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Shilton   (Bulgaria)

EuroHouse group
Added : 13/06/2015

Eurobeat Mixes 2018
Hold You
In My Dreams
Make You Mine
What I Feel
Lift Me Up
Up and Down
Rock My World
11 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Latest Shilton news

08/05/2018 : End of May, Shilton will release a collection of all his hits so far, entitled Eurobeat Mixes 2018. It will include mostly club mixes. An original album with some new songs will follow after this. (Thanks to Krasi)

20/03/2018 : A new videoclip for Chrizz Morisson's remix for Shilton's single Rock My World was released (Thanks to Krasi).

05/03/2018 : Shilton will soon release a remixes package for Rock My World, done by Chirzz Morisson.

02/10/2017 : Next October 9th, Shilton's will release his next single Rock My World (Thanks to Krasi)

06/01/2017 : Shilton's next single will be entitled Up and Down and it will be out on February 17th. (Thanks to Krasi)

05/10/2016 : Shilton was interviewed about his new single Lift Me Up. (Thanks to Krasi)

09/09/2016 : Discover the videoclip for Shilton feat. Lightwarrior new single Lift Me Up.

More news


Shilton albums

Eurobeat Mixes 2018 Eurobeat Mixes 2018 30th May 2018


Shilton singles

Flame Flame 15th Jun 2012  
Hold You Hold You 2nd May 2014  
In My Dreams In My Dreams 5th Jun 2015  
Make You Mine Make You Mine 17th Jul 2015  
What I Feel What I Feel 26th Feb 2016  
Lift Me Up Lift Me Up 9th Sep 2016  
Up and Down Up and Down 17th Feb 2017  
Rock My World Rock My World 9th Oct 2017  


Shilton remixes

Flame (Hart Remix Edition) Flame (Hart Remix Edition) 15th Mar 2013  
Up and Down Up and Down 31st May 2017  



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Shilton biography

Singer and songwriter Ivan Dimov has been doing eurodance, dance, dreamdance and vocal trance since the 90s. His song Let's Fly was quite succesful in 2001. In 2012 he took scene name Shilton and released single Flame, produced by DJ Rossko from Deep Zone Project. Then, after a remixes edition for Flame in 2013, next single Hold You was out in 2014.

2015 : his new single In My Dreams was released in June. Ivan was said to be working on a full album...

2016 : Shilton's new single was entitled What I Feel. Then he teamed with T-spoon rapper Shamrock aka Lightwarrior on single Lift Me Up.

2017 : Shilton's new single Up and Down and released on February 17th

Thanks to Krasi

Shilton biography was last updated Mon, May 8th 2017

Official websites




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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