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Latest Poco Loco Gang news
28/05/2024 : After 20 year, Poco Loco Gang are back with a brand new single entitled Alive, which will be released next Friday (thanks to Pim)
16/02/2024 : To celebrate their 25th anniversary, Poco Loco Gang plan to release a new single (thanks to Pim)
Poco Loco Gang albums
Album | 13th Jul 1999 | BUY
The Fun Phenomenon - The Album | 23rd Aug 2019 | BUY
Poco Loco Gang singles
Poco Loco | 7th Oct 1998 |
Come Along | 1999 |
Let's Go To The Party | 20th Jul 1999 |
Tropical Paradise | 4th Aug 1999 |
The Fun Phenomenon | 2001 |
Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep | 2005 |
Alive | 31st May 2024 |
Aliases - Records released under other names
The Loco Gang - Sunshine on a Rainy Day | 2000 |
The Loco Gang - Yaki Yo Yaki Ye | Oct 2000 |
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Poco Loco Gang biography
Belgian project Poco Loco Gang was founded by2 DJs, Fred Vandermast (2 Black 4 U-Oxyd) and Reinier Vanloo. Their sound, the happy house, was said to have been invented in discotheque Poco Loco, the club where Fred and Reinier were working at that time : a nice, bouncy sound along with a funny voice. Their first single single Poco Loco became a big (unexpected) success in January 1999 and a group was formed : it featured a singer named Saïda, a dancer named Mike... and a robot !
Poco Loco stayed 5 weeks at the #2 in the Ultratop 50 and they received a golden record for selling over 25.000 singles in Belgium. Soon an follow-up single, Let's Go To The Party, was released. 3 weeks after its release, they were back in the top 10 of the Ultratop 50. This new sound was also quite succesful in the Netherlands.
Then Fred Vandermast left the project for personal reasons. As for Saida and Mike, they couldn't combine it anymore with their other activities. A third single, Tropical Paradise, was released, while new faces were casted for the project. Fred was replaced on stage by Patrick (alias Patje Loco Gang), Severine became the new frontlady. Dancers Moustic and James took care of the choreographies.
Poco Loco Gang released a fourth single Come Along and a studio album co-produced by Phil Sterman. The CD contained 13 tracks including the 3 first hits, the 3 original mixes and the videoclip of Tropical Paradise.
After a pause, they realized that their fans had not forgotten their successes yet. So they changed again the performers and shortened their name to Loco Gang. Kirsten, a 21 year old girl from Maasmechelen, became the new leading lady of the group. She used to be the singer and dancer of DJ Sakin & Friends. The 2 new professional dancers of the project were called Marco and Mendo. They grew up together, practiced together and were inseparatable dancepartners. They danced together for Marisa (Paradisio), Sharon Williams, Marissa Turner... The project's sound changed too : the "Loco Sound" was an amusing sound with a lot of bass and beats and a very recognizable, catchy refrain.
The new single Sunshine On A Rainy Day, released in 2000 under Label Vie, was written by Sven Maas and Yvo Donckers. The trancy sound reminded a bit of Alice Deejay. Positive reactions came from the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Spain, England and France. In October 2000, Yaki Yo Yaki Ye, produced by Flip Vanderputte, was released. Sound was bubble-gum and it ranked for several weeks in the local hitlists.
Then in 2001 they came back to the original project name and to the sound of the early hits with The Fun Phenomenon. No wonder since it was composed and produced by Fred Vandermast, one of the projects creators. But afterwards, the (Poco) Loco Gang was once again paused, mainly due to juridical problems with management and record company.
2005 : Poco Loco Gang were back, with a female vocalist called Chantal and a drummer called Bart. They released a single called Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep (a cover of a Middle of the Road song) which included a 2005 remix of their big hit Poco Loco. It had some success in the Netherlands.
2013 : they performed at Back To The 90s in Sportpaleis Antwerp.
2019 : an album entitled The Fun Phenomenon - The Album composed by Fred Vandermast was digitally released under Game Records.
No relation with the Swedish project Poco Loco
Poco Loco Gang biography was last updated Sun, January 22nd 2023
Charts (singles)
Poco Loco | #2 | #7 |
Come Along | #16 | #61 |
Let's Go To The Party | #4 | #11 |
Tropical Paradise | #11 | #17 |
Links to Poco Loco Gang
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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