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Time Records   (Italy)

  label / records company
Added : 20/11/2001



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Time Records biography

Produces the dance acts Datura, DJ Dado, Jinny, Outhere Brothers, USURA...
Sublabel : Italian Style Records

Time Srl was founded in 1984 on the crest of the Italian dance scene by Mr Giacomo Maiolini current chairman and mentor.

Year after year Time has consolidated its position on the international music panorama boasting many succesful hits such as Fly to me by Aleph, which was a big hit in Japan at the end of the 80's, Jinny with the song Keep Warm followed by the great success of Open your Mind by USURA during the early 90's.

Today Time is considered as one of the leading independent dance record companies in Europe thanks to the reputation and success reached by artists such as Outhere Brothers, 20 Fingers, Antares, Datura, The Tamperer feat. Maya just to name a few.

Recently Time has licensed Turn Around and Feel Good by Phatts & Small, Up & Down, Boom Boom Boom Boom, We're Going To Ibiza by the Vengaboys, Better Off Alone by Alice DeeJay and The Groove I Have by Paul Johnson from Chicago for Europe, has released the singles Tonite and Computer Love by Supercar and You Want My Love (Din don dada) by Paps's'N Skar.

To be mentioned, the worldwide success obtained by the single Feel it by The Tamperer feat. Maya; which has also reached the top of theEuropean chart during June 1998 and has sold more than one million copiesall over the world. The follow-up If You Buy This Record, (Your Life Will Be Better) reached the Top 5 of the European sales chart. In these days Time was waiting the release all over Europe of Hammer to the Heart by The Tamperer feat. Maya and Get Get Down by Paul Johnson.

Time is distributed by Self Distribuzioni, which founded in 1996, has become in only three years one of the leading structures in the distributionmarket in Italy, covering 60% of the national market in the single sales.Last but not least, let's spend a couple of words about the Team working in Time: an enthusiastic and dynamic group of young professional people,who share the merit of having all this become real.

Time Records

Catalog (from 1992 to 1999)

Time Records biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

Time Records catalog

Artist Title Date Label
101 Feat. Marvellous Why Don't You Stay 1998 TIME 124
Adams Anita All My Love 1992 TIME 7
Alice Deejay Back In My Life 2000 TIME 175
Anime Yumiko 1998 TIME 116
Apple 9 What You Do To Me 1999 TIME 176
Backstreet Boys I Want It That Way 1999 TIME 157
Bailey Carol Feel It 1994 TIME 39
Bailey Carol I Can't Make U Love Me 1996 TIME 64
Bailey Carol Under My Skin 1997 TIME 79
Black Baron Girl, I Love You So 1994 TIME 35
Boris Dlugosch Vs. Edesio Blen Blen 1999 TIME 156
Boy George Love Is Leaving 1996 TIME 78
Boy George When Will You Learn 1997 TIME 96
Britney Spears Baby One More Time 1999 TIME 148
Busker I Want To Be Free 1999 TIME 152
Camisra Let Me Show You 1998 TIME 109
Capricorn 20 Hz 1997 TIME 95
Carol Jones Make A Change 1992 TIME 9
Celvin Rotane Bienvenue 1997 TIME 97
Club Hands Live Your Life 1997 TIME 81
Coimbra Another Star 1998 TIME 118
D-inspiration Feat. Denise Matter Of Time 1992 TIME 8
Datura Angeli Domini 1995 TIME 61
Datura Mantra 1996 TIME 69
Datura Mantra - Remix 1996 TIME 74
Datura Voo-doo Believe? 1996 TIME 77
Datura The Sign 1997 TIME 87
Datura I Will Pray 1998 TIME 121
Datura & Usura Infinity 1995 TIME 52
Datura Feat. Ben I Love To Dance 1999 TIME 142
Debbe Cole Feel Free 1992 TIME 4
Debbe Cole Feel Free - Remix 1992 TIME 10
Discobump Discosound 1998 TIME 115
DJ Dado Revenge 1996 TIME 80
DJ Dado Coming Back 1997 TIME 85
DJ Dado Give Your Love - Part 1 1998 TIME 104
DJ Dado Give Your Love - Part 2 1998 TIME 105
DJ Dado Ready Or Not 1998 TIME 134
DJ Dado Ready Or Not - Rmx 1998 TIME 135
DJ Dado Ready Or Not - Re-remix 1998 TIME 137
DJ Dado Forever 1999 TIME 153
DJ Dado Forever - Rmx 1999 TIME 166
DJ Gee MP Fiesta 1998 TIME 138
DJ Molella And Phil Jay It's A Real World 1997 TIME 86
Donna J People In The Night 1994 TIME 44
Dune Hardcore Vibes 1995 TIME 49
Dv 8 Feat. Liza You Break My Heart 1998 TIME 132
Ethnic Beats Alla Fiera Dell'est / Fair Song 1999 TIME 174
Fast Eddie Everything 1998 TIME 128
Heaven 17 Meets Fast Eddie With This Ring Let Me Go 1998 TIME 114
Jarabe De Palo La Falca 1999 TIME 169
Jaydee Plastic Dreams - Remix Part 1 1997 TIME 92
Jaydee Plastic Dreams - Remix Part 2 1997 TIME 93
Jinny Never Give Up 1992 TIME 1
Jinny Never Give Up - Remix 1992 TIME 3
Jinny Feel The Rhythm - Remix 1993 TIME 16
Jinny One More Time 1994 TIME 30
Jinny One More Time - Remix 1994 TIME 33
Jinny Wanna Be With U 1995 TIME 56
JJ Brothers Feat. Senator Move It Up 1996 TIME 62
JJ Brothers Feat. Senator I Got The Vibe (shake It Shake It) 1996 TIME 72
Juice T. Love You For Life 1997 TIME 83
Klubbheads Kickin' Hard 1998 TIME 122
Kool & The Gang + Guests Summer 1997 TIME 98
Liquido Narcotic 1999 TIME 147
Los Umbrellos No Tengo Dinero 1998 TIME 113
Mask Just Round 1999 TIME 133
Molella Confusion 1993 TIME 21
Molella Confusion - Remix 1993 TIME 24
Molella Change 1994 TIME 37
Molella Change - Remix 1994 TIME 40
Molella Change - Re-remix 1994 TIME 41
Molella Originale, Radicale, Musicale - E.p. 1994 TIME 45
Molella Originale, Radicale, Musicale - Remix 1994 TIME 46
Molella X S 1995 TIME 53
Molella If You Wanna Party 1995 TIME 57
Molella & Phil Jay It's A Real World - Remix 1997 TIME 88
Molella & Phil Jay It's A Real World - Re-remix 1997 TIME 91
Molella Feat. Senator See The Difference 1996 TIME 68
Molella Feat. Senator See The Difference - Remix 1996 TIME 73
Nagano All Stars Push It To The Limit 1999 TIME 171
No Name Promise 1994 TIME 34
Paps 'n' Skar Because I'm Free 1998 TIME 117
Paps 'n' Skar You Want My Love (din Don Da Da) 1999 TIME 162
Paula Gardner Move Your Body 1994 TIME 32
Pay Day Vs. Simone Jay Good Times 1999 TIME 164
Rap Allstars Feat. Leroy Daniel Last Christmas 1998 TIME 141
Run Dmc Vs. Jason Nevins It's Like That 1997 TIME 94
Run Dmc Vs. Jason Nevins It's Tricky 1998 TIME 112
Shamen Universal - Rmx 1998 TIME 139
Shanks & Bigfoot Sweet Like Chocolate 1999 TIME 163
System F. Out Of The Blue 1999 TIME 149
Taleesa I Found Luv 1994 TIME 42
Taleesa Let Me Be 1995 TIME 48
Taleesa Burning Up 1995 TIME 54
Thalia Amor A La Mexicana 1998 TIME 126
The 3 Jays Feeling It Too 1999 TIME 168
The Lawyer I Wanna Mmm 2000 TIME 173
The Outhere Brothers Pass The Toilet Paper - Remix 1998 TIME 102
The Tamperer Feat. Maya Feel It 1998 TIME 110
The Tamperer Feat. Maya If You Buy This Record Your Life Will Be Better 1998 TIME 129
The Tamperer Feat. Maya Hammer To The Heart 1999 TIME 161
The Tamperer Feat. Maya Hammer To The Heart - Rmx 1999 TIME 172
The Wiseguys Ooh La La / Expanded On The Topic 1998 TIME 131
The Wiseguys Start The Commotion 1999 TIME 146
Usura Open Your Mind - Remix 1993 TIME 14
Usura Sweat 1993 TIME 18
Usura Sweat - Remix 1993 TIME 22
Usura Tear It Up 1993 TIME 25
Usura Open Your Mind - E.p. 1994 TIME 27
Usura Drive Me Crazy (all Night Long) 1994 TIME 31
Usura The Spaceman 1995 TIME 47
Usura Flying High 1996 TIME 66
Usura In The Bush 1996 TIME 71
Usura Open Your Mind - Rmx '97 1997 TIME 89
Usura Trance Emotions 1998 TIME 103
Various Atmosphera Compilation 1992 TIME 5
Various Dance Parade Compilation 1992 TIME 6
Various Diabolika Compilation 1993 TIME 17
Various Deejay Parade Compilation 1997 TIME 100
Vengaboys We Like To Party! 1998 TIME 123
Vengaboys Boom Boom Boom Boom!! 1999 TIME 144
Vengaboys We're Going To Ibiza - Rmx 1999 TIME 158
Viper Blue Sunshine 1999 TIME 150




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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