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United   (Poland)

EuroDance group
Added : 20/11/2001

United Is Back
Koniec Gry
Naprawde Nie-Wiem/U-Xit-Me
Go Baby Go
Jeszcze Jedna Noc
United Is Back
94 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000


United albums

United United 1995
Energize Energize 1996
U-Xit-Me U-Xit-Me 1998
United Is Back United Is Back 2000


United singles

Koniec Gry Koniec Gry 1995  
B-52 B-52 1995  
U-Xit-Me U-Xit-Me 1997  
Naprawde Nie-Wiem/U-Xit-Me Naprawde Nie-Wiem/U-Xit-Me 1997  
Go Baby Go Go Baby Go 1997  
Jeszcze Jedna Noc Jeszcze Jedna Noc 1999  
United Is Back United Is Back 2000  



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United biography

United was created in 1994 by Mariusz Rogowskiwgo and Bartk Piaseckiego. The members were Mariusz Rogowski, Grazyna, Aneta Nojszewska and Marcin Niewiadomski. They released 4 albums and 6 singles.

Initially the group did not have any name. After 3 months, they chose the name UNITED. First album was recorded during Spring and Summer of 1995. Zdrada I Fałsz and Dotykaj Mnie Co Noc topped the DJ charts in Poland. They received an award for best dance album. In the meantime, Mariusz worked as a music producer for artists Nazare, Kayah and Piaska. They did a successful tour across the U.S. and Canada, during which they met a warm reception in the Polish discotheques. After returning home, they gave concerts in Poland, often along other eurodance stars, such as Fun Factory, Culture Beat, DJ Bobo.

In 1996, United recorded their second album Energize. Album release was preceeded by the single Koniec Gry, which was massively played on radio and television throughout the country. They were awared best dance national group in Poland.

The third album U-xit-ME was released in June 1997, along with 2 singles, Naprawdę Nie Wiem and and the title song U-xit-ME. Both songs became a hit in short time. Video for the second track of this single was even spotted by German music channel VIVA, which did not have yet its Polish version. As for single U-xit-ME, it stayed druing 5 weeks on TVP charts, and was certified gold. Western records companies showed some interest in the single.

2001 : new album United Is Back immediately became a hit, selling 65 000 copies. Mariusz composed most songs and did arrangements. Most lyrics were written by Zbigniew Bieniak, who previously was the lead singer on songs Oddziału Zamkniętego and Yokashin.

Thanks to Madenn

United biography was last updated Sat, February 10th 2024

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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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