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Featurings and collaborations
Good Moov - In Your Eyes | 5th Mar 2020 |
Good Moov - Only You | 28th Aug 2020 |
Good Moov - Think Positive | 30th Jul 2021 |
Dagoth - In A Gym | Oct 2021 |
Good Moov - Change Your Life | Nov 2021 |
Dagoth - Willpower | 27th Nov 2021 |
Dagoth - Nothing Can Stop Me | 29th Dec 2021 |
Good Moov - Smell Of Spring | 22nd Apr 2022 |
Dagoth - Under the Sun of 90s EP | 16th Oct 2022 |
Dagoth - The Key | 21st Oct 2022 |
Good Moov - Change Your Life (album) | 28th Oct 2022 |
Dagoth - One More Time | 12th Nov 2022 |
Good Moov - Sweet | 24th Mar 2023 |
Dagoth - Lights of the City Night | 14th Apr 2023 |
Good Moov - Who Made Us? (album) | 22nd Mar 2024 |
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StreetGirl biography
StreetGirl's real name is Rushana Novikova. She used to be the lead singer of trip-hop project Siberian Trip. In November 2018, she met eurodance artist Dagoth aka Ruslan Akhmetov in the studio where they were recording vocals. Dagoth liked her voice and decided to record a first track called Tell Us the Truth with her, to the music of producer Andrey Palchikov (D-Base). A that time, Rushana did not have a pseudonym yet, so she chose to remain anonymous.
In January 2019, Dagoth released a new single with her participation : Frozen, once again based on the music composed by D-Base. In October of the same year, following the recommendation of Andrey "D-Base", St. Petersburg-based producer Alexander Panov, wrote Dagoth with a proposal to implement the Eurodance track In Your Eyes, co-written with Andrejs Volkovs, a radio host from Latvia. Dagoth decided to invite Rushana again to record the vocals on the song. Then the producer insisted on creating a pseudonym for the vocalist. Rushana replied : “Hello!) I never thought about a pseudonym))) Write that it’s just any girl))))) from the street)))”. Since then, she has been called and signed StreetGirl.
But finally, In Your Eyes was not released by Dagoth. A new project consisting of Alexander Panov, Ruslan Akhmetov and Rushana Novikova, was started. It was a revival Good Moov which had not released any music since 2012, and In Your Eyes was their first single, to hit the stores in March 2020. Further, singles are released in a permanent line-up : Only You (August 2020), Think Positive (July 2021), Change Your Life (November 2021) and Smell of Spring (April 2022).
Between 2020 and 2022, the tracks Solar Energy, Is It you? and Love Me Tonight were also recorded, and several producers such D-Base (Russia), Lomeli (Mexico) and Ian Coleen (Germany) made remixes. By the beginning of October 2022, all Good Moov tracks were finalized and gathered into a studio album called Change Your Life, which was released on October 28th.
2023 : she moved to Canada and left the project Good Moov.
StreetGirl biography was last updated Fri, March 31st 2023
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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