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Thelenius Peter

Thelenius (Peter)   (Sweden)

EuroDance member
Added : 20/11/2001

I Feel It Coming
Take Your Time
China In Your Hand
Trust Then Pain
I Really Want To
Listen To Your Heart
95 1996 1997 1998

Latest Peter Thelenius news

06/03/2005 : Peter Thelenius from Basic Element appeared in the Swedish Melody Grand Prix quarterfinal last saturday with his new band B-Boys International feat. Paul M - One step closer (thanks to Mikoo).

20/02/2005 : Peter Thelenius (rapper of Basic Element) is currently in jail since last Saturday. The consequence is that he might get kicked out of the Swedish eurovision songcontest. If so, the project B-Boys International will put D-Flex (known from Rob'n Raz, also in B-Boys Int.) as frontfigure on stage.

13/01/2005 : Peter Thelenius from Basic Element recorded song with a project called B-Boys International feat. Paul M. The song is called One Step Closer, was written by D-Flex (from Rob'n'Raz). The song will be presented at the pre-eliminatory contest for the Eurovision (thanks to Nitzo)

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Featurings and collaborations

I Feel It Coming Ann Bell Fell - I Feel It Coming 1996  


Don't Disrespect D-Flex - Don't Disrespect 1999  
Raise The Gain Basic Element - Raise The Gain Jan 2006  
I'll Never Let You Know Basic Element - I'll Never Let You Know 30th Aug 2006  
Touch You Right Now Basic Element - Touch You Right Now 2009  

Aliases - Records released under other names

Take Your Time Petrus - Take Your Time 1997  
China In Your Hand Petrus - China In Your Hand 1997  
Trust Then Pain Petrus - Trust Then Pain (album) 1997  
I Really Want To Petrus - I Really Want To 1998  
Listen To Your Heart Petrus - Listen To Your Heart 1998  


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Peter Thelenius biography

Rapper for the Basic Element project. Peter (alias Petrus) was born on 19th of December, 1973 in Malmö. Nowadays he lives in Stockholm. Peter Thelenius career started in 1993 when he and Ceazar Zamini started Basic Element, with Peter as rapper.

Peter Thelenius has also made a solo record entitled Listen To Your Heart, a solo album, and visited Finnish Ann Bell Fell's song I Feel It Coming (which was originally a song made by Basic Element).

2005 : Peter has been chosen to participate in the Swedish pre-eliminatory contest for the Eurovision. He will join a project called B-Boys International feat. Paul M. The song was called One Step Closer. The song has been written by D-Flex (Rob’n’Raz).

2010 : he married former glamour model, singer, politician and real-TV (Big Brother 2003, Den rätte för Rosing, Sanningens Ögonblick) star Linda Rosing. They had a son together the previous year. They both have children from earlier weddings. They live in Djursholm, a posh district outside Stockholm. In 2016, Linda became Basic Element's new frontlady, after a succesful and improvised appeare during Pride festival in 2015.

Universal Petrus - Peter Thelenius fan page
Than ks to Vision

Peter Thelenius biography was last updated Sun, July 7th 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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