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WH Records   (France)

EuroDance  label / records company
Added : 24/05/2014



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WH Records biography

WH Records biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

WH Records catalog

Artist Title Date Label
André Verchuren Le Plus Grand Bal Du Samedi Soir 1998 WH CD7
Angélès Solitarias 1994 191 367.2
B-One The Rhythm 1995 190 815-1
Cocoon IV Chrysalis 1995 190 922-2
Damayé Corps à Corps 1994 190 705-1
Damia Ces Fabuleuses Années 30 1994 191 443-2
Dede Destroye Et La Bande Java Beat WH 324
Direct 2 Dance Burning Up 1995 190 890-2
Direct 2 Dance Burning Up 1995 190 891-1
Direct 2 Dance Burning Up 1995 190 891-2
Direct 2 Dance Burning Up (Remixes) 1995 190 985-1
Electric Machine Open Your Eyes 1994 190 597-2
Electric Machine Open Your Eyes 1994 WH 2002
Emergency Dance Into The Fire 1994 190 598-2
Emergency Dance Into The Fire 1994 WH 2003
Garbelli Do You Want 190 591-1
Garbelli Do You Want 1994 190 591-2
House Control Calling The Night 1994 190 700-2
House Control Calling The Night 1994 190 701-1
Jon Anderson The Deseo Remixes 1995 72902 10340-1
La Bande A Basile Qu'est-Ce Qui M'attend A La Rentrée 1995 190938.2
Lova Moor Oh Les Mecs ! 1996 192216.2
Marina Johnson Be My Lover [My Groove Is House] ; (CD, Single, 1994 190 694-2
Marina Johnson Be My Lover (My Groove Is House) 1994 190695-1
Pierre Billon Autoroute 1996 191626 2
Pierre Billon L' Autor 1996 192162 2
Pierre Vassiliu Parler Aux Anges 1998 WH CD25
X-Pose All My Life 1995 190 914-2
X-Pose All My Life 1995 190 915-1
X-Pose All My Life 1995 190 915-2
Yan Et Les Abeilles Sale Petite Gonzesse 1995 192 074.2




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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