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Latest T Seven news
08/12/2010 : T Seven recorded a party-country cover of Scooter's hit How Much Is The Fish with her new band Judy & the Fish Town Cowboys (Thanks to Tavi Meran)
07/10/2010 : T Seven will present Top 20 radio show every saturday from 14:00. She recently married German bussinessman Sven-Jörg Buthmann (Thanks to Tavi Meran)
02/06/2009 : T seven (former Mr President vocalist) is working in studio on new tracks (thanks to eurodance blog)
28/05/2006 : T seven (ex Mr President vocalist) was featured by the dance project Lunanova on the cover-song Let The Music Play (already covered by Strictly MOR some years ago). All infos on the Lunanova website (thanks to Tavi Meran).
T Seven singles
Hey Mr President | 26th Feb 2001 |
Passion | 17th Sep 2001 |
Copa Cabana | 2003 |
Featurings and collaborations
Mr President - Up'n Away | 15th Oct 1994 |
Mr President - Show Me The Way | 8th Nov 1996 |
Marvin McCay - Ohne dich (schlaf' ich heut Nacht nicht ein) | 2000 |
Lunanova - Let The Music Play | 2006 |
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T Seven biography
(Judith Hinkelmann aka Hildebrandt, nowadays known as Judith Buthmann)
T stands for her big love Techno music, and 7 for '70 styles (sometimes she is just called T). She worked as female vocalist for Mr President till the year 2000.
T-7 grew up with dance. Her mother was a ballerina, T really admired her and always wanted to follow her steps. At the tender age of 5, she was admitted to a very tough ballet school. At the very beginning of her career in Satellite One, her father was not approving it, but when in 1992 this group was climbing up with SAT-1 Serie The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones, he became a fan of the group and her daughter. She likes to wear clothes from that period. She gained high school diploma but at this moment she does not plan to get higher education.
In 2000 T-Seven left Mr President. She started a solo carreer, and in March 2001 released her first single called Hey Mr. President, written and produced by Thomas Anders (of Modern Talking). In August followed the secong single Passion (which had already been covered a few years later by Cardenia). According to rumors, it was not her real voice on the tracks, but the one of Karen Mueller, the studio vocalist who already sung her vocals while she was a member of Mr President. She also recorded a duet with Marvin McCay.
2003 : T-seven released a new single entitled Copa Cabana.
2004 : she turned to elektro-punk and recorded with her new band (Benny and the two Martin) new songs that she co-wrote with a team from London and co-produced in Bremen. She also took part as model to some fashion shows along with Jazzy from the group Tic Tac Toe or with Mirja Dumont.
Her favourite hobby is riding her horse Luna.
2006 : T seven was featured by the dance project Lunanova on the cover-song Let The Music Play (already covered by Strictly MOR some years ago). She also works as a DJ on radio NRJ Bremen.
2010 : she married German businessman Sven-Jörg Buthmann. She recorded a party-country cover of Scooter's hit How Much Is The Fish with her new band Judy & the Fish Town Cowboys
No relationhip with Judith Hildebrandt, the vocalist of Hugo.
Thanks to The General and Kizoo for the latest informations
Thanks to Iván Canals Arranz, Klems, Sascha Busch, Tavi Meran and D-man '94
T Seven biography was last updated Fri, May 10th 2024
Links to T Seven
Official websites
T Seven official forum
T Seven official website
T-seven at Myspace
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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