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Latest Marc Wilson news
10/02/2024 : Marc Wilson was featured by Dee Jay Rufus on the single Bi Ba Be Le
Marc Wilson singles
Locomotion | 26th Sep 1994 |
Feel My Body | 24th May 1996 |
C'est La Vie | 3rd Feb 1997 |
Make My Day | 16th Feb 1998 |
Taste of Luv Compilation only | Jul 1998 |
Featurings and collaborations
God Bless the Children - God Bless the Children | 1st Jul 2014 |
Dee Jay Rufus - Bi Ba Be Le | 9th Jan 2024 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
Lalit - Ezumbale (Paradise) | 2000 |
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Marc Wilson biography
Marc (or Mak) Wilson was born in Lagos. He started off his music career at an early age and was at a time in the high school the president of the musical society. After gettinig his diploma in a professional school in business administration, he left Nigeria to go to Germany. At first he had to do little jobs such as dish washing as kitchen help, then he worked himself up to an export manager in a computer company.
He signed a record deal with German label Town Records. He recorded Jack The City Boy which was finally not released. Single Locomotion included 2 tracks as B-side : Dance With Friends and Waltz Of Tekno. Songs were produced by Gene Coach (aka Günther Kutsch), recorded and mixed by Bernie Getz. The female vocals on Locomotion were recorded by Melanie Thornton, even if she was not credited on the sleeve.
This first single was followed by 2 others : Feel My Body (including a B-side, his very first song Jack The City Boy), C'est La Vie (written and composed by Markc Wilson himself, with Kurt Hierols and Marco Besler, featuring the background vocalists Kathryn Troyer and Andrea Kreis). Due to bad promotion, single did not sell well, so Marc quit the label.
Then he got signed under independent label Manifold/Compile music to release Make My Day (including a Radio Mix, a Original Club Mix, an Extended Dance Mix and a MMM-Mix). It was included on a Japanese compilation selling over 250000 copies. As for the song Taste Of Luv, it was only released on compilation from the famous Dancemania series. But this did not bring Marc the recognition he deserved, so he left the records company.
Then he released song Ezumbale under alias Lalit under a friend's independent records company Jakay Records. Song was rated # 8 in Mallorca international chart and rated with 5 stars by Bravo Magazine. Then Marc did a pause.
2010 : he was back with a new style, Afro Pop. His new song was entitled Isi Ebube and it was a collaboration with singer Charlotte Williams. He also recorded the dance song You Are My Fantasy
2014 : he was featured on God Bless the Children eponymous single, a charity song dedicated to the over 300 Chibok girls abducted by the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram in Nigeria.
2024 : he was featured on his longtime friend DJ Rufus single Bi Ba Be Le.
Thanks to David Nivin "Captain DJ" and Klems
Marc Wilson biography was last updated Wed, February 7th 2024
Links to Marc Wilson
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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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