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Sweet Lies (2) singles
The Beast (of Prey) | 1996 |
Magical Feeling | 1997 |
Voodoo | 1998 |
One Night In Bangkok | 2000 |
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Sweet Lies (2) biography
Sweet Lies a project of Siegfried Mayska, featuring 4 sexy models: Jowita, Sue, Kim and Jil. On some singles sleeves, they were joined by a 5th singer. Label : Fox Records. The concept of Sweet Lies, as described by their producer, is "good music and action".
Jowita became a member of Sweet Lies after ending school. She likes harley Davidson, bungy-jumping and dogs. Before entering Sweet Lies, Jil was a marketing assistent. She loves black humour, and is a clothes-addict. She thinks that " Diamonds are the girls... best friend " and dreams of being a Bond - Girl. Kim used to be a DTP-Specialist. She is described as being the inquisitive one. She loves Formula 1 races and baking coco-cookies. One of her favourite phrases is " men are the most wonderful... non-essentials in the world". Sue was an industrial engineering student, after studying dance in Munich. She is described as the extravagant one. She loves basketball, NBA, plays excellent billards, and says that men are her favourite toys.
In 1996, the released The Beast (of Prey)
Then came Magical Feeling, a very nice eurodance track. It was composed and written by Herr Frentzen, produced by Siegfried Mayska. It charted 9 times.
Voodoo was rather a RnB track.
Their last single was released in 2000. It was a cover of One Night In Bangkok.
The project appeared in 80 large events and 28 TV shows. They even toured in China.
Nowadays, Siegfried Mayska has his own audio-visual agency.
No relationship with the other German project Sweet Lies
Thanks to Gianni
Sweet Lies official website
Sweet Lies (2) biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
Links to Sweet Lies (2)
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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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