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Power Fly   (Italy)

EuroDance  label / records company
Added : 13/04/2014



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Power Fly biography

Power Fly was a dance Italian label distributed by Discomagic

Power Fly biography was last updated Wed, January 6th 2021

Power Fly catalog

Artist Title Date Label
Altera Abele Bamba-Mmm... Mmm... Mmm... Mmm... 1994 PF 9403
Annie Anderssen Insensitive (Dance Remix) 1994 PF 9412
Antoinette Floris Lollypop (Special Dance Remix) 1995 PF 9420
B-Tube Keep On Movin 1994 PF 9415
Boys Of Scat Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop) Remix 1995 1995 PF 9441
Brando Hold On 1995 PF 9447
Clone Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me 1995 PF 9449
Clone (2) Souvenir PF 9431
Cockney Rebel Give Me More 1996 PF 9445
Coverman Charmless Man 1996 PF 9457
CUBA Cuba 1995 PF 9438
Dany Marty Feelings 1995 PF 9434
Donna (4) You'll See 1995 PF 9451
El Giaguaro Bajo La Luna/Bajo El Sol 1997 PF 9474
FAB 4 Free As A Bird PF 9450
Fabio Pazzaglia & Mr Cai La Guitara De. Sta. Sy 1996 PF 9468
Frida Page Love Can Build A Bridge 1995 PF 9439
Fun Century Close To You / Point Of No Return 1994 PF 9405
Goldie Everything 1997 PF 9466
Helixia Call Me 1995 PF 9437
Ice Eyes Rebel Rebel 1994 PF 9402
Il Castello Incantato Zanzibar / Aicha 1996 PF 9472
Intense Wonderwall 1995 PF 9455
Jackie Moore Falling Into You 1996 PF 9459
Jones Alan Can You Feel The Love Tonight 1994 PF 9401
Jones Alan Wonderful Life 1995 PF 9419
Jones Alan Circle Of Life 1994 PF 9422
Jones Alan Can You Feel The Love Tonight / Circle Of Life (1995 Remixes) 1995 PF 9440
La Epoque Black Is Black 1995 PF 9421
Loose That Crazy 4 U 1994 PF 9410
Louise I Love You Always Forever 1996 PF 9464
Love Hearts Heart Of Stone 1994 PF 9408
Luke Gall Doot Doot PF 9427
Martha Williams Your Loving Arms 1995 PF 9433
Martine Head Over Feet 1996 PF 9465
Mary Lynn Woman 1996 PF 9463
Matatores Don Quijote - 1995 Remake 1995 PF 9430
Mc Brian I Believe 1995 PF 9435
Michelle Rock Someday 1996 PF 9460
Mind Affair Mmm... Mmm... Mmm... Mmm... (The Club Remixes) 1994 PF 9404
Mind Affair Love Is All Around 1994 PF 9406
Misstree In My Life 1997 PF 9473
Mister X (2) Love Is Blue 1995 PF 9428
Monks Of Dance Loosing My Religion 1995 PF 9424
Mr Fayak Droid 1996 PF 9470
Nasara One Of Us 1996 PF 9458
Newbirth Feat Mark P Jesus To A Child 1996 PF 9453
Nikki Hertz Ooh! La La La 1996 PF 9461
Power Band Adelante / Vamos 1995 PF 9418
Power Band Another Night / Find Me (Odyssey To Anyone) 1995 PF 9432
Power Band / Monks Of Dance Be My Lover / Voice Waves 1995 PF 9436
Rimba T'Appartengo (Special Dance Remix) 1995 PF 9423
Rockman Dancing In The Dark '95 Remix 1995 PF 9442
Rockman Io Per Lei 1996 PF 9444
Rod Heros Know By Now 1994 PF 9409
Sasà DJ The Sound Of Force 1995 PF 9467
Selen - X It's Raining Again 1997 PF 9471
Sixmania Locomotion PF 9448
Space Blaster Magic Fly / Black Hole 2 versions 1995 PF 9417
Ten Watts Harlequin - The Beauty And The Beast 1994 PF 9411
The Heroes Power Rangers 1994 PF 9425
The Power Band Don't Stop Till You Get Enough (Rmx 135 Bpm) 1994 PF 9413
The Remixers High Adventure / Outside World 1995 PF 9426
Tim Stamton It's Raining Again 1995 PF 9443
Tina Miller Somewhere Over The Rainbow 1994 PF 9407
Tony B You Don't Fool Me 1996 PF 9456
Voice Of Afrika Africa (Special Dance Remix) 1995 PF 9429
Wind Sing Feat E Espago In The Summertime / Summer Wind 2 versions PF 9416
X - Cape Beautiful Life 1995 PF 9454
Y-Sonidos Entre Dos Aguas 1997 PF 9469
ZEN Fly Today 1994 PF 9414




DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.

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