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Quench   (Australia)

Dream House group
Added : 20/11/2001

Feel My Love
Be Good To Me
Dreams (96 Remix Edition)
Embrace The Sunshine
Dreams 2001
Reality Radio
Dreams (The Awakening)
92 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Latest Quench news

31/07/2024 : 30 years after Quench finally released a remix of the hit Dreams that C.J. Dolan made in a different studio, a few months after the original single's release

13/01/2020 : Slovene DJ Umek did a remix for Quench's hit Dreams.

02/02/2018 : A Nicholson's Cathedral remix was released for Quench's hit Dreams.

09/03/2017 : A remixes package for Quench's hit Dreams was released, including versions by Moda Finale and Paddy Duke.

29/05/2001 : Quench released the single Dreams 2001, a remake of his old hit.

23/07/2000 : Quench's new single is entitled Embrace The Sunshine

More news


Quench albums

Sequenchial Sequenchial 1994
Consequenchial Consequenchial 2 CDs 2000
Dreams Dreams 2003
Afterglow Afterglow Jul 2015


Quench singles

Dreams Dreams 1993  
Feel My Love Feel My Love 1993  
Hope Hope 1994  
Be Good To Me Be Good To Me 22nd May 1995  
Dreams (96 Remix Edition) Dreams (96 Remix Edition) 5th Feb 1996  
Embrace The Sunshine Embrace The Sunshine (feat. Lisa Worley) 28th Jul 2000  
Dreams 2001 Dreams 2001 16th May 2001  
Reality Radio Reality Radio Jul 2015  
Dreams (The Awakening) Dreams (The Awakening) 26th Jul 2024  


Quench remixes

Dreams (Nicholson's Cathedral remix) Dreams (Nicholson's Cathedral remix) 2nd Feb 2018  


Featurings and collaborations

Dreams UMEK - Dreams 16th Apr 2021  


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Quench biography

With his mega-hit Dreams, the Quench project revealed to the world a new dance trend : dream house combined with progressive house and trance. They were quickly imitated by projects such as Bell-Bar.

Under the name Quench, Melbourne based producer Christopher J Dolan had his single Dreams licensed all over the world. It sold a million copies, went top 10 on the mainstream charts in France, hit #2 on the UK dance charts and broke Top 20 on the mainstream chart. It was massive in Italy, Belgium, Scandinavia and Germany. In Australia too it was massive on the club scene, but as dance music hadn't crossed over to mass market at the time Quench was a way bigger star overseas than on his home turf. CJ had been Australian DMC DJ Champion, and now DJ's around the world were spinning his music, and such clubland legends as Carl Cox and Paul Oakenfold included Dreams on their mix CDs. CJ Dolan followed through with releases under such names as Chrome and Narcotik scoring international trance and progressive house hits, which found their way on to the turntables of the likes as Sasha and Digweed etc and on to huge selling dance compilations, including Renaissance, Global Underground and the Best Of Platipus. Quench had the underground sussed,

Having set up his own state of the art studio in Melbourne, Quench started to create his second album, Consequenchial. Tracks such as Hooplazaform, Class 101 and Relaxing Signals helped enhancing Quench's reputation in clubland but crossed his rep over to a way bigger audience. But on top of that the addition of guest vocalists made Consequenchial way more song driven than any of CJ's previous work. Dance radio has already thrown its arms around the album's first single Embrace The Sunshine, with its winter-warming melody and breezy vocal from Lisa Worley, which reached #100 on the ARIA singles chart. Infinite Hold may ride on an edgy drum and bass rhythm track but Lisa added a vocal that's as strong and warm as latte. Open Book had the ambience and soulfulness of a great seal track with a surprise vocal from Adam Thompson. Life's Little Pleasures had a progressive house heart beating behind a song that should be all over radio.

With Gab Olivier, C. J. Dolan produced, composed and arranged Narcotik's single Conditions in 2001.

In 2003, Quench released best of album Dreams

In 2005 and 2007, C. J. Dolan produced 2 albums for The Winston Giles Orchestra.

2015 : Quench was back with a new album, Afterglow and a EP entitled Reality Radio.

Festival Mushroom Records

Quench biography was last updated Fri, July 26th 2024




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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