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Tatjana   (Netherlands)

EuroDance group
Added : 30/09/2007

Feel Good
Santa Maria
New Look
Hollands Glorie
O Baby I
Awaka Boy
Chica Cubana
You And Me
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Just When I Needed You Most
Feel Good
Never Never
Don't You Want Me Baby
Santa Maria
Calendar Girl
The First Time
Crazy Way About You
Wait And Wonder
Baila Baila
Be There In Time
Santa Maria 2003
Ik Laat Je Gaan
87 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Latest Tatjana news

24/05/2008 : Tatjana Simic is back with a new single released in the Netherland last January, and entitled Ik Laat Je Gaan

More news


Tatjana albums

Feel Good Feel Good 1993
Santa Maria Santa Maria (Asia only) 1996
New Look New Look 22nd Mar 1997
Hollands Glorie Hollands Glorie 2010

Tatjana DVDs and VHS

Tatjana's Double Deal Tatjana's Double Deal 1993 DVD
My Own Story My Own Story 2002 DVD


Tatjana singles

O Baby I O Baby I (Limited edition)  
Awaka Boy Awaka Boy 1988  
Chica Cubana Chica Cubana 1988  
You And Me You And Me 1991  
Can't Take My Eyes Off You Can't Take My Eyes Off You (with Gerard Joling) 1992  
Just When I Needed You Most Just When I Needed You Most 1992  
Feel Good Feel Good 1993  
Never Never Never Never 1993  
Don't You Want Me Baby Don't You Want Me Baby 1994  
Santa Maria Santa Maria 1995  
Calendar Girl Calendar Girl 1995  
The First Time The First Time 1997  
Crazy Way About You Crazy Way About You 1999  
Wait And Wonder Wait And Wonder 1999  
Baila Baila Baila Baila 2000  
Be There In Time Be There In Time 2000  
Beautiful Beautiful 2000  
Santa Maria 2003 Santa Maria 2003 2003  
Ik Laat Je Gaan Ik Laat Je Gaan Jan 2008  



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Tatjana biography

Tatjana Simic is a Dutch singer, actress and model, born on June 9th, 1963 in Zagreb, Croatia where she studied at high school. In 1979 she moved to Rotterdam in the Netherlands with her sister and mother, to start a new life. She worked as a tour guide in the Dutch city, before landing herself a job in the local town hall's sports and recreation department.

After winning a competition organised by a Dutch magazine, she started her modelling career in 1985. She also appeared in TV commercials. This is how she was spotted by the producer of the movie Flodder, the story of a rather a-social family, getting a chance to live in an upper-class neighbourhood. Tatjana played the role of Kres Flodder, the naughty daughter of the Flodder family. Flodder became Holland's most successful movie ever, seen by more than 2,5 million people in that country.

In 1987, after taking lessons for several years, she released her very first single Baby Love. The follow-up Chica Cubana (a cover of a sog by Laurie) was top 10 in Europe, leading her to the status of a sort of Dutch Sabrina. It was followed by Awaka Boy, produced again by the famous Italian producers Giuliano Crivellente and Mauro Farina.

1990 : Tatjana played the roles of Suzy in the Dutch film "My Blue Heaven".

1992 : she recoded a duet with Gerard Joling entitled Can't Take My Eyes Off You which was very successful. She appeared in the movie Flodder 2 (aka Flodder in Amerika), which again broke all box-office records. She aso played in the Flodder TV series. And in 1995, she was back in Flodder 3.

Tatjana's popularity has also spread further afield including South Africa and the Far East where she has toured. In 1993 she visited Miami for live appearances and to make a video for Feel Good and last year she modelled for the first 'Tatjana Calendar' which now adorns the walls of thousands of European homes and offices

The came the eurodance singles Never Never in 1993, Calendar Girl in 1996 (#73 in the Netherlands), and of course the famous Santa Maria (#37 in the Netherlands) which sampled O-jay's raps from Pump Up the Jam - Rap, M.C. Sar & the Real McCoy's first single.

1997 : Tatjana released hr single The First Time. John Frijters and Peter de Jong wrote her biography. Her new album New Look was released, and presented at the Planet Hollywood restaurant of Amsterdam.

1999 : The single Crazy Way About You was released, followed by Wait And Wonder.

2000 : Tatjana released Baila Baila. A special edition was released, including 3 videoclips, a calendar screensaver, a video-puzzle, a making of, as well as some photos. Then she got signed by the label Red Bullet, and came Be There In Time, and Beautiful.

2005 : she wrote a book entitled Jij.

2008 : Tatjana is back with a single in Dutch entitled Ik Laat Je Gaan and it went #11 in the Dutch charts. A brand new album should follow.

Thanks to Apho and Klems
Tatjana official website
Tatjana at Music Sources

Tatjana biography was last updated Fri, December 27th 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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