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RAF   (Italy)

EuroDance group
Added : 12/09/2006

Energetic Mix
The Rhythm, The Rebel
We Gonna Get
We've Got To Live Together
I Can't Believe
Just Take Me Higher
Move Up
Take Me Higher
Boom Boom Boom / Menergy
89 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996


RAF singles

Energetic Mix Energetic Mix 1990  
The Rhythm, The Rebel The Rhythm, The Rebel 1991  
We Gonna Get We Gonna Get 1991  
We've Got To Live Together We've Got To Live Together 1991  
I Can't Believe I Can't Believe 1992  
Just Take Me Higher Just Take Me Higher 1993  
Move Up Move Up 1995  
Take Me Higher Take Me Higher 1996  
Boom Boom Boom / Menergy Boom Boom Boom / Menergy 1996  



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RAF biography

R.A.F. was initially one of the Media Records projects and involved a number of different producers at different times like Andrea Puntillo and Roby Arduini. In 1991, Mauro Picotto took this alias when he produced the song We Gonna Get in the Media studios. It became a hit in Europe. But Mauro had to wait till the mid-90s to be allowed to use his name freely in this project (before, he had to sign R.A.F. By Picotto or only appeared in credits.

Remixes & Productions :

49ers - Keep Your Love, Lovin' You, Rockin' My Body
Anticappella - Express Your Freedom
Baby D - I Need Your Loving
ClubHouse - All by Myself, Light My Fire, Living In the Sunshine, Nowhere Land, Take Your Time
Cappella - I Need Your Love, Move on Baby, Move It Up, Turn It Up And Down, U & Me, U Got 2 Know, U Got 2 Know '2002, U Got 2 Let the Music, U Got 2 Let the Music '98, U Tore My World Apart
Mauro Picotto - Honey, Pulsar
Pet Shop Boys - Yesterday, When I Was Mad
Saccoman - Open Your Heart
Sharada House Gang - Gipsy Boy
The Professor - Rockin' Me
With It Guys - Sweet Love, You and Me

No relation with Raffaele Riefoli

RAF biography was last updated Fri, August 9th 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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