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Sophia singles
Take It Or Leave It | 1992 |
Stay | 1992 |
Running So Hard | 1992 |
Gimme The Night | 1994 |
In The Night | Nov 1994 |
Couldn't This Be Magic | 1995 |
Featurings and collaborations
Unknown - Can U Make Me Say Yeah | 1993 |
Simple Beat - Revolution | 1994 |
Club Factory - I Think I Wanna Rock | 27th Jun 1994 |
Collo Rossi - Ein Bisschen Frieden | 1995 |
Philly Beats - Voulez-Vous | 1997 |
FRJ - Génération Perdue | 1999 |
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Sophia biography
Sophia Wezer is a Dutch singer, dancer and actress born November 1st 1972. She started her musical carreer in the band SHIFT, with John Ewbank, Liane Hoogeveen, Ronald Schilperoort, Rick Melkert, Remont Swaan and Marcel Bazuin. In 1988, they scored a #1 in the Netherlands entitled You're So Wonderful.
The 2 first singles entitled Stay and another Running So Hard. Running So Hard featured vocals by Carl Linger (who released 2 solo singles : Super Love and Don't Give It Up) and Glen Felter. It was written and composed by Bonz, Evans and Williams, produced by Team 3 (MaSong, Manirock & E-Roll). Verse based on Love's Gonna Get You by Jocelyn Brown. Chorus was based on Keep On by D-Train. Release contained 2 other songs : Still Chasing and Believe (both by MaSong, Riffi and Manirock). Both were released under Alabianca.
The single Couldn't This Be Magic included a Radio Version, a Pegasus Euro Edit, a Chill Out Club Mix, an Extended Version, a Pegasus Euro Mix, a Candlelight Mix and an Acapella version. It was released under Red Bullet NL, as well as the single Gimme The Night, an excellent eurodance track which was composed & written by Riffi, Masong, Manirock & Chavera. The single Take It Or Leave it contained 5 versions. It was released under Alabianca.
In 1996, Sophia completed a training of musical show teacher of at the Ballet Academie of Amsterdam.
Sophia also took part to Philly Beats' Voulez Vous.
Team 3 are MaSong, Manirock & E-Roll. Apart from Sophia, they created the groups Exclusive System. They remixed Pearl's Go Higher, Samantha Fox - Go For The Heart and Eclipse - (You Just Got To) Let The Rhythm Move You
Sophia took part to the musical TV game De Notenclub, presented by Nance, which opposed a Belgian team against a Dutch team. She appeared in the following TV series and movies Spanga, Madame Jeanette, Het grote sinterklaas verhaal, Westenwind, Goede tijden slechte tijden, Spijkerhoek, and Mokum Werkum.
2007 : she appeared in the movie Alibi, playing the role of Marga.
2008 : Sophia plays the role of Kala in the musical Tarzan, replacing Chaira Borderslee.
2010 : she organized musical masterclasses.
2011 : from October to next year's February, she performed at Palazzo, Amsterdam.
Thanks to BroderTuck, Eurodance Rage and Klems
Sophia biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
Links to Sophia
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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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