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Two Boys

Two Boys   (France)

AKA : 2 Boys
EuroDance group
Added : 16/03/2004

I Won't Let You Down
Just The Two Of Us
What You Want
Don't You Know
Calling For Affection
Have You Ever Seen The Rain
I Won't Let You Down '98 (Mac Zimms mix)
91 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998


Two Boys albums

You You 1994


Two Boys singles

I Won't Let You Down I Won't Let You Down 1992  
Just The Two Of Us Just The Two Of Us 1993  
What You Want What You Want 1993  
Don't You Know Don't You Know 1993  
Calling For Affection Calling For Affection 1994  
Have You Ever Seen The Rain Have You Ever Seen The Rain 1997  
I Won't Let You Down '98 (Mac Zimms mix) I Won't Let You Down '98 (Mac Zimms mix) 1998  


Productions, co-production, executive production

Spinning Around D-Trax - Spinning Around 1994  

Arrangement, recording, engineer

Spinning Around D-Trax - Spinning Around 1994  


Spinning Around D-Trax - Spinning Around 1994  


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Two Boys biography

Two Boys is a French and Belgian project. Samy Deep, Pascal Blach (a close friend of RĂ©gis Ducatillon) and Nicimo are the Two boys, and the executive producer is no one than Serge Ramaekers. In september 1992, a piano-house cover of Ph.D I Won't Let You Down by Jackie Moore was hitting the French club charts, reaching the top 5. Two Boys recorded their own version at the end of the year and it became as successful as the other one in the early 1993 ! The producer was Vito Lucente, S. Ramaekers did one of the remix... Then he became producer for the all the other singles.

Just Like Two Of Us was another cover (later covered again by Will Smith !). The success came back with the original track Don't You Know, reaching club charts in France and Belgium. The track Calling for Affection, reminding a lot Cappella's U Got 2 Let the Music, was first released in spring 1994 as a solo single of Samy Deep. Quick, the single was released again (exactly the same) under the name of Two Boys (probably for commercial reasons). It was a hit in Belgian club charts. The 1998 mix of I Won't Let You Down appeared on the sampler "Nord-Way part 2". The group owned their label, Two Boys music Productions, the singles were licensed under ARS Productions.

Samy Deep also released a track in 1993 under ARS Productions, called I Need You Baby, probably also a eurodance track. The vinyl included a 12' Mix, a 7' Mix, a 7' Remix and a 7' Instumental.

Another track was released under Zipp records, entitled Show Me (coming once again with 4 versions : Luv' In Da Club Mix, Feels Mix, Big Show Mix and Big Vox Mix), under the scene name of Megastore.

The also released a 12-tracks album entiled You.

In 1997 they collaborated with famous eurodance composer Axel Breitung on single Have You Ever Seen The Rain.

Thanks to Nico, Gianni and Vision

Two Boys biography was last updated Sun, September 26th 2021




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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