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Latest Paul S news
29/08/2024 : Paul S published samples from his upcoming EP 017
05/05/2024 : New from Paul S, the EP PS-016
25/12/2023 : Paul S posted samples of a new EP on his Soundcloud account : RE009 The Remixed EP contains remixes of 3 songs originally released by The Crowdpleasers and one by Sarasota under B.I.T. Productions
02/10/2023 : Paul S published snippets from his upcoming EP, 015
03/08/2023 : Paul S revealed the samples from his new EP 014
06/07/2023 : Paul.S's new EP was released last month. 013 is available as vinyl limited copies
27/02/2023 : New from Paul S, an EP modestly entitled 012 with 4 great eurodance songs
Paul S singles
Stay In Love Promo only | Apr 2018 |
E.P.1 | 2019 |
Back Again Promo only | Dec 2019 |
Time After Time Promo only | 2020 |
Quarantined E.P Promo only | 17th Aug 2020 |
E.P.2 | 2021 |
009 | 2021 |
010 Not on label | 2022 |
011 Promo only | 2022 |
012 | Feb 2023 |
013 Not on label | 15th Apr 2023 |
014 Not on label | 15th Jul 2023 |
015 Not on label | 20th Oct 2023 |
016 | 30th Apr 2024 |
017 | 1st Sep 2024 |
Paul S remixes
Stay In Love if($ft[6]!="") { echo " (".stripslashes($ft[6]).")" ;} // commentaire ?> | 2019 |
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Paul S biography
Paul.S was a project imaginated by Paddy Frazer in collaboration with producer Paul Sharples, based in Lancashire (North West of England). Even if the project started in 2018, it really sounded like classic Italian eurodance of the 90s. Singles were self-released as vinyls. Back Again, released in December 2019, was recorded in Blandy Studios in Lancashire. Its gimmick reminded of Morgana's Colour of My Dreams. Time After Time used a sample from Dawn - Time After Time. Quarantined E.P was mastered by Ian Bland.
2021 : E.P.2 was released, including the song Anything Goes, which included female vocals from Dee Nuveau - Anything Goes (Percapella) and male vocals Quincy Jones - Listen Up (A Capella).
2002 : Paul S released 2 new EPs entitled 010 and 011
2023 : 4 new EP's numbered 012, 013, 014 and 015 were released.
2024 : Paul S released the EP's 016 and 017
Thanks to Gianni and Garry H
Paul S biography was last updated Wed, November 22nd 2023
Links to Paul S
Official websites
DISCLAIMER : unless you see the artist's name among the credits of this biography, it was only created by gathering infos from the web and from fan sources. Sorry if, even if I did all verifications I could, some parts of the biography are false or lack accuracy. Please keep ini mind that I am alone running the site. If you are the artist himself or contributed to the project, please wait till I come back from holidays to submit corrections.
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