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Latest Urban Cookie Collective news
15/10/2021 : After the Cotton Club remixes last month, a Supernature remixes package was released for Urban Cookie Collective's 1996 single Champagne Supernova
30/04/2014 : Urban Cookie Collective and CJ Stone released last month a 2014 version of UCC's hit Feels Like Heaven (thanks to Guillaume).
30/09/2010 : Last month, Urban Cookie Collective released The Key, The Secret 2010 (a remix done by Danny Kirsch) under label Superstar recording.
22/01/2005 : Urban Cookie Collective released a remix of their hit The Key The Secret and it entered this week the charts in Ireland (#42) and UK (#31).
06/01/2005 : Urban Cookie Collective entered the charts as #50 in Ireland with The Key The Secret 2005 (thanks to Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkine).
Urban Cookie Collective albums
High On A Happy Vibe | 1st Feb 1994 | BUY
Tales From The Magic Fountain | 12th Oct 1995 | BUY
Very Best of Urban Cookie Collective 2 CDs | 2000 | BUY
The Very Best Of 2 CDs | 2004 | BUY
The Key, The Secret - The Very Best Of 2 CDs | 2010 | BUY
Urban Cookie Collective DVDs and VHS
The Very Best of Urban Cookie Collective | 2004 | DVD |
Urban Cookie Collective singles
Pressin' On | 1992 |
Lucky Stars | Aug 1992 |
The Key, The Secret | 3rd Jun 1993 |
Feels Like Heaven | 14th Sep 1993 |
Sail Away | 14th Jan 1994 |
High On A Happy Vibe | 11th Mar 1994 |
Bring It On Home | 15th Oct 1994 |
Spend The Day | 21st Mar 1995 |
Rest Of My Love | 14th Aug 1995 |
So Beautiful | 26th Oct 1995 |
Champagne Supernova | 1996 |
Ain't It A Shame | 2nd Feb 1998 |
Mercedez Benz | 2000 |
The Key The Secret 2004 | 2004 |
The Key, The Secret 2010 | 23rd Aug 2010 |
Feels Like Heaven 2014 (with CJ Stone) | 21st Mar 2014 |
Urban Cookie Collective remixes
Champagne Supernova (Cotton Club mixes) if($ft[6]!="") { echo " (".stripslashes($ft[6]).")" ;} // commentaire ?> | 10th Sep 2021 |
Champagne Supernova (Supernature Remix) if($ft[6]!="") { echo " (".stripslashes($ft[6]).")" ;} // commentaire ?> | 8th Oct 2021 |
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Urban Cookie Collective biography
Behind Urban Cookie Collective stands Rohan Heath, keyboardist, who writes and produces the songs. The female vocalist was Diane Charlemagne, who also took part to the writing of some of the songs. The other members are Simon Bertall (born on the 17th October 1967) and Peter Samson (bongo player, born on the 15th of May 1968). Also were included, Marty (MC) and DJ Pete (DJ). Some guest rappers also took part to the project : Lovedog on High On A Happy Vibe, 8 Bar Wizard on Spend The Day.
UCC achieved a major breakthrough in 1993 with The Key : The Secret, one of the most riveting dance tracks of the season, peaking #2 in the UK, and #5 in the sales charts in Germany. It was originally a track written at home by Heath, in a soul/hip hop vein, produced by Chapter And The Verse on the tiny Unheard Records imprint. However, after a remix provoked a massive club response it was picked up by Pulse 8, who also issued a double album the same year. A special UK remixes CD was also released for this single.
The follow-up Feels Like Heaven was also very successful, it reached UK charts position #5, and #12 in the German sales charts.
Then came the singles Sail Away, which reached #18 in UK charts and #25 in German sales charts, then High On A Happy Vibe, which only scored #31. The follow-up singles Bring It On Home, So Beautiful, Rest Of My Love, Spend The Day, Ain't It A Shame (featuring the voice of Rachel McFarlane from N-trance) and more recently Champagne Supernova were not very succesful.
The Key The Secret was recently covered by Phobos & Deimos. The Love Parade 2003 theme also used the same sample.
2013 : The Key The Secret was covered by SAIFAM project DJ Space'C.
UCC are touring with their new vocalist Danielle Barnett.
Timeline Diane Charlemagne at
Thanks to Christian DTM Nolimits and Nico
Urban Cookie Collective biography was last updated Mon, March 15th 2021
Links to Urban Cookie Collective
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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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