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Raffa singles
China Boy |
You'll See | 1996 |
On And On And On | 5th Jan 1997 |
Broken Land | 10th Feb 1997 |
Little Girl | 15th Jul 1997 |
Physical | 30th Jun 2009 |
Castles In The Sky | 23rd Oct 2009 |
Ain't It Funny | 4th Nov 2009 |
Absolutely Everybody | 1st Feb 2010 |
Don't Tell Me | 1st Feb 2010 |
Wonderland | 5th Jun 2010 |
Hold Your Horses | 14th Oct 2010 |
Featurings and collaborations
D-Lies - Lies | 12th Jun 1995 |
Luis Radio - Jam Jam | 2009 |
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Raffa biography
Records company : SAIFAM Publishing Group. According to her records company, Raffa always had a special talent for singing and dancing. She sang in church choirs and took a variety of music and dance courses. Ever since she was a little girl, she was already tourning throughout Italy as a singer in various group. But her big break came when she met the producers Farina-Crivellente. She began singing for the SAIFAM Publishing group as a vocalist for several songs. Talented, fun-loving, charismatic and great stage presence, these are only some of the adjectives that describe Raffa, who is one of the best voices of 21st century records. She lives in Italy. Her hobbies are reading and animals.
The first single to be released under the name of Raffa was entitled You'll See. This song was originally sung by Madonna. It was arranged and produced by M. Farina, G. Crivellente & F. Turatti, recorded at Mela Studios (Verona). It included a B-side called The Groove You'll See, as well as 3 mixes : Bpm 109, Bpm 136 and Bpm 90.
Broken Land (cover from a track of The Adventures) was beautiful dance song, very popish. Typical dance keyboards mixed with some piano on the background gave this song a delicious flavor, in addition to some catchy melody. 2 versions were available on the vinyl : a Sequencers Mix and a FM Edit. There was also a B-side entitled Broken Groove.
Little Girl was a cover of Sandra's song. The single included a F.T. & Company Edit and Radio Edit, as well as a B-side called Little Groove.
Raffa was featured by the project D-Lies for the single Lies, and by M. Steven for Theme For A Dream.
China Boy was also covered by Fun-Tomas under the title China Girl.
Some unreleased tracks were recorded by Raffa : Wonderland, Hold Your Horses, Spinning Around, Absolutely Everybody, Don't Tell Me, Play, Ain't It Funny, Castles In The Sky, Like A Prayer, Physical, Objection Tango...
© Eurodancemix
Thanks to Klems
Raffa biography on SAIFAM website
Raffa biography was last updated Sun, April 18th 2010
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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