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Sect albums
Eleven | 1995 | BUY
O Melhor De Patricia Coelho E Sect | 2002 | BUY
Sect singles
I Can't Stop Loving You |
Never Know How Much I Love You |
F and D | 1994 |
Follow You | 1995 |
Light | 1995 |
Wasting My Life | 1996 |
Can't Stop The World | Nov 2002 |
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Sect biography
Sect is a project created around 1994-1995, in Curitiba, Brazil. The singer and frontlady of the project is named Patrícia Coelho, born in São Paulo. Producers were brothers Guilherme "Gui" and Jorge "Tchorta" Boratto. 2 albums were released under Spotlight Records : Sect and Eleven. Follow Me was used as a musical theme for the Brazilian TV program História de Amor.
Patrícia lived in USA and Mexico. She left Sect in 1997 to record a solo CD in Japan, called Fim da Inocência, which became a top 20 song on Japanese radios.
Gui and Tchorta got signed under Paradoxx to produce music for various groups, for instance Kaleidoscópio and Crossover (Music Will Never Stop). They got pretty successful so they founded their own label MegaMusic.
In 2002, Patrícia entered a Brazilian Reality show named "Casa dos Artistas", which contributed to make here very popular. In 2002 Patricia re-recorded Follow You under her own name. Follow You 2002 featured this time a rapper called Billy. Sect finally released a new single in November of the same year, Can't Stop The World with a new vocalist called Alyssa who had taken part to project Crossover. This song sounded very similar to Lasgo's hit Something, After a quiet beginning, it started having success in Brazil during the Summer 2003, getting good positions in Brazilian charts. A best of compilation, O Melhor De Patricia Coelho E Sect, was also released the same year.
Then Patrícia recorded a new CD entitled Um Pouco Maluca, in a very different musical style : pop rock and Brazilian popular music, singing in Portuguese.
2007 : Guilherme got signed under Colognee-based German label Kompakt and released his first album Chromophobia.
2011 : Gui Boratto's third album, III was out.
2014 : Gui Boratto released his fourth album, Abaporu.
Thanks to Sidnei, DJ Alex Calboy, Lincoln, Alex Capilé and Randal Bergamasco
Sect biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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