take Me Back, 6.You Left Me (with Pipe from the Wailing Souls), 7.Let The Love Go On, 8.I'm Going Down, 9.Every Single Day, 10.You Do That Thing, 11.Loving You (US radio edit),

Fly High (26th Feb 2001)

1.Fly High, 2.La La Superstar, 3.Sleeping My Day Away, 4.Can't Forget The Past (Da Dap), 5.Secret Garden, 6.No Way, 7.If I Was Your Lover, 8.The Sweetest Melody, 9.What Am I Gonna Do, 10.Take My Heart, 11.Crazy, 12.Fly High Goodbye,

The Ultimate Collection (26th Mar 2007)

1.Dub-I-Dub, 2.Baby Boy, 3.Lion Eddie, 4.Magic Love, 5.Waiting, 6.I Belong To You, 7.Touch Of Your Love, 8.Let The Love Go On,


Dub-I-Dub (14th Aug 1995)
Baby Boy (11th Nov 1995)
Lion Eddie (20th Mar 1996)
Touch Of Your Love (7th Aug 1996)
Waiting (1997)
Let The Love Go On (1999)
Loving You (1999)
Every Single Day (1999)
So Many Men (1999)
Fly High (2000)
Sleeping My Day Away (2001)
La La Superstar (2002)
Too Much Christmas (Nov 2007)

Records company : EMI-music. Me & My are two Danish sisters Susan and Pernille Georgi.

Before becoming Me & My, the duo were known as "SuPer Sisters" (the word "SuPer" being a compound of the two singers' forenames). Towards the beginning of the 1990s they released two Danish-language albums and tried to enter the 1991 Eurovision Song Contest, but unfortunately Pernille - being 15 at the time - was too young to enter. The song which they were supposed to sing, eventually finished 2nd in the Danish national final.

Their first hit single as Me & My was Dub-I-Dub which led them to success (#1 in Denmark, #2 in Sweden, #8 in Israel). It was produced by Dean 'N and Johnny Jam. It was followed by with three other singles off their debut album Me & My : Baby Boy, Lion Eddie, and Waiting (which included some previously unreleased versions of Lion Eddie, Dub-I-Dub and Baby Boy) and Touch Of Your Love which was only released in Japan.

Sisters wrote most of their material and each song was an instant hit. The album represented an entirely new style of Danish pop music and, as a result, Me & My's sales figures reached almost explosive heights around the world during 1996. Just to give an example, the Georgi sisters sold 1.5 million albums and 750,000 singles in Japan in only one year. "Our number Dub I Dub opened doors, not only for us but also for a lot of other Danish bands", says Pernille. "Everything happened so fast with the first record, that it was really difficult for us to realise what was happening. On the other hand, it gave us a name, a style and a foundation to build upon". In the spring of 1997 they were presented with two Gold Disc Awards for the year's best-selling international album and as best-selling foreign artists in Japan.

Their second album Let The Love Go On deserved the same success. The singles released off of it were Loving You, So Many Men, Every Single Day and Let The Love Go On (which went # 13 in Israel). They also collaborated to a single for charity in Denmark entitled Selv En Dråbe, along with various Danish artists including Tiggy, Aqua, Daze, Cartoons and many others.

Me & My released their third album Flying High in February 2001. Fly High was the first album so far, where Me & My have had full control of the recording process. "Actually, it was a bit like the film Thelma and Louise. We packed the car in Andorra and drove all the way to Germany, where we stayed with our producers Thomas Nöhre and Oliver Hintz", they say.

With Me & My's previous recordings, everything was planned down to the last detail, but this time the process was quite different. "Just the fact that we lived at our producers' place gave us a totally different and much more intense attitude to the work on the album. We didn't have to fly backwards and forwards between studios and different hotels and nobody bossed us around or expected too much of us", continues Pernille. "All this meant that we had enough peace and quiet to be able to take our time and play around with the music".

And this "playing around with the music" is very clear on the new album. Me & My know what they are capable of as well as what they want, so every single number has been chosen to meet strict quality criteria. The different working methods this time gave the sisters the chance to polish up the songs until they sounded as good they possibly could, and this can be heard on the new album. "The numbers on this album had to be certain hits. That was our minimum requirement", says Pernille. "People should be able to listen to the entire album right through. There's enough happy pop music, dance and trance on it to send people off on a musical trip", adds Susanne.

On Fly High, Me & My moved into new genres such as dance and trance. The music was more club-oriented than before, although the album also contained some of the catchy popular hits that the earlier records were so well-known for. "We wanted to show other sides of ourselves, not just the ones that everyone already knows. We have a lot more to offer besides Dub I Duband Let The Love Go On and we felt like being a bit more daring and forthright in the way we expressed ourselves this time", laughs Pernille.

The title number, Fly High once again puts Me & My back on the dance floor as well as at the top of the hit lists. On a number like La La Superstar, Me & My show some nice self-irony as they sing about all the dreams of stardom. When you finally become a star, things turn out to be not quite so glamorous as you expected. The album also features a cover version of D.A.D.'s Sleeping My Day Away in a new dance interpretation that is just bursting with energy. Me & My wrote songs about love and all its consequences. This is a record about life, about having the courage to believe in yourself and in your own ability. It's about keeping an open mind, welcoming new experiences and enjoying sensations, also when you are exposed to the less pleasant sides of life now and again.

The first single Flying high jumped at rank # 1 in air play chart at Radio Jerusalem and it went number 3 on the Danish sales list. November 22nd they performed at the "Scandinavian DJ Convention" in Malmø. Sunday 4th of February 2001 they performed at the 2 year birthday of the Danish radio station "The Voice" in Aarhus. Meanwhile they a gold single for 5.000 sold units of Fly High.

The follow-up was a cover song : Sleeping My Days Away. There was a lot of reactions from the DAD-fans in Denmark, since it's an old rock-song. They had a hard time accepting a new pop version of the smash hit.

April 2002 : Me & My and the danish female-artist Nicole have secretly recorded a brand-new latino/dance-track together : Te Quiero. The 3 girls performed together for the very first time on the 20th of April in KB Hallen, Copenhagen. They are also busy with the making of their new album, and their apperance with Nicole comes as a good surprise for those fans who are waiting for the new album.

2003 : the sisters started working on their new album.

2004 : Susanne started a solo carreer, she plans to move to the USA to record her first album. Her sister Pernille got married with Christopher James and just gave birth to a baby. The fourth Me & My album was almost finished but was postponed...

2006 : in a program about Danish dancemusic broadcasted in May on national TV, Me & My said in an interview that they were still working on a new album. No plans for the release, so it could still take some time.

Me & My competed in the Danish Eurovision 2007 contest, to be selected to represent Denmark in the international event. They performed with the new song Two Are Stronger Than One but were finally not selected.

2007 : in March, Me & My released a best of album entitled The Ultimate Collection. For the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest, Susanne Georgi will be announcing the Danish points.

They'll go in studio to record new material for an upcoming album. This new album was planned for the beginning of 2008, but nothing came out so far...

2013 : the girls announced they planned to work with Me & My again in 2014.

2015 : Dean 'N the producer behind Me & My's breakthrough in 1994, passed away on May 16th at the age of 46 following complications from multiple sclerosis

Roberto Campos - Canadian Eurodance
Dance Artists Infos
Me & My Official Website
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to Anders Bøgh, Morten and Tyler for the latest news

Artists and groups featuring Me and My

Various - Selv En Dråbe (1999)



Me and You
EuroDance Group


Tell Me ()

The project features the raps of Tony Dyer and a female vocalist. The single was recorded at Dance Master Records (Germany).

Thanks to Necronomic



Meanstreet Boys
EuroDance Group



Last Train To London (1996)
Forever (1997)
Sweet Dreams (1997)
One Night In Bangkok (1997)

Label : One Way Records. First single was entitled Last Train To London and was released in 1996. Rapper was probably Daniel Sous since the rap only version was titled Sous work, while singer may be Vittorio Fraja. Artists performing on Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics cover) were not credited, but they probably are vocalist Maria Capri and once again rapper Daniel Sous.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Eternal Love (26th Jul 1996)

The single was arranged and produced by Athena Group, mixed by Francesco Alberti. It was written by A. Angeletti and A. De Antoni. Vocals were done by Arya. Label: Got It.



Media Luna
EuroDance Group



We Can Live Together (1995)


We Can Live Together (1995)

Vocals were done by Pedro Rojas and Torita Quick (Vocalist on Haddaway's album The Drive). The Dance version was a real eurodance track.

Thanks to Abelito



Media Records


Created in 1987, directed by Gianfranco Bortolotti, Media produce many dance acts such as Cappella, 49ers, Anticappella, Clock, Deborah, Gigi d'Agostino, Sharada House Gang, Antico, Prezioso, Nahima, Tom Dollar, Superbowl, Albert One, Risen From The Rank, East Side Beat (To Be Free Again), DJ Professor, Loree Williams, Club House (Take Your Time), Patric (Love Me)… Located in Brescia, they own 13 labels and 11 recording studios in which they create 'the sound of the future' a successful recipe that allowed them to conquer more than 100 golden and platinum records.

During the years its desire of being involved in the world of  future'communication, drove it toward the foundation of Impulse Promotion, software, Internet and CD-rom producing society, toward the achievement of the new medias' universe and finally Madia Records entered in the world of night entertainment with the opening of Shibuya and BXR Superclubs. Today Media Records is also Maximal, a techno radio programme, realized in the Media production studios by BXR Djs, broadcasted by Internet and Radio Italia Network.



Medina (Carol)
EuroDance Group



Secret Fantasy (1996)

1.Secret Fantasy, 2.Tell Me That You Love Me, 3.And The Song Goes, 4.Wait Till My Heart Finds Out, 5.Love Me Just Enough, 6.You Never Done It Like That, 7.Sooner Or Later Medely, 8.Story Story, 9.Love Is On The Way, 10.You Don't Know(Where My Lips Have Been), 11.I Had A Dream (L.A Cool Mix), 12.Tell Me That You Love Me (Riprock'n'dash Mix),


The Tears I Cry (1989)
And The Song Goes... (1994)
I Had A Dream (1994)
Tell Me You Love Me (1995)
You Don't Know (Where My Lips Have Been) (1995)
Let The Music Play (1995)
Never Done It Like That (1996)
Secret Fantasy (1996)
Wonder Woman (theme Song) (1997)
One Day Of Kisses (1997)
It Hurts Like Hell (2006)
Johnny D (14th Jun 2011)
I'll Just Say Goodnight (14th Nov 2012)
Are You Messin' Around (3rd May 2013)

Carol Medina was born in 1966 in Melbourne, Australia. Carol has been a singer and actress since the age of 12. After relocating to Canada in the early '80s with her family, she landed a steady seasonal gig at a theatre revue in Paramount Canada's Wonderland north of Toronto. From there she was recruited for a U.S.O. tour in Southeast Asia where she met actor/songwriter James Collins during the making of a commercial.

A songwriting partnership developed as a result and the duo landed the 1994 tune And The Song Goes... (co-written with Vince Degiorgio) on Canadian singles charts which garnered the tune a Juno nomination for Best R&B/Soul Recording'. She also won the Montreal Dance Music Awards as 1994's Top Vocalist.

In 1995 two more singles : Tell Me You Love Me and You Don't Know (Where My Lips Have Been) also charted. With the songs confirmed in the Top-40, Medina proceeded to record and release 1996's Secret Fantasy album. It included, among others, the track Secret Fantasy which is a true and amazing eurodance song. It was released on the compilation Energy Rush III.

She currently lives in the Toronto area.

The All Canadian Music database



EuroDance Group



You My Love (1996)

You My Love was produced by Juan Carlos Llopis and Oscar Garcia.



Medusa (2)
EuroDance Group



Waitin' For Love (1995)

Waitin' For Love was written by M. D'Ambrosio and Rhonda Dorsey, produced, arranged, and mixed by Maurizio D'Ambrosio. It was later re-recorded and released as Mephisto (scene name of DJ and producer Maurizio D'ambrosio). Label: Palmares Records

Thansk to Gianni



Medusa (3)
EuroDance Group



Temple Of The Living Lights (1996)

Temple Of The Living Lights featured a solo female vocalist. It was composed, arranged and produced by Alain Horoit and Andres Romero. It was licensed from Indian Records and released in Spain under Dancer Planet Record.



Meek (Linda)
EuroDance Member



The Love Energy (11th May 2015)

1.Just Be Yourself, 2.I Want To Thank You, 3.Blessed With Love, 4.We've Got To Love More, 5.The Love Energy, Pt. I, 6.Most Importantly, 7.I Believe In, 8.Equality, 9.The Love Energy, Pt. 2,


The Love Energy (27th Jul 2015)
Summer Breeze (Oct 2021)
Wake Up (Nov 2021)

Linda Carmen Maria Meek (aka Elyse G. Rogers) was born and raised in Manchester UK. Her mother owns a restaurant. She made her studies in a catholic school directed by nuns. She wanted to become a cantatrice so she took classical singing lessons. She had her first musical experience in 1984, she was a keyboardist and a chorist in a funk group named Chantal. The group changed his name and his style to become Low Profile and in 1985 Linda became the leader vocalist. They acquired a good reputation in their vicinity due to their live representation. She followed her husband Jason, who was an officie in the british Army, to Francfort (Germany). She worked for the British soldier station BFBS where she recorded jingles. She also worked as a PA for The Royal Military Police in Osnabruck (Germany).

She was discovered whilst competing in a singing contest. Having replaced lipsyncer Alice Montana, who left the band, Linda became an essential member of Maxx. She settled in Frankfurt. In an interview, she explained that she found the name of Maxx slightly pretentious but quite funny. At that time, she had 2 cats called Lewis and Cleo. She liked jogging and swimming.

2000 : she became certified as an Neuro Linguistic Programming & Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, gained a Nutrition Diploma, Matrix Energetics Level 3 and Fork Tuning/Voice Diploma.

2008 : Linda remarried and changed her name to Rogers.

Nowadays, she lives in Manchester.

2012 : she did a 3 month trip to Nepal in 2012, working as a volunteer Music Teacher in a Monastery and a Community School up in the Kathmandu Valley.

2013 : she changed her first name to Elyse.

2014 : she was featured on Experience Of Music's single Free Your Soul (Let if flow). Her first solo album Love Energy Music is planned for September.


Artists and groups featuring Meek (Linda)

DJ TH and Athema - Love Is (2015)
Experience Of Music - Free Your Soul (Let It Flow) (2014)
Linda M - Rhythm Of Love (1997)
Maxx - Get-A-Way (2024), I Can Make You Feel Like (1995), No More (I Can't Stand It) (1994), You Can Get It (1994)
Sync Diversity - Shine Your Light (2016)



Meet Records
EuroDance Company


Italian dance label based in Milan (Italy), division of New Music.



Meet The Beat
EuroDance Group


Show Me Your Love Tonight (1995)

The project featured a female and a male vocalist. The song was composed by Jean Le Carotte, released in 1995 under TMM Lake Records. It was featured on a Dance Or Die compilation.

Thanks to dj_desant



EuroDance Group


I Want Your Love (1999)

Thanks to Abelito



Mega Records


Mega Records was created in 1983 in Copenhagen (Denmark) by Kjeld Wennick. It has with branches in various European countries. The company was called Mega Scandinavia A/S, then purchased by edel music AG in 2001 and renamed to Edel-Mega Records, which closed down about a year later. Mega Records' most widely known artist was Ace Of Base, with nearly 30 million albums sold worldwide. Mega Records is now owned and administrated by Playground Music Scandinavia.



Megafont Records
EuroDance Company


Sublabel of BlissCo.



EuroDance Group


Good Vibrations (1995)

Good Vibrations featured a female vocalist and a male rapper. It was released on compilations Ultimate Dance - Up And Dance and Jump Euro Dance Vol.2

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group


Zombie (1997)

Song appeared on compilation Covermania Vol.1

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Side By Side ()
Get Money! ()
Fade To Grey ()

Megamorph was oone of the many eurodance projects created by Axel Breitung. Songs were only released on digital compilation Eurodance Master in 2008. Fade To Grey was a cover of Visage's hit. A different version of Side By Side was also released under project name Application.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Power Of Dancing (12th Apr 1994)
Into The Fire (2nd Sep 1994)
Power Of Dancing '97 (1st Apr 1997)
Electric Operator (15th May 1998)
Power Of Dancing 2000 (6th Dec 1999)

Their greatest success was Power Of Dancing, featuring MC Hi-Hat. It was written and produced by Pit Baylay (P. Ballweg) and DJ Llördy. After the CD single, released under Shift Music, distributed by ZYX, a remixes CD was released, including an Airplay mix, a Clubmix and a Dubmix. Then came Into The Fire, featuring Christina (actually Tina Safrany) and The Infinit One (aka Mark Harris, who also took part to Project P's single I Give You All My Love).

A 2000 version was even released a few years later. Then came the single Electric Operator, written by Ballweg and B. Lakeit.

Thanks to David Nivin "Captain DJ" and Necronomic



Meister (Robert)
EuroDance Producer


Robert Meister aka Robin Masters, aka Bob Wundermann, worked with Kai Matthiesen on the eurodance project Mr President. He also stood behind Master B - Dancing In The Night and contributed to X-perience - A Neverending Dream and to Crispy Kiss Me .

Artists and groups featuring Meister (Robert)

Master B - Dancing In The Night (1996), So Far Away
Mr President - Gonna Get Along (Without Ya Now) (1995), I Give You My Heart (1996), I'll Follow The Sun (1995)



EuroDance Group



Black & White (18th Jan 2013)

Black & White featured a female vocalist and a rapper. Lyrics were written by Pete Sussex, music was composed by Marco Delgardo. Label : 104pro Media

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Run To You (1995)

Run To You was produced by Oriol Crespo Productions, written by Miguel Angel Sánchez and Oriol Crespo. Label: Plastic Records.

Thanks to Klems



EuroDance Member


Melina Bruhn grew up in Canada and Hamburg (Germany). She is not only a singer and a songwriter, but she also produces and arranges her songs. She won a TV show contest while performing a song of her composition, Bubblegum Loving. Part of her prize was to do a couple shows with German artist Nena (famous for her hit 99 Luftballons) as a solo warm-up group.

She was featured on Double AA Dancers In The Night and sang lead and background vocals on Prince Ital Joe feat Marky Mark's Happy People (she even appears in the video) and United. But she never received any royalties for it

1997 : she was the voice on X-Why - Live Is Life. She also recorded a cover of I'll Survive with U-Stay, which appeared on the album Knockin' On Heaven's Door movie soundtrack. She toured with Udo Lindenberg, Matthias Reim.

Melina nowadays lives in NY where she moved as she was 16. She took part to a band called Community Sandwich. She did many voice overs, jingles and commercials for the greatest brands (Coca-Cola, Ericsson, Club Med, Lancôme, Amex...). She also id some acting in American movies (Going The Distance, Trade Center, The Good Shepherd, The Nanny Diaries) and famous TV series (Law & Order, Gossip Girl, CSI NY).

2008 : Melina was candidate in the real-TV show Das Supertalent 2008 in RTL.

2009 : Melina was featured on Babak Shayan - My Life

Nowadays, she tours with her band, the Oompahs.

Thanks to Klems

Artists and groups featuring Melina

Double AA - Dancers In The Night (1994)
Prince Ital Joe feat Marky Mark - Happy People (1993)
Unit - Move Your Body (1994)
X-Why - Live Is Life (1997)



EuroDance Group



Come With Me (To The Dance Floor) (1st Nov 2009)
I Need You (When You Love Me) (1st Nov 2009)
I Won't Let You Go (21st Sep 2010)

Label: Media Records Digital ‎

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Member


Focus On The Bass (1991)
Band Of Gold (1992)
Let Your Love Flow (1994)

Melissa Beckford was featured on Technotronic's single Turn It Up. She released 3 solo singles : Focus On The Bass in 1991, Band Of Gold in 1992 and Let Your Love Flow in 1994.

Thanks to Gianni

Artists and groups featuring Melissa

Technotronic - Turn It Up (1991)



Melissa (2)
EuroDance Group



Falling In Love (1997)

Falling In Love was released on the same vinyl as Treena's I Just Wanna Be With You under label Popular Records

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Member


German singer Melanie Münch aka Mell was born August 4th 1981 in Munich (Germany). Mell first developed a passion for singing when she was in playschool. She then moved with her family to Ingolstadt (Bavaria). She wanted to become a singer and practiced day and night, enjoying singing her favorite songs far more than doing her math homework. This is how she entered the school choir. Followed 2 years of classical singing lessons.

She met the Groove Coverage Producers Axel Konrad, Ole Wierk and her future husband Taly at a Karaoke-Bar in Ingolstadt, and was invited to sing and produce Moonlight Shadow. She became the lead singer of Groove Coverage. While she was pregnant with her second child until summer 2003, she was replaced by Verena Rehm in music videos, singles and album covers.

She has 2 children called Lina and Nico.

Artists and groups featuring Mell

Groove Coverage - God Is A Girl (2002), Holy Virgin (2005), She (2004), The End (2003)



Mellgren (Kajsa)
EuroDance Group



Angel Eye (1995)

In the early 90's, Kajsa was mainly known as a Swedish 'party-princess', who worked as a model and who appeared on lots of celebrity parties. In 1993 she got a job on the swedish music tv-channel 'Z-TV'. That same year she also appeared in the video Mr.Vain by Culture Beat, as a dancer.

In 1994 she started to work with Flexx, as a singer but, in 1995 she left the project and started to work on a solo-project simply called Kajsa which was produced by Alexander Bard (most known as a member of Army of Lovers). Kajsa released one single called Angel Eye. The single was a kinda fast eurotrack with a touch of happy hardcore, and became a rather small hit in Sweden. In the videoclip, Kasja played the role of a Barbie doll. Perhaps Kajsa & Bard made a whole album but it was never released. Kajsa also did some modelling, contributed to the Kajsa Cool Collection for H&M.

In the late 90's, Kajsa switched from TV to radio, and nowdays, the 28 year old, former party-princess, lives a bit cooler livestyle, and can only be heard on the Swedish Radio Station 'Radio City'. She also worked as wardrobe assistant on the movie Gossip (2000).

2004 : Kajsa spent 2 years in Australia, working as a cocktail hostess. Then she went back to Sweden and started a carreer of casting manager for various media company (Baluba, Endemol, ITV, Strix television).

Kajsa nowadays works as a casting manager for Meter Film & television.

Thanks to Vision

Artists and groups featuring Mellgren (Kajsa)

Flexx - Flexxible (1994), Runner-Up (1994), The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1994)



Melloni (Silvio)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer Silvio 'Prinz' Melloni contirbuted to many Italo disco and Italo dance projects (such as Kim Lukas).

Artists and groups featuring Melloni (Silvio)

Harrow Den - Holiday Night (1989)
Hooker Tom - Sex-O-Phone & Funk Guitar (1991)
Huntington Eddy - Band Bang Baby (1989), May Day (1988), Physical Attraction (1989)
Kate Project - A Better World (1998)
Laurae - Luv If U Can (1996)
Lukas Kim - All I Really Want (1999), Let It Be The Night (2000), To Be You (2000)
She's Ah Rebel - Piece Of My Heart (1995)
Simone Jay - Wanna B Like A Man (1997)
Taleesa - Love For Free (1988)
Wildside - Take A Chance (1999)



Melodie MC
EuroDance Group



Northland Wonderland (1993)

1.Free, 2.Take Me Away, 3.I Wanna Dance, 4.Feel Your Body Movin (Euroremix), 5.Funk Time, 6.So Good, 7.Dum Da Dum, 8.Wondering, 9.Come Together, 10.We're Down With The Dragons, 11.Feel Your Body Movin' (Original), 12.I Wanna Dance (Tom Droid vs Statikk),

The Return (1995)

1.Climb Any Mountain, 2.Give It Up (For The Melodie), 3.Bomba Deng, 4.Livin' in The Jungle, 5.The Light, 6.Anyone Out There, 7.Heaven, 8.Vibe, 9.Mr Harmony, 10.Safe Sex, 11.Dum Da Dum (UK Remix), 12.Give It Up (For The Melodie) (Doug's Clubmix),

The Ultimate Experience (1997)

1.The Ultimate Experience, 2.Melody, 3.Real Man, 4.Move On, 5.Embrace The Power, 6.Give Me Back Your Love, 7.Lose Control, 8.Walking Thru Fire, 9.Fake, 10.No!, 11.Mush It Up, 12.Phenomenia, 13.Give Me Back Your Love (808 Remix),


Feel Your Body Movin' (1992)
Take Me Away (1992)
I Wanna Dance (1993)
Dum Da Dum  (1993)
Free (1994)
We're Down With The Dragons (14th Jun 1994)
Give It Up (For The Melodie) (4th Nov 1994)
Anyone Out There (10th Feb 1995)
Climb Any Mountain (19th Apr 1995)
Living In The Jungle (1996)
Bomba Deng (11th Nov 1996)
Embrace The Power (1997)
Fake / Give Me Back Your Love (1997)
Real Man (13th May 1997)
Move On  (1998)
Fake (1998)
Dum Da Dum 2009 (Oct 2009)
I Feel Great (Pumping That House Sound) (14th Oct 2022)
Take Me Away 2022 (16th Dec 2022)
Free 2022 (16th Dec 2022)

Location : Sundsvall, Sweden
Rappers : Kent Lövgren (rapper), N. Lindberg a.k.a. Modest(co-rapper). Producer : Stattik

Kent Lövgren was born on July 26th 1970. He started his carreer as a hip-hop artist. He met his future partner-in-crime Statikk at school and together, at the end of the 80s, they founded Sidelake Productions (the label's name comes from the fact that their recording studio was near Sidsjön lake). As Melodie MC, he released his first single in 1992, a piano-house song entitled Feel Your Body Moving. But no record company wanted it. To promote it, Anders Melin, one of the Sidelake members, had the idea of adding it to the promo bags given to the winners the Gilberts Dance Awards and to have Kent Lövgren peform during the ceremony. The song entered Swedish Dance Charts top 5 and as a result, Melodie MC got signed under Sonet Music.

This first single it was followed by Take Me Away. Then Melodie MC left Sonet Music for Virgin. Followed many hits and 3 albums. We're Down With The Dragons, the latest track to be released as single from the first album, is a tribute to the basketball-team of Sundsvall.

Many vocalists took part to the project : as for the first album, the single version of Dum Da Dum (initially sung by Pia Sjöberg) was sung by Mayomi (who also released some solo singles, such as What Ever I, a kind of hip hop-dance). Rap samples belonged to Bianca Boyd (aka Nasty Chat) taken from 2 Static feat. Nasty Cat - Feel The Beat. This single was # 21 in Israel. Pia Tjärnlund sung for Free, So Good and Come Together. Johanna Ljungberg's voice was featured on Wondering, and Lotta Sundgren on I Wanna Dance.

As fot the second album The Return, Bomba Deng was sung once again by Mayomi and Safe Sex by Charlie King (who has also released some solo pop-songs, co-written and produced a lot of songs and done back-vocals for eg. Solid Base). Roberto Romboni took part to Give It Up and Anyone Out there. For Livin In The Jungle they used St James' voice (he had also released a  midtempo dance track in 1995 entitled I Would Die For You and was a member of Sound Factory). Climb Any Mountain (co-written with Rohen Heath from Urban Cookie Collective) was sung by Yvonne Shelton and Heaven and Mr Harmony by Susanne Bertlin.

Jocelyn Brown took part to almost all the last album's songs. Initially she was suppose to come over to Sweden and record one or perhaps two new tracks with Melodie Mc and Statikk. However the chemistry between them was so good, and they had so much fun, that the ended up recording seven new tracks with Jocelyn. Jenny Gustavsson sung the vocals of The Ultimate Experience, Charlie King appears on Fake, Obiaman and Susanne Bertlin were featured on No !, M Dread took part to Mush It Up, and Mattews Green (rapper on Pandora's Tell The World album) did Phenomenia.

On stage Johanna Ljungberg did the vocals and Susanne Bertlin the background vocals. Statikk also appears among the 3 keyboard players. Melodie MC's main rapper did rap-parts for S-Connection and appears on a track of the new Daze album.

In 1998, tired of the musical business' worst aspects, Kent left the project and retired from the music scene to go back to his studies, while Statikk kept on producing artists.

2009 : Melodie MC is going to re-release one of his first singles Dum Da Dum with a new version and remixes.

2011 : Dum Da Dum is featured in the trailer of Dutch movie New Kids Nitro.

Kent Lövgren is now running a marketing business (advertising agency Meteor PR) with 2 other business partners Tobias Björkman and Per Mattsson and teaches part time at the Mid Sweden university.

2020 : Melodie MC and Statikk are officially back for 90s concerts and festivals and they may also record new music too.

Thanks to Anders Lennartson, Vision, Bijoux, Stavros aka Musicboy, Andrew-FK and Trevor
Juha Soininen, book Move Your Body (2 The 90's): Unlimited Eurodance,
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions

Artists and groups featuring Melodie MC

Jennifer Newberry - Jump To The Beat (1999)
Melodie MC - Dum Da Dum  (1993), Embrace The Power (1997), Fake / Give Me Back Your Love (1997), Free (1994), I Wanna Dance (1993), Take Me Away (1992), We're Down With The Dragons (1994)



EuroDance Group



Shaieo (1995)

Label : GBEX (ExEx Records). The female vocalist was named Deborah. The musician team was built around Giuseppe Meddi, DJ Andrea Di Cicco (aka Demcek) and the engineer Marco Cucci. The single was written and composed by Nadia Lo Giudice, G. Meddi and Demcek, recorded at Titania Studios in Rome, published by Gennarelli Bideri.

Thanks to EmilGreg



EuroDance Group



Flash In The Night (5th Sep 1994)

Producers : B. Marissal, B. Van Garsse, M. Nachtergaele
Musical team : T. Norell, B. Hakanson
Produced by Scorpio Music

Only one single has been released so far, entitled Flash In The Night. It reached # 18 in Israel. The CD maxi included a Radio edit, a Night Movement mix, a Big Motion mix and a B-side called Day By Day. B. Van Garsse, M. Nachtergaele are also the producers of the project Firenze U Got The Feeling and X-Kameron .

Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions



Melone (Antonella)
EuroDance Member



Cosa Resterà... (1989)

Italian vocalist Antonella Melone started her carreer as studio vocalist for a few Italian rock bands such as N.O.I.A. and Steve Rogers Band (with Antonella Pepe). She then contributed to many projects in the 80s and 90s, for SAIFAM, Hi NRG Attack, Delta & LED Records.

Artists and groups featuring Melone (Antonella)

Alan Sorrenti - Bonno Soku Bodai (album) (1987)
Alberto Fortis - Carta Del Cielo (album) (1990)
Barbie Young - If You Can Say Goodbye (1991)
Cavaliere - Tirati Su (1991)
David Srb - It's Gonna Be Forever (1986)
Dee Dee Wonder - Darkmoon Fighter (1995)
Delta Queens - Baccarah (1997)
Drama (2) - Love For Sale (1996)
Eros Ramazzotti - In Ogni Senso (album) (1990)
Eskimo - Love And Fantasy (1990)
Frau - Cheeky Courting (1984)
Grace Cannon - Hey Sweat Dance (1995)
Laurie - Love To Dance (1992)
Le Ferrari - Dance With Me (1990)
Marco Masini - Marco Masini (album) (1990)
Mela - Love Me Too (1991)
Moltocarina - The Rhythm Of Love (1991)
Monkey Business - Every 1's A Winner (1987)
N.O.I.A. - True Love (1984)
Pierangelo Bertoli - Tra Me E Me (album) (1988)
SRB - I Duri Non Ballano (album) (1986)
Sara - Time Of Change (1994)
Spagna Ivana - Dedicated to the Moon (album) (1987)
Stadio - Canzoni Alla Stadio (album) (1988)
Starlett - Without Your Love (1998)
Stefano Pieroni - ... Di Buona Giornata (album) (1991)
Superlove - I Wanna Stop (1992), Playboy (1991)
Sweet 'N' Sour - Gimme Your Heart (1992)
Ursula - Take Me (1990)



EuroDance Group



Back In Time (23rd Oct 2023)

Meloona is a new project founded by the Swedish EDM producer and songwriter Camillah Ericsson (aka Mizz Camela). She did remixes for artists such as Groove Coverage, E-rotic and Nicco, she then pursued a career in freelancing and ghost production.

Meloona's first single Back In Time was a tribute to the 90s era and to eurodance, released in October 2023



Melotti (Ana Paola)
EuroDance Member



If You Don't Know Me By Now (2014)

Female vocalist Ana Paola Melotti was born in Buenos Aires on March 16th 1972. She arrived in Italy at the age of 4. She started singing in front of an audience as she was only 6. In the 90s, she contributed as studio vocalist to many Italian eurodance projects, such as Qruizia, Manico, Joe Garrasco and more... She collaborated with famous Italian eurodance producers Giuseppe Cigala, Luca Verzeletti, Pieradis Rossini and Gabriele Del Barba.

Other projects to which Ana Paola Melotti is believed to have sung for :
Beat Pressure - Rhythm (1994)
Onyx - Not To Be You (1996)
Tenax feat. F.B. Machine - You've Got To Fight

She met her husband in Italy, and together they moved to Germany. After her divorce 11 years later, she went back to Argentina and almost stopped singing during almost 8 years, working as a taxi-driver and caring about his brother's 2 songs. Her mum persuaded her that she should start singing again.

2013 : Ana moved to Germany again, and settled in Ludwigsburg. She made a living by working in a kebab shop and. She took part to real-TV casting show Rising Star 2014 and went to the final.

2016 : on January 23rd, together with the pianist Marko Kustic, Ana Paola Melotti performed during a live concert with band Tate in LiveClub Ebene3 in Heilbronn. Tate is a croatian cover band from Stuttgart playing Rock & Soul, including Ana Paola Melotti (vocals), Marko Kustic (keyboards), Iggy Rock Tudik (vocals & guitar), Alex Papa (percussions), Zeljko Pudja (drums), Dulijano Puhalj (bass & back vocals) and Fabrizio Capone (raps). The same year, together with Marko Kustic Ana Paola sang several songs in live concerts including famous covers, such as the song Careless Whisper in memory of George Michael.

After spending some time in Stuttgart, Ana Paola came back to Argentina. She lives in Santa Rosa and works as a vocal coach.

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Melotti (Ana Paola)

Garrasco Joe - Freedom (1995)
Manico - Turn Me On (1994)
Qruizia - Fly To The Sky (1995)



EuroDance Group



Hot Shot (1996)

Label : Reputation Records. Producer : Bobby Orlando.

Thanks to DJ Marto Aida



Melrose Ave
EuroDance Group



I'm In Love (1993)

I'm In Love was recorded and mixed at Pink Studio, Reggio Emilia (Italy) and featured vocals by Annerley Gordon

Thanks to Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



My Life Is In Your Hands (1996)
Voices (1997)

Label: Sony Music Entertainment. My Life Is In Your Hands featured the vocalist Hazel Watson. It was produced and mixed by Richard Dekkard and Phil Dane, released under the label S3. It was featured on the compilation Dance Now! vol. 15.

Thanks to Crazy4Music



Memory Of Sound
EuroDance Group



Maniac (1995)

Maniac (originally sung by Michael Sembello in 1983) featured vocals by Marian Dacal. It was produced by Ilde Irún. Label: Chrysalis

Thanks to Abelito and Ulysses



Men Behind
EuroDance Group



Feel The Life (23rd Dec 1993)
How Can I? (7th Sep 1994)


Feel The Life (1993)
How Can I? (1994)

Vocalist : Melanie Thornton. The singles were released by Edition Get Into Magic/Warner Chappell.

How Can I was composed by Todd Canard, Peter Aleksander, Morrison Long and JD Wood. The lyrics were written by Morrison Long (who also contributed to the songwriting of many DJ Bobo tracks). The single was mixed at Sound Everest, Germany. Feel The Life, released the same year, was composed by Todd Canard, Peter Aleksander and JD Wood. The lyrics were written by JD Wood, Lil'Dee (maybe the rapper) and Melanie herself.

The group also have released remixes CDs of both How Can I and Feel The Life. The How Can I remix was done by Masterboy (as Skywalker and Novarini) and is a very sought after item. The remixes CD included 3 tracks : Radio edit, Club mix and Vox mix.

The Men Behind project is also a remixers team : among others, they remixed Sparks' hit When Do I Get To Sing My Way and Scooter's Move Your Ass.

Remixes by the Men Behind team :

Erasure - Always
Microbots - I Didn't Know What To Expect
Pharao - World Of Magic
Sparks - When Do I Get To Sing My Way
Scooter - Move Your Ass!
Victoria Wilson James - Reach 4 The Melody

Thanks to Dean M Nakanishi - Eurodance 'N Other Stuff
Thanks to Klems, MelodyMan, Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin and D-Man '94



Mendy Lee
EuroDance Member



Mendy Lee (1990)

1.Expert, 2.Cry - I Just Want To Cry, 3.Call My Bluff, 4.You Are The Best, 5.Thrill - It's A Thrill To See You Again, 6.He's, 7.Somebody Wants You, 8.Wishing On A Star, 9.Ante Up, 10.Fashions,


Love Attack (1985)
You (Find Me Another Man) (1987)
Wishing On A Star (1988)
Call My Bluff (1988)
Good Friend  (1991)
Promises (1992)
Ain't No Mountain High Enough (1992)
After The Love (Has Lost Its Shine) (1992)
Party (Remixed By 3-Nuts) (1993)
Gotta Have It (From New York Straight To Paris) (1993)
Ain't Nobody (1994)
Git Wit Me (1996)
Love Hurts (1997)
So Tonight (1997)
How Could You Walk Away (1998)
The Power Of Love (1998)

Mendy Lee Bernard was the very first Masterboy vocalist. She contributed to the first album The Masterboy Family. She also toured with the group and did a few TV appearances.

She had previously released some solo singles such as You (Find Me Another Man). She also did background vocals on The Kids From Fame's eponymous album in 1982, on Thomas Dolby's album Aliens Ate My Buick in 1988 (on the song The Key To Her Ferrari) and on Martika's track Water. She also competed in the TV show Star Search, singing I Will Survive, but did not went further than semi-finals.

She then took the alias Paris Red and took part to several BG the Prince of Rap songs. She also did vocals on Pearl feat. Zaradika's single Celebrate. Meanwhile, she had a very successful solo carreer and released 2 albums.

Then in 1991, she appeared on the track Turn It Up, on Nick Kamen's album Us.

2001 : she did backing vocals on Natalie Cole'e I Live For Your Love, on her album Love Songs.

Thanks to Alex Brain

Artists and groups featuring Mendy Lee

BG the Prince of Rap - Rock A Bit (1994), The Colour Of My Dreams (1994)
Fran-Key - The Power Of Love (1994)
Masterboy - I Need Your Love (1991)
Pearl (1) - Celebrate (1994)



Menichetti (Riccardo)
EuroDance Producer


Producer Riccardo Menichetti contributed to many Italian eurodance projects, such as New System and Tennessee.

Nowadays, he works in the chocolate factory he founded in 2001, Menichetti Choccolato in Ponte a Egola.

Thanks to Rikardo music

Artists and groups featuring Menichetti (Riccardo)

DC Mark - Baby Love (1996), I Need You (1995)
Derby - In The Colour (1995)
Gilly B - Tonight (1995)
KM - Dance (1997)
Lunja - Close Your Eyes (1995)
NTN - Heartbeat (1997)
New System - Let Me Take (1996), This Is The Night (1994)
Prime - To Be Free (1995)
Rife - Love (1996)
Tenessee - Tell Me (1995)
Tracy - Push (1996)
ZEN (2) - Fly Today (1994)



Mensi (Gianluca)
EuroDance Producer


Italian producer Gianluca Mensi was born 10 March 1971 in Valenza, Italy.

Artists and groups featuring Mensi (Gianluca)

Andrew Sixty - (I've Had) The Time Of My Life (1995)
Cadeo Fanny - I Want Your Love (1996)
Clark Debbie - Be Your Baby (1997), Virtual Lover (1998)
Cupido - Historias de Amor (1996)
Floris Antoinette - Lollypop (1995)
Joyce - Sexy Lover (1996)
Monni - Can You Feel My Heart (1995)
Saraiva Regina - Killing Me Softly (1996)



EuroDance Group



Why Me? (1996)

Mentronix was a Spanish dance act that was produced by La Santa Danza group (Jose Antonio Rodriguez, Jose Antonio Sánchez and Pedro Rodriguez). Executive producers were Javier Pascual Campoy and Manuel Fernández Benavent. Single Why Me? featured guest vocals by Vanessa García Sempere. Recorded and Mixed at Oasis Studio. Label: Discoshop Productions.

Thanks to Ulysses



EuroDance Group



Euphemia (Sep 1991)
State Of Mind (Dec 1992)
Keep On (Groovin) (Oct 1993)
You Got Me Burnin' Up (1994)
You Got Me Burnin' (28th Nov 1994)
Back In Time (1995)
My Love (Apr 1995)
Voices (1996)
Mystery Of Love (12th Aug 1997)
People (2nd Apr 1998)
Waitin' For Love (1999)
Superstition (1999)
Simple Man (2004)
Simple Song (2004)
State of mind II (2008)
Yerba De Ibiza (2008)
The Beat Of The Bee (Apr 2009)
In The Name Of Love (4th Oct 2010)
Forever Mine (5th Feb 2021)
Boom Boom Boom (5th Jan 2024)


You Got Me Burnin' (1994)

Maurizio D'ambrosio alias Mephisto was born in Verbania (Italy) on November 13th 1963. He started his career as DJ on the beginning of 1980. Due to his everlasting passion for music, he started to study self-taught all the recording studios innovations of that time like samplers, synthetizeds, effects, midi, etc. From 1990 to 1992 he practised these innovations in a disco club called Kursaal-Verbana, this was the beginning of his success. Between the disco and his little recording studio, he released the maxi single Euphemia in September 1991 (under the labels Palmares and Dance Opera). It became one of the most played records in discotheques, with 10 000 copies sold in Italy, but he did not get that much recognition, and was ignored by the radios.

In December 1992, he recorded, mixed and produced State Of Mind. On January 1993 it had reached #1 in all Italian dance charts, and in March it was the most sold single in Italy. He suddenly become very famous and appreciated, and started touring in the biggest Italian discos. His show was a mix of samplers, expanders, and high quick mix with records, together with a vocalist (which was a premiere).

In October 1993, the follow-up Keep On Groovin was released. He also did a remix of Corona's The Rhythm Of The Night.

In July 1994, he released under Palmares in Italy and Polydor in Germany the amazing eurodance single You Got Me Burnin Up. It featured the voice of Shunza (and an unknown rapper), and the maxi contains the following 4 mixes : Vocal Radio Remix, Bomba Deng Remix, Hard Tribal Remix & The Rap Remix. It went top 20 in almost all the European charts. Shunza (born in China in 1973) sung a lot of Mephisto tracks. Afterward, between 1998 and 2003, she went solo and did a fine career in Asia. In 1999, she won a big prize in Taiwan : the Golden Song Prize for best singer.

On December 1994 he climbed another step in his DJ career : the Titanic, a big discotheque (3000 persons capacity) in Lugano (Switzerland) offered him a one-year contract as resident DJ and artistic director. The same year, he released My Love and Back In Time.

At the beginning of 1996, he opened a new recording studio in his home city Verbania, and in March he created his own label Sisma Records. The first single to be produced under this label was the dream house single Voices. It was released as 3-tracks CD single and 9-tracks CD maxi and went #2 in the French dance charts. At the same moment, he was busy managing the discotheque Il Tokyo in Cannobio (Italy).

He kept on the dream house wave with the single Mystery Of Love, which had some success in France. It was licenced under ZYX in Germany and Remixed Records in Sweden.

1999 : he released Waitin' For Love, in the disco house style (it was top ten in France), followed by the single Superstition (both licensed under Airplay records in France). The deejaying in the best French clubs, from Paris to Monte Carlo, from Marseille à Lille

2004 : after 5 years of silence, Mephisto was back with a double single, Simple Man / Simple Song.

2008 : a new version of State Of Mind was released under the name Phunk Investigation & Anthonio Napoli vs Mephisto.

2009 : Mephisto released a new single entitled The Beat Of The Bee, dedicated to his son's birth.

2010 : his new single was entitled In The Name Of Love and it was a collaboration with Kurtis Blow. The same year, he contributed to reviving a mythic place, the Villa Giulia o Kursaal in Verbania (Lago Maggiore) through 3 big events : Remember Kursaal.

2012 : Maurizio was very busy running a restaurant/beach club called Lido Beach Lounge on Cannobio Lago Maggiore.

2019 : after many years of silence, he felt the need to reboot his recording studio.

2021 : he released (in France only) Forever Mine, a new song dedicated to his brother and sister, based on samples taken from Sheila's hit Spacer, and featuring Wendy D. Lewis.

2024 : he released a single under a new alias, Nuna, entitled Boom Boom Boom

Thanks to reBeL, Kizoo, Carver, Eurohitmusic, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin and Fred from DanceWebSite

Artists and groups featuring Mephisto

La Rouge - Makin' Love (1994)
Medusa (2) - Waitin' For Love (1995)
Silver Pozzoli - Don't Forget Me (1994)



Mer Dyana
EuroDance Group



Crank It Up (1995)

FM Version of Crank It Up appeared on Japanese compilation House Revolution Vol. 35.

Thanks to Gianni



Merletti (Nicoletta)
EuroDance Producer


Italian songwriter Nicoletta Merletti contributed as songwriter to projects Indiana/Diana's as well as Ma-Su and Messina. She was probably also the singer for Ma-Su and Messina.

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Merletti (Nicoletta)

Diana's - All I Need Is Love (1995)
Indiana - All I Need Is Love (1994)
Ma-Su - Lies In My Life (1995)
Messina - I Believe In Tomorrow (1995)



EuroDance Group



Fly (With Me) ()

Fly was included on the compilations Dance Paints 2 (Blue) and Power Dance Hits Vol. 1 in 1997. The song reminded a little bit of Sandy - Bad Boy.



Mertens (Linda)
EuroTrance Member


Linda was born 20th July 1978 in Wilrijk, from Tunisian descent (her mother is Flemish, and her father Tunisian). She studied Art and after high school, she did 2 years of hairdressing studies, but she she never really liked it. She started her artistic carreer with a group called Secret Fantasy. While she was in a club with some friends in 2000, she found the courage to ask Regi if needed a singer for Milk Inc. After 2 auditions, she was finally selected. "My first year with Milk Inc. was very hard.", Linda remembers. "I didn't have any musical education, no stage experience except the one as a dancer at discotheques".

Linda nowadays lives in Herentals, her favourite city. She is 1,63m and weights 54 kg. Her favourite meals are spaghetti and wok. Her favourite actor is Brad Pitt.

2012 : In July, she was chosen to be the face of beauty brand Per-fekt Benelux. In November, she was among the candidates to take part to real-TV show Sterren op de Dansvloer. She teamed with Dutch model and dancer Aerjen Mooijweer (who, apart from his regular contributions to the show, also appeared on Ned1's show Strictly Come Dancing). The dance couple made it till the quarter finals, then were eliminated.

2013 : Linda won award for best singer pop at Annes Vlaamse Muziek Award yesterday

2014 : in November, Linda gave birth to a baby girl called Lio.

2017 : her daugther sadly passed away from a rare form of cancer. She was only 2 years old

Artists and groups featuring Mertens (Linda)

Jessy - Getting Out (2008)
Milk Inc - Blackout (2009), Blind (2005), Breathe Without You (2002), Chasing The Wind (2010), Fire (2011), Forever (2008), Go To Hell (2005), Guilty (2009), I Don't Care (2004), I'll Be There (La Vache 2011) (2011), In My Eyes (2002), Livin A Lie (2001), Miracle (2012), Never Again (2001), No Angel (2006), Race (2008), Run (2006), Shadow (2011), Sleepwalker (2002), Storm (2010), Sunrise (2007), Sweet Child O' Mine (2013), Tainted Love (2006), The Sun Always Shines On TV (2003), Time (2003), Tonight (2007), Whisper (2004), Wide Awake (2001)



Mery J
EuroDance Group



Angel's Night (1994)

Label : Z'Up (Propio records). Angel's Night (wrongly spelled Algel's Night on the record) featured a solo female vocalist, probably Stefania Aggio. It was written by G. Ruso. No relation with Mary J.

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Mery J

DMJ - Hypnotize (1996)



EuroDance Group



Vaffanculo (1995)
Show Me Your Body (Gimme Some) (Apr 1996)
Moonlight Shadow (1997)
Don't You Forget About Me (1997)

Their very first single was entitled Vafancullo, released in 1995. It was a cover of an Italian track, whose lyrics were re-written in Spanish. It was played a lot in Brazil and featured on the compilation Maxi Pan. The follow-up single was Show Me Your Body in April 1996. Vocals were probably performed by Simona Marin. On the vinyl's sticker was mentioned the fact that it was a project of Cristiano Trabujo, Giuliano Rame and Peter Valdi

One year later they covered the famous anthem Moonlight Shadow, but it was not very successful.

No relationship with the Italian project which released Nomads in 1993.

Thanks to Apho and Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Lunes, Martes (1996)

Label : Bit Music.

Thanks to EurodanceRage



EuroDance Group



Your Music Is A Show (25th Mar 1996)

Your Music Is A Show was written by Roberto Negroni, released in 1996 under the label HM/Euphoria, and featured on the Deep Dance 43 compilation.

A single entitled Thunderdome / Destroyer was released in 1993. maybe it's the same project, maybe not.

Thanks to reBeL and Marian Stoica



EuroDance Group



I Believe In Tomorrow (1995)

Label : Blackbeard records (also label for Laguna, X-Fade, Peter Gast etc.). The single was produced by Ciro Pisano, El Zigeuner, written by Roberto Zucchini. It featured vocals by Marilena Messina.

Thanks to reBeL



Messina (Francesca)
EuroHouse Member


Italian singer Francesca Messina born September 10th, 1972 in Florence. She was said to be a real countess from a florentine noble family

Francesca started her musical career as a singer in the Italian vocal ensemble Jubilee Shouters in the 90's. With them, she recorded the album Black & Blue released under Sensible Records label. Meanwhile, she collaborated with other labels (such as New Music International) as a studio vocalist for some dance projects (Love nation, Degirl, Gaya, Noemi Dee),

Then she became the vocalist and frontwoman for the euro House/italodance project Lady Violet, singing from the second single, and was awarded a a golden record.

In 2003, despite the success achieved, she decided to leave the Lady Violet project to pursue an acting career and took part in the acting company Laboratorio 9. After obtaining a degree in literature, she started playing the guitar and writing lyrics. In 2008 she started singing again, these time in the italian rock project La Materia Strana releasing an E.P. titled Raptus.

In 2012 she started working for own solo project Femina Ridens. The same year, she was featured on Danza Rossa, a song on Gargamella's album Teta Velata.

2018 : she did vocals on Alessandra, a track on album Giraffe by Àlia

Thanks to Andrew-FK

Artists and groups featuring Messina (Francesca)

Bastrik 99 - World's Flow (2001)
Degirl - Wherever You Are (1995)
Femina Ridens - Femina Ridens (2013)
Gaya - It's Love (1998)
Lady Violet - Beautiful World (2000), Calling Your Name (2001), In Your Mind (2002), Lovin You Baby (2000), No Way No Time (2001)
Love Nation - Come On Let It Be (1995)
Noemi Dee - Out Of My Soul (Take Your Time) (1999)
Soul 'B' Luc - Feelin' Alright (2001)



EuroDance Group



Slow Down (26th Jun 1995)
City Of Sin (25th Jan 1999)

Metrix is a group created by Ulf Ekberg (formerly from Ace of Base). He helped 2 girls and a boy, Shirley Clamp, Cathie Shade and Kreem to release a single in May 1995, Slow Down. It was co-produced by StoneStream and John Ballard, recorded in Gothenburg. It was written by John Ballard, StoneStream, Ahlin and Kreem. Backing vocals were done by Caroline Holm, Cathrin Strandberg and John Ballard.

After that a new single was released, named City Of Sin. Since then, nothing have been released or heard from them.

In 2004 Shirley Clamp almost won the Swedish Melodifestivalen song contest. She released 2 albums called Den Långsamma Blomman ("the slow flower") and Lever Mina Drömmar (meaning : "Are my dreams alive") as well as many singles.

Thanks to Christian Stödberg



Metro 7
EuroDance Group


Take Me In Your Arms (1998)

Take Me In Your Arms was released on Russian compilation Последняя Вечеринка На Титанике 2



EuroDance Company


Sublabel of German records company EAMS.



EuroDance Group



Don't Let This Feeling Pass (1995)

Fulvio Zafret stands behind Mezzaluna. This single, produced, written and arranged by David Zambelli and Giovanni Fugazza, was released under the label Crackers. Vocals could have been done by Zeitia Massiah.



MFM Independent Records
EuroDance Company


MFM Independent Records was an Italian dance label, a division of Cut Studio Productions based in Monza .



EuroDance Group


So Good (1993)
The Seed Of Hapiness (1993)

MG is a project produced by Giorgio Meletti (the project's name comes from his initials). Label : Flying records. So Good was mixed by Marco Giola and Mauro Minieri, licensed in France under Airplay Records. The second single The Seed Of Hapiness featured Leila.

Thanks to Apho



EuroDance Group



Rep pod dozhdem (1992)

1.Serp i molot, 2.Ya zhdal, 3.Pora veselyh vstrech, 4.Rep pod dozhdem, 5.Milaya devchonka, 6.Ryzhaya devchonka, 7.Ya za rulem, 8.Diskoteka, 9.Instrumental,

Tehno (1993)

1.Proshchay, prosti!, 2.Barynya, 3.Zabolel zub, 4.Nochnoy kontsert, 5.Voyna, 6.Vpered!, 7.Serzhant Egor, 8.V mire tehnologiy…, 9.Telefon,

Bespredel (1994)

1.Bespredel, 2.Bud so mnoy, 3.Jump, 4.Smyataya postel, 5.Barynya #2, 6.Tehno-trans, 7.Panki-dens, 8.Dvornik Vasiliy,

Marshrut na Yupiter (1995)

1.Marshrut na Yupiter, 2.S toboy tantsuem, 3.Indiyskiy okean, 4.One, Two, Three, Four, 5.Ne uhodi, 6.Vody Ganga, 7.Jump (Remix), 8.Poydu l, vyydu l ya, 9.Mix 'MGK',

Ostrov lyubvi (1996)

1.Novoe vremya, 2.Ostrov lyubvi, 3.Notch, 4.Ragga Mix, 5.Tayna, 6.Serdtse, 7.Ya zhdal, 8.Belyy teplohod (Remix), 9.MGK - Trance,

Russkiy albom (1997)

1.Svechi, 2.Ah, kakie ty…, 3.Padaet sneg, 4.Davay, spoem, 5.Hudozhnik, 6.Dozhd, 7.Angel lyubvi, 8.Ryzhiy, 9.Tropinka, 10.Morskaya dal, 11.Zamok Edem,

Skazhi Da! (1997)

1.A za oknom pechal…, 2.Skazhi 'Da'!, 3.Mne nuzhen ty, 4.Otkroyu albom, 5.Dalniy Vostok, 6.Moya sudba - doroga, 7.Den rozhdeniya, 8.Rozhdestvenskaya, 9.Ni o chem ne zhaley, 10.Sinyaya ptitsa, 11.Mir dlya druzey,

Eshcho raz pro lyubov (15th Jun 1999)

1.Zolotaya luna, 2.Skoryy poezd, 3.Pozvoni, 4.Posledniy raz, 5.Pervaya lyubov, 6.Osenniy list, 7.Eshche raz pro lyubov, 8.Schastlivyy den, 9.Ne speshite, devchonki, 10.Veter, 11.V tvoey ruke moya ruka, 12.Indiyskiy okean (Remix),

Novyi albom (2000)

1.Nomer odin, 2.Eto ne son, 3.Ptitsa-lyubov, 4.Letniy sad, 5.Dom tri okoshechka, 6.Ou-ou!, 7.Belym golubem, 8.Eto ne son, 9.A ya, a ya, a ya!, 10.Dumi-dumi!, 11.Do novyh vstrech!,

Zolotyie Tsvety (Gold Flowers) (2001)

1.He zabyvai, 2.Ty Zabyl, Ya pomnyu, 3.Ne Gasi, 4.Zolotyie Tsvety, 5.Tvoi Glaza, 6.Lyubov', 7.Foto Gerl, 8.Vcpomnayu Laskovyi Mai, 9.Istoriya, 10.Polynotch', 11.Tchernoe More,

Gde Teper' Lyubov'? (2002)

1.Ya zhdu tebya, 2.Gde teper lyubov?, 3.Svechi (Remix), 4.Zvezda, 5.Zimnyaya skazka, 6.Vse pozadi, 7.17 let, 8.Snova stuk koles, 9.Belaya vyuga, 10.Davno zabytaya pesnya, 11.Ya uletayu, 12.17 let (Remix), 13.Zimnyaya skazka (Remix),

Lyubov' Ty Vozmi S Soboi... (15th May 2003)

1.Lyubov ty vozmi s soboy, 2.Den za dnem, 3.Posmotri, 4.Esli vdrug, 5.Vspomni, 6.Schitayu eti dni, 7.More, 8.Za oknom, 9.Gorod spit, 10.Nashi vstrechi, 11.Svadba,

Lena (Jun 2004)

1.Odinokoe serdtse, 2.Tam, v dekabre, 3.Sneg, 4.Smeetsya den, 5.Proshchalnyy dozhd, 6.Lyubimyy, 7.Lodka, 8.Ranenaya ptitsa, 9.Otpusti, 10.Pervyy sneg vesny,

Snitsya Dozhd' (2005)

1.Snitsya dozhd, 2.Serdtse, 3.Pyatnadtsat dney, 4.Svetlyy Berlin, 5.Koster, 6.Strannyy vecher, 7.Ya ishchu dorogu k nebu, 8.Letniy sad, 9.Zhizn bez lyubvi, 10.Perekrestok, 11.Gde ty?,

Na Krayu Sveta (2007)

MGK (МГК) was founded in January 1992 by composer Vladimir Kyzylov, guitarist Sergey Gorbatov and Vladimir Malginov. Project's name was made of their last names' letters. They are considered as pioneers of Russian dance and techno

They released their first studio album Rep pod dozhdem (Рэп под дождём, meaning Rap in the Rain) in 1992 under label Soyuz. Then in 1994 came album Bespredel (Беспредел, means anarchie). Legend says that album was released just after a coup in Russia. End of 1994, they scored their first hit with euro-reggae song Indiyskiy Okean, which was featured on a compilation of their label. Vladimir Malginov spent less time with the project since he focused on his wife Nika's carreer.

In 1995, third album Marshrut na Yupiter (Маршрут на Юпитер, meaning road to Jupiter) was out. It was followed by Ostrov lyubvi the next year, under a new records company : Elias records. Album introduced female vocalist Elena Dubrovskaya, who would became the main singer of the project, as well as male singer-dancer Evgeny Marchenko. Before becoming a member of MGK, Elena used to sing for children choir A + B in Ivanovo.

From 1997 and album Russkiy albom, project's style turned to a more pop sound. Album was written by poet Sergei Paradis and almost all songs became hits. In 1998, album Skazhi Da! (Скажи "Да!) was out. A videoclip was shot for song Otkroyu albom. It was followed by Eshcho raz pro lyubov the next year. It contained a few ballads, as well as pop song Zolotaya luna for which a videoclip was shot

2000 : they released a compilation of their greates songs, as well as new album, simply entitled... Novyi albom (also called green album). It instroduced a new female vocalist called Marina Mamontova

2001 : their new album was entitled Zolotyie Tsvety (Золотые цветы, meaning Gold Flowers). Some songs featured singer Mikhail Filippov (who had already contributed as background singer to some songs on the previous album). Some others featured Marina Mamontova, and there was also a duet of Elena Dubrovskaya and Mikhail Filippov (on song Ty Zabyl, Ya pomnyu).

2002 : they released album Gde Teper' Lyubov'?. Elena Dubrovskaya sung only 3 of the album's song. Other songs were performed by Mikhail Filippov or by Yevgenia Bakhareva

2003 : new MGK album was entitled Lyubov' Ty Vozmi S Soboi... (Любовь ты возьми с собой...) and it was released on May 15th.

2004 : in June they released their new album Lena.

2005 : they released 2 big compilations gathering all their albums

2007 : MGK were back wtih a new album entitled Na Krayu Sveta

2010 : MGK and their frontlady Elena Dubrovskaya were back on stage.



EuroDance Group



I Want You (1995)

Vocals were done by Elena K. The single was written was written by M. Perzolla and Marius Percali. It was released under the label Out records, licensed in France under MCA.

Elena K also contributed to The Neibhorts' single Come Baby Come.

Thanks to Apho



MI Projekt
EuroDance Group



Believe In Love (1993)
Hey DJ (1993)
The Power Of The Night (1993)

Label: Octagon Records. The project, also known as M.I. Project, featured the rapper Gordon and the vocalist Felicia Peters. It was produced by M. Eirich. 2 other songs, Hey DJ and The Power Of The Night, appeared on one of their record's company promo compilation in 1993.

Thanks to Gianni, Ninja and EurodanceRage



Mia Minx
EuroDance Group



Open Up Your Heart (1997)
Your Love Is The Key (1998)
Whenever U're By My Side (1998)
If Tomorrow Never Comes (1999)

The project, based in Toronto, featured a solo female vocalist. The producer is Mark Ryan (who also stood behind the project Temperance)

The song Open Your Heart appeared on the compilations D.J. Club Mix Vol 11, D.J. Line Vol 26 and Rhythm Formula Anthems.

Your Love Is The Key was mixed by 22 Green and World Jump, produced by Mark Ryan, written by H. A. Der Hovagimian and S. Toughlouian. Label : Polymedia.

The last single If Tomorrow Never Comes was featured on the compilation Pure Dance 4.

Thanks to Yane the Greek and to Ben



EuroDance Group



Qualcosa Di Pulito (1992)

1.Tu che vivi nella giungla, 2.Non c'e pace tra di noi, 3.Un uomo piangera, 4.Un piccolo aiuto, 5.E mi pace, 6.Assassino, 7.Quante volte noi, 8.Il meglio di te, 9.You'll Be Comin' Home Janet Brown,

Xmas Dance (2013)

1.Merry Xmas 2 U, 2.Natale Puoi, 3.Christmas, 4.Jingle Bells, 5.Con Te Partiro, 6.Happy Xmas, 7.Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle, 8.White Christmas, 9.Love Me Tender, 10.Buon Natale,


Stella Tra Noi (1984)
Me Ne Andrò (1985)
Ribelle Su Questa Terra (1986)
Nuove Frontiere (1987)
Kriminal Love (1994)
Rape Me (9th Sep 1994)
Che caldo (Mar 2008)
Holiday (2010)
Su Di Noi (2011)
La Pornostar (2011)
Il Tipico Italiano (2nd Mar 2012)
Vorrei (Apr 2012)
Qui Si Balla (15th Jun 2012)
Tu Vivi Nell'Aria 2K13 (16th Feb 2013)
Balade Furlane (16th May 2014)
Gira (23rd May 2014)
El ritmo de La Habana (29th May 2015)
La Vida Es Chula (18th Jul 2015)
Reggaetonera (3rd Dec 2015)
Tu vivi nell'aria (18th Mar 2016)
È stato bello (12th May 2016)
Bella signora (20th May 2016)
Lisa (9th Mar 2018)
Insieme (4th May 2018)
Sarai Forte (26th Apr 2019)
Agata (29th Jan 2021)
Cowboy (21st May 2021)
Citazioni Di Dante Su Base Moderna (13th Aug 2021)
Roldo Canal (30th Dec 2021)
Inferno (31st Dec 2021)
Quanto ci vorrà (22nd Mar 2024)
Rewind (24th May 2024)
Angelo (11th Oct 2024)


Sarai Forte (21st Jun 2019)

Singer Giovanni Miani was born in Udine on March 25th 1962. He was finalist at Festival di Castrocaro in 1984. The next year, he presented the single Me Ne Andrò at Sanremo Festival, ending #2 in newcomers category. The following year, he was less lucky : his song Ribelle su questa terra was eliminated from final. Then, he did several tours in Russia and Canada.

After a creative pause, he was back in 1994, during eurodance era. His single Rape Me was released under the label Dig It, produced by M. Catalano and Giovanni Miani.

Kriminal Love, an awesome eurodance track, was arranged by S. Gislon and Paolo Galeazzi, producer and arranged by G. Miani, recorded and mixed by C. Diva, Maurizio Parafioriti. Label : Out Records.

Giovanni Miani also produced the singles Masha - Anymore and Josephine - Inside The Dream. Then he did a pause again...

2006 : Miani was back with a collaboration with M2 entitled Tu (Vivi Nell'Aria).

2012 : Miani, Fabio D and Laura S were featured on SlowBrothers' single 4 Parole...un anno dopo!!. He also recorded a duet with Ksenija entitled Vorrei

2015 : Miani's new single Reggaetonera was out on December 3rd

2016 : new from Miani, single Bella Signora

Artists and groups featuring Miani

Alpha-Vision - Just Too Funky (1995)
Andrea e I Souvenir - Senorita (2019)
Clubhunter - L'Amour Toujours (2011)
I Gotika - Stare Con Te (2010)
Ivan Fillini & Abrissgebeat - Giulia (2022)
Ivan Fillini - Fiky Fiky 2011 (2011), Tornero 2011 (2011)
Lancini Vince - It's Only Your Love (1995)
Love Industry - It's A Mystery (1995)
M2 - Tu (Vivi Nell'Aria) (2006)
Marc Korn x Ivan Fillini x Semitoo - Tu Vivi Nell Aria (2022)
Masha - Anymore (1995)
Miki M & Kenny May - Voglia D'Estate (2010)
Ponte Gabry - Vivi Nell' Aria (2009), You (Livin' In My Heart) (2009)
Secchi Stefano - Gloria (2003)
Slowbrothers - 4 Parole...un anno dopo!! (2012)



EuroDance Group



I Don't Care (1993)
Take Me Away (1996)

Take Me Away was produced, arranged and mixed by Gilmoar. Label : Drohm



EuroDance Group



All My Love (1989)
A Woman Has To Have A Lover (1990)
Before I Let Go (1990)
Work It Out (1991)
Love Is History (17th Feb 1994)
I Can Feel (1995)
Do Me Baby (1996)

Michèle Meyer aka Michele Karamat Ali aka Michelle is a Dutch female singer, born in Paramaribo on December 19th 1971. Her family moved to The Netherlands in 1974 and settled in Dordrecht, then Uithoorn. She passed her Mavo and Havo in Snellius, Amstelveen. As she was only 13, she took part to Henny Huisman's Soundmixshow and imitated Whitney Houston. In 1988, she participated again to the talent show and ended second.

In 1989, she released her first synth-pop single All My Love as Michèle. The following year, came A Woman Has To Have A Lover, a pop song under stage name Michèle Meyer. She was also featured on King Bee's Must Bee The Music and Back By Dope Demand. With King Bee, she performed as support act for Madonna in front of 50.000 persons. She also sung a duet with René Froger entitled With You I'm Born Again.

1994 solo single Love Is History was written by Phil Wilde, Peter Bauwens and Clayton, produced and arranged by Phil Wilde and Peter Bauwens for Soundsational Productions And Songs BVBA. Label : Jive. Then she did vocals on Sirius' single This Is My Life

In 1995 she released I Can Feel. Then came Do Me Baby in 1996, produced and written by Denniz Pop & Max Martin and that was quite succesful. She performed as support act for the Backstreet Boys.

Fromp 1997, she worked with several international producers : Johnny Jay, Fun Factory, Rico Sparx & Giovanni Falco. Then she became the singer of the tribute/cover band TooHotToHandle. In 2006, she toured with Turbo B from Snap! and DJ Rico Sparx. She also worked on a project called Zoom! and 2 singles were recorded in Germany in 2009 : Keep On Moving and Must Be The Music.

2021 : she performed as new vocalist for 2 Unlimited after Kim V left.

2022 : in November, she broke her foot so she had to do a pause. One month later, she was back on stage with Ray.

Thanks to Ninja and Klems

Artists and groups featuring Michele

King Bee - Must Bee The Music (1990)
Sirius - This Is My Life (1994)



Micheli (Federica)
EuroDance Member


Italian singer Federica Micheli was born 27 August 1973 in Trieste (Italy). She started singing in church's choir at the age of 9. Then she attended guitar and music theory lessons. As she was 12 she joined a children's chorale and did her first public appearances. She spent one year in the US to improve her knowledge of the language. Back in Italy, she tried to start a carreer by singing in bands, but without real success. She was hired as studio vocalist in Udine and contributed to Mo-Do, Clipps, X-Static and Einstein Dr Deejay. She was also credited on Kuadra ‎La Onda and probably took part to the following songs :

Black Light ‎- Light (1993)
Radioactivity ‎- Gimme Your Love (1993)
Spacelab ‎- Kastigo (1993)
X-Static - True Love (1997)

Then she joined Datura team.

Artists and groups featuring Micheli (Federica)

Clipps - Sleeping In My Car (1994)
Einstein Doctor Deejay - Automatik Sex (1994), Elektro Woman (1994)



EuroDance Group



The Way You Love Me (1995)

The Way You Love Me was recorded at B4 Studio in Gaggiano, produced by Graziano Pegoraro, arranged and mixed by Graziano Pegoraro, M. Biondi and D. Di Lorenzo.



Michelle (2)
EuroDance Group



Everything You Say (1st Sep 2008)

Label : Great Dance. Everything You Say was written by A. Bertapelle and Luca Tomasi. It was probably a song recorded in the 90s and previously unreleased. The euro mix suffered from sound distorsion.



EuroDance Group



Nothing Gonna Stop ()

Nothing Gonna Stop featured un uncredited female vocalist. In 2002, song was part of 7th edition of game Dance Dance Revolution. Ravenant Vankeler Remix (by Alessandro Gilardi and Claudio Varola) appeared in 2015 on compilation Dancing Mania Powerhits.

Thanks to Gianni



Micro Mania
EuroDance Group



Put Bass In Me ()
I Can't Get Enough (1991)
Body Music (1994)

Micro Mania was a projects of Marc Hartman and Roland Vernes. First single I Can't Get Enough featuring Phase Two was released in 1991. Follow-up Body Music ‎was released in 1994 under label Dance Factory.



EuroDance Group



Chip I (1992)
Chip II (1992)
Chip III (1992)
I Didn't Know What To Expect (23rd Nov 1995)
Cosmic Evolution (Part 1) (1998)
Cosmic Evolution (Part 2) (1998)
Burning Big Star (1999)
Sundancer (2001)
Polar Trax (2002)


I Didn't Know What To Expect (1994)

Behind Microbots stands the composer and remixer Tom Wax (aka Thomas Wedel, who remixed among others Jinny's One More Time or Jam & Spoon's Right In The Night). The first eurodance single Didn't Know was re-released in May 1995 under Sony Music. I Didn't Know What To Expect was composed and written by Thomas Wedel, Thorsten Adler & Noise Katzmann, with vocals by Kim Sanders. The CD included a remix by the Men Behind.

Other singles were released under the name Microbots (such as Chip1, Cosmic Evolution...) but they are all techno-related.



EuroDance Group



Estrella De La Noche (24th Sep 1994)
Fascinated (22nd Jan 1996)

Label : Da Music. Fascinated was produced by Andreas Wien and Matthias Röhm, written and composed by ISH.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



Save The Human Race (1995)

This amazing eurodance track released in 1995 on 2 compilations. I was composed and written by Glend, Gabrielli, Nabissi and Flexter, released under Ed. Lombardoni. It was also released as a vinyl under project name Gabry.

Thanks to Yane the Greek



Midnight Affair
EuroDance Group



Call Me Tonight (5th Aug 1994)

Call Me Tonight was a Remake from a 70s hit originally written and composed by Jean-Marc Cerrone. The B-Side Ce Soir was composed by D. Reichardt and G. Powis, with lyrics by F. Ramond. The single was released on both CD and vinyl by Polydor in Germany.

Thanks to reBeL and Cyber-dance



Midnight Affair (2)
EuroDance Group



Whisper Loudly (1993)
Someone (1995)

First single Whisper Loudly was a freestyle song featuring Deborah Connors and Sergio Rey (who also wrote the lyrics), recorded and mixed by C. Kawal and Michael Alioto at Chicago Trax Recording, released in 1993. 2 years later, eurodance song Someone was released, maybe only as promo. It was written by Sergio Rey, Deborah Connors and Michael Alioto, recorded by Michael Alioto and Tom Carlisle. Label : October Babies Records

Not relation with German project Midnight Affair.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



4 My Love ()
Mig-29 (1992)
I'm The King (1992)
Parie Seconda (Jun 1992)
Love Fantasy (1993)
War In Heaven (1994)
Promises (1995)
Je T'aime Moi Non Plus (1995)

Behing Mig 29 stand M. Bonardi, Mauro Picotto, Andrea Puntillo & Gianfranco Bortolotti. They mainly released techno-rave tracks.

The song War In Heaven was also a track on a Cappella album. Some other techno singles such as Mig-29, Cover Fantasy and I'm The King (written by M. Aventino & F. Scandalori) were released in the early 90s

Maybe it's the same project as the one who released the very nice eurodance song 4 My Love, maybe not.

Thanks to Danny and Gianni



Mighty Marvels
EuroDance Group



Breaking My Heart (1995)
I Want Your Love (Tonight) (1996)

Mighty Marvels was a project of Vito Di Domenico, Francesco "Checco" Angelastro and Giovanni "Johnny" Verde. Producers represented themselves as superheroes on the records' sleeves (which were talentfully drawn by Francesco Angelastro himself).

First single Breaking My Heart was written by Vito Di Domenico, arranged by Francesco Angelastro, Giovanni Verde, Vito Di Domenico with additional arrangement by Emilio Lanotte, and Salvo Doria. On record's back sleeve, the 3 characters were introduced as being Checco Comix (Francesco Angelastro), Dr Kirby (Vito Di Domenico) and Johnny G (Giovanni Verde). The 4th character is probably the vocalist.

Second single I Want Your Love (Tonight) featured vocalist Samantha Traiano. It was written by Vito Di Domenico, produced, performed and arranged by Checco Comix, Dr. Kirby and Johnny G. Checco Angelastro, co-produced by Nino Savino. Sound engineer was Nuccio Cappiello. The team thanked Santy Byron, Lele Procida, Piero Cutecchia, Enzo Dente, Tonio Martini, Arturo Castoro, Cinzia Clemente, Mariagrazia Carulli and Redricky D.J.

Label : ZAC records



Mighty Reel
EuroDance Group



Step Up To The Line (1996)

Step Up To The Line was used on Eddie movie soundtrack in 1996. It was written by Kimberly Blake, Doug DeAngelis, Sam Hollander and David Schommer

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Attitude (1994)

1.Prologue, 2.Get Ready, 3.Attitude (CD Version), 4.Get On The Move, 5.P.F.B., 6.You & Me (Innocence), 7.Hold On, 8.All Or Nothin', 9.I Feel, 10.Set Me Free (Remix), 11.Lovin' You, 12.Get Ready (Cream Clinic's Club Mix), 13.All Or Nothin' (Dance Beat Club Mix),

Miisa (1995)

1.All Or Nothing, 2.How Will I Know, 3.Hold On, 4.Get Ready, 5.Hold Me Now, 6.Love Is, 7.Set Me Free, 8.Can't Give It Up, 9.Missing You, 10.Love Revolution, 11.Heart To Heart, 12.P.F.B., 13.Get On The Move (Bonus Track),


Upside Down (1991)
Hold On (1993)
Set Me Free (1993)
You & Me (Innocence) (1994)
Lovin U (1995)
All Or Nothing (12th Sep 1995)
Get Ready (1996)
How Will I Know (1996)

Miisa is a great eurodance project from Finland produced by Chris Owen, who was also songwriter and composer, featuring a female vocalist and a rapper. Miisa-Leena Päällysaho the front woman (born February 19 1970) was a model from Turku, who probably has never sung herself (real vocalist was Karin Strömfelt from Dreamland project). Anyway, she took part to the writing of some of her songs.

The very first single Hold On was released under Sony Music Entertainment (Finland) in 1993.

The single Set Me Free was arranged By J. Drome, P. Lowland & Chris Owen. It was released under label Epic and entered the USA's Dance Chart at #9.

The album Attitude was recorded at Finnvox Studios, mixed and engineered by J. Karjalainen, edited and mastered by Mika Jussila. Male vocals were done by David Sonko. The album was released under Dance Pool in 1994. It was released under the title Miisa for the US a year later. This time the style was mostly pop, without euro sounds anymore.

The single All Or Nothing, released in September 1995, was featured in the movie But I'm a Cheerleader (The gay bar scene). It was released under the label Ichiban and had some success in the US. In the whole it entered over 25 different charts. A video was shot for this single.

A vinyl containing remixes of Set Me Free was released in 1996. The remixes were done by C.L. McSpadden, Markus Schulz, and Chris Owen himself.

Miisa Päällysaho then worked as a make-up artist. She died on July 7th 2016 from a long disease as she was only 46.

Thanks to Vision
Miisa at Atmosphere.be
Miisa at Serious Eurodance



EuroDance Group



We Can Make It (1995)

We Can Make It featured samples of female vocals, including the verses and chorus taken from Alisha Warren - Touch Me (it is unclear why Lorraine is credited) and a male rapper. It was produced by Luca Fattoretto. Label : Soul Xpression.



EuroDance Member



Miki (2002)

Jumatate (2004)

Labirintul inimii (4th Oct 2007)


Doar noi (2002)
Mi-e S.T. de tine (2003)
Mami, Te Quiero (Jun 2008)

Miki (Mihaela Marinache) was born on the 5th of April 1976 in Focsani. She studied at the Scolii Populare de Arta. She became the frontlady and vocalist of eurodance project K-pital's . Miki loves house music and Tom Jones. She has 2 fish and a schnauzer dog.

2002 : Miki left K-pital to start a solo carreer, being replaced by Oana. Her first solo (self-titled) album, recorded along with her former partners Oana and Claudia, was released. The track Doar noi was nominated at the Festivalului de la Mamaia 2003.

2003 : she released the single Mi-e S.T. de tine

2004 : Miki released her second solo album Jumatate.

2005 : Miki was nominated as Best female vocalist at the national MTV 2005.

2006 : in May, the videoclip for the album track Mai stai was released.

2007 : Miki release her third solo album Labirintul Inimii.

2008 : Miki shot the videoclip for the track Mami, Te Quiero, a collaboration with Jorge, feat. MiniMO.

2009 : in April, Miki appeared Friday April 3rd on Romanian TV channel Pro TV, in a show called "Dancing for you". In August she took part to a real-TV show called "Serviti, va rog" on the same channel... and won.

2010 : in February Miki announced on National TV that she was working on a new song to be released soon, that would be her comeback on the dance scene.

Thanks to Tavi Meran

Artists and groups featuring Miki

K-pital - Hei! (album) (2000), Senzual (album) (2001), Vibratii (album) (2000)



Miko Mission
Italo-disco Group



The Greatest Remixes Hits from 1981 to 1999 (1998)

1.How Old Are You? (TCP Latino Mix), 2.How Old Are You? (TCP Original Remix), 3.The World Is You (TCP Club Mix), 4.The World Is You (TCP Instrumental Mix), 5.Two For Love (TCP 98 Klub Mix), 6.Two For Love (TCP 98 Instrumental Mix), 7.Toc Toc Toc (Original Edit Mix), 8.I Like The Woman's Heart (Edit Mix), 9.One Step To Heaven (Original Edit Mix), 10.How Old Are You? (Original Edit Mix), 11.Strip Tease (Edit Mix), 12.The World Is You (Original Edit Mix), 13.Two For Love (Original Edit Mix),


Starman (1983)
The World Is You (1984)
How Old Are You (26th Oct 1984)
Two For Love (1985)
Striptease (1986)
Toc Toc Toc / I Like A Woman's Heart (1987)
I Believe (1988)
Rock Me Round The World (1989)
One Step To Heaven (1989)
I Can Fly (14th Jan 1994)
How Old Are You (31st Oct 1994)
Mr Blue (1995)
How Old Are You (2003)
Let It Be Love (2010)
Universal Feeling (Mar 2014)
Do You Wanna Dance (13th Jan 2023)
Take My Hand (20th May 2024)

Real Name : Pier Michele Bozzetti

His first single How Old Are You was re-released in 1994. The World Is You was written by Tony Carrasco, G. Pegoraro, S. Zanini & P. Bozzetti, produced by Tony Carrasco, recorded & mixed at The Regson. It was published by Blow Up Records.

I Can Fly was writtend by Graziano. Pegoraro and P. M. Bozzelli himself, recorded at B4 Studio mixed by Pier Rossini. It was licensed under ZYX in Germany and Airplay in France.

In 1998 he released a compilation of all his hits : The Greatest Remixes Hits from 1981 to 1999

Thanks to Nico and Astralys



Miky Mouse
EuroDance Group



Doctor Love (1992)
Electro Party (1993)
I Like (1993)
Get On Down (1993)

Miky Mouse was a project of Raff Todesco and Sergio Bonzanni. Their first single Doctor Love was produced by MM and Tobo (which are just other aliases of Raff and Sergio), released under label: RA - RE Productions in 1992. Then came Electro Party and I Like, both released in 1993 under Magma Records. Last single was Get On Down, out in 1994 under label Dance Rhythm.



Milano (Donato Giovanni)
EuroDance Producer



Brasileiro (2005)

Donato Giovanni Milano aka Danny Milano contributed to many eurodance projects as producer, including SAIFAM projects, often with Pierluigi Cerin. In 2005, he released with Pamoreno a single entitled Brasileiro

Artists and groups featuring Milano (Donato Giovanni)

A Kay B Jay - Sleeping In My Car (1994)
DJ Space'C - Don't Break My Heart (1995), Love Train (1994)
Luke Jessy - Jump On High (1995)
Masquerade - It's My Love (1993), It's My Love (1998)
Piccadilly - Coming Up (1994)
Texture - Power Of Love (1994)
The Corporation - Return To Innocence (1994)
Waters Tommy B - Love (Without You) (1993)
Wienna - Gimme Love Again (1993)
Work No Work - Who Can It Be Now (1994)
Yankee - Zombie (1995)



Milcor Mind
EuroDance Group



Dancing In The Dark (1996)

Mil.Cor.mind was made of the first syllabs of Christian Milia and Jo' Corbo. It featured Mimmo Mastermix and the female vocalist Katy Davis (aka Cetty Maiorana). Label: ZAC Records.



HiNRG Group



Pirmoji Meilė (1995)

1.Mes Busim Kartu, 2.Pirmoji Meile, 3.Mazoji Mano Ledi, 4.Princese, 5.As Lauksiu, 6.Matau Tave, 7.Melynake, 8.Sokis Lietuje, 9.Naujieji Metai, 10.Prarasta Meile, 11.Mano Feja, 12.Lauk Manes,

Nekaltinu Taves (1995)

1.Ledine Naktis, 2.Pasiimk Mane, 3.Ilgesys, 4.Tik Tu Ir As, 5.Nekaltinu Taves, 6.Rudenio Lietus, 7.Meiles Pauksciai, 8.Si Naktis, 9.Melynake, 10.Juros Daina, 11.Neverk, Mazyte, 12.Mes Vel Susitiksim, 13.Neiseik,

Viskas Jums (1996)

1.Tiktai Tau, 2.Atleisk, 3.Pelene, 4.Uzmerk Akis, 5.Sunui, 6.Tikek Manim, 7.Noriu Taves, 8.Tau Padovanosiu, 9.Mamai, 10.Viktorija, 11.Pirmos Snaiges, 12.Tavo Laiskai,

Is Visos Sirdies (1997)

1.Netikeki, 2.Sesiolika Roziu, 3.Buk Su Manim, 4.Jura, 5.Tavo Bucinys, 6.Amzinai, 7.Surask Mane, 8.Tu Isejai, 9.Viskas Is Naujo, 10.Nakties Diskoteka, 11.Tau Dekoju, 12.Ateik I Tyla,

Geriausios Dainos... Ir Tik Jums (1998)

1.Sesiolika Roziu, 2.Tiktai Tau, 3.As Lauksiu, 4.Pasiimk Mane, 5.Pirmoji Meile, 6.Mano Feja, 7.Mamai, 8.Tavo Bucinys, 9.Melynake, 10.Ledine Naktis, 11.Buk Su Manim, 12.Atleisk, 13.Rudenio Lietus, 14.Tikiu, 15.Tavo Laiskai, 16.Nusisypsok,

Is Meiles (1999)

1.Kai Tu Salia, 2.Amzinai Jauni, 3.Tu Esi, 4.Susilieja Lupos, 5.Tikek Savim, 6.Mano Saule, 7.Nauja Diena, 8.Taip Noriu Tiket, 9.Laukiu Ir Myliu, 10.Pasilik, 11.Tu Nusijuok, 12.Meiles Ziedai,

Pasiilgau Taves (2001)

1.Su Tavim Kartu, 2.Pasiilgau Taves, 3.Viskas Bus Gerai, 4.Isdykele, 5.As Taves Niekados Nepamirsiu, 6.Aistra, 7.Dar Nevelu, 8.Kelias I Tave, 9.Musu Zvaigzde, 10.Is Pirmo Zvilgsnio,

Super (2002)

1.Neliudek, Saulute, 2.Saldainiukas, 3.Tavo Sypsena, 4.Spindulelis, 5.Zvake Audroje, 6.Likimo Vejas, 7.Klaida, 8.Super, 9.Laimes Feja, 10.Iki Pasimatymo,

Miledi is a dance Lithuanian group featuring a brother and a sister : Antonijus "Tonis" Žilinskas and Živilė Žilinskaitė. Project was founded in 1994 as they were 19 and 16 years old. The brother Antonijus composes the songs and also the lyrics. Together with his sister Živilė he sings the songs. They were very popular in their home country and their albums were among the best-selling records in Lithuania

They released their 2 first albums Pirmoji Meilė (meaning The First Love in Lithuanian) and Nekaltinu Tavęs in 1995 as cassettes under label Pūkas. Style was hi-nrg/italo disco like Fancy or CC Catch. Next year came album Viskas Jums under M.E.G.A. Records. 4th album Iš Visos Širdies came ou in 1997, followed by a compilation entitled Geriausios Dainos... Ir Tik Jums in 1998 and a new album Iš Meilės in 1999.

Živilė nowadays resides in the United States while Antonijus lives in Kaunas. In 2015, Antonijus recorded a new song as Tonic, Sielos puselė, and started touring.

Tonis released singles Tiktai Tau, Aš Tavęs Niekados Nepamiršiu and Aš Lauksiu Lig Ryto.

Thanks to Gianni



Miles (Robert)
Dream House Group



Dreamland US version (1996)

1.Children (Dream Version), 2.Fable (Message Version), 3.Fantasya, 4.Landscape, 5.In My Dreams, 6.One And One, 7.Princess Of Light, 8.Fable (Dream Version), 9.In The Down, 10.Children (Original Version), 11.Red Zone,

Dreamland (30th Jul 1996)

1.Children (Dream Version), 2.Fable (Message Version), 3.Fantasya, 4.Landscape, 5.In My Dreams, 6.Princess Of Nights, 7.Fable (Dream Version), 8.In The Down, 9.Children (Original Version), 10.Red Zone,

Dreamland - The Winter Edition (1997)

1.One & One (Radio Edit), 3.Fable (Message Version), 4.Fantasya, 5.Landscape, 6.In My Dreams, 7.Princess Of Light, 8.4us, 9.In The Dawn, 10.Children, 10.Children, 11.Red Zone, 12.One & One,

DJ Robert Miles In The Mix (1997)

23 AM (24th Nov 1997)

1.Introducing, 2.A New Flower, 3.Everyday Life, 4.Freedom, 5.Textures, 6.Enjoy, 7.Flying Away, 8.Heatwave, 9.Maresias, 10.Full Moon, 11.Leaving Behind,

Organik (22nd May 2001)

1.TSBOL, 2.Separation, 3.Paths, 4.Wrong, 5.It's All Coming Back, 6.Pour Te Parler, 7.Trance Shapes, 8.Connections, 9.Release Me, 10.Improvisations P.1, 11.Improvisations P.2, 12.Endless,

Organik remixes (19th Nov 2002)

1.Paths (FSOL Cosmic Jukebox Mix), 2.Wrong (Alexkid May B Mix), 3.Pour Te Parler (Riton Re-rub Mix), 4.Release Me (Da Lata El Duderino Mix), 5.Pour Te Parler (Kuzu Mix), 6.Pour Te Parler (Fissure Mix), 7.Paths (KV5 Mix),

Organik remixes (19th Nov 2002)

1.It's All Coming Back, 2.Separation (2nd Gen Mix), 3.Connections (PunkA fro The Hackney Drive By Mix), 4.Improvisations Pt. 2 (Si Begg S.I. Futures Mix), 5.Improvisations Pt. 2 (The Fabrics Mix), 6.Paths (Robert Miles S:alted Mix), 7.Bhairav,

Miles_Gurtu (10th Feb 2004)

1.Golden Rust, 2.Soul Driven, 3.Wearing Masks, 4.Tragedy: Comedy, 5.Omen, 6.Loom, 7.Languages Of Conscious Thought, 8.Without A Doubt, 9.Small World, 10.Small World (Reprise), 11.Inductive, 12.The Big Picture, 13.Xenon,

Thirteen (7th Feb 2011)

1.Orchid Miracle, 2.Moving, 3.Somnambulism, 4.Everything Or Nothing, 5.Afterglow, 6.Deep End, 7.Black Rubber, 8.Miniature World, 9.Antimony, 10.Archives, 11.Voices From A Submerged Sea, 12.Nonsense, 13.The Wolf,


Outbreak ()
Ghost (1994)
Oxygen EP vol 1 (1994)
Can The Rhythm (1994)
Soundtracks (1995)
Red Zone (1995)
Children (1996)
The Robot (1996)
Fable (24th May 1996)
One And One (17th Oct 1996)
Freedom (17th Nov 1997)
Everyday Life (1998)
Full Moon (16th Jun 1998)
Paths (11th Jun 2001)
Improvisations part 2 (22nd Apr 2002)
Connections / Separations (27th May 2002)
Pour Te Parler / Wrong / Release Me (1st Jul 2002)
Miniature World (23rd May 2011)


One And One (1996)
Freedom (Frankie Knuckles Edition) (1997)
Freedom (The RIP Mixes) (1997)
Pour Te Parler (16th Sep 2002)
Thirteen remixes (23rd May 2011)

Robert Miles' real name is Roberto Concina. He was born in November 3rd, 1969 in Neuchatel, Switzerland where he lived until the age of 10. Then his family moved to Fagagna near Venice. He also used to have an apartment in London (he had to move because too many fans around him were bothering his neighbors). As one could not expect, Robert as a child did not show any interest in music. He prefered to have fun with his friends instead. His parents Antonietta and Albino quite often took young Robert for sightseeing trips. He was a sweet child who did not create serious problems : the only thing he refused to do was playing the piano, the instrument that would made him famous many years after. His teacher tried everything in vain. It suddenly changed when he grew older. He started to teach himself and became very good at playing the piano.

Robert began DJing when he was 13. Since 1988 he has been a professional DJ playing mostly trance, techno  and progressive. The beginning was not that easy : he tried to DJ in many Italian Clubs in various regions of Italy, not always with success. This hectic experiences could discourage, however Robert Miles was not that easy to give up. After a few years he was playing at various clubs throughout northern Italy and by the time he was 22 he had become one of the most successful broadcasters in the region on account of his show on Radio Supernetwork.

He started to pursue his dream to work in his own studio. This came true in 1990, when after saving money he bought second hand studio equipment : a couple of turntables, a computer, and a mixer. Later on he completed with more advanced equipment. He produced several tracks for the Italian label Metrotraxx during that time (Ghost in 1994, Oxygen EP in 1995) but none of them were noticed. His success story started when he started collaborating with another composer and mixes producer : Joe T. Vanelli. Together they produced the titles Soundtracks, Red Zone and also Children, but without the piano riff that later made the song so instantly recognizable. Miles originally pressed up 1,000 copies of the 12-inch record back in the summer of 1994 and sold them all. In the meantime Robert Miles became A&R-manager of the J.T.Company Recording Studio.

The Summer 1995 was a breakthrough in his career with the release of a dream version of Children. With it, the whole world discovered the dream music (also known as symphonic trance). He wanted to discover a new sound that would be the antithesis to the harder and more caustic beats prevailingin the Italian clubs. To be true, the style already existed on the Italian scene. Among the first creators of this style were artists like Adriano Dodici, Gigi d'Agostino, Leonardo Rossi, and DJ Gianni Parrini. This sensational new style was a mixture out of dance-beat and sentimental melody line.

There are at least two interesting stories behind Children. One suggested that it was a tribute to the children of Bosnia. (his father returned from a posting in Yugoslavia with harrowing stories and snapshots of the innocent youngsters suffering there). Another story suggested that he composed it after a teenager had a car-accident after he left the disco. Miles himself admits that both versions are real.

More than 30 000 copies of Children were sold within 2 weeks after its release. However that was only the start. Children climbed to top position in the UK-Charts and Top Ten. With over 900 000 copies sold it earned him Platinum-record in England, in Germany and in Switzerland. It went # 1 in Israel, in Italy, at MTV (for 9 weeks), in Germany, in Spain, # 2 in UK, entered top 40 USA. It earned him also a Gold records in Austria, France Ireland, Belgium Holland, Sweden and even Israel where it earned that title just from import.

His next single, Fable, also had an extensive piano in it. Robert as a child liked when his mother was telling him bed time fairytales. Very often his mother was very tired and her eyes were closing, but Roberto did not let her stop until he had fallen asleep. Fable featured the voice of an American singer : Feralla Quinn. It reached # 2 in Israel, # 7 in UK, and # 7 at MTV.

In June 7th 1996, he released his debut album Dreamland which became an instant hit. It was also released in the US, surprisingly just1 month from its original release. Both albums are exactly the same excepted the fact that some playing times vary from original and that there is one addition in the U.S. release, a new track called One And One with vocals by Maria Nayler. One And One, a cover of a song initially performed by Edyta Górniak (and co-written by Marie-Claire d'Ubaldo) was the forthcoming single, and it went #1 in Israel, #3 in UK, and #1 MTV Europe for 7 weeks.

In the end of 1996 Robert Miles released a new version of his album, Dreamland- The Winter Edition. The new tracks were One & One and 4us, previously unreleased in album but which appeared on the One & One single. This album came matching the Christmas winter time.

In spite of his success Robert remained a modest guy. He never appeared on the videos because he thought that the judgment of him should come from his music and not from his face. He also wants to have his privacy secured and didn't have desires to become a TV star.

Robert also showed his mixing skills when he released the compilation called DJ Robert Miles In The Mix. He presented a darker, harder and Urban Sound beyond his enormously successful dream house style. From Goldie's Drum&Bass anthem Inside City Life over the harmonic Track 7:22 by Saw D up to his own Fable, Robert Miles, presented here as a DJ with energy, that is transferred by the music on the dancefloor.

After a long period of silence Robert Miles was back with a new track called Freedom. Released in November 1997, it contained lyrics sung by soul diva Kathy Sledge (of Sister Sledge). It went #15 in UK and was a preface to the forthcoming album, finally released on November 27th 1997, called 23 AM. As everyone was expecting a new dream house album, Robert Miles wanted to give something different. As he says: 'Many people have expected from me, that I do things, that I not at all wanted. I am no Pop Star and do not want to belong to the Monsterous Pop Industry. I do something, what I very dear : Music. therefore no one should love me, but only my music'. The consequence is this new album. You still have his typical complex arrangements out of mood-full piano-sounds, into the area of floating woman-voices and trance like sounds mingle itself at 23 AM electronic and acoustic alleys. 23 AM was described as being not really a dance album, but rather a trip through the life. It starts very slowly with the birth : A New Flower with a sample of a baby scream. Afterwards it tells stories from the everyday life : Freedom, Texture or Fly Away. Whereby the latter is dedicated to the travel - one of the most concise experiences Robert Miles in the last year. The slow trance tracks Full Moon and Leaving Behind are metaphors for the death. 'I think that this album differs very strongly from my first. It is more complete and more personal. One can regain me therein, even if it is another site of me, as those, which one heard beforehand of me. The album contains Trance, Breakbeat and Drum'n'Bass. Perhaps people, who know me only as Trance and Techno DJ, will not like it. But the most important for me is that the music gives somewhat, if one hears it. An emotion or a character.' In the same year he mixed one side of the compilation London for the 'superclub' Renaissance, proving he remained a popular DJ throughout Europe.

The next single from Robert Miles is Paths and it's the first single from the thrid album Organik which was released in July 2001. The album's style was more close to trip-hop rather than the dreamhouse we were used to. Robert Miles worked with the big "Asian Underground" star Nitin Sawney, and also with the Indian percussionist Trilok Gurtu and the drummer Marque Gilmore (from the hardcore jungle group Bad Company).

2002 : Fable was covered by project Sunstorm

2004 : Robert Miles released, together with Trilok Gurtu, a complete album simply entitled Miles_Gurtu.

2005 : Robert Miles did remixes for Got It All Wrong, a single by The Loose Cannons.

2006 : Robert has moved to Ibiza where he is setting up a new studio and will be working on his new solo album and a new Electronica project. Guests will include Robert Fripp and Jon Thorne. Robert is also currently working on a collaboration album with Toni Economides (KV5).

2007 : in January, apart from his future new album, Robert Miles started working on a more electro - alternative rock orientated project that will be released under a different name. Maria Nayler released her new solo single called Naked And Sacred.

In June, Robert Fripp recorded the guitar parts for the new Robert Miles album. Robert Miles is still writing and recording material for his new album in Berlin, London and Ibiza.

2008 : Dave Darell did a cover of Children.

2009 : Robert Miles was back with a new DJ set of mixes. The project Tribe of Two released a cover of Children. Robert recorded live parts his new album in May and June.

2010 : Robert Miles's new album will be entitled Th1rteen. Initially planned to be released in January 31st 2011, it was postponed to 7th February.

2011 : in May, he released Thirteen remixes, as well as a deluxe edition of his latest album Thirteen. The same month, he also presented the videoclip for his single Miniature World, shot in London. In July, the video for the album track Voices From A Submerged Sea, illustrated by Oliver Cartwright, premiered. In October, Dex feat. Cille did a new version of Robert Miles' Children, adding some vocals : the result is called Walking In The Sun. It peaked as #8 on the Danish dancechart.

2012 : Robert Miles's hit Children was covered by Jack Holiday & Mike Candys (with a little touch of something reminding of Avicii - Levels too), and by Havana Brown on her single One Way Trip.

2017 : Robert Miles passed away on May 9th in Ibiza. He was only 47 years old.

2020 : Alex Gaudino, Bottai and Moncrieff used the melody of Children in their single Remember Me. Fedez featured Robert Miles in his single Bimbi Per Strada (Children) and Tinlicker released a rework of Children.

Robert Miles - Close to Heaven
Dance Artists Infos
Thanks to Shimon O'hana for the charts positions
Thanks to Arnaud, Carver, Rogier Verkroost, Tavi Meran, Abelito, Anders Bøgh for the latest informations

Artists and groups featuring Miles (Robert)

Fedez - Bimbi Per Strada (Children) (2020)



Milk Inc
EuroTrance Group



Apocalypse Cow French Edition (20th Mar 1998)

1.Free Your Mind (Roadrunner's 7' vocal Mix), 2.La Vache (Praga Khan Vocal Version), 3.La Vache (Vibro Dwarfs Remix Edit), 4.Cream, 5.Da Cause, 6.Inside Of Me, 7.Jesus Loves The Vache, 8.La Tetine, 9.On Your Own, 10.Positive Cowstrophobia, 11.Right There, 12.Sky Trance,

Apocalypse Cow (31st May 1999)

1.WOOW, 3.In My Eyes (Radio Edit), 4.Inside Of Me (Full Vocal Radio Edit), 5.Promise (Radio Edit), 6.On Your Own, 7.Saxy-Motion (Milk Inc, 8.Boy Meets Girl, 9.Cream, 10.Oceans (Album Mix), 11.Intrude (Milk Inc, 12.In My Eyes (Dj Philip Remix),

Apocalypse Cow Limited Edition (21st Nov 1999)

1.WOOW, 3.In My Eyes (Radio Edit), 4.Inside Of Me (Full Vocal Radio Edit), 5.Promise (Radio Edit), 6.On Your Own, 7.Saxy-Motion (Milk Inc, 8.Boy Meets Girl, 9.Cream, 10.Oceans (Album Mix), 11.Intrude (Milk Inc, 12.In My Eyes (Dj Philip Remix),

Apocalypse Cow Limited Edition (21st Nov 1999)

1.Losing Love, 2.Oceans, 3.Promise, 4.Videoclips,

Land Of The Living (10th Nov 2000)

1.Never Again, 2.Land Of The Living (Radio Mix), 3.Walk On Water (H2O Radio Mix), 4.Don't Cry, 5.Livin A Lie, 6.For No Reason, 7.Sweet Surrender (Feat. Tony Hadley), 8.Time Has Stood Still (Feat. John Miles Jnr), 9.Midnight In Africa (Feat. K-Lab), 10.Losing Love (Radio Edit), 11.Land Of The Living (Kevin Marshalls Trance Remix),

Double Cream (Singapour Edition) (2001)

1.In My Eyes (Radio Edit), 2.Wide Awake, 3.Never Again (Single Mix), 4.Land Of The Living (Radio Mix), 5.Walk On Water (H2O Radio Mix), 6.Don't Cry, 7.Livin' A Lie (Video Mix), 8.For No Reason, 9.Sweet Surrender (feat. Tony Hadley), 10.Time Has Stood Still (feat. John Miles Junior), 11.Midnight in Africa (feat. K-Lab), 12.Losing Love (Radio Edit), 13.La Vache (Regg & Arkin Radio Edit), 14.Inside of me (Full Vocal Radio Edit), 15.Promise (Radio Edit), 16.Saxy Motion (feat. DJ Wout), 17.Boy Meets Girl, 18.Oceans (UHT Radio Mix), 19.Land of the Living (Kevin Marshall's Trance Remix),

Double Cream - Best Of - videos (1st Nov 2001)

Double Cream - Best Of (1st Nov 2001)

1.Never Again (Single mix), 2.Land Of The Living (Radio mix), 3.Walk On Water (H2O radio mix), 4.Don't Cry, 5.Livin A Lie (video edit), 6.For No Reason, 7.Sweet Surrender (Feat. Tony Hadley), 8.Time Has Stood Still (Feat. John Miles Jnr), 9.Midnight In Africa (Feat. K-Lab), 10.Losing Love (Radio edit), 11.La Vache (Regg & Arkin radio edit), 12.In My Eyes (radio edit), 13.Inside Of Me (full vocal radio edit), 14.Promise (radio edit), 15.Saxy Motion (Feat. Dj Wout), 16.Oceans (UHT Radio Mix), 17.Land Of The Living (Kevin Marshall's trance remix),

Milk Inc (23rd Sep 2002)

1.Walk On Water (H2O Radio Mix), 2.Land Of The Living (Radio Mix), 3.Never Again (Single Mix), 4.Livin A Lie (Video Edit), 5.In My Eyes (Radio Edit), 6.For No Reason, 7.Sweet Surrender, 8.Time Has Stood Still, 9.Midnight In Africa, 10.La Vache (Regg & Arkin Radio Edit), 11.Oceans (Pulsedriver Radio Mix), 12.Losing Love (Radio Edit), 13.Inside Of Me (DJ Philip, Wout & Jan Remix),

Closer (6th Oct 2003)

1.The Sun Always Shines On TV (Full Version), 2.Shine On, 3.Time, 4.Goodbye Says It All, 5.I Don't Care, 6.Wish, 7.Closer, 8.Breathe Without You, 9.November, 10.Wide Awake, 11.Nothing To You, 12.Sleepwalker, 13.Blown Away, 14.Maybe,

Best Of Milk Inc. (Jul 2004)

1.In My Eyes, 2.La Vache (Praga Khan 7' Vocal Version), 3.Land Of The Living(Radio Mix), 4.Walk On Water (H2O Radio Mix), 5.Livin A Lie (Video Edit), 6.The Sun Always Shines On TV (Radio edit), 7.Sleepwalker (Radio Edit), 8.Oceans (Album Mix), 9.Never Again, 10.Inside Of Me (Full Vocal Radio Edit), 11.W.O.O.W., 12.Cream, 13.Sweet Surrender (feat. Tony Hadley), 14.Time Has Stood Still (feat. John Miles Jnr), 15.Promise (Radio Edit), 16.Midnight in Africa (feat. K-Lab), 17.Losing Love (Radio Edit),

Best Of Milk Inc. (Jul 2004)

1.Walk On Water (Flip & Fill Remix), 2.Walk On Water (Frank Trax Vs ORGAN Remix), 3.The Sun Always Shines On TV (Vandoren Og Van Hoyland Remiks), 4.In My Eyes (DJ Philip Remix), 5.Livin A Lie (Skitz Clubb Rmx), 6.Livin A Lie (Peter Luts Remix), 7.Wide Awake (Kevin Marshall Remix), 8.Sleepwalker (Expanded Mix), 9.Land Of The Living (Resonance Q Mix), 10.Land Of The Living (Flip & Fill Mix), 11.Land Of The Living (Coast To Coast Mix),

Closer (9th Aug 2005)

1.The Sun Always Shines On Tv, 2.Whisper, 3.Goodbye Says It All, 4.Wish, 5.Breathe Without You, 6.I Don't Care, 7.Time, 8.Closer, 9.Nothing To You, 10.Shine On, 11.November, 12.Wide Awake, 13.Sleepwalker, 14.Blown Away, 15.Maybe, 16.The Sun Always Shines On Tv (Original Extended), 17.The Sun Always Shines On Tv (Vandoren Remix), 18.Time (Kevin Marshall's Rewinded Mix),

Supersized (Sep 2006)

1.Run, 2.Tainted Love, 3.No Angel, 4.Go To Hell, 5.Answer Me, 6.It's Over, 7.Blind, 8.Fiction, 9.Breakin', 10.Remember, 11.Whisper, 12.Secret, 13.Morning Light, 14.Things Change,

Supersized Live Cd (30th Sep 2006)

1.Run, 2.Shine On, 3.Sleepwalker, 4.Losing Love, 5.No Music, 6.In My Eyes, 7.Whisper, 8.Time, 9.Land Of The Living, 10.Never Again, 11.Walk On Water Reprise, 12.The Sun Always Shines On Tv, 13.Breathe Without You, 14.Go To Hell,

The Best Of (28th Sep 2007)

1.Sunrise, 2.Run (Radio Edit), 3.Never Again (Single Mix), 4.Whisper (Radio), 5.Walk On Water (H2o Radio Mix), 6.Time, 7.Breathe Without You, 8.Inside Of Me (Full Vocal Radio Edit), 9.Sleepwalker (Radio Edit), 10.Livin' A Lie (Video Mix), 11.The Sun Always Shines On Tv (Radio Edit), 12.Land Of The Living (Radio Edit), 13.In My Eyes (Radio Edit), 14.Blind (Radio Edit), 15.Promise (Radio Edit), 16.I Don't Care, 17.Tainted Love (Radio), 18.Oceans (Uht Radio Mix), 19.No Angel (Radio Album), 20.La Vache (Praga Khan 7 Vocal Version), 21.Go To Hell (Radio Edit),

The Best Of (28th Sep 2007)

1.W.O.O.W., 2.Cowmen, 3.Positive Cowstrophobia, 4.Inside Of me (DJ Philip, Wout & Jan Remix), 5.In My Eyes (DJ Philip Radio Edit), 6.Oceans (Pulsedriver remix), 7.Walk on water (Peter Luts remix), 8.Never again (Penxten vs Vandueren remix), 9.Wide awake (Kevin Marshall remix), 10.Sleepwalker (DJ Philip remix), 11.The Sun Always Shines On TV (Vanduren & Vanhoyland remiks), 12.Whisper (Deep mix), 13.Saxy Motion,

The Best Of (29th Sep 2007)

1.Sunrise, 2.Run (Radio Edit), 3.Never Again (Single Mix), 4.Whisper (Radio), 5.Walk On Water (H2o Radio Mix), 6.Time, 7.Breathe Without You, 8.Inside Of Me (Full Vocal Radio Edit), 9.Sleepwalker (Radio Edit), 10.Livin' A Lie (Video Mix), 11.The Sun Always Shines On Tv (Radio Edit), 12.Land Of The Living (Radio Edit), 13.In My Eyes (Radio Edit), 14.Blind (Radio Edit), 15.Promise (Radio Edit), 16.I Don't Care, 17.Tainted Love (Radio), 18.Oceans (Uht Radio Mix), 19.No Angel (Radio Album), 20.La Vache (Praga Khan 7 Vocal Version), 21.Go To Hell (Radio Edit),

Forever (23rd Jun 2008)

1.Forever, 2.Tonight, 3.Race, 4.Waste Of Time, 5.Summer rain, 6.Sunrise, 7.Maniac, 8.With You, 9.Guilty, 10.Live Her Life, 11.Ouch Damn, 12.Invisible, 13.Perfect Lie,

Nomansland (1st Mar 2011)

1.Can't A Girl Have Fun?, 2.Fire (Album Version), 3.War, 4.Everything, 5.Storm, 6.New Beginning (In Your Arms), 7.Shadow, 8.Throwaway Boy, 9.Dance 2 Forget, 10.Nomansland, 11.Chasing The Wind (Album Version), 12.If You Only Knew, 13.Blackout (Album Version),

15 (15th Oct 2011)

1.La Vache, 2.Cream, 3.Free Your Mind, 4.Inside Of Me, 5.In My Eyes, 6.Oceans, 7.Promise, 8.Losing Love, 9.Walk On Water, 10.Don't Cry, 11.Land Of The Living, 12.Livin' A Lie, 13.Never Again, 14.Wide Awake, 15.Sleepwalker, 16.Breathe Without You, 17.The Sun Always Shines On TV, 18.I Don't Care,

15 (15th Oct 2011)

1.Time, 2.Whisper, 3.Blind, 4.Go To Hell, 5.Run, 6.No Angel, 7.Tainted Love, 8.Sunrise, 9.Tonight, 10.Forever, 11.Race, 12.Blackout, 13.Storm, 14.Chasing The Wind, 15.Fire, 16.Shadow, 17.Dance 2 Forget, 18.I'll Be There (La Vache),

Undercover (21st Jun 2013)

1.Uncovered (Intro), 2.Last Night a Dj Saved My Life, 3.Wicked Game, 4.Sweet Child O' Mine (Radio Edit), 5.Imagination, 6.Your Friend, 7.Ready To Fly, 8.Bette Davis Eyes, 9.Fairytale Gone Bad, 10.I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight, 11.Scared of Yourself, 12.We Found Love, 13.The Fear, 14.Touch Me, 15.Ride Like the Wind, 16.Rain Down On Me, 17.Broken Strings, 18.La Vache 2013 (Radio Edit), 19.Miracle, 20.Yes, 21.Covered Up (Outro),


Cream (24th Apr 1996)
La Vache (2nd Dec 1996)
Free Your Mind (21st Oct 1997)
Good Enough (1998)
Inside Of Me (20th Feb 1998)
In My Eyes (9th Dec 1998)
Promise (29th Mar 1999)
Oceans (27th Apr 1999)
Losing Love (12th Nov 1999)
Doe De Donna (2000)
Walk On Water (14th Apr 2000)
Land Of The Living (22nd Sep 2000)
Don't Cry (Mar 2001)
Never Again (11th Jun 2001)
Livin A Lie (2nd Jul 2001)
Wide Awake (3rd Nov 2001)
Sleepwalker (22nd Apr 2002)
In My Eyes (11th May 2002)
Breathe Without You (28th Oct 2002)
Time (5th May 2003)
The Sun Always Shines On TV (1st Sep 2003)
I Don't Care (9th Feb 2004)
Whisper (6th Sep 2004)
Blind (2nd May 2005)
Go To Hell (7th Oct 2005)
Tainted Love (9th Jun 2006)
Run (1st Sep 2006)
No Angel (8th Dec 2006)
Sunrise (22nd Jun 2007)
Tonight (22nd Oct 2007)
Forever (9th Jun 2008)
Race (11th Oct 2008)
Blackout (7th Jul 2009)
Guilty (22nd Dec 2009)
Storm (19th Feb 2010)
Chasing The Wind (9th Jul 2010)
Fire (4th Feb 2011)
Shadow (28th Jun 2011)
I'll Be There (La Vache 2011) (Sep 2011)
Miracle (13th Jun 2012)
Last Night A DJ Saved My Life (1st Feb 2013)
Sweet Child O' Mine (3rd Jun 2013)
Imagination (16th Sep 2013)
Don't Say Goodbye (20th Oct 2014)

Records company : Antler Subway, ARS Belgium.

Milk Incorporated started as a studio-project of 3 young, talented producers : Regi Penxten (born in 1975), Ivo Donckers and Filip Vandueren. All three of them had been active on big Belgian dance labels like Dance Opera, with projects like K-Lab, Regg & Arkin, and they had remixed songs for various dance-projects.

On stage, Regi is responsible for the keyboards, samplers & sequencing. The dancer Ann Vervoort (born 1977) did the vocals. Actually, there was another vocalist who did main part of the vocals in studio : Karine Boelaerts (She also did vocals for 2 Fabiola and Maurizzio). Another member of the project is John Miles Jr as a guitar player.

La Vache (# 21 in UK, but completely unnoticed in their homeland Belgium) started it all. It got a vocal remix by Praga Khan, with vocals by Jade4U (aka Nikki Van Lier). Many people in France still believe that La Vache is the name of the project ! It was followed by Free Your Mind, featuring vocals by Sofie Winters since Jade4U was already busy as Praga Khan's vocalist. In March 1998, they released their debut album Apocalypse Cow in France... still under the project name La Vache ! They started touring, appearing on the hugest scenes such as Bercy (Paris), Cannes, Monaco, Lyon, etc... Their South-African tour was a huge success, MTV played their hit La Vache in prime-time, and they even were in 'The Box' with artists like Aqua, The Prodigy...

Then Ann Vervoort became a member of Milk Inc, appearing for the first time on Inside Of Me. The clip was not broadcasted in France, where it was estimated too morbid... Then came Losing Love (# 16 in Israel) and In My Eyes (which failed in France but was a huge success in Belgium, selling gold there). Promise was out in April and the album Apocalypse Cow was released in Belgium only in May 1999, more than 1 year later than the French release...

At the end on 1999, they contributed to a song together with all the Antler artists, a cover of the song Do They Know It's Christmas. Each artist also did a song on their own, this is how Milk Inc. recorded a new song called Alone at Christmas.

2000 : Walk On Water was the name of their new single. Ann Vervoort left the group in September. She got married with Pat Krimson from 2 Fabiola and they planned to start their record label : Benimusa. She was replaced by the brunette Linda Mertens.

History tells that, while she was in a club with some friends, Linda found the courage to ask Regi if needed a singer for Milk Inc. After 2 auditions, she was finally selected. The was the beginning of a new Milk Inc era. Linda was presented at the Hitkracht show together with the newest song Land Of The Living. "My first year with Milk Inc. was very hard.", Linda remembers. "I didn't have any musical education, no stage experience except the one as a dancer at discotheques".

In November, the second album Land Of The Living was released. It started with Never Again. High pitched techno at least at the beginning followed by dramatic main body done more into pop-dance. Don't Cry tune was relaxing R&B-like fare. Livin' A Lie was awesome, crossing NRG/euro with rich full of synths buttom. For No Reason was hip-hop. The powerful tune Sweet Surrender featuring Tony Hadley a new romantic icon from Spandau Ballet. Also pleasurable was Time Has Stood Still. Good Euro-Trance in solid production. Losing Love is intoxicating, rumbling Euro-Pop/Techno joy ride. The album is closing by Kevin Marshall's Trance Remix of Land Of The Living.

Caren Meynen is a DJ @ Donna. In 2000 Caren Meynen, DJ at the Belgian radio station Donna, asked a few Belgian groups (among them, Milk Inc, Clouseau and Belle Perez) to make their own version of Doe De Donna. The song, the first Milk Inc track in Flemish language, was never released officially and remained an exclusivity from Radio Donna.

2001 : After the track Livin A Lie, Never Again was be the next single to be released. It was the same powerful eurotrance style, inspired to Linda by her ex... Then there was a re-release of Walk On Water. The follow up was named Wide Awake.

2002 : Milk Inc came back with a brand new track, Sleepwalker. The follow-up was entitled Breathe Without You and it was out on October. The new album was planned for 2003.

2003 : in May, their new single called Time was out. In August, they announced they would make a cover of a song from A-Ha : The Sun Always Shines On TV. The videoclip was shot in France on the 14th September.

In October, their brand new album was released. Entitled Closer, it contained 14 songs. The 5th track called I Don't Care was a duet between Linda and Silvy De Bie (from Sylver). The 13th track Blown Away was the only instrumental song on this album. The last track Maybe was a ballad sung by Linda and Regi, who appeared for the first time on a Milk Inc song. In November 2003, Milk Inc. performed in Poland.

2004 : The new single from Milk Inc. was I Don't Care. The video was shot at Club Atmoz at Hasselt. The new single jumped to #3 in the Belgian charts at the end of March. The Sun Always Shines On TV will be released soon in Australia.

The follow-up was entitled Whisper, and in October it peaked to #1 in Belgium. The same month, Milk Inc released their first DVD in Australia. It contained 18 videos, as well as an accoustic set of 5 songs (I Don't Care, Oceans, Walk On Water, Don't Cry and Maybe, recorded especially for this occasion) and a few extras.

2005 : Milk Inc's new singles was entitled Blind. The video was recorded on the 14th of April. The single was released on the 2nd of May, it peaked up to #5 in Belgium. Milk Inc should record a new album this summer.

In September, Regi released a solo single entitled No Music. It went directly #16 in the Belgian charts. The following month, Go To Hell was released.

2006 : in May, the new single Tainted Love (a cover version of the famous hit) was released. "We were trying some melodies and suddenly we had something on which Tainted Love fitted perfectly. Furthermore, this song is actually a combination of 2 well-known songs."

The fourth album Supersized was out in September 2006. It was called after the mega-concert at the Sportpaleis in Antwerp. Next to Whisper, Blind, Go To Hell and the new song Tainted Love, there was 8 brand new songs + 1 bonus song. The new single was entitled Run.

A live CD of the Supersized concert was available just after the concert. It could be ordered until October 31st, afterwards this collector item would not be available in the shops. It was actually included with the concert DVD released a few monthes later.

The next Milk Inc. single is gonna be No Angel. The videoclip was shot live during Milk Inc. Supersized concert.

2007 : they earned a golden record for their album Supersized. Milk Inc left their former records company to enter ARS. Their new single Sunrise was out on June 22nd. Together with director Sven Coumans a video was shot in Alicante. In this video you can see a handsome guy escaping from prison and trying to find Linda. During his search, he has to deal with an FBI agent, a part played by Regi Penxten himself. The next album is planned for Spring 2008.

End of September, a new Best Of CD was released, the day before the 3 Supersized 2 concerts. The one and only new track of the best of was Sunrise. During the Supersized concert, a new track called Tonight was presented to the fans, was their next single and its videoclip was made from parts shot during the concert. Linda also proved her drummer talents.

Like almost every year, Milk Inc were nominated at the TMF Awards for best videoclip and best dance artist (Regi as solo artist was also nominated). And like every year, they won the best dance artist award.

According to rumors, and due to legal rights problems between the records comapnies, there should not be any official DVD of the Milk Inc Supersized II concert this years. All remains to the fans is the 10-tracks DVD attached to P-Magazine, or the TV-recording of the concert broadcasted on Jim TV in December.

Linda Mertens and Jessy recorded together a new single entitled Getting Out, released in December under the name Linda & Jessy. The Supersized 2 concert was broadcasted on Jim TV in December.

2008 : the next and third Supersized series of concert was renamed Milk Inc Forever, from the name of their forthcoming album which was released with the new single of the same name on June 9th.

The video clip for Forever was shot in Germany on May 27th and 28th. Regi explains "It's going to be a very special video for Forever. The story is about Linda and me in the filmstudio. During the song we'll move in a tangle of film and on those filmroles there are other new images. In short, it's going to be something very special, very trendy".

The next single was entitled Race and it was once again a hit in their home country. In October, they won 3 awards at TMF awards (best dance, best live & best album Forever)

They released the DVD of their annual mega concert Forever live in Antwerpen Sportpaleis at the end of November.

2009 : in February, Milk Inc won for the second time the MIA-Award of best dance group. The new single, a remix of Guilty, was said to be planned for February 15th. But nothing came out. In May, the official name of the mega Milk Inc concerts at the Sportpaleis for September 2009 was revealed : Blackout. It would be also the title of the forthcoming single. The videoclip was shot in June, in Gent, Blackout was out in July.

End of December, Filip Vandueren confirmed on his Twitter that there won't be any DVD of Milk Inc Blackout concerts. Guilty was finally released as digital single in Canada only, unfortunately for European fans.

2010 : In January, they won the MIA Award for best dance-electro for the third year. after being postponed several times, the new single Storm was finally released on February 19th. The video was shot in Beverly Hills. In July, the follow-up Chasing The Wind was out. In September, during the Antwerp Sportpaleis concerts, they presented a brand new song entitled Dance 2 Forget.

2011 : Milk Inc's next single was not Dance 2 Forget but Fire, to be released on February 4th. Videoclip was shot on January 8th (CSI-style), and was released on February 1st. Milk Inc's new album Nomansland was released and went quickly #1 in the Ultratop Album Top 100 in Belgium. Their mega concert in Antwerp in September will be entitled Milk Inc 15. New single was Shadow. During 9th September MNM show Regi In The Mix, Milk Inc's new version of their hit La Vache was played. Called I'll Be There / La Vache 2011, it featured brand new vocals by Linda

2012 : in June, during Regi & Elke's wedding broadcasted live on Jim TV, Linda sung an acoustic version Milk Inc's forthcoming single : Miracle.

2013 : Milk Inc's single Last Night A DJ Saved My Life was released in February. Videoclip was recorded at the Noxx Skyclub at Antwerp, Belgium. Follow-up single was another song taken from their Friday covers series : Sweet Child 'o Mine, originally released by Guns N' Roses. Milk Inc released their new album Undercover, gathering all the covers recorded for Ornelis en Rogiers Friday radio show, as well as Miracle and La Vache. End of August they unveiled the title of their new single : Imagination.

2014 : Milk Inc's new single was entitled Don't Say Goodbye

2016 : after Regi released his own studio album, he promised that he would team again with his partner-in-crime Filip Vandueren to work on some new songs for Milk Inc.

Remixes done by Milk Inc team

2 Unlimited - Never Surrender (1998)
Ace Of Base - Life Is A Flower (1998)
DJ Don & Svenson - My Beat Shoot Back'98 (1998)
Fiocco - Afflito (1997)
Jessy - Look At Me Now (2003)
Madelyne - Beautiful Child (2002)
Nylon Moon - Sky Plus (1996)
Praga Khan - Injected With A Poison (1998)
Ramses - Open Your Heart (1998)
Sholan - Can You Feel (What I'm Going Thru) (2003)
X-Session - The Sound (1999)

Thanks to Rogier Verkroost, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin, Tavi Meran, Pelle, Anton "MC Kasper" Skaletsky and DJ Baboon
Milk Incorporated Dutch Site
Dance Artists Infos
Thanks to Shimon O'hana for the charts positions



Miller (Tina)
EuroDance Group



I'll Stand By You (1994)
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (1994)
Brass In Pocket (1995)

Tina Miller was a project featuring a solo uncredited female vocalist. I'll Stand By You was a cover of a ballad by The Pretenders, released in 1994 under Remix Records in Italy and under Blanco Y Negro in Spain. Vocals probably belonged to Regina Saraiva

Somewhere Over The Rainbow was inspired from Marusha's happy hardcore cover of Judy Garland's classic and it was released the same year under Power Fly. Brass In Pocket was again a cover of The Pretenders originally released in November 1979, and it as released in 1995 under Spanish label Lethal Records. Once again Regina probably did the vocals.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



Milton (Lisa)
EuroDance Group



Ai No Corrida (1996)

This cover of the song released by Jankel, then Quincy Jones, was produced by Giuliano Crivellente, Mauro Farina and S. Beaver, mixed at Factory Sound Studios in Verona. It was released under One Way Records in 1996, licensed under Napoli Records in Austria in 1997 (on this version, the tracklisting's order was different, the radio edit came first). it was re-released digitally in 2016.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Mimania (1998)

1.Nunca Se Sabe, 2.Las Mil Y Una Noches, 3.Muñeca Rota, 4.Volver A Morir De Amor, 5.Amores De Hoy, 6.Más Despacio, 7.Dos Amigas, 8.La Fórmula De Amor, 9.Cuando Late Más Fuerte, 10.Mujer, 11.Rezo Una Oración,


Volver a Morir de Amor (3rd Apr 1998)
Nunca Se Sabe (10th Jul 1998)
Mas Despacio (21st Apr 1999)
Las Mil Y Una Noches (3rd Dec 1999)

Mimanía features Arlena, Déborah (former member of the group Pinn), Jessica and Vania. Label : Sony Music. Their first single was entitled Volver a Morir de Amor, out in 1998. Then followed Nunca Se Sabe and an album the same year.

In 1999, they released the single Mas Despacio. Followed Las Mil Y Una Noches, a cover of a track originally released by Flans. The took part to Festival Acapulco '98 with this song.

Thanks to Abelito



Mimmo Mix
EuroDance Group



Chains (1990)
My Way (1991)
All Your Love (28th Aug 1991)
I Wanna Be With You (1992)
Take My Body (5th Dec 1992)
Love Me Baby (19th Aug 1994)
Feeling (1995)
It's My Heart (1996)
Luv Found You (1996)


Luv Found You (1996)

Label : Mercury IT.

My Way was released under Whole Records.

All Your Love (Swing Sweet Swing) appeared on the Media Records compilation The Sound Of The Future and featured Valerie Etienne. It was mixed by Roby Arduini, recorded by A. Puntillo, producer by Gianfranco Bortolotti, released under Whole Records in Italy and licensed under Final Vinyl in the UK.

The follow-up I Wanna Be With You was released in 1992. It was produced by Gianfranco Bortolotti, recorded and mixed by Bruno Guerrini and Mimmo Mix, written by A. Puntillo, B. Guerrini, D. Gallotti and D. Leoni.

Love Me Baby features the voice of Nicole (who also did vocals on Usura's album Open You Mind), and contains an Original Mix, Piano Mix, Tribal Mix, Tekno Mix and Future Mix.

From 1995, Mimmo Mix changed label for Palmares Records. Feeling featured Fabiola. It's My Heart and Luv Found You featured Julia St Louis (who did backing vocals on Corona's I'll Be Your Lady in 2006).

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



To The Top (1994)
It's So Cool (1995)
Sunshine Superman (23rd Apr 2021)

It's So Cool was written by Roby Arduini and Franz Scandolari, produced by Roby Arduini, arranged and mixed by Franz Scandolari, released under Union records. To The Top was released under Lips Records.

Thanks to reBeL



Minca (Dario)
EuroDance Producer


Producer Dario Minca is member of the Quasar Team, along with Frederico Abrami and Paolo Altin.

Artists and groups featuring Minca (Dario)

2 Colors - I Feel Alive (1995), La Noche (1997), Love & Emotion (1996), Magic World (1996), You Look Like The Sun (1996)
Clay - Take My Love (1996), Where Is My Life (1995)
Eryx - Say Goodbye (1996)
Jennifer (2) - Why Did You Do It (1996)
Park 40 - Way Out (1995)
Sartorello Forniture - Mr Saxophone (1996)
Xstress - I've Got The Feeling (1994)



Mind Affair
EuroDance Group



Love Is All Around (1994)

Label : Power Fly. The song is a cover of The Troggs' classic hit.



Mind Control
EuroDance Group



Feel The Rhythm (8th Nov 1994)
I'm Gonna Wait For Love (19th Jun 1995)

Mind Control is a German project of BMG Ariola.

Feel The Rhythm was composed and written by Data Soul, DJ Abstract, R.A.D., Dacia Bridges, and King B. Track 3&4 music by Data Soul, DJ Abstract, R.A.D. Female vocals were done by Dacia Bridges (who was also featured on Mousse T's single Bounce), raps by King B. It was produced by The Noisemakers' for triangle, recorded at Sonic Science Studios. Club mixes by The Noisemakers' & Cet Merlin.

Thanks to Necronomic



Mind's Eye
EuroDance Group


Sunshine Forever (1995)
Trans Rainbow Xpress (1995)
Get In My Mind (1996)
Hey Boy (1996)

This project features a rapper and a female vocalist.

Sunshine Forever appeared on the compilation Maxi Dance Vol. 4 '95. Get In My Mind was on the compilation Maxi Dance Vol. 5 '96. Trans Rainbow Xpress was on compilation Snake's Music Presents Vol. 9.



Mingardi (Claudio)
EuroDance Producer


Artists and groups featuring Mingardi (Claudio)

Becker Elena - Here We Are At Last (1997), Woman (1996)
Black 4 White - Cannibal (1995), So I Love You (1996)
Black and White - Do You Know (1994)
Cybernetica - I Wanna Be With You (1994)
Digilove - Let The Night Take The Blame (1993), Touch Me (1994)
Due - Under The Same Sun (1994)
Dynamic Power - Believe (1993)
Fourteen 14 - All I Have To Do Is Dream (1999), Another Crack In My Heart (1996), Don't Leave Me (1994), Down Down (2000), Everytime We Touch (1997), Goodbye (1995)
Galactica - Music Is My Life (1994)
KU - For Your Love (1993)
Lorenz D - Mystery (1995)
Naomie Dee - Shut Your Mouth (1994)
Nell - Every Time You're Feeling Down (1997)
Photo - Don't Give Up (1997), Your Lover (1996)
PoLo - I Want You (1995), Together Forever (1995)
TF 99 - Everybody Love (1994)
ZEN (2) - Fly Today (1994)



Ministry Of Sound
EuroDance Group



Let's All Chant (1994)
Nobody (1996)

Raps on Let's All Chant were done by Eric "XL" Singleton, vocals by Valeri Scott. The single was written by Micahel Zager and Alvin Fields. The B-side was written by Didi Hamann/Bali.

The follow-up single was out in 1996. Entitled Nobody, it featured once again Valeri, along with Roc. The CD maxi also included a CD-Rom part with infos and games.

Thanks to BroderTuck



EuroDance Group



Don't Wait (1994)
Dreamworld (1994)

The project features a solo female vocalist. Both singles were released under ZYX. Dreamworld was composed by Legado, R. Witte, Delef Otto and Amy Zahedi.

Thanks to BroderTuck



EuroDance Group



What's Up (13th Sep 1993)
I Feel Love (1994)
Without You (9th May 1994)

The first single What's Up was produced by ABM, mixed by Ralf Kappmaier, was a cover of the 4 Non Blondes hit. It stayed 10 weeks in the Swiss wharts, peaking to #22. The B-side Move Your Bodywas written and composed by Ralf Kappmeier, Thomas Alisson, Markus Bräuer, Carlo Robbins and Dirk Sengotta.

Without You were released in 1994 under Coconut Records/BMG Germany. It stayed 3 weeks in the Swiss charts. It was written and composed by Thomas Evans and Pete Ham, produced by Smiley Jay and Claudio Di Carlo.

I Feel Love was written and composed by Karin van Haaren, Don Chereyne, Tom Jamski and Fredi Smalls. It was produced by Alex Trime and Sven "Delgado Jordan. It is not clear wether it was actually released as single or not. Maybe it was only a B-side of Without You.



EuroDance Group



Mira (1995)

1.Rakkautta on, 2.Tahdon rakastella sinua, 3.Onpa iisi päivä, 4.Utopiaa, 5.On siitä hetki, 6.Mun elämää (Radioedit), 7.Lontoo, Helsinki, Amsterdam, 8.Sä saat mut sekoamaan, 9.Lupaathat mulle sen, 10.Elät formulaa, 11.Aika, 12.Tahdon rakastella sinua (Popjungle), 13.Mun elämää (Clubmix), 14.Onpa iisi päivä (Tanssi-mix),

Miljoona Volttii (1997)

1.Muisti, 2.Miljoona Volttii, 3.Mr. Know It All, 4.Joskus Haluun Kaiken Unohtaa, 5.Mä Saan, 6.Paha, 7.Casanova, 8.Löydän Sut Taas, 9.Mietin, 10.Kevyesti Keskellä Päivää, 11.Uudet Tuulet Puhaltaa, 12.Missä Sä Oot (Duet With Therese), 13.Muisti (Reggae Mix), 14.Paha (Viidakko Mix), 15.Muisti (Dub),


Mun Elämää (1994)
Onpa Iisi Päivä (1994)
Rakkautta On (1995)
Tahdon Rakastella Sinua (1995)
Muisti (1997)
Paha (1997)
Miljoona Volttii (1997)
Mietin (1998)

Label : AXR. Mira Törmi was born in 1975. She started her carreer doing backing vocals, for instance for Ali on his album Henkilökohtaista.

Mira's first single was entitled Mun Elämää, out in 1994. It was composed and arranged by R.E.L.S. and written by N. Toiskallio. Then came Onpa Lisi Päivä the same year, and her first album, simply entitled Mira, was a collaboration with producers of Sound Of R.E.L.S. In 1995, the single Rakkautta On was released.

In 1997, 2 more singles were released : Muisti and Paha. Paha was written by Hillberg, Nikkilä and Timo Allinniemi. Sound of R.E.L.S.also contribued to the second album Miljoona Volttii.

2000 : 2 sisters called Mira and Therese Törmi competed at Finnish Eurovision preselections under the project same Sisterhood. Is this the same Mira Törmi ?

Thanks to JakeX and BroderTuck



Miracle Base
EuroDance Group



Show Me The Way (1997)

Music was composed by Pierre Ahlm, lyrics were written by Fredrik Granelli. The project featured female vocals by Marie Segerham, guest vocals by Zusanne Sjöberg and raps by Tobias Svensson. Label : MNM Records.

Thanks to EuroBoy



Miracle Of Sound
EuroDance Group



People (1993)

People was written by Franco Diaferia (who was also executive producer) and M.Pasquali, recorded and mixed by William Walker at Synthesis Studios. Helen R. was thanks in the credits, maybe she is the vocalist.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Give It Up For Love (1996)

Mirage is a project of FMR Sweden made of rapper Christoffer "Chrizz" Ljung (from Flexx), female vocalist Giovanna Valente, Fredrik Holm and Ö. Thim. Give It Up For Love was actually never released as a single, only on FMR promotion compilations.

Thanks to Grif



EuroDance Group



Fiesta (Nov 1999)

1.Eldorado, 2.Vamos A La Playa, 3.Baila, 4.A La Fiesta, 5.Do It (Get Down On It), 6.Hola Hey, 7.Max, 8.Summertime, 9.El Ritmo Del Sol, 10.Special DJ, 11.Macho Man, 12.Try It Up, 13.Movie Star, 14.A La Fiesta (London Radio Edit),


Vamos A La Playa (Jun 1999)
A La Fiesta (Nov 1999)
Eldorado (2000)
Bamba! (El Ritmo De Miranda) (2001)


Vamos A La Playa (Summer Remix) (18th Jul 2022)
Vamos A La Playa (Hardstyle Remix) (18th Jul 2022)
Vamos A La Playa (Urban Remix) (18th Jul 2022)

Behind this project stand the French producers Louis Element and Johnny Williams. The official frontwoman of the project is Sandra Miranda Garcia. Sandra was born in 1976 on the West coast of France and spent her youth between the Costa del Sol in Spain and Paris where she currently resides. Dark-haired and dark-eyed, she is 1m70 tall and weights 48 kg. She began to sing and dance in 1985. In 1992 she did some modelling for Jean-Paul Gaultier and Paco Rabanne, and worked as a dancer during Samantha Fox's European tour.

Less officially, Miranda probably featured the voice of La Velle who also did vocals for another of their projects : B-one.

In 1998 Sandra was taking part as a dancer to the video clip of Ricky Martin's single 1 2 3... when she met Louis Element and Johnny Williams. The official history says that they were fascinated by her particular voice and they immediately proposed her to record a dance track. The Israelian Naam (or Noam) Kaniel joined the team. He was famous in France for performing the 2nd version of Goldorak's theme.

The singles were published by JWS / Hitworks records France, licensed under Do It Yourself in Italy, Combined Forces in the Netherlands, and EastWest Records GmbH in Germany.

Vamos A La Playa was released in 1999. It was composed by Louis Element (aka L. Confortini), Johnny Williams (aka G. Monza) and N. Kaniel. A parodic version was recorded by Italian radio host Leone Di Lernia under the title Passami La Palla.

A La Fiesta, released in November, had the same credits. A few days later, the 14-tracks album which was recorded in September was released.

The third single was entitled Eldorado. Released in 2000, it was described by Sandra as "a song for boys", "speaking of love, but we just make it joking".

Then in 2001 came their very last single Bamba!.

Johnny Williams and Louis Element also were the producers (and faces) of a pop-rap project which was very successful in France : Roman Photo. Then they became the producers of the French teenage-lolita singer Lorie.

2010 : Vamos A La Playa was covered by Loona and it was a huge hit.

2016 : Paradisio recorded a new interpretation of the hit-song Vamos A La Playa

2017 : Willem De Roo feat. Taleen released their own version of Vamos A La Playa.

2021 : Vamos A La Playa's chorus was sample by Cuban Deejays, Shorty, Shaggy et GrooveGalore Muzik on their song Sound of Fiesta.

Not to be confused with Miranda (Mars Needs Women, Asynja), a goa-trance project from Sweden, or Miranda (Phenomena) a techno project, or the American artist Miranda (So Divine, Round & Round, Give Me Your Love).

Thanks to Klems and DanceWebSite



EuroDance Member


Mireille did vocals for the Italian Style projects Marvellous Melodicos The Sun & The Moon, Pelican Don't You Know and Y.O.U.R.I. Tomorrow

Thanks to grof pl.

Artists and groups featuring Mireille

Marvellous Melodicos - The Sun + The Moon (1995)
Pelican - Don't U Know (1995)



EuroDance Group



Don't You Leave Me Now (1995)
74, 75 (1995)
Where Is The Love (1996)
An Angel (1996)
Yo Sé Que Tú Volverás (1996)
Spaceman (1996)
A Contratiempo (1997)

Label : Moder Music. This project features a solo female vocalist.

An Angel was produced by Eduardo Posada and Josep Lladó, the Trinity Mix was written by Toni Rubio, Eduardo Posada and Josep Lladó, the other tracks by Kelfam.

Where Is The Love was produced and written by Eduardo Posada, Josep Lladó.

Yo Sé Que Tú Volverás was produced and written by Eduardo Posada, Josep Lladó and Kako D.J.

Thanks to Ninja, BroderTuck, reBeL and Leonardo Marmolejo Maldonado



Mirza (Anila)
Bubble Gum Member



Mahi (2006)


Bombay Dreams (2004)
Jande (2005)
Chori Chori (2006)

Anila was born on October 8th 1974 in Fredriksverke near Hillerød (Denmark). Her parents used to live in Indonesia : her mum is half Pakistani and half Persian descent, and her father is Indian. She was raised in Pakistan and Denmark. Anila means "wind" in Sanskrit. "As a little girl I used to stand in front of the mirror and sing with a hair brush in my hand, wearing my mums high heels", Anila recalls. As she was 15, she was proposed a role in a Pakistani movie, but her parents did not agree.

She is 1,54 m tall and her hobbies are singing and designing clothes. She studied martial arts. Her hair and eyes are brown. Her favourite movie is Titanic, and the boy of her dreams is Will Smith. She hates travelling by plane.

She became Toy-Box's vocalist and frontlady, along with Amir, with whom she had already been collaborating since 1996.

2004 : Anila changed her name to Aneela and turned to a music style called Indo-Pak. She released a duet with Rebecca Zadig, entitled Bombay Dreams. The song, along with 2 others written by Aneela, were featured on the soundtrack of the eponymous movie, which had a lot of success.

2005 : Aneela released the single Jande (a cover of a song by Alabina). She sung the songs Sayna Sayna and Boro Boro for a Hindi movie called Bluff Master.

2006 : she released her first album, entitled Mahi (means "Darling"). She teamed with Arash on the single Chori Chori. Apart from her solo career Aneela has also produced and written for Danish artist Burhan G, R&B producer Saqib and many more.

2010 : Aneela is recording her second solo album and practising some show rehearsals for her tour "Say Na". Rumors about a possible Toy-Box comeback started to spread.

Aneela is nowadays based in London, UK. She is married. She is working on her first book called "Twinkle Twinkle Little Popstar".

Artists and groups featuring Mirza (Anila)

Toy-Box - Best Friend (1999), Superstar (2001), Tarzan & Jane (1998), Teddybear (1999), The Sailor Song (1999), Www.Girl (2001)



EuroDance Producer


See Mike Staab



EuroDance Group



Get The Move (1993)

Get The Move was produced, arranged and mixed by Juri Bonazzoli and Paolo Sora. Label : Spyder Records



Miss 'X'
EuroDance Group



Mistico (1995)
I Feel Love (1996)

Miss "X" was a project of Gianluca Loi and Max Bondino

Thanks to Gianni



Miss Blondie
EuroDance Group



Desire (Don't Stop The Fire) (1993)
Don't Know Why (1994)

Desire (Don't Stop The Fire) was produced and arranged by Gianni Bragante, recorded and mixed by Fabio Serra and Johnny Mix. Label: 21st Century Records



Miss Jane
EuroDance Group



It's A Fine Day (1998)
Lalala (25th Apr 2000)
It's A Fine Day 2010 (11th Sep 2010)

Miss Jane was an Italian project founded by the producers David Carlotti and Carmine Sorrentino in 1998 to release a remake of Jane's It's A Fine Day, already covered by Opus III. It included samples of a 1983 a capella track by Jane and Edward Barton on the Cherry Red label. Luisa Gard fronted the project on stage but only lipsynced. The single, which included remixes by ATB, was licensed all over the world, including the US and Thailand

The project's second single was entitled LaLaLa and was out in 2000. It was written by A. Carlotti and S. Zaghi.

2010 : a new version of It's A Fine Day was released, with remixes by D.O.N.S..



Miss Ketty
EuroDance Member



Don't You Want My Love (2004)
Electro Choc (2006)

DJ, vocalist and MC Miss Ketty (real name : Katy Mutelet) was born in Metz, in the Eastern part of France. Her dad managed a disco, where she did her debut as a DJ, as she was only 13. At the age of 15, she ended #2 in the French DJ Championship. At that time, DJanes were quite rare... She then became DJ in the disco New Sam in Metz, then she worked in Strasbourg.

She moved to Switzerland and in 1995, she did vocals and co-produced 2 Hot 4 U's single No Tekno No Love. She then went DJing in clubs in Italy, Spain, UK, then back to France in Paris.

2001 : She toured for the brands Pepsi, Bacardi, and Nightlife.

2004 : she released the single Don't You Want My Love, a collaboration with DJ Fou, under Medusa Records.

2006 : Miss Ketty released the single Electro Choc.

2007 : she signed a contract with the company Carte Blanche. She took part to the Bacardi tour.

2008 : Miss Ketty remixed Joe Cooker's classic You can leave your hat on.

2009 : she became resident DJ on French station Sexy Radio, she mixes during a show every saturady at 23:00. She settled down in Provence region.

Artists and groups featuring Miss Ketty

2 Hot 4U - No Tekno No Love (1995)



Miss Love
Bubble Gum Group



Baby Don't Go (19th Jul 1998)
Go Baby (2000)
Gypsy's Heart (18th Sep 2000)
Iou (I Got U) (14th Oct 2000)

Miss Love was a Polish bubble gum dance project created by producer Janardana. Most popular Miss Love was Go Baby. In 2008, Miss Love singles were digitally re-released on iTunes under label 12" Golden Dance Classics.

Iou (I Got U) was also released on some compilations under project name Janardana.

Thanks to Gianni



Miss Manu
EuroDance Member

Miss Manu, aka Manu Moore, became Missing Heart's new female vocalist in 2000. She was born in Hong Kong on October 29, 1978. She has dark brown hair and eyes. She is 1,67 m tall and weighing 49kg, she is a beauty like a model who will be adored in European club scenes. On the album's cover, she gives an feeling of a very mysterious beautiful lady wearing futuristic make up. Her vocal expression has also sensitivity unique to Europeans. Before entering Missing Heart, she had been selected as a German champion of standard dance.

Manu's main hobby is dancing. She also loves spending hours on the phone. She speaks English, Russian, and French. She loves cats, her favourite color is black, and she loves eating cream soda and spaghetti with broccoli. Her favorite movie is 'Shakespeare in Love' and her favorite actors are Uma Thurman, Jody Foster, and George Clooney. In music, she listens to Rolin Hill, Sasha, and DJ Tonka.

Nowadays we know that Miss Manu wa only lipsyncing on stage and clips, the real vocalist being Lydia.




Miss Mitchell
EuroDance Group



All I Need (1993)

All I Need was written by Stefano Lanzini, mixed at Brain Room Studio and featured vocals by Michela. Label: Kristal



Missing Heart
EuroDance Group



Mystery (2000)

1.Intro, 2.Tears In May, 3.Prison Of Passion, 4.Queen Of Light, 5.Save The Last Dance For Me, 6.In Aeternum, 7.Hearts Of Ice, 8.Fly Away, 9.Nights In Heaven - Days In Hell, 10.The Last Kiss, 11.Charlene, 12.A Heart Will Pass By, 13.Moonlight Shadow, 14.In Aeternum (Remix),


Wild Angels (29th Aug 1994)
Charlene (18th Nov 1996)
Moonlight Shadow (21st Jul 1997)
Tears In May (27th Mar 2001)
I Dream (2003)
Forever Young (4th Aug 2023)

Singers : Lyane Leigh, Lydia Pockaj. Frontlady : Miss Manu

Missing Heart is the name of a dance-project managed by the German Producers David Brandes, Felix J. Gauder, and Domenico Labarile. There was a movie called 'Missing' where Jack Raymonds and CC Spencer played leading characters. The theme of the movie was about finding a missing person. Missing Heart implied 'disappeared' or 'lost' but had another connotation like in 'I miss you' which symbolizes a feeling of love. This name suggested mysterious image overlapped with a soft mood of love.

At that time, Lyane Leigh was the project's voice. The debut single was entitled Wild Angels and released in 1994, but the project really started in 1996 with the single Charlene. Since then, the group gained popularity in the European clubs and pop scenes.

The group made the inroads to Japan when the single Moonlight Shadow, a cover of Mike Oldfield's hit (originally written around John Lennon's death), was released in 1997 and was featured in Japanese compilations Dance Mania 7 (1997), and in the Dance Mania Extra (1998) which became the topic of conversations because of the selection of the music pieces was done by popular voting. Lyane should have been the vocalist once again, but she did not have enough time to record the vocals. Instead, the voice of Elke Schlimbach was used. Elke had sung vocals on Fancy's song When Fancy Is Crying. She also worked for Boney M, Claudia Jung, Johnny Logan and some other German projects.

Afterwards, one could have thought it was the end of the promising project. But after some years of silence, a long-awaited album was released in July 2000 under the label Intercord Japan. Entitled Mystery, it features all the previous singles, Wild Angels excepted. E-Rotic's single Queen Of Light also appeared on the album.

The album introduced a new frontlady, Miss Manu Moore. Manu was a member of Felix J. Gauder's project Smiles & More before. They released only one single, called Jet Set Life. Officially, Jeanette Christensen of E-Rotic also did some background vocals. Actually, Manu and Jeanette probably never sung any word on the album. The vocals were all sung by Lydia, who was also E-rotic's studio vocalist at the same period.

The single Tears In May was planned to be the first one to be released in Japan from the brand new album during the month of July 2000. Finally it was released in 2001, in Japan and also in Europe (with 6 different remixes, among them a Talla2XLC remix with the contribution of JD Wood). In December 2000, the track In Aeternum was released in Europe, but under the name of the project Apanachee.

When Felix Gauder created the Novaspace project, he asked David to write a song for the Supernova album. But Felix didn't like the result. So he took Missing Heart's Tears In May instead. Another song that David had written for Novaspace, Journey Into Time, was used for Gracia later.

2002 : Davis Brandes announced that there would not be any other release for Missing Heart in the future. Elke Schlimbach recorded a solo track entitled Niemols em Lävve.

2023 : the project was revived and released a cover of Alphaville Forever Young. It featured vocals by Janine Brändle, former backing vocalist for Vanilla Ninja and Bad Boys Blue.

French Eurodance Page
Thanks to Chris, Klems, Tyler and Sascha Busch for the latest informations

Artists and groups featuring Missing Heart

Collessio, Molow - Runaway (2024)
Molow, Collessio - Stay With Me (2024)



EuroDance Group



Think Twice (1995)
Your Loving Arms (1995)
Missing (1995)
You Are Not Alone (1995)
Because You Loved Me (1996)
You're Not Alone (1997)
My Heart Will Go On (1998)

Mission is a project of the Spanish producer Xasqi Ten (Speed Limit), specialized in Céline Dion covers. Label : Max Music.

Their first single was entitled Missing. It contained 3 bonus tracks, 2 of them would be later released as singles. Executive producers were Miguel Dega and Ricardo Campoy. It was produced by Iván, Toni and Xasqui Ten.

Think Twice was their second single, released in 1995. The executive producers were Miguel Dega and Ricardo Campoy, it was producer and arranged by Xasquiten.

Because You Loved Me was arranged and producer by Xasqui Ten, directed by Francesc Pellicer.

1998 : they covered the theme song of Titanic My Heart Will Go On. It was arranged by M. (aka Marc Martín), Richard Roman and Santi Maspons, produced by Francesc Pellicer.



Mission Blonde
EuroDance Group


Return To Love (1995)

Return To Love appeared on compilation Hugo's Mega Dance 2

Thanks to EurodanceMarc



Mission Control
EuroDance Group



A Walk In The Park (29th Jul 1994)

A Walk In The Park was first released as vinyl in 1994, then re-released as CD maxi in 1995, under the label UCA. This cover of a song originally released in the 80s by Nick Straker was produced by Raymond Beyer and Thomas Butsch. The B-side was composed and wirtten by Raymond Beyer and Thomas Butsch.

Thanks to reBeL and Gianni



Missis Scarlet
EuroDance Group



I Wonna Be With You (1994)

I Wonna Be With You (apparently, this is the correct spelling...) was produced by Gabriele Del Barba and Andrea Baj, mixed by Alessandro Zullo and Riccardo Romanini. Label : DDM Records. It is said that the same vocalist as the one who took part to Martine was featured.

Thanks to Gianni



Mister Fun
EuroDance Group



Happyland (1994)

Label: Meet Records. Song was composed by M. Gurrieri and L. Rosi, mixed and arranged by Fun Brothers. Vocal sample "Don't make me wait, not another evening...", came from the song Don't Make Me Wait originally released by The Peech Boys

Thanks to Gianni



Mister Owl Recordings
EuroDance Company


Based in Corbetta, Italy, Mister Owl Recordings is a sublabel of Bianco & Nero.



Mister X
EuroDance Group



Music Takes U Higher (1995)

Label : Echo Music

Thanks to EurodanceRage



Mister X (2)
EuroDance Group



Love Is Blue (1995)

Love Is Blue was a cover of Vicky Leandros's L'Amour Est Bleu (composed by André Popp in 1967 for ESC, translated in English the following year, and covered by Paul Mauriat And His Orchestra and more recently Scooter). Vocals were probably done by Andrea Alberghi. Song was used in a TV ad for Barilla.



EuroDance Group



Vox Erotica (1992)
Who Killed JFK (1992)
XXX (1993)
Hymn (1995)

Label : ZYX

Thanks to Yane the Greek



EuroDance Group



Okay (1998)

1.Okay, 2.Calling Your Name, 3.Make Me Free, 4.Mister-Y, 5.Fantasy, 6.Wa Doo Mi Doo Wej, 7.Fantastic Train, 8.Open Your Eyes, 9.I'm Feeling So Fine, 10.Give Me Your Love, 11.Oh My Love, 12.I Wanna Be All Right, 13.Wind Of Your Way, 14.What Happend In My Mind (baby, Baby), 15.What Happend In My Mind (baby, Baby) (live),


Wind Of Your Way (1997)

MisterY (sometimes spelled MisterY) project was produced by Miloslav Izrael, Pavol Kvassay and Pavol Repa (aka Soul-O-Sound). Vocals were performed by Dalia Izraelova and Lucia Luzinska, raps were done by Marián Novák and Miloslav Izrael. After the single Wind Of Your Way, they released an album entitled Okay under the project name Mister-Y.

Thanks to EuroBoy and Vasas Viktor



Mistic Man
EuroDance Group



You Got It (1995)

You Got It appeared on compilations Radio Dance, Ritmo Das Pistas, Golden Hits In Dance Vol. 2 and Formula Dance. It was a re-release of Andrew Sixty - You Got It, therefore featuring vocals by Andrea Alberghi and probably Simona Baraldo.

Thanks to Andrew-FK



EuroDance Group



Rhythm Divine (1993)
Marcha Sexxual (1994)

Label : Reflex Records. Mistika was created by Massimo Giabardo DJ and Chico The Voice.



EuroDance Group



Daddy (6th Jun 1995)

Label Dig It International. The single was arranged by Mauro Minieri, Paul and Peter Micioni, produced by P&P Micioni.

It featured vocals by Jamie Dee, and was used as theme song by the Italian show Mio Capitano on Rai 2.



EuroDance Group



I Believe (1995)
Castles On Quicksand (1995)
Open Your Eyes (1996)

Mitch was a project created by Canadian producers duet Gino Olivieri and Ivan Pavlin (famous for dance projects such as Lady Shelly, Lia, Lost, Premier) and featuring a solo male vocalist.

I Believe and Castles On Quicksand were both released under Numuzik in 1995. Castles On Quicksand was produced, arranged and mixed by Gino Olivieri and Ivan Pavlin. The Soundub Mix was done by big names of Italian eurodance : Antonio Puntillo, Pagany and Roby Arduini. The T & T Mix included a contribution by rapper TC.

Open Your Eyes was released the following year under label Finger Printz. It was written by Gino Olivieri, Ivan Pavlin and Marcel Sabourin, produced by Gino Olivieri.



Mitrache (Paula)
EuroDance Member



Paula Mitrache in Haiducii (Sep 2008)

1.Doobie Doobie, 2.Rompy Rompy, 3.Hard To Get, 4.Any Given Day, 5.So Lady, 6.Lazy, 7.Show Me, 8.I Feel You Here, 9.Dragostea Din Tei (original version), 10.More 'N' More (I Love You), 11.Mne S Toboy Horosho (Gabry Ponte remix), 12.I Need A Boyfriend, 13.Maria Maria, 14.Boom Boom,


Believe In Me (2000)
Dragostea Din Tei (2003)
Mne S Toboy Horosho (Nara Nara Na Na) (2004)
I Need A Boyfriend (2005)
More 'N' More (I Love You) (2005)
Boom Boom (2007)
Doobie Doobie (Haiducii Song) (2009)
Respira (3rd Jun 2020)


Dragostea Din Tei (10th Nov 2023)

Romanian singer, model and actress Paula Mitrache is born on June 14th 1977 in Bucharest (Romania). Her carreer was launched after she won the title of Miss Bucharest. She settled in Italy, and in 2000, she released the song Believe In Me, written by Bruno Santori and Roberto Battini, recorded in DB One Recording Studios in Italy.

In 2003 Paula took the alias Haiducii, and released ​​a cover of O-Zone' hit Dragostea Din Tei. The single topped Italian charts beyond 10 weeks, being already Gold in the first two weeks of release and, today, is a Platinum disc. It was licensed Europewide and counts beyond 1 million copies sold.

She was sued for copyright infringement by O-Zone as she neither obtained permission to record the single nor credited Dan Bălan for writing the song.

In 2004 she released her second single as Haiducii, a song in Russian, Mne S Toboy Horosho (Nara Nara Na Na). She participated as the international host of the Festival di Sanremo and appeared in "Stasera pago io revolution" of Fiorello on Rai 1.

2005 : Haiducii's next single was called I Need A Boyfriend. It entered Top 20. In December 2005, Haiducii released a new single: More 'N' More (I Love You). It charted well in Italy, remaining in the Top 20 during 3 months after its release. Music video premiered in early March 2006 and featured Paula with five male dancers and special effects.

2008 : Haiducii released her first album

2010 : Paula is president of a Cultural Association that promotes peace, racial integration, cooperation and peaceful exchange amongst peoples and different cultures. She is also honorary counsellor of romanian Senator Viorel Badea, for which she operates as responsible for relations with representatives of local and national authorities and non-governmental organizations of Puglia (Italy).

2021 : she married her manager and former Mister Italia 2010 Miky Falcicchio

Thanks to Marian Stoica

Artists and groups featuring Mitrache (Paula)

Aarts Nathalie - L'Amour Toujours (2020)
Caffellatte - Troppo Chic (2023)
DJ Jump - Te Iubesc La Rasarit (2019)



EuroDance Group



Insensitive (1995)

The song is actually Sky Red I Can't Let You Go, also released under Blackbeard. There could have been a mistake when the vinyl was pressed... and apparently the real Miura song (a cover of a Jann Arden song) was never released. The Miura vinyl also included a track called How To Be. It was produced, arranged and mixed by Maurizio Parafioriti and Paolo Galeazzi.

Thanks to Alex Capilé



Mix Age
EuroDance Group



Wiruje Swiat (1997)

1.Wiruje Swiat, 2.Pojawiasz Się, 3.Kazdego Dnia, 4.Chwile Z Toba, 5.Rasputin, 6.Teraz, Albo Nigdy, 7.Dworzec, 8.Ostatni Dzien, 9.Na Na Na, 10.Coraz Mniej,

Mix Age was a Polish project made of composer and lyricist Tomasz Florkiewicz, 2 rappers Grzegorz Gontarek and Daniel Tshibangu, and female vocalist Monika Kalankiewicz. They released one album in 1997, entitled Wiruje Świat. Label : Blue Star.

Thanks to Kamil



Mix Factory
EuroDance Group



Burnin' Like Fire (1992)
Take Me Away (Paradise) (1992)
Miracles (1993)
Runnin' (1995)

Mix Factory is a project of Iain McArthur & Paul Higgins

Burnin' Like Fire featured vocals by Gill Jackson (who later appeared on Sub Sub's single Southern Trees).

Take Me Away (Paradise) featured Alison Williamson to the vocals (she will later be featured by Clock on their single The Rhythm). The CD maxi included some remixes by N-trance.

Then came Miracles, once again with vocals by Gill Jackson.

In 1996 and 1998, Take Me Away was re-released.

Burnin' was remixed in 2004 and re-released as KB Project vs Mix Factory.

Thanks to Eurodancerage



Mix Max
EuroDance Group



Happy Times (1995)

Happy Times was written by A. Pagnucco, arranged and mixed by Massimo Morini, produced by Ozono Ink, released under the label Signal. Vocals were done by Barbie and Handre Pagen.

Thanks to Yane the Greek



EuroDance Group



Mel Mel (1995)

Mel Mel was recorded and mixed at Shade Studio, Fiuggi by Mario Ambrosi and Vanni Giorgilli (who wrote the track), produced, arranged and mixed by Iskhon. Vox samples were recorded by Massimo Mencaia. It was released under Everblue, published by Dancework S.r.l.



EuroEnergy Group



Music In My Mind (1995)

Music In My Mind featured vocals by Chris Meyer (aka Christiane Mayard). It was written by B. Paul, F. Fischer, Chris Meyer, Shaman (Farid Celin Lehchilli) and Shanon (Nicolas Leclerc). It was recorded and mixed at Room Service in Paris, produced by Shaman Productions.

Thanks to Gianni



Mixed Image
EuroDance Group



I Got This Feeling (1994)
Can You Feel The Music (1995)

The project features a male rapper called Robert Ketchum and an uncredited female vocalist. The singles were produced by Domenico (aka Dave) Carlucci (who also contributed ot the projects Dark Heads, Lucci & Cruz, and MCDC) and A. Prommensberger. Label: Arco Baleno Records

Thanks to reBeL and Apho



MK Project
EuroDance Group



Let The Music Play (1996)

Let The Music Play (already covered by Strictly MOR and Reggy O) was released as CD maxi and maxi cassette under Max Music. The executive producers were Miguel Degá and Ricardo Campoy, the single was produced by Ten Productions.



MKS Records
EuroDance Company


Italian label. Marketed by New Music. MKS Records was founded in 1994 in Italy, by producer and musician Julio Ferrarin aka Brixt. Artists on the label include: Brixt, Seydinah, Davinia, Echo Bass, X-Ite, Onierho, Kavi Pratt, A.B.Normal, Jennifer Munday, Gener 8, Colour, Phase 2 Phase, Synthmaster, Lele Siconi, P LaPierre, L.U.C.E, Xtramondo, Saaria.

Sub Labels: Dolcedisco Records, Halion Records, MKS Nights.



EuroDance Group



Shining Ray (4th Apr 1995)

Shining Ray was produced Sonic Attack (a team including Alessandro Gilardi, Claudio Varola and Walter Cremonini), recorded and arranged by M.K.Z.E. and Max Persona at Union Records studios in Lugagnano in Italy, mixed by Max Persona. Label : Next Records.

Thanks to Gianni



EuroDance Group



Stay (If You Love Me) (1995)

M.L.M. are Moratto, Lampadino and DJ Minuz. The single Stay (If You Love Me) was released in 1995 under DFC records.

Thanks to DJ Marto Aida



Mo Beat
EuroDance Group



Don't Call Dr Mo (1st Mar 1996)

Label : ZYX. Don't call Don't Call Dr Mo was produced by The Mo Brothers. The B-side Dance To The Beat was remixed and produced by Oliver Glombik and Udo Sandmann.

Thanks to reBeL



EuroDance Group



Second ()

1.Super Gut, 2.It's Cool Man, 3.Ich Tarzan Du Jane, 4.Wer Hat An Der Uhr Gedreht, 5.Wissenwertes Uber Erlangen, 6.Eins Zwei Sauferei, 7.Herr Schenk, 8.Dudu Dada, 9.Oh Adele, 10.Der Toyota Rap, 11.Die Nacht Ist Nicht Allein Zum Schlafen,

Was Ist Das ? (7th Feb 1995)

1.Eins, 2.Hamlet, 3.Gema Tanzen, 4.Liebes Tango, 5.Fur Dich, My Love, 6.Hallo, Mo-Do, 7.Super Gut, 8.Das Konzert, 9.Eins, Zwei, Polizei, 10.Super Gut (rmx), 11.Eins, Zwei, Polizei,


Eins, Zwei, Polizei (16th May 1994)
Super Gut (27th Oct 1994)
Gema Tanzen (24th Apr 1995)
Sex Bump Twist (29th Jan 1996)
Eins, Zwei, Polizei Remix '99 (7th Jul 1999)
Superdisco (Cyberdisco) (24th Dec 1999)
Eins, Zwei, Polizei (Sep 2000)


Eins, Zwei, Polizei (1994)
Super Gut (1994)
Superdisco (Cyberdisco) (1999)

Musical team : C. Zennaro, Mario Pinosa, Sergio Portaluri

Mo-Do's real name is Fabio Frittelli. He was born in 1964 in Monfalcone, (North-East of Italy). Fabio had his first musical experience as a leader of a hard rock group, then as bassist for a group called Validi Alibi. He also did some modelling. Afterwards he met the producer Claudio Zennaro, they joined under the name of Mo-Do (Mo for Montfalcone and Do for Domenica because Fabio was born on a Sunday). On stage, Fabio performed with 2 sexy dancers called Barbara Cusin and Manuela Cosanza.

His first single Eins, Zwei, Polizei, co-produced with Einstein Dr Deejay (aka Claudio Zennaro & Fulvio Zafret) and inspired from 2 old German songs (Der Komissar of Falco et Da Da Da of Trio), remained n°1 during 1 month in Italy before triumphing in the whole Europe. His recording studio is located in Udini.

After the extreme success of his first hit, 2 other singles were released in the same powerful style. Super Gut (which means 'Super Good') in 1994 (# 28 in Israel) and was covered by the project Amadeo in their single Amadeo, and GeMa Tanzen (which could be understood as 'Come Dance A Little') in 1995. Gema Tanzen was very different from the original album version : it was completely remixed, with new sounds and styles.

After a false comeback in 1999 with a remix of the huge hit Eins, Zwei, Polizei, Mo-Do released a new single in the beginning of 2000, entitled Superdisco. Unfortunately one could not hear Fabio Frittelli's voice but only an unknown computerized vocal. Afterwards the mythic Eins, Zwei, Polizei was once again released, this time remixed by Maurizio Ferrara.

2001 : according to rumors, Mo-Do's two labels, Dancing Ferret and ZYX Music dropped him as an artist.

2003 : Fabio Frittelli co-wrote and produced Space 2999's single Tanz Mit Den Roboten with F. Contadini. The single was released in February.

2010 : Fabio was on stage of I Love The 90s in Hasselt.

2013 : Fabio was found dead in his home in Udine (Italy) on the afternoon of February 6th.

Thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin

Artists and groups featuring Mo-Do

Ummet Ozcan - Eins Zwei (2019)



Mobius Loop
EuroDance Group



Sleeping In My Car (1995)

This cover featured vocals by Julie 'Zee' (aka Julie Morrison). It was released in the UK under label Bags Of Fun, and licensed in Spain under Boy Records, and in the Netherlands under Red Bullet. A videoclip was shot for the single.



Moczulska (Krystyna)
EuroDance Producer

Also known as Eretika or just Krystyna, she co-wrote many Italian eurodance and trance songs.

Artists and groups featuring Moczulska (Krystyna)

CD Jay - No More (1994)
Capri Maria - Come On Come On (1992)
Digital Circles - You (1994)
Fox-X - Give It Up (1993)
Julia (3) - Come To Me (1995)
Kamara - Gimme Give Me (1995)
Malanga Franco - You Got Me Now (1994)
Prado Sonia - For Love (1994)
Sampling Girls - Just Can't Help Me (1993), Open Up Your Heart (1993)
Saraiva Regina - Do You Wanna (1993)



EuroDance Group



My Girl (1995)

My Girl was a cover of a song originally released by the Temptations in 1964. Single was mixed at Mas Volumen and Vamp Slam Studios. Label: Max Music

Thanks to Gianni



Modern Art
EuroDance Group


No More Pain (1997)
Send Me An Angel (1998)

First single No More Pain featured vocals by Felicia Uwaje (Bass Bumpers). Second single Send Me An Angel featured Lucy Kass. Label : More Music Recordings



Modern Talking
HiNRG Group



Let's Talk About Love (1985)

1.Cheri Cheri Lady, 2.With A Little Love, 3.Wild Wild Water, 4.Just Like An Angel, 5.Heaven Will Know, 6.Love Don't Live Here Anymore, 7.Why Did You Do It Just Tonight, 8.Don't Give Up, 9.Let's Talk About Love,

The 1st Album (1985)

1.You're My Heart, You're my Soul, 2.You Can Win If You Want, 3.There's Too Much Blue In Missing You, 4.Diamonds Never Made A Lady, 5.The Night Is Your - The Night Is Mine, 6.Do You Wanna, 7.Lucky Guy, 8.One In A Million, 9.Bells Of Paris,

In The Middle Of Nowhere (1986)

1.Geronimo's Cadillac, 2.Riding On A White Swan, 3.Give Me Peace On Earth, 4.Sweet Little Sheila, 5.Ten Thousand Lonely Drums, 6.Lonely Tears In Chinatown 7, 8.Stranded In The Middle Of Nowhere, 9.The Angels Sing In New York City, 10.Princess Of The Night,

Ready For Romance (1986)

1.Brother Louie, 2.Just We Two (Mona Lisa), 3.Lady Lai, 4.Doctor For My Heart, 5.Save Me - Don't Break Me, 6.Atlantis Is Calling, 7.Keep Your Love Away, 8.Hey You, 9.Angie's Heart, 10.Only Love Can Break My Heart,

In The Garden Of Venus (1987)

1.In 100 Years, 2.Don't Let It Get You Down, 3.Who Will Save The World, 4.A Telegram To Your Heart, 5.It's Christmas, 6.Don't Lose My Number, 7.Slowmotion, 8.Locomotion Tango, 9.Good Girls Go To Heaven - Bad Girls go Everywhere, 10.In 100 Years (reprise),

Romantic Warriors (1987)

1.Jet Airliner, 2.Like A Hero, 3.Don't Worry, 4.Blinded By Your Love, 5.Romantic Warriors, 6.Arabian Gold, 7.We Still Have Dreams, 8.Operator Give Me 609, 9.You And Me, 10.Charlene,

Back For Good (1998)

1.Anything Is Possible, 2.I Will Follow You, 3.You're My Heart, You're My Soul, 4.We Take The Chance, 5.Angie's Heart (New version), 6.Atlantis Is Calling (New version), 7.Brother Louie (New version), 8.Cheri Cheri Lady (New version), 9.Geronimo's Cadillac (New version), 10.Give Me peace On Earth (New version), 11.In 100 Years (New version), 12.Jet Airliner (New version), 13.Lady Lai (New version), 14.You're My Heart You're My Soul (New version), 15.You're My heart You're My Soul (Original no, 16.You Can Win If You Want (New version), 17.You Can Win If You Want (Original no 1 mix '84),

Alone (1999)

1.You Are Not Alone, 2.Sexy, Sexy Lady, 3.I Can't Give You More, 4.Just Close Your Eyes, 5.Don't Let Me Go, 6.I'm So Much In Love, 7.Rouge Et Noir, 8.All I Have, 9.Can't Get Enough, 10.Love Is Like A Rainbow, 11.How You Mend A Broken Heart, 12.It Hurts So Good, 13.I'll Never Give You up, 14.Don't Let Me Down, 15.Taxi Girl, 16.For Always And Ever, 17.You Are Not Alone (Space mix feat,

Year Of The Dragon (2000)

1.China In Her Eyes, 2.Don't Take Away My Heart, 3.It's Your Smile, 4.Cosmic Girl, 5.After Your Love Is Gone, 6.Girl Out Of My Dreams, 7.My Lonely Girl, 8.No Face No Name No Number, 9.Can't Let You go, 10.Part Time Lover, 11.Time Is On My Side, 12.I'll Never Fall In Love Again, 13.Avec Toi, 14.I'm Not Guilty, 15.Fight For The Right Love, 16.Walking In The Rain Of Paris, 17.Fly To The Moon, 18.Love Is Forever, 19.China In Her Eyes (feat Eric Singleton),

America (2001)

1.Win The Race, 2.Last Exit to Brooklyn, 3.Maria, 4.SMS To My Heart, 5.Cinderella Girl, 6.Why Does It Feel So Good?, 7.Rain In My Heart, 8.Witchqueen Of Eldorado, 9.Run To You, 10.America, 11.For A Lifetime, 12.From Coast To Coast, 13.There's Something In The Air, 14.I Need You Now, 15.New York City Girl, 16.Send Me A Letter From Heaven,

Victory (2002)

1.Ready For The Victory (Radio Version), 2.I'm Gonna Be Strong, 3.Don't Make Me Blue, 4.Juliet, 5.Higher Than Heaven, 6.You're Not Lisa, 7.When The Sky Rained Fire, 8.Summer In December, 9.Seconds To Countdown, 10.Love To Love, 11.Blue Eyed Coloured Girl, 12.We Are Children Of The World, 13.Mrs. Robota, 14.If I ..., 15.Who Will Love You Like I Do,

Romantic Dreams (13th Jan 2003)

1.Geronimo's Cadillac, 2.Doctor For My Heart, 3.Romantic Warriors, 4.The Night Is Yours - The Night Is Mine, 5.Diamonds Never Made A Lady, 6.Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. For Love), 7.Just We Two (Mona Lisa), 8.Heaven Will Know, 9.Sweet Little Sheila, 10.There's Too Much Blue In Missing You, 11.Hey You, 12.Give Me Peace On Earth,

Universe (28th Mar 2003)

1.TV Makes The Superstar (Radio Edit), 2.I'm No Rockefeller, 3.Mystery, 4.Everybody Needs Somebody, 5.Heart Of An Angel, 6.Who Will Be There, 7.Knocking On My Door, 8.Should I Would I Could I, 9.Blackbird, 10.Life Is Too Short, 11.Nothing But The Truth, 12.Superstar,

The Final Album (23rd Jun 2003)

1.You're My Heart, You're My Soul, 2.You Can Win If You Want, 3.Cheri Cheri Lady, 4.Brother Louie, 5.Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. For Love), 6.Geronimo's Cadillac, 7.Give Me Peace On Earth, 8.Jet Airliner, 9.In 100 Years, 10.You're My Heart, You're My Soul (New Version), 11.Brother Louie (New Version), 12.You Are Not Alone (feat. Eric Singleton), 13.Sexy Sexy Lover (Vocal Version), 14.China In Her Eyes (feat. Eric Singleton), 15.Don't Take Away My Heart (New Vocal Version), 16.Win The Race (Radio Version), 17.Last Exit To Brooklyn (Vocal Version), 18.Ready For The Victory (Radio Version), 19.Juliet (Radio Version), 20.TV Makes The Superstar (Radio Edit),

Nur das Beste: die Hits der 80 (8th Mar 2004)

1.You're My Heart, You're My Soul, 2.You Can Win If You Want, 3.Cheri Cheri Lady, 4.With A Little Love, 5.Let' s Talk About Love, 6.Lady Lai, 7.Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. For Love), 8.Brother Louie, 9.Geronimo's Cadillac, 10.You And Me, 11.Jet Airliner, 12.In 100 Years, 13.Locomotion Tango, 14.Slow Motion, 15.One In A Million, 16.Give Me Peace On Earth,

25 Years Of Disco-Pop (22nd Jan 2010)

1.You're My Heart, You're My Soul, 2.Cheri Cheri Lady, 3.Brother Louie, 4.Geronimo's Cadillac, 5.In 100 Years, 6.Jet Airliner (Radio Version), 7.You Can Win If You Want (Special Single Remix), 8.Just We Two (Mona Lisa), 9.Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. For Love), 10.Sweet Little Sheila, 11.One In A Million, 12.Give Me Peace On Earth, 13.Keep Love Alive (Long Vocal Version), 14.In 100 Years (Long Version - Future Mix), 15.Brother Louie (Metro Club Mix), 16.Lucky Guy (Special-DJ-Mix), 17.Your'e My Heart, Your'e My Soul (Paul Masterson's Extended Remix),

25 Years Of Disco-Pop (22nd Jan 2010)

1.TV Makes The Superstar (Radio Edit), 2.Sexy Sexy Lover (Vocal Version), 3.You're My Heart, You're My Soul (New Version), 4.China In Her Eyes (Vocal Version), 5.You Are Not Alone, 6.Brother Louie (New Version), 7.Don't Take Away My Heart (New Vocal Version), 8.Ready For The Victory (Radio Version), 9.Win The Race, 10.Last Exit To Brooklyn, 11.No Face No Name No Number, 12.Mystery, 13.Juliet, 14.Higher Than Heaven (U-Max Mix), 15.Space Mix '98,

Peace On Earth (Winter In My Heart) (18th Nov 2011)

1.Can't Let You Go, 2.Just Close Your Eyes, 3.Give Me Peace On Earth, 4.All I Have, 5.Keep Love Alive, 6.We Still Have Dreams, 7.One In A Million, 8.Don't Play With My Heart, 9.Rain In My Heart, 10.I Will Follow You, 11.Wild Wild Water, 12.How You Mend A Broken Heart, 13.It's Your Smile, 14.Stranded In The Middle Of Nowhere, 15.Why Did You Do It Just Tonight, 16.Lady Lai, 17.Blinded By Your Love, 18.Like A Hero, 19.Don't Let It Get You Down, 20.It's Christmas,

30 (3rd Oct 2014)

1.Just We Two (Mona Lisa) (New Hit Version), 2.Tv Makes The Superstar (Remastered), 3.Juliet - Remastered), 4.Ready For The Victory ( Remastered), 5.Last Exit To Brooklyn ( Remastered), 6.Win The Race ( Remastered), 7.Don't Take Away My Heart - Remastered), 8.China In Her Eyes (Remastered), 9.Sexy Sexy Lover (Remastered), 10.You Are Not Alone (Remastered), 11.Brother Louie '98 (Remastered), 12.You're My Heart, You're My Soul '98 (Remastered), 13.In 100 Years (Remastered), 14.Jet Airliner (Remastered), 15.Give Me Peace On Earth (Remastered), 16.Geronimo's Cadillac (Remastered), 17.Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. For Love) (Remastered), 18.Brother Louie (Remastered), 19.Cheri Cheri Lady (Remastered), 20.You Can Win If You Want (Remastered), 21.You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Remastered),

30 (3rd Oct 2014)

1.Brother Louie (Bassflow 3.0 Single Mix), 2.Give Me Peace On Earth (New Hit Version), 3.Just Like An Angel (New Hit Version), 4.You're The Lady Of My Heart (New Hit Version), 5.Tv Makes The Superstar (Alternative Single Version), 6.Brother Louie '99 (Dj Cappiccio Radio Mix), 7.Brother Louie (Bassflow 3.0 Extended Mix), 8.Your'e My Heart, Your'e My Soul (Paul Masterson Dub), 9.You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Extended Version - So 80's Remaster By Blank & Jones), 10.30th Annivesary Megamix,

Back For Gold - The New Versions (16th Jun 2017)

1.Brother Louie (New Version 2017 ), 2.You're My Heart You're My Soul (New Version 2017), 3.Cheri Cheri Lady (New Version 2017 ), 4.You Can Win If You Want (New Version 2017), 5.Atlantis Is Calling (New Version 2017), 6.Geronimo's Cadillac (New Version 2017), 7.Modern Talking Pop Titan Megamix 2k17 (Full Long Version Outro), 8.Brother Louie, 9.You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Extended-Version), 10.Cheri Cheri Lady, 11.You Can Win If You Want, 12.Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. For Love), 13.Win The Race (Scooter Remix), 14.Shooting Star, 15.Juliet (Jeo's-Remix), 16.Modern Talking Pop Titan Megamix 2k17 (3-Track DJ Promo Outro), 17.Modern Talking Pop Titan Megamix 2k17 (Chorus Short Mix Outro),


You're My Heart, Your're My Soul (Sep 1984)
You Can Win If You Want (Mar 1985)
Cheri Cheri Lady (Sep 1985)
Brother Louie (1986)
Atlantis Is Calling (1986)
Geronimo's Cadillac (1986)
Give Me Peace On Earth (1986)
Jet Airliner (1987)
In 100 Years (1987)
Lonely Tears In Chinatown (1987)
Locomotion Tango (1988)
You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Mar 1998)
Brother Louie'98 (Aug 1998)
Brother Louie'99 (1999)
You Are Not Alone (1st Feb 1999)
Sexy, Sexy Lover (14th May 1999)
We Take The Chance (21st Dec 1999)
China In Her Eyes (1st Feb 2000)
Don't Take Away My Heart (2nd May 2000)
Win The Race (26th Feb 2001)
Last Exit To Brooklyn (30th Apr 2001)
Ready For The Victory (18th Feb 2002)
Juliet (29th Apr 2002)
TV Makes The Superstar (5th Mar 2003)

The Modern Talking project originated in the spring of 1984, when Dieter Bohlen wrote You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul. At first he could not find a suitable artist to complete the act. Persuaded by Bohlen, the German pop singer Thomas Anders recorded the You're My Heart, You’re My Soul - unaware of the impact it would have on the music industry. A few weeks after its debut, You’re my heart, You’re My Soul reached the top of the German pop charts. Sales exceeded 40000 singles daily. After their incredible success in Germany, Modern Talking released their hit in other European and Asian countries. They landed on charts in 17 countries, including Japan’s top 20, being the first German act ever to enter this chart. The single was # 1 in Israel and nominated song of the year 1985 in this country, but only # 55 in in UK. They were elected band of the years 1985 and 1986 in Israel.

A few months later, they followed up with their 2nd huge hit (You Can Win If You Want) which confirmed the success of the 1st single being # 1 in Israel once again. Cheri Cheri Lady (# 1 in Israel) and Brother Louie (# 1 in Israel, # 4 in UK) became further chart toppers. What made this group popular  was the fact that Dieter knew what people wanted, namely, emotional, easy to listen dance songs. His music combined with an angelic voice of Thomas produced a fail-free recipe.

After Brother Louie scored gold in Canada and England, Modern Talking seemed to have the US market wide open to them. But quarrels between Dieter Bohlen and Thomas Anders (now) ex-wife led to the band's split in 1987, after hits such as Atlantis Calling, (which was # 1 in Israel, # 52 in UK), Geronimo's Cadillac (# 2 in Israel), 7 albums and over 60 million albums sold. Dieter concentrated on his new project Blue System and Thomas went solo.

Modern Talking is considered as the most successful german band ever and with 60 million albums sold in the top ten world wide. Only mega stars like Elton John, Elvis, the Rolling Stones or the Beatles outrank Modern Talking internationally.

Anders' solo career in the US, was not a real success, in spite of five albums released. In March 1998 the impossible happened : Dieter Bohlen and Thomas Anders reunited as Modern Talking after only superficial contact for four years. Personal differences have been set aside so that the huge phenomenon that captivated many people a decade ago, could be reborn once again. Their first performance was in front of an 18 million TV audience on the game show 'Wetten dass...?'. The updated You're My Heart, You're My Soul '98 was released. It featured raps by Eric Singleton. Sales soared like in the mid 80s and it went straight to number 1 in many countries (such as Israel). The remix album Back For Good was a huge success achieving platinum status almost instantaneously. The duo’s next singles entered the charts on high positon and so did the 8th album Alone.

In Janurary 2000 the Single China in her eyes was released and went directly on slot eight in the german single charts. In the end of Februrary the 9th album 2000 - Year Of The Dragon comes same time like the chinese horoscope year of the dragon begins.

2001 : the single Win The Race was released. On the maxi-CD, one can find another song named Cinderella Girl. The new album, entitled America is planned for 19th of March.

2002 : they released a new single called Juliet, with the clubbing Disco Feeling as B-side, along with a video clip. A best of album called Romantic Dreams was also released.

2003 : Modern Talking released a new single entitled TV Makes A Superstar, which already peaked #2 in Germany. Then followed the 12th album, entitled Universe. In June they planned some concerts in Germany... but they split for the second time. Thomas Anders said that Dieter was unhappy with "having to share money and success" with him. In his second book Hinter den Kulissen (Behind The Curtains), Dieter Bohlen called Thomas Anders greedy, lazy, and scrupulous and claimed that Thomas Anders "ruined" all of the Modern Talking songs with his "untrained" voice.

Modern Talking Official Homepage
Modern Talking at Eurodance Favourites
Thanks to Shimon O'Hana for the charts positions
Thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin, Kizoo and DJ Stakan



Moggi (Alberto)
EuroDance Producer


Artists and groups featuring Moggi (Alberto)

Chantelle - I Want You Babe (1995)
K Lizard - Why Don't You Love Me (1993)
Kinzica - My Love (1998)
SOS - Don't You Leave Me Standing (1995)
The Flaps - I Feel Your Love (1995)



Mohammed (Gina)
EuroDance Member



Love Is All I See (1995)

Gina was one of the background voices of Milli Vanilli (on the second album The Moment Of Truth, which also featured Linda Rocco).

She then became a member of Frank Farian's other project Try 'N' B, a pop group formed in 1992, along with Ray Horton, Tracy Ganser and Kevin Witherspoon. Their debut album, Sexy Eyes (self-titled for U.S.), was their only release. The majority of songs from their album were covers from the second (The Real) Milli Vanilli album, The Moment of Truth (which was released in 1990). The group released three singles : Sexy Eyes, Tell Me Where It Hurts and Ding Dong.

Gina Mohammed was the singer of Loft for the first album (except for Hold On which featured Kim Sanders and Live It Up sung by Lori Glori). She also did vocals on Intermission's track Love Sensation on their album Piece Of My Heart. In addition to that, she also sang for other projects like Tully-Hoo! (Heaven, written by Nosie Katzmann).

In 1995 she released a nice eurodance solo single called Love Is All I See. The music was written by Stan Kempinsky, Pi Beta and Nicodée, the lyrics were written by Stan Kempinsky. It was produced by N.M.P.-production with remixes by Ingo Kays and Tony Catania.

2005 : she appeared on Sunshine, Party Time and Welcome To My World, 3 tracks on Bludshot's album Another Day.

Thanks to Tristan Fabian and DR@KE

Artists and groups featuring Mohammed (Gina)

Bludshot - Another Day (album) (2005)
LOFT - Love Is Magic (1994), Summer Summer Summer (1993), Wake The World (album) (1994)
Milli Vanilli - The Moment Of Truth (album) (1990)
Try'n'B - Sexy Eyes (album) (1992)
Tully-Hoo! - Heaven (My Mind Is My Playground) (1993)



EuroDance Group



Originale Musicale Radicale (1995)

1.XS, 2.Originale Radicale Musicale, 3.Won't Let You Go, 4.Confusion, 5.Baby Boom, 6.If You Wanna Party, 7.Ready On The Line, 8.Control Your Body, 9.Give You My Love, 10.Change,

Les Jeux Sont Faits (2001)

1.Whistle's Party, 2.Love Lasts Forever, 3.Discotek People, 4.Follow Me, 5.The World Of Genik, 6.Farilalilla, 7.Listen, 8.The One, 9.Can U Feel, 10.The Sound Of My DJ, 11.Genik, 12.Flash,

Made In Ialy (2004)

1.Desert Of Love, 2.Village Groove, 3.Tell Me, 4.Sunshine, 5.Baby, 6.The Gong Song, 7.Romance, 8.TVAB, 9.New Jam, 10.Hi, My Girl, 11.Forever Friends, 12.I Say Hello,


Revolution (21st Jan 1992)
Confusion (1993)
Change (15th Jul 1994)
If You Wanna Party (1995)
XS (1995)
See The Difference (17th Jul 1996)
It's A Real World (7th Jul 1997)
With This Ring Let Me Go (22nd May 1998)
Genik (11th Dec 2000)
Listen (2001)
Discotek People (30th Apr 2001)
The One (28th Jun 2001)
Love Lasts Forever (28th Feb 2002)
Baby (7th Mar 2002)
Whistle's Party (15th Mar 2002)
TVAB (10th Jun 2002)
Magia (18th Sep 2002)
Baby (Mar 2003)
Desert Of Love (Sep 2003)
Tell Me (Jun 2004)
Sunshine (Sep 2004)
From Space To My Life (Jul 2006)
Love Resurrection (Nov 2006)
Originale Radicale Musicale (Jan 2007)
Desire (23rd Jul 2007)
Be My Queen (2009)
Atmosphere (Apr 2009)
Love With Me (20th Nov 2009)
Paradise (23rd Jun 2010)
X-Rated (10th May 2011)
Twisted (12th Jul 2011)
In Your Eyes (24th Jan 2012)
Let Me Give You More (15th Jun 2012)
Even In The Rain (30th Nov 2012)
Everything (31st May 2013)
You and Me Forever (25th Oct 2013)
Who's the Man (27th Jun 2014)
Ninja Ahahah (30th Jan 2015)
Bring Back The Love (12th Jun 2015)
Make Me Fly (1st Jul 2016)
World (7th Jul 2017)
Butterfly (21st Jun 2019)
Starlight & Gold (20th Mar 2020)
Just Love (12th Mar 2021)
Easy People (18th Jun 2021)
It's Alright (27th Aug 2021)
Enjoy The Silence (15th Oct 2021)
Cocktails (4th Feb 2022)
Temptation (15th Jul 2022)
On My Couch (16th Dec 2022)
Fly High To Paradise (10th Mar 2023)
Holding Back (16th Jun 2023)
Lean On Me (17th Nov 2023)
Because I Love You (19th Jan 2024)
Locked In Your Love (10th May 2024)
Let's Dance (Volare) (31st May 2024)
Porno (13th Sep 2024)


Revolution (4th Dec 1991)
Change (1994)
Let Me Give You More (2012)
Even In The Rain (5th Apr 2013)
Who's the Man (27th Jun 2014)
Butterfly (2nd Aug 2019)
World (23rd Oct 2020)
Just Love (7th May 2021)
It's Alright (1st Oct 2021)
Temptation (Rivaz & Botteghi Remix) (14th Oct 2022)
Holding Back (Club Remix) (7th Jul 2023)