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SAIFAM   (Italy)

EuroEnergy  label / records company
Added : 20/11/2001

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15/10/2015 : Aninhahy Dance blog investigated and reveals that the voice of many TH Express, DJ Miko and 90s Radiorama songs belong to rock singer Jackie Bodimead. And it's a fact that voices really sound similar. Member of metal girl band Girlschool, Jackie was never credited on SAIFAM releases, apart from a mention on DJ Miko's 1999 album The Last Millenium (with 2 typos in her name). She also released a solo album entitled I Don't Believe In Love (thanks to Ana Paula).

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SAIFAM biography

Production company specialized in small, anonymous but talentful danceprojects. They are one of the most creative production team in yesterdayand today's Italian Eurodance.

The most famous dance acts they created are TH Express, Libra, Morgana, Wildside, AKay & B Jay, Radiorama, Kikka, DJSpace'C, Masquerade, Wienna, Live2 love, D-Stressed , Bandido. They also produced Sara , 3 Boys, 99, David Age, AceOf Beat, Alisha, Alphatown, Alvin, Analgesica, Analogic Tribe, Angelica,Asia Gang, Atlantis, Axel Force, Katty B ., Tommy B., B-Funk, Bacon Popper, Bakerstreet, Bandolero Team, Barbie Young,Bass Maniac, Beatbox, Blue Mind, Big Mamma, Booshida, Booster Brown, BronskiBeat, Lita Brown, Butterfly, C-Ya, Alex Castelli, Caught In The Act, Chou Project, Circle 99, The Corporation, Crew the Sign, Gary D., DJ.8 Mix, D.K., Dana, Dante, Patty Dart, DB, Delegation, Divina, DJ Dave,DJ Groovy, DJ Miko, DJ Olander, DJRookie, Don Pablo's Animals, Double Vision, Jill Dreski, E-Magine, Edison,Elastic Band, Emy, Ender Dream, Extravagance, FCF, Rick Fellini, Foxter,Fun 2 U, Funk 2001, Gelato, Gibson Brothers, Ken Gold JR., Golden Gun, The Goodfella, Greta, Groovy 69, Gyskard, Hans Und Peter, Den Harrow, Heartclub,Heaven, Heaven & Earth, Hollywood Blvd, Tom Hooker, House Around TheClock, Housecream, Houzeboyz, In.Deep, Interface, J.T. & The Big Family,Jackie And Domino, Jillie, Mc Jump, Shannon James, Jessica Jay, TommieJenkins, Kamasya, Kao, Kate Project, Killer Shadow, King Kong 2000, Kiss The Pink, Koan, Kotoh, L.A. Woman,Vince Lancini, Ken Laszlo, Lawrence, Layla, Vicky Lee, Leit-Motiv, MarkLemond, Ian Lex, Level Eleven, Levy9, Lickey Mo', Limite, Love Boutique, M.a.N., M.j., The Mad, Kelly Marie, Mar.Ko, Ken Martin, Maxwho, Meanstreet Boys, Milk And Coffee, Miss Jones, Mister Max, Mix Jean, Moka DJ, Moon's Girl, Mr. Bean, New York Rappers,Night Fly, One Nation, Ottomix, T. Parker, Alex Perry, Victoria Perry,Pinco, Pink Think, Pump Sisters, Q.T., Raffa ,Red garden, Revival, Rhythm Authority, Robin, Roby & Sara, S.l. Line,S-Sense, Salt & Lemon, Sarah, Sceptical Matter, Valery Scott, Sensoria,Sheldon, T.Sign, The Sign, Song 2, Spencer, T-Zone,Tab-501, Tam Tam, Thomas,Trance Angels, Tranx-Mission, Triple 'X', Tuneboy, Unlimited Beat, PatrickVictorio, Victory, Voyage 2000, The Voice, Zilli…

The SAIFAM is directed par Mauro Farina . They own five studios and  have other two workstations where they prepare some arrangements and demos. There are over 25 labels owned by the S.A.I.F.A.M. group (21st Century, One Way, New Meal Power, FS Productions, 3B Boom Boom Beat, Union, Interdance, etc.)... Every label has its own style and its own producing-team and studio and consequently a specified oriented market. Long the favorite label group of vinyl HiNRG purists, the S.A.I.F.A.M. family of labels, has steadily evolved into the premier international outlet for melodic, turbo-charged Euro/NRG dance pop. They've supplied a wide variety of international labels, including Germany's ZYX and Britain's Academy Street. The demand for Factory Team productions is the greatest in Japan, but their records have been licensed in basically all around the world.

The average time to produce a single ? 'It depends on the track! Normally we need 2-3 days to prepare grooves, bass and sequencers, one day for vocals parts, including backgrounds vocals, and one day for the final touch. Then we make a ‘rough’ mix on CDR and we listen to it several times. Three or four days later, we start the final mix (one day of work), then another one day to prepare an additional version. The last thing is 2-3 hours for the final digital editing.' Maura Farina explains.

SAIFAM website

SAIFAM biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

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DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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