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The Sign albums
Tonight | 1998 | BUY
The Sign singles
Rain Sun | 1997 |
I Like Chopin | 1997 |
Words | 1997 |
In My Lies | 1998 |
Reality | 1998 |
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The Sign biography
Project The Sign was created by Austrian producers San D. Lo and Y. Lee (Gernot Weilharter) from Vienna. It was probably a collaboration with Italian producers from SAIFAM Farina and Turatti (who were credited on one The Sign song, and owned a project with a similar name : T-Sign). It featured a solo, uncredited female vocalist. It is not known wether the good-looking brunette with the violin who appears on the sleeves was actually the vocalist.
Single Rain Sun featured Snoeti and was poduced by Bertelson (Hubert Rinder) and Y. Lee and released under label: Union Verlag. Then The Sign released a cover of F.R. David's Words, produced by SAIFAM's big names Fabio Turatti and Mauro Farina, and a cover of Gazebo's I Like Chopin, recorded and mixed at Sound Studion Süd by Günther Wurzinger.
A studio album called Tonight was released in 1998. It included all the singles, apart from Rain Sun. Next single was a cover of Richard Sanderson and Vladimir Cosma's Reality, featuring Samy Farag and rapper Frank Natera, produced by San D. Lo and Y. Lee. Then came single In My Lies, again composed, written and produced by San D. Lo and Y. Lee
Thanks to Gianni
The Sign biography was last updated Sun, January 7th 2018
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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