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Latest Unlimited Friends news
01/09/2021 : Unlimited Friends released an EP entitled Variety, gathering solo projects tracks by all the band members Irene Dee, Danza, Ray NR and Chrizz Morisson.
14/08/2021 : Unlimited Friends are releasing a new version of their song 90s Never End
29/01/2020 : A compilation mixed by Unlimited Friends will be out on February 14th. It will gather many version of their 2 singles, as well as some other tracks from DMN records artists
20/08/2017 : Unlimited Friends will release a remixes package of their single Secret Love by Chrizz Morrison.
24/09/2016 : Former Unlimited Friends member Ray NR aka Rainer Doeffinger released his new tropical house single When The Sun Goes Down on Dmn Records.
17/06/2016 : Former Unlimited Friends rapper Ray NR aka Rainer Doeffinger just released a single entitled Coconut Kiss.
05/06/2016 : Out now, new Robin van Riel single Circle Of Life featuring former Unlimited Friends vocalist Irene Dee.
Unlimited Friends singles
90s Never End | 9th Aug 2013 |
Friends United EP | 2014 |
Secret Love | 29th Aug 2014 |
Secret Love 2017 | 27th Sep 2017 |
Variety | 27th Aug 2021 |
Unlimited Friends remixes
90s Never End if($ft[6]!="") { echo " (".stripslashes($ft[6]).")" ;} // commentaire ?> | 12th Jul 2013 |
Secret Love if($ft[6]!="") { echo " (".stripslashes($ft[6]).")" ;} // commentaire ?> | 23rd Jan 2015 |
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Unlimited Friends biography
Unlimited Friends was created in 2013 by fans of 90s dance and especially of the 2 Unlimited. The performers are Dutch lead singer Irene (ex Music Idol participant), and 3 male rappers : Rainer (Germany), Danza and Enfortro (both from Australia). The sound is euro pop with a strong 90s feel. Their first single 90's Never End was released end of May, remixes followed in July, then came the CD in August.
Unlimited Friends biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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