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Roxxy singles
I'll Never Stop | 1995 |
I Feel Love | 1995 |
We Can Touch The Sky | 1996 |
Live My Life | 1996 |
Love Set Us Free | 1997 |
So Long | 1999 |
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Roxxy biography
Roxxy's first hits were I’ll Never Stop and We Can Touch The Sky. She is also known for her energizing shows across Canada. But she is known mostly for her warm and sensuous voice, a captivating voice wrapped in a spell bound music which penetrates the entire body, a voice that we can’t do without from the first time we hear it. Roxxy has also signed licenses around the world, notably in Japan where she is having some success.
Roxxy is presently working on her first album due out shortly. This album may well surprise us because we know that Roxxy always puts out 110% of herself. As a preview, she released the heart-warming single Live My Life. With this song, Roxxy could also be seen in her very first videoclip.
Apart from her solo carreer, and after Aleah D'Kos, Roxxy lent her voice to the dance project Cinnamon Daze for the single Tu Veux Ou Tu Veux Pas. In 1997 she finally released a new uplifting track Love Set Us Free. Roxxy is still working on an album that was supposed to be out in Japan years ago. She also released the song So Long on a compilation during the year 1999.
Roxxy used to be a member of a project entitled Nostradamus, together with BitBurn from Capital Sound. They recorded tracks in French such as Coma, Le juge dans sa bulle and Mots de feu.
2006 : Roxxy and Donna (from Capital Sound) created the band Spand-X, with 3 other Canadian artists, Joe, Gilles and Don. They play the most famous hits of the 80s.
2010 : Roxxy is not a member of the Spand-X band anymore
Roxxy's Official Site at Spiralwave
Roxxy at Canadian Eurodance
Thanks to Klems
Thanks to Donna herself for the latest informations
Roxxy biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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