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Reeves Jim

Reeves (Jim)   (Germany)

AKA : Jim Nyasani, Adama
EuroDance member
Added : 28/01/2010

Keine Macht den Doofen
Feel So Real
Don't stop the Music
90 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Latest Jim Reeves news

02/02/2016 : Sqeezer frontman and model Jim Reeves was found dead in an hotel in Berlin yesterday. He was only 47. RIP.

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Featurings and collaborations

Party 4 Reeves - Party 1991  
Jumpin' 4 Reeves - Jumpin' 1992  
Keine Macht den Doofen 4 Reeves - Keine Macht den Doofen 1993  
Hackevollgas 4 Reeves - Hackevollgas 1994  

Productions, co-production, executive production

Wishing You Were Here Sqeezer - Wishing You Were Here 1999  


Scandy Randy Sqeezer - Scandy Randy 4th Dec 1995  
Blue Jeans (French version) Sqeezer - Blue Jeans (French version) 1996  
Hot Bikini Sqeezer - Hot Bikini Jun 2004  


Scandy Randy Sqeezer - Scandy Randy 4th Dec 1995  
Blue Jeans (French version) Sqeezer - Blue Jeans (French version) 1996  
Tamagotchi Sqeezer - Tamagotchi Sep 1997  
Hot Bikini Sqeezer - Hot Bikini Jun 2004  

Aliases - Records released under other names

Feel So Real Jim Ree - Feel So Real 1995  
Don't stop the Music Adama - Don't stop the Music 2006  
Solarium Jimmy Joe - Solarium 19th Jun 2009  


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Jim Reeves biography

German singer, songwriter and music producer Jim Reeves (real name Jim Nyasani) was born in Cologne on April 30th 1968. In 1984 he shot his first ad campaign for clothes brand C&A. This was the beginning of his model carreer. In 1992 he started musical and artistic studies in Hamburg.

He started his musical carreer in the early 90s as a member of hip-hop/soul group 4 Reeves, along with his brothers and sisters Shary, Andrew and Terry Reeves. They had several hits in English and in German, and released on album antitled Jambo!. They were produced by Franz Plasa and Peter Hoffmann.

Then Jim released a solo single entitled Feel So Real. Afterwards, he became on of the members of eurodance project Sqeezer.

In 1995-1996 he worked as a moderator for a TV magazine called "Lollo Rosso" on channel WDR.

2001 : he was featured on Verena's single Küss mich nochmal

2006 : under the name Adama, he released the EP Don't stop the Music. Then came the song House of Love.

2009 : he released the single Solarium under the artist name Jimmy Joe. Style was schlager-beat. He founded Jimmy Joe Production ! with his own recording studio and started producing for other bands. He appeared as jury member in the real-TV show Village Boys – Die große Lips Casting Show.

2012 : he collaborated with German schlager artist Michael Wendler on his live appearances.

2016 : he was found dead in an hostel in Berlin on February 1st. He was only 47.

Jim Reeves biography was last updated Fri, April 28th 2017




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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