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Latest Tamo news
19/03/2017 : Tamo is back with a 2k17 version of an unreleased song featuring Lyane Leigh and edited by Frank Winkelmann from Experience of Music. It is already featured on compilation Eurodance Club Vol. 1.
Tamo singles
Another Night (Never released) |
Mystery | 1996 |
Sunrise | 1998 |
World's Emotion | 1999 |
Take Your Time | 2001 |
Seven Lonely Days | 2002 |
Another Night 2k17 | 5th May 2017 |
Featurings and collaborations
Fresh Trends - Carry Light To My Dreams / Love Is Like A Melody | 2000 |
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Tamo biography
Michael Yang chose his stage name Tamo from the Japanese language : Tamo means mediator, messenger. He was raised in Germany as a descendant of Korean and German ancestors. At early age he practised as singer in the choir of the local church, andmade his first steps with his schoolband and own solo performances. In 1995 he established his first danceact 'Tamo' with a crew of 5 people. By that time Tamo had no record contract, but he was playing 'live' at the local clubs to get the right feeling for the music business.
Soon he started his first TV-shows at the Dutch TV-station (Endemol Production). He toured as a support-act of several famous dance projects : La Bouche, Blümchen, C-Block or Bed & Breakfast. He released the singles Mystery, World's Emotion, Take Your Time, Sunrise, and contributed to Fresh Trends' Love Is Like A Melody.
Single Another Night featuring Lyane Leigh was never released.
2017 : Tamo was back with a 2k17 version of Another Night, edited by Frank Winkelmann from Experience of Music.
3H Productions
Tamo biography was last updated Wed, April 12th 2017
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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