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Roxy   (Croatia)

AKA : Goran Frančić
EuroDance group
Added : 06/06/2004

Sve Sto Si Znao, Zaboravi
Viva La Noche
With My Fire
Sve Sto Si Znao
Da Li Opet Lazes
Boli Me Uspomena
Ne Vracaj Se
Ruke Gore
94 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Latest Roxy news

15/03/2015 : Roxy plans to release 2 new albums on October 15th : With My Fire and Viva La Noche, both featuring Tanya. He also works on a major dance festival to help planet Earth and poor people. You can discover a lot of songs he recorded with more than 30 vocalists on his Reverbnation account.

14/09/2013 : Goran aka Roxy is still composing great music nowadays. His most recent release is Your eyes featuring Cinthie Laouper. You can discover his latest creations on his Reverbnation page (thanks to Idana).

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Roxy albums

Sve Sto Si Znao, Zaboravi Sve Sto Si Znao, Zaboravi 1996
Viva La Noche Viva La Noche 15th Oct 2015
With My Fire With My Fire 15th Oct 2015


Roxy singles

Sve Sto Si Znao Sve Sto Si Znao Compilation only 1995  
Da Li Opet Lazes Da Li Opet Lazes Promo only 1995  
Boli Me Uspomena Boli Me Uspomena 1997  
Ne Vracaj Se Ne Vracaj Se Promo only 1998  
Ruke Gore Ruke Gore Compilation only 2001  



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Roxy biography

Roxy is a Croatian Hi-NRG / Eurodance group established in the end of 80's by Goran Frančić, a choreographer, dancer, dancing teacher and ex DJ, born in 1969 in Zagreb.

Initially, Roxy was created as a dancing group. Goran, the leader of the group, was a great fan of Italo-disco, Hi-NRG and Eurodance music and knew Denis Curman for a long time. When Curman decided to deal with the Croatian music scene in 1994, the logical step was to turn Roxy into dance-attraction and to make some great Eurodance music.

Curman produced and composed the album called Sve Sto Si Znao, Zaboravi (Forget Everything You Knew) released in 1996. It was a genuine hi-nrg / eurodance master-piece. Curman developed the original and recognizable music style which could not be compared to anything else. All tracks were a mixture of Hi-Energy, Eurodance and the elements of Techno-house. The most popular tracks were : Da Li Opet Lazes (Do You Lie Again), Sve Sto Si Znao (Everything You Knew), Crno Je (It's Black), A Sada Nema Te (And Now You're Gone) and Boli Me Uspomena (Memory Hurts Me).

The main female vocalist was named Sanja Majnaric (at this time, aged of only 17). Second rapper was Marin Klobučar. Goran and Sanja were the constant members of the group on their live appearances. The other members were often changed, as well as their number which depended on how large the stage was. Every live performance was a great experience for fans. Each track had an original dance choreography created by Goran himself. The most successful concert was held in September of 1996 in discotheque "The Best" in Zagreb.

In 1997 a video-clip was shot for a track Boli Me Uspomena (Memory Hurts Me), but it was shown only few times on HTV (which was already invaded by popular musical styles such as pop-folk, funk, or rock). In the whole, the album wasn't successful, just because the Croatian audience was stlll under great influence of Balkans and they were not ready to accept eurodance style. They also suffered from the competition of cheap pop-dance artists such as ET, Emilia, Kasandra, or Senna M. In spite of his international reputation, Denis Curman remained unknown to most of the Croatians.

The release of a CD maxi was planned the following year... A promo CD for the song Ne Vraćaj Se (a Croation cover of Fuze - You Are My Only Love) was released in 1998.

2013 : Goran was still composing music. His most recent release was Your eyes featuring Cinthie Laouper. He published his latest creations on his Reverbnation page.

2015 : Roxy published 2 new albums : With My Fire and Viva La Noche. But the songs were actually slowed down versions of eurobeat songs, most of them published under SAIFAM label Asia records a few years earlier, but also Jenny Rom songs.

Not to be confused with the Canadian artist Roxxy

Thanks to Ninja and Tyler
Denis Curman fanpage

Roxy biography was last updated Wed, November 20th 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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