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Soundlovers   (Italy)

EuroDance group
Added : 19/12/2001

People - The Album
96-03 The Album
10 - The Album (96-06)
Another Day
Mirando El Mar
Wonderful Life
Living In Your Head
We Wanna Party
Shake Your Ass
I'm Not Scared
My Body And Soul
Surrender 2k13
Be My Man
Run Away
95 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Latest Soundlovers news

15/06/2021 : Sean Finn released a remix of the Soundlovers's hit Run Away

17/02/2020 : Soundlovers's hit Run Away was covered by Shaun Baker featuring Jessica Jean (thanks to Pim).

25/09/2013 : Discover the videoclip of the Soundlovers's new single Be My Man (thanks to Nathan Roby)

13/09/2013 : On her Facebook account, Nathalie Aarts published the picture of a new Soundlovers single sleeve entitled Be My Man

03/06/2013 : The Soundlovers's hit Runaway was covered by PH Electro. (Thanks to Krasi)

21/08/2008 : The Soundlovers are back with a new single entitled My Body And My Soul.

03/08/2003 : The Soundlovers released their new single called Hyperfolk (thanks to Denis DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin). He released a new single entitled Everything I Do (thanks to Alex S).

More news


Soundlovers albums

People - The Album People - The Album 1997
96-03 The Album 96-03 The Album 2003
10 - The Album (96-06) 10 - The Album (96-06) 2 CDs 2006


Soundlovers singles

Run-Away Run-Away 22nd Jul 1996  
People People 2nd Apr 1997  
Another Day Another Day 16th Jun 1997  
Mirando El Mar Mirando El Mar 8th Jun 1999  
Surrender Surrender 30th Sep 1999  
Walking Walking 2nd Nov 1999  
Wonderful Life Wonderful Life 21st Jun 2000  
Abracadabra Abracadabra 28th Jun 2001  
Living In Your Head Living In Your Head 29th Oct 2001  
Flow Flow 15th Mar 2002  
We Wanna Party We Wanna Party 30th Jun 2002  
Hyperfolk Hyperfolk 1st Aug 2003  
Shake Your Ass Shake Your Ass 2004  
I'm Not Scared I'm Not Scared Dec 2007  
My Body And Soul My Body And Soul 9th Aug 2008  
Surrender 2k13 Surrender 2k13 29th Mar 2013  
Be My Man Be My Man 24th Sep 2013  


Soundlovers remixes

Surrender Surrender 1999  
Abracadabra Abracadabra 2001  


Featurings and collaborations

Run Away Sean Finn - Run Away 11th Jun 2021  


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Soundlovers biography

The Soundlovers are three well-known Italian producers: DJ Molella, Phil Jay, Roberto Santini, and two singers : Nathalie Aarts and the breakdancer German Leguizamon.

Nathalie was born and lived for 21 years in Holland (Breda), she had been working with the La Bionda brothers, Gianna Nannini, Adriano Celentano and Right Said Fred but also with various producers as author and as vocalist in various musical projects.

Their first single, Run-Away, was released in 1996 and entered the sales charts across Europe. They followed that initial success with People and Another Day, both of which did fairly well in the clubs. They toured and did live concerts since the release of their first single.

Their fifth European single, Surrender, was #1 on the Italian Dance Charts for 4 weeks and in the Top 10 on the Italian Sales Charts for over 2 months.

Walking was the first single to be released in the United States. Melodic, energetic, electronic trance pop with strong vocals, it's representative of the Italian dance sound.

In 2001 Nathalie joined as soprano one of the best-known Gospel groups, the No One Else, with which she has been taking part in several concerts in many big theatres and gospel festivals, both in Italy and abroad. She took part to the welfare project Angels 4 Children.

2002 : People 2002 was expected to be the next single of the Soundlovers. Actually it's a track called Flow that was released. Then came Shake Your Ass, in co-operation with Efisio Sergi.

After 2 years of silence, the Soundlovers were back with a new (double) single at the end of August. The single contained the songs Can't Stop Dancing and I'm Not Scared (a cover of Eight Wonder feat. Patsy Kensit). Can't Stop Dancing was already featured on the Italian compilation Dance Parade Estate 2006.

Nathalie has been working together with Kim Lukas since 1999 for various promotions all over the world and with Neja as part of the project Girls Party, the two have become friends, also because of the fact that they have often been mistaken one for the other, so much so that sometimes they are given back the wrong passports at customs. The two have therefore had the idea of singing like "two real sisters"…

2007 : Nathalie and Kim Lukas released their first single Change The World. In December, Run-away 2008 was released. It contained new versions coming from Germany and one of their own producers Roby Santini "RSDJ". Alex C inspired slightly from Run Away on his single Du hast den schönsten Arsch der Welt.

2008 : The Soundlovers were back with a new single entitled My Body And My Soul. A cover of Delicious and Marcin Garden (originally released in 1986), already covered in 1994 by Lori Glori.

Thanks to Selena Valeria Giannobi, Denis "DJ Hooligan" Zhabkin and Alex S
Italo-dancefloor news
Soundlovers at Myspace

Soundlovers biography was last updated Tue, May 14th 2019

Charts (singles)

Austria Belgium France Netherlands Switzerland
Run-Away #17 #21 #35
Surrender #21 #83

Official websites





DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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